Lundo, Mayo 26, 5366 I.R.
posted 09:14am
"Letter From Zed"
Got another letter from Zed today. Looks like that Ensign won't let up;
he has him scrubbing decks now with a multi-purpose scrub brush. I
think he needs to get on the good side of that officer before he finds
himself scrubbing the outside of that hull.

Hope that guy lets up. - D

Dredo, Mayo 20, 5366 I.R.
posted 03:16pm
"Bobby Goes To State"
Can you believe it? Bobby thinks he can handle State. That kid wastes his
life on V.R. and he thinks he has the brain cells left to study? I don't know
about that, but I'm not paying for it. I say that V.R. junkie drops out in a

But You Never Know - D