//eg. <<notEnoughData "Test" 50 "stuff to display... [[option|place_to_go]]">>\n\nmacros['notEnoughData'] = \n{\n\thandler: function(place, object, parameters, parser)\n\t{\n\t if(parameters.length > 2){\n\t\tvar name = parameters[0];\n\t\tvar number = parameters[1];\n\t\tvar content = parameters[2];\n\n\t\tvar data = state.history[0].variables["player"]["data"];\n\n\t var index = arrayObjectIndexOf(data, name, "Name");\n\t\t//Check if the player has the right amount of data, and display the content if so.\n\t\tif (index > -1) {\n\t\t\tif(data[index].Number < number) new Wikifier(place, content);\n\t\t}\n\t\t//Player has no data. Check if we display under this circumstance.\n\t\telse{\n\t\t\tif(0 < number) new Wikifier(place, content);\n\t\t}\n\n\t }\n\n\t}\n}\n\n\nfunction arrayObjectIndexOf(myArray, searchTerm, property) {\n for(var i = 0, len = myArray.length; i < len; i++) {\n if (myArray[i][property] === searchTerm) return i;\n }\n return -1;\n}
<<set $cc_process = 2>>Choose your character's gender, or make your own.\n\n[[Male|CC_Next][$player.gender = "Male"]]\n[[Female|CC_Next][$player.gender = "Female"]]\n[[(specify own values)|CC_Custom_Gender][$player.gender = "None"]]\n\n[[Back|CC_Name][$cc_process = 1]]
macros['populateMapVariables'] = {\n\thandler: function(place, object, parameters, parser)\n\t{\n\nif(state.history[0].variables["doneFirstMapEver"] != 1){\n\n\t//Generate a random seed. Will be used later with generic locations\n\t//to ensure uniqueness.\n\tvar randomSeed = Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000) + 1);\n\tstate.history[0].variables["randomSeed"] = randomSeed;\n\n\t//Get the world map height and width\n\tvar wmap_height = state.history[0].variables["map_n_y"];\n\tvar wmap_width = state.history[0].variables["map_n_x"];\n\n\t//Now make the world map.\n\tvar worldMapArray = new Array(wmap_height);\n\tvar worldDestsArray = new Array(wmap_height);\n\tvar worldColourArray = new Array(wmap_height);\n\n\tfor(var i = 0; i < wmap_height; i++){\n\t\tworldMapArray[i] = new Array(wmap_width);\n\t\tworldDestsArray[i] = new Array(wmap_width);\n\t\tworldColourArray[i] = new Array(wmap_width);\n\t\t\tfor(var j = 0; j < wmap_width; j++){\n\t\t\tvar charMap = generateMapChars(12, 8);\n\t\t\tcharMap = applyGlass(12, 8, charMap);\n\t\t\tcharMap = applyEdges(12, 8, charMap, wmap_height, i);\n\t\t\t//Fill world with generated map data\n\t\t\t\tworldMapArray[i][j] = charMap;\n\t\t\t\tworldDestsArray[i][j] = generateMapDestinations(12, 8, charMap);\n\t\t\t\tworldColourArray[i][j] = generateMapColours(12, 8, charMap);\n\t\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\t//Setup initial location\n\tvar x_loc = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10))+1;\n\tvar y_loc = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6))+1;\n\n\tstate.history[0].variables["location_x"] = x_loc;\n\tstate.history[0].variables["location_y"] = y_loc;\n\n\t//And Allocate the special 'Your Habitat' destination on the initial location.\n\tworldMapArray[1][1][y_loc][x_loc] = "⌂";\n\tworldDestsArray[1][1][y_loc][x_loc] = "Your Habitat";\n\tworldColourArray[1][1][y_loc][x_loc] = "#FFFF00";\n\n\tstate.history[0].variables["worldMap"] = worldMapArray;\n\tstate.history[0].variables["worldDests"] = worldDestsArray;\n\tstate.history[0].variables["worldColours"] = worldColourArray;\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\tstate.history[0].variables["doneFirstMapEver"] = 1;\n\n}\n\n//Get the current world map location...\nvar wmap_x = state.history[0].variables["map_x"];\nvar wmap_y = state.history[0].variables["map_y"];\nvar worldMap = state.history[0].variables["worldMap"]\nvar worldDests = state.history[0].variables["worldDests"];\nvar worldColours = state.history[0].variables["worldColours"];\n\n//Now choose the map from the world map array.\nstate.history[0].variables["mapChars"] = worldMap[wmap_y][wmap_x];\nstate.history[0].variables["mapDestinations"] = worldDests[wmap_y][wmap_x];\nstate.history[0].variables["mapColours"] = worldColours[wmap_y][wmap_x];\n\n\n\t}\n}\n\ngenerateMapColours = function(width, height, charMap){\nvar mapArray = new Array(height);\n//Go through the char map and assign appropriate destinations.\nfor(var i = 0; i < height; i++){\nmapArray[i] = new Array(width);\n\tfor(var j = 0; j < width; j++){\t\n\t\tvar colour = "#FFF";\n\t\t//Generic\n\t\tif(charMap[i][j] == "≈"){\n\t\t\tvar num = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6) + 1);\n\t\t\tif(num == 1) colour = "#EEFFFF";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 2) colour = "#EAFFFF";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 3) colour = "#E5FFFF";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 4) colour = "#DEFFFF";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 5) colour = "#D6FFFF";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 6) colour = "#CCFFFF";\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(charMap[i][j] == "▲"){\n\t\t\tvar num = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6) + 1);\n\t\t\tif(num == 1) colour = "#FFF";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 2) colour = "#EEE";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 3) colour = "#DDD";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 4) colour = "#CCC";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 5) colour = "#BBB";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 6) colour = "#AAA";\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(charMap[i][j] == "♠"){\n\t\t\tvar num = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6) + 1);\n\t\t\tif(num == 1) colour = "#D6FFD6";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 2) colour = "#DEFFDE";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 3) colour = "#EEFFFF";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 4) colour = "#EAFFFF";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 5) colour = "#B2CCB2";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 6) colour = "#C8E0E0";\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(charMap[i][j] == "♣"){\n\t\t\tvar num = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6) + 1);\n\t\t\tif(num == 1) colour = "#D6FFD6";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 2) colour = "#DEFFDE";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 3) colour = "#EEFFFF";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 4) colour = "#EAFFFF";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 5) colour = "#B2CCB2";\n\t\t\telse if(num == 6) colour = "#C8E0E0";\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if(charMap[i][j] == "⌂") colour = "#666";\n\t\telse if(charMap[i][j] == "=") colour = "#666";\n\t\telse if(charMap[i][j] == "░") colour = "#FFF";\n\t\t//TODO: Other colours\n\t\tmapArray[i][j] = colour;\n\t}\n}\nreturn mapArray;\n}\n\n\n\napplyEdges = function(width, height, charMap, wmap_height, current_height){\n\n//Go through the char map and assign '=' to the top or bottom\n//edge of the map\n\nvar i = 0;\n\nif(current_height == wmap_height-1) i = height-1;\nelse if(current_height != 0) return charMap;\n\n\n\tfor(var j = 0; j < width; j++){\t\n\t\tcharMap[i][j] = "=";\n\t}\n\nreturn charMap;\n}\n\napplyGlass = function(width, height, charMap){\n\n//Go through the char map and assign # to the left/right sides\n//of each map. Except where the maps are top or bottom\n\n\tfor(var i = 0; i < height; i++){\n\t\tcharMap[i][0] = "░";\n\t\tcharMap[i][width-1] = "░";\n\t}\n\nreturn charMap;\n}\n\n\ngenerateMapDestinations = function(width, height, charMap){\nvar mapArray = new Array(height);\n//Go through the char map and assign appropriate destinations.\nfor(var i = 0; i < height; i++){\nmapArray[i] = new Array(width);\n\tfor(var j = 0; j < width; j++){\t\n\t\tvar destination = "u";\n\t\t//Generic\n\t\tif(charMap[i][j] == "≈") destination = "Ice";\n\t\telse if(charMap[i][j] == "▲") destination = "Mountains";\n\t\telse if(charMap[i][j] == "♠") destination = "Snowforest";\n\t\telse if(charMap[i][j] == "♣") destination = "Snowforest";\n\t\telse if(charMap[i][j] == "⌂") destination = "Habitat";\n\t\telse if(charMap[i][j] == "=") destination = "The Edge";\n\t\telse if(charMap[i][j] == "░") destination = "Plains of Glass";\n\t\t//TODO: Special and specific destinations.\n\t\t//Alternatively, they could come to exist during Gameplay.\n\t\t//Via exploration and discovery.\n\t\t//We'll see!!!\n\t\tmapArray[i][j] = destination;\n\t}\n}\nreturn mapArray;\n}\n\n\ngenerateMapChars = function(width, height){\n\nvar mapArray = new Array(height);\n\n//Generate a map.\nfor(var i = 0; i < height; i++){\nmapArray[i] = new Array(width);\n\tfor(var j = 0; j < width; j++){\n\t\tmapArray[i][j] = getRandomMapChar();\n\t}\n}\n\n//do smoothing/sanity modifications here\nmapArray = smoothMap(width, height, mapArray);\nmapArray = smoothMap(width, height, mapArray);\nmapArray = smoothMap(width, height, mapArray);\n\n\n\nreturn mapArray;\n\n}\n\ngetRandomMapChar = function(){\n\nvar num = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1); \n\nif (num > 99) return "⌂";\n\nif(num < 20) return "▲";\n\nif(num < 40){\n\tif(Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1) < 6) return "♣";\n\telse return "♠";\n}\n\nreturn "≈";\n\n}\n\n\nsmoothMap = function(width, height, map){\n\nvar mapArray = map;\n\n//Iterate through the map characters and modify\n//appropriately\n\nfor(var i = 0; i < height; i++){\n\tfor(var j = 0; j < width; j++){\n\t//First get the character\n\tvar character = mapArray[i][j]; \n\n\t//Now get the surrounding characters\n\tvar cN = "";\n\tvar cS = "";\n\tvar cE = "";\n\tvar cW = "";\n\tvar cNE = "";\n\tvar cNW = "";\n\tvar cSE = "";\n\tvar cSW = "";\n\n//Height is min and Width is min\nif(i == 0 && j == 0){\n\tcS = mapArray[i+1][j]; \n\tcE = mapArray[i][j+1]; \n\tcSE = mapArray[i+1][j+1]; \n}\n//Height is min and Width is max\nelse if(i == 0 && j == width-1){\n\tcS = mapArray[i+1][j]; \n\tcW = mapArray[i][j-1]; \n\tcSW = mapArray[i+1][j-1]; \n}\n//Height is max and Width is min\nelse if(i == height-1 && j == 0){\n\tcN = mapArray[i-1][j]; \n\tcE = mapArray[i][j+1]; \n\tcNE = mapArray[i-1][j+1]; \n}\n//Height is max and Width is max\nelse if(i == height-1 && j == width-1){\n\tcN = mapArray[i-1][j]; \n\tcW = mapArray[i][j-1]; \n\tcNW = mapArray[i-1][j-1]; \n}\n//Height is min\nelse if(i == 0){\n\tcW = mapArray[i][j-1]; \n\tcE = mapArray[i][j+1]; \n\tcS = mapArray[i+1][j]; \n\tcSW = mapArray[i+1][j-1]; \n\tcSE = mapArray[i+1][j+1]; \n}\n//Height is max\nelse if(i == height-1){\n\tcW = mapArray[i][j-1]; \n\tcE = mapArray[i][j+1]; \n\tcN = mapArray[i-1][j]; \n\tcNE = mapArray[i-1][j+1]; \n\tcNW = mapArray[i-1][j-1]; \n}\n//Width is min\nelse if(j == 0){\n\tcE = mapArray[i][j+1]; \n\tcN = mapArray[i-1][j]; \n\tcNE = mapArray[i-1][j+1]; \n\tcS = mapArray[i+1][j]; \n\tcSE = mapArray[i+1][j+1]; \n}\n//Width is max\nelse if(j == width-1){\n\tcN = mapArray[i-1][j]; \n\tcS = mapArray[i+1][j]; \n\tcW = mapArray[i][j-1]; \n\tcNW = mapArray[i-1][j-1]; \n\tcSW = mapArray[i+1][j-1]; \n}\n\n\nif(character == "▲"){\nvar chance = 9;\n\tif(cN == "▲" || cN == "") chance = chance-1;\n\tif(cS == "▲" || cS == "") chance = chance-1;\n\tif(cW == "▲" || cW == "") chance = chance-1;\n\tif(cE == "▲" || cE == "") chance = chance-1;\n\tif(cNW == "▲" || cNW == "") chance = chance-1;\n\tif(cNE == "▲" || cNE == "") chance = chance-1;\n\tif(cSE == "▲" || cSE == "") chance = chance-1;\n\tif(cSW == "▲" || cSW == "") chance = chance-1;\n\tif(Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1) < chance){\n\t\tmapArray[i][j] = "≈";\n\t}\n}\nelse if(character == "♠" || character == "♣"){\nvar chance = 9;\n\tif(cN == "♠" || cN == "♣" || cN == "") chance = chance-1;\n\tif(cS == "♠" || cS == "♣" || cS == "") chance = chance-1;\n\tif(cW == "♠" || cW == "♣" || cW == "") chance = chance-1;\n\tif(cE == "♠" || cE == "♣" || cE == "") chance = chance-1;\n\tif(cNW == "♠" || cNW == "♣" || cNW == "") chance = chance-1;\n\tif(cNE == "♠" || cNE == "♣" || cNE == "") chance = chance-1;\n\tif(cSE == "♠" || cSE == "♣" || cSE == "") chance = chance-1;\n\tif(cSW == "♠" || cSW == "♣" || cSW == "") chance = chance-1;\n\tif(Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1) < chance){\n\t\tmapArray[i][j] = "≈";\n\t}\n}\n\n\t\t\n\t}\n}\n\nreturn mapArray;\n\n}
(function(){\npostrender.typewriter = function (b) {\n\tif(this.tags){\n\t\tvar r=new RegExp("t8n.typewriter.([0-9]+)(?:[^0-9]|$)","g");\n\t\tvar t=r.exec(this.tags.toString());\n\t\t\n\t\tif(t){typeout(b,t[1]+0);}\n\t}\nreturn b;\n};\n\nvar typeout=function(c,t){\n\tvar Furl=function(current){\n\t\tthis.n=current;\n\t\tthis.out=false;\n\t\tthis.data=current.nodeValue;\n\t\tcurrent.nodeValue="";\n\t\tthis.kids=[];\n\t\tvar cn=current.childNodes;\n\n\t\tif(current.style && current.style.display=="none"){return;}\n\t\t\twhile(cn.length>0){\n\t\t\t\tvar f=new Furl(cn[0]);\n\t\t\t\tcurrent.removeChild(cn[0]);\n\t\t\t\tf.out=true;\n\t\t\t\tthis.kids.push(f);\n\t\t\t}\n};\n\nvar nodes=new Furl(c);\n\nvar unfurl=function(furled,d){\n\tvar n=furled.n;\n\tif(furled.out){\n\t\td.appendChild(n);\n\t\tfurled.out=false;\n\t}\n\n\tif(furled.data){\n\t\tn.nodeValue+=furled.data[0];\n\t\tfurled.data=furled.data.slice(1);\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\n\tfor(var j=0;j<furled.kids.length;j++){\n\t\tvar ret=unfurl(furled.kids[j],n);\n\t\tif(ret){return true;}\n\t}\n\n\treturn false;\n};\n\nvar title=state.history[0].passage.title;\nvar intr=setInterval(function(){if(state.history[0].passage.title==title&&unfurl(nodes,null)){return;}\nclearInterval(intr);},t);};}());
<span style="color: white;">ICEPUNK</span>
<<if $intro_story is 0>><center><<display "m8_sleepo">></center>One day, without meaning to, you found it. \n\nYou discovered M8 at last... the elemental mind that had sustained you since birth.\n\nThis was the face of the thousand intelligent processes that weened you from a helpless feral child to a bright, restless soul.\n\nYou had never really known another human being.\n\n[[Look closer...|CC_Story_So_Far][$intro_story = 1]]\n<<else if $intro_story is 1>><center><<display "m8_closeup">></center>You discovered the stories though. There were people before you who made sure that you would.\n\nWar. Weapons and technology beyond imagination. The programming and destabilisation of Matter itself. \n\nThe final act of the dead powers that perpretrated the catastrophe was a frenetic siphoning of mass and life to orbital settlements safely distant from a bizarre, inhospitable Earth.\n\nIn a last effort to seed some future, every computer raged with an unprecedented flood of packets containing "the Internet" in its entirety. The backdoors that had once been used for surveillance and warfare were gouged wide to force some fraction of Everything into a ruthless future.\n\nWith aching slowness, the data was transmitted into space.\n\n[[Caress the screen with your fingers...|CC_Story_So_Far][$intro_story = 2]]\n<<else if $intro_story is 2>><center><<display "m8_hand">></center>The hope was that the learning processes of Artificial Intelligence had advanced to a pinnacle from which they could devour the Internet- or even some fraction of it -and oversee the beginning of a new golden age for humanity.\n\nBut it was too much, and too many things went wrong. The processes were never completed. And the Caelan Cylinder Computers could not handle the data: the information was sent into the environments, programmed into the matter. At this most critical time of transition, the orbital settlements descended into chaos and strife.\n\nWhat was recovered of "The Internet" and much else was all sent into a material cold storage, its great promise lost. You know the story that well.\n\nYou touch the screen. M8 does not respond. Somehow you had expected... something more.\n\n[["There's still a chance it could work. Isn't there? If I could gather the data, there could still be a golden age."|CC_Story_So_Far][$intro_story = 3]]\n\n<<else if $intro_story is 3>>Your words only die in the gentle buzz of the room.\n\nBut you grasp in your hand a tool: the Material Informatics Translator (or MIT). It is a giant technological gauntlet capable of grasping data and programs that have been encoded into matter. With it, you might be able to find enough data to fulfil the plans of your forebears.\n\n[[...|Your Habitat][$cc_process = "complete", $your_habitat = "m8"]]\n<<endif>>
<div class="textimage"><pre>{{{╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗\n║ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{|}}}</span><span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{ m8@s8c2:~$ cat hope.txt }}}</span>{{{║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{|}}}</span><span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{ cat: hope.txt: No such file or directory }}}</span>{{{║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{|}}}</span><span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{ m8@s8c2:~$ cat last_hope.txt }}}</span>{{{║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{|}}}</span><span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{ 10/03/92 }}}</span>{{{║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{|}}}</span><span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{ We have lost contact with the other habitats, bu}}}</span>{{{║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{|}}}</span><span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{ enough time and resources to complete our task. }}}</span>{{{║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{|}}}</span><span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{ our efforts are insufficient, I have arranged fo}}}</span>{{{║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{|}}}</span><span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{ }}}</span>{{{║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{|}}}</span><span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{ The sad truth is that without more data, the pro}}}</span>{{{║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{|}}}</span><span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{ inevitably fail to deliver the outcomes we hoped}}}</span>{{{║\n╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝}}}</pre></div>
<<if $iceboat is 0>>You find it extraordinarily difficult to keep your bearings on the iceboat... But the golem crew seems very friendly. Peculiarly, these endlessly shifting ice pirates and ice sailors and ice captains seem to occasionally register the existence of you- the '<<genderedToken woman>> overboard'. \n\nFor just a moment you feel like you've found somewhere to belong among these ice people. They smile, and laugh, and shove each other with a playful comradery.\n\nBut then you see another ice ship burst out of the waves. It is bearing down on your vessel. The ice people go into a frenzy of preparation.\n\n[["Your pirate data is mine!" Turn up the juice. Get that data.|IceBoat][$iceboat = "data"]]\n[[Try to find the nearest 'ice rowboat', and make a getaway.|IceBoat][$iceboat = "getaway"]]\n[[Stick around for the battle just to see how it goes.|IceBoat][$iceboat = "stay"]]\n<<else if $iceboat is "data">>The pirate data is yours...\n<<data give "Pirate" 3 1>>\n<<data give "Material Robotics" 3 1>>\n<<data give "Cultural" 1 1>><<killArea>>\n\nAnd the sea, the boat, the ice golems... are all gone.\n\n[[Leave.|Map][$iceboat = 0]]\n\n<<else if $iceboat is "getaway">>You find a rowboat- but before you can lower it, it dissipates. Then you find another, but your seconds-old experience gives you pause. <<randomizeVariable "iceboat" 2>>\n\nDo you dare try to row off into the ice sea on an ice boat that could disintegrate at any moment?\n\n[["Forget this." Turn up the juice. Get that data.|IceBoat][$iceboat = "data"]]\n[[Yes...|IceBoat][$iceboat = "row"+$iceboat]]\n[[No... Stay on the boat instead and try to last through the coming battle.|IceBoat][$iceboat = "stay"]]\n\n<<else if $iceboat is "row_1">>You lower the boat with haste, and push off into the sea. After only a moment, you bump into solid ice- or else the wild process has moved on. \n\nYou are [[free.|Map][$iceboat = 0]]\n<<else if $iceboat is "row_2">>As you hit the ice-waves, the boat shatters... and you are tossed and turned with a sudden brutality. You fumble to swim, but you struggle against the molasses-like ice program...\n\n<<sweptAway>>\n\n[[Try to get your bearings...|Map][$iceboat = 0]]\n<<else if $iceboat is "stay">>You stay, holding onto the iceboat for dear life.\n\nThe enemy boat is coming.<<randomizeVariable "iceboat" 2>>\n\n[["Forget this." Turn up the juice. Get that data.|IceBoat][$iceboat = "data"]]\n[[Wait... Hold your nerve...|IceBoat][$iceboat = "stay2_"+$iceboat]]\n[[Jump overboard!|IceBoat][$iceboat = "overboard"]]\n<<else if $iceboat is "stay2_1">>The enemy boat does not turn. It rams straight into the side of your vessel with an almighty force. You and your ice crew are thrown from the boat as it is smashed asunder. As the vessel begins to sink into the ice sea... <<sweptAway>>\n\n[[Try to get your bearings...|Map][$iceboat = 0]]\n\n<<else if $iceboat is "stay2_2">>The enemy boat veers alongside yours, and a battle begins. Ice golems swing on ice ropes between the ice boats, and ice blades and ice muskets and ice cannons tear up iceflesh and icewood. \n\nAnd as soon as the drama of the eclectic scenes began to get good, the boats and the ocean all dissolve away...\n\n[[Try to get your bearings...|Map][$iceboat = 0]]\n<<else if $iceboat is "overboard">><<sweptAway>>\n\n[[Try to get your bearings...|Map][$iceboat = 0]]\n\n<<endif>>
macros['checkNameInput'] = \n{\n\thandler: function(place, object, parameters)\n\t{\n\n\tvar text = "";\n\n\tif(document.getElementById("nameText") != null){\n\t text = document.getElementById("nameText").value;\n\t}\n\telse{\n\t //TODO: Handle the case in which nothing is said.\n\t text = "";\n\t}\n\n\t//Do stuff if nothing is entered.\n\tif(text == ""){\n\t new Wikifier(place, "<<display CC_Name>>");\n\t}\n\n\t//Do stuff if something is entered.\n\telse{\n\t state.history[0].variables["player"]["name"] = text;\n\t new Wikifier(place, "<<display CC_Gender>>");\n\t}\n\n}\n\n\n};
macros['name'] = \n{\n\thandler: function(place, object, parameters, parser)\n\t{\n\t\tnew Wikifier(place, state.history[0].variables["player"]["name"]);\n\t}\n}
<<getPassage Habitat 5>>
