This is a list of rooms in a solvable order, with no explicit hints on how to solve the puzzles when you arrive. If you solve the puzzles in this order, you shouldn't have to deal with any "transportation imagery" from the coffee; you won't have to trek all over looking for puzzles you're ready to solve. train restroom train exterior milkweed estate office churchyard mausoleum dim recesses of the forest shack exterior (partial) bridge outside pub padded cell river walk railway platform old well outside the plant dusty office bathroom of the meatpacking plant shambolic shack (partial) under bridge tunnel entrance / small chamber tiny windowless office (partial) mudroom court (just visiting; can't solve yet) landing at the bottom of stairs gallery music room top of stairs hallway south (partial) library (mike spivey, upstairs; not the town library) family plot crypt church exterior/tiny windowless office church lobby/narthex chapel study kitchen basement (ivan roth) cold storage cragne library forbidden annex workroom boiler room wine cellar laboratory hallway south (south door) balcony carol's room/hillside path upstairs hall shadowy closet science tower disheveled studio invasive library branching corridor curiosity shop shambolic shack (again) rec room drinking fountain town square church basement pantry steeple subterranean tunnel / amorphous tunnel narrow straits train station lobby shack exterior meatpacking plant invisible worm greenhouse abandoned nursery sitting room inside the shack court library observatory