ifwiki: IFComp 2011
tuidcomp: 814wxbvttn17v4hb

The entries to the 17th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (2011).

The versions in top-level subdirectories may have been updated during
or after the competition; if so, the original submission is usually in
an `original/` subdirectory.

# readme.txt

Stephen Granade's note about the 2011 competition.
Read this to find out where to get more information.

# Comp11.z5
tuid: a3thoxm83tzz8ihz
ifwiki: CompXX

The unofficial "front-end" game for the 2011
competition, providing information on all the
games and systems used to run them, plus the ability
to sort the games you can play into a random list.
Written by Lucian Paul Smith.
Release 1 / Serial number 111001.

# Comp11.zip

All of the entries in the 2011 competition in one
Unzip into a directory with the -d option to
preserve the original subdirectory structure.
This file is around 26MB in size.

# IFComp2011.exe

All of the entries in the 2011 competition in
one Windows self extracting archive.
This file is around 22MB in size.

# WinInterpreters.exe

All of the Windows interpreters needed to play
the competition games.

# adrift/cursed
tuid: jb091lzkdkb44n22
ifwiki: Cursed

Cursed, by Nick Rogers.
Version 1.00.07.
Story file, hints, map, and walkthroughs.
(a newer version is in

# adrift/powers
tuid: ucr2h3a6wmkqawq6
ifwiki: How Suzy Got Her Powers

How Suzy Got Her Powers, by David Whyld.
Version 1.

# adrift/rtc
tuid: 9sbcod5q32anjy93
ifwiki: Return to Camelot

Return to Camelot, by Finn Rosenløv.
Version 2.
Story file, hints, map, and walkthrough.

# alan/abandoned
tuid: lzdflmpfknl8m2u
ifwiki: Ted Paladin And The Case Of The Abandoned House

Ted Paladin And The Case Of The Abandoned House, by Anssi Räisänen.
Version 1.
Story file and instructions for Mac.

# glulx/awake
tuid: adekmpaicboddt5t
ifwiki: Awake the Mighty Dread

Awake the Mighty Dread, A Færwhile Tale by Lyle Skains.
Release 1 / Serial number 111006.
Story file and walkthrough.

# glulx/beet
tuid: iwnjysclklhi1zwn
ifwiki: Beet the Devil

Beet the Devil, by Carolyn VanEseltine.
Release 1 / Serial number 110930.

# glulx/calm
tuid: l63f3uuzl1x8a1
ifwiki: Calm

Calm, A Game of Postapocalyptic Relaxation, by Joey Jones and
Melvin Rangasamy.
Release 2 / Serial number 111201.
Story file and hints.
(this is actually a post-competition release, also at
see original/ for a version that was live during the competition)

# glulx/death
tuid: fa611qgdh7ftft4b
ifwiki: Death of Schlig

Death of Schlig, an Interactive Sci-Fi Comedy, by Peter Timony.
Story by Peter and Bobby Timony, Cover Art by Bobby Timony.
Release 1 / Serial number 111031.
Story file and walkthrough.

# glulx/doctorm
tuid: uqy4x2pm6cslbrs0
ifwiki: The Life (and Deaths) of Doctor M

The Life (and Deaths) of Doctor M, An Interactive Deliverance
by Michael D. Hilborn (writing as Edmund Wells).
Release 6 / Serial number 120219.
Story file, feelie, sample transcript, and walkthrough.
(this is actually a post-competition release, also at
see original/ for a version that was live during the competition)

# glulx/hours
tuid: oru7cthwzbdenled
ifwiki: The Hours

The Hours, an interactive adventure by Robert Patten.
Release 3 / Serial number 120112.
Story file and walkthrough.
(this is actually a post-competition release, also at
see original/ for a version that was live during the competition)

# glulx/interference
tuid: gtkubmft08fa7hob
ifwiki: Fan Interference

Fan Interference, by Andrew Schultz.
Release 1 / Serial number 111014.
Story file, extra documentation, and walkthrough.

# glulx/kerkerkruip
tuid: f7zdhxmiraht53d1
ifwiki: Kerkerkruip

Kerkerkruip, an IF roguelike, by Victor Gijsbers.
Release 2 / Serial number 120501.
Story file, beginners' guide, other documentation, and Inform 7 source code.
(this is actually a post-competition release;
see original/ for a version that was live during the competition;
an even newer version is in

# glulx/luster
tuid: vdyxd8z055riye0e
ifwiki: Luster

Luster, by Jared Smith.
Release 1 / Serial number 110605.

# glulx/patanoir
tuid: si9s1jktywxj5vdk
ifwiki: PataNoir

PataNoir, by Simon Christiansen.
Release 3 / Serial number 111201.
Story file and walkthrough.
(this is actually a post-competition release;
see original/ for a version that was live during the competition;
an even newer version is in

# glulx/playing
tuid: 7xxhw9da4j3ff3hd
ifwiki: Playing Games

Playing Games, by Kevin Jackson-Mead (writing as Pam Comfite).
Release 2 / Serial number 111127.
(this is actually a post-competition release, also at
see original/ for a version that was live during the competition)

# glulx/sentencing
tuid: eiwuqijxvrvjy1qy
ifwiki: Sentencing Mr Liddell

Sentencing Mr Liddell, by Anonymous.
Release 1 / Serial number 111006.