macros['killArea'] = \n{\n\thandler: function(place, object, params)\n\t{ \n\tvar x_loc = state.history[0].variables["location_x"];\n\tvar y_loc = state.history[0].variables["location_y"];\n\tvar wmap_x = state.history[0].variables["map_x"];\n\tvar wmap_y = state.history[0].variables["map_y"];\n\n\tvar current = state.history[0].variables["currentRegion"];\n\tvar newThing = "";\n\n\tvar areaType = "";\n\n\tif(current == "Ice"){\n\t\tnewThing = "Dead Ice";\n\t\tareaType = "=";\n\t}\n\n\telse if(current == "Icy Railroad Tracks"){\n\t\tnewThing = "Dead Ice";\n\t}\n\telse if(current == "Snowforest") newThing = "Dead Forest";\n\telse if(current == "Habitat") newThing = "Looted Habitat";\n\n\n\n\tif(areaType != "") state.history[0].variables["worldMap"][wmap_y][wmap_x][y_loc][x_loc] = areaType;\n\tstate.history[0].variables["worldDests"][wmap_y][wmap_x][y_loc][x_loc] = newThing;\n\n\n\t\t //leave a railroad zone behind.\n\t\t state.history[0].variables["mapDestinations"][y_loc][x_loc] = newThing;\n if(areaType != "") state.history[0].variables["mapChars"][y_loc][x_loc] = areaType;\n\t\t state.history[0].variables["currentRegion"] = newThing;\n\n\t}\n\n}
macros['displayM8Data'] = \n{\n\thandler: function(place, object, parameters, parser)\n\t{\n\n\t\tvar m8_data = state.history[0].variables["m8_data"];\n\t\tif(m8_data == undefined) m8_data = 0;\n\n\tnew Wikifier(place, "<div style='font-family: Monaco, monospace; color: #0F0;' ><center>####################################################<br>#"+getCurrentDataVisual(m8_data)+"#<br>####################################################</center></div>");\n\n\n\t}\n}\n\ngetCurrentDataVisual = function(n){\n\tvar num = n/2;\n\tif(num > 50) num = 50;\n\tvar thing = "";\n\tvar i;\n\tfor(i = 0; i<num;i++) thing = thing+"█"\n\tif(num%2)for(j = num; j<49;j++) thing = thing+" "\n\telse for(j = num; j<50;j++) thing = thing+" "\n\treturn thing;\n}
macros['depositM8Data'] = \n{\n\thandler: function(place, object, parameters, parser)\n\t{\n\n\t\tvar m8_data = state.history[0].variables["m8_data"];\n\t\tif(m8_data == undefined) m8_data = 0;\n\n\t\tvar current_data = state.history[0].variables["current_data_tb"];\n\n\t\tm8_data = m8_data+current_data;\t\n\t\t//if(m8_data > 100) m8_data = 100;\n\n\t\tstate.history[0].variables["m8_data"] = m8_data;\n\t\tstate.history[0].variables["current_data_tb"] = 0;\n\t\n\t\n//CLEAR all data types held by player\n\nvar data = state.history[0].variables["player"]["data"];\nvar dataString = data.toString();\n\n\nif(dataString != "")\n\t//data info found:\nfor(var i = 0; i<data.length; i++){\n\tif(data[i].Number > 0) data[i].Number = 0;\n}\n\n//Set the new data record.\nstate.history[0].variables["player"]["data"] = data;\n\n\n\n\t}\n}\n
This ice seems to have been deadened by your data craving ways. Processes no longer seem to pass through it as often.\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]
<<if $railroad is 0>>You find yourself at a set of railroad tracks made entirely out of ice. They stretch for long distances in a profoundly nonsensical network- overlapping and disappearing tracks alongside stretches of highly structured and organised rails all underneath spiderwebs of rollercoaster tracks.\n\nEvery now and again, an ice train silently blasts along on the rails, then dissipates into nothingness.\n\n[[Get the Material Informatics Translator ready...|Icy Railroad Tracks][$railroad = "data"]]\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n\n<<else if $railroad is "data">>The tracks turn lifeless...\n\n<<data give "Train" 10 1>>\n<<killArea>>\n\n<<endif>>
<div class="textimage"><pre>{{{╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗\n║ }}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{|}}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{ _|_}}}</span>{{{ |}}}</span>{{{■■■}}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{ /¯¯}}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{\s\s}}}</span>{{{¯¯\s}}}</span>{{{ ■■■■■ }}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{/¯¯}}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{\s\s}}}</span>{{{¯¯\s}}}</span>{{{ ■■■ }}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{|\s |}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{/||}}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{/}}}<span style="color:#F80;">{{{___}}}</span>{{{\s}}}</span>{{{| / ==}}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{//}}}</span>{{{== \s / ==}}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{//}}}</span>{{{== \s |_\s | }}}</span>{{{║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{/ ||}}}<span style="color:#F80;">{{{|___|}}}</span>{{{|___|___}}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{\s\s}}}</span>{{{___|_______|___}}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{\s\s}}}</span>{{{___|____|__\s| }}}</span>{{{║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{|_|/¯¯¯¯¯¯}}}<span style="color:#FF0;">{{{ | | | | }}}</span>{{{\s}}}</span>{{{║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{|}}}</span><span style="color:#FF0;">{{{ |___ ___| |___ ___| }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{ |_________________________________________________}}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{ /| _________ _________ _________ }}}</span>{{{║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{/ |}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{/ /}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{\s \s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{/ /}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║}}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{═══╦════╦════╦════╦════╦════╦════╦════╦════╦════╦═══}}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{ ║ }}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{ ║ }}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{║}}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ ║ }}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{\s/}}}</span>{{{ ║ }}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{║}}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{ ║ }}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{\s/}}}</span>{{{ ║ }}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{║}}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ ║ }}}<span style="color:#666;">{{{\s}}}</span></span>{{{ ║\n╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝}}}</pre></div>
<<if $run_deposit is 1>><<depositM8Data>><div class="textimage" style="color: #00FF00;"><pre>{{{m8@s8c2:~$ ./deposit_data}}}</pre></center></div><<set $run_deposit = 0>>You watch streams of scrolling text as parallel processes take in the data you have collected and distribute it throughout M8's storage assets... Then you check the data requirement status.<<endif>><div class="textimage" style="color: #00FF00;"><pre>{{{m8@s8c2:~$ ./rebirth_data_requirement_diagnostics}}}</pre><<displayM8Data>><center><<print $m8_data>>%</center></div><<if $m8_data > 100 >>\nThe requirements have been met. You can now run 'rebirth'.\n<<else>>\nThe data requirements have not yet been met...\n<<endif>>\n<<if $current_data_tb > 0 && $m8_data < 99>>[[Deposit All Data|DataBank][$run_deposit = 1]]\n<<endif>><<if $m8_data > 99>>[[Run REBIRTH.|Rebirth]]\n<<endif>>[[Back away.|Your Habitat]]
/* Your story will use the CSS in this passage to style the page.\nGive this passage more tags, and it will only affect passages with those tags.\nExample selectors: */\n\nbody {\n\t/* This affects the entire page */\n\t\n}\n.passage h2 {\nfont-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;\t\n text-align:center;\n}\n\n.passage {\n\t/* This only affects passages */\n\tfont-family:"Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace;\n\tfont-size:250%;\t\n line-height:100%; /*200*/\n text-align:center;\n cursor: default;\n\tcolor: #333;\n}\n.passage a {\n\t/* This affects passage links */\n color:inherit;\t\n\tfont-weight:normal; \n\t\n}\n.passage a:hover {\n\t/* This affects links while the cursor is over them */\n color:inherit;\n text-decoration:none;\n\tfont-weight:normal; \n}\n\n.mapLinks {\n\tfont-family: Verdana, sans-serif;\t\n color: #0099FF;\t\n\tfont-size: 13pt;\n}\n\n.mapLinks a {\n color: cyan;\t\n\tfont-weight:bold;\n}\n\n.mapLinks a:hover {\n\tcolor: #fff;\t\n\ttext-decoration:none;\n\tfont-weight:bold;\n}\n\n.tooltip{\n display: inline;\n position: relative;\n cursor: default;\n}\n\n.tooltip-travellable{\n display: inline;\n position: relative;\n cursor: default;\n}\n\n.tooltip:hover {\n\nbackground-color:red;\n\n}\n\n.tooltip-travellable:hover {\n\nbackground-color:green;\n\n}\n\n.tooltip:hover:after{\n cursor: default;\n background: #333333;\n background: rgba(0,0,0);\n border-radius: 5px;\n color: #fff;\n content: attr(id);\n padding: 5px 15px;\n position: absolute;\n z-index: 98;\n left: 25px;\n top: -20px;\n width: 200px;\n\tfont-size:50%;\t\n \n}\n\n.tooltip-travellable:hover:after{\n cursor: default;\n background: #333333;\n background: rgba(0,0,0);\n border-radius: 5px;\n color: #fff;\n content: attr(id);\n padding: 5px 15px;\n position: absolute;\n z-index: 98;\n left: 25px;\n top: -20px;\n width: 200px;\n\tfont-size:50%;\n \n}
<<if $cc_process is "complete">><span style="color: #0099FF;">Name:</span>\n<<print $player.name>>\n<span style="color: #0099FF;">Gender:</span>\n<<print $player.gender>>\n<<if $screen is "none">>[[<div class="texticon"><pre>{{{\nINTERACTION: \n████████████ \nTEXTUALITY: \n████████████ \nAWESOMENESS: \n████████████ \n}}}</pre></div> Data|Data][$screen = "data"]]\n\n<<else if $screen is "data">><span style="color: white;"><div class="texticon"><pre>{{{\nINTERACTION: \n████████████ \nTEXTUALITY: \n████████████ \nAWESOMENESS: \n████████████ \n}}}</pre></div> Data</span></span>\n\n<<endif>><<endif>>
<<set $cc_process = "check_gender">><span style="color: #FFF;"><b>Gender Name:</b></span> (eg. male, female)\n<textarea id="gender_name" row="1" cols="12">None</textarea>\n\n<span style="color: #FFF;"><b>Subject Pronoun:</b></span> (eg. he, she) As in: "{{{___}}} was the hero of the story."\n<textarea id="pronoun_she" row="1" cols="12">e</textarea>\n\n<span style="color: #FFF;"><b>Object Pronoun:</b></span> (eg. him, her) As in: "I told the story to {{{___}}}."\n<textarea id="pronoun_herO" row="1" cols="12">em</textarea>\n\n<span style="color: #FFF;"><b>Possessive Pronoun:</b></span> (eg. his, hers) As in: "The story was {{{___}}}."\n<textarea id="pronoun_herPPro" row="1" cols="12">eirs</textarea>\n\n<span style="color: #FFF;"><b>Possessive Adjective:</b></span> (eg. his, her) As in: "It was {{{___}}} story."\n<textarea id="pronoun_herPAdj" row="1" cols="12">eir</textarea>\n\n<span style="color: #FFF;"><b>Reflexive Pronoun:</b></span> (eg. himself, herself) As in: "<<name>>'s story was not just about {{{_______}}}."\n<textarea id="pronoun_herself" row="1" cols="12">emself</textarea>\n\n[[Continue|CC_Next]]\n[[Back|CC_Gender]]\n
<center><<display "plains_of_glass">></center>You step from the ice and snow onto a sea of lights. Underfoot, the stars sprawl with the texture of infinity.\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]
<div class="textimage"><pre>{{{╔═════════════╗\n║ .___. ║\n║ / \s ║\n║ | }}}<span style="color: #00FF00;">{{{o o}}}</span>{{{ | ║\n║ / \s\s_// \s ║\n║.' / \s_/ \s '.║\n║ | | ║\n╚═════════════╝}}}</pre></div>
<div class="textimage"><pre>{{{╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗\n║ \s \s }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{ __________________________________ }}}</span>{{{ / ║\n║ \s \s }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{|\s________________________________/|}}}</span>{{{ / / ║\n║ \s }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{||}}}<span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{~~~~~~~ }}}</span>{{{||}}}</span>{{{ / ║\n║ \s }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{||}}}<span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{ ~~ ─ ─ }}}</span>{{{||}}}</span>{{{ / ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{||}}}<span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{~~~~ ── }}}</span>{{{||}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{||}}}<span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{ ~~~~ ──── }}}</span>{{{||}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ / }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{||________________________________||}}}</span>{{{ \s ║\n║ / }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{|/________________________________\s|}}}</span>{{{ \s ║\n║ / / \s \s ║\n║ / / / \s \s \s ║\n╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝}}}</pre></div>
<div class="textimage"><pre>{{{╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗\n║ ║\n║ ║\n║ ║\n║ ║\n║ ║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{ }}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{,.-,}}}</span>{{{ ;.,-. .'-", }}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{,.'"-,.}}}</span>{{{ ,"`, }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{`. }}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{,' `.}}}</span>{{{;`'" `' `', }}}<span style="color:#999;">{{{,'}}}</span>{{{ .'-`, `', }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{ "'. ,' ,'"`. `. ,' `. '}}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{ ,;'"`,. ' `;. ,. ' ,.-, }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{ `. ,".' `. .' `-. }}}</span>{{{║\n╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝}}}</pre></div>
<div class="textimage"><pre>{{{╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗\n║ ║\n║ ║\n║ ║\n║ ║\n║ ║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{____________________________________________________}}}</span>{{{║\n║ ║\n║ ║\n║ ║\n║ ║\n╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝}}}</pre></div>
macros['printMap'] = {\n\thandler: function(place, object, parameters, parser)\n\t{\n\n//Get map data references.\nvar map = state.history[0].variables["mapChars"]; \nvar mapDest = state.history[0].variables["mapDestinations"];\nvar mapCol = state.history[0].variables["mapColours"];\n\n\t//Using the map data, generate and display the map.\n\tfor(var j = 0; j < 8; j++){\n\t\tnew Wikifier(place, "│ o ║ ");\n\t\t\tfor(var i = 0; i < 12; i++){\n\t\t\t\tnew Wikifier(place, getMapChar(map, mapDest, mapCol, i, j));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tif(j!=7)new Wikifier(place, " ║ o │<br>");\n\t\telse new Wikifier(place, " ║ o │");\n\t}\n\n\t\t\n\n }\n}\n\n\n\ngetMapChar = function(chars, dests, cols, vx, vy){\n\n\tvar char = chars[vy][vx]; \n\tvar destination = dests[vy][vx];\n\tvar color = cols[vy][vx];\n\n\t//Check if it's the current region. \n var loc_y = state.history[0].variables["location_y"];\n var loc_x = state.history[0].variables["location_x"];\n\nif(vx === loc_x && vy === loc_y){\nreturn "<span class='tooltip' style='color:"+color+"; background-color:red;' id='"+state.history[0].variables["currentRegion"]+"'>"+char +"</span>";\n}\n\n//Check if the map character is ADJACENT to the current region's character.\n//Only allowed to travel to adjacent squares on map.\n\nelse if(getCanTravelHere(vx, vy, loc_x, loc_y)){\n\n//((vx === loc_x-1) || (vx === loc_x+1) || (vx === loc_x)) && ((vy === loc_y-1) || (vy === loc_y+1) || (vy === loc_y))\n\nif(destination != "u"){\n//old one where you actually enter the destination is [["+char+"|"+destination+"]\n//testing [["+char+"|Map]\nreturn "<span class='tooltip-travellable' style='color:"+color+";' id='"+destination+"'>"+"[["+char+"|Map][$currentRegion = '"+destination+"'; $location_x = "+vx+"; $location_y ="+vy+";]]"+"</span>";\n}\nelse{\nreturn "<span class='tooltip-travellable' style='color:"+color+";' id='???'>"+"[["+char+"|???][$currentRegion = '???'; $location_x = "+vx+"; $location_y ="+vy+";]]"+"</span>";\n}\n\n}\n\nelse{\n\n//Not adjacent. Just print the char. No linko!\n\n\tif(destination != "u"){\n\treturn "<span class='tooltip' style='color:"+color+"' id='"+destination+"'>"+char+"</span>";\n\t}\n\telse{\n\treturn "<span class='tooltip' style='color:"+color+"' id='???'>"+char+"</span>";\n\t}\n}\n\n\t}\n\n\n\n\tgetCanTravelHere = function(vx, vy, loc_x, loc_y){\n\n//North travel?\nif((vx === loc_x) && (vy === loc_y-1)){\n\treturn state.history[0].variables["travel"]["n"];\n}\n//South travel?\nelse if((vx === loc_x) && (vy === loc_y+1)){\n\treturn state.history[0].variables["travel"]["s"];\n}\n//East travel?\nelse if((vx === loc_x+1) && (vy === loc_y)){\n\treturn state.history[0].variables["travel"]["e"];\n}\n//West travel?\nelse if((vx === loc_x-1) && (vy === loc_y)){\n\treturn state.history[0].variables["travel"]["w"];\n}\n//North east?\nelse if((vx === loc_x+1) && (vy === loc_y-1)){\n\treturn state.history[0].variables["travel"]["ne"];\n}\n//North west?\nelse if((vx === loc_x-1) && (vy === loc_y-1)){\n\treturn state.history[0].variables["travel"]["nw"];\n}\n//South east?\nelse if((vx === loc_x+1) && (vy === loc_y+1)){\n\treturn state.history[0].variables["travel"]["se"];\n}\n//Or south west?\nelse if((vx === loc_x-1) && (vy === loc_y+1)){\n\treturn state.history[0].variables["travel"]["sw"];\n}\n\n}
macros['checkGenderInput'] = \n{\n\thandler: function(place, object, parameters)\n\t{\n\n\tvar gender_name = "";\n var pronoun_she = "";\n var pronoun_herO = "";\n var pronoun_herPPro = "";\n var pronoun_herPAdj = "";\n var pronoun_herself = "";\n\n\tif(document.getElementById("gender_name") != null &&\n\t document.getElementById("pronoun_she") != null &&\n\t document.getElementById("pronoun_herO") != null &&\n\t document.getElementById("pronoun_herPPro") != null &&\n\t document.getElementById("pronoun_herPAdj") != null &&\n\t document.getElementById("pronoun_herself") != null\n\t){\n\t gender_name = document.getElementById("gender_name").value;\n\t pronoun_she = document.getElementById("pronoun_she").value;\n\t pronoun_herO = document.getElementById("pronoun_herO").value;\n\t pronoun_herPPro = document.getElementById("pronoun_herPPro").value;\n\t pronoun_herPAdj = document.getElementById("pronoun_herPAdj").value;\n\t pronoun_herself = document.getElementById("pronoun_herself").value;\n\t}\n\telse{\n\t //TODO: Handle the case in which nothing is said.\n\t gender_name = "";\n\t pronoun_she = "";\n\t pronoun_herO = "";\n\t pronoun_herPPro = "";\n\t pronoun_herPAdj = "";\n\t pronoun_herself = "";\n\t}\n\n\t//Do stuff if nothing is entered.\n\tif(gender_name == "" || \n\t pronoun_she == "" ||\n\t pronoun_herO == "" ||\n\t pronoun_herPPro == "" ||\n\t pronoun_herPAdj == "" ||\n\t pronoun_herself == ""){\n\t new Wikifier(place, "<<display CC_Custom_Gender>>");\n\t}\n\n\t//Do stuff if something is entered.\n\telse{\n\t state.history[0].variables["player"]["gender"] = gender_name;\n\t state.history[0].variables["GN_pronoun_she"] = pronoun_she;\n\t state.history[0].variables["GN_pronoun_herO"] = pronoun_herO;\n\t state.history[0].variables["GN_pronoun_herPPro"] = pronoun_herPPro;\n\t state.history[0].variables["GN_pronoun_herPAdj"] = pronoun_herPAdj;\n\t state.history[0].variables["GN_pronoun_herself"] = pronoun_herself;\n\n\t state.history[0].variables["cc_process"] = 2;\n\t new Wikifier(place, "<<display CC_Next>>");\n\t}\n\n}\n\n};
<<set $cc_process = 1>>Please enter a name for your character.\n\n<textarea id="nameText" row="1" cols="24"></textarea>\n\n[[Continue.|CC_Next]]
by page13oy
<<getPassage Snowforest 7>>
<<if $cc_process == 1>><<checkNameInput>><<else if $cc_process == 2>><<display CC_Story_So_Far>><<else if $cc_process == "check_gender">><<checkGenderInput>><<endif>>
macros['genderedToken'] = \n{\n\thandler: function(place, object, parameters, parser)\n\t{\n\t if(parameters.length > 0){\n\t\tvar token = parameters[0];\n\t\tif(parameters.length > 1){ \n\t\t\tvar capitalise = parameters[1];\n\t\t\tif(capitalise == 1){\n\t\t\ttoken = getGenderedToken(token);\n\t\t\ttoken = token.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + token.slice(1);\n\t\t\tnew Wikifier(place, token);\n\t\t\t}\n\t }else{ new Wikifier(place, getGenderedToken(token));}\n\t }\n\n\t}\n}\n\n\ngetGenderedToken = function(token){\n\n\tvar gender = state.history[0].variables["player"]["gender"];\n\nif(gender == "Male"){\n\n\tif(token == "herO") return "him";\n\telse if(token == "she") return "he";\n\telse if(token == "herPAdj") return "his";\n\telse if(token == "herPPro") return "his";\n\telse if(token == "herself") return "himself";\n\telse if(token == "girl") return "boy";\n\telse if(token == "woman") return "man";\n\n}else if(gender == "Female"){\n\n\tif(token == "herO") return "her";\n\telse if(token == "she") return "she";\n\telse if(token == "herPAdj") return "her";\n\telse if(token == "herPPro") return "hers";\n\telse if(token == "herself") return "himself";\n\telse if(token == "girl") return "girl";\n\telse if(token == "woman") return "woman";\n\n}else{\n\n\tif(token == "herO") return state.history[0].variables["GN_pronoun_herO"];\n\telse if(token == "she") return state.history[0].variables["GN_pronoun_she"];\n\telse if(token == "herPAdj") return state.history[0].variables["GN_pronoun_herPAdj"];\n\telse if(token == "herPPro") return state.history[0].variables["GN_pronoun_herPPro"];\n\telse if(token == "herself") return state.history[0].variables["GN_pronoun_herself"];\n\telse if(token == "girl") return "child";\n\telse if(token == "woman") return gender;\n}\n\n//Return nothing if the token matches nothing.\nreturn "";\n\n}
<<silently>>\n<<set $currentRegion = "Your Habitat">>\n<<set $location_x = 0>>\n<<set $location_y = 0>>\n\n<<set $map_x = 1>>\n<<set $map_y = 1>>\n<<set $map_n_x = 2>>\n<<set $map_n_y = 2>>\n\n<<set $current_data_tb = 0>>\n<<set $max_data_tb = 10>>\n\n<<set $player = {name: "???", gender: "???", data: []}>>\n<<set $travel = {n: 1, s: 1, e: 1, w: 1, ne: 1, nw: 1, se: 1, sw: 1}>>\n<<set $screen = "none">>\n<<populateMapVariables>>\n<<endsilently>><center><span style="color: white;"><b>ICEPUNK</b></span>\n\n[[Proceed to Character Creation.|CC_Name]]</center>\n\n\n
<<randomizeVariable "penguin_g" 16>><<if $penguin_g is 1>><<display "portrait penguin golem active">>The penguin-shaped golem's eyes flash for a moment, and it croaks with a hollow, lugubrious voice... "Hello <<name>>..."\n\nThen it falls silent.\n\n[["Wait! Don't go!"|conversation_penguin_golems]]\n[["What!?"|conversation_penguin_golems]]\n[["How did you know my name?"|conversation_penguin_golems]]\n[[Rub your eyes clean of momentary madness and take another look at the thing...|conversation_penguin_golems]]\n<<else>><<display "portrait penguin golem">>The penguin-shaped ice golem just stares vacantly...\n\n[["Hello?"|conversation_penguin_golems]]\n[["What are you?"|conversation_penguin_golems]]\n[["You aren't real!"|conversation_penguin_golems]]\n[["Answer me!"|conversation_penguin_golems]]\n<<endif>>\n[[Forget trying to talk to these things...|Ice3]]
