The entries to the 17th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (2011).
The versions in top-level subdirectories may have been updated during
or after the competition; if so, the original submission is usually in
an original/
Cursed, by Nick Rogers. Version 1.00.07. Story file, hints, map, and walkthroughs. (a newer version is in games/adrift/
How Suzy Got Her Powers, by David Whyld. Version 1.
Return to Camelot, by Finn Rosenløv. Version 2. Story file, hints, map, and walkthrough.
Ted Paladin And The Case Of The Abandoned House, by Anssi Räisänen. Version 1. Story file and instructions for Mac.
Awake the Mighty Dread, A Færwhile Tale by Lyle Skains. Release 1 / Serial number 111006. Story file and walkthrough.
Beet the Devil, by Carolyn VanEseltine. Release 1 / Serial number 110930.
Calm, A Game of Postapocalyptic Relaxation, by Joey Jones and Melvin Rangasamy. Release 2 / Serial number 111201. Story file and hints. (this is actually a post-competition release, also at games/glulx/Calm.gblorb; see original/ for a version that was live during the competition)
Death of Schlig, an Interactive Sci-Fi Comedy, by Peter Timony. Story by Peter and Bobby Timony, Cover Art by Bobby Timony. Release 1 / Serial number 111031. Story file and walkthrough.
The Life (and Deaths) of Doctor M, An Interactive Deliverance by Michael D. Hilborn (writing as Edmund Wells). Release 6 / Serial number 120219. Story file, feelie, sample transcript, and walkthrough. (this is actually a post-competition release, also at games/glulx/; see original/ for a version that was live during the competition)
The Hours, an interactive adventure by Robert Patten. Release 3 / Serial number 120112. Story file and walkthrough. (this is actually a post-competition release, also at games/glulx/TheHours.gblorb; see original/ for a version that was live during the competition)
Fan Interference, by Andrew Schultz. Release 1 / Serial number 111014. Story file, extra documentation, and walkthrough.
Kerkerkruip, an IF roguelike, by Victor Gijsbers. Release 2 / Serial number 120501. Story file, beginners' guide, other documentation, and Inform 7 source code. (this is actually a post-competition release; see original/ for a version that was live during the competition; an even newer version is in games/glulx/
Luster, by Jared Smith. Release 1 / Serial number 110605.
PataNoir, by Simon Christiansen. Release 3 / Serial number 111201. Story file and walkthrough. (this is actually a post-competition release; see original/ for a version that was live during the competition; an even newer version is in games/glulx/PataNoir.gblorb)
Playing Games, by Kevin Jackson-Mead (writing as Pam Comfite). Release 2 / Serial number 111127. (this is actually a post-competition release, also at games/glulx/PlayingGames.gblorb; see original/ for a version that was live during the competition)
Sentencing Mr Liddell, by Anonymous. Release 1 / Serial number 111006.
Six, by Wade Clarke. Release 4 / Serial number 120805. Story file, instruction manual, and map. (this is actually a post-competition release; see original/ for a version that was live during the competition; an even newer version is in games/glulx/
Taco Fiction, an interactive heist, by Ryan Veeder. Release 1 / Serial number 111009. Story file, hints, and walkthrough. (a newer version is at games/glulx/TacoFiction.gblorb)
The Myothian Falcon, by Andy Joel. Version 1.2. Story file, notes, and walkthrough.
Blind, by Andrew Metzger. Version 1.6.
Fog Convict, by Andrew Metzger. Story file, map, and walkthrough.
It, by Emily Boegheim. Version 2.0. (this is actually a post-competition release; see original/ for a version that was live during the competition; an even newer version is in games/tads/it.t3)
Operation Extraction, by Ming-Yee Iu. HTML/Javascript. Game and walkthrough.
The Binary, by Simon Mark (writing as Bloomengine). Blink! engine.
The Play, by Dietrich Squinkifer (Squinky). Undum.
Dead Hotel, by Comazombie. Version 2. Windows executable (Intel 32-bit) and link to walkthrough video. (the same version is also in games/pc/, which contains additional material)
Andromeda Awakening, An Interactive Earthquake, by Marco Innocenti. Release 2 / Serial number 111019. Story file and walkthrough. (a newer version is at games/glulx/Androm_Aw_FC.gblorb)
Cana According To Micah, by Christopher Huang (writing as Rev. Stephen Dawson). Release 2 / Serial number 111013.
Cold Iron, a hot summer's tale by Andrew Plotkin (writing as Lyman Clive Charles). Release 6 / Serial number 111119. Story file and walkthrough. (this is actually a post-competition release, also at games/zcode/coldiron.z8, with source code at games/source/inform/; see original/ for a version that was live during the competition)
A Comedy of Error Messages, An Interactive Absurdity by Adam Le Doux. Release 2 / Serial number 111017. Story file and walkthrough.
The Guardian, by Lutein Hawthorne. Release 2 / Serial number 111006. Story file, instructions, MIDI music, and walkthrough.
Keepsake, An Interactive Act of Vengeance by Savaric. Release 3 / Serial number 110906.
Last Day of Summer, by Doug Orleans (writing as Cameron Fox). Release 5 / Serial number 110930. Story file and walkthrough.
Professor Frank, by Laurence Kilday. Version 16. Release 1 / Serial number 111103. Story file and walkthrough.
Escape From Santaland, An Interactive Holiday Puzzle by Jason Ermer. Release 2 / Serial number 110913. Story file and walkthrough.
The Ship of Whimsy, by U. N. Owen. Release 1 / Serial number 110930. Story file and Inform 7 source code.
Tenth Plague, by Lynnea Glasser (as Lynnea Dally).
Vestiges, by Joanna Houston (writing as Josephine Wynter). Release 1 / Serial number 111005. Story file and walkthrough.
The unofficial "front-end" game for the 2011 competition, providing information on all the games and systems used to run them, plus the ability to sort the games you can play into a random list. Written by Lucian Paul Smith. Release 1 / Serial number 111001.
All of the entries in the 2011 competition in one package. Unzip into a directory with the -d option to preserve the original subdirectory structure. This file is around 26MB in size.
All of the entries in the 2011 competition in one Windows self extracting archive. This file is around 22MB in size.
Stephen Granade's note about the 2011 competition. Read this to find out where to get more information.
All of the Windows interpreters needed to play the competition games.