ifwiki: IFComp 2013
tuidcomp: g4gogbp7lx683yfe

The entries to the 19th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (2013).

The top-level subdirectories (mostly) reflect the entries as they stood
when voting closed; if an entry was updated during the competition,
the original submission is in an `original/` subdirectory.

# readme.txt

Stephen Granade's note about the 2013 competition.
Read this to find out where to get more information.

# Comp13.zip

All of the entries in the 2013 competition in one
Unzip into a directory with the -d option to
preserve the original subdirectory structure.
This file is around 11MB in size.

# IFComp2013.exe

All of the entries in the 2013 competition in
one Windows self extracting archive.
This file is around 8MB in size.

# WinInterpreters.exe

All of the Windows interpreters needed to play
the competition games.

# glulx/cardewhouse
tuid: 271z1a3xkjdchto
ifwiki: The Cardew House

The Cardew House, by Andrew Brown.

# glulx/coloratura
tuid: g0fl99ovcrq2sqzk
ifwiki: Coloratura

Coloratura, by Lynnea Glasser.
Story file, map, and walkthrough.

# glulx/mazredugin
tuid: z2e5lzbsyjhza8jt
ifwiki: Mazredugin

Mazredugin, by Jim Q. Pfygx-Vobk.
Release 1 / Serial number 131024.
Story file and walkthrough.

# glulx/ollie
tuid: ugca99t2yhtat452
ifwiki: Ollie Ollie Oxen Free

Ollie Ollie Oxen Free, by Carolyn VanEseltine.
Release 1 / Serial number 130929.

# glulx/paradise
tuid: 48s8vygr16h5tnl8
ifwiki: A Wind Blown from Paradise

A Wind Blown From Paradise, a Brief and Breezy Fiction by N.C. Hunter Hayden.
Release 1 / Serial number 130928.
Story file and walkthrough.

# glulx/plunder
tuid: 8u5me2jkkw3icqa9
ifwiki: Captain Verdeterre's Plunder

Captain Verdeterre's Plunder, an account of the wreck of
the Feckless, by Ryan Veeder.
Release 1 / Serial number 131003.

# glulx/robin
tuid: ahhlbqy5f39wd1x
ifwiki: Robin & Orchid

Robin & Orchid, an exercise in photojournalism
by Ryan Veeder and Emily Boegheim.
Release 3 / Serial number 131027.
(a newer version is at

# glulx/rosewood
tuid: bse2t636ftkc6spj
ifwiki: The House at the End of Rosewood Street

The House at the End of Rosewood Street,
an exploration of the uncanny, the abject, and the fantastic,
by Michael Thomét.
Release 3 / Serial number 131116.
(also at </if-archive/games/glulx/#Rosewood.gblorb>)

# glulx/texbonaventure
tuid: b84hb49wzlzth5x0
ifwiki: Tex Bonaventure and the Temple of the Water of Life

Tex Bonaventure and the Temple of the Water of Life,
a Tex(t) Adventure by Truthcraze.
Release 1 / Serial number 131007.
Story file and walkthrough.

# pdf/trappedintime
tuid: juj5b61griyoswn2
ifwiki: Trapped in Time

Trapped in Time, by Simon Christiansen.

# quest/dream
tuid: 8pg84yq3qkodu7l5
ifwiki: Dream Pieces

Dream Pieces, by Iam Curio.
Version 5.0.

# tads2/apprentice
tuid: cr2m7z69nsj07kki
ifwiki: The Wizard's Apprentice

The Wizard's Apprentice, by Alex Freeman.
Story file and walkthrough.

# web/100000years
tuid: 2imb8d3rx5bolywr
ifwiki: 100,000 years

100,000 Years, by Pierre Chevalier. Twine.

# web/angel
tuid: zpmfvbgolvfwbid
ifwiki: Their angelical understanding

their angelical understanding, by Porpentine. Twine.

# web/autumn
tuid: 1heftwai3zz9zhuk
ifwiki: Autumn's Daughter

Autumn's Daughter, by Ali Sajid Imami and Shumaila Hashmi
(writing as Devolution Games). Undum.
Release 1.1.

# web/bellpark
tuid: xrwjtcm2ykahb5fe
ifwiki: Bell Park, Youth Detective

Bell Park, Youth Detective, by Brendan Patrick Hennessy. Twine.

# web/both
tuid: q50vpl79zoalwk7
ifwiki: Blood on the Heather

Blood on the Heather, by Tia Orisney. Twine.

# web/dadvsunicorn
tuid: 27pof8o21bjyofvl
ifwiki: Dad vs. Unicorn

Dad vs. Unicorn, by PaperBlurt. Twine.