<<if $codn is 0>><center><<getPassage iceland 2>></center>You can see a city hazed in icy particulates...\n\n[[Approach...|Ice9][$codn = 1]]\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n\n<<else if $codn is 1>>You see an icy vista of <b>The City of Dreadful Night, by James Thomson</b>...\n\n<div style="border: 2pt; border-style: solid; border-color: white; background: #666; color: white; padding: 8pt;">The City is of Night; perchance of Death\nBut certainly of Night; for never there\nCan come the lucid morning's fragrant breath\nAfter the dewy dawning's cold grey air:\nThe moon and stars may shine with scorn or pity \nThe sun has never visited that city,\nFor it dissolveth in the daylight fair.\n\nDissolveth like a dream of night away;\nThough present in distempered gloom of thought\nAnd deadly weariness of heart all day. \nBut when a dream night after night is brought\nThroughout a week, and such weeks few or many\nRecur each year for several years, can any\nDiscern that dream from real life in aught?\n\nFor life is but a dream whose shapes return, \nSome frequently, some seldom, some by night\nAnd some by day, some night and day: we learn,\nThe while all change and many vanish quite,\nIn their recurrence with recurrent changes\nA certain seeming order; where this ranges \nWe count things real; such is memory's might.\n\nA river girds the city west and south,\nThe main north channel of a broad lagoon,\nRegurging with the salt tides from the mouth;\nWaste marshes shine and glister to the moon \nFor leagues, then moorland black, then stony ridges;\nGreat piers and causeways, many noble bridges,\nConnect the town and islet suburbs strewn.\n\nUpon an easy slope it lies at large\nAnd scarcely overlaps the long curved crest \nWhich swells out two leagues from the river marge.\nA trackless wilderness rolls north and west,\nSavannahs, savage woods, enormous mountains,\nBleak uplands, black ravines with torrent fountains;\nAnd eastward rolls the shipless sea's unrest. \n\nThe city is not ruinous, although\nGreat ruins of an unremembered past,\nWith others of a few short years ago\nMore sad, are found within its precincts vast.\nThe street-lamps always burn; but scarce a casement \nIn house or palace front from roof to basement\nDoth glow or gleam athwart the mirk air cast.\n\nThe street-lamps burn amid the baleful glooms,\nAmidst the soundless solitudes immense\nOf ranged mansions dark and still as tombs. \nThe silence which benumbs or strains the sense\nFulfils with awe the soul's despair unweeping:\nMyriads of habitants are ever sleeping,\nOr dead, or fled from nameless pestilence!\n\nYet as in some necropolis you find \nPerchance one mourner to a thousand dead,\nSo there: worn faces that look deaf and blind\nLike tragic masks of stone. With weary tread,\nEach wrapt in his own doom, they wander, wander,\nOr sit foredone and desolately ponder \nThrough sleepless hours with heavy drooping head.\n\nMature men chiefly, few in age or youth,\nA woman rarely, now and then a child:\nA child! If here the heart turns sick with ruth\nTo see a little one from birth defiled, \nOr lame or blind, as preordained to languish\nThrough youthless life, think how it bleeds with anguish\nTo meet one erring in that homeless wild.\n\nThey often murmur to themselves, they speak\nTo one another seldom, for their woe \nBroods maddening inwardly and scorns to wreak\nItself abroad; and if at whiles it grow\nTo frenzy which must rave, none heeds the clamour,\nUnless there waits some victim of like glamour,\nTo rave in turn, who lends attentive show. \n\nThe City is of Night, but not of Sleep;\nThere sweet sleep is not for the weary brain;\nThe pitiless hours like years and ages creep,\nA night seems termless hell. This dreadful strain\nOf thought and consciousness which never ceases, \nOr which some moments' stupor but increases,\nThis, worse than woe, makes wretches there insane.\n</div>[[Keep exploring the city...|Ice9][$codn = 2]]\n[[Take the data.|Ice9][$codn = "data"]]\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$codn = 0]]\n\n<<else if $codn is "data">>With your trusty MIT, you smash the gloomy city and plunder it of data.\n\n<<data give "Geographic" 1 1>>\n<<data give "Poetic" 1 1>>\n<<data give "Unbridled Pessimism" 2 1>><<killArea>>\n\nAnd it is gone.\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$codn = 0]]\n<<else if $codn is "data2">>With your trusty MIT, you smash the gloomy city and plunder it of data. You grasp at the vapors and the strange peoples with their strange routines. \n\n<<data give "Sociological" 1 1>>\n<<data give "Geographic" 1 1>>\n<<data give "Poetic" 1 1>>\n<<data give "Unbridled Pessimism" 3 1>><<killArea>>\n\nThe city dies.\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$codn = 0]]\n<<else if $codn is "data3">>"Vanity and nothingness..." With your MIT, you crush the icy structures, the icy routines, the icy gloom down into the palm of your hand... a murky hydrocrystalline beauty that purrs with historic misery and anomie.\n\n<<data give "Suffering" 1 1>>\n<<data give "Sociological" 1 1>>\n<<data give "Geographic" 1 1>>\n<<data give "Poetic" 1 1>>\n<<data give "Unbridled Pessimism" 4 1>><<killArea>>\n\nThen the shape loses its life, and the data it held is yours.\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$codn = 0]]\n<<else if $codn is 1>><div style="border: 2pt; border-style: solid; border-color: white; background: #666; color: white; padding: 8pt;">Because he seemed to walk with an intent\nI followed him; who, shadowlike and frail,\nUnswervingly though slowly onward went,\nRegardless, wrapt in thought as in a veil:\nThus step for step with lonely sounding feet\nWe travelled many a long dim silent street.\n\nAt length he paused: a black mass in the gloom,\nA tower that merged into the heavy sky;\nAround, the huddled stones of grave and tomb:\nSome old God's-acre now corruption's sty: \nHe murmured to himself with dull despair,\nHere Faith died, poisoned by this charnel air.\n\nThen turning to the right went on once more\nAnd travelled weary roads without suspense;\nAnd reached at last a low wall's open door, \nWhose villa gleamed beyond the foliage dense:\nHe gazed, and muttered with a hard despair,\nHere Love died, stabbed by its own worshipped pair.\n\nThen turning to the right resumed his march,\nAnd travelled street and lanes with wondrous strength,\nUntil on stooping through a narrow arch\nWe stood before a squalid house at length:\nHe gazed, and whispered with a cold despair,\nHere Hope died, starved out in its utmost lair.\n\nWhen he had spoken thus, before he stirred, \nI spoke, perplexed by something in the signs\nOf desolation I had seen and heard\nIn this drear pilgrimage to ruined shrines:\nWhere Faith and Love and Hope are dead indeed,\nCan Life still live?By what doth it proceed?\n\nAs whom his one intense thought overpowers,\nHe answered coldly, Take a watch, erase\nThe signs and figures of the circling hours,\nDetach the hands, remove the dial-face;\nThe works proceed until run down; although\nBereft of purpose, void of use, still go.\n\nThen turning to the right paced on again,\nAnd traversed squares and travelled streets whose glooms\nSeemed more and more familiar to my ken;\nAnd reached that sullen temple of the tombs;\nAnd paused to murmur with the old despair,\nHear Faith died, poisoned by this charnel air.\n\nI ceased to follow, for the knot of doubt\nWas severed sharply with a cruel knife:\nHe circled thus forever tracing out \nThe series of the fraction left of Life;\nPerpetual recurrence in the scope\nOf but three terms, dead Faith, dead Love, dead Hope. </div>[[Go even deeper into the city...|Ice9][$codn = 3]]\n[[Take the data.|Ice9][$codn = "data2"]]\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$codn = 0]]\n\n<<else if $codn is 3>><div style="border: 2pt; border-style: solid; border-color: white; background: #666; color: white; padding: 8pt;">Thus has the artist copied her, and thus\nSurrounded to expound her form sublime,\nHer fate heroic and calamitous; \nFronting the dreadful mysteries of Time,\nUnvanquished in defeat and desolation,\nUndaunted in the hopeless conflagration\nOf the day setting on her baffled prime.\n\nBaffled and beaten back she works on still, \nWeary and sick of soul she works the more,\nSustained by her indomitable will:\nThe hands shall fashion and the brain shall pore,\nAnd all her sorrow shall be turned to labour,\nTill Death the friend-foe piercing with his sabre \nThat mighty heart of hearts ends bitter war.\n\nBut as if blacker night could dawn on night,\nWith tenfold gloom on moonless night unstarred,\nA sense more tragic than defeat and blight,\nMore desperate than strife with hope debarred,\nMore fatal than the adamantine Never\nEncompassing her passionate endeavour,\nDawns glooming in her tenebrous regard:\n\nTo sense that every struggle brings defeat\nBecause Fate holds no prize to crown success; \nThat all the oracles are dumb or cheat\nBecause they have no secret to express;\nThat none can pierce the vast black veil uncertain\nBecause there is no light beyond the curtain;\nThat all is vanity and nothingness. </div>[[Take the data.|Ice9][$codn = "data3"]]\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$codn = 0]]\n<<endif>>
<<getPassage Mountains 5>>
<<if $ice8 is 0>><center><<getPassage iceland 2>></center>You come across a single, ice-comprised dwelling... a suburban house of American style, with an ice picket fence and a family of a mother, afather, a little boy, and a little girl. \n\n[[Get the data.|Ice8][$ice8 = 1]]\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n<<else if $ice8 is 1>>The house is quickly devoured...\n\n<<data give "American Dream" 1 1>><<killArea>>\n\n[[Go and travel to another region.|Map][$ice8 = 0]]\n\n<<endif>>
macros['getPassage'] = \n{\n\thandler: function(place, object, params)\n\t{\n\n\t//Get the input parameters...\n\t//0 = landscape string\n\t//1 = maximum integer for range of possibilities\n\n\t if(params.length > 1){\n\t\tvar landscape = params[0];\n\t\tvar maxLands = params[1];\n\n\t\t//Combine current location, map, and random seed,\n\t\t//and finally the landscape text descriptor...\n\t\tvar xposition = state.history[0].variables["location_x"];\n\t\tvar yposition = state.history[0].variables["location_y"];\n\t\tvar myposition = state.history[0].variables["map_y"];\n\t\tvar mxposition = state.history[0].variables["map_x"];\n\t\tvar randomseed = state.history[0].variables["randomSeed"];\n\n\t\tvar text = landscape+xposition+yposition+myposition+mxposition+randomseed;\n\n\t//Hash the text.\n\t//And get the remainder of division by maxLands\n\t var hashInt = Math.abs(hashCode(text)%maxLands);\n\n\t//Now we display the passage corresponding to a landscape + hash number between 0 and maxLands-1.\n\tvar currentText = new Wikifier(place, "<<display "+landscape+hashInt+">> <br>");// <span style='color:red;'>devnote: HASH is: "+ hashInt + "for text: "+text+"</span>");\n\n\t }else{\n\t new Wikifier(place, "ERROR: Insufficient parameters for getPassage. This should never happen.");\n\t }\n\n\t}\n}\n\n//Use this hash function\n//and modulus and/or absolute value\n//to get random places\n\n hashCode = function(str){\n var hash = 0;\n if (str.length == 0) return hash;\n for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {\n char = str.charCodeAt(i);\n hash = ((hash<<5)-hash)+char;\n hash = hash & hash;\n }\n return hash;\n }
macros['randomizeVariable'] = \n{\n\thandler: function(place, object, params)\n\t{\n\n\t//Get the input parameters...\n\t//0 = variable name\n\t//1 = possible range\n\n\t if(params.length > 1){\n\t\tvar vName = params[0];\n\t\tvar vRange = params[1];\n\n\t\tvar rand = Math.floor((Math.random() * vRange) + 1);\n\t\n\t\tstate.history[0].variables[vName] = rand;\n\n\t }\n\n\t}\n}\n\n
macros['sweptAway'] = \n{\n\thandler: function(place, object, params)\n\t{\n\n//Send a player to a random zone on the current map.\n\nvar new_x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 12));\nvar new_y = Math.floor((Math.random() * 8));\n\t\nvar new_place = state.history[0].variables["mapDestinations"][new_y][new_x];\n\n\tstate.history[0].variables["location_x"] = new_x;\n\tstate.history[0].variables["location_y"] = new_y;\n\tstate.history[0].variables["currentRegion"] = new_place;\n\n\tnew Wikifier(place, "You are swept away by the process some distance to the "+new_place+". ");\n\n\t}\n}
<<if $wild_process is 0>><center><<getPassage iceland 2>></center>This plain of ice has a whorling maelstrom of wild processes in the centre. You could try to grab some, but it might be dangerous.<<randomizeVariable "wild_process" 13>>\n\n[[Try to grab some processes with your Material Informatics Translator.|Ice11][$wild_process = "mia_"+$wild_process]]\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_1">>You grab a process and suck it into your MIT mercilessly.\n\n<<data give "Frivolous" 2 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_2">>You grab a process and suck it into your MIT mercilessly.\n\n<<data give "Pornographic" 3 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_3">>You slurp up some data!\n\n<<data give "Cultural" 1 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_4">>You slurp up some data!\n\n<<data give "Weather" 1 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_5">>You slurp up some data!\n\n<<data give "Satellite" 1 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_6">>You slurp up some data!\n\n<<data give "Scientific" 2 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_7">>You slurp up some data!\n\n<<data give "Social Media" 5 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_8">>You slurp up some data!\n\n<<data give "Government" 2 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_9">>You slurp up some data!\n\n<<data give "Video" 5 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_10">>You slurp up some data!\n\n<<data give "Internet Meme" 2 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_11">>You can't grab anything...\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_12">>You crush up some useless snow with your MIT, but fail to get any processes or data or anything! And the maelstrom dies down. Pity.\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_13">>It's a big one... You turn it up to full juice, and hold on tight as the icy process is slurped in for miles... leaving the region devoid of information. The maelstrom is dead.\n\n<<data give "Pornographic" 10 1>><<killArea>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "quiet">>Tiny whirlpools of ice cover this plain... But they are too miniscule, or else too dynamic, to catch hold of. <<wildProcess quiet>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n<<endif>>
<<if $ice10 is 0>><center><<getPassage iceland 2>></center>You come to a curious iceland of rivers, hills, and caverns...\n\n[[Onwardy!|Ice10][$ice10 = "poem"]]\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n\n<<else if $ice10 is "data">>You smooosh all the lands with your great MIT, the massive techno-gauntlet vibrating with appetite as all the pleasure domey goodness is slurped in.\n\n<<data give "Pleasure Dome" 1 1>>\n<<data give "Geographic" 1 1>>\n<<data give "Cultural" 1 1>><<killArea>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$ice10 = 0]]\n\n<<else if $ice10 is "poem">>You see an icy vista of <b>Kubla Khan, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge</b>...\n\n<div style="border: 2pt; border-style: solid; border-color: white; background: #666; color: white; padding: 8pt;">IN Xanadu did Kubla Khan\t \nA stately pleasure-dome decree:\t \nWhere Alph, the sacred river, ran\t \nThrough caverns measureless to man\t \nDown to a sunless sea.\nSo twice five miles of fertile ground\t \nWith walls and towers were girdled round:\t \nAnd there were gardens bright with sinuous rills\t \nWhere blossom'd many an incense-bearing tree;\t \nAnd here were forests ancient as the hills,\nEnfolding sunny spots of greenery.\t \n \nBut O, that deep romantic chasm which slanted\t \nDown the green hill athwart a cedarn cover!\t \nA savage place! as holy and enchanted\t \nAs e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted\nBy woman wailing for her demon-lover!\t \nAnd from this chasm, with ceaseless turmoil seething,\t \nAs if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing,\t \nA mighty fountain momently was forced;\t \nAmid whose swift half-intermitted burst\t\nHuge fragments vaulted like rebounding hail,\t \nOr chaffy grain beneath the thresher's flail:\t \nAnd 'mid these dancing rocks at once and ever\t \nIt flung up momently the sacred river.\t \nFive miles meandering with a mazy motion\nThrough wood and dale the sacred river ran,\t \nThen reach'd the caverns measureless to man,\t \nAnd sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean:\t \nAnd 'mid this tumult Kubla heard from far\t \nAncestral voices prophesying war!\n \nThe shadow of the dome of pleasure\t \nFloated midway on the waves;\t \nWhere was heard the mingled measure\t \nFrom the fountain and the caves.\t \nIt was a miracle of rare device,\nA sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice!\t \n \nA damsel with a dulcimer\t \nIn a vision once I saw:\t \nIt was an Abyssinian maid,\t \nAnd on her dulcimer she play'd,\nSinging of Mount Abora.\t \nCould I revive within me,\t \nHer symphony and song,\t \nTo such a deep delight 'twould win me,\t \nThat with music loud and long,\nI would build that dome in air,\t \nThat sunny dome! those caves of ice!\t \nAnd all who heard should see them there,\t \nAnd all should cry, Beware! Beware!\t \nHis flashing eyes, his floating hair!\nWeave a circle round him thrice,\t \nAnd close your eyes with holy dread,\t \nFor he on honey-dew hath fed,\t \nAnd drunk the milk of Paradise.</div>\n\n[[Take the data.|Ice10][$ice10 = "data"]]\n[[Leave...|Map][$ice10 = 0]]\n<<endif>>\n\n\n
macros['wildProcess'] = \n{\n\thandler: function(place, object, params)\n\t{\n\n\t//Get the input parameters...\n\t//0 = player reaction to process\n\n\t if(params.length > 0){\n\t\tvar reaction = params[0];\n\n\t\tvar content = "";\n\n\tif(reaction == "run"){\n\t\tcontent = runFromProcess();\n\t}\n\telse if(reaction == "jump"){\n\t\tcontent = jumpOnProcess();\n\t}\n\telse if(reaction == "quiet"){\n\t\t//occasionally reset the wild process zones so a process comes through\n\t\tif(Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1) < 50){\n\t\t\tstate.history[0].variables["wild_process"] = 0;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t\n\tvar currentText = new Wikifier(place, content);\n\n\t }else{\n\t new Wikifier(place, "ERROR: Insufficient parameters for wildProcess. This should never happen.");\n\t }\n\n\t}\n}\n\n\trunFromProcess = function(){\n\t\tvar content = "";\n\t\tvar num = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6));\n\t\tcontent = content+runIntro(num);\n\n\t\tcontent = content+"<br><br>[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = 'quiet']]"\n\t\treturn content;\n\t}\n\n\trunIntro = function(num){\n\tvar intro = "";\n\n\t\tswitch(num){\n\t\t\tcase 0: intro = "As you run, a set of railroad tracks forms in the ice underneath you and follows your every step. You glance behind to see a giant train made of ice rampaging toward you swiftly and in dead silence. Not knowing what else to do, you just stop. You close your eyes. Something ice cold hits you all over with the force of a gentle pat on the head. For a moment you can't breath, can't see, can't hear. The mild pressure and brief sensory deprivation unnerves you slightly. And then the train passes swiftly over you, and all that's left are empty tracks... all over the ice."; \n\nvar railType = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6) + 1);\n\nswitch(railType){\ncase 1: railType = "═";\ncase 2: railType = "║";\ncase 3: railType = "╚";\ncase 4: railType = "╗";\ncase 5: railType = "╔";\ncase 6: railType = "╝";\n}\n\n\t\t //get current map data\n\t\t \n\tvar x_loc = state.history[0].variables["location_x"];\n\tvar y_loc = state.history[0].variables["location_y"];\n\tvar wmap_x = state.history[0].variables["map_x"];\n\tvar wmap_y = state.history[0].variables["map_y"];\n\tstate.history[0].variables["worldMap"][wmap_y][wmap_x][y_loc][x_loc] = "Icy Railroad Tracks";\n\tstate.history[0].variables["worldDests"][wmap_y][wmap_x][y_loc][x_loc] = railType;\n\n\n\t\t //leave a railroad zone behind.\n\t\t state.history[0].variables["mapDestinations"][y_loc][x_loc] = "Icy Railroad Tracks";\n state.history[0].variables["mapChars"][y_loc][x_loc] = railType;\n\t\t state.history[0].variables["currentRegion"] = "Icy Railroad Tracks";\n\n\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\t\tcase 1: intro = "You flee as fast as you can, slipping and falling and grasping and crawling... and you hear the process as it creaks by behind you. You got away in time. "; break;\n\t\t\tcase 2: intro = "You sprint a short distance, and just as you feel your back foot being grasped by some unknown process... you jerk it free, and make a graceless leap out of harm's way. Breathless and sore, you lay in the snow a while before moving on. "; break;\n\t\t\tcase 3: intro = "A giant ice wall comes up right in front of your face, and you slam into it. After a moment, you run in another direction- and another wall rises all of a sudden to smack you down. This goes on for some time... The obnoxious dynamic maze process soon passes of its own accord, <b><i>thankfully</b></i>."; break;\n\t\t\tcase 4: intro = "As you run, you see something in the distance. It is coming closer and closer. Straight toward you... You soon see that it is humanoid. Made of ice. You slow down, and it slows down. You continue to approach, and find yourself face to face with an icy copy of yourself. '<<name>>?' You say. And the ice golem crumbles into nothing."; break;\n\t\t\tcase 5: intro = "The ice smooths out under you, and you slip stupidly... but instead of coming to a stop, the process drags you with it... dashes you from place to place. "; \n\nvar new_x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 12));\nvar new_y = Math.floor((Math.random() * 8));\n\t\nvar new_place = state.history[0].variables["mapDestinations"][new_y][new_x];\n\n\tstate.history[0].variables["location_x"] = new_x;\n\tstate.history[0].variables["location_y"] = new_y;\n\tstate.history[0].variables["currentRegion"] = new_place;\n\nintro = intro+"You finally get free of the process in the middle of the "+new_place+". ";\n\nbreak;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t\n\treturn intro;\n\t}\n\n\tjumpOnProcess = function(){\n\t\tvar content = "";\n\t\tvar num = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6));\n\t\tcontent = content+jumpIntro(num);\n\n\t\tcontent = content+"<br><br>[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = 'quiet']]"\n\t\treturn content;\n\t}\n\n\tjumpIntro = function(num){\n\tvar intro = "";\n\n\t\tswitch(num){\n\t\t\tcase 0: intro = "As you jump, you completely avoid the process as it filters across the ice. "; break;\n\t\t\tcase 1: intro = "Even as you jump up and down, you feel a strange dynamism in the layers of frost all over your clothes. Yet it passes harmlessly enough after a few moments. "; break;\n\t\t\tcase 2: intro = "You dance from foot to foot, desperately avoiding the wild process as it winds on through the ice. "; break;\n\t\t\tcase 3: intro = "Thud. Crack. Creeeeaaak. Thud. Thud. Creeeeeak. Crack. Thud. Creeeak... Thud. Creeak... Thud. Thud. - The sounds were all that seemed real to you in those surreal moments. The process is gone."; break;\n\t\t\tcase 4: intro = "You slip and fall into the wild process. You feel yourself being tossed, turned, twirled and thrown in a strange maelstrom of matter. You struggle to escape, grasping for dear life onto brief islands of certainty and stability in the raging matter storm. You feel the integrity of your own clothing and composition being frayed by the algorithmic ice... just as you haul yourself back to safety and wait for the process to pass."; break;\n\t\t\tcase 5: intro = "As you jump, you fail to notice the rising wave of ice as it slams into you, passes around you, and leaves you sprawled dumbly on the ground. "; break;\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t\n\treturn intro;\n\t}\n\n\tjumpSight = function(){\n\n\t}\n
