IT'S YOUR FIRST DAY AT SPY SCHOOL [[WALK IN LIKE YOU OWN THE PLACE->ASSIGNMENT-1-INDOORS]] [[TURN AROUND AND GO HOME->YOU-ARE-DEAD]] (set: $TIME_TILL_GUARD to 4)(set: $EQUIPMENT to setEquipment("NONE"))(set: $IS_BIRD to setBird(false))(set: $BANANA_BREAD_IN_PANTS to false)(set: $BREAK_ROOM_COMPLETED to false)(set: $napVar to 0)<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />THERE'S AN ATTRACTIVE [[SECRETARY ROBOT->ASSIGNMENT-1-SECRETARY-ROBOT]] AT THE FRONT [[DESK->ASSIGNMENT-1-DESK]] [[WALK UP TO THE DESK LIKE YOU OWN THE DESK->ASSIGNMENT-1-AT-DESK]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />IT'S PAINTED SPY-BLACK. IT'S PROBABLY A SECRET SPY GADGET JUST PRETENDING TO BE A DESK. LIKE OPTIMUS PRIME EXCEPT IF OPTIMUS PRIME TURNED INTO A GIANT GUN INSTEAD OF LIKE A FUCKING BUDWEISER TRUCK OR [[WHATEVER->ASSIGNMENT-1-INDOORS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"WELCOME, MASTER SPY" [[WAIT WHAT->ASSIGNMENT-1-WAIT-WHAT]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />THE GENDER-AGNOSTIC NEUTRAL-BODY-TYPE SECRETARYBOT IS REALLY HOT [[OH WOW->ASSIGNMENT-1-INDOORS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><mark style="display: none;">[[ASSIGNMENT-1-I-AM-TRAINEE]][[ASSIGNMENT-1-INFORMATION]][[ASSIGNMENT-1-LOADOUT-1]][[ASSIGNMENT-1-NO-EQUIPMENT]][[ASSIGNMENT-1-BEGIN]]</mark><div class="assignmentComputerScreen centerHorizontallyAndVertically" style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; background: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.55); border: 1em outset #eee"> <div class="assignmentScanLines"></div><div class="assignmentComputerEntry centerHorizontallyAndVertically"><p class="assignmentComputerTitle centerHorizontally">SPYNET 2.0.4</p></div></div><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" window.preAssignmentCompHudVersion = hudVersion; makeHud(0); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); if (!window.assignmentOneRootNode || !window.currentNode) { window.assignmentOneRootNode = new assignmentNode('', [], null); window.currentNode = assignmentOneRootNode; flatNodeCollection.push(assignmentOneRootNode); // for testing //window.flatNodeCollection = flatNodeCollection; addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode, new assignmentNode('PLEASE MAKE A SELECTION:', [], assignmentOneRootNode, 'text')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode, new assignmentNode('1. CORPORATE STATUS', [], assignmentOneRootNode, 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode.children[1], new assignmentNode('CURRENT EMPLOYEES (HUMAN): 1', [], assignmentOneRootNode.children[1], 'text')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode.children[1], new assignmentNode('CURRENT EMPLOYEES (ROBOT): 1', [], assignmentOneRootNode.children[1], 'text')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode.children[1], new assignmentNode('CURRENT MARKET SHARE (PERCENT): 6.7', [], assignmentOneRootNode.children[1], 'text')); // leads back to root addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode.children[1], new assignmentNode('1. BACK', assignmentOneRootNode.children, assignmentOneRootNode.children[1], 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode, new assignmentNode('2. PERSONAL STATUS', [], assignmentOneRootNode, 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode.children[2], new assignmentNode('ALL VITALS STABLE. PHYSICAL STRENGTH AT 115% EXPECTED LEVELS. GENERAL INTELLIGENCE NOMINAL. HORMONE LEVELS FOLLOWING PRECOMPUTED CURVE.', [], assignmentOneRootNode.children[2], 'text')); // leads back to root addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode.children[2], new assignmentNode('1. BACK', assignmentOneRootNode.children, assignmentOneRootNode.children[2], 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode, new assignmentNode('3. BLUNT KLUBB $$$', [], assignmentOneRootNode, 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode.children[3], new assignmentNode('WITHIN YOUR BLUNT KLUBB WALLET, YOU CURRENTLY HAVE:<p></p><span>' + window.bluntKlubbSSSSSS + '</span><p></p><span>BLUNT KLUBB $$$ (SSSSSS)</span>', [], assignmentOneRootNode.children[3], 'text')); // leads back to root addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode.children[3], new assignmentNode('1. BACK', assignmentOneRootNode.children, assignmentOneRootNode.children[3], 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode, new assignmentNode('4. ASSIGNMENTS', [], assignmentOneRootNode, 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode.children[4], new assignmentNode('1. DESTROY RIVAL DATACORE', [], assignmentOneRootNode.children[4], 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode.children[4].children[0], new assignmentNode('INFILTRATE A NEOCALIFORNIAN CORPORATION INFRINGING ON HEADQUARTERS CONTRACTS AND DESTROY THEIR CENTRAL DATACORE', [], assignmentOneRootNode.children[4].children[1], 'text')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode.children[4].children[0], new assignmentNode('<tw-link passage-name=&quot;ASSIGNMENT-1-I-AM-TRAINEE&quot;>1. YO, THERE\u2019S BEEN A MISTAKE CAUSE I\u2019M A TRAINEE AND EVEN IF I AM VERY IGNORANT ABOUT THIS WHOLE PROCESS IT SEEMS LIKE MASTER SPY IS THE KIND OF POSITION OR HONORIFIC YOU\u2019D HAVE TO SHOW UP LIKE AT LEAST ONE DAY TO GET</tw-link>', [], assignmentOneRootNode.children[4].children[0].children[1], 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode.children[4].children[0], new assignmentNode('<tw-link passage-name=&quot;ASSIGNMENT-1-INFORMATION&quot;>2. INFORMATION</tw-link>', [], assignmentOneRootNode.children[4].children[0].children[1], 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode.children[4].children[0], new assignmentNode('<tw-link passage-name=&quot;ASSIGNMENT-1-LOADOUT-1&quot;>3. SELECT LOADOUT</tw-link>', [], assignmentOneRootNode.children[4].children[0].children[1], 'choice')); if (equipment === 0 || equipment === 'NONE') { addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode.children[4].children[0], new assignmentNode('<tw-link passage-name=&quot;ASSIGNMENT-1-NO-EQUIPMENT&quot;>4. DEPART</tw-link>', [], assignmentOneRootNode.children[4].children[0].children[1], 'choice')); } else { addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode.children[4].children[0], new assignmentNode('<tw-link passage-name=&quot;ASSIGNMENT-1-BEGIN&quot;>4. DEPART</tw-link>', [], assignmentOneRootNode.children[4].children[0].children[1], 'choice')); } addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode.children[4].children[0], new assignmentNode('5. BACK', assignmentOneRootNode.children[4].children, assignmentOneRootNode.children[4].children[1], 'choice')); // leads back to root addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentOneRootNode.children[4], new assignmentNode('2. BACK', assignmentOneRootNode.children, assignmentOneRootNode.children[4], 'choice')); } if ( !== 0 && !== 'NONE') { // disables secretarybot warning about no equipment if (window.flatNodeCollection) { var noEquipment = $.grep(flatNodeCollection, function(a) { return a.text.toLowerCase().indexOf('assignment-1-no-equipment') !== -1 })[0]; if (typeof(noEquipment) !== 'undefined') { noEquipment.text = '<tw-link passage-name=\u0022ASSIGNMENT-1-BEGIN\u0022>4. DEPART</tw-link>'; } } } else { if (window.flatNodeCollection) { var equipment = $.grep(flatNodeCollection, function(a) { return a.text.toLowerCase().indexOf('assignment-1-begin') !== -1 })[0]; if (typeof(equipment) !== 'undefined') { equipment.text = '<tw-link passage-name=\u0022ASSIGNMENT-1-NO-EQUIPMENT\u0022>4. DEPART</tw-link>'; } } } renderAssignmentNodes(); $('.assignmentComputerScreen').on('click', '.assignmentComputerChoice', function(e) { if ( === 'tw-link') { return; } var clickedNode = $(; var nodeTo = $.grep(flatNodeCollection, function(e) { return === Number(clickedNode.attr('data-id')); }); currentNode = typeof(nodeTo[0]) === 'undefined' ? assignmentOneRootNode : nodeTo[0]; renderAssignmentNodes(); }); makeScanLines($('.assignmentScanLines')); window.setTimeout(function(e) { makeScanLines($('.assignmentScanLines')); }, 250); $(window).resize(function(e) { makeScanLines($('.assignmentScanLines')); }); window.assignmentResizeInterval = window.setInterval(function(e) { makeScanLines($('.assignmentScanLines')); }, 2000); $('tw-icon').click(function(e) { clearInterval(assignmentResizeInterval); });" />THE SECRETARYBOT LOOKS DOWN AT HIS/HER/THEIR/ZIR DESK. A SINGLE DROP OF FLUID FALLS FROM ITS EYE AND SPLINTERS AS DOES THE HEART IMMEDIATELY AND FOREVER IN THE FACE OF INCALCULABLE GRIEF. THE FLUID LOOKS LIKE LUBRICANT. (NICE) IT ROBOMUMBLES, "ALL THE SPIES DIED OF [[MUMPS->MUMPS-1]]"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(window.preAssignmentCompHudVersion); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"THEY ALL WENT TO AN NHL GAME. ONE OF THE PLAYERS GAME THEM MUMPS AND THEN THEY ALL DIED" IT FLASHES A PICTURE ON THE SCREEN IN ITS ROBOCHEST, OF A SERIES OF NHL PLAYERS, SMILING BRIGHTLY, IN PRESUMABLY UNMUMPED DAYS THEN ANOTHER PICTURE OF A STERN, HAUNTED NEWS ANCHOR, WITH A DISSOLVE TRANSITION, LIKE A SUPER FUCKED UP POWERPOINT BUT WITHOUT THE SUPER FUCKED UP WORDART [[OH FUCK->MUMPS-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"I MISS SPY_OBJECT_1 AND MASTER_SPY_OBJECT_2 MOST" [[OH SHIT->ASSIGNMENT-1-LOG-ON]] [[ISN'T MUMPS A CONDITION THAT WAS LARGELY ERADICATED THROUGH THE USE OF VACCINATION AND ALSO AN EASILY TREATABLE LOW-MORBIDITY CONDITION EVEN IF SOMEONE IS STUPID ENOUGH TO COMPROMISE THEIR HEALTH AND THE GREATER HERD IMMUNITY BY FAILING TO BECOME VACCINATED AND THEN ALSO LIKE SNIFFING ON A MUMP OR WHATEVER->MUMPS-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"IT WAS SPY-MUMPS. THEIR FACES SWELLED UP UNTIL THEY EXPLODED" [[OH SHIT->ASSIGNMENT-1-LOG-ON]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"YOU HAVE TO ASSASSINATE `BOSS_ENEMY_OBJECT_1` WITHIN `CASTLE_ENVIRONMENT_2`" [[THAT SEEMS A LITTLE BEYOND MY ABILITIES->ASSIGNMENT-1-INFORMATION-SCARED]] [[CAN'T I NOT KILL HIM AND LIKE THROW HIM IN A SPY SUITCASE AND TACTICALLY EXTRACT HIM AND BRING HIM BEFORE AN INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT OR SOMETHING->ASSIGNMENT-1-INFORMATION-NONLETHAL]] [[I'LL ASSASSINATE HIM SO GOOD HIS MOM WILL FEEL LIKE IT WAS HER WHO GOT ASSASSINATED->ASSIGNMENT-1-INFORMATION-LETHAL]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(window.preAssignmentCompHudVersion); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"MASTER SPY, AS A PREFERRED MEMBER OF OUR CORPORATION, YOU HAVE BEEN ALLOCATED A WEAPON FOR YOUR ASSIGNMENT. UNFORTUNATELY, THE ONLY WEAPON LEFT IN OUR ARMORY IS A LOW-PRICE TRAINING RIFLE" WHERE, YOU ASK BUT THERE IS NO RESPONSE SO, I JUST... [[LOOK FOR IT->ASSIGNMENT-1-LOADOUT-2]]?<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(window.preAssignmentCompHudVersion); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"CLOSE YOUR EYES," THE SECRETARYBOT SAYS. YOU COMPLY, AWAITING SOMETHING WHOSE OUTLINES YOU CAN JUST BARELY GRASP. YOU FEEL STRANGE, AND NAUSEATED. THROUGH YOUR EYELIDS THE WORLD LOOKS LIKE THE SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING [[CRUMPLED->ASSIGNMENT-1-ENTRANCE]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" if (window.preAssignmentCompHudVersion) { makeHud(window.preAssignmentCompHudVersion); } doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); if (!window.epilepsy) { var INTERVAL = 1000; window.flashIntervalId = window.setInterval(function() { animateColorFlash('#000000', '#FFFFFF', INTERVAL); }, INTERVAL * 4); $('tw-link, tw-icon, #enterPasswordAnchor').click(function(e) { $('.backgroundFlash').remove(); $('.colorFlash').remove(); window.clearInterval(window.flashIntervalId); }); $('tw-icon').click(function(e) { $('.backgroundFlash').remove(); $('.colorFlash').remove(); window.clearInterval(window.flashIntervalId); }); } " />THE LANDSCAPE UNFURLS BEFORE YOU LIKE A DESERT EXPANSE WITH THE SUN JUST INCHES ABOVE THE HORIZON OR LIKE A REALLY BIG TABLECLOTH IF YOU WERE TO PUT YOUR HEAD REAL CLOSE AND TILT IT REALLY PERPENDICULAR [[RETURN TO THE SECRETARYBOT->ASSIGNMENT-1-LOG-ON]] [[CALL UP TO THE SECRETARYBOT: HEY WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO THE GUNS->ASSIGNMENT-1-WHERE-ARE-THE-GUNS]] [[LOOK FOR A SPY GADGET->ASSIGNMENT-1-LOADOUT-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(window.preAssignmentCompHudVersion); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />IN THE MUCKED-UP BOWELS OF THE ARMORY YOU LOSE TRACK OF YOUR PATH IN THE DARK (ALL THE LAMPS GOT SPY-MUMPS TOO) YOU LOSE TRACK OF YOURSELF YOU GLIMPSE THE FACE OF TIME ITSELF. A NEWLY FAIR CREATURE, IT GROWS AND AGES AND DIES BEFORE YOU YOU STAND AT THE END OF EVERYTHING WITH EVERY STEP FURTHER INTO THE UNKNOWN FINALLY YOU REACH THE FAR SIDE OF THE ARMORY AND SEE BEFORE YOU [[THE GUN->ASSIGNMENT-1-PICK-GUN]] AND THREE [[MIRACULOUSLY UNMUMPED TOOLS->ASSIGNMENT-1-LOADOUT-5]] NEARBY<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); window.previousEquipment =; " />"ALL THE EQUIPMENT_OBJECTS GOT SPY-MUMPS AND THEN SWELLED UP UNTIL THEY EXPLODED," HE/SHE/ZE/THEY SAYS. THE SOUND OF SOBBING COMES OVER THE LINE. THAT DESK IS GOING TO BE LIKE SO FUCKING LUBRICATED [[HANG UP AND LEAVE THE SECRETARYBOT TO SOLITARY MISERY->ASSIGNMENT-1-LOADOUT-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />SO ROUND. SO LONG. SO CURVED. THE EPITOME OF YELLOW. STRAIGHT FROM THE CORM TO YOUR HANDS. ITS HERBACEOUSLY DELICIOUS YOU CAN FEEL THE PULSE OF THE BANANA HEART UNDER THE SURFACE. THE INFLORESCENCE LEAVES ITS MARK ALWAYS. BANANAS, LIKE MEN, ARE AT ONCE AND ALWAYS THEIR FATHER'S CREATION A MINI-USB PORT IS CUNNINGLY CONCEALED BENEATH THAT BLACK WRINKLY PART ON THE END WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO FIND A FULL-SIZE USB TO MINI-USB CABLE OH WAIT, HERE'S ONE HANGING OUT ON THE GROUND [[COOL->ASSIGNMENT-1-LOG-ON]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setEquipment('BANANA'); " />THE ABSOLUTE FINEST IN CLANDESTINE REPLENISHMENT. A CARDBOARD PACKAGE CONTAINING FOUR PERMUTATION-LOCKED HEARTBEAT-ATTUNED BOOBY-TRAPPED PLASTIC PACKETS. JUST ADD WATER. ON ITS OBVERSE LAY VERDANT FIELDS OF OAT, FRUITY RIDGES, AND THE BEHATTED VISAGE OF A PHILOSOPHER LOST TO THE SANDS OF TIME. A SIGNIFIER DIVORCED FROM ITS SIGNIFIED, A REFERENT POINTING ONLY INWARD, TOWARDS DELICIOUSNESS. AND ON ITS REVERSE THE SPECIFICS OF ITS HEARTINESS ENUMERATED AND WRIT LARGE YOURE NOT SURE HOW THIS PERTAINS TO YOUR MISSION AND IF YOURE BEING TOTALLY HONEST YOURE NOT REALLY SURE HOW ANY OF THIS SPY BULLSHIT WORKS BUT YOU HAVE THE DISTINCT FEELING THAT YOURE NOT SUPPOSED TO EAT THEM BEFORE YOU EVEN START THE MISSION BUT YOU SUPPOSE THAT IN A SENSE THIS IS JUST THE FINAL STAGES OF A MISSION YOUVE BEEN ON FOR YOUR ENTIRE LIFE A MISSION TOWARDS SELF-IMPROVEMENT A MISSION TOWARDS APOTHEOSIS A MISSION TOWARDS [[PEACHES AND CREAM->ASSIGNMENT-1-PEACHES-AND-CREAM]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setEquipment('OATMEAL'); " />LACY. RED. DOUBLE D. DEMI CUP. HOT AS FUCK. IT PULLS YOU IN LIKE AN ANGLER FISH AND FITS LIKE A REMORA. YOU FEEL LIKE THE VENUS DE MILO BUT WITH TWO ARMS AND BOTH OF THEM ARE AWESOME AS YOU WEAR IT YOU REALIZE NOT JUST HOW MUCH YOU WANT TO WEAR IT FOREVER, NOT JUST HOW MUCH YOU DREAD A COMING MISSION WHERE YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE USE FOR IT, BUT HOW MUCH YOU ALWAYS WANTED IT. YOU RECOGNIZE WITH ABSOLUTE CLARITY THAT THIS MOMENT SUTURES TWO INFINITIES: ALL TIME BEFORE THIS INSTANT, AND ALL TIME AFTER BOTH JOINED LIKE A COLD WELD IN THE DEEP VACUUM [[COOL->ASSIGNMENT-1-LOG-ON]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setEquipment('BRA'); " />IT'S A STELTECH R64 DISINTEGRATOR RIFLE. COMES WITH A BOX OF 20 CHARGES [[COOL->MEMORY-DEATH-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU REMOVE A PACKET YOU PRESS IT TO YOUR HEART YOU COPY THE NUMBERS TATTOOED ON THE INSIDE OF YOUR THIGH INTO THE KEYPAD THE SEAL OPENS WITH A LOVER'S HISS AND THE SUMPTUOUS BOUQUET HITS YOU LIKE THE IRRESISTIBLE SCENT OF WHICHEVER GENITALS YOU PREFER OR LIKE FRESH COOKIES IF YOU DON'T YOU UNZIP YOUR PANTS AND ADD WATER IT TASTES LIKE ETERNITY [[COOL->ASSIGNMENT-1-LOG-ON]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"ALL THE OTHER SPIES DIED HORRIBLE MUMP-DEATHS. IF YOU DON'T DESTROY OUR RIVAL'S DATACORE, TERRIBLE GEOPOLITICAL CONSEQUENCES WILL ENSUE. MORE GEOPOLITICAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL THAN EVER BEFORE" [[COOL YEAH I GUESS ELVIS DIDNT ASK TO SERVE EITHER->ASSIGNMENT-1-LOG-ON]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(window.preAssignmentCompHudVersion); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"IF YOU WANTED TO HAVE FUN WITHOUT KILLING ANYONE, MAYBE YOU SHOULD'VE READ A BOOK INSTEAD OF PLAYING A VIDEO GAME" [[OH YEAH I GUESS YOU'RE RIGHT. ANYHOW SICK BURN SECRETARYBOT->ASSIGNMENT-1-LOG-ON]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"YOU BRING HONOR TO YOUR TITLE, MASTER SPY" [[I'LL BRING HONOR ALL OVER THAT ROBOBODY ONCE I DESTROY THE DATACORE THING. UNLESS YOU DON'T WANT THAT, OBVIOUSLY. AND UH UNLESS I DON'T LIKE SEX AND THEN WE'LL JUST BAKE COOKIES->ASSIGNMENT-1-LOG-ON]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />BUT YOU DONT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THAT NOW BECAUSE YOUVE GOT (if: $EQUIPMENT is not 0 and $EQUIPMENT is not "NONE")[$EQUIPMENT](else:)[COURAGE] AND A LICENSE TO KILL IF YOU WERE A WHALE YOU'D HAVE A LICENSE TO KRILL [[HAHAHA YEAH->ASSIGNMENT-1-ROAD]] [[ACTUALLY NOT ALL WHALES EAT KRILL AND SOME DON'T EVEN HAVE BALEEN. FOR EXAMPLE, THE—->YOU-ARE-DEAD-AND-YOU-SUCK]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PASS A CHILD SITTING ALONE ON THE QUAY. YOU WALK OVER TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE QUAY AND STARE OUT AT THE OCEAN THERE ARE [[YOUNG PEOPLE->ASSIGNMENT-1-LICENSE-TO-KRILL]] FROLICKING ON THE BEACH, DANCING IN THE WAVES, SCARED TO DEATH THEY MIGHT BE IN LOVE WITH THE PERSON NEXT TO THEM AND THAT PERSON MIGHT NOT BE, TERRIFIED THEY MIGHT NOT BE LOVABLE, THAT THEY MIGHT NOT BE SMART, THAT EVERYTHING THEY DREAMED MIGHT COLLAPSE WHEN SUBJECT TO THE SLIGHTEST PRESSURE, LIKE DRY-ROTTED WOOD<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you think back to the time you were hanging out with your sister's friends at one of their houses. it was obvious even to you that your mother [[made her->MEMORY-SISTER-2]] invite you<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU ARE STANDING ON A ROAD OVERLOOKING THE OCEAN. IN THE DISTANCE IS A DARK OBELISK OF AN OFFICE BUILDING. THE SAND ON THE BEACH IS THE COLOR OF BULLETS AND THE ORGANISMS IN MODERN SWIMWEAR ARE ATTRACTIVE FOR EROTIC/AESTHETIC/EMOTIONAL REASONS BEHIND YOU IS NOTHING BUT ROAD STRETCHING TO THE HORIZON AND BEYOND(if: $EQUIPMENT is "BRA")[ THE BRA FEELS SNUG AND FULL BENEATH YOUR SHIRT YOU STICK OUT YOUR CHEST AND WALK TOWARDS THE BUILDING STRUT STRUT STRUT](else-if: $EQUIPMENT is "BANANA")[ THE SPY BANANA IS CONCEALED IN YOUR WAISTBAND BETWEEN YOUR UNDERWEAR AND YOUR SKIN YOU TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO PRACTICE QUICKDRAWS](else-if: $EQUIPMENT is "OATMEAL")[ YOUR LEG SUDDENLY ACHES THE EXACT SPOT WHERE THE CODE HAD BEEN IS THE LOCUS OF YOUR NEW, SHARP PAIN WHEN YOU KNEEL BEHIND A ROCK AND REMOVE YOUR PANTS, YOU FIND THAT WHERE THE CODE ONCE WAS ON YOUR THIGH IS NOW A FACELESS, ANGRY RED, A PERFECT SQUARE GOOD THING YOU KNOW IT BY HEART](else-if: $EQUIPMENT is "NONE" or $EQUIPMENT is 0)[ AS YOU STAND HERE, WITH THE AIR SALTY AND THE BREEZE STEADY, THE EMPTINESS OF YOUR POCKETS FEELS HEAVY NOW, FAR MORE SO THAN WHEN YOU LEFT NO WEAPONS NO TOOLS JUST YOUR BRAINPOWER, WHICH YOU'VE NEVER FELT ABLE TO RELY UPON TODAY IS NO EXCEPTION YOU DO 20 JUMPING JACKS TO RELIEVE STRESS AND IMAGINE YOURSELF AS ONE OF THE SUPER-HOT EXERCISE VIDPEOPLE ABLE TO STRANGLE A MOTHERFUCKER IN SECONDS FLAT WITH YOUR THIGHS OF OSMIUM] [[TURN AND WALK TOWARDS THE HORIZON->ASSIGNMENT-1-HORIZON]] [[GO FORWARD->ASSIGNMENT-1-ROAD]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />MORE ROAD. NO FAST TRAVEL. THIS IS BULLSHIT AND A [[QUAY->ASSIGNMENT-1-QUAY]] TO YOUR RIGHT [[GO BACK->ASSIGNMENT-1-ENTRANCE]] [[GO FORWARD->ASSIGNMENT-1-APPROACH-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />AN INVISIBLE FORCE STOPS YOU A FEW FEET FROM WHERE YOU STARTED. A STRANGE COALESCENCE, AS IF DREAD COULD BE HARVESTED AS A BUILDING MATERIAL AND MOLDED INTO A WALL STRETCHING UP TO THE SKY. IN THE DISTANCE, BEYOND THE ROAD, YOU CAN SEE THE SHADOWS OF SKYSCRAPERS. YOU CANNOT, HOWEVER, TELL WHETHER THEY ARE INHABITED, OR EVEN WHETHER THERE IS ANYTHING AT ALL CASTING THE SHADOWS IT FEELS LIKE BUGS ARE MOVING UNDER YOUR SKIN. YOU SHOULD GO BACK TO WHERE YOU STARTED PLUS YOU HAVE A DATACORE TO KILL AND YOURE GONNA KILL IT SO GOOD YOURE GONNA KILL IT TILL IT [[DIES->ASSIGNMENT-1-ENTRANCE]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />PRISTINE BLACK CABINETRY. A TABLE THE SIZE OF A FOOTBALL FIELD, VEINED WITH RED, LIKE FROZEN LAVA. IT PULSES LIKE SOMETHING DYING - FIERCELY, WITH FUTILITY. AND LIKE FIFTY SQUILLION WHITE EGG CHAIRS. THERE IS A BANK OF PLAIN METALLIC LOCKERS IN THE CORNER. EVIL CORPORATIONS LOVE LOCKERS. WHEN YOU GET BACK YOU ARE ORDERING SECRETARYBOT TO SPEND ALL THE MONEY THAT USED TO BE SPENT ON SALARY ON A SICK BREAK ROOM (if: $HACKED_BREAD is not true)[THERE IS A BOWL OF BANANA BREAD ON THE COUNTER. IT SMELLS LIKE SEX (MAYBE) ][[STAND AROUND EXPLORING YOUR BODY->ASSIGNMENT-1-EXPLORE-BODY]] [[EAT THE BANANA BREAD->ASSIGNMENT-1-EAT-BANANA-BREAD]] (if: $SMASHED_BANANA_BREAD is not true)[[[SMASH YOUR CROTCH ON THE BANANA BREAD->ASSIGNMENT-1-SMASH-BANANA-BREAD]] ](if: $EQUIPMENT is "BRA")[[[SIT AT THE TABLE->ASSIGNMENT-1-SPY-BRA]]](else:)[[[SIT AT THE TABLE->ASSIGNMENT-1-BREAK-ROOM-TABLE]]] (if: $EQUIPMENT is 0 or $EQUIPMENT is "NONE" or $EQUIPMENT is "OATMEAL")[[[HIDE IN A LOCKER->ASSIGNMENT-1-BREAK-ROOM-LOCKER]] ](if: $IS_BIRD is true and $SIGN_HUNG is not true)[[[GRAB A PIECE OF PAPER, MAKE A SIGN, PUT IT ON THE DOOR->ASSIGNMENT-1-HANG-SIGN]] ](if: $BREAK_ROOM_COMPLETED is true)[[[LEAVE BREAK ROOM->ASSIGNMENT-1-HALLWAY]]](else:)[[[LEAVE BREAK ROOM->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-DEATH]]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-link').css('margin-top', '0.5em'); $($('tw-link')[0]).css('margin-top', ''); " />(if: $BREAK_ROOM_COMPLETED is not true)[UNABLE TO STAND IT ANY LONGER, YOU RUSH OUT OF THE LOBBY AND INTO THE ONLY EXIT YOU CAN SEE ]YOU ARE IN A HALLWAY NOW. IT IS A QUIETER BRIGHT THAN THE LOBBY LINES RUN DOWN THE FLOOR, COLOR-CODED IN HOSPITAL FASHION. THE KEY IS DISPLAYED ON A HOLOFRAGMENT ON THE WALL NEXT TO YOU (text-color:red)[█] — ENTRANCE (text-color: green)[█] — BREAK ROOM (text-color: blue)[█] — DATACORE (if: $BREAK_ROOM_COMPLETED is not true)[SEEMS LIKE A BUILDING THIS BIG WOULD HAVE MORE THAN THREE THINGS IN IT BUT HEY WHO'S ARGUING (set: $SMASHED_BANANA_BREAD to false)]THE RED LINE POINTS BACK TO WHERE YOU JUST WERE THE GREEN LINE POINTS TO THE ROOM TO YOUR RIGHT THE BLUE LINE STRETCHES OUT BEFORE YOU LIKE A PROMISE, WAITING TO BE TAKEN [[GO BACK INTO THE LOBBY->ASSIGNMENT-1-LOBBY]] [[ENTER THE BREAK ROOM->ASSIGNMENT-1-BREAK-ROOM]] (if: $BREAK_ROOM_COMPLETED is true)[[[WALK TOWARDS THE DATACORE->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE]]](else:)[[[WALK TOWARDS THE DATACORE->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-DEATH]]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); $('tw-link').css('margin-top', '0.5em'); " />(if: $IS_BIRD is true and $SIGN_HUNG is true)[A WOMAN WEARING A HOT PINK HACKERSUIT WALKS INTO THE ROOM. "OH... OH MY GOD! EVERYONE, GET IN HERE! SHE'S HERE, SHE'S REALLY HERE!" SECONDS PASS. A SOUND LIKE A THOUSAND DRUMMERS GROWS IN INTENSITY OUTSIDE THE BREAK ROOM A LINE OF GUARDS WALK IN AND STOP A FEW FEET AWAY YOU DO NOT LOOK AT THEM YOU LOOK STRAIGHT AHEAD AND NOWHERE ELSE "OH SHIT! HELL! YEAH, BITCH!" THE FIRST SAYS. "MARINA ABIRDOVIĆ! IN THE FEATHERS!" THE SOUND OF "YEAH! COOL!" ROLLS LIKE A TORNADO INTO THE BREAK ROOM THE WOMAN SITS DOWN FIRST SHE STARES AT YOU YOU STARE BACK SHE WAVES HER HANDS IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE YOU DO NOT BLINK AFTER A TIME SHE GETS UP AND LEAVES THE NEXT GUARD SITS DOWN EACH WAITS TO THEIR HEART OR SPLEEN'S CONTENT DAYS PASS AS THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE STARE INTO YOUR EYES, LOOKING FOR REVELATION, LOOKING FOR PROFUNDITY, LOOKING FOR SERENITY WEEKS PASS. YEARS YOU'VE STARED AHEAD WITH THE PRECISION OF A QUARK THROWER FINALLY THE LAST GUARD LEAVES YOU CAW WITH FINALITY AND GET UP, WALKING OUT THE DOOR AND TOWARDS THE [[DATACORE->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE]](set: $BREAK_ROOM_COMPLETED to true)](else-if: $DEPLOYED_OATMEAL is true)[NOTHING LEFT TO DO BUT TO WAIT AT THE COMFORTABLE EVIL TABLE A MECHSUITED WOMAN WALKS IN THE DOOR "FREEZE, MOTHERBITCH! RAISE THEM HANDS!" YOU SLOWLY STRETCH YOUR ARMS UP TOWARDS THE CEILING "NOW TURN AROUND. FACE THE WALL" YOU ROTATE ON THE BENCH UNTIL YOU'RE FACED 180 DEGREES FROM HER SHE PLACES THE BARREL OF HER QUARK THROWER AGAINST THE BACK OF [[YOUR HEAD->ASSIGNMENT-1-OATMEAL-TIME-1]] YOU CAN FEEL ALL YOUR HAIR ON END FROM THE WEAPON'S CHARGE YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES](else:)[YOU SIT DOWN AND ADMIRE THE ROOM. IT IS A VERY EXPENSIVE, EXPANSIVE, INTRIGUEFUL ROOM. [[STOP SITTING AT THE NICE TABLE->ASSIGNMENT-1-BREAK-ROOM]]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CAN SEE THE ENTIRE ROOM THROUGH THE SLATS IN THE LOCKER. YOU CAN ALSO SMELL THE ENTIRE ROOM THROUGH THE SLATS IN THE LOCKER BUT MOSTLY REALLY JUST THE BANANA BREAD (if: ($IS_BIRD is not true or $IS_BIRD is 0) and ($EQUIPMENT is "NONE" or $EQUIPMENT is 0))[THERE IS A HUMAN-SIZED FAT BIRD COSTUME. LONG AMBER TAIL, GREEN HEAD WITH RED ACCENTS, ADORABLE, HUGE, FLUFFLY IRIDESCENT BRONZE BODY ]THIS LOCKER IS LIKE WAY BIGGER ON THE INSIDE [[LEAVE THE LOCKER->ASSIGNMENT-1-BREAK-ROOM]] (if: ($IS_BIRD is not true or $IS_BIRD is 0) and ($EQUIPMENT is "NONE" or $EQUIPMENT is 0))[[[TAKE FAT BIRD COSTUME->ASSIGNMENT-1-DON-BIRD-SUIT]]](elseif: $EQUIPMENT is "OATMEAL" and $DEPLOYED_OATMEAL is not true)[[[OPEN A PACKET OF INSTANT OATMEAL->ASSIGNMENT-1-LOCKER-OATMEAL]]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-link').css('margin-top', '0.5em'); " />you had just moved to a [[new city and a new apartment->MEMORY-APARTMENT-BUILDING-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />(set: $IS_BIRD to true)YOU DISCARD YOUR SPY SUIT SOMEWHERE DEEP IN THE RECESSES OF THE LOCKER NAKED, FREE, AND POWERFUL, YOU DON THE BIRD SUIT IT FEELS LIKE A SECOND SKIN BUT AVIAN AND FLUFFLY AND [[AWESOME->ASSIGNMENT-1-BREAK-ROOM-LOCKER]], UNLIKE YOUR FIRST SKIN<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); window.isBird = true; " />(set: $SIGN_HUNG to true)YOU FIND A SHARPIE, TAPE, AND A PIECE OF PAPER IN ONE OF THE DRAWERS YOUR HEART IN YOUR THROAT, YOU QUICKLY SCRAWL THE FOLLOWING WORDS 'THE ARTIST IS PHEASANT' ON THE PAPER AND STEALTHILY AFFIX IT TO THE DOOR THEN YOU WALK BACK INTO THE [[BREAK ROOM->ASSIGNMENT-1-BREAK-ROOM]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you can't remember when it started, just that it was always there, right where your heart used to be. it felt like a black hole looks, like a hungry nothing. you could feel it at every second. the second year you moved out of your parents' house you looked on the local mapserver for the nearest gun store. it was just up the hill, all the way up, in the shitty strip mall. you could stand in the parking lot and see everything forever around you, trees waving bare branches like skeletal fingers, lakes frozen into white patches of blindness, maglev tracks weaving through and down like capillaries. every single day you felt the choice in your wrist. turn left and go into town, towards campus. or hold steady, straight up the hill. all choices collapse into a binary at the lowest level and this is the secret choice behind every decision like a shadow with the sun almost all the way up. you could feel it at every second. you knew it was drawing every aspect of you towards itself. there is no feeling like watching yourself disappear. or maybe it is no feeling at all? there was no way to prevent it and the only way to forestall it was to hold onto every part of yourself at once. to fix all of yourself in space and time, to clutch every aspect of yourself - this is an impossibility. something will perpetually fall to its impossible gravity, drawn somewhere strange and unreachable. so you watched as everything moved inexorably voidward, as you lost your erudition, your humor, your intellect, your ability, your kindness, yourself. there is nothing worse than a walking corpse, animated by cowardice and inertia. this is a fact. and you were too proud to become that fact. one day you didn't turn. you unwrapped the weapon like a christmas present whose wrapping you loved more than the gift and you took out five rounds each glowing a soft red and you filled the magazine. you would leave nothing half-finished. you said this to yourself, out loud. your voice sounded strange, like listening to a recording of yourself. you felt a thrill, an electric terror, like all the high school days you used to get secretly high in your parents' basement, drawing lines out on the table with one eye trained on the staircase. you felt like laughing, and you did. you poured the entire package of litter into the box and poured all the dry food on the floor and opened every can of wet food. you pulled her up away from the food. you hugged her. you buried your face into her cashmere fur and stared into her huge owlcat eyes and wished that just once she was okay with being picked up. but she cried and swung her arms around crazily in fright like she was about to fall to her death, like she was trying to fly or swim or dig in the air. like always. you put her down. you kissed her on the head. you scratched under her chin. you told her you were sorry and you kissed her again. you laid flat on your back in the tub with the barrel in your mouth and the disintegrator held up like a weathervane and you counted each breath. do it when you get to fifteen, you said, and the sound of your voice against the porcelain sounded like thunder. like when you'd have to get out of the shower during the winter. thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, your finger tensed. into the cold. sixteen, seventeen. do it when you get to thirty. don't cry, you said. don't cry, echoing cavelike. but you did. everything turned to watercolors and the disintegrator stood high like the mast of a great sailboat in an ancient painting. you could hear her scratching at the door and every cell in your body screamed at you to go out and pick her up and kiss her head once more but your brain whispered no and the whisper was louder. do it when you get to sixty. you were terribly present. all at once you thought of everything you'd ever seen and felt like some great mosaic like synesthesia like love and you pulled the trigger and there was the loudest [[…]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[you were dead->YOU-ARE-DEAD]](text-color: "#EAEAEA")[?]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE BUILDING TOWERS ABOVE YOU AND DISAPPEARS INTO THE CLOUDS LIKE A SCREAM IN A NIGHTMARE THERE ARE TWO GUARDS OUTSIDE HOLDING DISASSEMBLER RIFLES WITH THEIR FINGERS [[ON THE TRIGGERS->ASSIGNMENT-1-TRIGGER-DISCIPLINE]] WITHOUT KNOWING HOW, YOU'RE FULLY COGNIZANT THAT YOU'RE JUST BARELY OUTSIDE THEIR SIGHT RANGE. YOU'LL HAVE TO FIND A WAY TO DISTRACT THEM THERE IS A [[STRANGE ROCK->ASSIGNMENT-1-FAKE-ROCK-DETAILS]] SITTING POLITELY A FEW FEET TO YOUR LEFT [[PICK UP ROCK->ASSIGNMENT-1-FAKE-ROCK-PICKUP]] [[WALK CLOSER->ASSIGNMENT-1-APPROACH-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />YOU ARE DEAD (if: $CHECKPOINT is 0)[(set: $CHECKPOINT to "ASSIGNMENT-1-START")](link-goto: "RELOAD CHECKPOINT", $CHECKPOINT) [[RESTART->ASSIGNMENT-1-START]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" if (checkpointState) { makeHud(checkpointState.hudVersion); setEquipment(; setBird(checkpointState.isBird); setBluntKlubbSSSSSS(checkpointState.bluntKlubbSSSSSS); } else { makeHud(1); } doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THIS IS YOUR BODY THERE ARE MANY LIKE IT BUT THIS ONE IS AH FUCK IT THIS JOKE'S TOO LONG YOU HAVE A GOOD BODY. YOU SHOULD BE PROUD OF IT, IS THE POINT BEING MADE [[HERE->ASSIGNMENT-1-BREAK-ROOM]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />(if: $EQUIPMENT is "BANANA")[YOU LEAN DOWN AND WAFT THE BANANAVAPORS TOWARDS YOUR FACE WITH THE PRECISION AND GRACE OF A SOMMELIER YOU GRAB A HUGE HUNK OF BREAD AND YOU ARE ABOUT TO STUFF IT INTO YOUR MOUTH WITH THE PRECISION AND GRACE OF A DACHSHUND WHEN YOUR SPY-BANANA BEEPS AN ALERT TONE WITH THE CLARITY AND ALACRITY OF A WOLF YOU REMOVE IT FROM YOUR POCKET IT READS "POSSIBLE THREAT DETECTED" AND AS YOU MOVE THE IT TOWARDS THE BREAD IN YOUR HAND, THE SPY-BANANA BEGINS TO BEEP FASTER, WITH THE BEAUTY AND FERVOR OF A HUMMINGBIRD UPON TURNING THE HUNK OF BREAD, YOU SEE A HERETOFORE-INVISIBLE USB PORT [[HACK THE SHIT OUT OF THE BANANA BREAD->ASSIGNMENT-1-HACK-BANANA-1]] [[EAT IT ANYWAY->ASSIGNMENT-1-BANANA-BOOBY-TRAP]]](else:)[YOU LEAN DOWN AND WAFT THE BANANAVAPORS TOWARDS YOUR FACE WITH THE PRECISION AND GRACE OF A SOMMELIER YOU GRAB A HUGE HUNK OF BREAD AND STUFF IT INTO YOUR MOUTH WITH THE PRECISION AND GRACE OF A DACHSHUND [[DELICIOUS->ASSIGNMENT-1-BANANA-BOOBY-TRAP]]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU UNZIP YOUR SPY TROUSERS, VOWING TO DEVISE A CUTER NAME THAN "SPY TROUSERS," AND YOU STUFF A HANDFUL OF BREAD IN YOUR UNDERWEAR IT IS SOFT WARM SUPPLE SQUISHY GORGEOUSLY SCENTED JUST LIKE YOUR GENITALS, WITH WHICH IT FITS PERFECTLY, LIKE ONE OF THOSE KEY-LOCK OR ROUND-PEG ROUND-HOLE METAPHORS EXCEPT NOT SUPER GENDERED OR POWER-DRIVEN YOU DECIDE TO LEAVE THE BREAD IN YOUR SPY PANTS AND RETURN TO YOUR [[MISSION->ASSIGNMENT-1-BREAK-ROOM]](set: $SMASHED_BANANA_BREAD to true)<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE EXPLOSION BLOWS CHUNKS OF YOUR BRAIN ALL OVER THE BREAK ROOM [[YOU HOPE THE JANITOR HERE IS PAID A LIVING WAGE, OR, ON THE OFF-CHANCE THIS IS ONE OF THOSE WEIRD POST-CAPITALIST ANARCHISTY BIG ARMED-GUARDED BUSINESS-ISH BUILDINGS, THAT SHE RECEIVES A DEGREE OF SOCIETAL RESPECT AND SUPPORT COMMENSURATE WITH HER RESPONSIBILITIES AND EFFORTS->MEMORY-TESTING-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />A LOW WHINE SOUNDS AND THERE IS A SHATTERING CLICK BEFORE WHICH ALL IS SILENT IN THE MICROSECOND BEFORE THE THE BOOBY-TRAP ACTIVATES, BEFORE THE EXPLOSION'S SHOCK WAVE UNMAKES YOUR FACE AND ATOMIZES YOUR SKULL, YOU REALIZE THAT THE BANANA BREAD MUST'VE BEEN SALIVA-SOUL-LOCKED TO EACH OF THE EMPLOYEES HERE YOU ARE NOT AN EMPLOYEE HERE THE WAVE [[COMES->ASSIGNMENT-1-BANANA-SHOCK-WAVE-DEATH]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU SLOT THE CORD INTO THE BREAD AND JACK IN YOUR MIND FILLS WITH ABSTRACT, COLORED SHAPES AS THE INFORMATION MAKES ITSELF MANIFEST IN THE BEGINNING, THERE WAS NOTHING LET THERE BE [[DATA->ASSIGNMENT-1-HACK-BANANA-2]] (AND BANANA BREAD)<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU ACCESS THE CENTRAL OPERATING SYSTEM AND SET TO CRACKING THE FIRMWARE FIREWALL ABSTRUSE TECHPHRASES SCROLL DOWN YOUR VIEWSCREEN LIKE A STOCK MARKET TICKER, BUT A LOT MORE TECHNICAL AND NOT QUITE AS CAPITALISTIC [[JUST A FEW MORE SECONDS->ASSIGNMENT-1-HACK-BANANA-CONSOLE]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />EVERY PIECE OF BANANA BREAD IN THE BOWL DISAPPEARS. YOU QUICKLY UNPLUG YOUR SPY-BANANA FROM THE PIECE IN YOUR HAND AND CONSUME THE EVIDENCE YOU HIDE INSIDE ONE OF THE CONVENIENTLY-PLACED AND -SIZED LOCKERS WITHIN SECONDS A GUARD APPEARS SHE SEES THE EMPTY BOWL AND PULLS THE ALARM SOON THE ENTIRE ROOM IS FILLED WITH GUARDS MAKING A CACAPHONOUS HARRUMPHING NOISE EACH OF THEM NODS IN SYNCHRONY AND WALKS OUT OF THE ROOM AT THE SAME TIME FOR A FEW MINUTES EVERYTHING IS STILL AFTER A FEW MORE MINUTES OF SILENCE YOU EXIT THE LOCKER YOU CAN SEE THE GUARDS [[OUTSIDE->ASSIGNMENT-1-GUARD-PICKET-LINE]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(window.previousHudVersion); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE GUARDS HAVE FORMED A PICKET LINE THEY ARE HOLDING [[SIGNS->ASSIGNMENT-1-PICKET-SIGNS]] THEY SOUND VERY VERY ANGRY SUCH ARE THE WAGES OF CAPITALISM, YOU SUPPOSE. LIVE BY THE LOAF, DIE BY THE LOAF<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />ONE SAYS "BRING BACK BANANA BREAD" EVERY SINGLE OTHER SIGN SAYS "FUCK YOU" THE WAY TO THE [[DATACORE->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE]] IS NOW CLEAR(set: $BREAK_ROOM_COMPLETED to true)<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU ARE STANDING IN THE ANNEX OF AN ENORMOUS DATA-NEXUS. ENORMOUS QUANTUM CONDUITS, SHEATHED BY METERS OF DURASTEEL, RUN ALONG EVERY WALL UP TOWARDS THE NOT-YET-VISIBLE CENTRAL PROCESSOR. IF YOU WERE TO TOUCH ONE OF THE CONDUITS WITHOUT ITS INSULATION, YOUR ENTIRE BODY WOULD FREEZE IN AN INSTANT I'VE TOTALLY FORGOTTEN WHAT A HORSE HAS ME DOING HERE ON THIS MISSION, YOU SAY TO YOURSELF THAT WAS AN ODD MISTAKE NO, NOT A HORSE, A HORSE WAIT, [[WHAT->NAP-DREAM-1-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU ARE STANDING IN THE WAITING AREA OF A DINER DESIGNED IN 2000s-ERA OLD-AMERICA STYLE YOU ARE HOLDING A STELTECH R64 DISINTEGRATOR RIFLE FOR REASONS YOU CANNOT REMEMBER. LIKE A FORGOTTEN SCAR, SCARCELY VISIBLE IT IS UNCLEAR TO YOU WHETHER THIS DINER HAS [[VINTAGE PRETENSIONS->NAP-DREAM-2-VINTAGE-PRETENSIONS]] OR WHETHER YOU ARE ACTUALLY IN 2000s-ERA OLD AMERICA IS THERE A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIVING BEFORE THE FALL AND WILLING ONE'S SELF TO EXIST, ONCE MORE WITHIN IT? PERHAPS REVANCHISM IS THE SAME [[CRIME->NAP-DREAM-2-2]] AS IMPERIALISM<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU LAY DOWN ON THE SOFT OXYFOAM MATTRESS. SLOWLY YOU SINK INTO THE MATERIAL, AND IT GROWS UP AROUND YOU, UNTIL YOU ARE ENVELOPED THEN YOU SINK ALSO INTO A DEEP SLEEP AS IF INTO A GRAVE LINED WITH (if: $napVar is 0)[(set: $napVar to 1)](if: $napVar is 1)[[[BLACK VELVET->NAP-DREAM-1-1]]](else-if: $napVar is 2)[[[BLACK VELVET->NAP-DREAM-2-1]]](else-if: $napVar is 3)[[[BLACK VELVET->NAP-DREAM-3-1]]](else-if: $napVar is 4)[[[BLACK VELVET->NAP-DREAM-4-1]]](else-if: $napVar is 5)[[[BLACK VELVET->NAP-DREAM-5-1]]](else-if: $napVar is 6)[[[BLACK VELVET->NAP-DREAM-6-1]]](if: $napVar is 7)[[[BLACK VELVET->_NAP-DREAM-COLLATOR]]](else:)[(set: $napVar to $napVar + 1)]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />FOR SOME INEXPLICABLE REASON, EVERY TIME YOU TRY TO SPEAK A NAME, ALL THAT COMES OUT OF YOUR MOUTH IS "A HORSE" THIS SEEMS LIKE AN ODD BUT LARGELY IMMATERIAL