ifwiki: Archimedes This directory contains games for the Acorn Archimedes. # bunbro.ddc tuid: boga2inj4rd1srdg The Bungle Brothers, written for the the BBC Micro and released into the public domain. Ported to the Archimedes in BBC BASIC 5 by J.J.Farmer. # dragon.zip tuid: sjiyffz8n5patu8l Dragon Adventure, a simple text adventure for players aged 9 and over, by William Stott. (a Z-code version is in </if-archive/games/zcode/#dragon.zip>, and a Glulx version is in </if-archive/games/glulx/#dragon.zip>) # dungeon.spk ifwiki: Zork (game) tuid: 4gxk83ja4twckm6j Dungeon, the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 2.7A, 11-Mar-91, ported to the Archimedes by Julian Arnold. (the original C source code is in </if-archive/games/source/#dungn27s.zip>) # frankie.zip ifwiki: Frankenstein's Legacy tuid: bnhi5znd2ex20goe Frankenstein Adventure. Originally published in the Cload TRS-80 magazine, October 1981 (author unknown), and converted to Inform by William Stott. (a Z-code version is in </if-archive/games/zcode/#frankie.zip>) # great_adventure.zip tuid: s9r649jra0kbvgb3 The Great Adventure, by Gordon Pickard # kryten98.zip tuid: 0ui06sn95kc40hhw Kryten 98, by Robert Titman. Play as Kryten from Red Dwarf as he tries to find the missing crew. # ptt.spk tuid: 4vq8vd0qiqpm93r6 Prehistoric Time Trip, version 2.00, by David Lodge. A series of three text adventures. # schaos.arc tuid: lsodods9zeqkj4tf Spheres of Chaos, by Chris Grant (Spark archive) "another simple single-tasking Arc adventure of the old school. As such games go, this is quite good." # secret_garden.zip tuid: x1ajr3kygn0si1cc The Secret Garden, by The Sleeping Sphinx # world.spk tuid: crih2j6niodqy5vj World version 1.07 by J. Doug McDonald, ported to the Archimedes and enhanced by Julian Arnold (a DOS version is in </if-archive/games/pc/#world107.zip>; an Amiga version is in </if-archive/games/amiga/#World_1.07.lha>; a Macintosh version is in </if-archive/games/mac/#World107.sit>; source code of the DOS/Unix version is in </if-archive/games/source/#worldsrc.zip>)
Name | Last modified | Size |
Parent Directory | - | |
bunbro.ddc | 1995-11-14 05:00 | 15K |
dragon.zip | 2004-02-14 22:57 | 1.8M |
dungeon.spk | 1997-06-11 04:00 | 191K |
frankie.zip | 2004-03-04 19:52 | 17K |
great_adventure.zip | 1995-10-27 04:00 | 108K |
Index | 2024-08-31 16:51 | 2.0K |
kryten98.zip | 2005-05-21 00:00 | 106K |
ptt.spk | 1997-10-27 05:00 | 360K |
schaos.arc | 1995-12-15 05:00 | 100K |
secret_garden.zip | 1995-10-27 04:00 | 47K |
world.spk | 1997-06-11 04:00 | 111K |
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