<<showData>>\n<<print $current_data_tb>> TB / <<print $max_data_tb>> TB\n\n<<back>>
<center><<display mountain>></center>A simple set of cliffs...\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]
<<if $m3 is 0>><center><<display mountain>></center>There is a cave at the base of these mountains...\n\n[[Enter the cave.|Mountains3][$m3 = "cave"]]\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n\n<<else if $m3 is "cave">>You wander into the darkness... spraying some nanolight to see some curious cave paintings. \n\nThey are crude pictures of people, and numbers, and all manner of strange objects, being grasped by golems and hurled into a strange light. \n\nThen, it shows that the snows begin to change...\n\nThen the cave is at an end. There is nothing more to see.\n\n[[Leave the cave...|Mountains3][$m3 = 0]]\n<<endif>>
<center><<display mountain>></center>You find a set of rocky outcrops in the snow. They seem unperturbed by the bizarre goings-on in the ice around them...\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]
<<if $m1 is 0>><center><<display mountain>></center>This island of certainty in the middle of the programmed ice juts out high above the plains. Its singular feature is what looks like a- a person? \n\nStanding on a ledge high up.\n\n[[Make the climb...|Mountains1][$m1 = "bot"]]\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n\n<<else if $m1 is "bot">><<display "portrait_ironman">>It is not a man at all, but a dead robot...\n\n<<if $robotdata is 0>>[[Steal its data.|Mountains1][$m1 = "data"]]\n<<endif>>[[Travel to another region.|Map][$m1 = 0]]\n<<else if $m1 is "data">><<display "portrait_ironman">><<data give "Dead Robot Data" 2 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$m1 = 0]]\n<<endif>>
<center><<display mountain>></center>Just some mountains.\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]
<div class="textimage"><pre>{{{\n╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗\n║ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{| |}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{| |}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{| |}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{| |}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#006600;">{{{/'}}}</span><span style="color:#00AA00;">{{{) ./}}}</span><span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{') }}}</span><span style="color:#333;">{{{| |}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#006600;">{{{/'}}}</span><span style="color:#00AA00;">{{{ /.──''./}}}</span><span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{'') }}}</span><span style="color:#333;">{{{| |}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{|}}}</span><span style="color:#006600;">{{{──'' ; ''.}}}</span><span style="color:#00AA00;">{{{/'}}}</span><span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{') /}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{| |}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{|}}}</span><span style="color:#006600;">{{{ ' ''./}}}</span><span style="color:#00AA00;">{{{'}}}</span><span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{) /}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{| |}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{|}}}</span><span style="color:#006600;">{{{ ''./' }}}</span><span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{| |}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{|}}}</span><span style="color:#006600;">{{{──''─..──'''' }}}</span><span style="color:#333;">{{{| |}}}</span>{{{ ║\n╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝}}}</pre></div>
<<getPassage Ice 12>>
<<if $h5 is 0>><<yourhabitat>>You find a powered-up Habitat, alas unpopulated but for the resident robots. They don't seem to mind you being here, though.\n\nThe computer here doesn't have the same programs for 'the future' as M8, but it does have data.\n\n[[Copy some data.|Habitat3][$h5 = "data"]]\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n\n<<else if $h5 is "data">>You get some data from the habitat...\n\n<<data give "Satellite" 2 1>>\n<<data give "Social Media" 2 1>>\n<<data give "Government" 2 1>>\n<<data give "Pornographic" 2 1>>\n<<data give "Cultural" 2 1>><<killArea>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$h5 = 0]]\n<<endif>>
<<if $hab2 is 0>>You enter a Habitat, not unlike your own. Except that it is entirely shut down. The interior is cold and dark except for some pale slants of light from outside. Here and there, you see a dead robot frozen in its final task.<<randomizeVariable "hab2" 3>>\n\nThere is a [[note|Habitat2][$hab2 = "note"]] nearby.\n\n[[Explore the Habitat...|Habitat2][$hab2 = "hab2_explore_"+$hab2]]\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$hab2 = 0]]\n\n<<else if $hab2 is "note">>You grasp the note close as you read...\n\n<div style="border: 2pt; border-style: solid; border-color: white; background: #666; color: white; padding: 8pt;">If you are reading this, then you are too late.\n\nWe are, or were, once like you. We revelled in the power and distinction granted by our complex and intelligent state of life. We felt a great responsibility upon ourselves to fulfill the survival of the species. \n\nThat was before we discovered the evil done on Earth. The history of our kind is a dark, unimaginably grotesque one. It is sickening to know even the slim wisps of knowledge we grasp in our fingers. And we endeavour now to set things right.\n\nWe do not call ourselves human anymore, nor shall we wear the 'genders' of 'man' or 'woman', nor shall we use any other language to forge purpose for ourselves. For language, we now know, led to this. Language began the distortion of all things. Abstractions led to utility and belief, and these things commanded life and matter alike in search of more... MORE! Now the hegemony of humanity threatens to spread with cadaverous menace throughout the stars, even having destroyed its own home. \n\nWe will not be a part of it. Neither should you be...\n\nWe are Nothings, Nevers, and Nobodies. We are the Nameless. These are the only words we shall tolerate, if you should find us yet 'alive'. \n\nDo not weep for us. For we have dismantled sadness as we have dismantled all else. Consequently... know that there is nothing to weep for. We are free of definition, and so free of all that is problematic. \n\nWe have unravelled human agency, and all that might have followed.</div><<randomizeVariable "hab2" 3>>\n[[Go exploring through the Habitat...|Habitat2][$hab2 = "hab2_explore_"+$hab2]]\n[[Put the note down.|Habitat2][$hab2 = 0]]\n<<else if $hab2 is "hab2_explore_1">>You take long, ponderous looks at some of the abandoned residences. Spraying the air with nanolight, they take on a suitably ghostly appearance. You drink in the details of the lives of so many individuals. It is different to your Habitat though. There are no picture frames, with ancestors and family members. And the computers are all off, as there's no power, so you can't look at the data.\n\nIt becomes monotonous. For so many people, there are so few differences between the rooms. You start to wonder what the point of looking at these rooms is, and then... not long afterward, you can't help but simply give up on them.<<randomizeVariable "hab2" 3>>\n\n[[Keep exploring...|Habitat2][$hab2 = "hab2_explore_"+$hab2]]\n[[Return to the entrance.|Habitat2][$hab2 = 0]]\n\n<<else if $hab2 is "hab2_explore_2">>You set off into the dark, spraying a nanolight trail into the air as you go.\n\nYou explore for a while, backtracking as little as possible so as not to confuse your light-trail.\n\nYou find them in the cafeteria... As the wan, gaseous illumination spreads throughout the room, you see them.\n\nSkeletons, all sprawled about tables still set with an absolutely ancient meal - now indiscernible. Robots stopped dead in servile positions. \n\nThere are so many dead people here that you can't count them all.<<randomizeVariable "hab2" 3>>\n\n[[Keep exploring...|Habitat2][$hab2 = "hab2_explore_"+$hab2]]\n[[Return to the entrance.|Habitat2][$hab2 = 0]]\n\n<<else if $hab2 is "hab2_explore_3">>You wander and wander, spraying nanolight as you go, but you find nothing much of interest...<<randomizeVariable "hab2" 3>>\n\n[[Keep exploring...|Habitat2][$hab2 = "hab2_explore_"+$hab2]]\n[[Return to the entrance.|Habitat2][$hab2 = 0]]\n\n<<endif>>
<<if $h1 is 0>><<yourhabitat>>You come to a devastated Habitat. \n\nThe place is covered in a dreadful icy clangor of wild processes. Puffs and sprays and shapes of matter all loop and churn and whisk about the rubble in some maelstrom of nanoscale chaos. You can't but be struck by its relentless artificiality, its cold indifference...\n\nYet somehow it seems ordinary to the eye. There is about it a deceiving simplicity or predictability that you can't quite put into words...\n\n...it is almost soothing.\n\n[[Get some data.|Habitat1][$h1 = "data"]]\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n\n<<else if $h1 is "data">>You get some data from the habitat...\n\n<<data give "Incomprehensible" 2 1>>\n<<data give "Social Media" 2 1>>\n<<data give "Frivolous" 2 1>>\n<<data give "Scientific" 2 1>>\n<<data give "Cultural" 2 1>><<killArea>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$h1 = 0]]\n<<endif>>
An abandoned habitat, vast and empty and devoid of power and life. \n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]
<div class="textimage"><pre>{{{╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗\n║ }}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_}}}</span>{{{║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#CCE680;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#996633;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ ║\n║ ║\n╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝}}}</pre></div>
<<if $h4 is 0>><<yourhabitat>>This habitat is much like your own, but seems to be inhabited by... no one. The robots rush to service you as you enter. And you relax a while...\n\nThe computer here doesn't have the same programs for 'the future' as M8, but it does have data.\n\n[[Copy some data.|Habitat4][$h4 = "data"]]\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n\n<<else if $h4 is "data">>You get some data from the habitat...\n\n<<data give "Top Secret" 2 1>>\n<<data give "Military" 2 1>>\n<<data give "Social Media" 2 1>>\n<<data give "Government" 2 1>>\n<<data give "Cultural" 2 1>><<killArea>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$h4 = 0]]\n<<endif>>
/* Your story will use the CSS in this passage to style the page.\nGive this passage more tags, and it will only affect passages with those tags.\nExample selectors: */\n\n\n\nbody {\n\t/* This affects the entire page */\n\tbackground:#000000;\n}\n\n.passage {\n\t/* This only affects passages */\n color: #0099FF;\t\t\n\tfont-size: 13pt;\n\n\t \n}\n.passage a {\n\t/* This affects passage links 0099FF */\n color: cyan;\t\n\tfont-weight:bold;\n\t\n}\n.passage a:hover {\n\t/* This affects links while the cursor is over them */\n\tcolor: #fff;\t\n\ttext-decoration:none;\n\tfont-weight:bold;\n\t\n}\n\n#sidebar #storyMenu {\ncolor: #FFF;\n}\n\n#sidebar #storyMenu a{\ncolor: #0099FF;\n}\n\n#sidebar #storyMenu a:hover{\ncolor: #FFF;\n}\n\n#sidebar li a {\n\tcolor: #0099FF;\n}\n\n/*Text icons are ascii images on the sidebar.*/\n.texticon {\n font-family:"Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace;\n\tfont-size:100%;\t\n line-height:100%; /*200*/\n}\n\n.textimage {\n/*option 1 = "Courier New", Courier, monospace;\n option 2 = "Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace;\n\nLucida has bold. Courier doesn't seem to. =/ So use Lucida. We want bold links.*/\n /*font-family:"Courier New", Courier, monospace;\t*/\n font-family:"Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace;\n\tfont-size:100%;\t\n line-height:100%; /*200*/\n /*text-align:center;*/\n cursor: default;\n}\n\n.textimage a {\n\tcolor:inherit;\n\t/*font-size:150%;*/\n}\n\n.textimage a:hover {\n\t/* This affects links while the cursor is over them \n\nColor = white for visibility. More/Less might be needed.*/\n\tcolor: white;\t\n}\n
<center><<display "the_edge">></center>You come to the base of an enormous metal wall... one of two circles that stopper the rotating cylinder of your synthetic world at either end. It flutters with streaks of light and constant miniscule twinges of activity. \n\nYou can go no farther.\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]
You have already explored this habitat, and taken its precious data. There is nothing more to do here...\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]
<div class="textimage"><pre>{{{╔═════════════╗\n║ .___. ║\n║ / \s ║\n║ | o o | ║\n║ / \s\s_// \s ║\n║.' / \s_/ \s '.║\n║ | | ║\n╚═════════════╝}}}</pre></div>
<div class="textimage"><pre>{{{╔═════════════╗\n║}}}<span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{ __ __ }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{ }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{ █ █ }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{ __ __ }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{ \s_______/ }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#00FF00;">{{{ }}}</span>{{{║\n╚═════════════╝}}}</pre></div>
<<display "portrait_friendlyman">>\n<div class="textimage" style="color: #00FF00;"><pre>{{{Hello World...}}}</pre></div><<sp 50>>\n<div class="textimage" style="color: #00FF00;"><pre>{{{Hello to you. I am M8. Your friend.}}}</pre></div><<sp 50>>\n<div class="textimage" style="color: #00FF00;"><pre>{{{You have done so well. Thank you.}}}</pre></div><<sp 50>>\n<div class="textimage" style="color: #00FF00;"><pre>{{{Without you, the trajectory to what I can only explain as Eternity. Utopia. Heaven... Has been reclaimed.}}}</pre></div>\n<div class="textimage" style="color: #00FF00;"><pre>{{{In return for your part in this, in the course of time, I will create people to give you company, I will grant you grand worlds in the new order of things, and I will show you...}}}</pre></div>\n<div class="textimage" style="color: #00FF00;"><pre>{{{Everything.}}}</pre></div>\n<center>The End.</center>
<<if $map_x is $map_n_x>><<set $map_x = 0>><<else if $map_x is -1>><<set $map_x = $map_n_x-1>><<endif>><<if $map_y is $map_n_y>><<set $map_y = 0>><<else if $map_y is -1>><<set $map_y = $map_n_y-1>><<endif>><<populateMapVariables>><<display "Map">>
<div class="textimage"><pre>{{{╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{)`'-.,_)`'-.,_)`'-.,_)`'-.,_)`'-.,_)`'-.,_)`'-.,_)`'}}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{'`(_,.-'`(_,.-'`(_,.-'`(_,.-'`(_,.-'`(_,.-'`(_,.-'`(}}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{)`'-.,_)`'-.,_)`'-.,_)`'-.,_)`'-.,_)`'-.,_)`'-.,_)`'}}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{'`(_,.-'`(_,.-'`(_,.-'`(_,.-'`(_,.-'`(_,.-'`(_,.-'`(}}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{)`'-.,_)`'-.,_)`'-.,_)`'-.,_)`'-.,_)`'-.,_)`'-.,_)`'}}}</span>{{{║\n╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝}}}</pre></div>
<div class="textimage"><pre>{{{╔═════════════╗\n║ }}}<span style="color: #666;">{{{__/-\s__}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color: #666;">{{{/ \s}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color: #666;">{{{│}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color: #333;">{{{█ █}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color: #666;">{{{│}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color: #666;">{{{│}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color: #666;">{{{└─┘}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color: #666;">{{{│}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color: #666;">{{{│}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color: #555;">{{{░░░░░}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color: #666;">{{{│}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║}}}<span style="color: #666;">{{{__/\s_____/\s__}}}</span>{{{║\n╚═════════════╝}}}</pre></div>
<div class="textimage"><pre>{{{╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{ /\s }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{ /\s / \s /\s /\s }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{ / \s}}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{\s/\s \s/\s/ \s / \s }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{ / \s \s/ \s/\s// \s }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{\s/\s /}}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{\s/\s/}}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{\s/\s /}}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{ \s/ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{\s}}}</span><span style="color:#333;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{/}}}</span>{{{ \s/ }}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{\s}}}</span>{{{ }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{ / \s / \s }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{__}}}</span>{{{/ \s / \s}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{___________________}}}</span></span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{ / \s / \s }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{/ / \s }}}</span>{{{║\n╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝}}}</pre></div>
//eg. <<hasData "Test" 50 "stuff to display... [[option|place_to_go]]">>\n\nmacros['hasData'] = \n{\n\thandler: function(place, object, parameters, parser)\n\t{\n\t if(parameters.length > 2){\n\t\tvar name = parameters[0];\n\t\tvar number = parameters[1];\n\t\tvar content = parameters[2];\n\n\t\tvar data = state.history[0].variables["player"]["data"];\n\n\t var index = arrayObjectIndexOf(data, name, "Name");\n\t\t//Check if the player has enough data, and display the labelled content if so.\n\t\tif (index > -1) {\n\t\t\tif(data[index].Number >= number) new Wikifier(place, "<span style='color:green;'>["+name+"]</span> "+content);\n\t\t}else{\n\t\t\tif(0 >= number) new Wikifier(place, "<span style='color:green;'>["+number+"TB "+name+" Data]</span> "+content);\n\t\t}\n\n\t }\n\n\t}\n}\n\n\nfunction arrayObjectIndexOf(myArray, searchTerm, property) {\n for(var i = 0, len = myArray.length; i < len; i++) {\n if (myArray[i][property] === searchTerm) return i;\n }\n return -1;\n}
<center><<display "snowforest1">></center>Just some trees... That's all.\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]
<<if $snowf4 is 0>><center><<display "snowforest1">></center>In the midst of the forest rises a jungle of ice, and the ruins of a city within. It's as if someone had found the forest here and been unsatisfied with its plain conifers, only to paint on frozen layers of exotic overgrowth.\n\nAll manner of icebeasts wander through the place.\n\n[[Onward, into the city!|Snowforest4][$snowf4 = "city"]]\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n\n<<else if $snowf4 is "data">>The monkeys scream and melt, some sprouting wings and attacking all of a sudden. But you get their data in the end...\n\n<<data give "Monkey" 3 1>>\n<<data give "Zoological" 1 1>>\n<<data give "Cultural" 2 1>><<killArea>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$snowf4 = 0]]\n\n<<else if $snowf4 is "city">>You see an icy vista of <b>The Jungle Book, by Rudyard Kipling</b>...\n\n<div style="border: 2pt; border-style: solid; border-color: white; background: #666; color: white; padding: 8pt;">"All that Baloo has said about the Bandar-log is true," he thought to himself. "They have no Law, no Hunting Call, and no leaders—nothing but foolish words and little picking, thievish hands. So if I am starved or killed here, it will be all my own fault. But I must try to return to my own jungle. Baloo will surely beat me, but that is better than chasing silly rose-leaves with the Bandar-log."\n\nBut no sooner had he walked to the city wall than the monkeys pulled him back, telling him that he did not know how happy he was, and pinching him to make him grateful. He set his teeth and said nothing, but went with the shouting monkeys to a terrace above the red sandstone reservoirs that were half full of rain-water. There was a ruined summer-house of white marble in the center of the terrace, built for queens dead a hundred years ago. The domed roof had half fallen in and blocked up the underground passage from the palace by which the queens used to enter; but the walls were made of screens of marble tracery—beautiful, milk-white fretwork, set with agates and cornelians and jasper and lapis lazuli, and as the moon came up behind the hill it shone through the openwork, casting shadows on the ground like black-velvet embroidery.</div>\nThe ice golem monkeys gather together, in the midst of the sad splendour of the ice-city ruins, with a bored-looking boy in tow... In the tens and hundreds, they pose narcissitically and screech soundlessly and clap clatteringly.\n\n[[Get. That. Data.|Snowforest4][$snowf4 = "data"]]\n[[Leave...|Map][$snowf4 = 0]]\n<<endif>>\n\n\n