# glulx/six
tuid: kbd990q5fp7pythi
ifwiki: Six

Six, by Wade Clarke.
Release 4 / Serial number 120805.
Story file, instruction manual, and map.
(this is actually a post-competition release;
see original/ for a version that was live during the competition;
an even newer version is in

# glulx/taco
tuid: 2ej7ntbmoit9ytvy
ifwiki: Taco Fiction

Taco Fiction, an interactive heist, by Ryan Veeder.
Release 1 / Serial number 111009.
Story file, hints, and walkthrough.
(a newer version is at

# quest/falcon
tuid: f317frww9rmbw7ak
ifwiki: The Myothian Falcon

The Myothian Falcon, by Andy Joel.
Version 1.2.
Story file, notes, and walkthrough.

# tads2/blind
tuid: m6ie50ktfmr54pm1
ifwiki: Blind

Blind, by Andrew Metzger.
Version 1.6.

# tads2/fogconvict
tuid: kpzexoevy1kpqy31
ifwiki: Fog Convict

Fog Convict, by Andrew Metzger.
Story file, map, and walkthrough.

# tads3/it
tuid: clox1mlffo37xf2z
ifwiki: It (game)

It, by Emily Boegheim.
Version 2.0.
(this is actually a post-competition release;
see original/ for a version that was live during the competition;
an even newer version is in </if-archive/games/tads/#it.t3>)

# web/operationextraction
tuid: ilizcsuyqygyspf4
ifwiki: Operation Extraction

Operation Extraction, by Ming-Yee Iu. HTML/Javascript.
Game and walkthrough.

# web/thebinary
tuid: gasd3wl2sj34hhyn
ifwiki: The Binary

The Binary, by Simon Mark (writing as Bloomengine). Blink! engine.

# web/theplay
tuid: ytohfp3jetsh1ik4
ifwiki: The Play

The Play, by Dietrich Squinkifer (Squinky). Undum.

# windows/deadhotel
tuid: g3lciqokegd5arer
ifwiki: Dead Hotel

Dead Hotel, by Comazombie.
Version 2.
Windows executable (Intel 32-bit) and link to walkthrough video.
(the same version is also in </if-archive/games/pc/#deadhotel.zip>,
which contains additional material)

# zcode/andromeda
tuid: ajzw6jutat2aeqa
ifwiki: Andromeda Awakening

Andromeda Awakening, An Interactive Earthquake, by Marco Innocenti.
Release 2 / Serial number 111019.
Story file and walkthrough.
(a newer version is at

# zcode/cana
tuid: r19zeypqcr684muu
ifwiki: Cana According To Micah

Cana According To Micah, by Christopher Huang (writing as
Rev. Stephen Dawson).
Release 2 / Serial number 111013.

# zcode/coldiron
tuid: x8ohk12d1a6f12ge
ifwiki: Cold Iron

Cold Iron, a hot summer's tale by Andrew Plotkin
(writing as Lyman Clive Charles).
Release 6 / Serial number 111119.
Story file and walkthrough.
(this is actually a post-competition release, also at
</if-archive/games/zcode/#coldiron.z8>, with source code at
see original/ for a version that was live during the competition)

# zcode/elfenmaiden
tuid: 41dz8rxf0b3wk3m3
ifwiki: A Comedy of Error Messages

A Comedy of Error Messages, An Interactive Absurdity by Adam Le Doux.
Release 2 / Serial number 111017.
Story file and walkthrough.

# zcode/guardian
tuid: qnyl1ifw24cw2kh8
ifwiki: The Guardian

The Guardian, by Lutein Hawthorne.
Release 2 / Serial number 111006.
Story file, instructions, MIDI music, and walkthrough.

# zcode/keepsake
tuid: hz68ip3mgrx3hibx
ifwiki: Keepsake

Keepsake, An Interactive Act of Vengeance by Savaric.
Release 3 / Serial number 110906.

# zcode/lastday
tuid: 422j31x1l6ulwagy
ifwiki: Last Day of Summer

Last Day of Summer, by Doug Orleans (writing as Cameron Fox).
Release 5 / Serial number 110930.
Story file and walkthrough.

# zcode/pfrank
tuid: 7ingcjsd0nqpk2hd
ifwiki: Professor Frank

Professor Frank, by Laurence Kilday.
Version 16.
Release 1 / Serial number 111103.
Story file and walkthrough.

# zcode/santaland
tuid: br46v97916gdaa4e
ifwiki: Escape From Santaland

Escape From Santaland, An Interactive Holiday Puzzle by Jason Ermer.
Release 2 / Serial number 110913.
Story file and walkthrough.

# zcode/ship
tuid: mnralzvoziidpibq
ifwiki: The Ship of Whimsy

The Ship of Whimsy, by U. N. Owen.
Release 1 / Serial number 110930.
Story file and Inform 7 source code.

# zcode/tenth
tuid: axzhbgr7dn7fba5g
ifwiki: Tenth Plague

Tenth Plague, by Lynnea Glasser (as Lynnea Dally).

# zcode/vestiges
tuid: 6ei8gpr6a73vf5w0
ifwiki: Vestiges

Vestiges, by Joanna Houston (writing as Josephine Wynter).
Release 1 / Serial number 111005.
Story file and walkthrough.
NameLast modifiedSize

Parent Directory  -
zcode/2011-10-01 21:36 -
windows/2011-10-01 21:36 -
web/2011-10-01 21:36 -
tads3/2011-10-01 21:36 -
tads2/2011-10-01 21:36 -
quest/2011-10-01 21:36 -
glulx/2011-10-01 21:36 -
alan/2011-10-01 21:36 -
adrift/2011-10-01 21:36 -
WinInterpreters.exe2011-10-01 21:16 14M
readme.txt2011-10-01 19:51 6.0K
Index2025-03-25 13:47 9.2K
IFComp2011.exe2011-10-02 19:26 22M
Comp11.zip2011-10-02 19:25 26M
Comp11.z52011-10-01 21:45 148K

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