WEAKNESS YOU PULL YOUR HACKERSCOPE AND MELD WITH THE NEURAL NETWORK OF THE ELEVATOR UP TO THE CENTRAL PROCESSOR. WITHIN SEVERAL MINUTES YOUR GOALS AND THOSE OF THE NETWORK HAVE BEEN MADE [[CONSONANT->NAP-DREAM-1-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE ELEVATOR HUMS TO LIFE AND BEGINS ITS LONG TREK UPWARDS YOU STILL HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE DOING HERE. TIME TO CALL HOME AND ASK. YOU COMMAND YOUR VIDPHONE: VIDPHONE, CALL A HORSE A HORSE APPEARS ON SCREEN, STARING WORDLESSLY AND INSCRUTABLY. YOU SEE INTELLIGENCE IN ITS EYES, AND TRAUMA SHIT. WHAT TO DO NOW YOU ARE NEARLY SURE IT'S JUST YOUR IMAGINATION, BUT WITH EVERY METER UPWARD YOU FEEL COLDER. WITHIN MINUTES YOU ARE SHIVERING, YOUR SKIN A RIOT OF GOOSEFLESH THE NOISE IS REAL, THOUGH. A HUMMING LIKE A BILLION GUITARS ALL EVER SO SLIGHTLY OUT OF TUNE WITH ONE ANOTHER BUILDS, THEN FORCES ITS WAY INTO YOUR BRAIN. THIS IS THE SOUND OF DATA ITSELF AND YOU ARE SURELY ONE OF FEW HUMANS EVER TO HEAR IT. GUARDS HERE HAVE ONLY BEEN ALLOWED TO SERVE TWO-MONTH ROTATIONS SINCE THE INCIDENT, AND ARE GIVEN HAZARD PAY THE ENTIRE TIME REGARDLESS OF [[EVENTS->NAP-DREAM-1-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AFTER AN ETERNITY THE ELEVATOR SLIDES TO A HALT THE DOOR OPENS, REVEALING THREE GUARDS IN FULLY-LOADED ANTI-ARMOR MECHSUITS "FREEZE!" YOU CAN HEAR THE HUM OF THEIR ANTIMATTER COLLIDERS CHARGING YOU CONSIDER RAISING YOUR STELTECH R64 DISINTEGRATOR RIFLE, BUT THERE IS ALMOST NO CHANCE OF THE BUCKSHOT PENETRATING THEIR METER-THICK DURASTEEL ARMOR AND IN THE FRACTION OF A SECOND IT TAKES TO RAISE YOUR ARM AND PULL THE TRIGGER THEY WILL HAVE ALREADY BLOWN YOU TO SMITHEREENS YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES YOU ARE [[TERRIBLY PRESENT->NAP-DREAM-1-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />I WISH A HORSE WERE HERE, YOU THINK. JUST FOR THE INSTANT BEFORE DEATH. JUST ONCE MORE "OH, WAIT. STAND DOWN, EVERYONE. IT'S JUST A HORSE." WHEN YOU OPEN YOUR EYES THE MIDDLE GUARD IS HOLDING HER UTILITY LIMB OUT TO YOU WITHIN IT IS A BUNDLE OF HAY [[YOU AWAKE WITH THE SENSE OF HAVING BEEN ABSENT FOR DECADES, AND HAVING TRAVELLED IMPOSSIBLE DISTANCES->ASSIGNMENT-2-QUARTERS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE CARPET IS NONDESCRIPT, AND THE ONE TABLE YOU CAN SEE HAS PLAIN WHITE PLATES ON CHEAP FAKE WOOD FORMICA THERE IS A WOOD CARVING OF A STATUE AND FLAG WITH THE ANTEDILUVIANS' GOD'S FACE ON IT THE NEON SIGN IN THE WINDOW READS, FROM INSIDE THE RESTAURANT: <mark><style> .signContainer { width: 80%; height: 95%; background: rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.75); -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 1em #fff; -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 1em #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 1em #fff; -webkit-border-radius: 1em; -moz-border-radius: 1em; border-radius: 1em; } .nameSignContainer { position: absolute; top: 5%; width: 75%; height: 50%; display: inline-block; border: 0.5em double rgba(25, 25, 25, 0.5); -webkit-border-radius: 0.25em; -moz-border-radius: 0.25em; border-radius: 0.5em; padding-top: 0.25em; padding-bottom: 0.25em; } .nameSign { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; display: inline-block; } .centeredReversedText { -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1) translate(50%, -125%); -moz-transform: scaleX(-1) translate(50%, -125%); -ms-transform: scaleX(-1) translate(50%, -125%); -o-transform: scaleX(-1) translate(50%, -125%); transform: scaleX(-1) translate(50%, -125%); } .neonOpenSignContainer { position: absolute; top: 60%; width: 35%; height: 35%; left: 50%; display: inline-block; padding: 0.5em; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15); -webkit-border-radius: 0.5em; -moz-border-radius: 0.5em; border-radius: 0.5em; -webkit-box-shadow: 0em 0em 5em #22f, -0.25em -0.25em 2em #22f, 0.25em -0.25em 1.5em #22f, -0.25em 0.25em 1.5em #22f, 0.25em 0.25em 1.5em #22f, inset 0em 0em 5em #22f, inset -0.25em -0.25em 1.5em #22f, inset 0.25em -0.25em 1.5em #22f, inset -0.25em 0.25em 1.5em #22f, inset 0.25em 0.25em 1.5em #22f; -moz-box-shadow: 0em 0em 5em #22f, -0.25em -0.25em 2em #22f, 0.25em -0.25em 1.5em #22f, -0.25em 0.25em 1.5em #22f, 0.25em 0.25em 1.5em #22f, inset 0em 0em 5em #22f, inset -0.25em -0.25em 1.5em #22f, inset 0.25em -0.25em 1.5em #22f, inset -0.25em 0.25em 1.5em #22f, inset 0.25em 0.25em 1.5em #22f; box-shadow: 0em 0em 5em #22f, -0.25em -0.25em 2em #22f, 0.25em -0.25em 1.5em #22f, -0.25em 0.25em 1.5em #22f, 0.25em 0.25em 1.5em #22f, inset 0em 0em 5em #22f, inset -0.25em -0.25em 1.5em #22f, inset 0.25em -0.25em 1.5em #22f, inset -0.25em 0.25em 1.5em #22f, inset 0.25em 0.25em 1.5em #22f; box-sizing: border-box; } .neonOpenSignContainer:after { position: absolute; left: 0.5%; top: 0.5%; width: 99%; height: 99%; border: 0.2em solid rgba(125, 125, 255, 0.275); -webkit-border-radius: 0.75em; -moz-border-radius: 0.75em; border-radius: 0.75em; -webkit-filter: blur(1px); -moz-filter: blur(1px); -ms-filter: blur(1px); -o-filter: blur(1px); filter: blur(1px); content: ''; } .neonOpenSign { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; font-size: 2.75em; color: #f00; text-shadow: 0em 0em 0.5em #f22, -0.25em -0.25em 1em #f22, 0.25em -0.25em 1em #f22, -0.25em 0.25em 1em #f22, 0.25em 0.25em 1em #f22; } </style><div class="signContainer centerHorizontally"><div class="nameSignContainer centerHorizontally"><p class="nameSign centeredReversedText">COOKED PORK DINER</p></div><div class="neonOpenSignContainer centerHorizontally"><div class="neonOpenSign centerHorizontallyAndVertically">OPEN</div></div></div></mark> [[HOW QUAINT->NAP-DREAM-2-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THERE IS A SIGN MADE OF THIN BLACK PLASTIC NEXT TO YOU "PLEASE WAIT TO BE SEATED" YOU HAVE THE SENSE THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY BEEN [[WAITING->NAP-DREAM-2-3]] A VERY, VERY LONG TIME<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CONTINUE TO WAIT. HOURS ELAPSE. YOU SEE NO ONE AND NO ONE COMES TO SEE YOU YOUR STOMACH GRUMBLES A THRENODY FOR LOST TIME AND FINALLY YOU DECIDE TO JUST WALK INTO THE SEATING AREA THE RESTAURANT IS [[ENORMOUS->NAP-DREAM-2-ENORMOUS-RESTAURANT]] EVERY SINGLE TABLE IS COVERED IN PLATES OF [[SCRAMBLED EGGS->NAP-DREAM-2-SCRAMBLED-EGGS-PLATE]] AND [[COOKED PORK->NAP-DREAM-2-COOKED-PORK-PLATE]] NO ONE APPEARS TO BE PRESENT IN THE SEATING AREA PERHAPS THERE IS SOMEONE IN THE [[KITCHEN->NAP-DREAM-2-DINER-KITCHEN]] OR PERHAPS YOU SHOULD [[TAKE THE SEAT YOU SO RICHLY DESERVE->NAP-DREAM-2-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />LIKE AN OLD CATHEDRAL BUILT TO VENERATE AMAZING GREASY FOODS OR AN OASIS IN A DESERT BUT INSTEAD OF THERE BEING LIKE NO WATER IT'S A DESERT THAT DOESN'T SERVE BREAKFAST 18 HOURS OUT OF THE DAY AND THIS IS THE OASIS THAT ALWAYS SERVES BREAKFAST YOU SPEND A FEW MINUTES TRYING TO COME UP WITH A FUNNY PORTMANTEAU BETWEEN "BREAKFAST" AND "OASIS" BUT GLEAN [[NOTHING->NAP-DREAM-2-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU ARE INTUITIVELY AWARE WITHOUT KNOWING HOW THAT THE PORK ON THESE PLATES IS CITY HAM, NOT THE OBVIOUSLY-INFERIOR COUNTRY HAM THE AMOUNT OF COOKED PORK ON EACH PLATE IS EXACTLY IDENTICAL TO THE AMOUNT ON EVERY SINGLE OTHER PLATE IN THE RESTAURANT [[OKAY->NAP-DREAM-2-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE AWESOME FLUFFY DINER KIND WITH LOTS OF MILK THE AMOUNT OF SCRAMBLED EGGS VARIES PROFOUNDLY FROM PLATE TO PLATE. SOME ARE NEARLY OVERFLOWING, OTHERS ARE ALMOST ENTIRELY DEVOID OF SCRAMBLED EGG [[OKAY->NAP-DREAM-2-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU WANDER INTO THE KITCHEN WEARING TREPIDATION ON YOUR SKIN LIKE DUST THERE IS AN ENORMITY OF SCRAMBLED EGGS FRYING ON THE GRILL NO ONE APPEARS TO BE MANNING IT THERE IS ONLY A PILE OF COOKED PORK SITTING ATOP A HIGH-CHAIR IN FRONT OF A GRILL [[WEIRD->NAP-DREAM-2-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CHOOSE A TABLE AT RANDOM YOU LAY THE SHOTGUN DOWN ON THE SEAT NEXT TO YOU THERE IS NO ROOM ON THE TABLE FOR ANYTHING BUT PLATES OF SCRAMBLED EGGS AND COOKED PORK AS YOU LOOK AROUND AT THE TABLES NEAR YOU, IT SEEMS LIKE THE AMOUNT OF SCRAMBLED EGGS ON SOME OF THE PLATES HAS LESSENED BUT PERHAPS IT IS HUBRIS TO THINK YOU COULD MEMORIZE QUANTITIES OF SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH EXACTITUDE THERE IS NO SILVERWARE AT ALL YOU WILL HAVE TO USE YOUR [[HANDS->NAP-DREAM-2-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU HAVE TO MAKE A DECISION TO START WITH THE COOKED PORK OR THE SCRAMBLED EGGS? SOMETHING INEFFABLE, BEYOND LANGUAGE, DRAWS YOU TOWARDS THE COOKED PORK YOU PICK [[IT->NAP-DREAM-2-SOLID-MASS-OF-COOKED-PORK]] UP WITH BOTH HANDS SIX INCHES FROM YOUR MOUTH THE COOKED PORK BEGINS TO [[SCREAM->NAP-DREAM-2-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />IT IS A SOLID MASS OF COOKED PORK. YOU CAN SEE NO GRAINS OR SUTURES ON IT. IT APPEARS HARD, AND UNMARBLED, AND IS OF A UNIFORM BROWNISH-GREY WHAT IS PAST [[WELL-DONE->NAP-DREAM-2-5]]?<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE SOUND IS DEAFENING AND MONASTIC, SOMETHING BUILT FROM AN ANCIENT, MAGICAL FERVOR, SOMETHING WHICH RETAINS THROUGHOUT THE AGES THE POWER TO UNSETTLE EVEN THE WOULD-BE-FAITHLESS YOU HEAR A CRY FROM SOMEWHERE ACROSS THE DINER: "SIR, PLEASE DO NOT— SIR! PLEASE LEAVE THE ESTABLISHMENT IMMEDIATELY!" YOU LOOK AROUND AND SEE NO ONE YOU ARE SO HUNGRY, AND THE SCREAMS ARE SO LOUD YOU BITE INTO THE COOKED PORK AND PULL UNTIL A LARGE PIECE COMES AWAY IN YOUR MOUTH THE SCREAMING FROM YOUR COOKED PORK STOPS AND BEGINS [[EVERYWHERE ELSE->NAP-DREAM-2-7]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CLUTCH YOUR HEAD IN CONFUSION AND PAIN YOUR VISION IS HAZY. AS IF THROUGH FROSTED GLASS YOU SEE EVERY PIECE OF COOKED PORK RISE FROM THE PLATES AND MOVE TOWARDS YOU LIKE A TSUNAMI'S FIRST WAVE YOU GRAB THE SHOTGUN BUT THEY ARE UPON YOU BEFORE YOU HAVE A CHANCE TO REACH THE TRIGGER YOU ARE TERRIBLY PRESENT FOR CENTURIES YOU ARE DIGESTED BY THE HORDE OF COOKED PORKS THE ONLY THINGS YOU HEAR ARE A GRINDING YOU CANNOT IDENTIFY, LIKE THE GEARS OF AN ENORMOUS MACHINE, AND EVERY SO OFTEN THE MUTED CRY OF "COOK, MORE SCRAMBLED EGGS, PLEASE." WHEN YOU HAVE DISAPPEARED COMPLETELY EACH REMAINING PIECE OF COOKED PORK GROWS AN INFINITESIMAL AND IDENTICAL AMOUNT [[YOU AWAKE FEELING AS IF YOU HAVE BEEN USED AS LANDING GEAR FOR A LUXURY SPACELINER->ASSIGNMENT-2-QUARTERS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU SLIP DOWN THE HALLWAY TOWARDS THE DATACORE. (if: $IS_BIRD is true)[YOUR FEATHERS FLUFFLE IN ANTICIPATION AND YOU COO SOFTLY ]THE AIR SEEMS TO GET HOTTER AND COLDER SIMULTANEOUSLY. PERHAPS SOME QUIRKS IN THE COOLING SYSTEM, OR PERIODIC LOAD SPIKES? NO ONE IS LEFT GUARDING THE SECURITY DOOR THERE IS A [[CRUMPLED-UP PIECE OF PAPER->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-PAPER]] SITTING ON THE FLOOR AND A [[KEYPAD->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-KEYPAD]], ITS LED BLINKING RED, NEXT TO THE DOOR SMALL, AND LONELY, PRESUMABLY DROPPED BY ONE OF THE GUARDS IN THEIR RUSH<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />EVERYTHING WHITE MARBLE WITH ACCENTS OF GOLD ALL BRIGHT AS A HEADACHE LIKE THE LOBBY WERE ORIGINALLY A QUARRY, AND THE AREA YOU'RE STANDING IN NOW WAS BUILT INTO SOMETHING, RATHER THAN OUT OF IT IT IS ALL IMPACT AND NO TASTE AND YOU FEEL IT IN YOUR ABDOMEN LIKE A BLOW LIKE A MONUMENT WHOSE TEXT HAS BEEN ABRADED AND DEBRIDED. ONCE EXPOSITORY, NOW JUST A FLESHLESS, DISEMBODIED WOUND A SOURCE OF ANCIENT, IMPERIAL [[DREAD->ASSIGNMENT-1-HALLWAY]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />EXTREMELY POOR TRIGGER DISCIPLINE A SNEEZE OR A MUSCLE TWITCH AND TEN POUNDS OF ASPHALT IS DISASSEMBLED OR IF A SECTION ROAD IS NOT THE VICTIM, PERHAPS SOMETHING SLIGHTLY MORE ALIVE THIS THOUGHT IS INTIMIDATING, BOTH IN TERMS OF THE ENORMOUS CAPACITY FOR DESTRUCTION, AND FOR COSTLY OSHA VIOLATIONS [[SCARY->ASSIGNMENT-1-APPROACH-1]] [[EXPENSIVE->ASSIGNMENT-1-APPROACH-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU WALK OVER TO THE VERY CONSPICUOUSLY STRANGE ROCK. WHEN YOU ARE A FEW FEET FROM IT, A STRANGE WHIRRING BEGINS LIKE ONE OF THE REPLICATIONS IN THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, THE BIRD THAT FLAPS ITS WINGS SO FAST IT LOOKS LIKE A FLOATING BODY THE ROCK RISES A SMALL PORT OPENS AT ITS FRONT IT EMITS A QUICK ULTRAVIOLET PULSE, AND, SEEING NO FRIENDS, EXPLODES INTO TINY FRAGMENTS OF ROCK EACH OF WHICH EXPLODES INTO RAZOR-SHARP PIECES OF DEPLETED PLUTONIUM, TURNING YOU INTO [[SOAKING RAGS, CLOTH AND OTHERWISE IN A CONTORTED HEAP->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />IT'S A CONSPICUOUSLY DIFFERENT COLOR THAN THE REST OF THE ROCKS. MORE LIGHT GRAY. OR LIKE, DARK WHITE? UNLIKE LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE AROUND YOU, THE ROCK GLOWS A LITTLE BRIGHTER, AND THE GLOW SEEMS TO COME FROM WITHIN THE CORE OF THE ROCK ITSELF. ALMOST AS IF ITS TRYING TO SEND YOU A MESSAGE, AS IF ITS POINTING TO ITSELF ROCK-AS-SEMAPHORE. WHATEVER CAN IT MEAN? [[SEEMS IMPORTANT, THAT'S FOR SURE->ASSIGNMENT-1-APPROACH-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />NOW YOU'RE DEFINITELY RIGHT NEXT TO THE EDGE OF THEIR SIGHT. YOU'RE 100% SURE ABOUT THAT NOW. AS FOR WHY THEY CAN'T SEE YOU BUT YOU CAN SEE ALL THE WAY TO THE HORIZON, MAYBE THEY'RE ONLY PAID TO SEE HALF A KILOMETER? UNION STUFF, RIGHT? DON'T LOOK A GIFT BOT IN THE GEARS THERE ARE TONS OF [[NORMAL LOOKING ROCKS->ASSIGNMENT-1-NORMAL-ROCKS]] HERE [[WALK EVEN CLOSERER->ASSIGNMENT-1-APPROACH-DEATH]] [[PICK UP A NORMAL-LOOKING ROCK->ASSIGNMENT-1-THROW-NORMAL-ROCK]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />THEY'RE NORMAL-ASS ROCKS SOME ARE BIG SOME ARE SMALL ALL ARE HIGHLY ROCKY [[HOW ILLUSTRATIVE->ASSIGNMENT-1-APPROACH-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PICK UP ONE OF THE NORMAL ROCKS AND THROW IT LIKE A GIRL IT GOES LIKE 150 METERS AND FALLS AROUND THE CORNER OF THE BUILDING. BOTH GUARDS GO "WHUH?" AND DISAPPEAR AROUND THE CORNER THAT WAS A REALLY GOOD THROW MAYBE YOU WERE BORN WITH IT MAYBE IT'S THAT SECRETARYBOT INSTALLED MYOELECTRIC ACTUATORS IN YOUR ARMS WHEN YOU WEREN'T LOOKING EITHER ONE IS PERFECTLY LIKELY, REALLY [[WALK INSIDE->ASSIGNMENT-1-LOBBY]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />ONE OF THE GUARDS GESTURES TOWARDS YOU IN A VAGUELY AGITATED FASHION THE OTHER RUNS INSIDE AN ALARM SOUNDS, AND INUMERABLE GUARDS IN HEAVY POWERSUITS RUN OUT OF THE ENTRANCE, MOVING DIRECTLY TOWARDS YOU YOU CAN'T DECIDE WHETHER TO RUN, OR FIGHT AND WHILE YOU'RE MAKING THAT DECISION ONE OF THEN SENDS A SHELL [[DIRECTLY THROUGH YOUR VISOR->MEMORY-FLORA-AND-FAUNA-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />A GUARD WALKS IN THE DOOR. SHE IS WITHOUT A MECHSUIT — ON BREAK, LIKELY DONE FOR THE DAY. SHE WEARS A SLATE GREY JUMPSUIT WITH THE BUILDING LOGO ON IT AND A SIDEARM ON HER HIP SHE IS TALL, SLIGHT, SOMEWHAT GAWKY, SOMETHING MORE BUILT THAN SCULPTED HER HAIR IS SHORT, ROUGHLY CUT, JUST REGIMENTED ENOUGH FOR REGULATION YOU BREATHE IN SHARPLY, SUCKING IN YOUR STOMACH, AND SHE TURNS WITH A [[START->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?" SHE REACHES FOR HER RADIO YOU SMILE, AND TAKE THE FIRST STEP. YOUR FEET FEEL LIGHT AND UNSURE AND EACH METER TOWARDS HER SEEMS TO TAKE LONGER HOURS LATER YOU ARE STANDING WITHIN [[ARM'S REACH->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-2]] OF HER<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />SHE RAISES HER SIDEARM AND POINTS IT DIRECTLY AT YOUR FOREHEAD [[WALK TOWARDS THE GUN->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU REMOVE YOUR SUIT'S HELMET SHAKING YOUR HAIR OUT, WEARING A SMILE TRYING TO RECALL, FROM A DISTANT PAST LIFE, OR AN IMPOSSIBLE FUTURE, HOW TO BE DESIRABLE YOU TAKE A STEP FORWARD AND THE BARREL CARESSES YOUR SKIN LIKE A LOVER'S LIPS YOU CAN SEE CONFUSION IN HER EYES, AND INTEREST, AND WHAT YOU THINK, BUT CANNOT MORALLY BE SURE OF, IS ATTRACTION [[KISS HER->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-CONSENT-FAIL-DEATH]] [[ASK HER FOR PERMISSION TO KISS HER->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" window.previousHudVersion = hudVersion; $('#hudFaceDiv .censorBar').addClass('visible'); $('tw-link, tw-icon.undo').click(function(e) { $('#hudFaceDiv .censorBar').removeClass('visible'); }); makeHud(0); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES, WET YOUR LIPS, AND LEAN IN "CONSENT IS NECESSARY TO ERADICATE CISHETEROPATRIARCHAL NORMS!" SHE SHOUTS, AND THE LAST SOUND YOU HEAR IS THE TRIGGER DEPRESSING AND YOUR SKULL TURNING ITSELF [[INSIDE OUT->MEMORY-BAD-DREAMS-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-link, tw-icon.undo').click(function(e) { $('#hudFaceDiv .censorBar').removeClass('visible'); }); " />CAN I UM WOULD YOU MIND IF I KISSED YOU, YOU ASK SHE NODS, "[[YES. I MEAN, NO. NO, I WOULDN'T MIND->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-5]]"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES, WET YOUR LIPS, AND STAND ON YOUR TOES TO REACH HER THE FIRST KISS IS LIKE A SUGGESTION ALL POSSIBLE WORLDS AND FUTURES CONTAINED IN THE SLIGHTEST BRUSH OF LIPS AND THE NEXT REMOVES POSSIBILITIES, AND BRIGHTENS THE REMAINDER AND THE NEXT EVEN MORE SO, EVERYTHING MORE IN FOCUS LIKE A KIND, SWEET CONTRACT, BINDING THE TWO OF YOU INTO THE BEST OF WORLDS INTO THE BEST OF FUTURES TWO HEARTS AGAINST THE WORLD [[ASK IF YOU CAN REMOVE HER SHIRT->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-6]] [[STEAL HER ID CARD->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-STEAL-ID-CARD-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"LET'S GO SOMEWHERE A LITTLE MORE PRIVATE," SHE SAYS SHE PULLS YOU TOWARDS THE LOCKERS AND INSIDE THEIR IMPOSSIBLY LARGE EXTENT, AND YOU LAUGH SO FULLY AND SO CARELESSLY THAT IT SOUNDS FOREIGN, ECHOING OFF THE LOCKER'S WALLS AS IF IT CAME FROM A SPEAKER YOU CANNOT REMEMBER THE LAST TIME YOU LAUGHED FROM YOUR CHEST AND NOT FROM SOMEWHERE DISTANT AND DELIBERATE WITHIN YOUR BRAIN SHE LOOKS AT YOU, NEWLY WOUNDED, AND YOU REALIZED THAT YOU'VE LAUGHED IN HER FACE IT'S NOT IT'S AND YOU GIVE UP TRYING TO EXPLAIN AND YOU PULL HER AGAINST YOU, HARD, AND LIFT HER SHIRT OVER HER HEAD [[ASK TO GO DOWN ON HER->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-7]] [[STEAL HER ID CARD->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-STEAL-ID-CARD-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU STAND BESIDE HER AND SECRETLY, DELICATELY REMOVE THE ID CARD FROM HER POCKET I HAVE TO GO FOR A LITTLE BIT, YOU SAY WE'LL BE TOGETHER AGAIN SOON. BEFORE YOU EVEN KNOW IT EVERYTHING IN YOU SCREAMS TO TURN AROUND, TO TAKE ONE LAST LOOK AT HER. TO FIX HER PERFECTLY IN YOUR MEMORY BECAUSE SHE IS EVEN NOW SLIDING INTO THE CRUEL MAELSTROM OF THE [[PAST TENSE->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-STEAL-ID-CARD-2]] BUT YOU DON'T, PLACING YOUR HELMET BACK ON BECAUSE THE MISSION COMES FIRST<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />ALL THOSE MOMENTS WILL BE LOST IN TIME, LIKE BEERS IN RAIN TIME TO [[DESCEND->ASSIGNMENT-2-SUBLUMINAL-PULSE-GENERATOR-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(window.previousHudVersion); $('#hudFaceDiv .censorBar').removeClass('visible'); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />SHE NODS AGAIN, AND LIES ON THE FLOOR YOU TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT, AND GRAB HERS, AND BUILD HER A SMALL BEDDING TO LIE OVER THE FLOOR IS ALREADY WARM, AS IF HEATED SOMEHOW YOU UNBUCKLE HER PANTS YOU CAN FEEL HER WARMTH AND HER HARDNESS BENEATH HER UNDERWEAR AS YOU LIGHTLY BRUSH PAST IT YOU SPEND BRIEF ENDLESS MINUTES KISSING AND RUNNING YOUR FINGERNAILS ALL ACROSS HER BODY JUST ON THE EDGE OF HER DESIRE, SKETCHING OVER AND OVER THE TECTONICS OF NEED, AND BITING JUST PAST THE POINT OF COMFORT YOU PULL DOWN HER BRIEFS AND [[TAKE HER IN->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-8]] YOUR MOUTH<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />SHE IS HARD, AND FILLS YOUR MOUTH AS YOU MOVE UP AND DOWN, GENTLY CURLING YOUR TONGUE ACROSS THE HEAD WITH EACH MOTION YOU TELL HER THAT HER COCK TASTES GOOD, AND SHE SMILES, AND LAUGHS, AND PUSHES YOU BACK DOWN AGAIN SHE SQUIRMS MUFFLED TREBLE ESCAPING HER LIPS IN THE MINUTE SPACES BETWEEN HER FINGERS CLASPED LIKE PLYWOOD OVER WINDOWS WITH THE SKY BEGINNING TO DARKEN AND SWIRL TOWARDS SOME UNIMAGINABLE [[CLOUDBREAK->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-9]] AND THRUSTS UP AGAINST YOUR MOUTH YOU CHOKE<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AND SWALLOW THE NEW SALIVA, AND CONTINUE SHE STARTS TO PULL YOUR HAIR, AND YOU STRAIN AGAINST HER, UNTIL YOU CAN FEEL STRANDS UPROOTING AND COMING AWAY IN HER FIST SHE GRABS A LARGER HANDFUL AND YOU PULL HARDER SHE IS GETTING HARDER, AND HER PITCH RISES SHE SCRATCHES YOUR SHOULDER AND YOUR NECK AND YOU CAN FEEL THE RED FILLING IN THE SCRATCHES AND SEE THEM IN THE MIRROR HOURS FROM NOW SHE SITS UP AND ENCIRCLES HER HANDS AROUND YOUR NECK AND LOOKS QUIZZICALLY, TEASINGLY, ASKS "MAY I?" AND YOU SAY YES, MUFFLED, YOUR MOUTH TOTALLY FULL, YES, [[ALL THE LETTERS RUNNING TOGETHER LIKE WET NEWSPAPER YES PLEASE YES->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-10]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />SHE COMES AND PUSHES HERSELF ALL THE WAY TO THE BACK OF YOUR THROAT THE SUBLIMATION OF PAIN IN THIS MOMENT EQUALLING EXACTLY THE GIFT OF PLEASURE AND SHE SPASMS AND THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF FLUID ROLLS DOWN YOUR THROAT LIKE THE LAST DROPS OF SODA RIGHT BEFORE YOU TOSS THE CAN SHE SLUMPS DOWN, AND YOU SLIDE UP AND FIT HER BACK AGAINST YOUR CHEST AND HER LEGS INTO THE CROOK OF YOUR LEGS AFTER A FEW MINUTES SHE WHISPERS "YOUR TURN?" AND YOU SHAKE YOUR HEAD NO IN THE DARK AND A FEW SECONDS LATER YOU REALIZE THAT YOU NEED TO SPEAK TO BE HEARD AND YOU SAY NO SORRY IT'S NOT YOU IT'S JUST THESE PILLS I'M ON AND IT JUST ENDS UP BEING MORE EMBARRASSING THAN IT'S- AND SHE PUTS HER FINGER ON YOUR LIPS AND CLOSES HER EYES AGAIN [[ASK HER TO GO TO DINNER WITH YOU TOMORROW->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-11]] [[STEAL HER ID CARD->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-STEAL-ID-CARD-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />DO YOU WANT TO GET A BITE TO EAT SOMETIME. TUESDAY, MAYBE? ONE OF THE NEW MOLECULAR BIOIMITATION PLACES UP ON THE STATION? SHE NODS, HER EYES STILL CLOSED, AND PULLS A COMMUNICATOR OUT OF HER POCKET. WITH THE TOUCH OF A BUTTON, SHE SENDS HER CONTACT INFORMATION YOU GET UP AND WALK [[OUT OF THE LOCKER->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-12]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />TUESDAY YOU WAKE UP EARLY STARE AT THE MIRROR MEMORIZING ALL YOUR FLAWS, COMPUTING THE EXACT ANGLE TO HOLD YOUR FACE SO THAT THE TRAGIC SUM IS LEAST AND THEN APPLY CREAMS AND POWDERS TO THE SAME END THAT NIGHT YOU TAKE ONE OF THE ELEVATORS UP TO THE [[NEAR EARTH ENTERTAINMENT CENTER->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-13]] THE SUNSET IS BRIGHT, AND GORGEOUS, A YELLOWISH-GREEN STRETCHING AS FAR AS YOU CAN SEE AND THE EARTH IS SO FAR BENEATH YOU. IF YOU HACKED OPEN THE DOOR, AND FELL FROM THIS HEIGHT, YOU WOULDN'T FEEL A THING WHEN YOU HIT THE GROUND<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />SHE IS ALREADY THERE WHEN YOU ARRIVE, WEARING SLIM PANTS AND A BURGUNDY CARDIGAN YOU KISS HER ON THE CHEEK AND, AFTER A FEW MINUTES OF DELIBERATION, ORDER A WHOLE REIMAGINED OLD AMERICAN ALASKAN SALMON® AND A 15-YEAR-OLD BOTTLE OF ALSACE THE FISH IS SUCCULENT AND PERFECTLY COOKED AFTER THE FIRST BITE YOU SMILE AT HER AND THE TWO OF YOU TAKE THE VISORS NEXT TO YOUR PLATES AND SLIDE THEM [[OVER YOUR EYES->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-14]] THE STEREOSCOPIC DISPLAY FLASHES A PASTORAL, FORGOTTEN BLUE AND THE ENTERTAINMENT APPEARS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU ARE IN THE OLD OCEAN NOW, WHEN IT WAS BLUE, AND ALIVE, AND SHOT THROUGH WITH REFRACTED WAVES OF LIGHT [[LIKE FROZEN LIGHTNING->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-15]] YOU ARE SWIMMING IN AN INFINITE CLOUD OF RED SALMON, AND WITHOUT KNOWING HOW, YOU INSTANTLY RECOGNIZE THIS AS ALASKA SOMETHING ABOUT THE TEMPERATURE, MAYBE, OR THE ANGLE OF THE SUN, OR THE PARTICULAR TASTE OF SALT RUNNING THROUGH YOUR ENTIRE BODY IT FEELS LIKE SOMETHING GLIMPSED DEEP WITHIN A DREAM, THAT YOU TRIED WITH EVERY NEURON TO KEEP IN MEMORY, OR SOMETHING FORGOTTEN LIKE A CHILDHOOD TOY AT A REST STATION, AN EARLY LESSON IN THE WAY THE STOLEN AND LOST DISAPPEAR NOT INTO THE HANDS OF OTHERS OR TO THE DISTANT PACIFIC REFUSE STATION BUT INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE PAST IT FEELS LIKE HOME WHEN YOU EACH FINISH THE LAST BITE OF YOUR MEAL, AND REMOVE YOUR VISORS, YOU REALIZE YOU HAVE BOTH BEEN CRYING<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU SPLIT THE BILL AND GET UP ON THE WAY OUT, YOU KNEEL TOGETHER NEXT TO THE ALTAR, AND USE YOUR COMMUNICATORS TO LEAVE A FEW CREDITS AS AN OFFERING FOR THE LONG-GONE, STILL-ETERNAL SALMON WHAT FILLS YOUR HEART, WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED, IS LIKE ALL PRAYERS EQUAL PARTS HOPE AND SORROW, THANKS AND APOLOGY WHEN YOU GET UP SHE TURNS TO YOU AND SAYS, "I'VE GOT SOME VACATION TIME SAVED UP, A SPARE COTTAGE IN THE NORTHERN MOUNTAIN ESTATES, AND A QUEEN BED. YOU MIGHT COULD COME WITH?" [[ACCOMPANY HER TO HER VACATION HOME->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-16]] [[STEAL HER ID CARD->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-STEAL-ID-CARD-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE TWO OF YOU TAKE HER CRUISER TO HER VACATION HOUSE AS YOU WALK IN, THERE'S A SIGN NEXT TO THE FRONT DOOR ''LAST ONE OUT, PLEASE TURN OUT THE LIGHTS'' "MY MOTHER'S," SHE SAID. "IT'S SILLY, I KNOW. SHE DIED DURING THE WAR. IT KEEPS HER HERE, SOMEHOW." NOT SILLY, YOU SAY YOU SIT WITH HER ON THE COUCH WITH THE MOUNTAINS EXTENDING FOREVER INTO THE DISTANCE LIKE STANDING ON THE TOP OF THAT HILL IN CENTRAL NEW YORK AND YOU DRINK AND EAT AND FUCK FOR DAYS YOU ARE VERY NEARLY CONTENT ONLY THE MISSION STICKS IN YOUR BRAIN AND FRAGMENTS OF THE PAST LIKE A COALESCENCE, THE SAME BLACK HOLE AT YOUR EXACT PINPOINT CENTER [[BUILD AN EMOTIONALLY SATISFYING RELATIONSHIP WITH HER->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-17]] [[STEAL HER ID CARD->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-STEAL-ID-CARD-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE TWO OF YOU GROW CLOSER. AND TOGETHER YOU GROW SMARTER, AND BETTER, AND KINDER DAYS PASS IN DOG TIME OLD WOUNDS SEEM TO SUTURE THEMSELVES, OR CAUTERIZE, AND THE OLD FATIGUE SEEMS TO LIFT YOU THINK OF SECRETARYBOT SO LONG AGO, HOW MUCH HE/SHE/THEY/ZIR TRUSTED YOU, HOW MUCH IS, AND REMAINS, ON THE LINE HOW MUCH YOU'VE FAILED ALREADY AND HOW MUCH MORE YOU KNOW YOU WILL AND THEN SHE WALKS INTO THE ROOM AND YOU COUGH SO AS NOT TO SCREAM "WHAT'S WRONG? YOU LOOKED LIKE. I'M NOT SURE? LIKE YOU WERE IN PAIN, SOMEHOW. LIKE SOMEONE'D RIPPED SOMETHING OUT OF YOU ALL OF A SUDDEN." AN OLD HABIT FLOATS UNBIDDEN TO THE TOP OF YOUR BRAIN: WHEN YOU'RE IN THE HOLE, DOUBLE DOWN NOTHING, YOU SAY, AND YOU SMILE, AND LAUGH FROM YOUR BRAIN [[ASK HER TO MOVE IN WITH YOU->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-18]] [[STEAL HER ID CARD->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-STEAL-ID-CARD-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />SHE HUGS YOU, AND KISSES YOU, AND SAYS "YES, OF COURSE, YES" AND AMONG THE FINGERS OF LATE-AFTERNOON SUN STRIKING ACROSS THE BED LIKE CREPUSCULAR RAYS YOU HAVE WHAT YOU CAN ONLY DESCRIBE AS KIND SEX YOU ARE OUTSIDE YOURSELF, WITH HER, WITH EACH EXACT SECOND ALL FUSED SEAMLESSLY LIKE SOME KIND ORGANISM, SOME KIND MACHINE, SOME KIND CHIMERA EXISTING IN A WAY YOU'D ENTIRELY FORGOTTEN BEFORE HER YOU TAKE A JOB AS A SECURITY CONTRACTOR FOR A LOCAL BANDWIDTH FIRM. YOUR SPY MASTER CREDENTIALS OPEN MANY DOORS, AND MANY SAVINGS ACCOUNTS YOU LAY IN BED AT NIGHT NEXT TO HER AND SMILE [[BUILD A LIFE TOGETHER->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-19]] [[STEAL HER ID CARD->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-STEAL-ID-CARD-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU GROW OLDER WITH EACH OTHER, AND STILL KINDER AFTER YOU BOTH RETIRE YOU ALLOCATE ALL THE TIME NOT CONSUMED BY YOUR LOVE TO BUILDING A FOUNDATION DEDICATED TO BUILDING A KINDER, INCLUSIVE FUTURE, AND A MORE HONEST PAST IN HONOR OF THE SALMON AND THE NIGHT YOU FELL IN LOVE AND IN DEFIANCE OF A FUTURE THAT LOOKS THE SAME, WITH THE SAME MISTAKES, THE SAME ETERNAL CRUELTIES RUNNING THROUGH HISTORY LIKE DRYROT ONE MORNING YOU WAKE UP AND SHE DOESN'T [[PLAN A FUNERAL->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-20]] [[STEAL HER ID CARD->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-STEAL-ID-CARD-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CALL A FRIEND FROM THE FOUNDATION AND SHE HELPS YOU MAKE THE ARRANGEMENTS SHE WANTED TO BE BURIED ON THE ENTERTAINMENT STATION WHERE YOU MET SHE ALWAYS LOVED REIMAGINED LILACS [[ATTEND A FUNERAL->ASSIGNMENT-1-CUTE-GUARD-21]] [[STEAL HER ID CARD->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-STEAL-ID-CARD-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE LILACS STAND SO TALL AND SO THICK THAT THE HALL, A CHURCH FOR HER FAMILY FAITH, FEELS LIKE A FOREST AND HER CASKET LIKE A SECRET ALTAR AT ITS CENTER YOU STAND BEFORE AN ENORMOUS CROWD AND OPEN YOUR MOUTH [[SPEAK AT A FUNERAL->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-22]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PUSH AS HARD AS YOU CAN ON YOUR LUNGS BUT EVERYTHING COMES OUT OF YOUR EYES INSTEAD. FINALLY, YOU MANAGE: SHE WAS THE ONLY PERFECT THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME [[BURY THE PERFECT THING->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-23]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE LIGHTS ARE OUT [[STEAL HER ID CARD->ASSIGNMENT-2-CUTE-GUARD-STEAL-ID-CARD-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[YOU->ASSIGNMENT-1-BREAK-ROOM-TABLE]] KEY THE CODE INTO THE PACKET, OPEN IT, AND POUR IT ALL OUT NEAR THE BACK OF THE LOCKER IT FORMS AN INNOCUOUS, FIST SIZE LUMP YOU SPIT ON THE OATMEAL, RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF THE PILE ONCE TWICE THRICE(set: $DEPLOYED_OATMEAL to true)(set: $TIME_UNTIL_GUARD to $TIME_UNTIL_GUARD + 1)<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AND THEN THERE IS THE STRANGEST SOUND WET, SOMEHOW. SUCKING, SQUISHY SUCCULENT? AND GROWING LOUDER [[LIKE A MILLION LITTLE MOUSES IN TINY RAINBOOTS WALKING THROUGH THE MUD->ASSIGNMENT-1-OATMEAL-TIME-2]] "O-OH MY GOD," THE GUARD SHOUTS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"OH MY GOD! [[OATMEAL TIME!->ASSIGNMENT-1-OATMEAL-TIME-3]]" YOUR HAIR DESTATICS AND YOU OPEN YOUR EYES AND TURN. SHE IS HOLDING HER COMMUNICATOR TO HER MOUTH AND SHOUTING AND YOU CAN NEARLY SEE THE SPITTLE FLECKING HER HEADS-UP DISPLAY THERE IS AN OATY OOZE DRIPPING OUT FROM THE SLATS IN THE LOCKER "OATMEAL TIME! OATMEAL TIME! OATMEAL TIME!"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />NOW THERE ARE TWO RUMBLINGS ONE FROM THE METAL STRAINING TO CONTAIN THE OATMEAL, BUCKLING PREGNANTLY AND [[THE OTHER->ASSIGNMENT-1-OATMEAL-TIME-4]] IS TOO VAGUE TO PICK OUT AT THIS SECOND BUT IT IS RISING AND QUICKLY<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />(text-style: "shudder")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "rumble")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "shudder")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "rumble")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "shudder")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "rumble")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "shudder")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "rumble")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "shudder")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "rumble")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "shudder")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "rumble")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "shudder")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "rumble")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "shudder")[''OATMEAL 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(text-style: "shudder")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "rumble")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "shudder")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "rumble")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "shudder")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "rumble")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "shudder")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "rumble")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "shudder")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "rumble")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "shudder")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "rumble")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "shudder")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "rumble")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "shudder")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "rumble")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "shudder")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "rumble")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "shudder")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "rumble")[''OATMEAL TIME''] (text-style: "shudder")[''OATMEAL TIME'']<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE OATMEAL BREAKS FREE OF ITS METAL CONFINES WITH A METALLIC SHREAK AND A MEALY [[//THWOP//->ASSIGNMENT-1-OATMEAL-TIME-6]] IT BEGINS TO SLIDE INTO THE ROOM, CONTINUING TO EXPAND ''OATMEAL TIME OATMEAL TIME OATMEAL TIME'' GUARDS RUSH INTO THE DOOR BY THE TENS, RUNNING OVER ONE ANOTHER IN THEIR HASTE TO GET IN EACH JUMPS DIRECTLY INTO THE STILL-GROWING MASS OF OATS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />SOON THE FLOW OF GUARDS STOPS COMPLETELY, AND THE LAST GUARD IN THE ROOM HAS ENTERED THE OATS AS YOU WALK OUT, THE WAY TO THE [[DATACORE->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE]] NOW CLEAR, THE FAINTEST SOUND FOLLOWS YOU OUT THE DOOR <p style="font-size: 0.67em;">OATMEAL TIME OATMEAL TIME OATMEAL TIME OATMEAL TIME OATMEAL TIME OATMEAL TIME OATMEAL TIME OATMEAL TIME OATMEAL TIME</p>(set: $BREAK_ROOM_COMPLETED to true)<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />in the fifth year of school, in your school system, students are required to take biological prehistory. the last segment is on the flora and fauna of [[pre-modern america->MEMORY-FLORA-AND-FAUNA-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />body from body? mind from body? or portions of the brain, hemispheres or lobes, maybe, detaching from one another in unrepresentable directions? one of the vids you see in this class is a worm being cut in half by a scientist. both halves continue to wriggle and ooze, but now they travel towards opposite ends of the dull steel table. ah, you think. [[now i see->MEMORY-FLORA-AND-FAUNA-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you are twelve and everyone is growing at a rapidly-increasing rate. you are growing up, like everyone else, but also in a direction that doesn't seem to exist in the four dimensions to which you're accustomed. as if you were a tree with an impediment in its way, and you are just now starting to bifurcate, to split into multiple parts so as to... what, exactly? grow around? grow separately? the [[exact nature of these parts->MEMORY-FLORA-AND-FAUNA-EXACT-NATURE]] is unclear. the last section of the course is on [[mammals->MEMORY-FLORA-AND-FAUNA-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />a day is dedicated solely to [[buffalo->MEMORY-FLORA-AND-FAUNA-BUFFALO]], and another to [[rabies->MEMORY-2-FLORA-AND-FAUNA-RABIES-1]] one day a guest lecturer comes to your classroom this is very rare - nearly all your lecturers, guest or not, vidconference rather than coming to school. since the beginning of the course, everyone has been very excited for this day and [[all it holds->MEMORY-FLORA-AND-FAUNA-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />here is what the buffalo was like: * brown * very large * once as infinite as the sky ** "like a carpet for the american west" (boy next to you) *** "yes, sort of" (teacher) *** [[like a carpet made of littler carpets (you) ->MEMORY-FLORA-AND-FAUNA-3]] ** old americans took the buffalo on as a symbol *** ensured its vitality **** by immediately destroying every incidence of it **** leaving alive only the symbolic <img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />your teacher shows images of all sorts of mammals - deer, mice, rats, raccoons - suffering from rabies. how their eyes glaze over, how the light leaves, how every sound comes up as saliva this forms one of your earliest models for horror. one of the last images she shows is of an old american man suffering rabies. "bitten by a rat," the teacher says, and you wonder how she knows about this man who has only existed as [[footage->MEMORY-FLORA-AND-FAUNA-RABIES-2]] for longer than anyone has been alive but this was a brief concern years later you ask your mother about that part of the class, about the vid, and she almost knocks her glass over in horror "the teacher showed you what?" but it was okay, you tell her. you learned [[valuable lessons->MEMORY-FLORA-AND-FAUNA-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the guest lecturer arrives, with a number of cages in tow this is it: reimagined animal day you and each of your classmates line up quietly and politely and go down the line, petting each of the equally quiet and polite animals sitting next to their cages on the table so many animals. cats, dogs, koalas and so many more near the end is a [[classic old american rat->MEMORY-FLORA-AND-FAUNA-AMERICAN-RAT]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />here is what the man was like: * his head is wreathed in bandages ** white ** threadbare ** fraying ** cotton? * his lips are covered in spit ** spilling down onto his chin ** congealed like old synthmilk * his eyelids flutter * his eyeballs roll around ** unmoored ** what is the antonym of "accusatory"? ** he looks frightened, or completely absent *** which is scarier[[?