The entries to the 16th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (2010).
Aotearoa, by Matt Wigdahl. Release 1 / Serial number 100928. Story file and feelie.
The Blind House, by Amanda Allen (writing as Maude Overton). Release 1 / Serial number 101001. Story file and walkthrough.
Divis Mortis, by Lynnea Glasser (writing as Lynnea Dally).
The Bible Retold: Following a Star, by Justin Morgan. Release 1 / Serial number 034107. Story file and walkthrough. (a newer version is in games/glulx/
Gigantomania, by Michelle Tirto and Mike Ciul. Release 1 / Serial number 100930.
Gris et Jaune, by Jason Devlin (writing as Steve van Gaal). Release 1 / Serial number 100930. Story file, feelie, and walkthrough.
Under, In Erebus, by Brian Rapp. Release 1 / Serial number 100930. (a newer version is at games/glulx/uie.gblorb)
One Eye Open, An Interactive Nightmare by Caelyn Sandel and Carolyn VanEseltine. Release 1 / Serial number 100929.
Oxygen, A Game of Survival by Benjamin Sokal. Release 1 / Serial number 100930. Story file and walkthrough.
Rogue of the Multiverse, by C.E.J. Pacian. Version 1. Story file, feelie, and walkthrough. (a newer version is in games/tads/
The Sons of the Cherry, by Alex Livingston. ChoiceScript. (game not included; link to play online)
Leadlight, by Wade Clarke. Apple II. Version 1.0. Game (disc image), Apple IIgs emulators for Windows and Mac (both for Intel 32-bit), link to play online, player guide, and hints. (a newer version is in games/appleII/
R (Pron: Arrr...), by therealeasterbunny. Version 1.00. Scott Adams format story file, AdvPC/AdvPDA interpreters, and instructions/walkthrough.
The 12:54 to Asgard, by J. Robinson Wheeler. Release 1 / Serial number 100928. Story file and walkthrough.
The Chronicler, by John Evans. Release 0 / Serial number 100930. Story file and walkthrough.
Death off the Cuff, by Simon Christiansen. Release 1 / Serial number 100926. Story file and walkthrough. (a newer version is at games/glulx/DeathOffTheCuff.gblorb)
East Grove Hills, an interactive anecdote by XYZ. Release 1 / Serial number 100930.
Heated, by Timothy Peers. Release 1 / Serial number 100930.
Flight of the Hummingbird, an Interactive Costumed Caper, by Michael Martin. Release 1 / Serial number 100913. Story file and walkthrough. (a newer version is at games/zcode/Hummingbird.zblorb)
The Bible Retold: The Lost Sheep, a light-hearted adaptation of the Parable of the Lost Sheep, by Ben Pennington. Release 1 / Serial number 130000. Story file and walkthrough. (a newer version is at games/zcode/LostSheep.z5)
Mite, by Sara Dee. Release 1 / Serial number 100930. Story file and walkthrough.
Ninja's Fate, an Interactive Tribute, by Hannes Schueller. Release 1 / Serial number 100930. Story file and walkthrough.
Pen and Paint, an Interactive Scribbling, by Owen Parish. Release 1 / Serial number 100930. Story file and walkthrough.
A Quiet Evening at Home, by Ruth Alfasso. Release 1 / Serial number 100924. Story file and walkthrough.
The People's Glorious Revolutionary Text Adventure Game, an Interactive Revolution by Taylor Vaughan. Release 1 / Serial number 100930.
The Warbler's Nest, a dark fairy tale by Jason McIntosh. Release 14 / Serial number 100930. (a newer version is at games/zcode/TheWarblersNest.zblorb)
The unofficial "front-end" game for the 2010 competition, providing information on all the games and systems used to run them, plus the ability to sort the games you can play into a random list. Written by Lucian Paul Smith. Release 2 / Serial number 101008.
All of the entries in the 2010 competition in one package. Unzip into a directory with the -d option to preserve the original subdirectory structure. This file is around 16MB in size.
All of the entries in the 2010 competition in one Windows self extracting archive. This file is around 14MB in size.
Stephen Granade's note about the 2010 competition. Read this to find out where to get more information.
All of the Windows interpreters needed to play the competition games.