There are multiple ways to complete a lot of the major puzzles, such that you should be able to get at least one of the "neutral" endings. However, if you are having trouble finding all of the thirteen treasures, you may want to consult this list. The bracketed text is what you need to do to get the item, in ROT13 ( to convert to plain text). Horse statue [Tvir gur eht gb gur nagvdhnevna, naq fur'yy yrg lbh gnxr vg.] Amber [Uryc gur nepunrbybtvfg qvt vagb gur grzcyr. Vg'f va gur fvqr-ebbz.] Bezoar [Chg gur cvyyf vafvqr gur ehoorel yhzcf naq tvir gurz gb gur qrre zbafgre.] Brass ring [Hfr gur gbjry gb pyrna gur yhzcl bowrpg lbh svaq va gur jrfg onaxf bs gur fgbyra evire.] Jeweled sword [Svaq vg va gur jvar pryyne, npprffvoyr ol oernxvat gur penpx va gur jnyy jvgu n cvpxnkr.] Solacefruit [Trg vg sebz gur fuval gerr va gur ynaq-oruvaq-zveebef, gjb ebbzf abegu bs gur nzore jbbqf.] Ivory key [Cynl gur pbeerpg frdhrapr bs abgrf va gur pnfgyr va gur ynaq-oruvaq-zveebef. Gur pnfgyr vf ebhtuyl abegujrfg bs gur nzore jbbqf.] Catspaw [Qvr naq orng gur obngzna ng purff. Lbh znl jnag gb purpx gur yvoenel vs lbh'er univat gebhoyr jvaavat.] Heartmetal [Sbhaq va gur pnfxrg va gur furys va gur ryringbe funsg rnfg bs Crafgbpx'f Jvpxrg.] Shard [Chg ynper naq lbhe ung va n cnvy gbtrgure naq jnvg.] Gold brick [Hfr gur oenff xrl, sbhaq va Crafgbpx'f Jvpxrg, gb ragre gur ubhfr ba Zbybpu Fgerrg naq zbir gur cnvagvat.] Bookmark [Lbh pna svaq vg nsgre ernqvat gur unaqjevggra obbx be tvivat vg njnl.] Comb [Pbzcyrgr gur evghny va gur cnivyvba. Lbh zvtug jnag gb purpx gur yvoenel sbe zber qrgnvyf.] If you're stuck, check out the maps included in the download of the game. If you are stuck playing chess and you are in release 7 or earlier, you will probably need to read this simplified version of the chess handbook rules: [1. Vs lbhe bccbarag cynlf n pvepyr, cynl n syvag. 2. Vs lbhe bccbarag zbirf n ovfubc be ebbx, zbir n pngfcnj. 3. Vs lbhe bccbarag zbirf vagb O, zbir vagb N. Vs lbhe bccbarag zbirf vagb P, zbir vagb O. 4. Vs lbhe bccbarag zbirf n pngfcnj, zbir vagb n 1. 5. Vs abar bs gur nobir ehyrf nccyl, zbir abegu bss gur rqtr bs gur obneq. (N erny purff obneq bayl unf 8 fdhnerf. Zbir vagb fdhner 9.)] You will NEVER have to "search" anything, so don't waste your time trying. If that's not enough for you, and you're finding the built in hint system unhelpful, you can also consult this playthrough. Note that this is by no means the only way to complete the game. examine paper drink tea [any key] [any key] get fedora yes get towel get mirror read note w sw e e talk to Mr. Pages ask pages about entity a third dimension a task a lair examine theoretical location of a hideout a reward w get lamp ask antiquarian about horse w sw s talk to archaeologist a crew get pick dig chunk with pick again again s w get amber e n n w get rug e n e give rug to antiquarian get horse statue w ne n n n get samples get oil s w get pills put pills in lumps give lumps to deer z z get bezoar e e examine sign move curtain talk to scruffy-looking square a mirror a land-behind-mirrors give mirror to square get mirror examine mirror enter mirror [any key] n n examine tree get solacefruit get sap s w nw n w talk to heptagon a predicament a escape give mirror to heptagon examine mirror e s n e play aaaaaa play bbbbbb ... *the actual correct combination is randomly generated. are you familiar with Mastermind?* play cabeac get key w s enter mirror [any key] w n w n drop fruit n x books w x books get cults w x books e e e x books get chess handbook get fire e x books get map e get card w w w s get fruit s w w w w w talk to pentagon a career a compendium give fire to pentagon talk to pentagon give library card to pentagon examine device examine sharp stone attach flint to device e e e e e s w n w s dig crack with pick e n put oil in lamp, light lamp with lighter OR put sap in lamp get sword w n e e s w get lumpy object clean object with towel drop towel s z z [any key] read chess handbook talk to boatman yes 1 3 2 3 *the correct moves here are also randomly generated. if you are playing version 7 or earlier, or just having trouble, see the note above.* n n e s talk to triangle triangle, follow me n sw s s n n ne s e get key e pull lever examine shelf z exit examine foam e get pail examine altar read writing put lacre in pail put hat in pail z z z z z look get shard w n n examine casket open casket get heartmetal s s e s go south until you reach the tunnel entrance OR go south for a while from the wine cellar examine looking glass OR read maze map s s e ne w se w e e get chair examine desk open drawers get book look examine entity talk to entity a book a regrets a third dimension a footsteps a bats a pages a letter read book examine bookmark w w n n enter mirror [any key] enter mirror [any key] w sw e e give chair to pages *optional give handwritten book to pages *also optional w w s w s s s s get bell read cults and rituals a history get instructions read instructions light candles with lighter ring bell read incantation [any key] look talk to occultist a cult z z z z e n ne n unlock door with brass key e move painting look get brick w s e open case put brick and comb and heartmetal and shard and catspaw in case put ring and sword and fruit and key in case put bezoar and horse and amber in case put bookmark in case look examine sigil go up go up yes [any key] ***The end***