->MEMORY-2-FLORA-AND-FAUNA-RABIES-1]] <img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />here is what the rat was like: * brown ** like the color of your living room couch ** seems a lighter color when held up to the light * soft ** fur like your bedblanket at home ** ears like your sweater ** kind, sweet eyes * small ** barely larger than your hand ** adorable little hands * large ** long, slightly creepy tail ** vector for rabies ** large teeth *** almost sharp to the touch *** does not break skin easily **** rub your finger back and forth in a sawing motion **** push your fingertip harder against the teeth ***** loud squeak ***** defensive biting reflex ****** deep pain (you) ****** involuntary yelp (you) ****** softer squeak (rat) ****** "get your finger out of the rat's mouth" (teacher) ******* it is too late and the secret is yours ******* [[hide bloodstained finger in band of underwear->MEMORY-FLORA-AND-FAUNA-5]] <img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />your finger hurts, and you can feel the blood staining your clothes, and your heartbeat in your fingertip you planned to hide the stained clothes under your bed, then stuff them in an empty nutrishake box before one of your parents throws it in the trash chute and so you do, and cover it up with other underwear, and old school papers, and all the detritus of twelve that night you spend an hour looking at your finger. how red it is, a purely itself color like in the gems in those fantasy vidsims. how hard you have to try to hide it at the table. how much you want to look, and how hard it is not to smile, with your [[biological secret->MEMORY-FLORA-AND-FAUNA-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you stare at the clock every day at school, counting down each second until you are released. and when you get home, you rush once more [[into your bedroom->MEMORY-FLORA-AND-FAUNA-7]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />roll your eyes in the mirror loll your head find an old white sweater, work on it with a tiny stolen knife for hours, so it looks just like bandages swaddle it around your forehead brush your teeth with twice as much toothpaste as needed and let it ooze out of your mouth, bubbles surfacing and lazily bursting. each and every word disassembled, every sound as if it comes from thousands of feet underwater everything dripping off your face [[like old, congealed synthmilk->MEMORY-FLORA-AND-FAUNA-8]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />until two weeks had passed and you realized you didn't feel much of anything. just the same nameless sick, that strange splitting. but nothing crushing down on your brain, nothing slicing or pulling away like a slow zoom out into darkness. and so you waited another two weeks, sitting in class, taking notes. and then one day it was undeniable, and you stopped praying, about anything, [[forever->YOU-ARE-DEAD]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU WALK UP TO THE KEYPAD A DISEMBODIED, FACELESS VOICE: "WHAT'S PASSWORD? WHAT'S PASSWORD? WHAT'S..." AND THEN IT TRAILS OFF YOU SLOT YOUR NEUROTOOL INTO THE LOCK. YOU CAN SEE HOW CLOSE THE LOCK IS TO BEING OPEN, BUT FOR WHATEVER REASON YOU CAN'T SEE WHAT THE PASSWORD ACTUALLY IS. HOW FRUSTRATING [[DESTROY THE LOCK->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-KEYPAD-DESTROY-DEATH]] [[HACK THE LOCK->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-KEYPAD-ENTRY]] [[GO BACK INTO THE HALLWAY->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />IT SAYS "DON'T FORGET THE PASSWORD. YOU'RE ON THIN ICE ALREADY, AND IF YOU GET ANOTHER DEMERIT, YOU'LL GET YOUR PAY DOCKED. IF YOU GET YOUR PAY DOCKED, YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO AFFORD PILLS THIS WEEK. REMEMBER: [[THE DIRECTION OF HEAVEN, THE OPPOSITE OF GOD->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE]] TWO WORDS, NO SPACES DON'T FORGET, YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE DOOR SLIDES OPEN NOISELESSLY, AND A STRANGE SMELL HITS YOUR NOSE IT SMELLS LIKE AN ABSENCE, OR A LONELINESS LIKE THE FIRST BIG SNOWFALL OF THE YEAR, HOW EVERYTHING SEEMS [[STRIPPED OF A VITAL ESSENCE->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-2]] DRY, OPAQUE, COLD BUT IT GROWS HOTTER BY THE STEP<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" if (window.previousHudVersion) { makeHud(window.previousHudVersion); } doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />THE INTERIOR OF THE ROOM IS PERFECTLY ROUND, AND PERFECTLY VAST, AND THE WALLS STRETCH UP [[INTO THE DARKNESS->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-DARKNESS]] A SET OF WALKWAYS EXTENDING FROM AT LEAST 20 POINTS ALONG THE WALLS [[TOWARDS THE CENTER->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-3]] LIKE [[A WAGON WHEEL->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-CATHERINE-WHEEL]] AND A BRILLIANT CHERENKOV BLUE JUST NOW EMANATING FROM INSIDE THE WHEEL, SHARP AND BLINDING, AT WHICH YOU [[SCREW YOUR EYES SHUT->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-CLOSE-EYES]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />THE CEILING FAR PAST THE POINT AT WHICH THE LIGHT [[DIES->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AND EVERYTHING IS STILL EXACTLY AS [[BRIGHT->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-2]] IN YOUR BRAIN<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />OR A [[CATHERINE WHEEL->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU [[OPEN YOUR EYES->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-OPEN-EYES]] PUTTING ONE FOOT PAST ANOTHER, OVER AND OVER, YOUR LEGS FEELING STIFF AND [[DREAMHEAVY->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-DREAMHEAVY]] UNTIL YOU REACH THE [[GLEAMING OBELISK->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-4]] IN THE CENTER<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " </img>EVERYTHING IS LIGHT FOR A SECOND, THEN ANOTHER, AND SLOWLY YOUR SURROUNDINGS FADE BACK TO A MANAGEABLE APPROXIMATION OF VISION THIS IS THE WAY OF THINGS, AND THE WAY OF STRENGTH WITH TIME AND RESOLVE, ALL SENSATIONS, NO MATTER HOW INTENSE, NO MATTER HOW PAINFUL, CAN BE: BATTLED COMPRESSED CATEGORIZED FILED ERADICATED [[CONQUERED->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-3]] AND SO THEY WILL BE<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />LIKE THAT RECURRING DREAM WHERE YOU CAN ONLY [[MOVE->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-3]] IN CARDINAL DIRECTIONS YOU SEE YOURSELF FROM ABOVE, WITHIN AN INFINITE GRID YOU CAN ONLY TRAVERSE ONE SQUARE AT A TIME AND YOU ARE AT ALL TIMES AWARE THAT YOUR PAIN, YOUR PARALYSIS, YOUR MINUTE LUCID THRASHINGS, STEM FROM YOUR INABILITY TO MOVE GREAT DISTANCES IN AN INSTANT<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AND THEN [[YOU->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-YOU]] ARE [[WITHIN->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-5]], AND YOUR [[EYES->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-EYES]] GROWS [[STRONGER->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-STRONGER]], AND YOUR [[SKIN->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-SKIN]] GROWS [[COOLER->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-SKIN-COOLER]], AND ALL THE [[NOISE->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-NOISE]] FADES AWAY [[COMPLETELY->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FADES-AWAY-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />[[LIKE A FEVER->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FADES-AWAY-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[HOW YOUR EARS CLOSE OFF->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FADES-AWAY-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[LEAVING EVERYTHING SLIGHT AND ATTENUATED->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FADES-AWAY-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[LIKE WALKING ON A DISTANT, EXOTIC PLANET->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FADES-AWAY-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[INSULATED FROM ALL PAIN->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FADES-AWAY-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[OR LIKE A GHOST->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FADES-AWAY-7]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[A SINGLE FRAGILE,->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FADES-AWAY-8]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[SMALL, LIBERATED->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FADES-AWAY-9]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[SHADOW->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />LIKE WAKING UP WITH YOUR FACE IN THE PILLOW ROLLING OVER TO FACE THE [[OPEN->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-4]] CURTAINS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />COLD, BUT DISINGENUOUSLY SO LIKE WHEN YOU WERE DRUNK AND WENT TO SHOWER, AND TURNED THE HOT KNOB BY ACCIDENT THE WAY, FOR THE FIRST INSTANT, [[BEFORE THE PAIN HIT YOU->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-4]], YOUR HAND FELT FROZEN, AND EMPTY AN INEXPLICABLE ANTITHESIS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />IN YOUR MENTAL SELF-PORTRAIT BLAZING AND EFFULGENT AND FULMINANT LIKE A NUCLEAR WEAPON NANOSECONDS AFTER DETONATION, HUNG ABOVE THE GROUND LIKE AN ORNAMENT MASS AS ENERGY AS [[DEATH->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-4]], FROZEN IN TIME<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />PERMEABLE, OR PUNCTURED, SOMEHOW, AS IF WITH EACH [[BREATH->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-4]] OXYGEN MOVES NOT JUST THROUGH YOUR LUNGS BUT THROUGH EVERY PORE<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />LIKE THE GRINDING OF A BIG MACHINE OR THE INTESTINAL GROANING OF AN INFINITELY LARGE CREATURE AND YOU A [[LONELY PARASITE->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />FILLED WITH EXCITEMENT AND DREAD AND ENERGY AND SEEING YOURSELF IN YOUR MIND, SEEING YOUR BODY, LIKE A CRUISER BARRELING DOWN THE EXPRESS LANE AT SUNSET WITH THE AUTOPILOT DISABLED AND ALL THE LIGHTS OFF LIKE GETTING SECRETLY HIGH IN YOUR PARENTS' BASEMENT [[ALL PARTS GLEE AND TERROR->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[A FEW STEPS MORE->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FEW]] [[TOWARDS THE CENTER->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-TOWARDS-CENTER]] [[AND IN THE EXACT MIDDLE,->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-EXACT-MIDDLE]] [[AT THE POINT TO WHICH EVERY WALKWAY GESTURES,->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-GESTURES]] [[IS THE CENTRAL PROCESSOR->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-CPU]] [[AND A MAN CONTAINED->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-BOSS]] [[WITHIN A HEAVILY-MODIFIED HACKERSUIT->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-HEAVILY-MODIFIED-HACKERSUIT]] [["I'VE BEEN WATCHING YOU MAKE YOUR WAY IN HERE," THE MAN SAYS,->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-6]] [[HIS VOICE SHOT THROUGH WITH LINE NOISE->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-LINE-NOISE]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />[[LIKE TRYING TO WALK THROUGH A NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[SEVEN? MAYBE TWELVE? THERE IS A BREAKDOWN OCCURRING BETWEEN EVERY ORGAN AND YOUR BRAIN->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[YOU REMEMBER THAT PICTURE FROM ONE OF YOUR OLD AMERICAN TEXTBOOKS, FOUR STATES MEETING AS ONE AT A SINGLE MINUTE POINT. A LOCUS OF INCREDIBLE POWER, YOUR TEACHER SAID->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[["GESTURE" AS A CONCEPT FEELS SEMANTICALLY NEUTRAL, WHICH LEAVES ROOM FOR ALL EXPRESSIONS. THIS IS THE INHERITANCE OF "BAD LUCK" - A WIDE GULF IN WHICH ANYTHING CAN SUGGEST ANYTHING, IN WHICH ALL THINGS CAN HAPPEN, EACH OF WHICH MUST BE PREPARED FOR IN ADVANCE. IT IS THE TRIUMPH OF TRAUMA OVER SEMIOTICS->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[HOW OLD IS HE? HOW LONG HAS HE BEEN HERE? IT IS NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE TO TELL. AT ONE POINT, WALKING OVER, HE LOOKED ANCIENT, THEN ON THE NEXT STEP HE LOOKED YOUNGER THAN YOU. LIKE AN AD HOLODISPLAY THAT CHANGES ITS CONTENT AS YOU BEGIN TO CROSS PAST IT->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[WITH NO POWER-PACK ON ITS BACK AND IN ITS PLACE WIRES COMING OFF OF IT IN EVERY DIRECTION AND LEADING DOWN THROUGH THE FLOOR AND INTO THE WALL AND UP TO DESTINATIONS UNKNOWN AND UNIMAGINABLE->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[HOW MANY EXAHERTZ COULD THIS PROCESSOR BE CAPABLE OF? TENS? HUNDREDS? AND HOW MUCH OF THAT FLOWS THROUGH HIS SUIT, OR HIS BODY, AND WITH WHAT BIDDING?->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[THIS ROOM SHOULD BE HEAVILY SHIELDED, AND THERE SHOULD BE NO WAY FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE TO AFFECT THE DATACORE->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"TERRIBLY CLEVER FOR YOU TO SNEAK PAST ALL THE GUARDS LIKE THAT AND YOU'VE COME TO [[KILL->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-7]] ME"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />"I'VE BEEN PREPARING FOR THIS AS LONG AS I CAN REMEMBER. IMAGINING WHAT YOU MIGHT LOOK LIKE. IMAGINING WHAT TIME OF DAY IT WOULD BE, HOW I WOULD FEEL. HOW I SLEPT THE PAST NIGHT. WHAT THE LAST DREAMS WERE - THE LAST DREAMS I'D EVER HAVE HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED THAT? I USED TO GET SO SCARED AS A KID BECAUSE I'D HAVE NIGHTMARES AND I'D WAKE UP. AND THEY WEREN'T EVEN THAT FRIGHTENING, YOU KNOW? NOT EVEN AT THE TIME. I JUST HAD THIS SENSE THAT, WHAT IF I DIE IN A FEW MINUTES, AND THAT'S THE LAST DREAM I EVER HAVE, AND IT'S A SHITTY, SCARY DREAM? I'VE WONDERED A LOT OF YEARS WHETHER I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO HAD THAT FEAR I'D TRY SO HARD TO GET BACK TO SLEEP THAT IT'D NEVER WORK. I'D START BAWLING, AND MY MOTHER WOULD COME IN, AND SHE'D RUB MY BACK UNTIL I FELL ASLEEP AGAIN AND THEN I GOT [[TOO OLD FOR CRYING->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-8]], AND TOO OLD FOR BACK RUBS"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " </>"AND SO I FOUND OTHER AVENUES. I USED TO GO ONTO THE COMMERCE NETWORKS MY MOTHER'D LEFT HER PASSWORD SAVED ON, AND ORDER A LOT OF CHEESES LIKE ONES I'D RESEARCHED ON THE INTERNET, THE WEIRD-SMELLING ONES THAT IF YOU EAT THEM BEFORE BED YOU END UP HAVING DREAMS? PRETTY FUNNY IN RETROSPECT, RIGHT? SOME SCARED LITTLE KID TRYING TO GET HIGH ON CHEESE BECAUSE HE'S WORRIED HE'S GONNA DIE. I GUESS ALL PAIN GETS A LITTLE FUNNY OVER TIME, THOUGH. UNLESS IT [[KILLS->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-9]] YOU. BUT. WELL. YOU KNOW"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"IT WORKED OKAY FOR A WHILE. MOSTLY I ENDED UP HAVING THE SAME AMOUNT OF NIGHTMARES. BUT MORE DREAMS OVERALL, SO I GUESS MORE GOOD DREAMS. THAT STOPPED WORKING AFTER A WHILE. THEN I STARTED STEALING MY MOTHER'S SLEEPING PILLS. SHE DIDN'T NOTICE FOR THE SAME REASON SHE DIDN'T NOTICE THE CHEESE SO I'D KEEP A FEW OF THEM IN A SOCK AT THE BOTTOM OF MY DRAWER. AND THEN I'D WAIT. I'D WAIT UNTIL I HAD A GOOD, UNDRUGGED DREAM. AND THEN THE NEXT NIGHT I'D CRUSH UP ONE OR TWO OF THE PILLS AND SNORT THEM RIGHT AT BEDTIME AND I'D BE OUT IN A MINUTE EIGHT HOURS LATER I'D WAKE UP LIKE NO TIME HAD PASSED. NO DREAMS AT ALL. AND I'D SPEND THE WHOLE DAY SMILING BECAUSE I WASN'T AFRAID TO DIE, BECAUSE I'D SAVED A GOOD DREAM AS THE LAST ONE, BECAUSE I FELT EMPTY, LIKE THE [[FEAR->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-9-1]] HAD GONE OUT AND LEFT A VOID IN ME. AND I THOUGHT THAT WAS BETTER AND I JUST KEPT DOING THAT EVERY NIGHT UNTIL A BAD DREAM POKED THROUGH AGAIN, AND THEN I'D RESET THE WHOLE PATTERN"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"BUT SO. AS I SAID. I'D SPENT WHAT SEEMS LIKE YEARS - MY PERCEPTION OF TIME IS A LITTLE WARPED HERE - TRYING TO FIX EXACTLY IN MY MIND WHAT THIS DAY WAS GOING TO BE LIKE. TO DEFEND MYSELF IN THE SMALL WAYS I COULD YOU'RE VERY PRETTY. THAT'S NICE, AT LEAST AND YOU LOOK KINDER THAN I THOUGHT YOU WOULD. NOT FOR LACK OF [[EFFORT->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-11]] ON YOUR PART, I'M SURE"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"I TAUGHT MYSELF TO NEED ONLY FIVE BREATHS A MINUTE. I CLOSED MY EYES AND I BREATHED SO SLOWLY AND I IMAGINED MYSELF AS I LOOKED ON FROM THE OUTSIDE, AT A ME THAT'S OUTSIDE THE SUIT. IT WAS ONE PART IMAGINATION AND ONE PART CONJURATION I'D IMAGINE MYSELF GETTING SMALLER, LIKE SOMEONE WAS ON A SPACELINER THAT WAS SLOWLY PULLING AWAY FROM THE PORT, OFF TOWARDS SOME GORGEOUS VACATION PLANET, UNTIL I'M BARELY A SPECK NEXT TO EVERY OTHER SPECK. AND THEN I'M GONE. SO BEGINS ANOTHER PERSON'S STORY AND THEN I FELT LESS SCARED. NOT BETTER, JUST LESS SCARED PREPARATION ISN'T THE SAME AS STRENGTH. YOU KNOW THAT, RIGHT? YOU MUST KNOW THAT. NEARLY EVERYONE DISAGREES. 'STRENGTH IS THE ABILITY TO ANTICIPATE THE FUTURE AND BEST MANAGE IT.' I DON'T RESPECT [[THAT IDEA->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-12]]. IT LEAVES ME COLD"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"I WAS SO READY FOR YOU, OR WHOEVER ELSE YOU ENDED UP BEING, TO COME IN HERE. I WAS READY TO PRODUCE THE RIGHT LINES, AND THE RIGHT EXPRESSION, AND THE RIGHT POSE, AND NO FEAR OR SADNESS AT ALL TO THROW THE SAME LAUGH AT BOTH YOU AND DEATH WITH A SINGLE BREATH. TO HAUNT YOU, TO EXIST AS SOME HORRIFYING AMALGAMATION OF NEARLY-DEAD AND NEARLY-ALIVE THAT'D TEAR AT YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS AND I DON'T WANT TO. THAT'S WHAT I LEARNED IN ALL THE YEARS I HAD HERE. WHAT USE DOES IT DO ME? WHAT USE COULD IT DO YOU? WHAT IS THE VALUE OF [[HARDNESS->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-13]] FROM THIS PARTICULAR PLATEAU?"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"HARDNESS WILL EAT YOU UP. NOT TODAY, NOT TOMORROW. IT DOESN'T NEED TO. IT'S A [[CANCER->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-14]] YOU WILL SPEND EVERY DAY FEEDING FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, AND IT CAN WAIT"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"[[FEAR->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-15]] AND COMFORT AREN'T OPPOSITES, OKAY?"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"SO YES, I AM [[SCARED->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-16]]. I AM BREATHING NEARLY 30 TIMES A MINUTE. I AM [[TERRIFIED->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-16]]. IF I COULD PISS MYSELF I'M SURE I WOULD, I SWEAR. AND I AM [[UNASHAMED->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-16]]"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"NOW DO [[IT->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-1]]"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[TEAR HIS SUIT FROM THE CPU->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-2]] [[ASK HIM ABOUT HIS LAST DREAM->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-2]] [[INQUIRE ABOUT HIS MOTHER->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-2]] [[OPEN THE HATCH ON HIS SUIT->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-2]] [[TEAR APART ALL THE WIRES LEADING OUT OF HIS SUIT->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-2]] [[PRESS HIM FOR MORE DETAILS ABOUT YOU BEING PRETTY->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-2]] [[GRAB A FIRE EXTINGUISHER FROM THE WALL AND BASH HIS HEAD IN->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-2]] [[TELL HIM ABOUT YOUR MOTHER->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-2]] [[ASK HIM HOW YOU CAN FREE HIM FROM THE SUIT->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-2]] [[USE THE COMPUTER CONSOLE ON THE WALL TO DISCONNECT HIS SUIT FROM THE WALL->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-2]] [[USE THE COMPUTER CONSOLE ON THE WALL TO SHUT DOWN HIS LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-2]] [[TELL HIM YOU'VE HAD THE SAME FEAR, ABOUT THE LAST DREAM OF YOUR LIFE->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-2]] [[EXPLAIN TO HIM EXACTLY WHY FEAR IS USELESS->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-2]] [[WALK BACK OUT AND JUMP OFF THE WALKWAY INTO THE DARKNESS->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-DEATH]] [[PROMISE YOU'RE GOING TO COME BACK WITH HELP AND RESCUE HIM->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-2]] [[STAND NEXT TO HIM, SILENTLY->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-2]] [[ASK HIM TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-2]] [[SIT NEXT TO HIM, SILENTLY->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-2]] [[APOLOGIZE TO HIM->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-2]] [[CLOSE YOUR EYES->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />"IT'S TOO LATE. THERE WAS A NEUROPROTECTIVE AGENT IN THE ROOM, KEEPING MY VITALS STEADY. CAN'T WEAR THE SUIT AND LIVE WITHOUT IT. ANYWAY, IT GOT VENTED OUT WHEN YOU CAME IN. DON'T WORRY, IT'S ONLY NECESSARY IF YOU'RE IN HERE. IN THE SUIT, I MEAN. STILL FORGETTING PEOPLE CAN'T SEE ME POINT. YOU'LL BE FINE. WELL, YOU'LL BE ALIVE, I MEAN. YOU KNOW I ALWAYS TOLD THEM THAT WE NEEDED A LOCK-OUT TAG-OUT SYSTEM. TOO EXPENSIVE, THEY SAID. NEVER ANY EVIDENCE OF A NEED FOR IT TIME TO GO, I GUESS. NO HARD FEELINGS, YEAH? ALL IS FORGIVEN I'LL SEND YOU A POSTCARD, [[OKAY?->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-FINAL-CHOICE-3]]"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE DATASOUNDS FROM WITHIN HIS SUIT - THE ONES LOUDEST WHEN YOU DRAW CLOSER TO HIS HEAD, UNTIL YOU'RE ALMOST TOUCHING THE VISOR - ARE SLOWING AND IN A MINUTE THEY STOP LEAVING THE NOISES OF THE DATACORE SHIFT IN TONE AND PITCH, FROM THE MECHANISTIC TOWARDS SOMETHING HEAVING, FALTERING, LIKE LABORED BREATHS AND IN A MINUTE THEY STOP LEAVING NEARLY-INAUDIBLE THUMPS, LIKE A MURMUR, A STEADY, QUIETING CADENCE AND IN A MINUTE THEY STOP LEAVING [[NOTHING->ASSIGNMENT-1-COMPLETE-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AS SOON AS THE NOISE CEASES, THERE'S A CRACKLING IN YOUR EAR "DO YOU COPY? THIS IS SECRETARYBOT. DO YOU COPY? THIS IS SECRETARYBOT. DO YOU COPY? THIS IS SECRETARYBOT. DO YOU COPY? THIS IS SECRETARYBOT. DO YOU COPY? THIS IS SECRETARYBOT. DO YOU COPY? THIS IS SECRETARYBOT. DO YOU COPY? THIS IS SECRETARYBOT. DO YOU COPY? THIS IS SECRETARYBOT. DO YOU COPY? THIS IS SECRETARYBOT." YEAH SECRETARYBOT SHIT GIVE ME JUST A MINUTE [[...->ASSIGNMENT-1-COMPLETE-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />EXACTLY 60 SECONDS LATER: "SO I THOUGHT THAT WENT PRETTY WELL!" YEAH THE LAST PART WAS PRETTY WEIRD THOUGH "OH, YES, I MEANT TO MENTION THAT. MUST HAVE BEEN SOME STRANGE MALFUNCTION IN THE MASTER DATACORE ANDROID!" [[ANDROID?->ASSIGNMENT-1-COMPLETE-ANDROID-1]] [[MALFUNCTION?->ASSIGNMENT-1-COMPLETE-MALFUNCTION-1]] [[TIME TO COME HOME, RIGHT?->ASSIGNMENT-1-EXIT]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"OH YES. YOU DON'T THINK THEY'D MAKE HUMANS STAY IN THOSE CONDITIONS, DO YOU?" [[HE SOUNDED VERY HUMAN, SECRETARYBOT->ASSIGNMENT-1-COMPLETE-ANDROID-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"OH, YES, THAT'S THE POINT. THEY'RE VERY WELL PROGRAMMED. DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT 'ANDROID' MEANS?" [[HE TALKED ABOUT HIS CHILDHOOD, SECRETARYBOT. AND DON'T YOU DARE LECTURE ME ON DICTIONARY BULLSHIT YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I HAD THE VOCABULARY OF THE AVERAGE 58-YEAR-OLD BY THE TIME I WAS—->ASSIGNMENT-1-COMPLETE-ANDROID-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"YES, AS I JUST SAID, THEY'RE VERY WELL PROGRAMMED" [[WHAT IS THE POINT IN HAVING AN ANDROID DO A HUMAN'S JOB IF YOU MAKE IT ACT OR THINK OR FEEL LIKE A HUMAN->ASSIGNMENT-1-COMPLETE-ANDROID-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"I'M NOT SURE. I THINK IT'S AN HR ISSUE? ANYWAY" [[CAN I TALK TO OUR HR REP, THEN? THIS WAS A REALLY STRANGE EXPERIENCE->ASSIGNMENT-1-COMPLETE-ANDROID-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"NO" [[WHY NOT->ASSIGNMENT-1-COMPLETE-ANDROID-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"BECAUSE THE HR DEPARTMENT DIED OF MUMPS" [[OH YEAH FUCK->ASSIGNMENT-1-COMPLETE-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU MEAN BY MALFUNCTION, SECRETARYBOT "WELL, RIGHT BEFORE YOU KILLED HIM! HE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE, WELL, SAD. THAT'S NOT IN THE PROGRAMMING!" [[WHAT WAS HE SUPPOSED TO DO?->ASSIGNMENT-1-COMPLETE-MALFUNCTION-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"GET REAL MAD! SAY SOMETHING LIKE 'YOU'RE A FUCKASS AND I WON'T LET YOU KILL ME!' OR SOMETHING LIKE 'THIS WON'T GO UNANSWERED. YOU CAN SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE RICH, EVEN OFF JUST THIS ONE JOB. AND IT WILL TEAR AT YOU. DAY AFTER DAY, A LITTLE MORE. UNTIL YOU'RE OLD REGARDLESS OF YEARS, HANGING IN THE WIND LIKE A TATTERED FLAG. GOING TO SLEEP EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, THINKING, WHAT IF THEY SEND SOMEONE AFTER ME, AFTER ALL THESE YEARS, TO BALANCE THE SCALES? WHAT IF THEY DON'T?'" [[DID YOU COME UP WITH THAT JUST NOW?->ASSIGNMENT-1-COMPLETE-MALFUNCTION-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />DID YOU JUST COME UP WITH THAT, SECRETARYBOT "OH, YES. IT WAS NOTHING" [[IT'S NOT BAD. YOU SHOULD WRITE OUT AND EDIT UP A FEW STORIES AND SEND THEM OFF TO LITERARY MAGAZINES->ASSIGNMENT-1-COMPLETE-MALFUNCTION-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"REALLY? YOU'RE NOT JUST TRYING TO BLOW SMOKE?" [[YEAH NO SERIOUSLY THERE'S SOME REAL POTENTIAL THERE. BUT THE SECOND ONE, THOUGH. NOT THE FIRST ONE. DON'T SEND THAT TO ANY MAGAZINES, PLEASE->ASSIGNMENT-1-COMPLETE-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"YES. MISSION COMPLETE. ALL OBJECTIVES FULFILLED. RETURN TO BASE, SPY MASTER. TELEPORTER ENERGIZING. HOLD FOR TELEPORTATION IN THREE, TWO, [[ONE->ASSIGNMENT-1-TELEPORTING]]"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"EVENTUALLY I COULDN'T TAKE ANY MORE BECAUSE I KNEW SHE'D NOTICE SO I STARTED BUYING THEM OFF ONE OF THOSE DARKSITES. I MANAGED TO KEEP THAT UP ALL THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL. THEN FIRST YEAR OF COLLEGE I GOT A VISIT FROM THE NARCOBUREAU. I DON'T KNOW WHY I DIDN'T GO TO THE DOCTOR FOR A SCRIP. I COULD'VE GOTTEN ONE, NO SWEAT. PROBABLY WOULDN'T'VE EVEN HAD TO LIE. MAYBE I WAS TOO EMBARRASSED. WHO REALLY KNOWS THEIR PAST SELF? ANYWAY, I DIDN'T HAVE A SCRIP, AND THEY CAME KNOCKING WITH A WARRANT. TURNS OUT PRISON ISN'T AN ACCEPTABLE REASON TO TAKE AN ACADEMIC LEAVE OF ABSENCE SO THAT'S HOW I ENDED UP [[HERE->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-10]]. NOT A LOT OF CUM LAUDES IN THIS LINE OF WORK, YOU KNOW? NOT THAT YOU ASKED. BUT I GUESS I JUST FEEL LIKE TELLING. WHAT'S THE WORST YOU'RE GONNA DO, RIGHT?"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><mark style="display: none;">[[ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-1]][[ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-KEYPAD-DEATH]]</mark><mark><style> #letterPanelContainerDiv { position: absolute; top: 0; width: 95%; height: 95%; padding: 4.85%; -webkit-border-radius: 0.25em; -moz-border-radius: 0.25em; border-radius: 0.25em; border: outset 0.15em #F0F0F0; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(210deg, #f0f0f0, #B0B0B0); background: -moz-linear-gradient(210deg, #f0f0f0, #B0B0B0); background: -o-linear-gradient(210deg, #f0f0f0, #B0B0B0); background: linear-gradient(210deg, #f0f0f0, #B0B0B0); -webkit-transform-origin: bottom center; -moz-transform-origin: bottom center; -ms-transform-origin: bottom center; -o-transform-origin: bottom center; transform-origin: bottom center; z-index: 1; } #lettersContainerDiv { display: inline-block; width: 100%; height: 60%; } #containerDivDesign { position: absolute; 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border-right-width: 1.35em; border-top-width: 2.25em; } } @media screen and (max-height: 800px) { .letterBorder { width: 2.33em; height: 2.33em; } .letter { font-size: 2.23em; } .letterTopButtonChevron { border-left-width: 1.05em; border-right-width: 1.05em; border-bottom-width: 1.75em; } .letterBottomButtonChevron { border-left-width: 1.05em; border-right-width: 1.05em; border-top-width: 1.75em; } } @media screen and (max-height: 700px) { .letterBorder { width: 1.75em; height: 1.75em; } .letter { font-size: 1.65em; } .letterTopButtonChevron { border-left-width: 0.6em; border-right-width: 0.6em; border-bottom-width: 1em; } .letterBottomButtonChevron { border-left-width: 0.6em; border-right-width: 0.6em; border-top-width: 1em; } } @media screen and (max-height: 600px) { .letterBorder { width: 1.75em; height: 1.75em; } .letter { font-size: 1.65em; } .letterTopButtonChevron { border-left-width: 0.6em; border-right-width: 0.6em; border-bottom-width: 1em; } .letterBottomButtonChevron { border-left-width: 0.6em; border-right-width: 0.6em; border-top-width: 1em; } } @media screen and (max-height: 600px) { .letterBorder { width: 1.65em; height: 1.65em; } .letter { font-size: 1.55em; } .letterTopButtonChevron { border-left-width: 0.6em; border-right-width: 0.6em; border-bottom-width: 1em; } .letterBottomButtonChevron { border-left-width: 0.6em; border-right-width: 0.6em; border-top-width: 1em; } } @media screen and (max-height: 500px) { .letterBorder { width: 1.1em; height: 1.1em; } .letter { font-size: 0.9em; } .letterTopButtonChevron { border-left-width: 0.45em; border-right-width: 0.45em; border-bottom-width: 0.75em; } .letterBottomButtonChevron { border-left-width: 0.45em; border-right-width: 0.45em; border-top-width: 0.75em; } } </style><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" window.previousHudVersion = window.hudVersion; makeHud(0); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-passage').css('perspective', '1000px'); //// global values for letter panel var firstLetters = ['F', 'U', 'R', 'T', 'S']; var secondLetters = ['B', 'S', 'L', 'T', 'P']; var thirdLetters = ['M', 'T', 'S', 'D', 'Y']; var fourthLetters = ['A', 'O', 'I', 'E', 'S']; var fifthLetters = ['D', 'Z', 'T', 'K', 'G']; var CORRECT_WORD = 'UPDOG'; var correctColors = [ '#FFFFFF', '#DDFFDD', '#BBFFBB', '#99FF99', '#66FF66', '#00FF00', ]; function updateCompletionColor(num) { $('#completionLightDiv').css('background-color', correctColors[num]); } /* not currently implemented var completionAudio = new Audio(); completionAudio.volume = '0.50'; var sounds = [ '', 'note8t.mp3', 'note9t.mp3', 'note10t.mp3', 'note11t.mp3', 'note12t.mp3' ]; */ //// //// letter panel var lastNumberOfCorrect = 0; //////// LETTER PANEL CODE $('tw-passage').append('<div id=\u0022letterPanelContainerDiv\u0022 class=\u0022centerHorizontally\u0022><div id=\u0022lettersContainerDiv\u0022 class=\u0022centerHorizontally\u0022><div class=\u0022letterContainer\u0022><button class=\u0022letterButton letterTopButton centerHorizontally\u0022 id=\u0022firstLetterUp\u0022><div class=\u0022letterButtonChevron letterTopButtonChevron centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022></div></button><button class=\u0022letterButton letterBottomButton centerHorizontally\u0022 id=\u0022firstLetterDown\u0022><div class=\u0022letterButtonChevron letterBottomButtonChevron centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022></div></button><div class=\u0022letterBorder centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022><div class=\u0022letterBorderBackground\u0022></div><div class=\u0022letter centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022 id=\u0022firstLetter\u0022>F</div></div></div><div class=\u0022letterContainer\u0022><button class=\u0022letterButton letterTopButton centerHorizontally\u0022 id=\u0022secondLetterUp\u0022><div class=\u0022letterButtonChevron letterTopButtonChevron centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022></div></button><button class=\u0022letterButton letterBottomButton centerHorizontally\u0022 id=\u0022secondLetterDown\u0022><div class=\u0022letterButtonChevron letterBottomButtonChevron centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022></div></button><div class=\u0022letterBorder centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022><div class=\u0022letterBorderBackground\u0022></div><div class=\u0022letter centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022 id=\u0022secondLetter\u0022>B</div></div></div><div class=\u0022letterContainer\u0022><button class=\u0022letterButton letterTopButton centerHorizontally\u0022 id=\u0022thirdLetterUp\u0022><div class=\u0022letterButtonChevron letterTopButtonChevron centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022></div></button><button class=\u0022letterButton letterBottomButton centerHorizontally\u0022 id=\u0022thirdLetterDown\u0022><div class=\u0022letterButtonChevron letterBottomButtonChevron centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022></div></button><div class=\u0022letterBorder centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022><div class=\u0022letterBorderBackground\u0022></div><div class=\u0022letter centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022 id=\u0022thirdLetter\u0022>M</div></div></div><div class=\u0022letterContainer\u0022><button class=\u0022letterButton letterTopButton centerHorizontally\u0022 id=\u0022fourthLetterUp\u0022><div class=\u0022letterButtonChevron letterTopButtonChevron centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022></div></button><button class=\u0022letterButton letterBottomButton centerHorizontally\u0022 id=\u0022fourthLetterDown\u0022><div class=\u0022letterButtonChevron letterBottomButtonChevron centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022></div></button><div class=\u0022letterBorder centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022><div class=\u0022letterBorderBackground\u0022></div><div class=\u0022letter centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022 id=\u0022fourthLetter\u0022>A</div></div></div><div class=\u0022letterContainer\u0022><button class=\u0022letterButton letterTopButton centerHorizontally\u0022 id=\u0022fifthLetterUp\u0022><div class=\u0022letterButtonChevron letterTopButtonChevron centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022></div></button><button class=\u0022letterButton letterBottomButton centerHorizontally\u0022 id=\u0022fifthLetterDown\u0022><div class=\u0022letterButtonChevron letterBottomButtonChevron centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022></div></button><div class=\u0022letterBorder centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022><div class=\u0022letterBorderBackground\u0022></div><div class=\u0022letter centerHorizontallyAndVertically\u0022 id=\u0022fifthLetter\u0022>D</div></div></div></div><div id=\u0022completionLightDiv\u0022 class=\u0022centerHorizontally\u0022></div><div id=\u0022containerLeftTopBolt\u0022 class=\u0022containerBolt\u0022></div><div id=\u0022containerLeftBottomBolt\u0022 class=\u0022containerBolt\u0022></div><div id=\u0022containerRightTopBolt\u0022 class=\u0022containerBolt\u0022></div><div id=\u0022containerRightBottomBolt\u0022 class=\u0022containerBolt\u0022></div><div id=\u0022containerDivDesign\u0022></div></div>'); $('#firstLetterUp').click(function(e) { firstLetters.unshift(firstLetters.pop()); animateLetterUp($('#firstLetter'), firstLetters[0]); }); $('#firstLetterDown').click(function(e) { firstLetters.push(firstLetters.shift()); animateLetterDown($('#firstLetter'), firstLetters[0]); }); $('#secondLetterUp').click(function(e) { secondLetters.unshift(secondLetters.pop()); animateLetterUp($('#secondLetter'), secondLetters[0]); }); $('#secondLetterDown').click(function(e) { secondLetters.push(secondLetters.shift()); animateLetterDown($('#secondLetter'), secondLetters[0]); }); $('#thirdLetterUp').click(function(e) { thirdLetters.unshift(thirdLetters.pop()); animateLetterUp($('#thirdLetter'), thirdLetters[0]); }); $('#thirdLetterDown').click(function(e) { thirdLetters.push(thirdLetters.shift()); animateLetterDown($('#thirdLetter'), thirdLetters[0]); }); $('#fourthLetterUp').click(function(e) { fourthLetters.unshift(fourthLetters.pop()); animateLetterUp($('#fourthLetter'), fourthLetters[0]); }); $('#fourthLetterDown').click(function(e) { fourthLetters.push(fourthLetters.shift()); animateLetterDown($('#fourthLetter'), fourthLetters[0]); }); $('#fifthLetterUp').click(function(e) { fifthLetters.unshift(fifthLetters.pop()); animateLetterUp($('#fifthLetter'), fifthLetters[0]); }); $('#fifthLetterDown').click(function(e) { fifthLetters.push(fifthLetters.shift()); animateLetterDown($('#fifthLetter'), fifthLetters[0]); }); // animates unscrew actions on container bolts $('.containerBolt').click(function(e) { animateUnscrew(; }); // allow users to put the letter panel back on $('#letterPanelContainerDiv').click(function(e) { if ($(this).css('z-index') === '0') { $(this).css('z-index', '1'); $('#wireDiv').css('z-index', '0'); $({deg: -120}).animate({deg: 0}, { duration: 2000, step: function(now) { $('#letterPanelContainerDiv').css({ transform: 'rotateX(' + now + 'deg) translateX(-50%)' }); }, // put a single random screw back on done: function() { var screws = $('.containerBolt'); $(screws[2]).css('background-image', 'url(' + getScrewheadBase64() + ')'); $(screws[2]).css('background-size', 'cover'); $(screws[2]).css('cursor', 'pointer'); } }); } }); function animateLetterUp(element, letter) { $(element).animate({ top: '-40%', }, 400, 'linear', function() { $(element).css('top', '140%'); $(element).text(letter); $(element).animate({ top: '50%', }, 400, 'linear', function() { updateCompletion(); }); }); } function animateLetterDown(element, letter) { $(element).animate({ top: '140%', }, 400, 'linear', function() { $(element).css('top', '-40%'); $(element).text(letter); $(element).animate({ top: '50%', }, 400, 'linear', function() { updateCompletion(); }); }); } function animateUnscrew(element) { // don't animate any screws that have already been removed if ($(element).css('background-image') === 'none') { return; } $({deg: 0}).animate({deg: 1080}, { duration: 2000, step: function(now) { $(element).css({ transform: 'rotate(' + now + 'deg)' }); } }); $(element).animate({ width: '+=5', height: '+=5' }, 2000, function() { $(element).width($(element).width() - 5); $(element).height($(element).height() - 5); $(element).css('background', '#000000'); $(element).css('cursor', 'initial'); checkNumberOfUnscrewed(); }); } function checkNumberOfUnscrewed() { var containerScrews = $('.containerBolt'); var counter = 0; for(var ii = 0; ii < containerScrews.length; ii++) { // indicates the screw has been removed if ($(containerScrews[ii]).css('background-image') === 'none') { counter++; } } // if every screw has been removed if (counter === containerScrews.length) { $({deg: 0}).animate({deg: -120}, { duration: 2000, step: function(now) { $('#letterPanelContainerDiv').css({ transform: 'rotateX(' + now + 'deg) translateX(-50%)' }); }, done: function() { $('#letterPanelContainerDiv').css('z-index', '0'); $('#wireDiv').css('z-index', '1'); } }); } } var lastNumberOfCorrect; function updateCompletion() { var elements = [ $('#firstLetter'), $('#secondLetter'), $('#thirdLetter'), $('#fourthLetter'), $('#fifthLetter') ]; var numberOfCompleteElements = 0; for (var ii = 0; ii < CORRECT_WORD.length; ii++) { if (elements[ii].text() === CORRECT_WORD[ii]) { numberOfCompleteElements++; } } updateCompletionColor(numberOfCompleteElements); if (numberOfCompleteElements > lastNumberOfCorrect) { playCompletionLevelSound(numberOfCompleteElements); } lastNumberOfCorrect = numberOfCompleteElements; if (numberOfCompleteElements === CORRECT_WORD.length) { completeWithCorrectWord(); } } function playCompletionLevelSound(num) { /* if (num === 0) { return; } completionAudio.src = sounds[num];; */ } function completeWithCorrectWord() { $('#wireDiv').animate({ opacity: 0 }, 2000); $('#letterPanelContainerDiv').animate({ opacity: 0 }, 2000, function() { $('#wireDiv').css('display', 'none'); $('#letterPanelContainerDiv').css('display', 'none'); var exp = document.createElement('tw-expression'); exp.className = 'searchLink'; exp.setAttribute('type', 'macro'); exp.setAttribute('name', 'link-goto'); var link = document.createElement('tw-link'); link.setAttribute('passage-name', 'ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-1'); link.setAttribute('passage-id', '136'); link.innerHTML = 'NOT MUCH, HOW ABOUT YOU'; exp.appendChild(link); $('tw-passage').append(exp); }); } function getScrewheadBase64() { return ''; } //////// //////// WIRE PANEL CODE var context; var canvas; var wires = []; var selectedWire = 'none'; // make wirediv size always identical to letter panel $('#wireDiv').css({ 'width': $('#letterPanelContainerDiv').css('width'), 'height': $('#letterPanelContainerDiv').css('height'), }); $('#wireCanvas').attr({ 'width': $('#letterPanelContainerDiv').css('width'), 'height': $('#letterPanelContainerDiv').css('height'), }); $(window).resize(function(e) { $('#wireDiv').css({ 'width': $('#letterPanelContainerDiv').css('width'), 'height': $('#letterPanelContainerDiv').css('height'), }); $('#wireCanvas').attr({ 'width': $('#wireDiv').width(), 'height': $('#wireDiv').height(), }); }); //// wire panel createWireDivElements(); setWireDivSizeAndPosition(); createWireObjects(); drawWires(); createWirePanelClickEvents(); createWirePanelMouseMoveEvents(); //////// function createWireDivElements() { var wireDiv = $('<div id=\u0027wireDiv\u0027 class=\u0027centerHorizontally\u0027></div>'); = 'wireDiv'; wireDiv.className = 'centerHorizontally'; canvas = createWireCanvas(); wireDiv.append(canvas); context = canvas[0].getContext('2d'); var socketDivs = createSocketDivs(); for (var ii = 0; ii < socketDivs.length; ii++) { wireDiv.append(socketDivs[ii]); } $('tw-passage').append(wireDiv); } function createWireCanvas() { var canvas = $('<canvas id=\u0027wireCanvas\u0027></canvas>'); $('#wireCanvas').attr({ 'width': $('#wireDiv').width(), 'height': $('#wireDiv').height(), }); return canvas; } function createSocketDivs() { var sockets = []; var colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green']; var positions = ['One', 'Two']; for (var ii = 0; ii < colors.length; ii++) { for (var jj = 0; jj < positions.length; jj++) { var socket = document.createElement('div'); = colors[ii] + 'WireSocket' + positions[jj] + 'Div'; socket.className = 'wireSocket'; sockets.push(socket); } } return sockets; } function setWireDivSizeAndPosition() { $('#wireDiv').width($('#letterPanelContainerDiv').width()); $('#wireDiv').height($('#letterPanelContainerDiv').height()); $('#wireCanvas').attr({ width: $('#wireDiv').width(), height: $('#wireDiv').height(), }); } function drawWires(mousePos) { clearCanvas(); for (var ii = 0; ii < wires.length; ii++) { context.strokeStyle = wires[ii].color; context.lineWidth = wires[ii].lineWidth; context.beginPath(); if (selectedWire === wires[ii]) { if (wires[ii].connected === 'start') { context.moveTo(wires[ii].positions[0][0], wires[ii].positions[0][1]); context.lineTo(mousePos[0], mousePos[1]); context.stroke(); } else if (wires[ii].connected === 'end') { context.moveTo(wires[ii].positions[1][0], wires[ii].positions[1][1]); /*context.quadraticCurveTo( mousePos[0] + wires[ii].positions[1][0] / 2, mousePos[1] + wires[ii].positions[1][1] / 2, mousePos[0], mousePos[1]);*/ context.lineTo(mousePos[0], mousePos[1]); context.stroke(); } } else { context.moveTo(wires[ii].positions[0][0], wires[ii].positions[0][1]); console.log(wires[ii]); context.quadraticCurveTo( wires[ii].positions[0][0] + wires[ii].positions[1][0] / 2, wires[ii].positions[0][1] + wires[ii].positions[1][1] / 2, wires[ii].positions[1][0], wires[ii].positions[1][1]); context.stroke(); } } } function createWirePanelClickEvents() { $('.wireSocket').click(function(e) { // handle dropping a wire onto a new socket if (selectedWire !