ifwiki: IFComp 2009
tuidcomp: oonubvcrjnkfk9vc

The entries to the 15th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (2009).

# readme.txt

Stephen Granade's note about the 2009 competition.
Read this to find out where to get more information.

# Comp09.z5
tuid: a3thoxm83tzz8ihz
ifwiki: CompXX

The unofficial "front-end" game for the 2009
competition, providing information on all the
games and systems used to run them, plus the ability
to sort the games you can play into a random list.
Written by Lucian Paul Smith.
Release 1 / Serial number 091001.

# Comp09.zip

All of the entries in the 2009 competition in one
Unzip into a directory with the -d option to
preserve the original subdirectory structure.
This file is around 8MB in size.

# IFComp2009.exe

All of the entries in the 2009 competition in
one Windows self extracting archive.
This file is around 7MB in size.

# WinInterpreters.exe

All of the Windows interpreters needed to play
the competition games.

# adrift/astoundingcastle
tuid: uwnfzme9h7jmoeaz
ifwiki: Yon Astounding Castle! of some sort

Yon Astounding Castle! of some sort, by Duncan Bowsman
(writing as Tiberius Thingamus).
Ye First Version.
Story file and walkthrough.
(a newer version is at

# adrift/hangover
tuid: 2qw1bggp63pnue6a
ifwiki: The Hangover

The Hangover, by Will Conine (writing as Red Conine).
Story file and walkthrough.

# adrift/ynkaboom
tuid: 9dsi7cnt4nfkl7i0
ifwiki: The Ascot

The Ascot, by Duncan Bowsman.
Version 1.
Story file and walkthrough.

# glulx/broken
tuid: ii0k5l53vhghqyh6
ifwiki: Broken Legs

Broken Legs, An Interactive Disaster, by Sarah Morayati.
Release 1 / Serial number 090930.

# glulx/earlgrey
tuid: wznex7prhy59rg
ifwiki: Earl Grey

Earl Grey, by Rob Dubbin and Allison Parrish.
Release 1 / Serial number 090930.
Story file and walkthrough.

# glulx/gis
tuid: wf2o2so2dlt99je
ifwiki: Grounded in Space

Grounded in Space, an Inadvertent Adventure by Matt Wigdahl.
Release 1 / Serial number 090929.
Story file and walkthrough.

# glulx/resonance
tuid: bpwvrsiv73brmexc
ifwiki: Resonance

Resonance, by Matt Scarpino.
Release 1 / Serial number 090930.
Story file and walkthrough.

# glulx/rover
tuid: jf5zkjj3jqfllwcn
ifwiki: Rover's Day Out

Rover's Day Out, by Jack Welch and Ben Collins-Sussman.
Release 11 / Serial number 090930.
Story file and walkthrough.
(a newer version is at

# windows/trapcave
tuid: c07y5psckykcsbqh
ifwiki: Trap Cave

Trap Cave, by Emilian Kowalewski (writing as Comazombie). Node-X.
Game (in English and German), walkthroughs, and
Node-X Interpreter 1.1 for Windows and Linux (both Intel 32-bit).

# zcode/beta
tuid: 92wxnjwydahoo0mr
ifwiki: Beta Tester

Beta Tester, by Darren Ingram.
Release 1 / Serial number 090929.

# zcode/byzantine
tuid: ay0yfjdivax1m40e
ifwiki: Byzantine Perspective

Byzantine Perspective, A Straightforward Burglary, by Lea Albaugh.
Release 1 / Serial number 090930.
Story file, map, and walkthrough.
(a newer version is at

# zcode/condemned
tuid: b5elofytngocc3u5
ifwiki: Condemned

Condemned, a Slice of an Adolescent's Life, by Mark Jones.
Release 1 / Serial number 090930.
Story file and walkthrough.

# zcode/duelinthesnow
tuid: 7kzcppjg6rrr8dr0
ifwiki: The Duel in the Snow

The Duel in the Snow, A Tale of Old Russia, by Utkonos.
Release 1 / Serial number 090930.
Story file and walkthrough.

# zcode/duelthatspanned
tuid: zkbp7ygz2uafxr1c
ifwiki: The Duel That Spanned the Ages

The Duel That Spanned the Ages, Episode 1: The Age of Machines,
by Oliver Ullmann.
Release 1 / Serial number 090925.
Story file, map, and walkthrough.
(a newer version is in </if-archive/games/glulx/#duel.zip>)

# zcode/eruption
tuid: a1qelmjdeyvmi55b
ifwiki: Eruption

Eruption, a tectonic excitement, by Richard Bos.
Release 2 / Serial number 090616.
Story file and feelie.

# zcode/gatoron
tuid: g0hz9mn5hir35b67
ifwiki: GATOR-ON, Friend to Wetlands!

GATOR-ON, Friend to Wetlands! by Dave Horlick.
Release 1 / Serial number 090830.
Story file and transcript.
(a newer version is at </if-archive/games/zcode/#gatoron.z5>)

# zcode/gleaming
tuid: 3b47btcwnfwkwe17
ifwiki: Gleaming the Verb

Gleaming the Verb, a Brief Puzzle Adventure, by Kevin Jackson-Mead.
Release 1 / Serial number 090930.
Story file and walkthrough.

# zcode/grandquest
tuid: m2pvo856238t7zen
ifwiki: The Grand Quest

The Grand Quest, an interactive struggle, by Owen Parish.
Release 1 / Serial number 090926.
Story file and walkthrough.
(a newer version is at

# zcode/hunter
tuid: 86lumbna4oankfii
ifwiki: Star Hunter

Star Hunter, a cool space relics adventure, by Chris Kenworthy.
Release 1 / Serial number 090930.
Story file and walkthrough.

# zcode/interface
tuid: 7meohfpafl69at2
ifwiki: Interface

Interface, a different kind of out-of-body experience, by Ben Vegiard.
Release 1 / Serial number 090929.
Story file, map, and walkthrough.

# zcode/invisible
tuid: 6goxl3lwhy5n75i5
ifwiki: The Believable Adventures of an Invisible Man

The Believable Adventures of an Invisible Man,
A Slightly Interactive Mess, by Hannes Schueller.
Release 1 / Serial number 090927.
Story file and walkthrough.
(a newer version is at </if-archive/games/zcode/#invisible.z8>)

# zcode/snowquest
tuid: 3oez457dpng7ktzb
ifwiki: Snowquest

Snowquest, A Curious Tale by Eric Eve.
Release 1 / Serial number 090729.
Story file and walkthrough.
(a newer version is in

# zcode/spelunkers
tuid: 30yy88x5vzbg9c6d
ifwiki: Spelunker's Quest

Spelunker's Quest, by Tom Murrin.
Release 1 / Serial number 090929.
Story file and walkthrough.

# zcode/zorkburiedchaos
tuid: 3h3rpvtk3f8ip60n
ifwiki: zork, buried chaos

zork, buried chaos, by Brad Renshaw (writing as 'bloodbath').
sereal number [sic] 099518.
Story file and walkthrough.
NameLast modifiedSize

Parent Directory  -
zcode/2009-10-02 02:44 -
windows/2009-10-02 02:44 -
glulx/2009-10-02 02:44 -
adrift/2009-10-02 02:44 -
WinInterpreters.exe2009-10-02 01:24 5.5M
readme.txt2009-10-02 01:01 5.0K
Index2025-03-31 00:11 5.8K
IFComp2009.exe2009-10-02 01:23 7.0M
Comp09.zip2009-10-02 01:27 8.2M
Comp09.z52009-10-02 02:36 139K

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