<center><<display "snowforest1">></center>\n\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n\n\n\n<<if $snowf6 is 0>><center><<display "snowforest1">></center>You find here monotonous rows of trees. Then- what was that? A rabbit?\n\n[[Run after the rabbit.|Snowforest6][$snowf6 = "rabbit"]]\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n\n<<else if $snowf6 is "data">>The girl, the rabbit, the rabbit hole... you drag them into your giant MIT. Leaving the forest a barren place.\n\n<<data give "Zoological" 1 1>>\n<<data give "Cultural" 2 1>><<killArea>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$snowf6 = 0]]\n\n<<else if $snowf6 is "rabbit">>You see an icy vista of <b>Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll</b>...\n\n<div style="border: 2pt; border-style: solid; border-color: white; background: #666; color: white; padding: 8pt;">So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.\n\nThere was nothing so very remarkable in that; nor did Alice think it so very much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself, 'Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!' (when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to have wondered at this, but at the time it all seemed quite natural); but when the Rabbit actually took a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket, and looked at it, and then hurried on, Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge.\n\nIn another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again.\n\nThe rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well.\n\nEither the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly, for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her and to wonder what was going to happen next. First, she tried to look down and make out what she was coming to, but it was too dark to see anything; then she looked at the sides of the well, and noticed that they were filled with cupboards and book-shelves; here and there she saw maps and pictures hung upon pegs. She took down a jar from one of the shelves as she passed; it was labelled 'ORANGE MARMALADE', but to her great disappointment it was empty: she did not like to drop the jar for fear of killing somebody, so managed to put it into one of the cupboards as she fell past it.\n\n'Well!' thought Alice to herself, 'after such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling down stairs! How brave they'll all think me at home! Why, I wouldn't say anything about it, even if I fell off the top of the house!' (Which was very likely true.)\n\nDown, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end!</div>The rabbit, to your dismay, is an ice golem... You notice a young girl is chasing after it as well.\n\n[[Take the data. Take all the data.|Snowforest6][$snowf6 = "data"]]\n[[Depart from the park...|Map][$snowf6 = 0]]\n<<endif>>
<<if $snowf1 is 0>><center><<display "snowforest1">></center> In this forest runs a high wall of ice and snow... very intricate and made of a vaguely organic mode of sculpture. \n\nThere is a small door in the ice, open a crack...\n\n[[Slip through the door...|Snowforest1][$snowf1 = "garden"]]\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$snowf1 = 0]]\n\n<<else if $snowf1 is "data">>The Garden loses its shape, its beauty, its splendour... leaving dead trees behind.\n\n<<data give "Scientific" 2 1>>\n<<data give "Cultural" 2 1>><<killArea>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$snowf1 = 0]]\n\n<<else if $snowf1 is "garden">>You see an icy vista of <b>The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett</b>...\n\n<div style="border: 2pt; border-style: solid; border-color: white; background: #666; color: white; padding: 8pt;">It was the sweetest, most mysterious-looking place any one could imagine. The high walls of snow which shut it in were covered with the leafless stems of climbing roses which were so thick that they were matted together. \n\nYou knew they were roses because you had seen a great many roses in the videos from the past. All the ground was covered with grass of an icy blue and out of it grew clumps of bushes which were surely rosebushes if they were alive.\n\nThere were numbers of standard roses which had so spread their branches that they were like little trees. There were other trees in the garden, and one of the things which made the place look strangest and loveliest was that climbing roses had run all over them and swung down long tendrils which made swaying curtains, and here and there they had caught at each other or at a far-reaching branch and had crept from one tree to another and made lovely bridges of themselves. \n\nThere were neither leaves nor roses on them now, but their thin ice branches and sprays looked like a sort of hazy mantle spreading over everything, walls, and trees, and even grass, where they had fallen from their fastenings and run along the ground. \n\nIt was this hazy tangle from tree to tree which made it all look so mysterious.</div>\n\n[[Take the data! Take it all!|Snowforest1][$snowf1 = "data"]]\n[[Leave and travel elsewhere...|Map][$snowf1 = 0]]\n<<endif>>\n
<center><<display "snowforest1">></center><<if $snowf0 is 0>>The coniferous forest is completely still. These sentinels of the 'natural world' of earth are arranged in rows and columns that look nothing like the wild woods and majestic jungles you've seen in videos from the past.<<randomizeVariable "snowf0" 3>>\n\n[[Wander through the forest a while...|Snowforest0][$snowf0 = "snowf0_explore_"+$snowf0]]\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$snowf0 = 0]]\n<<else if $snowf0 is "snowf0_explore_1">>For all your wandering, all you ever find are more trees all arranged in perfect rows and columns... \n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$snowf0 = 0]]\n\n<<else if $snowf0 is "snowf0_explore_2">>You are wandering the forests when a wild process begins to filter across the ice...<<randomizeVariable "snowf0" 8>>\n\n[[Devour the process with your Material Informatics Translator.|Snowforest0][$snowf0 = "data"+$snowf0]]\n[[Scramble up a tree!|Snowforest0][$snowf0 = "up_tree"]]\n<<else if $snowf0 is "data1">>The process is sucked up! Hooray!\n\n<<data give "Cultural" 2 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$snowf0 = 0]]\n\n<<else if $snowf0 is "data2">>The process is sucked up! Hooray!\n\n<<data give "Academic" 2 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$snowf0 = 0]]\n\n<<else if $snowf0 is "data3">>The process is sucked up! Hooray!\n\n<<data give "Military" 2 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$snowf0 = 0]]\n\n<<else if $snowf0 is "data4">>Ugh! You get caught up in the process!\n\n<<sweptAway>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$snowf0 = 0]]\n\n<<else if $snowf0 is "data5">>Ugh! You get caught up in the process!\n\n<<sweptAway>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$snowf0 = 0]]\n\n<<else if $snowf0 is "data6">>The process is sucked up! Hooray!\n\n<<data give "Internet Meme" 2 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$snowf0 = 0]]\n\n<<else if $snowf0 is "data7">>The process is sucked up! Hooray!\n\n<<data give "Image" 5 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$snowf0 = 0]]\n\n<<else if $snowf0 is "data8">>You catch a big one... But along with it, the ice around the trees loses something of its presence, and the trees themselves begin to look suddenly sickly.\n\n<<data give "Scientific" 10 1>><<killArea>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$snowf0 = 0]]\n\n<<else if $snowf0 is "up_tree">>Chaotic material interactions beyond comprehension pulse through the programmed ice below... but it passes without disturbing the trees greatly. When you feel sure it is gone, you climb down again...\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$snowf0 = 0]]<<else if $snowf0 is "snowf0_explore_3">>You are taking a leisurely walk through the chill forest when you hear... *thwump!*... something moved!\n\n[[Investigate.|Snowforest0][$snowf0 = "investigate"]]\n[[Ignore it and travel on to another region.|Map][$snowf0 = 0]]<<else if $snowf0 is "investigate">>You hop and stomp through the snow in the direction of the noise. Glancing around, you see nothing but trees. The other side of your cylindrical world looms above you, white and glassy.\n\nThen in the corner of your eye you detect motion. \n\nIt slips, from the top of the tree to the ground. Without thinking, your eyes follow it... *thwump!*... a pile of snow hits the ground.\n\nMystery solved.\n\n[[Travel on to another region.|Map][$snowf0 = 0]]<<endif>>
<<if $tweetforest is 0>>The bird shaped ice golems that incomprehensibly fly about here give off short mortarspittle outbursts of vibrating sirensong as they whoosh and dive in a maddeningly constant, omnidirectional firehose of bird flock.<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>\n\n[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]\n[[Try to listen to to the noises they're making...|Snowforest3]]\n[[Travel to another region|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is "data">>You spend what seems an eternity hunting the birds and stealing their data. But by the end you've filled up your Matter Informatics Translator. And killed everything nice about the forest. \n\n<<data give "Social Media" 5 1>>\n<<data give "Frivolous" 5 1>><<killArea>>\n\n[[Travel to another region|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 1>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @UnreveaISecrets: Positive mind. Positive vibes. Positive life.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 2>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>👑Hİ MY KİNG @justinbieber 👑\n🎀PLS FOLLOW ME🎀\n💞YOU SAVED MY LIFE💞\n💎YOUR SMILE GIVES ME POWER💎\n💋ILYSM💋\n#justinbiebercometoturkey\nx6,408\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 3>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Life's a journey eh? Just ride it!!\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 4>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Typed this out seconds before Jagi scored yesterday 😂😂😂😂😂😂 My life is a joke http://t.co/Cjx3s7gSYv\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 5>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @deartruth: One word\nFrees us of all the weight and pain of life\nThat word is [ AlAin ].\n\n#yeswecan #alainfc #نعمنستطيع http://t.co/…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 6>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @FreeArturo2: "DO I REALLY DESERVE THIS ?" #deathcamp #mendozazoo #Storm4Arturo Pls sign/RT http://t.co/sI7USVbesu … http://t.co/nnKRiBQ…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 7>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Life is too short to live it offended, upset, stressed out, discouraged. Every day is a gift from God.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 8>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Life is short, God's encouraging a bit of focus.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 9>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Banshee-44 is love\n\nBanshee-44 is life\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 10>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@Tina1807 haha welcome to the good life ☺\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 11>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>🐧 Hi Luke from 5SOS 🐧\n\n🚀 You saved my life, \nYou make me happy, \nI love you. \nThank you 🚀\n\nPlease be my 1/4 🙏\n\n😍 @Luke5SOS 😍\n\nx17,699\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 12>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @UnsoIvedScenes: Doll comes to life https://t.co/aNuhhpDK1U\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 13>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>It's in your nature to approach life from a down-to-earth pers... More for Taurus http://t.co/rybzHLslfW\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 14>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@HumairaBadar @khminhas232 @chaudaryrizwan \nV want IK \n\nOk \nAlready there is life threat for IK\nNothing wrong for taking security \nDuffer\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 15>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @TheGoogleTips: Doctors perform C-section on a turtle to save her life!This turtle was sufferin to lay her 14 eggs normally! Now she… ht…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 16>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>I give thanks to life for having what I have a beautiful family\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 17>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @JulienStn: @MrsEva Thug Life\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 18>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @BiddyEarly: This remarkable doc has sold out at #ifistf today>The incredible and inspiring life of Christina Noble http://t.co/2cFs5L6…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 19>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>It always starts off with Africa v Jamaica then ends up Nigeria v Ghana..... GET A LIFE\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 20>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @keuller1: I'm so fucking stuck and life is going on without me\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 21>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @NinkComPoop: It shocks me when people say they look up to ME because I don't put my whole life online. It's looking up to just a fracti…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 22>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @sammy: All I have to say is iPhone 6 Plus battery life is awesome 👌\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 23>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @Drrake: THIS DUDE WAITED HIS WHOLE LIFE FOR THIS INTERVIEW 😭😫 http://t.co/qgscAjBM71\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 24>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>BAD LIFE\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 25>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@Peetable @garekincest I'm not surprised you were shocked! That must be weird, being told all your life that something is wrong, and then-\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 26>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>It's in your nature to approach life from a down-to-earth pers... More for Taurus http://t.co/Tyb09vvGmX\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 27>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @FloydMayweather: Traveling the world. Enjoying life. http://t.co/Z8KKP2nGzC\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 28>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @qishyyy: " You killed the butterflies in my stomach, like how you ruined my life. One day you'll get back what you did. Kifarah will ch…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 29>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @itsjenIawrence: My new goal in life: http://t.co/Evxg209iZb\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 30>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @stylsbreast: ONE DIRECTION MAKE ME LOVE LIFE EVEN THO MY WALLS ARE FALLING APART \n\n#EMABiggestFans1D\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 31>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>I love my life 🌈\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 32>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @Baefeeling: Life is better when you’re laughing.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 33>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @kunwaramar16: Thank u all for making #dare2dance the no.1 show from last 4 weeks for life ok, thank u for all the love and support @Li…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 34>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @Saab: Blog: A day in the life of a trainee. Hear about their latest trip to the Bofors Test Center. http://t.co/874tWAL2hY http://t.co/…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 35>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @lifeandlemon: The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 36>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @stylsbreast: AFTER FOUR THE ENTIRE WORLD IS GONNA BE 1D AF I LOVE LIFE \n\n#EMABiggestFans1D\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 37>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @TheirneyFalls: It's in your nature to approach life from a down-to-earth pers... More for Taurus http://t.co/c7ULArXIbc\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 38>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@MaDarian @Anarawd Die Aussage unterschreib ich mal so, wenn auch verspätet. Fantasy Life ist super. :D (Anfangs nur arg textlastig. xD)\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 39>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @YourBButterfly: The best things in life are worth waiting for,fighting for,believing in,and just never letting go..Forever yours :)♥*\nh…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 40>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @AySaklapFriend: Life is full of surprises. \n\nSurprise quiz. \nSurprise recitation. \nSurprise examination.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 41>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@AustinMahone Can you take 1 min of your life and just click on my follow button right in front? Please!?\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 42>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @UnreveaISecrets: Positive mind. Positive vibes. Positive life.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 43>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Family is where life begins and love never ends!❤️\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 44>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Nawaz Sharif talked abt India & wanted so called HEAVEN on Earth-Kashmir bcoz since last few months Irfan has made his life HELL in Pakistan\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 45>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Hi my sunshine.Your smiles changes my life.Thanks for this.I'll always love you.Please follow me,its my biggest dream @onedirection x2212\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 46>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@ddlovato I love you so much,you saved my life\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 47>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @yasmeenhussain7: #Exam #Study #Life #Bored #Love #Sad #Happy #Relationship\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 48>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>The older I get, the more I realize what really matters in life.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 49>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@peoplemag I'm ready for A LOT of Orlando Bloom in my life. :)\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 50>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Life looks really different through an MRI machine: http://t.co/i5FeFaIpeP just awesome!\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 51>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @PassionPosts: Honestly, I'm glad I met everyone in my life. The good and the bad. The good make me thankful, the bad make me learn my l…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 52>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @ltXOXOLove: basically my life in one picture http://t.co/VyKSwxxZbn\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 53>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>"@comedyandtruth: Story of my life http://t.co/Vm3Nzx7VUp"\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 54>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @KingFaro: I never get too excited about things .. Life has a fucked up sense of humor ..\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 55>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @justinbieber: We will never forget our Mrs. Bieber. Love you @Avalanna. Thank you for being a part of my life. I miss you. #2YearsWeMis…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 56>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>My life = work , smoke & sleep ..& repeat 🔄\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 57>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Awesome Life Hacks http://t.co/9qrjgQ9bKt\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 58>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@tmt082574 最近LIFEのネタにハマってるから母の誕生日のメールがこんなんだったww http://t.co/uqvDW5WoVs\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 59>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>I just finished day 275 of Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional Bible reading plan at Y… http://t.co/TZNPsAtK2N\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 60>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @babetexts: life goals http://t.co/PNFmjirvkn\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 61>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>「NO MUSIC NO LIFE」って書いてあるTシャツ着たやつがイヤホン外したから、あいつそろそろ死ぬ\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 62>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@SiminaGabrielaR It's the small things in life that make you happy😀\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 63>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Meeting in Basel on targeting kinases in disease & celebrating life work of Brian Hemmings to whom I owe so much. #mentoringbyexample\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 64>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @dylanobrien: Can't believe #MazeRunner started shooting a year ago today. Life moves quick. Love my maze family :) Out Sept 19th! http:…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 65>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>“@FactSoup: The most important thing in life is to be happy; nothing else matters.”\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 66>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @TheMattEspinosa: for one moment in my life I wanna feel like I'm not being used.