== 'none') { if (selectedWire.connected === 'start') { // don't allow both ends to be placed in the same socket if (selectedWire.sockets[0] === this) { return; } selectedWire.sockets[1] = this; setPositionFromSockets(selectedWire); } else if (selectedWire.connected === 'end') { if (selectedWire.sockets[1] === this) { return; } selectedWire.sockets[0] = this; setPositionFromSockets(selectedWire); } selectedWire.connected = 'both'; selectedWire = 'none'; drawWires(); checkWiresForEndState(); return; } // get selected wire and adjust propeties for (var ii = 0; ii < wires.length; ii++) { if (wires[ii].sockets[0] === this && wires[ii].connected === 'both') { selectedWire = wires[ii]; wires[ii].connected = 'end'; break; } else if (wires[ii].sockets[1] === this && wires[ii].connected === 'both') { selectedWire = wires[ii]; wires[ii].connected = 'start'; break; } } }); } function checkWiresForEndState() { var redWire; var greenWire; var blueWire; for (var ii = 0; ii < wires.length; ii++) { if (wires[ii].color === 'red') { redWire = wires[ii]; } else if (wires[ii].color === 'green') { greenWire = wires[ii]; } else if (wires[ii].color === 'blue') { blueWire = wires[ii]; } } // winning state if (redWire.sockets.indexOf( document.getElementById('greenWireSocketOneDiv')) !== -1 && redWire.sockets.indexOf( document.getElementById('greenWireSocketTwoDiv')) !== -1 && greenWire.sockets.indexOf( document.getElementById('redWireSocketOneDiv')) !== -1 && greenWire.sockets.indexOf( document.getElementById('redWireSocketTwoDiv')) !== -1) { completeWithCorrectWires(); } // death state if ((blueWire.sockets.indexOf( document.getElementById('redWireSocketOneDiv')) !== -1 && blueWire.sockets.indexOf( document.getElementById('redWireSocketTwoDiv')) !== -1) || (blueWire.sockets.indexOf( document.getElementById('greenWireSocketOneDiv')) !== -1 && blueWire.sockets.indexOf( document.getElementById('greenWireSocketTwoDiv')) !== -1)) { dieWithIncorrectWires(); } } function completeWithCorrectWires() { $('#wireDiv').animate({ opacity: 0 }, 2000); $('#letterPanelContainerDiv').animate({ opacity: 0 }, 2000, function() { $('#wireDiv').css('display', 'none'); $('#letterPanelContainerDiv').css('display', 'none'); var exp = document.createElement('tw-expression'); exp.className = 'searchLink'; exp.setAttribute('type', 'macro'); exp.setAttribute('name', 'link-goto'); var link = document.createElement('tw-link'); link.setAttribute('passage-name', 'ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-ENTER-1'); link.innerHTML = 'NOT MUCH, HOW ABOUT, UM... SHIT. I GUESS THAT DOESN\u0027T REALLY MAKE ANY SENSE NOW? WHAT\u0027S GOING ON? I FEEL SOMEWHAT ODD. COLD? DIZZY, MAYBE? EVERYTHING\u0027S GETTING A LITTLE DARK AROUND THE EDGES? I, UH'; $(link).css('display', 'inline-block'); exp.appendChild(link); $('tw-passage').append(exp); }); } function dieWithIncorrectWires() { $('#wireDiv').animate({ opacity: 0 }, 500); $('#letterPanelContainerDiv').animate({ opacity: 0 }, 500, function() { $('#wireDiv').css('display', 'none'); $('#letterPanelContainerDiv').css('display', 'none'); var exp = document.createElement('tw-expression'); exp.className = 'searchLink'; exp.setAttribute('type', 'macro'); exp.setAttribute('name', 'link-goto'); var link = document.createElement('tw-link'); link.setAttribute('passage-name', 'ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE-KEYPAD-DEATH'); link.innerHTML = 'A LOW WHINE FROM SOMEWHERE DEEP WITHIN THE CONSOLE. YOU LEAN DOWN, POINT YOUR EAR TOWARDS IT. TUMBLERS MOVING, MAYBE. A CAPACITOR CHARGING, READYING TO DISENGAGE THE LOCK'; $(link).css('display', 'inline-block'); exp.appendChild(link); $('tw-passage').append(exp); }); } function createWirePanelMouseMoveEvents() { $('.wireSocket').mousemove(function(e) { // if no wire is selected, don't redraw if (selectedWire !== 'none') { drawWires([$(this).position().left + $(this).width() / 2, $(this).position().top + $(this).height() / 2]); } }); $('#wireCanvas').mousemove(function(e) { if (selectedWire !== 'none') { drawWires([e.offsetX, e.offsetY]); } }); } function setPositionFromSockets(wire) { selectedWire.positions = [ [$(selectedWire.sockets[0]).position().left + $(selectedWire.sockets[0]).width() / 2, $(selectedWire.sockets[0]).position().top + $(selectedWire.sockets[0]).height() / 2], [$(selectedWire.sockets[1]).position().left + $(selectedWire.sockets[1]).width() / 2, $(selectedWire.sockets[1]).position().top + $(selectedWire.sockets[1]).height() / 2] ]; } function clearCanvas() { context.clearRect(0, 0, $('#wireCanvas').width(), $('#wireCanvas').height()); } function createWireObjects() { // add red wire wires.push( { sockets: [ $('#redWireSocketOneDiv')[0], $('#redWireSocketTwoDiv')[0] ], positions: [ [$('#redWireSocketOneDiv').position().left + $('#redWireSocketOneDiv').width() / 2, // final +2 added just for slight centering adjustment $('#redWireSocketOneDiv').position().top + $('#redWireSocketOneDiv').height() / 2 + 2], [$('#redWireSocketTwoDiv').position().left + $('#redWireSocketTwoDiv').width() / 2, $('#redWireSocketTwoDiv').position().top + $('#redWireSocketTwoDiv').height() / 2 + 2] ], color: 'red', lineWidth: 7, connected: 'both' } ); // add green wire wires.push( { sockets: [ $('#greenWireSocketOneDiv')[0], $('#greenWireSocketTwoDiv')[0] ], positions: [ [$('#greenWireSocketOneDiv').position().left + $('#greenWireSocketOneDiv').width() / 2, $('#greenWireSocketOneDiv').position().top + $('#greenWireSocketOneDiv').height() / 2 + 2], [$('#greenWireSocketTwoDiv').position().left + $('#greenWireSocketTwoDiv').width() / 2, $('#greenWireSocketTwoDiv').position().top + $('#greenWireSocketTwoDiv').height() / 2 + 2] ], color: 'green', lineWidth: 7, connected: 'both' } ); // add blue wire wires.push( { sockets: [ $('#blueWireSocketOneDiv')[0], $('#blueWireSocketTwoDiv')[0] ], positions: [ [$('#blueWireSocketOneDiv').position().left + $('#blueWireSocketOneDiv').width() / 2, $('#blueWireSocketOneDiv').position().top + $('#blueWireSocketOneDiv').height() / 2 + 2], [$('#blueWireSocketTwoDiv').position().left + $('#blueWireSocketTwoDiv').width() / 2, $('#blueWireSocketTwoDiv').position().top + $('#blueWireSocketTwoDiv').height() / 2 + 2] ], color: 'blue', lineWidth: 7, connected: 'both' } ); } //////// " /></mark>[[BUT NO: GROWING LOUDER NOW, MOVING TOWARDS A SHRIEK, A WAIL, A COALESCENCE OF PAIN AND RAGE, PROCESSED AND NOTCHED AND LOW-PASSED. LOUD ENOUGH TO REQUIRE FINGERS PRESSED INTO EARS. NOW HANDS CLUTCHED OVER, PRESSED AS TIGHTLY AS ARMS CAN MANAGE. LOUDER NOW, DROWNING OUT ALL SOUNDS AND THEN ALL OTHER SENSES. PURE, WORDLESS, IMMANENT FURY. THEN AN EXPLOSION, AND YOU CAN FEEL YOURSELF BEING SUBSUMED ENTIRELY->MEMORY]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU ARE DEAD AND YOU SUCK (link-goto: "RELOAD CHECKPOINT", $CHECKPOINT) [[RESTART->ASSIGNMENT-1-START]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[GO TO YOUR QUARTERS->ASSIGNMENT-2-QUARTERS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />YOU ARE BEING TASKED WITH THE DESTRUCTION OF THE SEMILUMINAL PULSE GENERATOR LOCATED WITHIN THE MARE INSULARUM, OWNED AND OPERATED BY COMSENSE [[YES SIR/MA'AM/UH... UM->ASSIGNMENT-2-LOG-ON]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(window.previousHudVersion); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />OKAY. READY TO LEAVE [[CLOSE YOUR EYES AND WAIT FOR TELEPORATION->ASSIGNMENT-2-BEGIN-2]](set: $napVar to 0)<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" if (window.preAssignmentCompHudVersion) { makeHud(window.preAssignmentCompHudVersion); } doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />YOU FEEL AS IF YOU ARE AN EGG BEING [[MICROWAVED->ASSIGNMENT-2-BEGIN]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); if (!window.epilepsy) { var interval = 1000; window.flashIntervalId = window.setInterval(function() { animateColorFlash('#000000', '#FFFFFF', interval); }, interval * 4); $('tw-link, tw-icon, #enterPasswordAnchor').click(function(e) { $('.backgroundFlash').remove(); $('.colorFlash').remove(); window.clearInterval(window.flashIntervalId); }); } " />SPARTAN, AND COLORLESS, THE BLACK WALLS OF YOUR QUARTERS DON'T SEEM TO ABSORB LIGHT SO MUCH AS IGNORE IT, OR ALLOW IT TO MOVE THROUGH IT UNCONSUMED. AS EVERYTHING - PHOTONS, VOICES, BODIES - WOULD DISREGARD IT ENTIRELY. EXCEPTING, OF COURSE, YOUR BODY, YOUR WORDS ECHOING LIKE POND RIPPLES, YOUR HAND TRAPPING ITS OWN WARMTH BETWEEN SKIN AND THE IMPOSSIBLY COLD METAL THERE IS A COT ON ONE SIDE, AND A PLAQUE ON THE OTHER SIDE EVERYTHING ELSE IS BLANK [[TAKE A NAP->TAKE-A-NAP]] [[EXAMINE THE PLAQUE->ASSIGNMENT-2-EXAMINE-PLAQUE]] [[LOG ON->ASSIGNMENT-2-LOG-ON]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" window.previousHudVersion = hudVersion; makeHud(0); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-passage').append('<div id=&quot;plaqueDiv&quot; class=&quot;centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;><div id=&quot;plaqueTitle&quot; class=&quot;plaqueGradientItem centerHorizontally engravedText&quot;><div id=&quot;firstPlaqueTitleSpan&quot; class=&quot;centerHorizontally plaqueGradientItem&quot;>MASTER SPY<div id=&quot;topLeftNameTagBolt&quot; class=&quot;nameTagBolt screwBackground&quot;></div><div id=&quot;topRightNameTagBolt&quot; class=&quot;nameTagBolt screwBackground&quot;></div><div id=&quot;bottomLeftNameTagBolt&quot; class=&quot;nameTagBolt screwBackground&quot;></div><div id=&quot;bottomRightNameTagBolt&quot; class=&quot;nameTagBolt screwBackground&quot;></div><span id=&quot;secondPlaqueTitleSpan&quot;>\u0027S</span></div><span id=&quot;thirdPlaqueTitleSpan&quot;>SPY ACHIEVEMENTS</span></div><div id=&quot;firstMissionDiv&quot; class=&quot;missionDiv centerHorizontally&quot;><div class=&quot;missionContainerDiv centerHorizontallyAndVertically engravedText&quot;><button id=&quot;firstMissionButton&quot; class=&quot;missionButton centerVertically&quot;></button><span class=&quot;missionTextSpan centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;>MISSION_1_ACHIEVEMENT</span></div></div><span id=&quot;secretaryBotCopyrightText&quot; class=&quot;engravedText centerHorizontally&quot;>© AND ® SECRETARYBOT</span><div id=&quot;topLeftPlaqueBolt&quot; class=&quot;plaqueBolt screwBackground&quot;><div class=&quot;goldSheen&quot;></div></div><div id=&quot;topRightPlaqueBolt&quot; class=&quot;plaqueBolt screwBackground&quot;><div class=&quot;goldSheen&quot;></div></div><div id=&quot;bottomLeftPlaqueBolt&quot; class=&quot;plaqueBolt screwBackground&quot;><div class=&quot;goldSheen&quot;></div></div><div id=&quot;bottomRightPlaqueBolt&quot; class=&quot;plaqueBolt screwBackground&quot;><div class=&quot;goldSheen&quot;></div></div><div id=&quot;plaqueTexture&quot;></div></div>'); $('#firstMissionButton').click(function(e) { createModal(); }); // corresponds to the text that will be placed in the created modal window var achievement = 'SPY MASTER INFILTRATED THE HEADQUARTERS OF ' + 'AN ENEMY CORPORATION, DEFEATED ALL ON-DUTY GUARDS, ' + 'AND DEACTIVATED THEIR MOST CRITICAL DATACORE OPERATOR. ' + 'BY DESTROYING THE DATACORE, A TALENT VOID WAS CREATED, ' + 'DESTABILIZING THE ENTERTAINMENT MARKET. THE SPY MASTER PEFORMED ' + '56.3% MORE EFFICIENTLY AND 21.6% LESS EMOTIONALLY THAN PREDICTED. ' + 'IT IS EXPECTED THAT THEY WILL CONTINUE TO BE A DEEPLY VALUABLE OPERATIVE.' + '<br>' + '<br>' + 'AWARDS:' + '<br>' + '* MOST IMPROVED' + '<br>' + '* BEST ATTITUDE' + '<br>' + '* MOST VALUABLE PLAYER'; function createModal() { var modalDiv = $('<div id=&quot;achievementFragmentModalDiv&quot; class=&quot;engravedText centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;>' + achievement + '</div>'); modalDiv.css({'width': '50%', 'height': '100%', 'position': 'absolute', 'overflow-y': 'scroll', 'background': '-webkit-linear-gradient(315deg, #747472, #9CA6AC)', 'background': '-moz-linear-gradient(315deg, #747472, #9CA6AC)', 'background': '-o-linear-gradient(315deg, #747472, #9CA6AC)', 'background': 'linear-gradient(315deg, #747472, #9CA6AC)', 'padding': '15px 50px 15px 15px', 'opacity': '0', 'border': '5px groove', 'z-index': '1' }); var closeButton = $('<button id=&quot;achievementFragmentCloseButton&quot;>x</button>'); closeButton.css({ 'width': '25px', 'height': '25px', 'position': 'absolute', 'right': '0px', 'top': '0px', 'margin': '10px' }); modalDiv.append(closeButton); $('#plaqueDiv').append(modalDiv); window.getComputedStyle(modalDiv[0]).opacity; modalDiv.css('opacity', '1'); $('#achievementFragmentCloseButton').click(function(e) { $('#achievementFragmentModalDiv').css('opacity', '0'); window.setTimeout(function() { $('#achievementFragmentModalDiv').remove(); }, 1000); }); } " />{(live:3000ms)[CAN I HELP YOU, SPY MASTER?(stop:)]} {(live:5000ms)[YOU OPEN YOUR EYES TO FIND YOURSELF STILL IN THE HEADQUARTERS, STANDING IN FRONT OF SECRETARYBOT(stop:)]} {(live:7000ms)[[[UH. YEAH, YOU CAN TELEPORT ME TO THE MISSION? PLEASE. IF YOU'RE NOT BUSY — I DON'T MEAN TO SEEM TERSE, OR SHARP, OR RUDE, I'M JUST STILL NOT EXACTLY SURE WHAT YOU DO HERE, OR HOW TO TELL IF YOU'RE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT NOW->ASSIGNMENT-2-BEGIN-3]](stop:)]}<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />"MY MISTAKE, SPY MASTER. THE TELEPORTER IS ACTUALLY UNDER REPAIR RIGHT NOW. ONE OF THE CABLES WAS INADVERTENTLY SEVERED WHILE WE WERE REPURPOSING THE ELEVATOR ROOM. WHICH IS ACTUALLY FAIRLY IRRELEVANT, GIVEN THAT THE TELEPORTER CAN'T BE USED TO REACH TARGETS MORE THAN FIFTY MILES ABOVE GROUND LEVEL" [[OKAY, SO...->ASSIGNMENT-2-BEGIN-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />"SO YOU TAKE THE STELTEK MK. V STEALTH ROCKET, OF COURSE!" [[THAT DOESN'T REALLY SEEM LIKE MY CUP OF TEA. I GET MOTION SICK, OKAY, LIKE IF THERE'S A LOT OF MOVEMENT OR IF I CAN'T SEE THE DIRECTION WE'RE MOVING, AND—->ASSIGNMENT-2-BEGIN-GO-HOME]] [[OF COURSE->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-1]] [[I SUPPOSE THAT'S ACTUALLY SOMEWHAT GOOD. I WAS MEANING TO ASK YOU, AND FORGOT TO BEFORE THE LAST MISSION, ABOUT THE TELEPORTER. AM I ACTUALLY BEING MOVED THROUGH SPACE AND TIME? LIKE MY ACTUAL MOLECULES? AND IF NOT — IF AN EXACT COPY IS BEING MADE OF ME — CAN WE TALK FOR A MINUTE ABOUT, LIKE, THE PHILOSOPHICAL IMPLICATIONS THEREIN? DOESN'T THAT IMPLY THAT—->ASSIGNMENT-2-BEGIN-PHILOSOPHICAL-IMPLICATIONS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />YOU FOLLOW THE SECRETARYBOT INTO A PASSAGE YOU'D NEVER NOTICED BEFORE. THROUGH AN AIRTIGHT, REVOLVING DOOR, THE WALLS FADE METAL INTO SOLID STONE, AS IF THEY THE STONE WAS MOVING OUTWARDS, CONSUMING THE METAL IN SOME ESOTERIC NATURAL PROCESS. AND TO WHAT END? YOU RUN YOUR HAND LIGHTLY ALONG THE CEILING AS YOU MOVE FURTHER INTO THE TUNNEL. THE STONE FEELS WARM. HOT, EVEN. AS IF FRESHLY BORED. NOT THAT YOU KNOW, LIKE, AUTHORITATIVELY, WHAT FRESHLY BORED STONE SHOULD FEEL LIKE, OR EVEN WHAT TEMPERATURE IT SHOULD BE BUT YOU KNOW [[JUST A FEELING->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />"UNFORTUNATELY, THAT IS CURRENTLY THE ONLY WAY TO REACH THE MARE ISOLARUM. YOU ARE NOT OPTIONLESS. YOU COULD OBVIOUSLY CHOOSE TO DECLINE THE MISSION AND GO HOME, SPY MASTER" [[OKAY, IT'S BEEN REALLY NICE KNOWING YOU, SECRETARYBOT. DON'T EVER CHANGE. HAGS->ASSIGNMENT-2-BEGIN-GO-HOME-DEATH]] [[NO, I'LL MANAGE->ASSIGNMENT-2-BEGIN-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"UNFORTUNATELY, SPY MASTER, THERE'S NO TIME FOR THAT NOW, BUT SURELY THERE WILL BE AN OPPORTUNITY SOMETIME IN THE FUTURE, WHEN OUR POSITION IS MORE SECURE" [[OKAY->ASSIGNMENT-2-BEGIN-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />FINALLY THE TUNNEL EXPANDS OUT INTO A CIRCULAR LAUNCH AREA, WITH A MATTE-BLACK ROCKET BARELY LARGER THAN YOUR BODY A COMPARTMENT IS OPEN NEAR THE TAIL, ITS APERTURE ROUGHLY YOU-SIZED, LINED WITH WHAT APPEARS TO BE SOME FORM OF PADDING, [[LIKE A COFFIN->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-3]] OR [[A CHRYSALIS->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE SECRETARYBOT LOOKS FROM YOU BACK TO THE ROCKET BACK TO YOU THE SEMAPHORE IS CLEAR YOU MAKE YOURSELF SMALL AND [[CLIMB IN->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE PADDING IS SOFT, VELVETY AND NOW THAT YOU HAVE CRAWLED INSIDE AND STRETCHED OUT, IT FEELS COMFORTING NEARLY SPACIOUS, EVEN ALMOST AS IF IT WERE SOMEHOW MORE VOLUMINOUS FROM WITHIN ITS INTERIOR THAN APPARENT OR EVEN PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE AS IF BY SOME CAREFULLY-INVOKED MAGIC SPELL, OR INTERDIMENSIONAL MANIPULATION, OR SOME MUTE NON-NEWTONIAN HORROR [[WHAT A WONDERFUL CONFLATION OF PRE-EXISTING BELOVED ARCHITECTURAL IMPOSSIBILITIES->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />WHAT IS THE [[OPPOSITE OF CLAUSTROPHOBIA?->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU ARE LAYING DOWN AND WAITING FOR SOME GREAT FORCE TO DRIVE YOU FURTHER INTO THE PRESENT YOU CAN HEAR NOISE ALL AROUND YOU, IN EVERY FIBER OF THE ROCKET, A FRANTIC GATHERING LIKE IF THE BRAIN ECHOED ITS PROGRESS HEARTWISE "PLEASE DO NOT MOVE THE HEAD, SPY MASTER" [[DON'T MOVE YOUR HEAD->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-7]] [[MOVE YOUR HEAD->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-MOVE-HEAD]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />"THANK YOU FOR PLACING THE HEAD WITHIN THE ACCESS POSITION. ACCESS PROCEDURE WILL COMPLETE IN APPROXIMATELY 15600 MILLISECONDS. PLEASE CLOSE THE EYES." [[CLOSE YOUR EYES->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-CLOSE-EYES]] [[CLOSE YOUR EYES AND OPEN YOUR MOUTH->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-CLOSE-EYES-AND-MOUTH]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('#colorDiv').css({ transition: '', opacity: '', }); $('#noiseDiv').css({ 'transition': '', 'opacity': '' }); " />"PLEASE DO NOT MOVE THE HEAD. TAKEOFF PROCEDURES CANNOT COMMENCE UNTIL YOUR HEAD IS [[PLACED WITHIN THE ACCESS POSITION->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-6]]"(set: $MOVED_HEAD to true)<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><mark style="display: none;">[[ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-ACCESS-1]]</mark>[[SOMETHING ABRUPT AND SCALDING AND SHARP HAPPENS WITHIN THE ACCESS PORT AT THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD NO ONE TOLD YOU IT WOULD HURT SO MUCH TO BE SOMETHING STRONGER THAN HUMAN->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-ACCESS-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(0); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('#colorDiv').css({ transition: 'opacity 5s', opacity: 0, }); $('#noiseDiv').css({ transition: 'opacity 5s', opacity: 0.75, }); " />"SPY MASTER, IT IS NEITHER NECESSARY NOR PERFORMANT FOR THE MOUTH TO BE OPEN DURING THE [[ACCESS PROCEDURE->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-CLOSE-EYES]]" OH MY GOD I UH IT'S UM FORCE OF HABIT I GUESS YOUR FACE IS THE COLOR OF A REIMAGINED TOMATO<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('#colorDiv').css({ transition: '', opacity: '', }); $('#noiseDiv').css({ 'transition': '', 'opacity': '' }); " />EVERYTHING FEELS AS IF IT HAS BEEN SLICED INTO INFINITESIMALLY SMALL PLANES AND ANIMATED AT [[3->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-ACCESS-FIRST-FRAME]] [[2->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-ACCESS-SECOND-FRAME]] [[0->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-ACCESS-THIRD-FRAME]] [[0->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-ACCESS-FOURTH-FRAME]] [[0->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-ACCESS-FIFTH-FRAME]] FRAMES PER SECOND AS IF YOUR WHOLE BODY HAD BEEN ABRUPTLY TURNED INSIDE OUT AND FED THROUGH THE REFUSE MINIMIZER LIKE EVERY PART OF YOU JUST HURTS, COMPLETELY AND FULLY, IN A WAY BEYOND NERVES SOMETHING FAMILIAR, BEYOND WORDS, BEYOND EXPLICATION, LIKE SOME TERRIBLE JAGGED CHAIN DIGGING AROUND YOUR JUGULAR AND IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN AND SOMEONE ELSE'S TEARS STREAMING DOWN YOUR FACE [[RIP THE HELMET OFF->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-ACCESS-DEATH]] [[RIDE IT OUT->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-ACCESS-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />EVERYTHING IN YOUR BODY SHAKING LIKE WHATEVER IS INSIDE YOU WILL ESCAPE AND THE WORLD ITSELF WILL [[SHATTER->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-ACCESS-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE [[VOLUME->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-ACCESS-1]] NEARLY UNBEARABLE, AS IF SOMEONE EMBEDDED A SUBWOOFER IN YOUR SKULL AND CRANKED IT UP TO THE MAX<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AN IRREPRESSIBLE SENSE OF [[FORMICATION->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-ACCESS-1]] AS IF EVERY INSECT THAT EVER LIVES WAS CRAWLING ON YOUR SKIN<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE SMELL OF [[BURNING->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-ACCESS-1]] FLESH, AND HAIR, AND BLOOD, AND OF RAIN<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AND EVERY [[MEMORY->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-ACCESS-1]] IN YOUR BRAIN PLAYING AT THE SAME TIME ON THE SAME SCREEN LIKE SOME TERRIBLE MULTIFARIOUS BLUR<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THEN FINALLY, MERCIFULLY, YOU ARE [[BACK->ASSIGNMENT-2-ROCKET-ACCESS-3]] TO COLD ANODYNE ANTISEPTIC NORMAL<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" $('tw-passage').css({ 'opacity': '0', 'transition': 'opacity 5s', 'transition-delay': '5.5s' }); $('#hudContainerDiv').css({ 'opacity': '0', 'transform': 'scale(0, 0)', }); makeHud(2); $('#hudContainerDiv').css('transition', 'opacity 5s, transform 5s'); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('#hudContainerDiv').css({ transform: 'scale(1, 1)', opacity: 1, }); $('#colorDiv').css('opacity', '1'); $('#noiseDiv').css('opacity', '0.1'); setTimeout(function() { $('#hudContainerDiv').css('transition', ''); $('#colorDiv').css('transition', ''); $('#noiseDiv').css('transition', ''); }, 5500); $('tw-passage').css('opacity', 1); setTimeout(function() { $('tw-passage').css({ transition: '', transitionDelay: '', }); }, 10500); " />"ACCESS PROCEDURE COMPLETE, SPY MASTER. READY FOR LAUNCH" [[HIT IT->ASSIGNMENT-2-LAUNCH-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />A SCREAMING COMES ACROSS THE BODY OF THE ROCKET EVERY SINGLE ATOM IN YOUR BODY IS VIBRATING IN PERFECT SYNCHRONY [[GRIT YOUR TEETH->ASSIGNMENT-2-LAUNCH-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />AND THEN AN INCREDIBLE FORCE PUSHING DOWN TOWARDS SOME IMPOSSIBLE MAXIMUM AND THEN BEYOND SOMETHING [[OUTSIDE WEIGHT ENTIRELY->ASSIGNMENT-2-LAUNCH-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); if (!window.epilepsy) { makeStoryIntoShakeRotator(); } $('#colorDiv').removeAttr('style'); " />EVERYTHING GOES DARK [[...->ASSIGNMENT-2-ORBIT-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); if (!window.epilepsy) { makeStoryIntoShakeRotator(); var container = $('<div class=\u0027transitionContainer\u0027 style=\u0027position:absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 3s;\u0027></div>'); var contents = $('tw-passage *'); contents.remove(); container.append(contents); $('tw-passage').append(container); $(container).css({ '-webkit-transition': 'opacity 3s', '-moz-transition': 'opacity 3s', '-o-transition': 'opacity 3s', 'transition': 'opacity 3s', }); window.getComputedStyle(container[0]).opacity; $(container).css('opacity', '0.5'); $('#colorDiv').css({ '-webkit-transition': '-webkit-filter 3s', '-moz-transition': '-moz-filter 3s', '-o-transition': '-o-filter 3s', 'transition': '-webkit-filter 3s, -moz-filter 3s, -ms-filter 3s, -o-filter 3s, filter 3s,', }); window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).webkitFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).mozFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).msFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).oFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).filter; $('#colorDiv').css({ '-webkit-filter': 'brightness(0.75)', '-moz-filter': 'brightness(0.75)', '-ms-filter': 'brightness(0.75)', '-o-filter': 'brightness(0.75)', 'filter': 'brightness(0.75)', }); var t1 = setTimeout(function() { $(container).css({ '-webkit-transition': 'opacity 1.5s', '-moz-transition': 'opacity 1.5s', '-o-transition': 'opacity 1.5s', 'transition': 'opacity 1.5s', }); window.getComputedStyle(container[0]).opacity; $(container).css('opacity', '0.875'); $('#colorDiv').css({ '-webkit-transition': '-webkit-filter 1.5s', '-moz-transition': '-moz-filter 1.5s', '-o-transition': '-o-filter 1.5s', 'transition': '-webkit-filter 3s, -moz-filter 3s, -ms-filter 3s, -o-filter 3s, filter 3s', }); window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).webkitFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).mozFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).msFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).oFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).filter; $('#colorDiv').css({ '-webkit-filter': 'brightness(0.875)', '-moz-filter': 'brightness(0.875)', '-ms-filter': 'brightness(0.875)', '-o-filter': 'brightness(0.875)', 'filter': 'brightness(0.875)', }); }, 3000); var t2 = setTimeout(function() { $(container).css({ '-webkit-transition': 'opacity 3s', '-moz-transition': 'opacity 3s', '-o-transition': 'opacity 3s', 'transition': 'opacity 3s', }); window.getComputedStyle(container[0]).opacity; $(container).css('opacity', '0.50'); $('#colorDiv').css({ '-webkit-transition': '-webkit-filter 3s', '-moz-transition': '-moz-filter 3s', '-o-transition': '-o-filter 3s', 'transition': '-webkit-filter 3s, -moz-filter 3s, -ms-filter 3s, -o-filter 3s, filter 3s', }); window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).webkitFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).mozFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).msFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).oFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).filter; $('#colorDiv').css({ '-webkit-filter': 'brightness(0.50)', '-moz-filter': 'brightness(0.50)', '-ms-filter': 'brightness(0.50)', '-o-filter': 'brightness(0.50)', 'filter': 'brightness(0.50)', }); }, 4500); var t3 = setTimeout(function() { $(container).css({ '-webkit-transition': 'opacity 1.5s', '-moz-transition': 'opacity 1.5s', '-o-transition': 'opacity 1.5s', 'transition': 'opacity 1.5s', }); window.getComputedStyle(container[0]).opacity; $(container).css('opacity', '0.67'); $('#colorDiv').css({ '-webkit-transition': '-webkit-filter 1.5s', '-moz-transition': '-moz-filter 1.5s', '-o-transition': '-o-filter 1.5s', 'transition': '-webkit-filter 3s, -moz-filter 3s, -ms-filter 3s, -o-filter 3s, filter 3s', }); window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).webkitFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).mozFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).msFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).oFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).filter; $('#colorDiv').css({ '-webkit-filter': 'brightness(0.67)', '-moz-filter': 'brightness(0.67)', '-ms-filter': 'brightness(0.50)', '-o-filter': 'brightness(0.67)', 'filter': 'brightness(0.67)', }); }, 7500); var t4 = setTimeout(function() { $(container).css({ '-webkit-transition': 'opacity 3s', '-moz-transition': 'opacity 3s', '-o-transition': 'opacity 3s', 'transition': 'opacity 3s', }); window.getComputedStyle(container[0]).opacity; $(container).css('opacity', '0.25'); $('#colorDiv').css({ '-webkit-transition': '-webkit-filter 3s', '-moz-transition': '-moz-filter 3s', '-o-transition': '-o-filter 3s', 'transition': '-webkit-filter 3s, -moz-filter 3s, -ms-filter 3s, -o-filter 3s, filter 3s', }); window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).webkitFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).mozFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).msFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).oFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).filter; $('#colorDiv').css({ '-webkit-filter': 'brightness(0.25)', '-moz-filter': 'brightness(0.25)', '-ms-filter': 'brightness(0.25)', '-o-filter': 'brightness(0.25)', 'filter': 'brightness(0.25)', }); }, 9000); var t5 = setTimeout(function() { $(container).css({ '-webkit-transition': 'opacity 1.5s', '-moz-transition': 'opacity 1.5s', '-o-transition': 'opacity 1.5s', 'transition': 'opacity 1.5s', }); window.getComputedStyle(container[0]).opacity; $('tw-passage').css('opacity', '0.375'); $('#colorDiv').css({ '-webkit-transition': '-webkit-filter 1.5s', '-moz-transition': '-moz-filter 1.5s', '-o-transition': '-o-filter 1.5s', 'transition': '-webkit-filter 3s, -moz-filter 3s, -ms-filter 3s, -o-filter 3s, filter 3s', }); window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).webkitFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).mozFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).msFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).oFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).filter; $('#colorDiv').css({ '-webkit-filter': 'brightness(0.375)', '-moz-filter': 'brightness(0.375)', '-ms-filter': 'brightness(0.375)', '-o-filter': 'brightness(0.375)', 'filter': 'brightness(0.375)', }); }, 12000); var t6 = setTimeout(function() { $(container).css({ '-webkit-transition': 'opacity 3s', '-moz-transition': 'opacity 3s', '-o-transition': 'opacity 3s', 'transition': 'opacity 3s', }); window.getComputedStyle(container[0]).opacity; $(container).css('opacity', '0.125'); $('#colorDiv').css({ '-webkit-transition': '-webkit-filter 3s', '-moz-transition': '-moz-filter 3s', '-o-transition': '-o-filter 3s', 'transition': '-webkit-filter 3s, -moz-filter 3s, -ms-filter 3s, -o-filter 3s, filter 3s', }); window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).webkitFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).mozFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).msFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).oFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).filter; $('#colorDiv').css({ '-webkit-filter': 'brightness(0.125)', '-moz-filter': 'brightness(0.125)', '-ms-filter': 'brightness(0.125)', '-o-filter': 'brightness(0.125)', 'filter': 'brightness(0.125)', }); }, 13500); var t7 = setTimeout(function() { $(container).css({ '-webkit-transition': '', '-moz-transition': '', '-o-transition': '', 'transition': '', }); }, 16500); function clearTimeouts() { [t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7].forEach(function(time) { clearTimeout(time); }); } $('tw-link, tw-icon').click(function() { $('#colorDiv').removeAttr('style'); clearTimeouts(); }); } " />AND SLOWLY FADES BACK IN, AND THE SHAKING STOPS, AND NEARLY ALL NOISE YOU CAN FEEL YOURSELF GROWING LIGHT AGAINST YOUR STRAPS, AND SOON YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY NOTHING SAVE FOR THE PADDING OF YOUR SEAT AND THE LEATHER LIKE BEING IMMERSED IN SOMETHING BARELY LIQUID AT THE EXACT TEMPERATURE OF YOUR BODY LIKE CLOSING YOUR EYES AND FLOATING ON A CLOUD, THOUSANDS OF FEET ABOVE THE GROUND [[LIKE GETTING SECRETLY HIGH IN YOUR PARENTS' BASEMENT->ASSIGNMENT-2-ORBIT-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); if (!window.epilepsy) { $('tw-passage').css('opacity', '0.125'); window.getComputedStyle($('tw-passage')[0]).opacity; $('tw-passage').css({ '-webkit-transition': 'opacity 15s', '-moz-transition': 'opacity 15s', '-o-transition': 'opacity 15s', 'transition': 'opacity 15s', }); window.getComputedStyle($('tw-passage')[0]).opacity; $('tw-passage').css('opacity', '1'); $('#colorDiv').css({ '-webkit-filter': 'brightness(0.125)', '-moz-filter': 'brightness(0.125)', '-ms-filter': 'brightness(0.125)', '-o-filter': 'brightness(0.125)', 'filter': 'brightness(0.125)', }); window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).webkitFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).mozFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).msFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).oFilter; window.getComputedStyle($('#colorDiv')[0]).filter; $('#colorDiv').css({ '-webkit-transition': '-webkit-filter 10s', '-moz-transition': '-moz-filter 10s', '-o-transition': '-o-filter 10s', 'transition': '-webkit-filter 10s, -moz-filter 10s, -ms-filter 10s, -o-filter 10s, filter 10s', }); $('#colorDiv').css({ '-webkit-filter': 'brightness(1)', '-moz-filter': 'brightness(1)', '-ms-filter': 'brightness(1)', '-o-filter': 'brightness(1)', 'filter': 'brightness(1)', }); $('tw-link, tw-icon').click(function() { $('#colorDiv').removeAttr('style'); }); } " /><mark><style> #passwordFrameDiv { width: 95%; } #passwordEntrySign { font-size: 2em; text-align: center; } #passwordEntryInput { font-size: 47px; left: 5%; width: 70% } #passwordEntryButton { position: absolute; font-size: 48px; left: 76%; width: 19%; } @media screen and (max-width: 1600px) { #passwordEntryInput { font-size: 40px; } #passwordEntryButton { font-size: 41px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 1400px) { #passwordEntryInput { font-size: 37px; } #passwordEntryButton { font-size: 38px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 1280px) { #passwordEntryInput { font-size: 29px; } #passwordEntryButton { font-size: 30px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 1024px) { #passwordEntryInput { font-size: 25px; } #passwordEntryButton { font-size: 26px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 896px) { #passwordEntryInput { font-size: 22px; } #passwordEntryButton { font-size: 23px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { #passwordEntryInput { font-size: 14px; } #passwordEntryButton { font-size: 15px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 512px) { #passwordEntryInput { font-size: 10.5px; } #passwordEntryButton { font-size: 11.5px; } } #passwordEntryError { position: relative; color: red; font-shadow: 0px 0px 0.1em red; font-size: 1em; text-align: center; -webkit-transition: 1s opacity; -moz-transition: 1s opacity; -o-transition: 1s opacity; transition: 1s opacity; opacity: 0; } </style><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(0); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('#hudFaceDiv').css('display', 