# web/finalgirl
tuid: 4bz5v9s48zngukkv
ifwiki: Final Girl

Final Girl, by Hanon Ondricek. StoryNexus.
(game not included; link to play online, and strategy guide)

# web/impostor
tuid: m6j642kft5ap2erl
ifwiki: Impostor Syndrome

Impostor Syndrome, by Dietrich Squinkifer (Squinky)
(writing as Georgiana Bourbonnais). Twine.

# web/machineofdeath
tuid: u212jed2a7ljg6hl
ifwiki: Machine of Death

Machine of Death, by Hulk Handsome. Twine.
(a newer version is in

# web/moquette
tuid: gk0diy1aawlqtun
ifwiki: Moquette

Moquette, by Alex Warren. Quest.
(game not included; link to play online)

# web/ourboys
tuid: qgyhzznz7r5p64eq
ifwiki: Our Boys in Uniform

Our Boys in Uniform, by Megan Stevens. Twine.
Game and walkthrough.

# web/reels
tuid: xg6mpqkynz8bv081
ifwiki: Reels

Reels, by Tyler Zahnke. HTML.
Game and walkthrough.

# web/robinhood
tuid: cls6siq2oc81ar0x
ifwiki: The Legend of Robin Hood

The Legend of Robin Hood, by Craig Dutton. Quest.
(game not included; link to play online)

# web/samandleo
tuid: 6pdk0ej113ejwpb3
ifwiki: Sam and Leo Go To The Bodega

Sam and Leo Go To The Bodega, by Richard Goodness. Twine.

# web/savingjohn
tuid: 1vzv5y27vixinm22
ifwiki: Saving John

Saving John, by Josephine Tsay. Twine.

# web/solarium
tuid: b6ljg2m07tmc2ffv
ifwiki: Solarium

Solarium, by A. DeNiro. Twine.
Game, walkthrough, and notes.

# web/thechallenge
tuid: snlb16yj8k3lsrf8
ifwiki: The Challenge (game)

The Challenge, by Emilian Aleksander Kowalewski (writing as ViRALiTY). HTML.
Zipped game and link to play online.

# web/vulse
tuid: 466jekp9cpor7rl
ifwiki: Vulse

Vulse, by Rob Parker (Robot Parking). Twine.

# web/whoamongus
tuid: q1ly1tvo850mg5kp
ifwiki: Who Among Us

Who Among Us, by Tia Orisney. Twine.

# web/wobbles
tuid: mppi4th5hjvoapcc
ifwiki: Mrs. Wobbles & The Tangerine House

Mrs. Wobbles and the Tangerine House, Book 1: The Mysterious Floor,
by Mark Marino and family. Undum.

# zcode/9lives
tuid: wihqsmsdx86rn0pr
ifwiki: 9Lives

9Lives, by Bill Balistreri, Hal Hinderliter, Sean Klabough,
Luke Michalski, and Morgan Sokol (writing as InformStorm).
Release 1 / Serial number 130817.
Story file and walkthrough.

# zcode/further
tuid: ui5cfvxx2vaikidx
ifwiki: Further

Further, a color-coded existential tangle by Will Hines.
Release 3 / Serial number 130929.
Story file and walkthrough.
(a newer version is at

# zcode/paperbagprincess
tuid: 4hxafaltfdegrx2x
ifwiki: The Paper Bag Princess

The Paper Bag Princess, an interactive fairy tale, by Adri.
Release 1 / Serial number 131021.
(a newer version is at

# zcode/threediopolis
tuid: gn913naa45qwdv2t
ifwiki: Threediopolis

Threediopolis, A Futuristic Word-Play Gofering, by Andrew Schultz
(as 'Ned Yompus').
Release 3 / Serial number 140817.
Story file, hints/walkthrough, and Inform 7 source code.
(this is actually a post-competition release, also at
</if-archive/games/zcode/#Threediopolis.zblorb>; see original/
for a version that was live during the competition)
NameLast modifiedSize

Parent Directory  -
glulx/2023-11-08 20:06 -
pdf/2013-09-29 17:38 -
quest/2013-09-29 17:38 -
tads2/2013-09-29 17:38 -
web/2013-10-01 00:42 -
zcode/2013-09-29 17:38 -
Comp13.zip2013-09-29 19:02 11M
IFComp2013.exe2013-09-29 19:02 8.2M
Index2025-03-20 00:40 6.7K
readme.txt2013-09-29 17:06 5.0K
WinInterpreters.exe2013-09-29 16:21 22M

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