Index: if-archive/infocom/demos

Demo/promotional excerpts of works freely distributed by Infocom.

13 Files [23-Feb-1993]
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IFWiki: Cornerstone

A demo of Cornerstone.

how_to_play_these_games [05-Oct-1995] [link to if-archive/games/zcode/how_to_play_these_games]

How to play "Z-code" games, by Gareth Rees. Last updated October 1995.

minizork.z3 [27-Jan-1994]
IFDB entry

Mini-Zork I: data file of a demo originally distributed for the Commodore 64 (see [16-Sep-1998] [link to if-archive/games/c64/]
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The Mini-Zork demo from Infocom, put onto a C64 disk along with the text accompanying it from the UK C64 magazine Zzap! 64. D64 disk image.

sampler1_R26.z3 [05-Jul-1993]
IFDB entry

Data file of the 1984 Infocom Sampler (Release 26 / Serial Number 840731). Contains an Infocom interactive fiction tutorial and samples of four Infocom games: Zork I, Planetfall, Infidel, and The Witness.

sampler1_R52.z3 [23-Jan-2001]
IFDB entry

Same as above, Release 52 / Serial number 850402

sampler1_R53.z3 [12-Oct-1994]
IFDB entry

Same as above, Release 53 / Serial Number 850407

sampler1_R55.z3 [12-Oct-1994]
IFDB entry

Same as above, Release 55 / Serial Number 850823

sampler2.z3 [28-Dec-1994]
IFDB entry

Data file of the second Infocom Sampler (Release 97 / Serial Number 870601) with an interactive fiction tutorial (a sequence from Wishbringer) and samples of three Infocom games: Zork I, Leather Goddesses of Phobos, and Trinity [14-May-2001]
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The first sampler (ID1) from Infocom, featuring the "Catch-a-Butterfly" demo along with a section of Zork 1. Archive also includes a JPEG of an advert for this demo taken from "The New Zork Times" Page 7; Vol. 3, No. 3; Summer 1984. [20-Sep-1993]
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Return to Zork, sneak preview by Activision (1993)

ztuu.pdf [11-Oct-2001]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Zork: The Undiscovered Underground

The manual for Zork: The Undiscovered Underground, as a PDF formatted in the style of the original Infocom manuals, converted by Chris Marsh. [04-Jul-1999]
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IFWiki: Zork: The Undiscovered Underground

Zork: The Undiscovered Underground, a text adventure prequel to Zork Grand inquisitor. Written by Marc Blank and Mike Berlyn, programmed by Gerry Kevin Wilson. Release 16 / Serial number 970828. This file seems to have disappeared from Activision's web site, so hopefully putting the file here is okay. Z5 game file, Readme, and InvisiClues.