'none'); $('tw-icon').click(function(e) { $('#hudFaceDiv').css('display', ''); }); //////// ENSURE THE CORRUPTED VIDEO DOES NOT PERSIST IF USER GOES BACK TO HERE clearTimeout(window.corruptionTimeout); $('#corruptedNoiseVideo').css({ '-webkit-transition': '1s', '-moz-transition': '1s', '-o-transition': '1s', 'transition': '1s', }); $('#corruptedNoiseVideo').css('opacity', '0'); setTimeout(function() { $('#corruptedNoiseVideo').css({ '-webkit-transition': '', '-moz-transition': '', '-o-transition': '', 'transition': '', }); }, 2000); ///////// // ensure the heartbeatDiv is cleared $('#heartbeatParentDiv').remove(); //////// PASSWORD INITIALIZATION var passwordFrameDiv = $('<div id=&quot;passwordFrameDiv&quot; class=&quot;centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;></div>'); var passwordEntrySign = $('<p id=&quot;passwordEntrySign&quot;>ENTER PASSWORD</p>'); $(passwordFrameDiv).append(passwordEntrySign); var passwordEntryDiv = $('<div id=&quot;passwordEntryDiv&quot; class=&quot;centerHorizontally&quot;></div>'); var passwordEntryInput = $('<input id=&quot;passwordEntryInput&quot;></input>'); var passwordEntryButton = $('<button id=&quot;passwordEntryButton&quot;>ENTER</button>'); var passwordEntryError = $('<p id=&quot;passwordEntryError&quot;>&nbsp;</p>') $(passwordEntryDiv).append(passwordEntryInput); $(passwordEntryDiv).append(passwordEntryButton); $(passwordFrameDiv).append(passwordEntryDiv); $(passwordFrameDiv).append(passwordEntryError); $('tw-passage').append(passwordFrameDiv); $(passwordEntryInput).focus(); $('#passwordEntryButton').click(function(e) { if ($('#passwordEntryInput').val().trim() === '') { $('#passwordEntryError').text('YOU MUST ENTER A PASSWORD'); $('#passwordEntryError').css('opacity', '1'); window.setTimeout(function() { $('#passwordEntryError').css('opacity', '0'); window.setTimeout(function() { $('#passwordEntryError').text('&nbsp;'); }, 1000); }, 4000); return; } parsePassword($(passwordEntryInput).val().trim()); }); $('#passwordEntryInput').keydown(function(e) { if (e.which === 13) { $('#passwordEntryButton').click(); } }); //////// //////// PASSWORD LOGIC function parsePassword(password) { var splitPassword = password.split(':'); if (!PASSAGE_NAME_TO_PASSAGE_DATA[splitPassword[0].toUpperCase()]) { $('#passwordEntryError').text(splitPassword[0] + ' IS NOT A VALID PASSAGE NAME'); $('#passwordEntryError').css('opacity', '1'); window.setTimeout(function() { $('#passwordEntryError').css('opacity', '0'); window.setTimeout(function() { $('#passwordEntryError').text('&nbsp;'); }, 1000); }, 4000); return; } $('#hudFaceDiv').css('display', ''); gotoPassage(splitPassword[0].toUpperCase()); makeHud(splitPassword[1]); setEquipment(splitPassword[2]); setBird(splitPassword[3]); setBluntKlubbSSSSSS(splitPassword[4]); setEpilepsy(splitPassword[5]); } //////// " /></mark>AND NOW YOU ARE UTTERLY WEIGHTLESS THE ROCKET MAKES ITS WAY ACROSS THE HORIZON, THE WHOLE OF THE EARTH BENEATH YOU, PITCH BLACK FLECKED WITH PATCHES OF FURIOUS GOLD NOTHING TO DO NOW BUT TO WAIT FOR APOGEE, THEN FOR DESCENT FOR INTRIGUE, FOR HEROICS, GLIDING ON TALENT AND INTELLECT THROUGH CORPORATE HALLWAYS LIKE SOME FIERCE REVENANT UNSEEN, UNSENSED, UNLOVED, MORE METEOROLOGICAL THAN HUMAN BUT FOR NOW: [[PRESS A BUTTON LABELED 01010011 01000101 01001100 01000110 00101101 01000100 01000101 01010011 01010100 01010010 01010101 01000011 01010100->ASSIGNMENT-2-ORBIT-SELF-DESTRUCT-DEATH]] [[TAKE A NAP->ASSIGNMENT-2-ORBIT-NAP]] [[LISTEN TO JAZZ->ASSIGNMENT-2-ORBIT-JAZZ]] [[CALL HOME->ASSIGNMENT-2-ORBIT-CALL-HOME]] [[JERK OFF->ASSIGNMENT-2-ORBIT-JERK-OFF]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />YOU CLICK A BUTTON BEARING A PILLOW-SHAPED GLYPH THERE IS A MECHANICAL NOISE BEHIND YOU, THEN A SHARP PAIN JUST ABOVE YOUR SCAPULA THEN NOTHING UNTIL, AFTER WHAT SEEMS LIKE AN INSTANT OR AN ETERNITY, YOU ARE DRAWN OUT OF THE DARKNESS BY ANOTHER IDENTICAL PAIN AND THEN YOU ARE PERFECTLY [[ALERT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-NOISE]], AND PERFECTLY RESTED<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CLICK A BUTTON BEARING A JAZZ-SHAPED GLYPH UNSEEN SPEAKERS BEGIN TO SOUND A LOW AND RISING SQUARE WAVE ABRUPTLY JOINED BY AN AIR HORN OSTINATO AND ANGULAR, HARSH ARPEGGIOS LIKE A FULLERITE-CUTTER GRINDING THROUGH REINFORCED STEEL LIKE SOMEONE CONDUCTING A NUCLEAR BLAST YOU'RE SO GLAD SOMEONE HAD THE INGENUITY TO FUSE LAST YEAR'S TOP TRENDS, TRASHWAVE AND WOODCORE, INTO THIS YEAR'S HOTTEST TREND, JAZZ. YOU CAN BARELY EVEN REMEMBER WHAT YOU LISTENED TO BEFORE YOU HEARD THE FIRST JAZZ TRACK A FEW MONTHS AGO YOU LAY [[BACK->ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-NOISE]] IN THE SEAT, FLOATING BACK AND FORTH FROM ONE END OF THE TWO INCHES OF PLAY IN THE HARNESS TO THE OTHER, WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED AND THE MUSIC COURSING THROUGH YOUR VEINS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CLICK A BUTTON BEARING A TELEPHONE-SHAPED GLYPH THERE IS A DIAL TONE FOR A FEW SECONDS, THEN THE SOUND OF CONNECTION "SPY INTRIGUE INDUSTRIES, YOUR ONE-STOP SHOP FOR THE SECRETIVE, FURTIVE, AND DISINFORMATIVE. THIS IS SECRETARYBOT, HOW CAN OUR SUB ROSA SABOTEURS SERVE YOUR SPECIFICATIONS TODAY" HIS/HER/THEIR/ZIR VOICE SOUNDS MUCH MORE CLINICAL AND MORE BUSINESSLIKE THAN YOU RECALL. EVEN ROBOTS HAVE PHONE VOICES, YOU SUPPOSE HEY SECRETARYBOT IT'S ME, JUST CHECKING IN HOW THINGS ARE GOING BACK AT BASE "QUITE SWIMMINGLY, SPY MASTER!" THERE IS A HARSH, UNCEASING MECHANICAL NOISE IN THE BACKGROUND AND THE REMAINDER OF THE SECRETARYBOT'S SPEECH IS LOST WHAT? I DIDN'T HEAR THAT? "OH, MY MISTAKE. I WAS JUST SAYING THAT WE WERE WORKING ON THE AR—" NOW THE SAME NOISE AGAIN HELLO? SECRETARYBOT? "SINCERE APOLOGIES, SPY MASTER, IT SEEMS LIKE THE CONNECTION IS GROWING WEAKER AS YOU GROW FURTHER. WE'LL TALK WHEN YOU GET BACK IT'LL BE REALLY SOON OKAY WELL BYE NOW GOOD LUCK HAVE FUN OKAY" AND THEN THE SECRETARYBOT IS [[GONE->ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-NOISE]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CLICK A BUTTON BEARING A YOUR-GENITALS-SHAPED GLYPH A STRANGELY-SHAPED DEVICE DETACHES ITSELF FROM A COMPARTMENT IN FRONT OF YOU, THREADS ITS WAY THROUGH YOUR JUMPSUIT, AND FUCKS YOU SILLY THAT WAS JUST THE KIND OF FUCKING YOU MOST ENJOY DO YOU HAPPEN TO HAVE A CIGARETTE I COULD BUM, YOU ASK THE DEVICE IT SHAKES BACK AND FORTH IN SOME VAGUE APPROXIMATION OF NO, THEN DISAPPEARS BACK INTO THE COMPARTMENT [[FIGURES->ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-NOISE]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />A BEEP SOUNDS AND YOU CAN SEE FROM THE TRAJECTORY MAP THAT YOU'VE REACHED THE APOGEE THE BLIP IS YOU, AND THE BLIP IS AT THE TOP OF A SMALL PARABOLA, EACH MILLIMETER REPRESENTING MORE DISTANCE THAN YOU CAN POSSIBLE CONCEIVE OF. AND THEN ANOTHER NOISE, HARSH, GRINDING A VERY BAD NOISE AND THE BLIP KEEPS MOVING, BUT NOT ALONG THE PARABOLA ANYMORE [[OH SHIT, EJECT, EJECT, EJECT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-NOISE-EJECT-DEATH]] [[STEADY ON THE CONTROLS, YOU'VE GOT THIS->ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-TRAJECTORY-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />ON ONE OF THE SMALL AUXILIARY MONITORS, YOU CAN SEE THE EARTH [[GROWING SMALLER->ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-TRAJECTORY-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[SHIT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-TRAJECTORY-3]] YOU'RE GOING TO DIE IN SPACE WHETHER THE OXYGEN RUNS OUT IN AN HOUR OR THE WATER, IN FEW DAYS OR THAT BAD NOISE EARLIER TURNS INTO AN EXPLOSION, WHICH IN ITS OWN WAY IS A VERY BAD NOISE, A LETHAL NOISE<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU ARE GOING TO DIE SCARED, AND ALONE, JUST LIKE YOU ALWAYS KNEW YOU WOULD LIKE THE FIRST ANIMAL IN SPACE. WHAT WAS HER NAME? L-SOMETHING? NO. THAT'S NOT RIGHT. SKYWALKER? THAT SOUNDS MORE LIKE IT. MORE APPROPRIATE. THE ONE THE SOVIET CONFED SHOT INTO SPACE. AND THERE WAS SOME TERRIBLE MALFUNCTION, THEY HEARD SOME AWFUL GRINDING NOISE AND SOME REALLY SAD DOG NOISE AND THEN THE SPACESHIP JUST WENT ALL FUCKY AND NEVER CAME BACK SKYWALKER THE DOG, FIRST ANIMAL IN SPACE, FIRST ANIMAL LOST IN SPACE, FIRST ANIMAL DEAD IN SPACE. GIVEN A HERO'S FUNERAL AND A MOMENT OF SILENCE OBSERVED THE WORLD OVER AND YOU, LIKE HER, DRIFTING TOWARDS AN UNSPECIFIC, CERTAIN DOOM YOU WONDER WHETHER THERE MIGHT BE MORE THAN ONE LIFE, ANOTHER ONE THAT STARTS RIGHT AFTER THIS ONE ENDS. MAYBE EVEN MULTIPLE LIVES. AN INFINITE, UNBROKEN CHAIN OF LIVES AND YOU THINK ABOUT HOW NICE IT WOULD BE TO BE ALIVE THEN TO TRAIN OR SNEAK YOUR WAY ONTO THE SPACESHIP WITH SKYWALKER THE RUSFED SPACE DOG, TO PET HER, TO TOUCH REAL, UNREIMAGINED DOG FUR, TO PUT YOUR FACE IN IT, TO SMELL IT, TO FIX WHATEVER THE PROBLEM THE DOGSHIP HAD OR IF YOU CAN'T, TO SIT THERE ON THE FLOOR HOLDING SKYWALKER AND SAYING, IT'S OKAY, IT'S OKAY, SKYWALKER, BECAUSE YOU'RE HERE, AND I'M HERE, AND WE'RE FRIENDS, IT'S OKAY BECAUSE WE'RE FRIENDS, AND THEN THE TWO OF YOU WOULD JUST WAIT WITH YOUR HEADS NESTLED TOGETHER AS YOUR OXYGEN AND YOUR RENOWN MOVE IN OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS TO DIE EXACTLY AS YOU [[SOON->ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-TRAJECTORY-4]] WILL, BUT IN A TIME WHERE THAT DEATH ALONE MEANT PEOPLE WOULD REMEMBER YOUR NAME FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU HAVE TO MAKE A DECISION, AND THERE'S ONLY GOING TO BE TIME FOR ONE [[LEAN BACK AND WAIT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-TRAJECTORY-DEATH]] [[HACK INTO THE ROCKET'S OS->ASSIGMMENT-2-BAD-TRAJECTORY-HACK]] [[PERFORM PERCUSSIVE MAINTENANCE->ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-TRAJECTORY-PUNCH]](set: $PUNCH_MONITOR to false)(set: $PUNCH_CIRCUITRY to false)(set: $PUNCH_HEAD to false)(set: $PUNCHES to 0)<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES AND WAIT THE SOUND OF THE ENGINE RUNNING THROUGH THE COCKPIT IS LIKE RAIN GAINING INTENSITY UNTIL IT SOUNDS LIKE GALE FORCE WINDS AND THEN A SOUND LIKE A THUNDERBOLT AND THEN [[NOTHING->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU INSERT YOUR HACKERTOOL INTO THE INTERFACE AND WAIT BUT THE FAMILIAR FEELING NEVER COMES NOTHING RADIANT, NOTHING STEPS FROM ECSTASY [[UH OH->ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-TRAJECTORY-DEATH]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />(if: not $PUNCH_MONITOR)[(link-goto: "PUNCH THE MONITOR", "ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-TRAJECTORY-PUNCH-MONITOR") ](if: not $PUNCH_CIRCUITRY)[(link-goto: "PUNCH THE CIRCUITRY", "ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-TRAJECTORY-PUNCH-CIRCUITRY") ](if: not $PUNCH_HEAD)[(link-goto: "PUNCH YOURSELF IN THE FUCKING HEAD", "ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-TRAJECTORY-PUNCH-HEAD")]<mark style="display: none;">[[ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-TRAJECTORY-PUNCH-MONITOR]][[ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-TRAJECTORY-PUNCH-CIRCUITRY]][[ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-TRAJECTORY-PUNCH-HEAD]]</mark><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PUNCH THE MONITOR. THE LIQUID CRYSTAL GOES ALL RAINBOW CRAZY WITH SPRINKLES ON TOP AND THEN RETURNS TO NORMAL (set: $PUNCH_MONITOR to true)(set: $PUNCHES to $PUNCHES + 1)(if: $PUNCHES is 3)[(link-goto: "A SPEAKER BEHIND YOUR HEAD EMITS A POSITIVE, COMFORTING SOUND AND THE BLIP BEGINS TO MOVE BACK TOWARDS THE PLOTTED COURSE", "ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-TRAJECTORY")](else:)[(link-goto: "NOTHING SEEMS TO OCCUR", "ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-TRAJECTORY-PUNCH")]<mark style="display: none;">[[ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-TRAJECTORY]]</mark><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PUNCH THE BLACK MATTE CABINET FROM WHICH WIRES SPRING LIKE WEEDS (set: $PUNCH_CIRCUITRY to true)(set: $PUNCHES to $PUNCHES + 1)(if: $PUNCHES is 3)[(link-goto: "A SPEAKER BEHIND YOUR HEAD EMITS A POSITIVE, COMFORTING SOUND AND THE BLIP BEGINS TO MOVE BACK TOWARDS THE PLOTTED COURSE", "ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-TRAJECTORY")](else:)[(link-goto: "NOTHING SEEMS TO OCCUR", "ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-TRAJECTORY-PUNCH")]<mark style="display: none;">[[ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-TRAJECTORY]]</mark><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PUNCH YOURSELF RIGHT IN THE FUCKING HEAD (set: $PUNCH_HEAD to true)(set: $PUNCHES to $PUNCHES + 1)(if: $PUNCHES is 3)[(link-goto: "A SPEAKER BEHIND YOUR HEAD EMITS A POSITIVE, COMFORTING SOUND AND THE BLIP BEGINS TO MOVE BACK TOWARDS THE PLOTTED COURSE", "ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-TRAJECTORY")](else:)[(link-goto: "NOTHING SEEMS TO OCCUR", "ASSIGNMENT-2-BAD-TRAJECTORY-PUNCH")]<mark style="display: none;">[[ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-TRAJECTORY]]</mark><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />A FEW MINUTES LATER THE ROCKET BEGINS TO SHIVER AS THE RETRO-ROCKETS ENGAGE. ON THE EXTERIOR CAMERA, YOU CAN SEE EACH OF THE MOON'S POCKMARKS [[GROWING LARGER->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-DESCENT-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />AND GROWING STILL LARGER TOO QUICKLY, IF YOUR UNTRAINED EYE IS ANY GAUGE THE STRUCTURES FILLING EACH OF THE MARIA LIKE PUSTULES ARE BEGINNING TO COME INTO VIEW THERE IS SOMETHING HORRIFYING ABOUT IT - LIKE [[SOME SORT OF INFESTATION->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-DESCENT-2]], BY SOME MICROORGANISM ATTRACTED TO AREAS JUST BELOW SEA LEVEL<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AND ONE MARE IN PARTICULAR GROWING LARGEST OF ALL, JUST BARELY OFF-CENTER OF YOUR TRAJECTORY THIS MUST BE THE MARE INSULARUM AND YOUR [[SPEED->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-DESCENT-3]] GAUGE IS STILL READING NEARLY 300KPS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE SHIP SHUDDERS AND SIGHS AS THE RETRO-ROCKETS HIT FULL-BLEED AND THROUGH THE CAMERA [[THE GROUND REACHES UP->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-CRASH]] TO CARESS THE ROCKET<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />THERE IS THE SOUND OF EXOTIC AND EXPENSIVE MATERIALS TEARING AND PULVERIZING AND A SCREAM STRANGE AND GUTTURAL ENOUGH TO BE EITHER MECHANICAL OR ORGANIC AND THEN [[NOTHING->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-UNCONSCIOUS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU ARE SOMEWHERE TERRIBLY DISTANT, UNIVERSES REMOVED FROM LIGHT, SENSATION, TIME THE ONLY SOUND SAVE YOUR QUIET THOUGHTS IS A SOFTER, STEADY BEEPING, LIKE THE SOUND OF YOUR CRUISER WHEN THE KEY WAS LEFT IN THE IGNITION YOU CAN FEEL YOURSELF SLIPPING FURTHER AWAY. TIME TO CHOOSE SOMETHING TO TAKE HOLD OF: [[THE SOUND->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-UNCONSCIOUS-SOUND]] [[THE PAIN->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-UNCONSCIOUS-PAIN]] [[THE MISSION->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-UNCONSCIOUS-MISSION]] [[THE CAT->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-UNCONSCIOUS-CAT]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); if (!window.epilepsy) { createHeartbeat(); } " />THE WAY THE KEY SLID ALMOST WITHOUT RESISTANCE INTO THE SLOT THE SOUND, RIGHT BEFORE YOU STARTED IT THE JUST-BARELY THERE FEELING OF THE AIR TRAVELLING ACROSS THE CHEAP PLASTEEL OF YOUR OLD CRUISER AND THE THRILL OF RIDING POST-CURFEW WITH THE LOCATION BEACON OFF, ALWAYS MILLISECONDS AWAY FROM COLLISION [[FOLLOW IT WHERE IT LEADS->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-GET-UP]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />PIERCING FAMILIAR WELCOME COMING TO IN AN UNFAMILIAR BED, THICK HAZE BETWEEN YOU AND THE WALLS OF THE ROOM. TORSO A RIOT OF PAIN AND THINKING YES, YES, REMEMBERING, YES THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MAKE A MISTAKE, WHEN YOU'RE IMPULSIVE, UNCAREFUL, STUPID [[TIME TO FINALLY LEARN A LESSON->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-GET-UP]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU HAVE GIVEN TOO MUCH FOR THIS TO RETURN TO WEAKNESS, TO SOFTNESS UP OUT OF THE SEAT [[EARN YOUR SURVIVAL->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-GET-UP]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />EYES AS BIG AS PLANETS AND MORE MYSTERY HIDDEN SOMEWHERE INSIDE GAZING INSCRUTABLY FROM THE DEPTHS OF YOUR MEMORY AT YOU AS YOU LIE IN BLOOD AND COOLANT AND THEN GONE, AS IF SHE HAS TRAVELLED DAYS OR MONTHS AHEAD OF TIME, PATIENTLY FLIPPING HER TAIL AT THE NEXT WAYSTATION [[FOLLOW HER INTO THE FUTURE->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-GET-UP]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />by the time you were [[seventeen->MEMORY-CAUSTIC-CHEMICALS-2]] you felt large, and empty, and lost<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CRAWL OUT ONTO THE COOL CHALKY MOONSCAPE THE ROCK AND SOIL BENEATH YOUR HAND IS BARELY VISIBLE, CANDLELIT BY THE DISTANT BRIGHTNESS OF THE MARE ISOLARUM THE SEA OF ISLANDS THE AIR IS THIN HERE, THE AREAS ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF THE MARES ONLY THINLY TERRAFORMED HEAD TOWARDS THE LIGHTS SHINING LIKE JEWELS UNDERWATER YOU [[GET UP->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-FALL-DOWN]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AND COLLAPSE ONTO THE SURFACE, YOUR LEG GRINDING AND LEAKING COOLANT THE WOUND IS HALF-FLESH AND HALF-MECHANICAL, A LACERATION JUST ON THE INTERSTICE BETWEEN YOUR REMAINING CALF MUSCLES AND THE IMPLANTS YOU'RE NOT GOING TO MAKE IT TO THE MARE IN TIME EVERYTHING HAS COLLAPSED THROUGH PAIN AND NECESSITY INTO A FEW DISCRETE POSSIBILITIES [[HEAL YOUR LEG->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-HEAL-LEG-1]] [[REPAIR YOUR LEG->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-REPAIR-LEG-1]] [[CALL AAA FOR ASSISTANCE->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-CALL-AAA]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CRAWL AROUND THE ROCKET, CHECKING EVERY COMPARTMENT ON THE EXTERIOR OF THE ROCKET, LEAVING A SNAIL-SLIME BLOOD TRAIL AROUND ITS CIRCUMFERENCE LIKE A WARD DESIGNED TO PROTECT THE ROCKET FROM HARM, OR VISIBILITY, THROUGH ANCIENT, SUPERNATURAL MEANS NOTHING BUT WIRES AND TOOLKITS IN ANY OF THEM YOU MANAGE TO CRAWL BACK INTO THE [[COCKPIT->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-HEAL-LEG-2]] IT HURTS TO MOVE<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PRY OPEN A COMPARTMENT ON THE SIDE OF THE ROCKET NOTHING BUT WIRES YOU DON'T REALLY NEED WIRES RIGHT NOW THEN ANOTHER, AND ANOTHER, UNTIL YOU FIND A [[TOOLKIT->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-REPAIR-LEG-2]] FILLED WITH SCREWDRIVERS OF THE PRECISE SIZE AND SHAPE OF THE SCREWS ON YOUR LEG IMPLANT AND REPLACEMENT CIRCUIT BOARDS HOW HANDY! YOU REALLY NEED SCREWDRIVERS AND REPLACEMENT CIRCUIT BOARDS RIGHT NOW<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU DIAL 1-800-CALL-AAA INTO YOUR HEADSET, AND THE NUMBER AND LOGO FOR YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD APPEARS ON THE HOLOPANEL ON YOUR WRIST "WE HAVE YOUR LOCATION. WE'LL HAVE A TEAM OUT TO YOU IN LESS THAN A MINUTE" YOU BREATHE A SIGH OF RELIEF, AND [[COUNT DOWN THE SECONDS->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-CALL-AAA-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THIRTY-FIVE. THIRTY-SIX. THIRTY-SEVEN. YOU CAN FEEL EVERYTHING GETTING LOOSE AND OCEANIC AND WARM BLOOD PUMPING OUT OF YOUR LEG AND GETTING COLDER FORTY-FIVE. FORTY-SIX. A LIGHT, BRIGHTER THAN THAT OF THE BUILDINGS IN THE NEAR, CRUELLY DISTANT MARE, ERUPTS NEAR THE RIM. A LARGE, BOXY SHIP APPROACHES. YOU [[CLOSE YOUR EYES->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-AAA-DEATH]] AND TRY TO HOLD ON JUST A FEW MOMENTS LONGER<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU HEAR THE SHIP'S ENGINE SIGHING TO A HALT AND THE SLIGHT CRUNCH OF BOOTS, AND LOOK UP TO SEE THE WORDS ACME ASSASSINS, ACCREDITED ON THE SIDE OF THE SHIP, AND NUMEROUS DARK-HELMETED FIGURES WITH RIFLES SO DARK AS TO [[ABSORB LIGHT ENTIRELY->MEMORY-CAUSTIC-CHEMICALS-1]] THEY FIRE ON YOU UNTIL YOU AND THE TEN FEET OF SOIL AROUND YOU ARE THE SAME UNDIFFERENTIATED, SMOKING CRATER<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-link').click(function(e) { $('#heartbeatParentDiv').css('display', 'none'); var audio = $('#heartbeatAudio')[0]; if (audio) { audio.pause(); } }); if ($('#heartbeatParentDiv').css('display') === 'none') { $('#heartbeatParentDiv').css('display', ''); var audio = $('#heartbeatAudio')[0]; if (audio) {; } }" />YOU DUMP THE ENTIRE TOOLKIT OUT ON THE SOIL, USING THE CLOTH AT THE BOTTOM TO CLEAN MOONDUST OFF EACH CRITICAL COMPONENT, THEN TO WIPE AWAY THE BLOOD THAT SWELLS LIKE HIGH TIDE OVER THE EDGE OF YOUR WOUND AND INTO THE IMPLANT THE BLOOD RETURNS NEARLY AS SOON AS YOU REMOVE IT YOU ARE STARTING TO LOSE FEELING IN THE TIPS OF YOUR FINGERS AND DARKNESS IS CREEPING IN [[LIKE MACULAR DEGENERATION->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-REPAIR-LEG-3]] AROUND THE CORNERS OF YOUR VISION<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PULL THE PULVERIZED CIRCUIT BOARD OUT, TOSSING IT TO THE SIDE IT HITS THE GROUND IN A MINIATURE MUSHROOM CLOUD OF DUST, AND YOU ALMOST STOP WORKING TO MARVEL AT HOW SLOWLY THE CLOUD DISSIPATES, HOW LONG EACH HANGS AND GLINTS IN THE AIR, HOW SUSTAINED [[THEIR ARC->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-1]] LIKE THE WAY OF TIME AND OBJECTS WITHIN A FEVER DREAM BUT THERE IS NO TIME FOR BEAUTY THE NEW BOARD SLIPS OUT OF YOUR BLOODSLICK GLOVE. YOU CATCH IT BEFORE IT HITS THE GROUND, SLOT IT IN, AND QUICKLY COVER THE CRACK IN THE IMPLANT'S CASING WITH QUIK-SEAL ALMOST IMMEDIATELY YOU CAN FEEL A MIX OF CURATIVE SUBSTANCES RUSH OUT OF THE NOW-REPAIRED IMPLANT, AND THE BLEEDING SLOWS, THEN STOPS ENTIRELY<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-link').click(function(e) { $('#heartbeatParentDiv').css('display', 'none'); var audio = $('#heartbeatAudio')[0]; if (audio) { audio.pause(); } }); if ($('#heartbeatParentDiv').css('display') === 'none') { $('#heartbeatParentDiv').css('display', ''); var audio = $('#heartbeatAudio')[0]; if (audio) {; } }" />YOU CREEP LOW ON BARELY UNSURE LEGS TOWARDS THE EDGE OF THE MARE AND THEN YOU ARE JUST NEXT TO THE WALL OF THE CRATER, JUST BEFORE THE TIME AT WHICH THE GUARD IS CHANGED, SOMEHOW STILL ON TIME DESPITE EVERY SETBACK YOU PEER OVER AND YOU ARE CONFRONTED WITH SEEMINGLY INFINITE LINES OF WAREHOUSES, RADOMES, COMMUNICATION UPLINKS, AND OFFICES YOU SLIDE DOWN THE WALL, PICKING UP SPEED AS YOU GO, SLIDING TO A HALT BEHIND THE NEAREST BUILDING YOU DART PAST BUILDINGS LIKE MONOLITHS SPECKLED WITH SMALL SQUARE INDENTATIONS EACH LIKE MOUTHS GLUED SHUT WHERE WINDOWS WERE EITHER COVERED AFTER THEIR CONSTRUCTION, OR DESIGNED TO GIVE THE SLIGHTEST APPEARANCE, FROM A DISTANCE, THAT [[ONCE ONE WERE INSIDE->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-2]] THEY MIGHT BE ABLE TO SEE OUT<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />NEAR THE BACK OF THE COCKPIT YOU FIND A SMALL SATCHEL WITH A RED CROSS IN IT YOU GRAB IT, THEN PULL YOURSELF BACK OUTSIDE ONTO THE MOONSCAPE THERE IS A [[HOLODISPLAY->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-HEAL-LEG-HOLODISPLAY]] ON THE BOTTOM OF THE LID LISTING THE CONTENTS YOU REMOVE THE [[AUTOINJECTOR->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-HEAL-LEG-3]] FROM THE MEDKIT AND CLOSE YOUR EYES YOU USED TO HATE NEEDLES<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><mark><style> .holoDisplay { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); text-shadow: 0 0 0.3em white; padding: 5%; border: 0.1em solid rgb(100, 100, 100); -webkit-border-radius: 30px 30px 0 0; -moz-border-radius: 30px 30px 0 0; border-radius: 30px 30px 0 0; font-family: "Lucida" monospace; background-color: rgba(0, 200, 0, 0.25); } .holoDisplay:before { content: ''; position: absolute; left: -10px; right: -10px; top: -10px; bottom: -10px; border: double 10px rgb(200, 200, 200); -webkit-border-radius: 30px 30px 0 0; -moz-border-radius: 30px 30px 0 0; border-radius: 30px 30px 0 0; } .holoDisplay > .redCross { position: absolute; color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.55); text-shadow: 0 0 0.3em rgba(255, 50, 50, 0.5); font-size: 12em; font-weight: 700; padding-top: 60px; } .holoDisplay > .redCross + br + p { margin-top: 140px; } .holoDisplay > p { margin: 0px; } </style><div class="holoDisplay"><span class="redCross centerHorizontally">[[+->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-HEAL-LEG-2]]</span> <p>1 (ONE) SURGERY KIT, WITH LASER CAUTERIZER</p> <p>2 (TWO) ANTISEPTIC BANDAGES, WITH DISSOLVABLE BIOVELCRO</p> <p>1 (ONE) AUTOINJECTOR, WITH INCLUDED LOCAL ANESTHETIC AGENT</p></div></mark><img src="" onload=" $('tw-link').css({ color: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.55)', textShadow: '0 0 0.1em rgba(255, 50, 50, 0.5)', }); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AND JAM THE NEEDLE INTO THE FLESH JUST ABOVE YOUR WOUND DEPRESSING THE SWITCH IN THE SAME MOTION, A SINGLE UNIFIED SEARING INSTANT AND WITHIN A FEW SECONDS YOU CAN FEEL THE DRUGS RUSHING THROUGH YOUR BLOOD TOWARDS YOUR DESPERATE NEURONS BUT NOT QUITE THE WAY YOU WANTED IT TO FEEL OF COURSE IT NEVER DOES ANYMORE, AND IT CAN'T. THERE IS NO WAY TO RECAPTURE THE FEELING OF SOMETHING BEFORE YOU REALIZED YOU NEEDED IT BUT THIS IS STRANGE. YOU DO NOT FEEL ANESTHETIZED, NOR PAINKILLED, ESPECIALLY. MORE... INTERFERED WITH? MORE DISTANT? SOMEHOW MORE INSENSATE, MORE UNCARING, DUMBER THAN USUAL AND SOMEHOW MORE FULL OF YOURSELF YOU OPEN THE BORE OF THE AUTOINJECTOR AND EJECT THE SPENT CAPSULE. THE MARKINGS ON THE SIDE READ: [[PABST BLUE RENDER->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-HEAL-LEG-4]] THAT FUCKING SECRETARYBOT. THE REAL ANESTHETIC ISN'T EVEN IN THE MEDKIT<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />WHAT THE FUCK. HOW DOES A ROBOT EVEN INJECT DRUGS MAYBE, LIKE, THEY'VE GOT A PORT? LIKE. WHAT'S THE WORD. LIKE A CLOACA? A ROBOT CLOACA WAIT, WHAT? YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'VE BEEN DRUNKING RUM AND NEUROREPLENISHMENT SYRUP. HAH, DRUNKING. YEAH ALL OF WHICH IS TO SAY YOU'RE PRETTY FUCKED UP RIGHT NOW [[CALL SECRETARYBOT, THEN CALL SECRETARYBOT THE FUCK OUT->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-HEAL-LEG-ADMONISH-SECRETARYBOT-DEATH]] [[LAY DOWN FOR A SECOND AND JUST ENJOY THE SMOOTH FEELING OF ROBO-MILWAUKEE'S BEST->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-HEAL-LEG-LAY-DOWN-DEATH]] [[WORK ON YOUR STUPID SHITTY BLEEDING LEG EVEN THOUGH IT'S TOTES BORING->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-HEAL-LEG-5]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU DIAL SECRETARYBOT'S DIRECT EXTENSION THROUGH THE HEADSET IT RINGS, AND RINGS, AND RINGS AND THEN FINALLY YOU HEAR THE SECRETARYBOT'S VOICE ON THE OTHER END: "HELLO?" YOU MOTHERFUCKER. YOU TOOK THE ANESTHETIC AND YOU USED THE AUTOINJECTOR TO GET HIGH ON PABST BLUE RENDER. YOU HAVE VERY SERIOUSLY INCONVENIENCED ME, SECRETARYBOT. IT'S OKAY, THOUGH. I FEEL MOSTLY OKAY. MAYBE WE'LL GET TOGETHER AFTER I GET BACK FROM THIS AND BOTH OF US CAN DO RENDER TOGETHER. I IMAGINE IT'D BE EVEN MORE FUN IF I DIDN'T HAVE THIS — OH, WOW. THAT'S REALLY BLEEDING A LOT AND THEN YOU HEAR SECRETARYBOT'S VOICE AGAIN: "JUST FUCKING WITH YOU! THIS IS STILL THE ANSWERING MACHINE. BUT WHEN I SAID HELLO, THEN DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING, IT SEEMED LIKE I WAS REALLY ON THE LINE. LEAVE IT AFTER THE BEEP" AND BY THE TIME THE BEEP SOUNDS INSIDE YOUR HELMET, YOU ARE [[ALREADY DEAD->MEMORY-APARTMENT-BUILDING-1]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-link').click(function(e) { $('#heartbeatParentDiv').css('display', 'none'); var audio = $('#heartbeatAudio')[0]; if (audio) { audio.pause(); } }); if ($('#heartbeatParentDiv').css('display') === 'none') { $('#heartbeatParentDiv').css('display', ''); var audio = $('#heartbeatAudio')[0]; if (audio) {; } }" />EVERYTHING FEELS BETTER ON THE GROUND THE SOIL FEELS COOL EVEN THROUGH YOUR SUIT EVERYTHING SEEMS DISTANT, AND LIGHT, LIKE WHEN YOU'D USED TO STAY UP ALL NIGHT TO STAY AWAY FROM THE NIGHTMARES AND JUST AS FUNNY AS THEN, TOO. YOU START [[LAUGHING->MEMORY-CAUSTIC-CHEMICALS-1]] AND ONCE YOU START YOU CAN'T STOP YOU LAUGH, AND LAUGH, AND THEN YOU DIE<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-link').click(function(e) { $('#heartbeatParentDiv').css('display', 'none'); var audio = $('#heartbeatAudio')[0]; if (audio) { audio.pause(); } }); if ($('#heartbeatParentDiv').css('display') === 'none') { $('#heartbeatParentDiv').css('display', ''); var audio = $('#heartbeatAudio')[0]; if (audio) {; } }" />YOU PICK UP THE SURGERY KIT AND THE CAUTERIZER YOU CAN BARELY KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN. YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT PART OF THAT IS DUE TO THE RENDER AND WHAT PART TO THE AMOUNT OF BLOOD ON THE GROUND AROUND YOU - AN AMOUNT THAT IS SHOCKING EVEN IN YOUR CURRENT STATE, WHICH IS SETTING OFF FRENZIED ALARM BELLS SOMEWHERE DEEP WITHIN THE STILL-INTELLIGENT PARTS OF YOUR BRAIN YOU GRAB FOR WHAT LOOKS LIKE A SEVERED ARTERY IT BLEEDS LIKE AN ARTERY, ANYWAY LIKE THE WAY YOUR CLEANERBOT USED TO SPRAY CLEANING SOLUTION ON THE FLOOR IN THIN COLUMNS SQUIRT SQUIRT [[SQUIRT->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-HEAL-LEG-6]] AND THEN ROLLING FORWARD TO ATTEND TO THE NEWLY COVERED AREA<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />PLEASE PAY ATTENTION, YOU SAY OUT LOUD YOU GRAB FOR THE ARTERY AGAIN. YOU MISS IT. IT'S DIFFICULT TO TELL WHETHER IT HURTS THEN YOU SPRAY THE LACERATION WITH QUIK-FACTOR AND PUT DOWN THE FORCEPS YOU PICK UP THE CAUTERIZER, AIM IT AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE AT THE WOUND, AND [[PULL THE TRIGGER->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-HEAL-LEG-7]] IT IS UNMISTAKABLE THAT THIS HURTS<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />BY THE TIME YOU CAN HEAR, AND SEE, WHEN YOUR SCREAM HAS CEASED TO ECHO AROUND YOUR HELMET AND IN PULSING RED ON THE CURTAIN OF YOUR EYELIDS, YOU ARE ABLE TO NOTICE THAT YOUR AIM IS ACCURATE IN A MOSTLY THEORETICAL SENSE. YOU HAVE CLOSED THE WOUND, AND DONE SO COMPLETELY, BUT YOU HAVE BURNED THE SURROUNDING AREA AS WELL. YOUR LEGS ARE COVERED IN MARKS THAT LOOK LIKE SLASHES, LIKE SELF-MUTILATION WITH A SWORD OF FIRE YOU ARE EITHER DEEPLY ADRENALINIZED OR THE RENDER IS WEARING OFF, BUT YOU FEEL READY TO [[GO ON->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-1]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-link').click(function(e) { $('#heartbeatParentDiv').css('display', 'none'); var audio = $('#heartbeatAudio')[0]; if (audio) { audio.pause(); } }); if ($('#heartbeatParentDiv').css('display') === 'none') { $('#heartbeatParentDiv').css('display', ''); var audio = $('#heartbeatAudio')[0]; if (audio) {; } }" />ONLY A FEW MINUTES LEFT. THERE ARE GUARDS POSTED ON EACH OF THE FOUR ENTRANCES OF YOUR TARGET BUILDING. YOU STAND IN THE SHADOWS OF THE NEXT BUILDING OVER [[FRONT ENTRANCE->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-FRONT-1]] [[SIDE ENTRANCE #1->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-ONE-1]] [[SIDE ENTRANCE #2->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-1]] [[REAR ENTRANCE->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-1]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CREEP TOWARDS THE FRONT ENTRANCE TWO ARE GUARDING THE DOOR [[WALK UP TO THE DOOR LIKE IT'S NOTHING->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-FRONT-DEATH]] [[PICK UP A MOON ROCK FROM THE GROUND AND SAVOR ITS LIGHTNESS->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-FRONT-ROCK]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THERE IS A SINGLE GUARD BETWEEN THE FIRST SIDE ENTRANCE AND YOU [[PICK UP A MOON ROCK AND USE IT TO DISTRACT THE GUARD->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-ONE-ROCK-1]] [[GET A LITTLE CLOSER->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-ONE-2]] [[SPRINT OVER TO THE GUARD AND DISARM THEM WITH SPEED->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-ONE-SPRINT-DEATH]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THERE ARE FOURTEEN GUARDS STANDING IN FRONT OF THE SECOND SIDE ENTRANCE EACH IS FEARSOMELY OUTFITTED WITH MECHSUITS AND ASSAULT SHOTGUNS [[PICK UP A ROCK AND USE IT TO DISTRACT THE GUARDS->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-ROCK]] [[GET CLOSER->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THERE IS A SINGLE GUARD STANDING BETWEEN YOU AND THE REAR ENTRANCE [[PICK UP A ROCK AND USE IT TO DISTRACT THE GUARD->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-ROCK-1]] [[WALK RIGHT UP TO THE GUARD AND USE THE POWER OF ILLUSION->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />for nearly six months you rushed home from school. you stared at the time until the exact second you were set free, then hurried to get there before your parents. if you were quick, you had [[20 minutes->MEMORY-CLOTHING-MINUTES]]. you entered the house and locked the door and looked everywhere [[throughout the house->MEMORY-CLOTHING-THROUGH-HOUSE]] then crept up to your parents' room and into the master bathroom, unheard, unseen, but [[not unwatched->MEMORY-CLOTHING-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />if you were really quick, you could get 25, 30 if they were late. sometimes you ducked out of class a few minutes early. the teacher never noticed [[the more time the better->MEMORY-CLOTHING-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />calling out before you, downstairs and up, like the sonic equivalent of a flashlight, "mom? dad? anyone home?" double-checking each and every room, in case anyone didn't hear or chose not to respond, until you were absolutely sure you were [[alone->MEMORY-CLOTHING-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />your parents' always kept all of their wall displays on mirror. you would always try to look somewhere else but you'd still end up seeing part of yourself. or if not yourself, part of [[your form, your shell->MEMORY-CLOTHING-FORM]] [[some unruly fragment->MEMORY-CLOTHING-3]] would always creep into your peripheral vision<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />a projection? language is not well-suited to these sorts of questions, you thought. [[maybe in a decade or two->MEMORY-CLOTHING-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you pulled [[items->MEMORY-CLOTHING-ITEMS]] off the hangers and tore off everything you were wearing and you put the wrong clothes [[on->MEMORY-CLOTHING-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />underwear, mostly, nice shirts, the kind of [[items->MEMORY-CLOTHING-3]] that needed to be hung up to airdry<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />it is possible to feel as if you have been split into two pieces, each of which were flung into the dark sea and [[carried on waves->MEMORY-CLOTHING-5]] for years and years before either noticed they were apart and it is equally possible to feel as if by summoning some unspeakable magnetism through prayer or imagination or force of will you have inadvertently fragmented yourself even further what can it possibly mean to be defined through fracture and lacuna?<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you slipped into the wrong clothes and stuffed tissues and/or socks and/or the things on hand into them to reify the proper shape. you looked at yourself in the mirror and you felt a thrill, a rush of adrenaline. the sensation felt like something you must have been warned about in some dusty old psa holo you took off the shirt and the pants and stood there in just the underwear. you are running out of time, you'd think. any second now someone's going to come home, and they're going to find you, and they're going to know something's wrong. more doctors, more therapy, more time wasted nodding and promising to be something you are incapable of understanding you would look at the vague approximations of the socks and the tissues and the etc. and you would masturbate while looking at [[them and you and yourself->MEMORY-CLOTHING-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />keep going get off take off the clothes re-hang them all perfectly [[slow your breath->MEMORY-CLOTHING-7]] unredden your face empty your brain "hello, mom"/"hello, dad"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you did not have a reason for why you did this. you could not even recall when you first did it. it just was so there was no why. but what was it, you wondered. something unusual? [[fetishistic->MEMORY-CLOTHING-FETISH]]? but why, you wondered, is it, or is it made to be, so much easier to fetishize something rather than live as it? even if it is a part of yourself? a few months later clothes stopped being hung in the bathroom. there was never any explanation, and certainly no conversation. it could have been coincidental. but you stopped rushing home from school, stopped watching the clock, slowed down. what else was there to do? embrace something [[difficult, unknown, terrifying->MEMORY-CLOTHING-DIFFICULT]]? you did not. you could not. so you shut down whatever portions of your brain those months came from. consigning them to a mental limbo as a distant, impossible memory, [[an eidolon->YOU-ARE-DEAD]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you turned this word over and over in your mouth, feeling each curve, as if you were inspecting a diamond. "[[fetish->MEMORY-CLOTHING-7]]." a fixation, maybe. a distraction, a deviance, a dalliance. and simple. livable. this is what that word meant to you - to consign something to the guest house of sex, to treat it as something to be eternally, recurrently visited and disowned. to remove it like a cancer and leave it attached by the most gossamer of connective tissues<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />disappear for two years, change who you are, change who everyone else thinks you are, delete all your old pictures, avoid every single person you currently know for the rest of your life, force your own creation, command your rebirth, feel as if you've been stripped of everything you ever had, try to construct a new life out of refuse and household chemicals, walk around feeling like a papier-mâché version of everyone else around you, knowing that they're decades old and you've only existed for a few months, smile like cardboard, hope like stone, hope to be safe, hope to kept secret, hope not to die, hope with all of yourself that it ends up being worth it, that you're happy at the end of it, that you're attractive at the end of it, that you deserve to feel that way, that you want to be happy, that someone else wants you to be happy, that someone else wants [[you->MEMORY-CLOTHING-7]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the difference between recollection and reconstruction is a matter of [[trust->MEMORY-ROBBERY-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />it is 2215hr on saturday on the 13th of september you are walking alone through your empty apartment through the door with the [[vestigial window->MEMORY-ROBBERY-3]] you can never decide to set to opaque or holodisplay or transparent through the annex shared with the business office downstairs through the mutual backyard filled with tools and pieces of dismantled fusion engines scattered around and neglected like last year's toys<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />it is cool and there is a slight wind and winter is just over the horizon the bright red letters of the psfs building shine through the slight fog you are walking to your cruiser to meet a [[friend? lover? girlfriend?