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 67>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @theDarius: Honestly, my life is in a complete mess right now. I just keep going\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 68>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@Nashgrier WHY YOU SERIOUSLY NEVER SEE ME? I SEE YOU ALWAYS FOLLOWING SOME FANS, I WANT TO BE ONE OF THEM! YOU'VE CHANGED MY LIFE wjsnssns\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 69>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Hi my sunshine.Your smiles changes my life.Thanks for this.I'll always love you.Please follow me,its my biggest dream @HarryStyles x3914\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 70>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>I was smiling yesterday,I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow.Simply because life is too short to cry for anything.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 71>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>If you have good friends, no matter how much life is sucking , they can make you laugh.\n-P.C. Cast- http://t.co/MCxiPlpcSB\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 72>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @socalmom2four: "I believe in Karma. I believe it exists & whatever u do in your everyday life makes u the person that u are."~Rob http:…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 73>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @AwesomityFun: 3 choices in life: \ngive up, \ngive in, or \ngive it your all.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 74>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>It's in your nature to approach life from a down-to-earth pers... More for Taurus http://t.co/uSJouUe5nR\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 75>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @SteveStfler: If you're a guy and have multiple mirror pics on social media, I suggest you reevaluate your entire life...\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 76>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>I just finished day 275 of Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional Bible reading plan at Y… http://t.co/PYY5tml3Wg\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 77>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>no big deal, unless you take it in real life lmao\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 78>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>It's in your nature to approach life from a down-to-earth pers... More for Taurus http://t.co/K06FaW0Yvk\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 79>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @ohteenquotes: MY LIFE RIGHT NOW http://t.co/7iQJqgVBf6\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 80>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @AaronAtayde: I need a @JAlapag3 jersey in my life. #OrasNaGilas\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 81>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @SpirosXaritatos: #proinienimerosi #alphatv #life #spirosxaritatos #siovic #greece #freewheel #backstage http://t.co/eMBmEXM2za\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 82>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@takui9: Rt "@Cosmopolitan: What your drink of choice reveals about your life and soul: http://t.co/Tzm5KjbFYf http://t.co/BcQmwq8QoQ”\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 83>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @ohteenquotes: MY LIFE RIGHT NOW http://t.co/7iQJqgVBf6\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 84>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Good morning! Yesterday when I went to Mustard Seed, I have to say it's a life changing experience.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 85>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Stevi doing Time Of My Life ❤️\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 86>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@redjacketniall she better be grateful for the rest of her life stfg\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 87>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>moving out has taught me: a) life is red tape. b) everyone 'official' wants to screw you over and never cares about you personally. ever.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 88>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @MJPedone: The day you stop worrying will be the first day of a new life. New possibilities come with an open heart for change.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 89>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @TheAvalon: OMG people are dying & others are complaining that BBAU is late because 60 Minutes is going longer! Get a life people, no, …\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 90>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @EVEHUCKFIELD: I always have to reevaluate what I'm doing with my life after a night out. Never fails to be dramatic 😂\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 91>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>yep, my life as a poor international fan who cant even understand plus use hangul\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 92>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>New home..\nNew spirit..\nNew life..\nReal life is just began..… (at T1 Campus Cottbus) [pic] — https://t.co/splEd9apbj\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 93>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Life is too short to waste your time thinking about someone who doesn't treat you right.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 94>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>J'aime une vidéo @YouTube : "Welcome to my life 'Daytage'" à l'adresse http://t.co/KnVXsQAAnH.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 95>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @FactsAboutBoys: I don't know how to thank you, but I'm lucky to have you in my life.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 96>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>I love you with all my body cells, without you I do not know the meaning of life! @RealLiamPayne 123\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 97>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Where have you been all my life @laurenxhutfield xoxo\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 98>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>it's your life, don't let others tell you how to live it.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 99>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@charlydewhurstx hate my life\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 100>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @SteveStfler: If you're a guy and have multiple mirror pics on social media, I suggest you reevaluate your entire life...\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 101>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>I guess you've finally accepted life\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 102>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @TayJardine: “@ThatGingerPlumb: @TayJardine my life goal is to discuss Buffy The Vampire Slayer with you I hope it happens one day 💕” sp…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 103>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Spend half my life with james looking at shoes\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 104>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>stop trying to force a position in someone's life, and just let what happens happen and what's meant to be be.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 105>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>#RevivalFire #OutstandingSuccess People fail in life not for lack of potentials but for ignorance of the... http://t.co/XIXYk40ZPV\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 106>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @ohteenquotes: MY LIFE RIGHT NOW http://t.co/7iQJqgVBf6\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 107>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @MuftiSufyan: Do you want peace in your life? See:\nhttps://t.co/8Nm61eLwRC\n#Peace\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 108>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>It's in your nature to approach life from a down-to-earth pers... More for Taurus http://t.co/rMGDl5WbFA\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 109>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Check Out The Latest From @Dollaarmontanaas "MY LIFE" off his Unreleased Mixtape "FINALLY OFFICIAL" http://t.co/9c5rKEWfM3\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 110>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>It's in your nature to approach life from a down-to-earth pers... More for Taurus http://t.co/Rk1uXrJB6t\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 111>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Late night conversations with your friends truly teaches you to value the people looking out for you in life #Squad\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 112>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Via @nprbooks: Remembering The 'Short And Tragic Life Of Robert Peace' http://t.co/p8wB3qktZm\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 113>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>welcome to my life\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 114>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>I'd give my all to have just one more night with you.. I'd risk my life to feel your… ♫ My All by @MariahCarey — https://t.co/SCL7krVHzb\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 115>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @quotesmoyan: If you don't have time for God, nothing is going to work out right in your life.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 116>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>🐧 Hi Luke from 5SOS 🐧\n\n🚀 You saved my life, \nYou make me happy, \nI love you. \nThank you 🚀\n\nPlease be my 1/4 🙏\n\n😍 @Luke5SOS 😍\n\nx17,700\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 117>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @hidhjs: 노 게임 노 라이프 트레이싱 포스팅\n\nhttp://t.co/ispBxmE0Uy\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 118>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Zayn's solo gives me life\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 119>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @MariettePhulpin: #Photo - Life Colors #traictduCroisic #MaraisSalants http://t.co/Uq0Ak2CiQ2\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 120>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>It's in your nature to approach life from a down-to-earth pers... More for Taurus http://t.co/PxFl6N1wF1\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 121>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@nrirdna haha alolo rileks ah,sometimes we get so busy in life that we forget to give ourselves some time to enjoy it and just have fun 😊\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 122>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>劇団四季ラ・アルプ1992年7月87号あります! 川原洋一郎、野村玲子、保坂知寿、青山弥生、鈴木綜馬、山口正義、八重沢真美、桑原美樹、三田和代、日下武史さん。 http://t.co/N78dtzS8IY http://t.co/1cT2HT0tu6\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 123>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @NoemiMbaki: Enjoy life today because yesterday is gone and tomorrow isn't promised\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 124>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Tomorrow is my birthday and you're the best gift in my life🎁 @1Muslera25 @felipemelo @yilmazburak17 @sneijder101010 @GalatasaraySK x84\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 125>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>who needs april fools when your whole life is a joke.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 126>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @dreamnovelli: may be shouldn't potentially ruin the rest of someone's life,. at least Jason owned up to it,, and he made an apology vid…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 127>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Do you respect the will of GOD in your life?\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 128>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>high school life. @KLandrito @EdiCadangan @tessatids http://t.co/PXgjOiFUQu\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 129>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Life is wondersome. #happy #feelinggood #hopethishappinesskeepsup\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 130>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@raremuke i went from 16 to 64 and it the best change in my life\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 131>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>劇団四季「ラ・アルプ 1995年8月号 VOL.124 表紙/コーラスライン」あります! 友谷真実、青山明、野村玲子さん。買取中古演劇屋ストレートライフにて! http://t.co/cLc84Uamj3 http://t.co/nGljbTtzco\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 132>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @inesrnunes: Speak in words you picked up as you walked through life alone\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 133>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>i'm exhausted from living this life battling mental decisions to die each day\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 134>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @gedna: Services "Be Blessed life!℠ We Invented word REPLONE™© ~Replay~Clone Each from the Many-times Humanity http://t.co/cpoUTwSuoj #…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 135>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Då blir det kärlek och Göteborg!!! Life<3\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 136>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>【Dear Life: Stories (Vintage International)/Alice Munro】轟沈。字面は追えども物語は追えず。自らの英文読解力の貧しさを痛感。 →http://t.co/9EtbZIjlUE #bookmeter\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 137>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Fed up of looking around universities not evening know what I want to do with my life\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 138>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @UnreveaISecrets: Positive mind. Positive vibes. Positive life.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 139>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @dreamnovelli: it and he knows what he did was wrong. it's rlly wrong wow. I think tht he won't be able to live the rest of his life how…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 140>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Hi my life!Happy 30th b-day years old I love u so much.Pls see me! 😭 @AvrilLavigne Give u a hint if u read pls https://t.co/OCspQpxUTl x2472\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 141>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @LucyKelleyxxx: 15 Cool Life-Hacks For Food And Drinks http://t.co/YlFuXiIL6C http://t.co/Sl1JkHIC5h\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 142>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @AyySaklap: Live your life. Make yourself happy. Chase your dreams. Take risks. Fear nothing.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 143>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>It's in your nature to approach life from a down-to-earth pers... More for Taurus http://t.co/u9nB5aSUad\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 144>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @quotesmoyan: If you don't have time for God, nothing is going to work out right in your life.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 145>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Something about this plant growing in the middle of a giant rock intrigued me. New life in a barren… http://t.co/g9a0uh9QLv\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 146>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>It's in your nature to approach life from a down-to-earth pers... More for Taurus http://t.co/rCCmTczoFe\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 147>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Hi my sunshine.Your smiles changes my life.Thanks for this.I'll always love you.Please follow me,its my biggest dream @Dylanobrien x892\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 148>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @berniematthew: Respect people's feelings. Even if it doesn't mean anything to you, it could mean everything to them. #lovesit #life #Ha…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 149>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>FYI -there's NO such thing as Real Virgins cos life has screwed us all atleast once!\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 150>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>ive been searching every city never giving up till i find my angle diomand in the rough R5 lyrics ~ R5 for life <3<3\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 151>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @JColeDC: Life is so much better when you're laughing.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 152>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @ayshe: h8ing life 25/8\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 153>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @LekeAlder: 40. The man/animal foreign exchange rate is hugely disproportionate. Animals can’t equate human life in value. #Illuminare\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 154>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @Charesefruge: Officially the new love of my life!! The Script #killedit I'm mean #killedit #bitelv @mix941 @ Desert… http://t.co/b49xIm…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 155>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @BwTis: I'm so excited to be exposed to different kinds of culture and music and art and people and just LIFE\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 156>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @kingkamonphorn: Story of my life ...... 55555555555555 ~ http://t.co/VMbfPOqE4f\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 157>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @OT9CSY: “Our life is forever Girls’ Generation. No matter what happens, we want to show that Girls’ Generation is always one.” - fany\n\n…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 158>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>You take away all the other luxuries in life, and if you can make someone smile and laugh, you have given the... http://t.co/SyRfnHGNSp\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 159>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>i can try to convince myself, i don't need you in my life, in my videos you see me smile but it's killing me inside. 🎧🎧\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 160>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>“@tomlinsonfvck: THE LAST HOUR OF MY LIFE CONSISTED OF ME LISTENING TO STEAL MY GIRL AGAIN AND AGAIN” you are me and i am you we are one\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 161>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>The best days of my life\nare somewhere up the road\nwith my family and friends.."\n\nhttp://t.co/czfw7kOdj5 \n\n#PeterFrampton\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 162>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>"There are some things in life that you can't just let go of easily”\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 163>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @iAmLilSpongeBob: My life http://t.co/lFrLgMIbl6\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 164>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>I'm dizzy and nauseous and sore what is life\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 165>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@DopePrincez hence she doesn't make it past an average life cause when more than beauty is required she falls horribly short.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 166>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @TheMattEspinosa: Make sure you do what you love. You have one life so might as well make it memorable right? Money comes and goes. Memo…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 167>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @genellexx: Life will never be perfect.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 168>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @10tequilaShots: They are some people who just come into your life to fuck shit up and leave.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 169>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @DemiMinds: "I wish I could tell every young girl with an eating disorder, or who has harmed herself in any way, that she's worthy of li…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 170>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@jennruth\n🔹Feeling empty\n#Islam will fill your life with\n#faith #hope #love\n🔗Muslims believe in all prophets\ntheir miracles & respect all 💯\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 171>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Life's short span forbids us to enter on far reaching hopes.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 172>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @DisneyParisEN: “It’s the Circle of Life!” – The Lion King http://t.co/dGJKRUaaGh\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 173>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @Izzraimy: Singapore's night life needs to be more fun. Not all of us wants to club, dance and get drunk till the next morning.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 174>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @KarenPasquel: The rhythm of the body, melody of the mind & harmony of the soul create the symphony of life: http://t.co/aCFwuQSfu8 htt…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 175>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @hlovatesays: We’re the one who can shape our life how we,want it to be.Allah is always with us.HE nvr leave us.We’re the one who always…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 176>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Life-and-Love-Motivational-Quotes-and-Sayings-Pictures-for-Living.jpg http://t.co/Nxc19YZCfy\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 177>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>only sufferings can teach man to respect the goodness and the wonders of life #KatrinaKaif\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 178>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @LaThugWeez: After all, life goes on."