This is a list of the standard verbs found in the Inform 6/10 Grammar.h file. It is arranged in reverse order, so you can look up actions by name and determine what player commands lead to any particular action. I find it useful when debugging, because I can see problem situations at a glance (i.e. I see that STAND ON PENTAGRAM is hooked to the Enter action, but then realize that CROSS PENTAGRAM does the same, when I want it to be a different action). Normally, I create one of these files for each project and add my extended grammar as the game takes shape. I hope it's useful!
Brian Uri!
Answer: answer say shout speak * topic to creature Ask: ask * creature about topic AskFor: ask * creature for noun Attack: attack break crack destroy fight hit kill murder punch smash thump torture wreck * noun Blow: blow * held Burn: burn light * noun * noun with held Buy: buy purchase * noun Climb: climb scale * noun * up/over> noun Close: close cover shut * noun * up noun Consult: consult * noun about topic * noun on topic l look * up topic in noun read * about topic in noun * topic in noun Cut: chop cut prune slice * noun Dig: dig * noun * noun with held Disrobe: carry hold take * off worn disrobe doff remove shed * held Drink: drink sip swallow * noun Drop: discard drop throw * multiheld put * down multiheld * multiheld down Eat: eat * held Empty: empty * noun * out noun * noun out EmptyT: empty * noun to/into/on/onto noun Enter: cross enter * noun get * in/into/on/onto noun go leave run walk * noun * into/in/inside/through noun lie sit * on top of noun * on/in/inside noun stand * on noun Examine: check describe examine read watch x * noun l look * at noun Exit: exit out outside * get * out/off/up leave * noun stand * * up GetOff: get * off noun Give: feed give offer pay * held to creature * creature held (reverse) * over held to creature Go: go leave run walk * noun=ADirection GoIn: cross enter in inside * Fill: fill * noun Insert: discard drop throw * multiexcept in/into/down noun insert * multiexcept in/into noun put * multiexcept in/inside/into noun Inventory: carry hold take * inventory i inv inventory * InvTall: i inv inventory * tall InvWide: i inv inventory * wide Jump: hop jump skip * JumpOver: hop jump skip * over noun Kiss: embrace hug kiss * creature Listen: hear listen * * noun * to noun Lock: lock * noun with held Look: l look * LookUnder: l look * under noun Mild: bother curses darn drat * * topic No: n no * Open: open uncover undo unwrap * noun Pray: pray * Pull: drag pull * noun Push: clear move press push shift * noun PushDir: clear move press push shift * noun noun PutOn: discard drop put throw * multiexcept on/onto noun Remove: carry hold take * multiinside from noun * multiinside off noun get * multiinside from noun remove * multiinside from noun Rub: clean dust polish rub scrub shine sweep wipe * noun Search: l look * inside/in/into/through noun search * noun Set: adjust set * noun SetTo: adjust set * noun to special Show: display present show * creature held (reverse) * held to creature Sing: sing * Sleep: nap sleep * Smell: smell sniff * * noun Sorry: sorry * Squeeze: squash squeeze * noun Strong: damn fuck shit sod * * topic Swim: dive swim * Swing: swing * noun * on noun SwitchOff: close cover shut * off noun rotate screw switch turn twist unscrew * noun off * off noun SwitchOn: rotate screw turn twist unscrew * noun on * on noun switch * noun on * on noun * noun Take: carry get hold take * multi peel * noun * off noun pick * up multi * multi up remove * multi Taste: taste * noun Tell: tell * creature about topic Think: think * ThrowAt: discard drop throw * held at/against/on/onto noun Tie: attach fasten fix tie * noun * noun to noun Transfer: clear move press push shift * noun to noun transfer * noun to noun Touch: feel fondle grope touch * noun Turn: rotate screw turn twist unscrew * noun Unlock: open uncover undo unwrap * noun with held unlock * noun with held VagueGo: go leave run walk * Wait: wait z * Wake: awake awaken wake * * up WakeOther: awake awaken wake * creature * creature up * up creature Wave: wave * noun WaveHands: wave * Wear: don wear * held put * on held Yes: y yes *