->MEMORY-ROBBERY-LOVER]] you are taking your time and thinking of jokes and subjects to say to impress her and your friend. [[you are anxious->MEMORY-ROBBERY-4]] about being seen as likeable, as possibly lovable, as a smart choice on her part<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you are on the 1100 block of lemon street heading east towards 11th. your eventual destination is [[2nd and market->MEMORY-ROBBERY-DESTINATION]] <img src=""></img> you have been seeing her for a few weeks now. you are excited she has invited you. there is a creeping sense, as in every case, that she may like you less than you do her. that every hour in which one of your messages is a harbinger of [[some fatal asymmetry->MEMORY-ROBBERY-5]], and when she is says she is too busy to meet she is not so much lying nor obscuring the truth but obliquely revealing it entirely<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); /* MAP SCREENSHOT © OpenStreetMap contributors */ " /><div class="instantMessage">a place called the "red sky lounge"</div> [[okay->MEMORY-ROBBERY-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you met her for your [[first date->MEMORY-ROBBERY-LOVER-FIRST-DATE]] at [[a coffeeshop->MEMORY-ROBBERY-LOVER-COFFEESHOP]]. she got there first. it was hot, and warm. she was tall with curly red hair and her voice was low and steady and slow you were worried that she'd think you were dumb, or boring, or shitty you talked too much and much too fast she got coffee and you got rootbeer and the two of you sat there talking as the sun grew high and blinding and you let her sit in the shade when it was totally clear to everyone there, yourselves included, that you'd overstayed your one-drink welcome, she walked towards her apartment and you [[towards your cruiser->MEMORY-ROBBERY-3]] and they happened to be the same direction when the two of you got to your car you told her that you didn't like to kiss on the first date for a million boring reasons but you really liked her and you'd like to get closer to her and she nodded and smiled wide much wider than you could tell she usually did out of embarrassment about the small gap between her front teeth and thanked you for how open and honest you were<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><div class="datingSitePanel"><ul class="datingSiteMessageList"><li class="datingSiteMessage received"><div class="datingAvatar"></div><div class="datingMessageContent">Nice to meet you, &#9608;&#9608;&#9608;&#9608;&#9608;&#9608;. My name's &#9608;&#9608;&#9608;&#9608;&#9608;&#9608;&#9608;&#9608;&#9608;. You seem pretty swell, overall, so let me know if you want to get coffee sometime...'absolutely only' as friends, as you put it. Or we can just keep talking here.</div></li></ul></div><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><div class="datingSitePanel"><ul class="datingSiteMessageList"><li class="datingSiteMessage received"><div class="datingAvatar"></div><div class="datingMessageContent">I have a place I like on Fairmount if you're up for a walk! Mugshots Coffeehouse, it's quite pleasant as long as we avoid open mic hours. Let me know when you're officially ensconced in your place and up for socializing.</div></li></ul></div><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you round the corner of lemon onto 11th and begin walking north. the moon is nearly full and casts long shadows from apartment buildings and the abandoned warehouses to the west and spindly little fingers from the garbage blowing in small lazy circles and in some areas most or all intersect into some strange, impossible skeleton <img src="" style="width: 100%;"></img> you [[move->MEMORY-ROBBERY-6]] towards wallace avenue<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); /* MAP SCREENSHOT © OpenStreetMap contributors */ " />look both ways before you cross the street you are thinking of her <img src="" style="width: 100%;"></img> two men on low-market hovercycles pass [[you->MEMORY-ROBBERY-7]] at wallace and 11th<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); /* MAP SCREENSHOT © OpenStreetMap contributors */ " />you hear the labored metallic sound of one of the hovercycles turning, then the other. there is a slight wind. you are wearing jeans and a tan v-neck pullover sweater. you cross over a wide empty lot towards north street and head towards your car <img src="" style="width: 100%;"></img> which, against your best guess, is at [[the corner of 12th->MEMORY-ROBBERY-8]], not 11th<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); /* MAP SCREENSHOT © OpenStreetMap contributors */ " />you hear the sound of tires behind you. you crane your head to look. the two hovercyclers are turning onto north <img src="" style="width: 100%;"></img> you look forward. this is not an unsafe neighborhood but it is not a "safe" neighborhood and you weigh the minimal risk of offending, of conveying to the sorts of people who can't or won't waste money on expensive vehicles that they scan as dangerous, against the minimal risk of coming to some undefined harm [[the former wins->MEMORY-ROBBERY-9]]. gait grows more rapid. heart race increases. you are 30 meters from your cruiser<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); /* MAP SCREENSHOT © OpenStreetMap contributors */ " />you look back. the hovercyclers are laying their cycles on the stairs of an apartment three addresses behind you. gait slows. heart rate decreases. you feel a slight twinge of guilt <img src="" style="width: 100%;"></img> then there is a [[sound->MEMORY-ROBBERY-10]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); /* MAP SCREENSHOT © OpenStreetMap contributors */ " />echoing like tennis back and forth between the apartments on each side of the street like a drumbeat? like slapping? oh. like running? and a voice from six inches behind your ear says [["hey"->MEMORY-ROBBERY-11]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and you begin to simultaneously whirl around and respond sorry i don't have any— and the same voice says with a smile "you don't have any what, motherfucker?" and then there is something hard and blunt being dug roughly into your ribcage this is the moment where you realize that it is happening — the bad thing. the thing everyone always worried about. something horrible is happening, and will continue to occur, and there is nothing at all you can do about it it is the strangest feeling in the world to sink into shock and be fully aware of it. it is the sort of horror that is generally sold with the proviso that you will at least not be aware, not in the typical sense of the word, and to realize you are exempt from this saving grace is like coming out of anesthesia mid-procedure, mute and paralytic and [[terrified->MEMORY-ROBBERY-12]] you are ten meters from your cruiser<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the man removes the object from your ribcage and walks around in front of you he is wearing [[a dark shirt->MEMORY-ROBBERY-SHIRT]] and he is holding a [[weapon->MEMORY-ROBBERY-WEAPON]] and he has [[no face->MEMORY-ROBBERY-FIRST-FACE]] you raise your hands and it is like from one instant to the next your lungs have collapsed entirely your brain is screaming and you are [[attempting to respond->MEMORY-ROBBERY-13]] everything feels like it is made of razor wire and you are about to vomit<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />maybe a t-shirt, maybe a jacket, maybe some sort of sweatshirt. you cannot recall seeing his bare arms but you cannot rule it out [[okay->MEMORY-ROBBERY-12]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />he puts the gun in your face and you can see the darkness of the gun in the night and an even darker void down the barrel then he motions towards the fence and pushes you over to it and "down on the ground" and you sit down slowly on your haunches and then onto your ass with your back against the fence and [[the gun in your face->MEMORY-ROBBERY-14]] and your hands still in the air<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />there is a blur where his face should be, like a computer-generated montage of a thousand different faces he appears young, between the ages of 16 and 22 the blur is contorted into cruelty and glee and adrenaline [[okay->MEMORY-ROBBERY-12]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the weapon is matte black and boxy and lacks any further distinguishing features [[okay->MEMORY-ROBBERY-12]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />it is happening. the terrible thing is happening and it is going to continue to happen for minutes and then the other terrible thing is going to happen for months or years or forever he pats down your pockets, pulls out your phone, your wallet, your [[key ring->MEMORY-ROBBERY-15]] it is only now that you remember the other hovercycler and notice him towards the end of the block at what you believe is 12th and north standing watch<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"put your hands down, now" and you realize that you are still holding your hands up so as to say please don't shoot me because you really really don't want this man to shoot you you put your hands down "what are these," pointing to the keys to your cruiser those are the keys to my cruiser, you say he looks at the keys "is it here? [[your cruiser->MEMORY-ROBBERY-16]]" and you respond yes right over there pointing towards it and he looks along the direction of your hand and sees it<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"okay. get up. we're going for a ride" everything gets faster everything like an infinite grid each point blindingly bright stretching out towards the horizon and forever afterwards and you and he at adjacent nodes and every single possibility laid out in lines and quadratic curves rendered in colors more intense than language and your brain cycling through every single one one glows a little brighter and you make your [[choice->MEMORY-ROBBERY-17]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you stand up you say what? "get in the cruiser" in my cruiser? you say, your voice shaky and please god hopefully incredulous-sounding "yeah, your cruiser, over there," and he turns, pointing his gun towards it, and by the time he turns back to see if his point was made you have pivoted and begun to sprint as fast as your everything body flesh muscles bones will allow each breath maybe the last each breath waiting for the sound for something searing and horrible to run you through it is impossible to reconcile that you have wanted to die for as long as you are capable of remembering, that it has been an article of nearly religious faith that you are the person who deserves to be consumed in flames, the same unshakeable mad faith that led you towards the cleanerbot that one night kindled and sustained in every living moment thereafter with the fact that you cannot think of anything more horrifying now than allowing these men your life, your body, your death and a part of your brain is already at work on this, and the rest is in your legs <img src="" style="width: 100%;"></img> a second later you hear "hey!" and then another "hey!" maybe from the same man, maybe one from each and when you turn your head to check behind you, you see that the same man who held the gun in your face is [[close behind->MEMORY-ROBBERY-18]], his hovercycle screaming in the same language as your legs<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); /* MAP SCREENSHOT © OpenStreetMap contributors */ " />he is coming, and his partner a block behind him there is no one on the street, no cars around, no police <img src="" style="width: 100%;"></img> the grid flares again and you choose in an instant grabbing the guardrail next to you and launching yourself over down, into empty air, [[towards the next, lower level of the city->MEMORY-ROBBERY-19]], abandoned houses and rusting vehicles growing as you fall, coming up to meet you, to embrace you you suddenly remember that a human can survive a fall of nearly any height if they roll at the exact second they hit the ground<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); /* MAP SCREENSHOT © OpenStreetMap contributors */ " />you tense your muscles and roll yourself into position and also remember that it is next to impossible to change and hold your position once in free-fall you are flailing you are falling the city opens like a mouth and devours you <div class="mapInjector"></div> you [[hit the ground->MEMORY-ROBBERY-20]] on your legs next to an old house built from cheap quikcrete<mark><style>#mapContainer { position: relative; width: 750px; height: 685px; display: inline-block; margin: 50px; padding: 100px; perspective: 1000px; list-style: none; pointer-events: none; } #mapContainer li { position: relative; height: 0; transition: transform 3s, height 6s; transform-origin: 0 0 0; transition-timing-function: ease-in-out; box-sizing: border-box; } .phlMapImage { width: 300px; border: 1px black solid; background: #999; } .phlLocatorMarker { position: absolute; width: 7px; height: 7px; border-radius: 50%; transition: all 3s; } #characterLocationMarker { left: 172px; top: 200px; background-color: blue; } #raiderOneLocationMarker { left: 171px; top: 180px; background-color: red; } #raiderTwoLocationMarker { left: 177px; top: 181px; background-color: red; }</style><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('.mapInjector').append('<ul id=&quot;mapContainer&quot;><li><img src=&quot;; class=&quot;phlMapImage&quot;></img><div id=&quot;characterLocationMarker&quot; class=&quot;phlLocatorMarker&quot;></div><div id=&quot;raiderOneLocationMarker&quot; class=&quot;phlLocatorMarker&quot;></div><div id=&quot;raiderTwoLocationMarker&quot; class=&quot;phlLocatorMarker&quot;></div></li><li id=&quot;phlFallSpacer&quot;></li><li><img src=&quot;; class=&quot;phlMapImage&quot;></img></li><li><img src=&quot;; class=&quot;phlMapImage&quot;></img></li><li><img src=&quot;; class=&quot;phlMapImage&quot;></img></li></ul>'); $('.image').css('width', $(window).width() * 0.5); var items = $('#mapContainer li'); var counter = 0; for (var ii = 0; ii < items.length; ii++) { $(items[ii]).css('z-index', counter); counter--; } var isActive = false; window.setTimeout(function() { $('#mapContainer li').css('transform', 'rotateX(55deg)'); $('#characterLocationMarker').css('opacity', 0); setTimeout(function() { $('#characterLocationMarker').css('opacity', 1); $('#mapContainer li').css('height', '125px'); $('#phlFallSpacer').append($('#characterLocationMarker').remove()); }, 3000); setTimeout(function() { $('#phlFallSpacer').css('transition', 'all 8s'); $('#phlFallSpacer').css('transition-timing-function', 'cubic-bezier(0.70, 0, 1, 0.30)'); $('#phlFallSpacer').css('height', '0px'); }, 13000); setTimeout(function() { $('#mapContainer li').css('transition', 'height 1s'); $('#mapContainer li').css('height', '0px'); $('#mapContainer li').css('transition-timing-function', 'linear'); }, 21000); }, 3000); /* MAP SCREENSHOT © OpenStreetMap contributors */ " /> </mark>the noise when you hit the ground is deafening and sickening you scramble up, fall, try again a man walks off the porch and says "holy shit" "are you okay" and you flail away and scream and drag yourself down the street as fast as you can he follows behind you, pulling his phone out, and more people come out, asking if you need aid, recommending it, and you lash out at them, pulling yourself on each square of sidewalk towards some unknown salvation it is not until the ambulances arrive and the medics sedate you that you cease raking at the sky and any attackers with your nails, seeking out eyes and tendons and all vital organs and then you awake, again, in a [[pure white room->YOU-ARE-DEAD]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you awake just as they are pulling the stretcher out of the ambulance down the hallway towards [[another undeserved convalence->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-1-2]], towards the consumption of someone else's preservation you cannot see your legs due to a white sheet over them but the sheet is speckled and daubed in red you can hear a sound like a leaky faucet<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-icon').css('color', '#000000'); " />you are moved onto a gurney and two medical technicians are asking you questions "do you remember your name?" that doesn't seem relevant right now "do you know how [[this->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-1-3]] happened to you?" that's a bit of a complicated question "do you know what day it is?" yes, and i won't forget<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />they cut your jeans off and you realize that you haven't shaved [[oops->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-1-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you can see your legs now - like trees nearly enveloped by vines with dead, broken branches sticking at rough angles through the live growth "do you remember your name? hey, stick with us" [[i'll just watch, if that's okay->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-1-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />one of the techs wields an autoinjector which you assume to be filled with some sort of local anesthetic you flail again, moving your arms to grab her wrists, to point the needle somewhere away from you "sedation," she says, and the other responds "bp's too low" the tech without the needle grabs you tightly by the arm, more like an embrace than an order, and the needle slides into one leg, and again, in a spot a few inches over, and again, and again, and again, like each were a [[pixel in a tattoo->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-1-TATTOO]] from which you have to stand twenty feet back before it comes into perspective [[you whimper->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-1-6]] then the same for the other leg<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you distantly recall that tattoos, long ago, used to be made with ink. once the tattoo were finished, the color and brightness were fixed permanently, and if one wished to change it they would either have to have it tattooed over or remove it with directed light a far cry from the subcutaneous oled nanobots that are injected, nanometer by nanometer, which can be individually controlled for hue, saturation, lightness, and so much more you have never gotten a tattoo. one has to own a [[body->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-1-5]] to modify it<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and everything gets a little [[quieter->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-1-7]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU AWAKE IN A PERFECTLY CUBIC, [[ABSOLUTELY WHITE->NAP-DREAM-3-ABSOLUTELY-WHITE]] ROOM THERE IS A [[DOOR->NAP-DREAM-3-2]] IN ONE OF THE WALLS YOU ARE SITTING EXACTLY IN THE CENTER OF THE ROOM<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THERE IS NO VISIBLE SOURCE OF ILLUMINATION BUT YOU FIND YOURSELF [[NEARLY BLINDED->NAP-DREAM-3-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU WALK TOWARDS THE DOOR FINDING THAT WHEN YOU DO SO, THE ROOM ITSELF SEEMS TO MOVE WITH YOU SO THAT YOU ARE AWARE OF MOVING IN SPACE BUT YOU REMAIN AT THE CENTER OF THE ROOM THE DOOR [[OPENS->NAP-DREAM-3-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />A SMALL, ANNULAR ROBOT WITH A PACKAGE CRADLED ATOP IT SLIDES NOISILY INTO THE ROOM IT DEPOSITS THE [[PACKAGE->NAP-DREAM-3-PACKAGE]] ON THE FLOOR AT YOUR FEET, BEEPS POLITELY, AND HEADS BACK FOR THE DOOR THE ROBOT DISAPPEARS AND YOU LOOK BETWEEN THE PACKAGE AND THE DOOR FOR SOME TIME, AWAITING AN EXPLANATION THAT [[NEVER COMES->NAP-DREAM-3-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE PACKAGE HAS A RETURN ADDRESS TO ISOLARUMCORP THERE IS NO SEND-TO ADDRESS, JUST YOUR NAME [[WHAT THE FUCK->NAP-DREAM-3-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO OPEN IT AT SOME POINT MIGHT AS WELL BE NOW YOU USE YOUR NAIL TO PUNCTURE A SMALL HOLE IN THE TAPE. YOU WORRY AT THE GAP UNTIL A STRIP COMES LOOSE, THEN YOU PULL THE WHOLE STRIP OFF INSIDE IS A ROUGHLY SQUARE PACKAGE UPON WHICH IS PRINTED A POORLY-RENDERED YELLOW SMILEY FACE AND THE WORDS: [[EDIBLE UNDERWEAR->NAP-DREAM-3-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />OKAY, YOU THINK I'LL [[PLAY ALONG->NAP-DREAM-3-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU LICK THE UNDERWEAR A BIT. IT TASTES LIKE FABRIC. IT'S ALSO NOT VERY CHEWABLE YOU PULL OFF YOUR PANTS AND UNDERWEAR, THEN SLIDE THE UNDERWEAR ON IT FEELS WARMER THAN IT DID IN YOUR HAND ALMOST TOO WARM LIKE A PREVIOUSLY-OCCUPIED TOILET SEAT THE [[DOOR OPENS->NAP-DREAM-3-7]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />A FIGURE WALKS IN AND RESOLVES SLOWLY AGAINST THE BRIGHT WALLS IT IS YOUR MOTHER THERE IS SOMETHING DIFFERENT ABOUT HER - A PORTION MISSING FROM HER FACE, A CERTAIN BLURRINESS, A FLICKER OF SORTS. IT IS DIFFICULT TO PIN DOWN WHAT EXACTLY IS WRONG BUT YOU ARE IMMEDIATELY CERTAIN IT IS [[HER->NAP-DREAM-3-8]] THE UNDERWEAR WARMS FURTHER<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />SHE WALKS OVER TO YOU, WALKS AROUND YOU, TOUCHES YOUR HAIR, BREATHES INTO YOUR EAR YOU STAND LIKE LOT'S WIFE, UTTERLY IMMOBILE SHE WALKS IN FRONT OF YOU AGAIN. SHE WHISPERS SOMETHING OUTSIDE LANGUAGE AND YOU NOD YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES, LEAN IN, [[LIPS LIKE FENCERS->NAP-DREAM-3-9]] YOU FEEL AS IF YOU ARE BEING BURNED ALIVE<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU TOUCH YOURSELF, AND REACH FOR HER, BUT SHE HOLDS YOUR ARM BACK YOU PULL DOWN THE UNDERWEAR FOR BETTER ACCESS, HOLDING IT OUT TO HER, AS AN OFFERING, OR A SNACK AND THEN YOU ARE [[COLD->NAP-DREAM-3-10]] AGAIN, AND SHE IS GONE AGAIN, AND THE ROOM IS NOTHING BUT PURE LIGHT<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU LOOK AT THE UNWORN, EDIBLE UNDERWEAR, THEN TO THE BOX, THEN BACK AGAIN YOU PICK UP THE BOX AND LOOK AT THE PREVIOUSLY-UNSEEN PAMPHLET INSIDE. IT HAS THE SAME SMILEY FACE, BUT THE TITLE READS: OEDIPAL UNDERWEAR [[OH->NAP-DREAM-3-11]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[YOU WAKE UP FEELING AS IF YOU HAVE BEEN SHOT THROUGH THE BORE OF A CAPITAL-SIZE MASS DRIVER->ASSIGNMENT-2-QUARTERS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you are idling. the rumble of explosions in the distance like a double-time drumbeat played against the clouds. sweat on your palms rubbed onto your shirt over and over again but every time you put your hands back on the control stick they're slick again. flashes in the distance and no other light save for the craft warning lights on a bulbous, double-decker tank filled with some unknown substance. superpowerful hypergols? fissile slurries? undifferentiated nanoparticles? a whole week's prescription of stimulants running through your veins tightening your fingers crushing your teeth together as if to flatten something between them towards an unimaginable density the dry clay of the anacostia basin laid out like a carpet in front of you. invisibly dark save for the flashes of each explosion revealing only edges and contrasts and shadows almost as like a wireframe and each of your friends lined up next to you, [[waiting->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-2]] like you, taking the same sharp breaths, building the same cool façades<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and so you galvanize your voice and over a small eternity force your lungs to say okay, yes, i'll go first. watch this science, motherfuckers. hope you like high bars clicking your custom night vision package on throwing the throttle forward hurtling back into your seat the dark colors and old stones of the basin stretching out towards infinity like star trails and then brighter and brighter as you crest the hill and [[it->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-CREST-HILL]] stands before you all [[fireworks and death and glory->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-3]], being transmitted directly from your helmet back to your friends in crystal clarity<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the anacostia proving ground. built in the grave of the old poisoned river, testing ground for all manner of weaponry — conventional and energy; known and classified; manned and automated a perpetual source of awesome power and [[entertainment->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you switch the night vision off shells exploding blindingly in the air, energy beams framing the basin and its machinery like strange artistic abstractions, drones flitting back and forth in psuedorandom patterns, waiting cunningly for their [[destruction->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-4]] simulations can teach, but there is no substitute for real-world experience and therein is the proving ground given its purpose, and you yours<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you engage the afterburner and move your craft even closer to the ground, till it feels like you're laying stomach-down and every foot of earth stretches for what seems like hundreds of miles and then you begin to [[dance->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />throwing the control stick around seizure-like, diving and climbing in between explosions and through irregular polygons created by the interplay of beams. you can feel the heat even through the plasteel of your cockpit and you can feel your heart beating like a dumb animal in a small cage straining to be heard straining to be free straining to be against limits it can't possibly comprehend the sound of all your friends cheering in your ears, claiming future-tense improvements to each of your manuevers, their voices quivering with stupid ecstasy and barely-sublimated fear but they're lost under the sound of detonations and your heartbeat and this has ceased to be about impressing them, or beating them, or any of the million-hit videos the five of you will edit from tonight's footage it is about moving outside of yourself, past yourself, [[beyond yourself->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-6]] pushing the razor against your skin as hard as possible without breaking the skin, just to see how far your body can be made to move<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the ideal is a ship that comes back painted soot-brown by each of the explosions but utterly undamaged covered in a skein of [[near-annihilation->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-7]], washing off to reveal the perfect skin underneath like some flippant act of necromancy, death as a stain and nothing more<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and in some unknown amount of time you reach the end, threading the needle through a series of kiloton blasts, the overpressure waves running through your ship and your body like fever shivers the cheers of your friends fade back into your brain and you pull the stick back all the way for one final shot, thundering straight upwards like a blazing sword thrown to [[pierce the heavens->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-8]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you switch your audio off and move back towards the starting line in near-absolute silence high above the explosions, through clouds like enormous pillows, barely above the speed necessary to keep your craft at its altitude and when you've nearly reached your friends once more, and switch the audio back on, you hear [[chaos->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-POLICE]], and one of them repeating the same word over and over: "[[rabbit! rabbit!->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-9]]"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />two blips you'd missed, their shrill heartbeat on mute, [[vectored for intercept->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-8]] and the blue and red of their lights just beginning to reflect off the clouds<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you flick on the afterburners again and head straight into the clouds, towards a storm system a few klicks out flagging somewhat and scared in a way that threatens to compromise your just-finished triumph so you pop another two stimulants in your mouth chewing trying to muster saliva from deep within your body the powder like chalk scraping your throat like sandpaper and another blind handful as you [[enter the storm->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-10]] and everything begins to shake once more your muscles electric your spine like steel your eyes like rockets pushing wildly out of your skull<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />all communications turned to harsh angry static seconds after you enter the cloud and silent once you exit, a few klicks away from your house everything is singing in a deafeningly high pitch as you bring the craft down at minimum speed quiet completely quiet put the struts down ever so gently close the cockpit door gingerly no noise that could possibly rouse your parents and then you are back inside your house, logged on, waiting for your friends to do the same but none have [[yet->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-11]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />a few minutes later you begin to feel [[strange->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-12]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />light, somehow as if gravity has abruptly lessened, or disappeared like every atom in your body will imminently separate and float away on its own [[frantic solitary way->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-13]] you can feel saliva building in your mouth once more, and your lungs feel full, clogged, your breath labored, like something very heavy were fixed atop your chest<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you turn your camera to selfie mode and look at yourself but the white balance is off, and you're the same color as the rest of the room, the same freakishly pastoral orange so you move to the hall bathroom, containing your parents antique glass mirror in which you are a strange literal shade of blue and the noises you make as you breathe sound like [[an ailing machine->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-14]] like the way your cleanerbot used to sound as it rolled around the house<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and head back to bed, making terrible noises, spitting drool into your bed every few seconds or so, feeling more weightless by the second you think about running into your parents' room and telling them you're dying but this requires some sort of admission, one which cannot end at itself, and will lead by breadcrumbs or interrogation to every ongoing misdeed it is difficult to quantify your risk of death at this second but it seems to hover somewhere below 50%. and you will only be around to care about the outcome in one choice it is strange to feel [[strategic->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-15]] at a time like this, with your body screaming at you with all its might you never took yourself for a mind-body dualist<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you surf the web. you get anxious about how you are spending your maybe-last minutes you finish an old novel that's been sitting on your desk for months, about rockets and the way systems tear all lovers apart you feel something unknown leaving you gradually, and as it reaches extinction you breathe deeply, close your eyes, and try to [[empty->MEMORY-PROVING-GROUND-16]] your mind<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and wake up the next morning covered in sweat to numerous messages about bail and the sense of having spent almost no time at all asleep as if you had only taken a single step, in a single second, but had crossed some immense threshold you try to count up the number of pills you took the day before and find yourself incapable but you are alive. and surely there is a lesson in that. but you are incapable of discerning anything that seems like a lesson in your thoughts, or your recollection of the previous night's events. this seems impossible — near-death experiences, by definition, form lessons. and as such to live through one without lessons seems to mark some impossible, paradoxical contradiction. unless [[unless?->YOU-ARE-DEAD]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU ARE [[RUNNING OUT OF MONEY->NAP-DREAM-4-OUT-OF-MONEY]] YOU ARE LOOKING THROUGH THE MARKETPLACE CATALOG WITH YOUR EYES DEFOCUSING TRYING TO DO ALGEBRA IN YOUR HEAD TO DETERMINE WHICH SMALL PACKAGE OF TOILET PAPER (>$5) IS THE CHEAPEST ON A PER-SQUARE-FOOT BASIS YOU HAVE $7.86 IN YOUR ACCOUNT AND SO IN THE FACE OF YOUR FUTURE YAWNING BEFORE YOU LIKE A MOUTH WITH TEETH STRETCHING BACK TO THE THROAT YOU DECIDE TO [[SELL YOUR BODY->NAP-DREAM-4-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THIS IS SLIGHTLY INACCURATE - ON THE ONE HAND, YOU'VE BEEN RUNNING OUT OF MONEY FOR AS LONG AS YOU CAN REMEMBER. ON THE OTHER, CAN ONE CORRECTLY SAY THEY'RE RUNNING OUT OF [[SOMETHING->NAP-DREAM-4-1]] THEY'VE NEVER REALLY HAD?