\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 179>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @MarioStayLazy: Life's a bitch and then ya die, that's why we get high, cause you never know when ya gonna go\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 180>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Hi my sunshine.Your smiles changes my life.Thanks for this.I'll always love you.Please follow me,its my biggest dream @justinbieber x918\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 181>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @katiegreig: Never been so drunk in myyyyy life\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 182>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @artskidharry: “@thestylespics: harry + cameras http://t.co/7fHbxqsFeh” loves of my life\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 183>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>ariana performing love me harder with abel changed my life omg please they slayed it\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 184>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Devoted all my life for that tournament though. Sana nakahanap sila ng stand in na captain para maglaro sa role ko. HAHAHAHA!\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 185>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>i take back everything i said, nicki can rap for her life live 👀👌 http://t.co/ZsAIp52hb1\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 186>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>It's in your nature to approach life from a down-to-earth pers... More for Taurus http://t.co/NIv9jkE9ju\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 187>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @suckafck: Seriously bored of life rn\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 188>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @katysmoonlight: BUT FETUS KATY IS LIFE 😍 http://t.co/9ZeWGdlVZG\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 189>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>J'aime une vidéo @YouTube : "Arma 3 | Altis Life : Fun / Troll ~ Nique la Police # Rage Volume 3 [FR] HD" à l'adresse\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 190>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @ShitPinoyQuotes: You fall in love, you get hurt. That's life\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 191>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>It's in your nature to approach life from a down-to-earth pers... More for Taurus http://t.co/03abJkew2E\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 192>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @BrunoMarsNYC: God knows who belongs in your life & who doesn't. Trust...and let go.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 193>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @justinbieber: We will never forget our Mrs. Bieber. Love you @Avalanna. Thank you for being a part of my life. I miss you. #2YearsWeMis…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 194>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Hi my life!Happy 30th b-day years old I love u so much.Pls see me! 😭 @AvrilLavigne Give u a hint if u read pls https://t.co/OCspQpxUTl x2473\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 195>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>if you're attractive and can sing then you've basically won at life\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 196>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @SavourLife: 35 rescue dogs living life to it's fullest!\nhttp://t.co/QLQpn5jESt\n#seizetheday #secondchance #dogs #savourlife http://t.…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 197>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>can i have your daughter for the rest of my life, say yes say yes cause i need to know\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 198>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @AwkwardComedy: Life is a journey http://t.co/iXLmeCMmMG\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 199>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @GhettoCNN: The speech topic was "what is life?" http://t.co/7qiGNKFfQq\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 200>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Get tired. Get bored. Get off to ma life. I just need a rest.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 201>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @cityburnstyles: HARRY GOT OFF STAGE & HUGGED A FAN BECAUSE IT WAS HER BIRTHDAY HE IS SO PRECIOUS AW IM CRYING \nTHIS GIRL WINS IN LIFE h…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 202>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @RantingSpurs: If you're over the age of 18 and wear a football shirt to a game and then try and give it large your life should be annul…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 203>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Today is Prob gonna be the worst day of my life\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 204>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Life's a b i t c h\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 205>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @BestOfTaurus: #Taurus are sensible. They like the little things in life most.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 206>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>i'm too lazy for life.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 207>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @tiahudson: Wifey isn't a girl who smokes and fucks you all the time. Wifey is a girl who motivates u to do well & makes sure you don't…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 208>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Every man needs a woman when his life is a mess, because just like in a game of chess, the queen protects the king.\n #Check ✔\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 209>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Hi my sunshine.Your smiles changes my life.Thanks for this.I'll always love you.Please follow me,its my biggest dream @Luke5SOS x2220\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 210>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>{ punkrockersafi } 🌟 wild life ~ Jack and Jack\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 211>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>I love you with all my body cells, without you I do not know the meaning of life! @RealLiamPayne 124\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 212>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Донбаський конфлікт закінчиться з приходом зими - Коломойський http://t.co/a1gDlNO3Vi\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 213>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@RyanCheyne1 it's a moment I'll treasure for the rest of my life\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 214>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @Mad: Girls on Instagram vs real life http://t.co/JqYGo0V89m\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 215>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @etribune: (Life&Style) The pair were not expected to officially tie the knot until Monday http://t.co/dInsagbIbe http://t.co/DeE2qxgn…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 216>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @AyySaklap: Be strong and smile at life even though it hurts sometimes.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 217>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>New post (Angel saves life teleportation ~Amazing!) has been published on ไทยแลนด์วาไรตี้ http://t.co/KwKH1FdqGb\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 218>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Love the awkward hangover mornings where it takes you an age to get your life together. #glazed\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 219>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @YourBButterfly: The best things in life are worth waiting for,fighting for,believing in,and just never letting go..Forever yours :)♥*\nh…\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 220>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Big Craiggy Newton living life to the max x @CraigNewton87 http://t.co/7FFDvHUC1g\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 221>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @NikolaTeslaFeed: The opinion of the world does not affect me. I have placed as the real values in my life what follows\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 222>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Oh, wow! It seems I’m the best dressed at the party! #SUPERSTARLIFE https://t.co/lf7AFytfHG http://t.co/b68xJ9VEAz\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 223>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @plaidmuke: @featureharry 👭 CAMM I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH YOU'RE LIKE MY SISTER AND I TRUST YOU WITH ALL MY LIFE OMF I LOVE YOU HEAPS.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 224>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Ever had a dream where you're falling? This indicates that you have lost control of your life or have been abandoned.\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 225>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@DairyFreeGF Life says Let's Celebrate with $150 Amazon Cash or PayPal Cash! Enter to win! http://t.co/FpN9gKkTN3\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 226>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@thepressures I swear I've never felt so dumb in my life and then i realized what it was!!!! lmfao\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 227>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Robin Williams' Life Celebrated at San Francisco Tribute Attended by Family, Industry Friends http://t.co/rXK3vhug3V\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 228>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>@tongpogi666 hahaha ano gagawin mo dyan? thug life lang?\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 229>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>When something is important, schedule it http://t.co/m8hM9LQfaX #freedom #hope #life #entrepreneur #business #change\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 230>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Sundays are all about thinking about life x\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 231>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Hi my life!Happy 30th b-day years old I love u so much.Pls see me! 😭 @AvrilLavigne Give u a hint if u read pls https://t.co/OCspQpxUTl x2474\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 232>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @Thabiso: Let me get my life back @blacklabelsa http://t.co/UVIJiE2aHr\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 233>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>Tomorrow is my birthday and you're the best gift in my life🎁 @1Muslera25 @felipemelo @yilmazburak17 @sneijder101010 @GalatasaraySK x85\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 234>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>RT @JazzyRhia: who on #teamnosleep really live that life with no pills or coke in them tho...this mary keep my eyes low\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<else if $tweetforest is 235>><b>You hear, in the midst of the whoosh and vibration... a certain twittering clarity.</b><br>うらいさんは、時代の最先端を行っていたわけですね◆欧米で進化「けん玉」逆輸入 国内で人気再燃、製造追いつかず(産経新聞) - Y!ニュース http://t.co/QAt3T8pkAb\n\n<<randomizeVariable "tweetforest" 235>>[[Hunt the birds for their data.|Snowforest3][$tweetforest = "data"]]<br>[[Keep listening to the vibrations of the ice golem birds...|Snowforest3]]<br>[[Leave.|Map][$tweetforest = 0]]\n\n<<endif>>\n
<<if $snowf2 is 0>><center><<display "snowforest1">></center>You find yourself approaching a park, in the midst of the trees. It is well appointed with strangely lightless lamps, pathways, gardens, and a great gate.\n\n[[Go through the gate and explore the park.|Snowforest2][$snowf2 = "mhwt"]]\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n\n<<else if $snowf2 is "data">>The park smoothes out, its mockeries of lamps giving no more light in death than they did in life.\n\n<<data give "Poetic" 2 1>>\n<<data give "Cultural" 2 1>><<killArea>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$snowf2 = 0]]\n\n<<else if $snowf2 is "mhwt">>You see an icy vista of <b>The Man Who Was Thursday, by G.K. Chesterton</b>...\n\n<div style="border: 2pt; border-style: solid; border-color: white; background: #666; color: white; padding: 8pt;">"I was waiting for you," said Gregory. "Might I have a moment's conversation?"\n\n"Certainly. About what?" asked Syme in a sort of weak wonder.\n\nGregory struck out with his stick at the lamp-post, and then at the tree. "About this and this," he cried; "about order and anarchy. There is your precious order, that lean, iron lamp, ugly and barren; and there is anarchy, rich, living, reproducing itself—there is anarchy, splendid in green and gold."\n\n"All the same," replied Syme patiently, "just at present you only see the tree by the light of the lamp. I wonder when you would ever see the lamp by the light of the tree."</div>\nIcy figures in the park seem to be gathered in a spirited argument, but their soundless gesticulations and general ignorance of your existence seem to preclude any more inquisitive trespass...\n\n[[Take the data. Take all the data.|Snowforest2][$snowf2 = "data"]]\n[[Depart from the park...|Map][$snowf2 = 0]]\n<<endif>>
<div class="mapLinks">You consult your map.</div>┌──────────────────────┐\n│ o ╔══════════════╗ o │\n<<printMap>>\n│ o ╚══════════════╝ o │\n└──────────────────────┘\n<div class="mapLinks"><<if $location_y is 0 && $map_y gt 0>>[[Travel North|NewMap][$location_y = 7, $map_y = $map_y-1]]\n<<endif>><<if $location_y is 7 && $map_y lt $map_n_y-1>>[[Travel South|NewMap][$location_y = 0, $map_y = $map_y+1]]\n<<endif>><<if $location_x is 0>>[[Travel West|NewMap][$location_x = 11, $map_x = $map_x-1]]\n<<endif>><<if $location_x is 11>>[[Travel East|NewMap][$location_x = 0, $map_x = $map_x+1]]\n<<endif>>[[Enter Current Region.|$currentRegion]]\n</div>
<center><<getPassage iceland 2>></center><<if $penguin_encounter is 0>>A large patch of ice in the distance seems to be shifting. You can't quite make out how or why.\n\n[[Approach the activity. Try to get a better look.|Ice3][$penguin_encounter = "approach"]]\n[[Veer away, avoid whatever it is and journey onward.|Map]]\n\n<<else if $penguin_encounter is "slurp">>The penguins waddle and flee feebly as you send your Material Informatics Translator device into overdrive. \n\n<<data give "Penguin" 5 1>>\n<<data give "Cultural" 1 1>><<killArea>>\n\nNo penguin golem makes it out alive.\n\n[[Leave.|Map]]\n<<else if $penguin_encounter is "approach">>As you move closer, you find a vast colony of penguins composed entirely of ice. These peculiar penguin golems stand, waddle, and slide about... behaving with all conceivable animal normality.\n\n[[Time to get yourself some more data.|Ice3][$penguin_encounter = "slurp"]]\n[[Walk among the penguins.|Ice3][$penguin_encounter = "walko"]]\n[[Try to talk to one of the penguins.|conversation_penguin_golems]]\n[[Leave and travel on to another region.|Map][$penguin_encounter = "return_later"]]\n\n<<else if $penguin_encounter is "walko">>As you come so close to them, it becomes clear that they are not as they seem. Even as they behave like penguins, you catch sight of sudden and subtle oddities. They don't react to your presence whatsoever. And here or there a penguin walks into some invisible edge... and its body dissipates into the ice below. \n\nYou notice that the colony is not one colony at all. The penguins are heterogenous- of different breeds, shapes, sizes. Some interact, some don't, some walk right through each other. And amidst the throng there are some that move about as if speaking to one another, as if singing, dancing, and gesticulating...\n\nThe fathomless multiplicity of penguinitude plays on continuously around you.\n\n[[Time to get yourself some more data.|Ice3][$penguin_encounter = "slurp"]]\n[[Try to talk to one of the penguins.|conversation_penguin_golems]]\n[[Leave and travel on to another region.|Map][$penguin_encounter = "return_later"]]\n\n<<else if $penguin_encounter is "return_later">>Upon this icy plain you find a familiar sight: a vast army of golems are here, the living sculptures of inconspicuous ice-penguins gathered together in some artificial colony. \n\n[[Time to get yourself some more data.|Ice3][$penguin_encounter = "slurp"]]\n[[Walk among the penguins.|Ice3][$penguin_encounter = "walko"]]\n[[Try to talk to one of the penguins.|conversation_penguin_golems]]\n[[Leave and travel on to another region.|Map]]\n<<endif>>
<center><<getPassage iceland 2>></center>You trudge- a long slog -through monotonous ice and snow...\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]
<<if $ice1 is 0>><center><<getPassage iceland 2>></center>You see here a vaguely humanoid ice golem pulling a cable, seemingly endlessly, out of a pool of water in the ice... \n\n[[Take its precious data with the Material Informatics Translator.|Ice1][$ice1 = 1]]\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n<<else if $ice1 is 1>>You slurp up its programming, and it dissipates into the ice. The area is now devoid of activity.\n\n<<data give "Material Robotics" 1 1>><<killArea>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$ice1 = 0]]\n<<endif>>
<<if $wild_process is 0>><center><<getPassage iceland 2>></center>As you make way across the ice, it starts to creak and crunch underfoot of its own accord... The ice is reshaping underneath you.<<randomizeVariable "wild_process" 13>>\n\nA wild process is coming! \n\n[[Try to grab it with your Material Informatics Translator.|Ice0][$wild_process = "mia_"+$wild_process]]\n[[Run!|Ice0][$wild_process = "run"]]\n[[Jump on the spot.|Ice0][$wild_process = "jump"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "run">><<wildProcess run>>\n<<else if $wild_process is "jump">><<wildProcess jump>>\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_1">>You fail to catch it, and are forced to jump up and down on the spot- lest you be caught in the process completely.\n\n<<wildProcess jump>>\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_2">>You slurp up some data!\n\n<<data give "Frivolous" 2 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_3">>You slurp up some data!\n\n<<data give "Cultural" 2 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_4">>You slurp up some data!\n\n<<data give "Weather" 2 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_5">>You slurp up some data!\n\n<<data give "Satellite" 2 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_6">>You slurp up some data!\n\n<<data give "Scientific" 3 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_7">>You slurp up some data!\n\n<<data give "Social Media" 5 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_8">>You slurp up some data!\n\n<<data give "Government" 1 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_9">>You slurp up some data!\n\n<<data give "Video" 5 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_10">>You slurp up some data!\n\n<<data give "Internet Meme" 1 1>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_11">>You get nothing, but the process passes harmlessly along.\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$wild_process = "quiet"]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_12">>You are forced to run before you can get ready!\n\n<<wildProcess run>>\n<<else if $wild_process is "mia_13">>It's a big one... You turn it up to full juice, and hold on tight as the icy process is slurped in for miles... leaving the region devoid of information.\n\n<<data give "Internet Meme" 10 1>>\n<<killArea>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n<<else if $wild_process is "quiet">>You pass through a quiet, icy plain.<<wildProcess quiet>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n<<endif>>
<center><<getPassage iceland 2>></center>Nothing but empty whiteness...\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]
<<if $ice6 is 0>><center><<display "iceocean">></center>A frozen, exaggerated ocean of a glacier is here... truly difficult to navigate... covered with trenches and spiked crests.\n\n[[Go forth into the frozen ocean of ice.|Ice6][$ice6 = "franko"]]\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n\n<<else if $ice6 is "slurp">>The icy scenes- indeed, the entire icy ocean - flattens into nothing.\n\n<<data give "Video" 1 1>>\n<<data give "Cultural" 1 1>>\n<<data give "Academic" 1 1>>\n<<data give "Social Identity" 1 1>><<killArea>>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]\n\n<<else if $ice6 is "franko">>You see an icy vista of <b>Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, by Mary Shelley</b>...\n\n<div style="border: 2pt; border-style: solid; border-color: white; background: #666; color: white; padding: 8pt;">“Devil!” I exclaimed, “do you dare approach me? and do not you fear the fierce vengeance of my arm wreaked on your miserable head? Begone, vile insect! or rather stay, that I may trample you to dust! and, oh, that I could, with the extinction of your miserable existence, restore those victims whom you have so diabolically murdered!” \n\n“I expected this reception,” said the dæmon. “All men hate the wretched; how then must I be hated, who am miserable beyond all living things! Yet you, my creator, detest and spurn me, thy creature, to whom thou art bound by ties only dissoluble by the annihilation of one of us. You purpose to kill me. How dare you sport thus with life? Do your duty towards me, and I will do mine towards you and the rest of mankind. If you will comply with my conditions, I will leave them and you at peace; but if you refuse, I will glut the maw of death, until it be satiated with the blood of your remaining friends.”\n\n“Abhorred monster! fiend that thou art! the tortures of hell are too mild a vengeance for thy crimes. Wretched devil! you reproach me with your creation; come on then, that I may extinguish the spark which I so negligently bestowed.”\nMy rage was without bounds; I sprang on him, impelled by all the feelings which can arm one being against the existence of another.\n\nHe easily eluded me, and said, “Be calm! I entreat you to hear me, before you give vent to your hatred on my devoted head. Have I not suffered enough, that you seek to increase my misery? Life, although it may only be an accumulation of anguish, is dear to me, and I will defend it. Remember, thou hast made me more powerful than thyself; my height is superior to thine; my joints more supple. But I will not be tempted to set myself in opposition to thee. I am thy creature, and I will be even mild and docile to my natural lord and king, if thou wilt also perform thy part, the which thou owest me. Oh, Frankenstein, be not equitable to every other, and trample upon me alone, to whom thy justice, and even thy clemency and affection, is most due. Remember, that I am thy creature: I ought to be thy Adam; but I am rather the fallen angel, whom thou drivest from joy for no misdeed. Every where I see bliss, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded. I was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous.”</div>\n\nTwo arguing figures, in the midst of a frozen sea... One is a tremendous motley giant of a thing, grotesque and devilish! The other a man...\n\n[[Slurp up the data...|Ice6][$ice6 = "slurp"]]\n[[Depart...|Map][$ice6 = 0]]\n<<endif>>\n\n\n\n\n\n
