To fix the books: 1. (for each page) DIP {page} IN STICKY MESS 2. PUT SPELLBOOK PAGE IN CHARMING PUT POTIONS BOOK PAGE IN DOUBLE PUT ASTROLOGY BOOK PAGE IN HEAVENS PUT ALCHEMY BOOK PAGE IN TREATISE 3. PUT BOOKS ON BOOKCASE To fix the sticky mess: 1. CONSULT CHARMING ABOUT UNBINDING CONSULT CHARMING ABOUT BINDING 2. RENODO MESS 3. LIGO SHARDS 4. PUT PINK POTION IN CRYSTAL BOTTLE PUT GREY POTION IN GLOWING BOTTLE PUT BLACK POWDER IN BULBOUS BOTTLE 5. PUT TORN LABEL ON BULBOUS BOTTLE PUT ROUND LABEL ON CRYSTAL BOTTLE PUT SQUARE LABEL ON GLOWING BOTTLE 6. PUT BOTTLES ON SHELF To fix the crystal ball: 1. CONSULT CHARMING ABOUT DIMINISHING CONSULT CHARMING ABOUT FIRE 2. MINUI RUBBLE 3. Fix the astrological clock. 3. TAKE SAND 4. PUT SAND IN CAULDRON 5. IGNI SAND 6. IGNI STARLIGHT CANDLE 7. TEMPESTA MELTED GLASS 8. VOLERE SHIMMERING PUDDLE 9. PUT PUDDLE IN CAULDRON 10. LIGO GLASSY 11. PUT BALL ON STAND To fix the astrological clock: 1. PUT HANDS IN CLOCK 2. CONSULT HEAVENS ABOUT MOON PHASES CONSULT HEAVENS ABOUT STAR SIGNS 3. LOOK THROUGH CLOCK Take note of the star sign and moon phase you see. 4. SET LONG HAND TO {star sign} SET SHORT HAND TO {moon phase} To fix the statue: 1. CONSULT CHARMING ABOUT WIND CONSULT CHARMING ABOUT FIRE CONSULT CHARMING ABOUT EARTH CONSULT CHARMING ABOUT WATER CONSULT CHARMING ABOUT ENLARGING 2. PUT WITCH HAZEL IN CAULDRON 3. IGNI TALL CANDLE 4. AGUA CAULDRON 5. VENTUS TALL CANDLE 6. IGNI AVERAGE CANDLE 7. IGNI ELIXIR BASE 8. WAIT (until the base stops smoking) 10. VENTUS AVERAGE CANDLE 11. IGNI UGLY CANDLE 10. CRUSH EVENING GLORIES WITH MORTAR 11. TERRA GLORIES 12. PUT WHITE PASTE IN CAULDRON 13. CONSULT DOUBLE ABOUT ANIMATED CLAY Take note of the initial direction to stir in and of how many times to stir in each direction. 14. LIGHT LAVENDER WITH UGLY 15. STIR MIXTURE {initial direction} WITH SPOON as many times as the recipe states 16. STIR MIXTURE {other direction} WITH SPOON as many times as the recipe states 17. Repeat 15-16 until you have a white clay. 18. VENTUS CLAY 19. SHAPE CLAY 20. PUT EYES IN CLAY 21. MAGNA CLAY 22. IGNI CLAY 23. E 24. PUT CLAY ON PEDESTAL To make a bloody idol (AMUSING): 1. CONSULT CHARMING ABOUT WIND CONSULT CHARMING ABOUT FIRE CONSULT CHARMING ABOUT EARTH CONSULT CHARMING ABOUT WATER CONSULT CHARMING ABOUT UNBINDING CONSULT CHARMING ABOUT BINDING CONSULT CHARMING ABOUT ENLARGING 2. PUT WOLFSBANE IN CAULDRON 3. RENODO ME LIGO ME 4. PUT BLOOD IN CAULDRON 5. CRUSH NIGHSHADE WITH MORTAR 6. TERRA NIGHTSHADE 6. IGNI BLACK CANDLE 7. PUT GRAVE DIRT IN CAULDRON 8. Try stirring first counter-clockwise and then clockwise. (STIR MUD {direction} WITH SPOON) The direction that the foul mud "squirms" is correct. Repeat until it "depresses", taking note of the number of stirs in that direction. Then either undo or repeat that number of stirs. Then stir in the other direction, again until the mud "depresses", again counting the number of stirs. Either undo or start from the beginning (with the first direction). Repeat the sequence you have discovered until you get red clay. 18. VENTUS CLAY 19. SHAPE CLAY 20. MAGNA CLAY 21. IGNI CLAY 22. E 23. PUT CLAY ON PEDESTAL 24. RENODO CLAY so you can win after seeing that ending.