<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU LOG ON TO THE ENTERTAINMENT SECTION OF THE LOCAL JOBS BOARD IT CATCHES YOUR EYE ALMOST IMMEDIATELY [[CELEBRITY IMPERSONATOR WANTED->NAP-DREAM-4-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE PAY IS EXCELLENT, FAR GREATER THAN WHAT YOU EKE OUT NOW, WITH FEWER HOURS ONLY A FEW APPEARANCES REQUIRED PER MONTH YOU APPLY AND ARE ACCEPTED ON THE BASIS OF YOUR ENTHUSIASM AND, YOU SUSPECT, [[YOUR DIRE NEED->NAP-DREAM-4-DIRE-NEED]], WHICH LEAVES YOU UNLIKELY TO COMPLAIN, OR QUIT, OR FILE SUIT THE [[PROCEDURE->NAP-DREAM-4-4]] IS QUICK, AND RELATIVELY PAINLESS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />WHAT WOULD BE A CHOICE, OR A LARK, FOR OTHERS, IS A DOOR THAT LOCKS BEHIND YOU, LEAVING NO WAY BUT THE ONE YOU'VE ALREADY BEGUN TO [[WALK->NAP-DREAM-4-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE IMPLANT IS INSERTED IN THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD, WHERE THE INCISION WILL LEAVE LITTLE SCARRING AND BE COVERED BY YOUR HAIR ALMOST IMMEDIATELY YOU BEGIN TO [[SHIFT->NAP-DREAM-4-SHIFT]] TWO TIMES A WEEK YOU APPEAR ON HOLOBROADCAST READING PREPREPARED REMARKS TO ENTERTAINMENT TALK SHOW HOSTS AND TEENAGE FANS THE OTHER FIVE DAYS ARE [[YOURS->NAP-DREAM-4-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE CONTOURS OF YOUR FACE SMOOTH AND REORDER THEMSELVES YOUR WHOLE BODY BECOMES AN UNFAMILIAR SHAPE WITHIN A WEEK YOU ARE [[NEARLY IDENTICAL->NAP-DREAM-4-4]] TO THE CELEBRITY FOR WHOM YOU DOPPELGANG<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />DESPITE ALL THE FREE TIME ALL THE FREEDOM YOU FEEL YOURSELF CONSTRAINED, SOMEHOW. AS IF YOUR BRAIN HAD BEEN SIPHONED OUT AND REPLACED WITH SOMETHING SPONGY AND USELESS. AND SO THE BARGAIN YOU'VE MADE, AND THE CALCULUS THEREIN, BECOMES MORE COMPLICATED, MORE HAUNTED AS TIME GOES ON, YOU FIND YOURSELF MORE AND MORE ACCUSTOMED TO YOUR ALTERED REFLECTION, TO THE WAY YOUR VOICE RANG FALSE, EVEN THE WAY YOUR GAIT MOVED FROM THE AWKWARD TO THE SENSUAL NEARLY IMMEDIATELY AND IN IDLE MOMENTS YOU WONDER HONESTLY WHICH BOTHERS YOU MORE - THE IDEA OF SEEING SOMEONE ELSE IN THE MIRROR AND RECOILING IN HORROR, OR GROWING FAMILIAR WITH IT, BECOMING [[THE SOMEONE ELSE->NAP-DREAM-4-6]], AND LEAVING THE YOU OF THE PAST FAR BEHIND<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />EVEN THE RAPID, CONTINUOUS SHIFTS BECOME EERILY COMMONPLACE THE WAY YOUR BODY BLOATS AND SHRINKS IN TIME WITH THE CELEBRITY'S FILM ROLES THE WAY YOUR HAIR ABRUPTLY CHANGES COLORS AND SEVERS ITSELF WHEN YOUR CELEBRITY IS HAVING THEIR HAIR CUT, AND SOMEONE FANTASTICALLY RICH IS SWEEPING UP HER HAIR AT THE SAME TIME YOU DO YOUR OWN THE WAY YOUR HEAD FUZZES OR SNAPS TO ATTENTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH WHATEVER SUBSTANCES [[YOUR CELEBRITY->NAP-DREAM-4-7]] IS INGESTING THE WAY AN ENORMOUS BRUISE APPEARS, SPREADING LIKE WILDFIRE FROM YOUR SHOULDER TO YOUR PELVIS. FOR THE NEXT WEEK YOU WORK NON-STOP DOING INTERVIEWS ABOUT YOUR PLANE CRASH<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />ONE DAY YOUR WRISTS OPEN UP AND [[BLOOD->NAP-DREAM-4-8]] BEGINS TO FLOW<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[YOU AWAKEN FEELING AS IF YOU'VE BEEN BURIED ALIVE->ASSIGNMENT-2-QUARTERS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CONCEIVE OF AN APP WHICH ALTERS PORTRAITS SO THAT PEOPLE'S FACES ARE COMPLETELY COVERED IN [[HAIR->NAP-DREAM-5-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[YOU WAKE UP LAUGHING->ASSIGNMENT-2-QUARTERS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />as your incapacity grows, strange crops on salted land, you are constantly aware of the knife edge upon which the present stands. five minutes earlier or later and it would've been like any other night. no violence, no fear, no trauma. if you'd walked up 12th instead of 11th, nothing would've happened. the fact that you were wrong, and your car was closer to 12th than 11th, is the [[opposite->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-2]] of comforting<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />there were signs, as there are with any onrushing inclemency, a teleology that can be easily divined in reverse among others: a night at your first apartment, six people living in an ancient, crumbling three-story duplex on the outskirts of town, and none of your roommates came back to the [[house->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-BREAK-IN-1]] and a family vacation in which you hiked a [[mountain->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-MOUNTAIN-1]] but there are innumerable more. every memory burns with causality, with missed signs and lost chances and so you set about building your own private echatology, because in this new world — where a step made an inch off-center, or a lock left 90 degrees unturned, or one street chosen at random over another, all mark the separation between the realm of the living and that of the dead — there is no space for coincidence and because every time you walk past your front door, your brain screams at you in every way possible that, one night, there will be a face hanging there, and a crash of broken glass, and someone is going to die so you'd better be ready<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[three am->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-BREAK-IN-2]] you're at a party a few blocks from your apartment growing tired and beginning to nod off a terrific mixture of substances just beginning to cohere into something that lends more enjoyment to laying alone in bed than talking with friends<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you are several thousand feet above sea level and the sparse alaskan grasses have shifted to a heavy permanent coat of snow. the trek up was laborious, frustrating, often boring — one foot put in front of another towards a visible destination that seemed to grow no closer the [[descent->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-MOUNTAIN-2]] is the fun part<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />over time it becomes clear that the other night was not random. this becomes an article of nearly [[religious faith->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />so you dash off ahead of your parents and your sibling, and begin sliding down the snow [[alongside the trail->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-MOUNTAIN-3]]<mark><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and soon find yourself sliding very fast, much too fast, without much ability for deceleration or steering you dig your feet into the snow and almost immediately begin to tumble, digging toes and fingers in [[over and over->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-MOUNTAIN-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you grind to a halt and the trail is [[gone->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-MOUNTAIN-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />no sign of it upwards or downwards, nor any of other hikers or your parents everything is white and pristine and fear is beginning to prickle somewhere just below your stomach you decide to head [[downwards->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-MOUNTAIN-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />following a frozen river, assuming civilization would have done the same when it first built the trails and the parking lots but the terrain around the river is nearly impassable and the ice is [[terribly slick->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-MOUNTAIN-7]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[four am->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-BREAK-IN-3]] your four roommates strangely absent. you leave the door unlocked for the forgetful one, who always manages somehow to delete his access credentials under the covers, with the lights on just enough to stay awake, inches away from some patient oblivion your partner once told you that when you passed out like this she could barely feel your heartbeat, even with her ear pressed to your chest the only time you can remember the cat ever cuddling with you is awakening one morning after a night like this to find her back fastened airtight to your chest. when you moved she did, and she looked at you like... what? relieved? judgemental? it was always easier to parse her emotions by strength than content but you were certain that regardless of how she felt, she was trying in some fashion to save you<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[five am->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-BREAK-IN-4]] passing seamlessly back and forth through the membrane of sleep and wakefulness like being wrapped in a blanket warmed by an old god or something amniotic both identical yet different sorts of ancient<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[six am->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-BREAK-IN-5]] you are dreaming, maybe. just barely walking down a sparsely hallway towards a door there doesn't seem to be any reason to walk through it. but there also doesn't seem to be any reason not to, and every step feels very good, so you do a slow creak from the door you blink<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[six oh one am->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-BREAK-IN-6]] you turn to look at the door there is a very tall man standing in the doorway, slightly hunched, wearing a thick winter coat with stuffing poking out of small lacerations like a failed chia pet, and dirty jeans the door is just tall enough for him to stand fully but he's being careful the man stares at you and you stare at him<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[six oh two am->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-BREAK-IN-7]] everything seems to flow like very cold liquid he opens his mouth and a few seconds pass before he speaks "oh shit," he says. "i thought this place was up for rental. i was coming to see if i could rent the place" you spend a few seconds reteaching your mouth how to make mouth sounds the two of you are still staring at one another<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[six oh three am->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-BREAK-IN-8]] no, you say i live here "oh. shit"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[six oh four am->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-BREAK-IN-9]] "do you mind if i have the cans and bottles downstairs?"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[six oh five am->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-BREAK-IN-10]] no, you say those are my cans and bottles "oh, shit. okay. thanks"<mark><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[six oh six am->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-BREAK-IN-11]] he turns and walks through the door and seems to leave long-exposure trails as he leaves your field of vision<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[six ten am->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-FINALE]] you wake up fully, and quickly running downstairs no one there, nothing missing, door still unlocked what does someone do when their house gets broken into? call the police? and tell them what? a man in a coat and pants walked into my room and didn't hurt me? you lock the door and move a couch in front of it and stay in bed until someone calls you wondering why they can't open the door<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and now as always the choice of whether to [[accept the rush of hypervigilant thoughts->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-3]] or try in vain to [[shut your brain down->YOU-ARE-DEAD]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />in your seventh year of school you study pre-modern american culture. one module is on [[pre-modern american medicine->MEMORY-CURSE-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />an entire day is dedicated to [[lobotomies->MEMORY-CURSE-3]], the most stereotypical and gruesome pre-modern american mental health treatment<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"a terrible procedure around which later pre-modern americans built [[a horrifying supernatural mythos->MEMORY-CURSE-4]]," your teacher says<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"the first lobotomy in history was given to a girl named rosemary kennedy," she continues. "part of a dynasty of immensely powerful merchants and politicians, she was born with mental disabilities. when she grew to be a young woman, she became impossible for her family to mold into a politically expedient form. she was brought to a friend of the family, an [[enterprising, unconventional doctor->MEMORY-CURSE-5]]"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the teacher gets and holds up an object that looks like a butter knife. "and he made a small incision in her skull, and inserted this device, and cut. she was [[lightly anesthetized->MEMORY-CURSE-ANESTHESIA]] at the time" "the doctor had her sing 'god bless america' and recite '[[the lord's prayer->MEMORY-CURSE-LORDS-PRAYER]]' while he excised portions of her brain" "in the eyes of the populace, having invoking god for such an evil, unnecessary, selfish purpose, the family was thus [[cursed for all eternity->MEMORY-CURSE-6]]"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"bear in mind, from your biology lessons, that the brain has no nerves. so the lobotomy would be a [[painless procedure->MEMORY-CURSE-5]]. in the physical sense, at least"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"the procedure would be halted when she no longer possessed the ability to speak intelligibly" now your teacher brings the device to her head, and mimics cutting. she repeats the prayer, making her words run together like lights refracted through water, expanding and attenuated and growing indistinguishably into one another until her voice is like rain and static, gurgles and coughs you [[close your eyes->MEMORY-CURSE-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"the parents died soon afterwards. two brothers were assassinated, more later died from plane crashes and drug overdoses. every one came to death and grief before their time, except rosemary, who outlived every single one of them and died alone in the same mental facility in which they'd placed her after her lobotomy. today the kennedys are a memory - the last died childless nearly a hundred years ago - and, i suspect the pre-modern americans would say, a precautionary tale" the bell rings and you grab your stuff, hurrying [[home->MEMORY-CURSE-7]], your mind a cyclone<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you dream and worry for years about ways you could possibly fail your parents enough to bring a curse upon them, to ensure the destruction of them and your entire bloodline or what sort of evil you might bring about yourself to effect the same you begin to think about living somewhere where it would be impossible for you to bring doom upon anyone somewhere away from everyone else, away from everything buried miles underground, or thrown deep into space, or placed down the bottom of a well hundreds of feet below the surface, so far that no one above can hear you, and you can barely even see the light, the opening like [[a single pinprick through a black sheet->YOU-ARE-DEAD]] and even after your selfishness returned, and you sought to rejoin the world despite the curse you might bring upon all of them, the walls would be too steep and slick to climb, and you'd scream and grab the walls until your voice was gone and your hands were covered in blood<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU WALK UP TO THE DOOR ONE OF THE GUARDS SHOUTS "SECURITY BREACH. INTRUDER AT THE FRONT GATE. FIRE ON TARGET ON MY MARK. MARK" AND THE WHOLE OF THE CUSP OF THE ROOF TURNS INTO TURRETS STARING AT YOU FOR A MOMENT LIKE SOME INSECT WITH THOUSANDS OF EYES THEY [[BLINK->MEMORY-ROBBERY-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PICK UP THE ROCK IT FEELS GOOD IN YOUR GLOVE AND SO LIGHT IN THE REDUCED GRAVITY AS IF YOU COULD THROW IT MILES AWAY [[THROW THE ROCK TO DISTRACT THE GUARDS->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-FRONT-THROW-ROCK]] [[SHOW THE ROCK TO THE GUARDS->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-FRONT-SHOW-ROCK-1]] [[KEEP THE ROCK->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-FRONT-KEEP-ROCK-DEATH]] [[PUT THE ROCK DOWN EXACTLY WHERE YOU FOUND IT->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-FRONT-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU HURL THE ROCK TOWARDS THE GUARDS IT ARCS LAZILY IN SLOW MOTION TOWARDS THEM EXCEPT INSTEAD OF FLYING BEHIND THEM, OR SLIGHTLY TO THE SIDE, IT HITS ONE OF THEM [[SQUARELY IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-FRONT-MURDER-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE GUARD WHO'S BEEN STRUCK TURNS TO THE OTHER "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?" "WHAT WAS WHAT FOR?" "HITTING ME. YOU HIT ME IN THE BACK OF THE [[FUCKING HEAD->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-FRONT-MURDER-2]]. WHY DID YOU HIT ME IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD?"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"I DIDN'T, THOUGH. I'VE JUST BEEN STANDING HERE. GUARDING THE DOOR. LIKE WE'RE SUPPOSED TO?" "I SWEAR TO... JUST TELL ME. IT'S OKAY TO HIT SOMEONE AS A JOKE. I'M FINE WITH PRACTICAL JOKES, KAREN. THEY JUST DON'T WORK IF YOU DON'T ADMIT THEM" "BUT THERE'S NOTHING TO ADMIT. [[I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-FRONT-MURDER-3]]" "THERE'S NOT ANYONE HERE! YOU CAN'T HAVE A PRACTICAL JOKE WITH YOURSELF. YOU KNOW, IF YOU SPENT LIKE HALF AS MUCH TIME ON YOUR MAKEUP AS YOU DID BEING A PAIN IN THE ASS YOU WOULD BE SO, SO, SO PRETTY"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"FUCK YOU. I DIDN'T HIT YOU" "THAT'S IT. THERE IS LITERALLY NOTHING IN THE WORLD I HATE MORE THAN PEOPLE WHO KEEP JOKES RUNNING WAY TOO LONG, KAREN. TELL ME YOU DID IT OR ELSE" "NO WAY" GUARD #1 RAISES HER UTILITY LIMB AND LIGHTS THE [[PLASMA TORCH->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-FRONT-PLASMA-TORCH]] AND SHE PUSHES IT [[INTO->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-FRONT-PLASMA-STAB]] THE OTHER GUARD'S CHEST "[[OW! YOU BITCH!->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-FRONT-MURDER-4]]"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />IT FLARES WHITE-HOT LIKE SOME SORT OF [[ANCIENT SPELL->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-FRONT-MURDER-3]] EVEN AT THIS DISTANCE IT'S NEARLY BLINDING<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE LIGHT FADES INTO NOTHING THEN BURSTS [[PHOENIXLIKE->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-FRONT-MURDER-3]] INTO LIFE ONCE MORE AS IT BURNS ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE GUARD'S CHEST AND OUT HER BACK<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE SECOND GUARD ("KAREN") RAISES HER UTILITY LIMB FALTERINGLY, THEN OPENS ITS JAWS SHE HURLS THE LIMB FORWARD, TRAPPING GUARD #1'S HEAD BETWEEN THE TEETH, AND BRINGS THE JAWS CLOSED AGAIN CRUSHING HER HEAD, ELICITING A TERRIBLE SCREAM, THEN CRUSHING EVEN THE SCREAM ITSELF BOTH FALL INTO THE DIRT, SENDING UP A CLOUD OF DUST LIKE A [[SHROUD->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-FRONT-MURDER-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE WAY IS CLEAR [[ENTER THE FACILITY->ASSIGNMENT-2-ENTER-FACILITY-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE ROCK TRAVELS SLOWLY TOWARDS THE GUARD, ON TRACK TO SAIL JUST SLIGHTLY OVER THEIR HEAD AND [[IMPACT->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-ONE-ROCK-DEATH]] THE WALL BEHIND THEM<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU'RE A LITTLE BIT CLOSER NOW [[GET CLOSERER->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-ONE-CLOSERER-DEATH]] [[ATTEMPT TO USE THE POWER OF VENTRILOQUISM TO CONFUSE THE GUARD->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-ONE-VENTRILOQUISM-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />BUT THE GUARD TURNS ABRUPTLY, RAISING THEIR ARM TO CATCH THE ROCK JAMMING THE ROCK INTO THEIR ARTILLERY WEAPON AND DEPRESSING THE TRIGGER, SENDING THE ROCK FLYING AT HYPERSONIC SPEEDS DIRECTLY THROUGH YOUR VISOR, THROUGH YOUR SKULL, THROUGH YOUR BRAIN, OUT THE BACK OF YOUR SUIT AT ESCAPE VELOCITY SPEEDS TO BREAK INTO SPACE ALONG WITH FRAGMENTS OF PLASTIC, BONE, AND FLESH [[YOU ARE DEAD->MEMORY-ROBBERY-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU WALK A LITTLE CLOSERER THE GUARD WHIRLS AROUND AND ENGAGES THEIR GRAV SKATES THEY HURTLE TOWARDS YOU AND DO A SPINNING KARATE KICK THAT SMASHES YOUR FUCKING FACE OFF [[YOU ARE DEAD->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-1-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU'VE NEVER VENTRILOQUIZED BEFORE YOU FOCUS ALL YOUR ENERGY IN YOUR THROAT AND IMAGINE IT AS [[A BALL OF WARM LIGHT->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-ONE-BALL-OF-LIGHT]] AND THEN YOU [[SPEAK->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-SIDE-ONE-VENTRILOQUISM-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />STRAINING AND FOCUSING UNTIL THE BALL MOVES OUT OF YOUR THROAT, FLOATING SLOWLY THROUGH THE AIR, PICKING UP SPEED UNTIL IT COMES TO REST BEHIND THE GUARD [[THAT'S GOOD STUFF->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-ONE-VENTRILOQUISM-1]] [[FOCUS EVEN HARDER->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-ONE-VENTRILOQUISM-DEATH]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU'RE NOT GOOD AT BEING A GUARD, YOU SAY YOU'RE ACTUALLY [[VERY, VERY BAD->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-SIDE-ONE-VENTRILOQUISM-3]] AT IT YOUR PROFESSIONAL LIFE HAS BEEN WASTED AND YOUR PERSONAL LIFE IS A WASTELAND<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE GUARD TURNS, SEARCHING FOR THE SOURCE OF THE VOICE FINDING NOTHING TURNING AROUND AND AROUND LOOKING FOR THE SOURCE OF JUDGEMENT THEN THEY SIT CROSS-LEGGED ON THE GROUND, RAISING THEIR ARTILLERY WEAPON TO THEIR HEAD AND [[PULLING THE TRIGGER->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-SIDE-ONE-VENTRILOQUISM-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />EVEN FROM TENS OF METERS AWAY THE EXPLOSION KNOCKS YOU OFF YOUR FEET BLOOD AND DUST HANG LIKE EARLY MIST IN FRONT OF THE SCORCHED ENTRANCE [[ENTER THE FACILITY->ASSIGNMENT-2-ENTER-FACILITY-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PICK UP A PARTICULARLY AERODYNAMIC-LOOKING MOON ROCK [[THROW IT HARD->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-ROCK-THROW-HARD]] [[THROW IT HARDER->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-THROW-HARDER-DEATH]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU TAKE INVENTORY OF THE SITUATION THERE'S NOTHING USEFUL AROUND EXCEPT FUCKIN' ROCKS YOU LOOK DOWN AT YOUR [[BODY->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-3]] FOR INSPIRATION<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU THROW THE ROCK PRETTY HARD IT SAILS AT LEAST TEN METERS ABOVE ALL THE GUARDS, LANDING SOMEWHERE ON TOP OF THE ROOF, FAR OUTSIDE OF ANYONE'S HEARING RANGE [[OOPS->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-ROCK]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU THROW THE ROCK WAY TOO HARD IN DOING SO YOU BEEF IT AND SLIP ON SOME MOON DUST AND FALL FACE-FIRST ONTO A HUGE ROCK THE IMPACT SHATTERS YOUR VISOR AND DRIVES PLASTEEL AND CARBON-HARDENED GLASS DIRECTLY INTO YOUR BRAIN [[YOU ARE DEAD->MEMORY-ROBBERY-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />VISIBLE ARE: 1. [[A TACTICAL, WEAPONS-GRADE, TOP-OF-THE-LINE HACKERTOOL->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-HACKERTOOL]] 2. [[A RED LASER POINTER->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-4]] 3. [[A TACTICAL GRAPPLING HOOK->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-GRAPPLING-HOOK]] 4. [[A TACTICAL, WEAPONS-GRADE SMOKE GRENADE->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-SMOKE-GRENADE]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU AIM THE GRAPPLING HOOK TOWARDS THE ROOF OF THE FACILITY AND DEPRESS THE TRIGGER THE HOOK EXPLODES OUTWARD APPROXIMATELY TEN METERS AND FALLS INTO THE DUST SIGNIFICANTLY SHORT OF THE FACILITY IT LAYS THERE FLACCIDLY UNTIL YOU PRESS THE TRIGGER AGAIN AND IT WINDS RELUCTANTLY BACK TOWARDS YOUR BELT, CARRYING WITH IT WHATEVER IS PULLED BY THE HOOKS YOU ARE NO CLOSER TO GETTING INSIDE [[YOU HAVE A FEW MORE PEBBLES THAN YOU DID WHEN YOU STARTED, THOUGH->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU THROW THE SMOKE GRENADE IT LANDS AT ONE OF THE GUARDS' FEET AND SMOKE BEGINS TO HISS OUT ONE OF THE GUARDS SHOUTS "SMOKE STORM!" ALL THE GUARDS BEGIN TO DANCE ECSTATICALLY AND CONTINUE TO DO SO, WHILE STILL KEEPING AN EYE OUT FOR ANY SECURITY BREACHES, UNTIL THE SMOKE CLEARS ENTIRELY, WHEREUPON THEY RESUME THEIR UNMOVEMENT [[FUCK->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THERE ISN'T ANYTHING HERE TO HACK [[SIGH->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-3]] [[I'M GOING TO HACK THE MOON ITSELF->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-HACK-MOON-DEATH]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU FUMBLE WITH THE LASER POINTER IN YOUR THICK GLOVES WHERE'S THE TRIGGER? OKAY, THERE. IT WON'T PRESS, THOUGH. MAYBE A LITTLE HARDER? YOU BRING THE POINTER UP TO YOUR VISOR TO GET A [[CLOSER LOOK->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU FIDDLE WITH THE POINTER FOR A WHILE LONGER. STILL NOTHING [[APPLY PERCUSSIVE MAINTENANCE->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-POINTER-DEATH]] [[TAKE IT APART->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE FISSION BATTERIES INSIDE THE POINTER REACH SUPERCRITICALITY, SENDING A LARGE CHUNK OF THE MOON, ALONG WITH [[ALL THE ATOMS THAT USED TO BE YOU->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-2-1]], SEVERAL KILOMETERS INTO SPACE<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU UNSCREW THE TWO HALVES OF THE POINTER THE FISSION BATTERIES FALL OUT, ALONG WITH THE PLASTIC INSERT INDICATING THE PROPER ORIENTATION OF THE BATTERIES MAYBE THE BATTERIES WERE IN WRONG? YOU ARRANGE THE PLASTIC INSERT AND THE BATTERIES AND [[SET TO WORK->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-BATTERY-PUZZLE]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><mark><style> #batterySpace { position: absolute; left: 0; width: 50%; height: 100%; } #batteryInsert { position: absolute; top: 5%; width: 40%; height: 40%; background: black; } #batteryInsertRotator { position: absolute; left: 57.5%; top: -2.5%; width: 20%; height: 20%; border: 0.05em solid #000; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; border-left-color: transparent; border-top-color: transparent; border-bottom-color: transparent; cursor: pointer; -webkit-transform: rotateX(-45deg); -moz-transform: rotateX(-45deg); -ms-transform: rotateX(-45deg); -o-transform: rotateX(-45deg); transform: rotate(-45deg); } #batteryInsertRotator:after { position: absolute; left: 77%; top: 75%; width: 20%; height: 20%; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(right top, black 50%, transparent 50%); background: -moz-linear-gradient(right top, black 50%, transparent 50%); background: -o-linear-gradient(right top, black 50%, transparent 50%); background: linear-gradient(to right top, black 50%, transparent 50%); content: ''; } #insertBatteryOne { top: 15%; } #insertBatteryTwo { bottom: 15%; } .insertBattery { position: absolute; left: 37.5%; width: 25%; padding-top: 25%; background: #fff; border-radius: 100%; border-radius: 100%; border: 3px outset; box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-transform: rotateX(60deg); -moz-transform: rotateX(60deg); -ms-transform: rotateX(60deg); -o-transform: rotateX(60deg); transform: rotateX(60deg); } .battery { position: absolute; width: 10%; padding-top: 10%; -webkit-border-radius: 100%; -moz-border-radius: 100%; border-radius: 100%; background: blue; cursor: pointer; } .batteryOne { top: 50%; } .batteryTwo { top: 65%; } .batteryPlusSign:before { position: absolute; left: 15%; top: 45%; width: 70%; height: 10%; background: #000; z-index: 1; content: ''; } .batteryPlusSign:after { position: absolute; left: 45%; top: 15%; width: 10%; height: 70%; background: #000; z-index: 1; content: ''; } .batteryMinusSign:after { position: absolute; left: 15%; top: 45%; width: 70%; height: 10%; background: #000; z-index: 1; content: ''; } .batteryArrow { position: absolute; left: 125%; width: 125%; height: 10%; background: purple; cursor: pointer; } .batteryArrow:after { position: absolute; left: 100%; top: 0%; width: 75%; height: 100%; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(right top, purple 50%, transparent 50%); background: -moz-linear-gradient(right top, purple 50%, transparent 50%); background: -o-linear-gradient(right top, purple 50%, transparent 50%); background: linear-gradient(to right top, purple 50%, transparent 50%); content: ''; } #pointerSpace { position: absolute; right: 0%; width: 50%; height: 100%; } #pointerTop { position: absolute; top: 0%; width: 25%; height: 35%; border-radius: 40% 40% 2% 2%; background: -webkit-radial-gradient(top, #ddd 5%, #999 150%); background: -moz-radial-gradient(top, #ddd 5%, #999 150%); background: -o-radial-gradient(top, #ddd 5%, #999 150%); background: radial-gradient(at top, #ddd 5%, #999 150%); cursor: pointer; } #pointerBottom { position: absolute; top: 45%; width: 25%; padding-top: 25%; border-radius: 100%; background: #9a9a9a; border: 0.05em inset #eee; } #pointerBottom:before { position: absolute; left: 10%; top: 10%; width: 80%; height: 80%; border: 0.05em dotted #333; -webkit-border-radius: 100%; -moz-border-radius: 100%; border-radius: 100%; z-index: -1; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; content: ''; } #pointerBottom:after { position: absolute; left: 20%; top: 20%; width: 60%; height: 60%; border: 0.05em dotted #333; border-radius: 100%; z-index: -1; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; content: ''; } .firstInstalledBattery { position: absolute; left: 20%; top: 20%; width: 60%; height: 60%; padding: 0; } .secondInstalledBattery { position: absolute; left: 10%; top: 10%; width: 80%; height: 80%; padding: 0; } </style><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); function initializeBatteryPuzzle() { // inject the HTML into the play area $('tw-passage').append('<div id=&quot;batterySpace&quot;><div id=&quot;batteryInsert&quot; class=&quot;centerHorizontally&quot;><div id=&quot;insertBatteryOne&quot; class=&quot;insertBattery batteryPlusSign&quot;></div><div id=&quot;insertBatteryTwo&quot; class=&quot;insertBattery batteryMinusSign&quot;></div></div><div id=&quot;batteryInsertRotator&quot;></div><div class=&quot;battery batteryOne batteryMinusSign uninstalledBattery centerHorizontally&quot;><div class=&quot;batteryOneArrow batteryArrow centerVertically&quot;></div></div><div class=&quot;battery batteryTwo batteryMinusSign uninstalledBattery centerHorizontally&quot;><div class=&quot;batteryTwoArrow batteryArrow centerVertically&quot;></div></div></div><div id=&quot;pointerSpace&quot;><div id=&quot;pointerTop&quot; class=&quot;centerHorizontally&quot;></div><div id=&quot;pointerBottom&quot; class=&quot;centerHorizontally&quot;></div></div>'); $('tw-link').css('display', 'none'); // rather than rotating the whole element and changing the transform, // just switch the battery signs $('#batteryInsertRotator').click(function(e) { var firstBatteryValue = $('#insertBatteryOne').hasClass('batteryPlusSign') ? 'batteryPlusSign' : 'batteryMinusSign'; var secondBatteryValue = $('#insertBatteryTwo').hasClass('batteryPlusSign') ? 'batteryPlusSign' : 'batteryMinusSign'; $('#insertBatteryOne').removeClass('batteryPlusSign batteryMinusSign'); $('#insertBatteryTwo').removeClass('batteryPlusSign batteryMinusSign'); $('#insertBatteryOne').addClass(secondBatteryValue); $('#insertBatteryTwo').addClass(firstBatteryValue); }); $('#batterySpace').delegate('.uninstalledBattery', 'click', function(e) { if ($('battery')) { var batteryValue = $('batteryPlusSign') ? 'batteryPlusSign' : 'batteryMinusSign'; $('batteryPlusSign batteryMinusSign'); if (batteryValue === 'batteryPlusSign') { $('batteryMinusSign'); } else { $('batteryPlusSign'); } } }); $('#batterySpace').delegate('.batteryArrow', 'click', function(e) { var battery =; if ($('.uninstalledBattery').length === 1) { $(battery).removeClass('batteryOne batteryTwo uninstalledBattery'); $(battery).addClass('installedBattery secondInstalledBattery'); } else { $(battery).removeClass('batteryOne batteryTwo uninstalledBattery'); $(battery).addClass('installedBattery firstInstalledBattery'); $('.uninstalledBattery').removeClass('batteryTwo'); $('.uninstalledBattery').addClass('batteryOne'); } $('#pointerBottom').append($(battery).remove()); $('display', 'none'); }); $('#pointerBottom').delegate('.installedBattery', 'click', function(e) { $('installedBattery firstInstalledBattery secondInstalledBattery'); if ($('.uninstalledBattery').length === 0) { $('uninstalledBattery batteryOne'); $('#batterySpace').append($(; } else { $('uninstalledBattery batteryTwo'); $('#batterySpace').append($(; } $('.batteryArrow').css('display', 'initial'); }); $('#pointerTop').click(function(e) { $('#batterySpace').css('display', 'none'); $('#pointerSpace').css('display', 'none'); if ($('.installedBattery').length === 2) { var successful = $('.firstInstalledBattery').hasClass('batteryPlusSign') && $('.secondInstalledBattery').hasClass('batteryMinusSign'); if (successful) { $('tw-link[passage-name=ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-BATTERY-SUCCESSFUL]').click(); } else { $('tw-link[passage-name=ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-POINTER-DEATH]').click(); } } else { $('tw-link[passage-name=ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-BATTERY-UNSUCCESSFUL]').click(); } }); } initializeBatteryPuzzle(); " </img></mark> [[CLICK THE BUTTON->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-POINTER-DEATH]] [[CLICK THE BUTTON->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-BATTERY-UNSUCCESSFUL]] [[CLICK THE BUTTON->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-BATTERY-SUCCESSFUL]]THE POINTER WHINES INTO LIFE AND BLAZES INTO THE SKY OVER THE CORPORATE COMM CHANNEL, SOMEONE SCREAMS "SHIT, I CAN'T SEE AT ALL. ELEVATION CHECK, NOW" A CARGO SHIP FALLS OUT OF THE SKY DIRECTLY ONTO THE GUARDS IN FRONT OF THE SECOND SIDE ENTRANCE THERE IS THE SOUND OF SCREAMS FOR SEVERAL SECONDS, AND THE SOUND OF FLESH COOKING UNDER THE UNIMAGINABLE TEMPERATURE OF IGNITED FUEL, AND THEN AN EXPLOSION SLICES THROUGH THE NOISE AND QUIETS IT PERMANENTLY A SERIES OF HELPERBOTS EGRESS FROM THE ROOF, PUT OUT THE FIRE, AND SWEEP THE WRECKAGE SOMEWHERE FURTHER INTO THE COMPLEX [[OOPS->ASSIGNMENT-2-ENTER-FACILITY-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />NOTHING HAPPENS. YOU OPEN THE POINTER AND SEE THAT YOU DIDN'T PUT ALL THE BATTERIES IN [[BETTER TRY AGAIN->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-SIDE-TWO-BATTERY-PUZZLE]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />(set: $rockThrown to 0)YOU PICK UP A [[ROCK->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-INSPECT-ROCK]] IT FEELS VERY LIGHT IN YOUR HAND [[THROW IT->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-ROCK-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU WALK STRAIGHT UP TO THE GUARD "HALT. PRESENT YOUR CREDENTIALS OR I WILL FIRE." [[SAY HERE'S YOUR DAMN CREDENTIALS WHILE MAKING AN OBSCENE GESTURE->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-CREDENTIAL-DEATH]] [[SAY DO YOU WANT TO SEE A MAGIC TRICK?->MISSION-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />IT'S A LITTLE LIGHTER THAN THE ROCKS ELSEWHERE ON THE MOON IN FACT ALL THE ROCKS WITHIN APPROXIMATELY A 20 METER CIRCLE ARE A DIFFERENT COLOR, FOR NO APPARENT REASON [[HOW STRANGE AND ARBITRARY->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-ROCK-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />(set: $rockThrown to $rockThrown + 1)YOU HURL THE ROCK AND IT ALMOST IMMEDIATELY CRUMBLES INTO DUST (if: $rockThrown < 3)[[[TOSS ANOTHER ANOTHER ROCK->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-ROCK-2]]](else:)[[[TOSS ANOTHER ROCK->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-ROCK-DEATH]]] <tw-link passage-name="ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-1" style="margin-top: 0.5em;">HMMMM</tw-link><mark style="display: none">[[ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-1]]</mark><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AFTER THROWING SO MANY ROCKS, EACH OF WHICH DISINTEGRATED INTO DUMB MOON DUST, THE AIR IS FILLED WITH A NEARLY BLINDING CLOUD OF DUMB MOON DUST THE DUST IS SO FINE IT MAKES ITS WAY THROUGH THE FILTER OF YOUR HELMET AND SLICES MILLIONS OF TINY HOLES IN YOUR LUNGS [[YOU DROWN IN YOUR OWN BLOOD->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU MAKE A VERY RUDE GESTURE AT THE GUARD AND SAY HERE'S YOUR CREDENTIALS THE GUARD SCANS YOUR GESTURE, WAITS A SECOND, THEN RESPONDS "THESE AREN'T OFFICIAL ISOLARUMCORP CREDENTIALS. FREEZE!" [[FREEZE->MISSION-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-FREEZE-DEATH]] [[RUN->MISSION-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-RUN-DEATH]] [[USE SPY KARATÉ->MISSION-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-KARATE-DEATH]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />HEY, YO, LISTEN, YOU WANNA SEE A MAGIC TRICK REAL QUICK THE GUARD IS SILENT FOR A SECOND "UM... I SHOULDN'T. BUT YEAH. YEAH! I LOVE MAGIC SO MUCH. IT'S LIKE THAT DUDE SAID WAY BACK WHEN: 'ANY SUFFICIENTLY ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY IS INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM MAGIC.' SO SHOW ME THE MAGIC! OR: THE SCIENCE!" [[SHOW HIM THE MAGIC->MISSION-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-4]] [[SHOW HIM THE SCIENCE->MISSION-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU FREEZE IMMEDIATELY FEAR IS PINPRICKING THE BACK OF YOUR NECK YOU ORDER EVERY SINGLE MOLECULE IN YOUR BODY TO BE COMPLETELY STILL, TO MOVE TOWARDS ABSOLUTE ZERO THE GUARD SHACKLES YOU AND TAKES YOU TO A DETAINMENT CELL DEEP WITHIN THE FACILITY EVERYONE FORGETS THEY PUT YOU THERE AND YOU DIE OF [[DEHYDRATION->MEMORY-ROBBERY-1]] THREE DAYS LATER<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PIVOT AND BEGIN TO SPRINT YOU MAKE IT THREE OR FOUR STEPS BEFORE A PLASMA BEAM EXPLODES THROUGH YOUR CHEST THE LAST THING YOU SEE IS THE EMBERS AROUND WHAT USED TO BE YOUR HEART FADING FROM WHITE TO A [[DULL, PLEASANT ORANGE->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-1-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU SNAP INTO THE SPY FORM YOU JUMP AND SPIN THREE TIMES IN THE AIR LANDING A POWERFUL SPY KICK UPON THE GUARD, AND BREAKING EVERY ONE OF YOUR TOES ON THAT FOOT YOUR FOOT HURTS LIKE HELL, BUT NOT AS MUCH AS YOUR FACE DOES WHEN THE GUARD [[SMASHES IT FLAT->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-2-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />OKAY. WATCH MY FINGER. DON'T TAKE YOUR EYES OFF IT, OKAY? THE GUARD IS MESMERIZED [[DO A MAGIC TRICK->MISSION-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU REACH OUT, WRAPPING YOUR INDEX AND MIDDLE KNUCKLES AROUND HIS NOSE AND GRASPING LIGHTLY AS YOU CAN GOT YOUR NOSE, YOU SHOUT AND PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE [[MOST LIKELY RESPONSES->MISSION-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-NOSE-RESPONSES]] THE GUARD SAYS NOTHING, THOUGH. HE'S STILL [[STARING AT YOUR FINGERS->MISSION-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[1. "WHERE HAVE YOU TAKEN MY NOSE?" 2. "HOW HAVE YOU TAKEN MY NOSE?" 3. "BY WHAT BARTER OR CURRENCY MAY I RETRIEVE MY NOSE?" 4. "WHY HAVE YOU TAKEN MY NOSE?"->MISSION-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"YOU... YOU TOOK MY NOSE" YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT I DID. SEE, IT'S INVISIBLE— YOU LOOK DOWN AT YOUR HAND. A NOSE IS IN IT. YOU LOOK BACK UP AT THE GUARD. THEIR NOSE IS TOTALLY MISSING AND THERE ARE RIBBON CABLES DANGLING FROM THEIR FACE LIKE TRI-COLORED SNOT [[OH SHIT->MISSION-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-7]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"YEAH, OH SHIT IS RIGHT, YOU MAGIC-FUCKER" OKAY SERIOUSLY WHAT DO I DO HOW DO I PUT IT BACK ON HELP "I DON'T KNOW. DO IT QUICK, PLEASE. I'M RUNNING OUT OF AIR." [[WHAT?->MISSION-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-8]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE RUNNING OUT OF AIR "I MEAN I CAN'T FUCKING BREATHE. MY NOSE WAS THE ONLY WAY I COULD BREATHE" DO YOU HAVE LIKE A FUCKED UP BROKEN MOUTH OR SOMETHING "NO, I HAD MY LUNGS REMOVED AND ALL THEIR FUNCTIONS REPLACED BY A DEVICE CONTAINING MICROCHIPS AND NANOMACHINES. THE DEVICE IN YOUR HAND RIGHT NOW. THE NOSE. THAT YOU STOLE" WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT? "SO I HAD ROOM FOR [[THIS->MISSION-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-9]]"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />HE STRUGGLES TO REMOVE THE CHEST PORTION OF HIS MECHSUIT WITH FALTERING HANDS AND FINALLY SUCCEEDS REVEALING AN ENORMOUS BOOM BOX WITH DUAL TAPE DECKS "PLEASE. PUT THE NOSE BACK ON. QUICK" [[PUT THE NOSE BACK ON->MISSION-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-PUT-NOSE-BACK]] [[KEEP THE NOSE->MISSION-2-OKAY-APPROACH-REAR-KEEP-NOSE]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PUSH THE NOSE ONTO HIS FACE BUT IT IMMEDIATELY FALLS BACK OFF "QUICK. PLEASE. I'M RUNNING OUT OF AIR." YOU TRY TO PLUG THE RIBBON CABLES BACK INTO HIS FACE BUT NONE OF THE PORTS ARE COLOR-CODED AND NOTHING SEEMS TO HAPPEN "WAS IT... SCIENCE... OR MAGIC..." HE GURGLES AND DIES [[IT WAS BOTH->ASSIGNMENT-2-ENTER-FACILITY-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU TURN AND HEAD INTO THE FACILITY "NO... WAIT... PLEASE" YOU SAY NOTHING "I... REGRET... MY LIFETIME INTEREST... IN MAGIC AND/OR SCIENCE" [[FUCKING 8-TRACK MOON HIPSTERS->ASSIGNMENT-2-ENTER-FACILITY-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE ENTRANCE TO THE FACILITY WIDENS INTO A LONG CORRIDOR THERE ARE NO DOORS OR PASSAGES ALONG THE WALL JUST A SINGLE PATH MOVING TOWARDS THE [[CENTER OF THE BUILDING->ASSIGNMENT-2-ENTER-FACILITY-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />THE HALLWAY ENDS WHERE IDENTICAL PASSAGES FROM THE OTHER THREE ENTRANCES MEET LIKE A COMPASS ROSE, FOUR MEANINGLESS CARDINAL DIRECTIONS MEETING AT A SINGLE POINT IN THE EXACT PINPOINT CENTER OF THE FACILITY IS AN ELEVATOR AND IN THE CORNER OF THE ROOM, A SMALL, OPEN DOOR, THROUGH WHICH SOUND PULSES WEAKLY [[WALK UP TO THE ELEVATOR->ASSIGNMENT-2-ENTER-FACILITY-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THERE ARE NO VISIBLE BUTTONS OR LEVERS OUTSIDE THE ELEVATOR THE ONLY FEATURE SAVE FOR THE SLIGHT OUTLINE OF THE ELEVATOR'S DOORS IS A KEYCARD SLOT [[HACK THE SLOT->ASSIGNMENT-2-ENTER-FACILITY-KEYCARD-SLOT-DEATH]] [[STICK YOUR FINGERS IN THE SLOT->ASSIGNMENT-2-ENTER-FACILITY-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU OPEN THE PANEL AND CONNECT YOUR HACKERTOOL TO THE WIRES AFTER A TRIVIAL AMOUNT OF EFFORT THE DOOR OPENS WITH A POLITE, NEARLY AMOROUS SIGH, AND YOU STEP INTO THE ELEVATOR WHEREUPON YOU REALIZE THAT YOU FORGOT TO HACK THE ELEVATOR CAB TO COME UP TO THE TOP FLOOR YOU FALL FOR AN ETERNITY THEN [[BURST LIKE AN OVERFILLED WATER BALLOON->MEMORY-DRUGS-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU STICK YOUR FINGERS AS FAR INTO THE KEYCARD SLOT AS THEY'LL GO THE PANEL HUMS FOR A SECOND, THEN RESPONDS "EXPIRED IDENTIFICATION. PLEASE REPORT TO THE PERSONNEL OFFICE" AND ANOTHER VOICE FROM BEHIND YOU "[[HEY. WHAT EXACTLY THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?