# EldarianOdyssey-100.zip Eldarian Odyssey, version 1.00, by Rich Eizenhoefer. # uadvent-371.zip Underground Adventure, version 3.71, by Mike Pontillo. # worlds-v22.exe tuid: 1aliwzro4e48mdlt ifwiki: Worlds Apart Worlds Apart, an Interactive Fugue, Version 2.2, written by Suzanne Britton. Windows self-extracting executable. (a machine-independent TADS game file is in ) # MarthasBigDate-v30.exe tuid: j4tux07hmgd36cid Martha's Big Date, version 3.0, by Mary Potts, based on a fan-fiction series written for Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. (a machine-independent TADS game file is in ) # worlds-v30-2022.exe tuid: 1aliwzro4e48mdlt ifwiki: Worlds Apart Worlds Apart, an Interactive Fugue, Version 3.0, written by Suzanne Britton. Windows self-extracting executable. (This version has out-of-date contact information.) (a machine-independent TADS game file is in ) # The Labyrinth of Time's Edge-v1.6.zip tuid: 59ip4lyyucms5ff The Labyrinth Of Time's Edge, by The Ventureweaver. Version 1.6. Windows executable (Intel 64-bit).