Haunted P — 7 of 8

Chad Rocketman

Release 1

Part 6 - Motion Rules

Entering Bilbert is an action applying to nothing.

Check entering Bilbert:

if the player is not in Haunted P, say "gotta be outside of bilbert to get inside bilbert okay" instead.

Carry out entering Bilbert:

move the player to BilbertBody;

say "The body..... so nice...... so complex, so scientific. ahead is the throat";

move the player to BilbertMouth;

Understand "enter bilbert" as entering Bilbert.

Exiting Bilbert is an action applying to nothing.

Check exiting Bilbert:

if the player is in Haunted P, say "gotta be inside bilbert to get outside bilbert okay" instead;

Carry out exiting Bilbert:

say "you hit the science button and you teleport outside blabert. It only works inside him because of the magic.";

move the player to Haunted P;

Understand "exit bilbert" as exiting Bilbert.

Entering Bilbert's throat is an action applying to nothing.

Check entering Bilbert's throat:

if the player is in Haunted P, say "youre not in balbert" instead;

Carry out entering Bilbert's throat:

say "you pilot the ship deep into BILBERT's THROAT. There's a lot of throat stuff around here. very red. very throaty. Ahead is the stomach. enter..... if you dare";

move the player to BilbertThroat;

Understand "enter bilbert's throat" and "enter bilbert throat" and "enter throat" as entering Bilbert's throat.

Entering Bilbert's stomach is an action applying to nothing.

Check entering Bilbert's stomach:

if the player is in Haunted P, say "youre not in bilburt" instead;

Carry out entering Bilbert's stomach:

say "there's sooooooo much stomach acide hhere. it;s a good thing youve got this cool invincible science ship that bilberg put you in otherwise youd get melted for sure. ahead is the small intestine.";

move the player to BilbertStomach;

Understand "enter bilbert's stomach" and "enter bilbert stomach" and "enter stomach" as entering Bilbert's stomach.

Entering Bilbert's small intestine is an action applying to nothing.

Check entering Bilbert's small intestine:

if the player is in Haunted P, say "you're are not in BILBERT!!!!!!" instead;

Carry out entering Bilbert's small intestine:

say "downright intestinal. you could go either to the left kidney or the right kidney";

move the player to BilbertSmallIntestine;

Understand "enter bilbert's small intestine" and "enter bilbert's intestine" and "enter bilbert small intestine" and "enter bilbert intestine" and "enter small intestine" and "enter intestine" as entering Bilbert's small intestine.

Entering Bilbert's left kidney is an action applying to nothing.

Check entering Bilbert's left kidney:

if the player is in Haunted P, say "youre not in filbert" instead;

Carry out entering Bilbert's left kidney:

say "This is the left kidney. It's the exact, polar opposite of the right kidney. Ahead is the secret place. The source of the curse. its where you must go to do it";

move the player to BilbertLeftKidney;

Understand "enter bilbert's left kidney" and "enter bilbert left kidney" and "enter left kidney" as entering Bilbert's left kidney.

Entering Bilbert's right kidney is an action applying to nothing.

Check entering Bilbert's right kidney:

if the player is in Haunted P, say "u not in bulburt" instead;

Carry out entering Bilbert's right kidney:

say "This is the right kidney. It's identical in every way to the left kidney. Ahead is the secret place. The source of the curse. its where you must go to do it";

move the player to BilbertRightKidney;

Understand "enter bilbert's right kidney" and "enter bilbert right kidney" and "enter right kidney" as entering Bilbert's right kidney.

Entering Bilbert's secret place is an action applying to nothing.

Check entering Bilbert's secret place:

if the player is in Haunted P, say "u no in bilbert." instead;

Carry out entering Bilbert's secret place:

say "finally.................... the source of all that is evil in the world. the nexus of unease. the lexicon of pain. the SECRET PLACE. type 'heal bilbert' to heal balbert"

Understand "enter bilbert's secret place" and "enter bilbert secret place" and "enter bilbert's secret" and "enter bilbert secret" and "enter secret place" and "enter secret" as entering Bilbert's secret place.

Healing Bilbert is an action applying to nothing.

Check healing Bilbert:

if the player is in Haunted P, say "cant do that to bilbert right now cause youre not inside him.";

Carry out healing Bilbert:

say "all of a sudden everything is healed. everything returns to a normal clear to slightly yellow color. the world seems built anew from the scraps of the old. thank you, PLAYER. love, chet. type exit bilbert to exit";

Understand "heal" and "heal bilbert" as healing Bilbert.