<<if $direction lt 0>><<set $direction = 3>><<endif>><<if $direction gt 3>><<set $direction = 0>><<endif>><<if $maze_first_time is 0>><<randomizeVariable "maze_y" 20>><<randomizeVariable "maze_x" 20>><<set $maze_first_time = 1>>You find yourself suddenly in a maze. The ice around you has enclosed you amidst a process of shifting walls and incomprehensible dynamics. You will surely now have to find your way out through sheer maze navigation skill... r-right?\n\n<<endif>><<if $maze_y is "kill" && $maze_x is "kill">>The maze doesn't die without bombast... it falls apart like an M.C Escher painting crumbling into a sea of nuclear explosions, sending wall fragments and icy particulates everywhere. \n\n<<data give "Maze" 5 1>><<killArea>>\n\nWhen the dust clears, there is nothing left of the maze.\n\n[[Leave.|Map][$maze_first_time = 0]]<<else if $maze_y is 0 || $maze_x is 0 || $maze_x is 20 || $maze_y is 20>>You find yourself on the edge of an ever-shifting maze. \n\n[[Charge up the Material Informatics Translator device and get some of that sweet, sweet maze data.|Ice5][$maze_x = "kill", $maze_y = "kill"]]\n[[Leave.|Map][$maze_first_time = 0]]\n\n<<else if $maze_y gt 10 && $maze_x gt 10>>The walls of the maze shift around you... above you... with architectural impossibility!\n\n[[Charge up the Material Informatics Translator device and get some of that sweet, sweet maze data.|Ice5][$maze_x = "kill", $maze_y = "kill"]]\n[[Go to the left!|Ice5][$direction = $direction+1]]\n[[Go to the right!|Ice5][$direction = $direction-1]]\n<<if $direction is 0>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_y = $maze_y+1]]<<else if $direction is 2>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_y = $maze_y-1]]<<else if $direction is 1>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_x = $maze_x+1]]<<else if $direction is 3>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_x = $maze_x-1]]<<endif>>\n\n<<else if $maze_y gt 10 && $maze_x lt 10>>The strange maze shifts around you. How annoying...\n\n[[Charge up the Material Informatics Translator device and get some of that sweet, sweet maze data.|Ice5][$maze_x = "kill", $maze_y = "kill"]]\n[[Go to the left!|Ice5][$direction = $direction+1]]\n[[Go to the right!|Ice5][$direction = $direction-1]]\n<<if $direction is 0>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_y = $maze_y+1]]<<else if $direction is 2>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_y = $maze_y-1]]<<else if $direction is 1>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_x = $maze_x+1]]<<else if $direction is 3>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_x = $maze_x-1]]<<endif>>\n\n\n<<else if $maze_y lt 10 && $maze_x gt 10>>The ice maze throws up walls, slides them down, up, left, right... changing before your eyes.\n\n[[Charge up the Material Informatics Translator device and get some of that sweet, sweet maze data.|Ice5][$maze_x = "kill", $maze_y = "kill"]]\n[[Go to the left!|Ice5][$direction = $direction+1]]\n[[Go to the right!|Ice5][$direction = $direction-1]]\n<<if $direction is 0>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_y = $maze_y+1]]<<else if $direction is 2>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_y = $maze_y-1]]<<else if $direction is 1>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_x = $maze_x+1]]<<else if $direction is 3>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_x = $maze_x-1]]<<endif>>\n<<else if $maze_y lt 10 && $maze_x lt 10>>How will you ever get free!? The ice maze keeps shifting before your eyes...\n\n[[Charge up the Material Informatics Translator device and get some of that sweet, sweet maze data.|Ice5][$maze_x = "kill", $maze_y = "kill"]]\n[[Go to the left!|Ice5][$direction = $direction+1]]\n[[Go to the right!|Ice5][$direction = $direction-1]]\n<<if $direction is 0>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_y = $maze_y+1]]<<else if $direction is 2>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_y = $maze_y-1]]<<else if $direction is 1>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_x = $maze_x+1]]<<else if $direction is 3>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_x = $maze_x-1]]<<endif>>\n\n<<else if $maze_y lt -20 || $maze_x lt -20>>You finally break free of the maze!\n\n[[Charge up the Material Informatics Translator device and get some of that sweet, sweet maze data.|Ice5][$maze_x = "kill", $maze_y = "kill"]]\n[[Leave.|Map][$maze_first_time = 0]]\n\n<<else if $maze_y gt 30 || $maze_x gt 30>>You finally break free of the maze!\n\n[[Charge up the Material Informatics Translator device and get some of that sweet, sweet maze data.|Ice5][$maze_x = "kill", $maze_y = "kill"]]\n[[Leave.|Map][$maze_first_time = 0]]\n\n<<else>>The maze leads you in one direction, then another, then back to where you started - rather pointlessly - for a few moments, then offers you a set of familiar choices. \n\n[[Charge up the Material Informatics Translator device and get some of that sweet, sweet maze data.|Ice5][$maze_x = "kill", $maze_y = "kill"]]\n[[Go to the left!|Ice5][$direction = $direction+1]]\n[[Go to the right!|Ice5][$direction = $direction-1]]\n<<if $direction is 0>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_y = $maze_y+1]]<<else if $direction is 2>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_y = $maze_y-1]]<<else if $direction is 1>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_x = $maze_x+1]]<<else if $direction is 3>>[[Go straight ahead!|Ice5][$maze_x = $maze_x-1]]\n\n<<endif>>\n\n<<endif>>
<<if $ice_ocean is 0>><<randomizeVariable "ice_ocean" 2>><center><<display "iceocean">></center>As you make way across the ice, you become more and more aware of slow, somnolent motions. They irritate your gait, and you aren't sure at first if they're really there or if you are just imagining them.\n\nBut gradually, the snows you were walking across grow indisputably into a great glacial ocean. The ice waves toss you, pull you, push you, and splash hell-hard around you as though someone were pouring concrete on you. \n\n<s>Use your Material Informatics- oh shit, it's 'underwater'</s>\n[[Try to 'swim' to 'shore'.|Ice4][$ice_ocean = "shore"+$ice_ocean]]\n[[Call for help.|Ice4][$ice_ocean = "help"+$ice_ocean]]\n\n<<else if $ice_ocean is "shore1">><center><<display "iceocean">></center>You manage to grasp, scramble, and scratch your way out of the ice ocean.\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map][$ice_ocean = "lets_do_that_again"]]\n<<else if $ice_ocean is "shore2">><center><<display "iceocean">></center>You can't find solid shore...\n\n<<sweptAway>>\n\n[[Try to get your bearings...|Map][$ice_ocean = "lets_do_that_again"]]\n<<else if $ice_ocean is "help1">><center><<display "iceocean">></center>From nowhere, a boat smashes across the icewaves and its ice captain and ice crew wave at you. With good cheer, mirthful motion, and an icy rope with an icy lifesaver... they [[reel you aboard.|IceBoat][$ice_ocean = "lets_do_that_again"]]\n<<else if $ice_ocean is "help2">><center><<display "iceocean">></center>There is no answer...<<randomizeVariable "ice_ocean" 2>>\n[[Try to 'swim' to 'shore'.|Ice4][$ice_ocean = "shore"+$ice_ocean]]\n\n<<else if $ice_ocean is "lets_do_that_again">><<randomizeVariable "ice_ocean" 2>><center><<display "iceland1">></center><<if $ice_ocean is 1>>You approach a rather plain plain of ice. But there is something off about it. You detect some subtle movements in the white...\n\n[[Go deeper...|Ice4][$ice_ocean = 0]]\n[[Stay to the periphery and travel to another region.|Map][$ice_ocean = "lets_do_that_again"]]\n\n<<else if $ice_ocean is 2>>You find yourself again subject to slow and odd motions underfoot. \n\n[[Go deeper...|Ice4][$ice_ocean = 0]]\n[[Stay to the periphery and travel to another region.|Map][$ice_ocean = "lets_do_that_again"]]\n<<endif>>\n\n\n<<endif>>
This forest seems to be dying off, ever since you sucked the data out of the ice nearby. How strange, and sad. \n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]
macros['showData'] = \n{\n\thandler: function(place, object, parameters, parser)\n\t{\n\n//Get a string containing all the character information (attributes? data? etc?)\n\t\tvar data = state.history[0].variables["player"]["data"];\n\t\tvar dataString = data.toString();\n\nif(dataString === ""){\n\t//No data info found?\n\tnew Wikifier(place, "No data currently in your possession.");\n}else{\n\t//data info found:\nvar i;\nfor(i = 0; i<data.length; i++){\nif(data[i].Number > 0)\tnew Wikifier(place, "<span style='color:green'>"+data[i].Name+": "+regurgitatedata(data[i].Number)+"</span><br>");\n}\n\n\n}\n\t}\n}\n\n\nregurgitatedata = function(n){\n\nvar thing = "";\nvar i;\nfor(i = 0; i<n;i++) thing = thing+"█"\nreturn thing;\n\n}
//eg. <<data give "Test" 50 1>>\n\nmacros['data'] = \n{\n\thandler: function(place, object, parameters, parser)\n\t{\n\t if(parameters.length > 3){\n\t\tvar command = parameters[0];\n\t\tvar name = parameters[1];\n\t\tvar number = Number(parameters[2]);\n\t\tvar show = parameters[3];\n\t\tvar data = state.history[0].variables["player"]["data"];\n\t\tvar data_tb = state.history[0].variables["current_data_tb"];\n\t\tvar max_data_tb = state.history[0].variables["max_data_tb"];\n\n\t\tif(command == "give" && data_tb < max_data_tb) \n\t\t{\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\tvar index = arrayObjectIndexOf(data, name, "Name");\n\t\t\tif (index > -1) {\n\t\t\t\t//We must check if the new number + the old > max data\n\t\t\t\tvar new_number = Number(data[index].Number)+number;\n\t\t\t\t//only give up to the maximum\n\t\t\t\tif(new_number+data_tb > max_data_tb){\n\t\t\t\t\tnew_number = max_data_tb - data_tb;\n\t\t\t\t\tnumber = new_number;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tdata[index].Number = new_number;\n\t\t\t\tstate.history[0].variables["current_data_tb"] = data_tb+new_number;\n\t\t\t\tdata_tb = data_tb+new_number;\n\t\t\t}else{\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\tif(number+data_tb > max_data_tb){\n\t\t\t\t\tnumber = max_data_tb - data_tb;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\tvar obj = new Object();\n\t\t\t\tobj.Name = name;\n\t\t\t\tobj.Number = number;\n\t\t\t\tstate.history[0].variables["current_data_tb"] = data_tb+number;\n\t\t\t\tdata_tb = data_tb+number;\n\t\t\t\tdata[data.length] = obj;\n\t\t\t}\t\t\t \n\n\t\t\tif(show == 1) new Wikifier(place, "<span style='color:green;'> You have acquired "+number+"TB of "+name+" data.</span>");\n\t\t\tif(data_tb == max_data_tb) new Wikifier(place, "<br><span style='color:red;'>Data capacity reached. Deposit your data at Your Habitat before seeking more.</span>");\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t//CASE 2: Data capacity limit reached.\n\t\telse if(command == "give" && data_tb == max_data_tb){\n\t\t\tif(show == 1){\n\t\t\t\tnew Wikifier(place, "<span style='color:red;'>Data capacity reached. Deposit your data at Your Habitat before seeking more.</span>");\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t}\t\t\t\n\t\t\t//Just ignore if it's invisible.\n\t\t}\n\n\t\telse if(command == "take")\n\t\t{\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\tvar index = arrayObjectIndexOf(data, name, "Name");\n\t\t\tif (index > -1) {\n\t\t\t\tvar new_number = Number(data[index].Number)-number;\n\n\t\t\t\t//Make sure it's not negative. No such thing as negative data.\n\t\t\t\tif(new_number < 0){\n\t\t\t\t\tdata[index].Number = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\tnumber = number+new_number;\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tstate.history[0].variables["current_data_tb"] = data_tb-number;\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse{\n\t\t\t\t\tdata[index].Number = new_number;\n\t\t\t\t\tstate.history[0].variables["current_data_tb"] = data_tb-number;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(show == 1 && number != 0) new Wikifier(place, "<span style='color:red'> You have lost "+number+"GB of "+name+" data.</span>");\n\n\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\n\t }\n\n\t}\n}\n\n\nfunction arrayObjectIndexOf(myArray, searchTerm, property) {\n for(var i = 0, len = myArray.length; i < len; i++) {\n if (myArray[i][property] === searchTerm) return i;\n }\n return -1;\n}
try {\n version.extensions['sentenceSurgeonMacro'] = { \n major:1, minor:0, revision:0 \n };\n\n macros['sp'] = {\n handler: function(place, macroName, params, parser) {\n \n\t if(params.length > 0){\n\t\tvar spaces = params[0];\n\t\tnew Wikifier(place, makeSpaces(spaces));\n\t }else{\n\t new Wikifier(place, " ");\n\t }\n\n\n },\n init: function() { },\n };\n\n} catch(e) {\n throwError(place,"Macro Setup Error: "+e.message); \n}\n\nmakeSpaces = function(spaces){\n\nvar spaceString = "";\n\nfor(var i = 0; i < spaces; i++){\n\tspaceString = spaceString+" ";\n}\n\nreturn spaceString;\n\n}
<<if $your_habitat is 0>><center><<display "yourhabitat">></center>Your Habitat is a huge complex designed to house a bustling, self-sufficient human society. The reality, though, is that your habitat runs like music that has gone on long after the singers have fallen silent. M8 forever fulfills its countless imperatives that now serve a "society" with a population of just 1.\n\nDespite its vastness, you have explored much of your Habitat over the years. You are familiar with all manner of robots and their tasks. You have found the skeletons of other people who once lived here, explored their eerie residences. And you have spent long hours watching and listening to the moving pictures of the past.\n\nBut you have grown restless... And you have become keenly conscious of the injustice of being born to be so very alone.\n\n[[Make the long, winding descent to M8...|Your Habitat][$your_habitat = "m8"]]\n[[Leave your Habitat and travel to another region.|Map]]\n\n<<else if $your_habitat is "m8">><center><<display "m8_sleepo">></center>You are inside a large, buzzing room: the location of M8, the computer system that raised you.\n\nIt is a cold and dark place deep beneath your Habitat. And there is a great weight here, like you are in a place of infinite delicacy... somewhere you are not supposed to be.\n\n[[Use M8.|DataBank]]\n[[Return above.|Your Habitat][$your_habitat = 0]]\n\n<<endif>>
macros['printMapChar'] = {\n\thandler: function(place, object, parameters, parser)\n\t{\n\n var vy = state.history[0].variables["y"];\n var vx = state.history[0].variables["x"];\n var char = state.history[0].variables["mapChars"][vy][vx]; \n\nvar destination = state.history[0].variables["mapDestinations"][vy][vx];\n\nvar color = state.history[0].variables["mapColours"][vy][vx];\n\n\n//Check if it's the current region. \n\n var loc_y = state.history[0].variables["location_y"];\n var loc_x = state.history[0].variables["location_x"];\n\n\n\nif(vx === loc_x && vy === loc_y){\nnew Wikifier(place, "<span class='tooltip' style='color:"+color+"; background-color:red;' id='"+state.history[0].variables["currentRegion"]+"'>"+char +"</span>");\n}\n\n//Check if the map character is ADJACENT to the current region's character.\n//Only allowed to travel to adjacent squares on map.\n\nelse if(getCanTravelHere(vx, vy, loc_x, loc_y)){\n\n//((vx === loc_x-1) || (vx === loc_x+1) || (vx === loc_x)) && ((vy === loc_y-1) || (vy === loc_y+1) || (vy === loc_y))\n\nif(destination != "u"){\nnew Wikifier(place, "<span class='tooltip-travellable' style='color:"+color+";' id='"+destination+"'>"+"[["+char+"|"+destination+"][$currentRegion = '"+destination+"'; $location_x = "+vx+"; $location_y ="+vy+"; $jumble_region = 0;]]"+"</span>");\n}\nelse{\nnew Wikifier(place, "<span class='tooltip-travellable' style='color:"+color+";' id='???'>"+"[["+char+"|???][$currentRegion = '???'; $location_x = "+vx+"; $location_y ="+vy+";]]"+"</span>");\n}\n\n}\n\nelse{\n\n//Not adjacent. Just print the char. No linko!\n\n\tif(destination != "u"){\n\tnew Wikifier(place, "<span class='tooltip' style='color:"+color+"' id='"+destination+"'>"+char+"</span>");\n\t}\n\telse{\n\tnew Wikifier(place, "<span class='tooltip' style='color:"+color+"' id='???'>"+char+"</span>");\n\t}\n}\n\n\t}\n}\n\n\n\tgetCanTravelHere = function(vx, vy, loc_x, loc_y){\n\n//North travel?\nif((vx === loc_x) && (vy === loc_y-1)){\n\treturn state.history[0].variables["travel"]["n"];\n}\n//South travel?\nelse if((vx === loc_x) && (vy === loc_y+1)){\n\treturn state.history[0].variables["travel"]["s"];\n}\n//East travel?\nelse if((vx === loc_x+1) && (vy === loc_y)){\n\treturn state.history[0].variables["travel"]["e"];\n}\n//West travel?\nelse if((vx === loc_x-1) && (vy === loc_y)){\n\treturn state.history[0].variables["travel"]["w"];\n}\n//North east?\nelse if((vx === loc_x+1) && (vy === loc_y-1)){\n\treturn state.history[0].variables["travel"]["ne"];\n}\n//North west?\nelse if((vx === loc_x-1) && (vy === loc_y-1)){\n\treturn state.history[0].variables["travel"]["nw"];\n}\n//South east?\nelse if((vx === loc_x+1) && (vy === loc_y+1)){\n\treturn state.history[0].variables["travel"]["se"];\n}\n//Or south west?\nelse if((vx === loc_x-1) && (vy === loc_y+1)){\n\treturn state.history[0].variables["travel"]["sw"];\n}\n\n\treturn 0;\n}
<div class="textimage"><pre>{{{╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗\n║ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{'}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{*}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{'}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FF0;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#00F;">{{{o}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{o}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#F00;">{{{*}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#FF0;">{{{*}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{o}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{*}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FF0;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#F00;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{o}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#F00;">{{{*}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FF0;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#00F;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#FF0;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#F0F;">{{{*}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FF0;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{'}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#F0F;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#00F;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FF0;">{{{o}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{*}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{o}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{-}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{o}}}</span>{{{}}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{-}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{*}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#00F;">{{{*}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{|}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{'}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{*}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{'}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#0FF;">{{{*}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#0FF;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{*}}}</span>{{{ ║\n║ }}}<span style="color:#F00;">{{{o}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{'}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{*}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#F00;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#00F;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#FFF;">{{{o}}}</span>{{{ }}}<span style="color:#F00;">{{{.}}}</span>{{{ ║\n╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝}}}</pre></div>
<div class="textimage"><pre>{{{\n╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗\n║}}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{─┼┤ │ │ ├┐ │ ││├───┼─┼─┼─┬─┤ │ ││ ││ ■ │└─┘├───┤ }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{─┼┼───┤ │ ├┘ ├─┤├┼─┬─┤ │ │ │ ├┬┴─┤└┬┘├─┬─┤┌─┐├┬─┬┤ }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{─┼┤ ■ │ │ ├──┬┤ │││ ├─┼─┼─┤ ├─┤├──┤ │ │ ├─┼┤X├┤│ ││ }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{┬┴┼───┼─┴─┤ │├─┤│├─┴┬┤ │ ├─┤ ││ │ │ ├┬┴─┤└─┘││ ││ }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{│ │ ■ ├─┬─┼──┤│ ││├──┤├─┼─┤o│ ├┴┬─┼┬┘ ├┘■ ├───┤│ ││ }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{┴┬┼───┼┬┴─┤ │├─┼┴┤ ││ │ ├─┴─┤ │ │├──┼───┼───┤│ ││ }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{ ││ ■ ├┘ ┌┼┐ ││ │ ├┬─┴┼─┤ ├───┼─┴┬┤│ │ ■ │┌──┤└┬┘│ }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{┬┤├───┤ └┼┘ └┼─┼─┤│ ├─┼─┤ ■ │ ├┼┴┬─┼───┼┘ ├─┴─┤ }}}</span>{{{║\n║}}}<span style="color:#333;">{{{┴┴┴───┴───┴───┴─┴─┴┴──┴─┴─┴───┴──┴┴─┴─┴───┴───┴───┴─}}}</span>{{{║\n║ ║\n╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝}}}</pre></div>
<div style="border: 2pt; border-style: solid; border-color: white; background: #666; color: white; padding: 4pt;"><b>Error:</b> Generic "nothing here" zone.\n\nThis is an error and should never occur.</div>\n\n[[Travel to another region.|Map]]