->ASSIGNMENT-2-MEET-CUTE-GUARD]]"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />YOU INSERT HER ID CARD INTO THE SLOT THE DOOR SLIDES OPEN [[STEP INSIDE->ASSIGNMENT-2-SUBLUMINAL-PULSE-GENERATOR-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />THE ELEVATOR SHUDDERS INTO MOTION YOU REACH OVER AND CLICK THE ONLY VISIBLE SWITCH, SHUTTING ALL THE LIGHTS OFF IT'S TOO DARK EVEN FOR LIGHT AMPLIFICATION SO YOU SIT WITH YOUR BACK AGAINST THE WALL, LOOKING AT WHERE THE DOOR USED TO BE VISIBLE, AND YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES JUST FOR THE FEELING OF IT YOU WEEP AND YOU DESCEND — UNKNOWN METERS DEEP, KILOMETERS DEEP, DECADES DEEP — TOWARDS SOMETHING BEYOND VISIBILITY, BEYOND UNDERSTANDING. AND WITH EVERY MINUTE YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ARE TRAVELING PAST CARE, FEAR, GRIEF, PAST FEELING ITSELF IN ALL ITS MULTIFARIOUS FORMS. NOT THROUGH A CLEANSING, BUT A SLOUGHING OFF, LIKE DEAD SKIN. LIKE CRAWLING THROUGH A ROUGH TUNNEL A CENTIMETER TOO SMALL TO FIT YOU AND LEAVING YOUR OUTERMOST LAYER AT THE OTHER END BY THE TIME YOU REACH THE BOTTOM, AND THE LIGHTS MAKE THEMSELVES KNOWN AGAINST YOUR EYELIDS LIKE SCALDING WATER ON SKIN, YOU FEEL POWERFUL, POSSESSED OF SOME IMPOSSIBLE DENSITY [[THE DOOR OPENS->ASSIGNMENT-2-SUBLUMINAL-PULSE-GENERATOR-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />AND YOU EXPLODE OUTWARDS LIKE SOMETHING MECHANICALLY STRONG AND SUPERHUMANLY QUICK FASTER THAN LIGHT ITSELF THE FIRST GUARD GOES DOWN IN A FEW HARD KICKS, THE SOUND AND FEEL OF THEIR STERNUM COLLAPSING THE IMPACT VIBRATING THROUGH YOUR BODY LIKE THUNDER ANOTHER GUARD REACHES THE ALARM ATOP THEIR DESK AND THE AIR BEGINS TO SCREAM THE NOISE SO LOUD AS TO BEND THE AIR LIKE A MIRAGE WITHIN FIVE SECONDS THAT GUARD IS DEAD AND JUST BELOW THE CACOPHONY OF THE ALARM YOU HEAR AN ORCHESTRA OF BOOTS GROWING LOUDER, NEARING TWENTY GUARDS ROUND THE CORNER, THEIR VISORS DOWN, TRANSLUCENTLY ANGRY, AND THEIR WEAPONS TRAINED ON YOU YOU GROWL, YOU LAUGH, YOU GO [[BLIND->ASSIGNMENT-2-SUBLUMINAL-PULSE-GENERATOR-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />WHEN YOU COME TO YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY CORPSES EVERYTHING COVERED IN A PATINA OF BLOOD ALL THE WALLS NAUSEATING ABSTRACT ART AND IT IS FINALLY ASTONISHINGLY QUIET AND [[THE WAY IS CLEAR->ASSIGNMENT-2-SUBLUMINAL-PULSE-GENERATOR-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-passage').css({ 'color': '#848484', 'text-shadow': 'transparent 0 0 0', }); " />[[CHECK YOUR VITALS->ASSIGNMENT-2-SUBLUMINAL-PULSE-GENERATOR-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[CLEAN THE BLOOD OFF YOUR HANDS->ASSIGNMENT-2-SUBLUMINAL-PULSE-GENERATOR-7]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[WALK THROUGH THE DOOR->ASSIGNMENT-2-SUBLUMINAL-PULSE-GENERATOR-8]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE HEART OF THE PULSE GENERATOR STANDS BEFORE YOU, ALMOST PITIFULLY SMALL COMPARED TO THE DISH HUNDREDS OF METERS ABOVE JUST A PLEXICRETE ENCLOSURE AND A LABYRINTHINE BALL OF WIRES ATTACHED TO NEARLY EVERY SPACE ON A GOLDEN SPHERE [[LEAVE NO TRACE IT EVER STOOD->ASSIGNMENT-2-SUBLUMINAL-PULSE-GENERATOR-9]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES REACHING FOR THE TWO CENTRAL PILLARS THAT HOLD THE CEILING AND ALL THE INCOMPREHENSIBLE WEIGHT ABOVE BRACING YOURSELF AGAINST THEM, YOUR RIGHT HAND ON THE ONE, AND YOUR LEFT ON THE OTHER [[PUSHING WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT->ASSIGNMENT-2-SUBLUMINAL-PULSE-GENERATOR-10]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />RUSHING INTO THE ELEVATOR AND DOWN CAME THE CEILING ON THE GENERATOR CORE AND EVERYTHING VALUABLE THEREIN YOU PRESS THE UP BUTTON ON THE ELEVATOR THE RESPONSE IS SILENCE AND IT FILLS THE ROOM WITH MORE OF ITSELF [[RIP THE ROOF OFF THE ELEVATOR->ASSIGNMENT-2-SUBLUMINAL-PULSE-GENERATOR-11]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU TAKE HOLD OF THE EMERGENCY HATCH AND TEAR IT OFF ITS SCREWS, LIFTING YOURSELF ON TOP AND BEGIN THE LONG TREK [[UP->ASSIGNMENT-2-SUBLUMINAL-PULSE-GENERATOR-12]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-link').css('top', '100px'); var clicked = 0; $('tw-link').click(function(e) { clicked++; $('tw-link').css('top', 100 - clicked * 20 + 'px'); if (clicked < 5) { return false; } }); " />WHEN YOU REACH THE SURFACE THE BLOOD HAS CONGEALED, AND YOUR FOOTSTEPS LINGER BEFORE SUBSUMING BACK INTO THEIR PUDDLES WHEN YOU STEP OUTSIDE, SECRETARYBOT COMES OVER THE COMM: "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, SPY MASTER. PREPARE TO BE TELEPORTED [[HOME->ASSIGNMENT-3-BEGIN]]"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />THE FUZZ AND THE CONFUSION FROM TELEPORTING TAKES LESS TIME TO FADE AND WHEN YOUR BRAIN AND YOUR EYES ARE CLEAR EVERYTHING INSIDE THE SPY COMPOUND LOOKS [[NEW->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEW-APPEARANCE]], AND [[DAZZLING->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEW-BASE]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />THE WALLS APPEAR THICKER, SOMEHOW, AND GIVE THE IMPRESSION OF BEING NEARLY IMPREGNABLE. HUNDREDS OF ROBOTS OF VARIOUS SIZES AND SHAPES SCURRY AROUND, CARRYING EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS [[LIKE A CITY THAT SPRANG FROM NOTHING OVERNIGHT->ASSIGNMENT-3-BEGIN]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"WELCOME BACK, SPY MASTER!" THANKS SECRETARYBOT YOU'VE UH DONE QUITE A LOT OF WORK SINCE I GOT BACK [[WASN'T THE TELEPORTER BROKEN?->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEW-BASE-TOUR-1]] LIKE, ISN'T THAT WHY I HAD TO FLY TO THE MOON ON THAT BROKE-ASS SUICIDE MACHINE ROCKET THAT YOU GET HIGH IN WHEN I'M NOT AROUND AND DIDN'T WE HAVE A COFFEE MACHINE?<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />"BOTH OF THOSE STATEMENTS ARE TRUE, SPY MASTER! THE TELEPORTER WAS REPAIRED POST-HASTE SO YOU WOULD NOT HAVE TO RETURN ON A POSSIBLY DAMAGED OR DESTROYED ROCKET, AND THE COFFEE-MAKER WAS SALVAGED FOR PARTS. AS FOR THE ALLEGATION REGARDING NARCOTICS, MY MODEL HAS NO RECEPTORS FOR INTOXICATION, NOR WOULD IT LEAD TO MORE OPTIMAL FUNCTIONING ON MY PART" HM WELL I GUESS THAT'S OKAY I DON'T USE STIMULANTS ANYMORE ANYWAY BUT WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH ALL THE [[BOTS?->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEW-BASE-TOUR-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"WE ARE NEARING THE MOST CRITICAL PART OF OUR ASCENDANCY. NATURALLY, AS WE REBUILD OUR POWER, AND OUR REPUTATION, WE WILL NEED NOT ONLY ROOM FOR NEW RECRUITS, BUT DEFENSES FOR ANY AGENCIES WHO WISH TO DEGRADE OUR EFFICIENCY. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO LET ME KNOW IF ANY OF THE WORKERS IMPEDE YOUR FUNCTIONING, OR IRRITATE YOU" SURE YEAH WILL DO I GUESS THEY SEEM MOSTLY HARMLESS AND SOME OF THEM ARE SORTA CUTE "I CAN GUARANTEE ANY CUTENESS IS INCIDENTAL AND WILL NOT COMPROMISE THEIR WORK" [[THAT'S A WEIGHT OFF MY SOUL, SECRETARYBOT->ASSIGNMENT-3-TO-QUARTERS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE SECRETARYBOT SEEMS TO NOD IN A WAY UPON WHICH YOU CAN'T QUITE PUT YOUR FINGERS, THEN ROLLS OFF TOWARDS SOME UNKNOWN OBJECTIVE YOU WALK THROUGH NEWLY GLEAMING HALLS (OR IS IT GLOWERING?) TO YOUR [[QUARTERS->ASSIGNMENT-3-QUARTERS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />(if: $WEIGHT_BENCHES_REMAINING is 0)[(set: $WEIGHT_BENCHES_REMAINING to 4)]YOUR QUARTERS ARE BIGGER LIKE WAY BIGGER THERE IS A NEOCALIFORNIA KING-SIZED BED AND A JACUZZI AND FULL WEIGHT BENCH AND A SECURE INTRANET COMPUTER THE PLAQUE IS STILL ON THE WALL (if: $HUDVERSION is not 3)[AND A GIFT-WRAPPED PACKAGE IN THE CORNER <tw-link passage-name="ASSIGNMENT-3-UPGRADE-HUD-1" style="margin-bottom: 0.5em;">OPEN THE PACKAGE</tw-link><mark style="display: none;">[[ASSIGNMENT-3-UPGRADE-HUD-1]]</mark> ][[EXAMINE THE PLAQUE->ASSIGNMENT-3-EXAMINE-PLAQUE]] [[TAKE A NAP->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-NAP]] [[TAKE A BATH->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH]] [[WORK OUT->ASSIGNMENT-3-WORK-OUT]] [[LOG ON->ASSIGNMENT-3-LOG-ON]] <img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />(if: (either: true, false))[YOU DREAM OF [[THE CAT->ASSIGNMENT-3-QUARTERS]]](else:)[YOU DREAM OF [[HELICOPTERS->ASSIGNMENT-3-QUARTERS]]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU STEP INTO THE (if: $bathVar is 4)[(set: $bathVar to 1)](if: $bathVar is 0)[(set: $bathVar to 1)](if: $bathVar is 1)[[[WATER->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-1-1]]](else-if: $bathVar is 2)[[[WATER->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-2-1]]](else-if: $bathVar is 3)[[[WATER->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-1]]](set: $bathVar to $bathVar + 1)<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />(if: typeof($WEIGHT_BENCHES_REMAINING) is "number" and $WEIGHT_BENCHES_REMAINING > 0)[THERE IS A FEARSOME ARSENAL OF WEIGHTS AND EXERCISE MACHINES BEFORE YOU [[START WORKING OUT->ASSIGNMENT-3-WORK-OUT-WITH-SUIT-1]] [[TAKE YOUR SUIT OFF->ASSIGNMENT-3-WORK-OUT-WITHOUT-SUIT-1]]](else:)[YOU'VE DESTROYED ALL THE WEIGHT BENCHES. THERE IS NO SWOLE TO BE HAD HERE [[FUCK->ASSIGNMENT-3-QUARTERS]]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); "</img><mark style="display: none;">[[ASSIGNMENT-3-DEPART-1]]</mark> <div class="assignmentComputerScreen centerHorizontallyAndVertically" style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; background: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.55); border: 1em outset #eee"><div class="assignmentScanLines"></div><div class="assignmentComputerEntry centerHorizontallyAndVertically"><p class="assignmentComputerTitle centerHorizontally">SPYNET 3.1.1</p></div></div><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" window.preAssignmentCompHudVersion = hudVersion; makeHud(0); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); // for testing //window.flatNodeCollection = flatNodeCollection; if (!window.assignmentThreeRootNode || !window.currentNode) { var ROOT_NODE = new assignmentNode('', [], null); currentNode = ROOT_NODE; flatNodeCollection.push(ROOT_NODE); window.assignmentThreeRootNode = new assignmentNode('', [], null); window.currentNode = assignmentThreeRootNode; flatNodeCollection.push(assignmentThreeRootNode); // for testing //window.flatNodeCollection = flatNodeCollection; addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentThreeRootNode, new assignmentNode('PLEASE MAKE A SELECTION:', [], assignmentThreeRootNode, 'text')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentThreeRootNode, new assignmentNode('1. CORPORATE STATUS', [], assignmentThreeRootNode, 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentThreeRootNode.children[1], new assignmentNode('CURRENT EMPLOYEES (HUMAN): null', [], assignmentThreeRootNode.children[1], 'text')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentThreeRootNode.children[1], new assignmentNode('CURRENT EMPLOYEES (ROBOT): 2147483647', [], assignmentThreeRootNode.children[1], 'text')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentThreeRootNode.children[1], new assignmentNode('CURRENT MARKET SHARE (PERCENT): 47.2', [], assignmentThreeRootNode.children[1], 'text')); // leads back to root addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentThreeRootNode.children[1], new assignmentNode('1. BACK', assignmentThreeRootNode.children, assignmentThreeRootNode.children[1], 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentThreeRootNode, new assignmentNode('2. PERSONAL STATUS', [], assignmentThreeRootNode, 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentThreeRootNode.children[2], new assignmentNode('ALL VITALS STABLE. PHYSICAL STRENGTH AT 115% EXPECTED LEVELS. GENERAL INTELLIGENCE NOMINAL. HORMONE LEVELS FOLLOWING PRECOMPUTED CURVE.', [], assignmentThreeRootNode.children[2], 'text')); // leads back to root addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentThreeRootNode.children[2], new assignmentNode('1. BACK', assignmentThreeRootNode.children, assignmentThreeRootNode.children[2], 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentThreeRootNode, new assignmentNode('3. BLUNT KLUBB $$$', [], assignmentThreeRootNode, 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentThreeRootNode.children[3], new assignmentNode('WITHIN YOUR BLUNT KLUBB WALLET, YOU CURRENTLY HAVE:<p></p><span>' + window.bluntKlubbSSSSSS + '</span><p></p><span>BLUNT KLUBB $$$ (SSSSSS)</span>', [], assignmentThreeRootNode.children[3], 'text')); // leads back to root addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentThreeRootNode.children[3], new assignmentNode('1. BACK', assignmentThreeRootNode.children, assignmentThreeRootNode.children[3], 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentThreeRootNode, new assignmentNode('4. ASSIGNMENTS', [], assignmentThreeRootNode, 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentThreeRootNode.children[4], new assignmentNode('1. COMPLETELY DESTROY RIVAL SPY HEADQUARTERS', [], assignmentThreeRootNode.children[4], 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentThreeRootNode.children[4].children[0], new assignmentNode('BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY, DESTROY EVERY ECONOMIC AND TACTICAL FACET OF OUR RIVAL\u2019S HEADQUARTERS LOCATED ALONG THE FROZEN LAKES OF CENTRAL NEO YORK. THESE SPIES HAVE NEARLY COMPLETED A CONTRACT WHICH WILL SEVERELY RISK OUR DOMINANCE OF THE MARKET SECTOR. FUNCTIONING MUST BE PERMANENTLY DEGRADED. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. MOVE WITH ALACRITY.', [], assignmentThreeRootNode.children[4].children[1], 'text')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentThreeRootNode.children[4].children[0], new assignmentNode('<tw-link passage-name=&quot;ASSIGNMENT-3-DEPART&quot;>1. DEPART</tw-link>', [], assignmentThreeRootNode.children[4].children[0].children[1], 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentThreeRootNode.children[4].children[0], new assignmentNode('2. BACK', assignmentThreeRootNode.children[4].children, assignmentThreeRootNode.children[4].children[1], 'choice')); // leads back to root addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentThreeRootNode.children[4], new assignmentNode('2. BACK', assignmentThreeRootNode.children, assignmentThreeRootNode.children[4], 'choice')); } renderAssignmentNodes(); $('.assignmentComputerScreen').on('click', '.assignmentComputerChoice', function(e) { if ( === 'tw-link') { return; } var clickedNode = $(; var nodeTo = $.grep(flatNodeCollection, function(e) { return === Number(clickedNode.attr('data-id')); }); currentNode = typeof(nodeTo[0]) === 'undefined' ? ROOT_NODE : nodeTo[0]; renderAssignmentNodes(); }); makeScanLines($('.assignmentScanLines')); window.setTimeout(function(e) { makeScanLines($('.assignmentScanLines')); }, 250); $(window).resize(function(e) { makeScanLines($('.assignmentScanLines')); }); window.assignmentResizeInterval = setInterval(function(e) { makeScanLines($('.assignmentScanLines')); }, 2000); $('tw-icon').click(function(e) { clearInterval(assignmentResizeInterval); }); var isFinished = false; $('.assignmentComputerScreen').on('click', 'tw-link', function(e) { if (isFinished) { return true; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); clearInterval(assignmentResizeInterval); $('.assignmentComputerEntry :not(tw-link, :has(tw-link))').remove(); $('tw-link').css('display', 'none'); $('.assignmentComputerEntry').append( '<span id=&quot;caretFlasher&quot;>&nbsp;&#x258c;</span>'); var statement = 'SPY MASTER*****||ARE YOU READY?||THE TELEPORT SYSTEM HAS BEEN REPAIRED*||AND IS NOW INTEGRATED FULLY INTO THE CENTRAL NETWORK*||PREPARE TO BE TRANSMITTED.**.**.'; var currentWaitPeriod = 0; // in milliseconds var TIME_PER_CHARACTER = 250; var currentAmount = 0; for (var ii = 0; ii < statement.length; ii++) { (function(ii, TIME_PER_CHARACTER) { window.setTimeout(function(e) { switch(statement[ii]) { case '|': var x = $('<p></p>'); $('.assignmentComputerEntry').append(x); break; case '*': break; default: var caret = $('#caretFlasher'); caret.remove(); var x = $('<span>' + statement[ii] + '</span>'); $('.assignmentComputerEntry').append(x); $('.assignmentComputerEntry').append(caret); break; } }, currentAmount); currentAmount += TIME_PER_CHARACTER * (1 + (Math.random() / 2 * (Math.random() >= 0.5 ? 1 : -1))); })(ii, TIME_PER_CHARACTER); } setTimeout(function() { $('.assignmentComputerScreen').css({ 'width': '800%', 'height': '800%', 'background': 'white', }); var timeoutResizeInterval = setInterval(function() { makeScanLines($('.assignmentScanLines')); }, 2000); setTimeout(function() { isFinished = true; $('tw-link').click(); }, 5000); }, currentAmount + TIME_PER_CHARACTER * 10); }); $('tw-icon').click(function(e) { clearInterval(window.resizeInterval); }); $('#corruptedNoiseVideo').css({ 'transition': '1s all', 'display': 'none', 'opacity': '0', }); setTimeout(function() { $('#corruptedNoiseVideo').css({ 'display': '', '-webkit-transition': '', '-moz-transition': '', 'transition': '', }); }, 2000); "</img>YOU TURN THE JACUZZI ON, WAIT FOR IT TO COOL SLIGHTLY, THEN SLIP IN STEAM FILLS THE ROOM YOU LAY BACK AND RELAX IF ONLY YOU HAD A NICE OCEAN CREATURE HERE IN THE TUB WITH YOU ALAS, THERE IS ONLY [[MARSUPIAL JONES©->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-1-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU SETTLE DOWN INTO THE HOT HOT WATER AND LAY BACK FOR A SECOND WHAT THIS REALLY NEEDS, THOUGH IS FRAGRANT PRETTY PINK [[BUBBLES->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-2-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE DELICIOUSLY WARM BATHWATER AWAITS YOU'RE FEELING CALM, AND A LITTLE TIRED, SO YOU FORGO THE JETS BETTER SET AN [[ALARM->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-2]] TO MAKE SURE YOU DON'T PRUNE<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><h1 class="twineTitle">SPY INTRIGUE</h1> [[PLAY->ASSIGNMENT-1-START]] [[ENTER PASSWORD->ENTER-PASSWORD]] [[SPY SCHOOL INITIATE MANUAL (PLEASE READ ON FIRST PLAYTHROUGH)->MANUAL]] [[TECHNICAL NOTES (PLEASE READ IF YOU'RE AN IFCOMP JUDGE)->TECHNICAL-NOTES]] [[CONTENT-WARNINGS]] <tw-link id="epilepsy">I AM NOT SENSITIVE TO FLASHING AND QUICK MOVEMENTS</tw-link><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(0); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('#hudFaceDiv').css('display', 'none'); $('tw-icon.redo, tw-link[passage-name=ASSIGNMENT-1-START]').click(function(e) { $('#hudFaceDiv').css('display', ''); }); _state.variables['EPILEPSY'] = window.epilepsy; $('#epilepsy').click(function(e) { setEpilepsy(!window.epilepsy); if (window.epilepsy) { $('#epilepsy').text('I AM SENSITIVE TO FLASHING AND QUICK MOVEMENTS'); } else { $('#epilepsy').text('I AM NOT SENSITIVE TO FLASHING AND QUICK MOVEMENTS'); } return false; }); " /><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); // append HTML with base64 images $('tw-passage').prepend('<div class=&quot;sliderDiv&quot;><span class=&quot;leftSliderArrow sliderArrow sliderNavigationElement centerVertically&quot;>◀</span><span class=&quot;rightSliderArrow sliderArrow sliderNavigationElement centerVertically&quot;>▶</span><div class=&quot;sliderFrame activeSlider centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;><img src=&quot;head.png&quot;></img></div><div class=&quot;sliderFrame centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;><img src=&quot;head.png&quot;></img></div><div class=&quot;sliderFrame centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;><img src=&quot;head.png&quot;></img></div><div class=&quot;sliderFrame centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;><img src=&quot;head.png&quot;></img></div></div><div class=&quot;sliderDiv&quot;><span class=&quot;leftSliderArrow sliderArrow sliderNavigationElement centerVertically&quot;>◀</span><span class=&quot;rightSliderArrow sliderArrow sliderNavigationElement centerVertically&quot;>▶</span><div class=&quot;sliderFrame activeSlider centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;><img src=&quot;abdomen.png&quot;></img></div><div class=&quot;sliderFrame centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;><img src=&quot;abdomen.png&quot;></img></div><div class=&quot;sliderFrame centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;><img src=&quot;abdomen.png&quot;></img></div><div class=&quot;sliderFrame centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;><img src=&quot;abdomen.png&quot;></img></div></div><div class=&quot;sliderDiv&quot;><span class=&quot;leftSliderArrow sliderArrow sliderNavigationElement centerVertically&quot;>◀</span><span class=&quot;rightSliderArrow sliderArrow sliderNavigationElement centerVertically&quot;>▶</span><div class=&quot;sliderFrame activeSlider centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;><img src=&quot;legs.png&quot;></img></div><div class=&quot;sliderFrame centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;><img src=&quot;legs.png&quot;></img></div><div class=&quot;sliderFrame centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;><img src=&quot;legs.png&quot;></img></div><div class=&quot;sliderFrame centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;><img src=&quot;legs.png&quot;></img></div></div><div class=&quot;sliderDiv&quot;><span class=&quot;leftSliderArrow sliderArrow sliderNavigationElement centerVertically&quot;>◀</span><span class=&quot;rightSliderArrow sliderArrow sliderNavigationElement centerVertically&quot;>▶</span><div class=&quot;sliderFrame activeSlider centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;><img src=&quot;feet.png&quot;></img></div><div class=&quot;sliderFrame centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;><img src=&quot;feet.png&quot;></img></div><div class=&quot;sliderFrame centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;><img src=&quot;feet.png&quot;></img></div><div class=&quot;sliderFrame centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;><img src=&quot;feet.png&quot;></img></div></div>'); // set arrow visibility $('.leftSliderArrow').css('display', 'none'); if ($('.sliderFrame').length === 1) { $('.rightSliderArrow').css('display', 'none'); } $('.leftSliderArrow').click(function(e) { var sliderDiv =; var frames = $(sliderDiv).find('.sliderFrame').toArray(); var frameNumber = frames.indexOf($(sliderDiv).find('.sliderFrame.activeSlider')[0]); var currentFrame = $(frames[frameNumber]); var nextFrame = $(frames[frameNumber - 1]); $(nextFrame).removeClass('activeSlider'); $(nextFrame).css('left', $('.sliderDiv').width() * -2 + 'px'); $(currentFrame).addClass('activeSlider'); $(nextFrame).addClass('activeSlider'); $(currentFrame).css('left', $('.sliderDiv').width() * 2 + 'px'); $(nextFrame).scrollTop(0); $(nextFrame).css('left', '50%'); setTimeout(function() { $(currentFrame).removeClass('activeSlider'); }, 1500); frames.unshift(frames.pop()); setSliderArrowVisibility(frameNumber - 1, frames, sliderDiv); }); $('.rightSliderArrow').click(function(e) { var sliderDiv =; var frames = $(sliderDiv).find('.sliderFrame').toArray(); var frameNumber = frames.indexOf($(sliderDiv).find('.sliderFrame.activeSlider')[0]); var currentFrame = $(frames[frameNumber]); var nextFrame = $(frames[frameNumber + 1]); $(nextFrame).removeClass('activeSlider'); $(nextFrame).css('left', $(window).width() + 'px'); $(currentFrame).addClass('activeSlider'); $(nextFrame).addClass('activeSlider'); $(currentFrame).css('left', $(window).width() * -1 + 'px'); $(nextFrame).scrollTop(0); $(nextFrame).css('left', '50%'); setTimeout(function() { $(currentFrame).removeClass('activeSlider'); }, 1500); frames.push(frames.shift()); setSliderArrowVisibility(frameNumber + 1, frames, sliderDiv); }); function setSliderArrowVisibility(frameNumber, frames, div) { if (frameNumber === 0) { $(div).find('.leftSliderArrow').css('display', 'none'); } else { $(div).find('.leftSliderArrow').css('display', 'initial'); } if (frameNumber === frames.length - 1) { $(div).find('.rightSliderArrow').css('display', 'none'); } else { $(div).find('.rightSliderArrow').css('display', 'initial'); } }" /> [[I'M DONE CUSTOMIZING NOW->MENU]]<mark id="manualText"><style> br { display: none; } .manualList li { padding: 5px; } .manualList li a { font-weight: 700; } .manualList li p { margin: 0px; } .realP { padding-bottom: 30px; } #manualHeadsUpDiv { left: 0px; width: 80%; } .manualImg { width: 100%; } .pointerLink { position: absolute; bottom: 12.5%; width: 2.5%; height: 0; padding-top: 2.5%; background: pink; overflow: hidden; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; -webkit-transition: background 1s; -moz-transition: background 1s; -o-transition: background 1s; transition: background 1s; -webkit-animation: pointerLinkFade 1.5s alternate infinite; -moz-animation: pointerLinkFade 1.5s alternate infinite; -o-animation: pointerLinkFade 1.5s alternate infinite; animation: pointerLinkFade 1.5s alternate infinite; } .smallPointerLink { position: absolute; width: 1.25%; height: 0; padding-top: 1.25%; } .pointerLink:hover { background: yellow; } @-webkit-keyframes pointerLinkFade { 00% { opacity: 1.00; } 100% { opacity: 0.67; } } @-moz-keyframes pointerLinkFade { 00% { opacity: 1.00; } 100% { opacity: 0.67; } } @-o-keyframes pointerLinkFade { 00% { opacity: 1.00; } 100% { opacity: 0.67; } } @keyframes pointerLinkFade { 00% { opacity: 1.00; } 100% { opacity: 0.67; } } .pointerLink > a { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .headsUpPointerTimeLink.hover { background: yellow; } #headsUpFirstPointerLink { left: 7.05%; } #headsUpThirdPointerLink { left: 31.2%; } #headsUpFourthPointerLink { left: 66.2%; } #headsUpFifthPointerLink { right: 7.05%; } #fullMapFirstPointerLink { left: 51.5%; top: 9%; } #fullMapSecondPointerLink { left: 58.5%; top: 4.25%; } #fullMapThirdPointerLink { left: 37%; top: 27.9%; } #fullMapFourthPointerLink { left: 70%; top: 56.4%; } .pointerNode { position: relative; width: 50px; height: 50px; border-radius: 50%; } .pointerNode.current { background: #50DD75; } .pointerNode.visible { background: red; } .pointerNode.invisible { background: blue; } .smallPointerNode { position: relative; width: 30px; height: 30px; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; background: #a0a0a0; } .pointerNodePortion { position: relative; width: 15px; height: 15px; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; } .pointerNodePortion.danger { -webkit-background: radial-gradient(circle, black 5%, transparent 50%); -moz-background: radial-gradient(circle, black 5%, transparent 50%); -o-background: radial-gradient(circle, black 5%, transparent 50%); background: radial-gradient(circle, black 5%, transparent 50%); } .pointerNodePortion.deadEnd { -webkit-background: radial-gradient(circle, white 5%, transparent 50%); -moz-background: radial-gradient(circle, white 5%, transparent 50%); -o-background: radial-gradient(circle, white 5%, transparent 50%); background: radial-gradient(circle, white 5%, transparent 50%); } </style> <h1>SPY SCHOOL</h1> <h3>INTRODUCTION</h3> CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ADMITTANCE TO THE MOST ELITE, SELECTIVE SPY ACADEMY IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE. WE'VE COMPILED THIS SHORT GUIDE TO ENSURE YOU KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT, AND WHAT WE EXPECT FROM YOU. <ol class="manualList"> <li><a href="#curriculum">CURRICULUM</a></li> <li><a href="#needs">WHAT YOU'LL NEED</a></li> <li><a href="#expectations">WHAT WE EXPECT</a></li> </ol> <a id="curriculum"></a> <h3>CURRICULUM</h3> OUR CURRICULUM CONSISTS OF TWO YEARS OF INTENSE, ADVANCED TRAINING IN ALL MANNERS OF MODERN TRADECRAFT AND SUBTERFUGE. THESE INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: <ul class="manualList"> <li>TRADECRAFT 101</li> <li>AN INTRODUCTION TO HACKERTOOLS</li> <li>A MAN, A PLAN, A CANAL: USING NATURAL FEATURES FOR STEALTH AND DESTRUCTION</li> <li>ROCKS AND THE SKILLED SPY: THE FONDEST OF FRIENDS, THE TRUEST OF TOOLS</li> <li>MODERN SPYCRAFT, ETHICS, AND YOU</li> <li>LIBERAL ARTS ELECTIVE <ul> <li>THEORIES OF KILLING II</li> <li>POSTMODERNITY AND TRADECRAFT: HOW SIGINT DOMINATED THE COMPUTER REVOLUTION, AND HOW HUMINT ROSE AGAIN</li> <li>STUDIO DRAWING</li> <li>EGG: A CLOSER LOOK AT EARTH'S MOST DELICIOUS EXTINCT FOOD</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <a id="needs"></a> <h3>WHAT YOU'LL NEED</h3> <ol class="manualList"> <li> <b>GEMINICORP X-489 HEADS UP DISPLAY</b> <div id="manualHeadsUpDiv"> <img class="manualImg" src=""></img> <div id="headsUpFirstPointerLink" class="pointerLink headsUpPointerTimeLink"> <a href="#twIcons"></a> </div> <div id="headsUpThirdPointerLink" class="pointerLink"> <a href="#selfie"></a> </div> <div id="headsUpFourthPointerLink" class="pointerLink"> <a href="#automap"></a> </div> <div id="headsUpFifthPointerLink" class="pointerLink headsUpPointerTimeLink"> <a href="#twIcons"></a> </div> </div> <ul class="manualList"> <a id="twIcons"></a> <li> <b>DUAL CHRONOLOGICAL MANIPULATORS:</b> <p></p> THESE BUTTONS BE USED, RESPECTIVELY, TO REWIND AND FASTFORWARD TIME TO ALREADY-EXPERIENCED INSTANTS. WITH INCREASED CONTROL OF TIME, FATALITY RATES DECREASE TO NEARLY 1% IN THE FIELD. </li> <a id="selfie"></a> <li> <b>CONNECTION TO RECORDER</b> <p></p> THE SELF-PORTRAIT IMAGE CAN BE CLICKED IN ORDER TO BE TAKEN TO THE <a href="#password">PASSWORD RECORDING/ENTRY PANE.</a> <b>SELFIE CAMERA</b> <p></p> FOR ALL OF YOUR AESTHETIC NEEDS. PAIRED WITH FULL-POWER EDITOR AND UPLOADER. (<b><u><i>ONLY</i></u> TO BE USED FOR UPLOADING IMAGES TO SPYNET - ANY OTHER USAGE WILL CONSTITUTE A BREACH OF CONTRACT.)</b> </li> <a id="automap"></a> <li> <b>360 DEGREE AUTOMAP:</b> <p></p> THE AUTOMAP DISPLAYS ~98% OF ALL VIABLE AND NON-VIABLE PATHS FROM ANY GIVEN POSITION, AND DISPLAYS THEM IN GRAPHICAL FORM AS INDIVIDUAL NODES. THESE NODES DISPLAY VALUABLE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR SURROUNDINGS. <p></p> <div class="pointerNode current"></div><p class="realP">THE CURRENT PASSAGE NODE.</p> <div class="pointerNode visible"></div><p class="realP">AN ADJACENT PASSAGE NODE WHOSE LINK IS CURRENTLY VISIBLE. THIS NODE CAN BE HOVERED OVER TO HIGHLIGHT THE LINK TO WHICH IT REFERS, AND CLICKED TO ACTIVATE THE LINK TO WHICH IT REFERS.</p> <div class="pointerNode invisible"></div><p class="realP">AN ADJACENT NODE WHOSE LINK IS NOT CURRENTLY VISIBLE.</p> <div class="smallPointerNode"></div><p class="realP">A TERTIARY LINK, REACHABLE THROUGH ONE OF THE ADJACENT LINKS.</p> <div class="pointerNodePortion danger"></div><p class="realP">INDICATES THAT THERE IS SIGNIFICANT DANGER, AND LIKELY DEATH, AT THE NODE WITHIN WHICH THIS ICON IS CONTAINED.</p> <div class="pointerNodePortion deadEnd"></div><p class="realP">INDICATES THAT THE NODE WITHIN WHICH THIS ICON IS CONTAINED IS A DEAD-END, AND ITS ONLY LINK LEADS BACK TO THE CURRENT PASSAGE.</p> <p class="realP">THE BACKGROUND OF THE MAP ITSELF CAN BE CLICKED IN ORDER TO ACCESS THE <a href="#fullMap">ISOLARUMCORP T-3400 FULL-BANDWIDTH CHRONOSCOPE.</a></p><img src="" style="width: 80%;"></div> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a id="password"></a> <b>KENSINGTON HIGH-RESOLUTION, FULL-COLOR RECORDER (WITH TIMECODE GENERATOR)</b> A PASSWORD CORRESPONDING TO YOUR CURRENT NODE AND GAME STATE CAN BE VIEWED BY CLICKING UPON THE SELF-PORTRAIT. ADDITIONALLY, A LINK IS PROVIDED THAT WILL TAKE YOU TO THE PASSWORD ENTRY SCREEN. <p></p> NOTE ALSO THAT THERE IS AN AUTOSAVE SYSTEM BUILT INTO YOUR SUIT - EACH TIME A CHECKPOINT IS PASSED, THE GAME STATE IS SAVED INTO YOUR BROWSER'S LOCAL STORAGE. SHOULD THE GAME BE REFRESHED OR REOPENED, THE GAME WILL ASK IF YOU IF YOU WISH TO CONTINUE, OR BEGIN A NEW CAREER. SHOULD YOU BEGIN A NEW CAREER, THE OLD AUTOSAVE WILL BE ERASED. </li> <li> <a id="fullMap"></a> <b>ISOLARUMCORP T-3400 FULL-BANDWIDTH CHRONOSCOPE</b> <div id="manualHeadsUpDiv"> <img class="manualImg" src=""></img> <div id="fullMapFirstPointerLink" class="pointerLink smallPointerLink"> <a href="#fullMapCurrent"></a> </div> <div id="fullMapSecondPointerLink" class="pointerLink smallPointerLink"> <a href="#fullMapSeen"></a> </div> <div id="fullMapThirdPointerLink" class="pointerLink smallPointerLink"> <a href="#fullMapUnseen"></a> </div> <div id="fullMapFourthPointerLink" class="pointerLink smallPointerLink"> <a href="#fullMapNearDeath"></a> </div> </div> <ul class="manualList"> <li> <b>NEAR-TOTAL CHRONOLOGICAL INTROSPECTION:</b> <p></p> THE T-3400 USES A COMBINATION OF EXTERNAL, CLOUD-ACCESSIBLE PRECOMPUTATION AND INTEGRAL NEURAL NETWORKING AND QUANTUM COMPUTING WITH QUBITS COOLED TO ~0.5 KELVIN, COLLECTIVELY GUARANTEED TO OPERATE AT ~99.5% ACCURACY. TOGETHER, THESE ASPECTS ALLOW THE CHRONOSCOPE TO ANALYZE NEARLY EVERY PERMUTATION OF CHOICE (AND EACH PERMUTATION POSSIBLE THEREIN) AND REPRESENT THESE CHOICES VISUALLY, AS A LITERAL MAP OF SPACETIME. </li> <a id="fullMapCurrent"></a> <li> <b>PRESENT LOCATION:</b> <p></p> THE GREEN NODE SHOWS THE USER PRECISELY WHERE THEY ARE WITHIN THE ANALYSIS. </li> <a id="fullMapSeen"></a> <li> <b>INTERNAL SOLID STATE STORAGE:</b> <p></p> A LARGE INTERNAL STORE ALLOWS THE CHRONOSCOPE TO SHOW THE USER THE EXACT PATH THEY'VE TAKEN THROUGH THE CHRONOSCOPE'S ANALYSIS. EACH VISITED NODE IS COLORED GOLD. </li> <a id="fullMapUnseen"></a> <li> <b>BIDIRECTIONAL GRAPHICS:</b> <p></p> EACH BLUE NODE REPRESENTS INSTANCES IN TIME AND/OR SPACE THE USER HAS NOT CURRENTLY TRAVERSED. </li> <a id="fullMapNearDeath"></a> <li> <b>ADVANCED WARNING:</b> <p></p> THE T-3400 DOESN'T JUST COMPUTE PHYSICAL TRAVERSALS. IT ALSO CALCULATES THE RISK OF DEATH AT ANY GIVEN INSTANT WITHIN THE ANALYSIS, AND PLACES A SMALLER BLACK CIRCLE WITHIN HIGH-DANGER NODES. </li> </ul> </li> </ol> <a id="expectations"></a> <h3>WHAT WE EXPECT</h3> <ul> <li>UTMOST DEDICATION</li> <li>PEAK PHYSICAL FITNESS</li> <li>AT LEAST THREE (3) LEVEL FOUR MODIFICATIONS INCREASING SPECIFIC FUNCTION BY AT LEAST 300%</li> <li>A WILLINGNESS TO GO ABOVE AND BEYOND FOR YOUR CORPORATION</li> <li>TWO (2) OF THE FOLLOWING: INTEGRAL HACKERTOOL, CONCEALABLE CLASS D WEAPON, HIGH-FREQUENCY STEALTH APPARATUS, PERMANENT IV PORT</li> <li>PERMANENT DISASSOCIATION FROM PAST ACQUAINTANCES AND RELATIONS</li> </ul> <p></p> THESE ARE HARD-AND-FAST REQUIREMENTS - PUNITIVE MEASURES WILL BE TAKEN TO AMELIORATE FAILURE, UP TO AND INCLUDING CORPORAL SERVITUDE FOR A LENGTH COMMENSURATE WITH THE ACADEMY'S LOST INVESTMENT. <p></p> </mark> [[I'M READY FOR A CAREER FILLED WITH EQUAL PARTS ESPIONAGE AND INTRIGUE->MENU]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-passage').scroll(function(e) { window.location.hash = ''; }); $('.headsUpPointerTimeLink').mouseenter(function(e) { $('.headsUpPointerTimeLink').addClass('hover'); }); $('.headsUpPointerTimeLink').mouseleave(function(e) { $('.headsUpPointerTimeLink').removeClass('hover'); }); " />A GUARD WALKS IN THE GUARD RAISES THEIR WEAPON EVERYTHING PASSES LIKE AMBER, INCHES PER YEAR IN A SINGLE FLUID MOTION YOU STAND, TURNING GLAMOUROUSLY, POINTING THE SPY BRA DIRECTLY AT THEIR EYES THE GUARD'S MOUTH PULLS ITSELF INTO AN ECSTATIC SMILE, HER EYES ROLLING UP INTO HER SKULL, AND SHE SLIDES ONTO THE FLOOR WITH A LONG, BREATHY SIGH A GUARD IN THE HALLWAY GASPS AND FALLS OVER THE WALLS SIGH IN ABSOLUTE PLEASURE AND BEGIN VIBRATING TOWARDS ORGASM [[THE WAY IS CLEAR->ASSIGNMENT-1-DATACORE]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><div id="memoryDrugOne" class="memoryDrug"><div class="drugDisplay">[[oblong yellow and green spansule->MEMORY-DRUGS-YELLOW-AND-GREEN-SPANSULE]]</div></div> <div id="memoryDrugTwo" class="memoryDrug"><div class="drugDisplay">[[oblong red tablet->MEMORY-DRUGS-RED-TABLET]]</div></div> <div id="memoryDrugThree" class="memoryDrug"><div class="drugDisplay centerVertically">[[white round tablet->MEMORY-DRUGS-WHITE-TABLET]]</div></div> <div id="memoryDrugFour" class="memoryDrug"><div class="drugDisplay centerVertically">[[yellow oblong tablet->MEMORY-DRUGS-YELLOW-TABLET]]</div></div> <div id="memoryDrugFive" class="memoryDrug"><div class="drugDisplay centerVertically">[[pink round tablet->MEMORY-DRUGS-PINK-TABLET]]</div></div><mark> <style> .memoryDrug { position: relative; left: 0%; -webkit-border-radius: 45%; -moz-border-radius: 45%; border-radius: 45%; cursor: pointer; } #memoryDrugOne { width: 10%; padding-top: 3.5%; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, yellow, yellow 50%, green 50%, green); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, yellow, yellow 50%, green 50%, green); background: -o-linear-gradient(left, yellow, yellow 50%, green 50%, green); background: linear-gradient(to left, yellow, yellow 50%, green 50%, green); } #memoryDrugTwo { width: 4.5%; padding-top: 2.5%; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, red, red 47.5%, black, red 52.5%, red); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, red, red 47.5%, black, red 52.5%, red); background: -o-linear-gradient(left, red, red 47.5%, black, red 52.5%, red); background: linear-gradient(to left, red, red 47.5%, black, red 52.5%, red); } #memoryDrugThree { width: 6%; padding-top: 6%; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #eee, #eee 47.5%, grey, #eee 52.5%, #eee); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #eee, #eee 47.5%, grey, #eee 52.5%, red); background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #eee, #eee 47.5%, grey, #eee 52.5%, #eee); background: linear-gradient(to top, #eee, #eee 47.5%, grey, #eee 52.5%, #eee); -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; } #memoryDrugFour { width: 7.5%; padding-top: 2.75%; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #FDEA9A, #FDEA9A 47.5%, #C0B274, #FDEA9A 52.5%, #FDEA9A); background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #FDEA9A, #FDEA9A 47.5%, #C0B274, #FDEA9A 52.5%, #FDEA9A); background: -o-linear-gradient(left, #FDEA9A, #FDEA9A 47.5%, #C0B274, #FDEA9A 52.5%, #FDEA9A); background: linear-gradient(to left, #FDEA9A, #FDEA9A 47.5%, #C0B274, #FDEA9A 52.5%, #FDEA9A 100%); } #memoryDrugFive { width: 4.25%; padding-top: 4.25%; background: #FFD0B0; -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius: 50%; border-radius: 50%; } .drugDisplay { display: none; } </style><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-icon').css('color', '#000000'); $('.memoryDrug').click(function(e) { gotoPassage($(this).find('tw-link').attr('passage-name')); }); " </img></mark>IT IS NIGHT AND YOU ARE IN YOUR PARENTS HOUSE AND YOU AWAKEN WITH A START IN YOUR OLD BED SURROUNDED BY [[AGELESS WALLS->NAP-DREAM-6-2]] WITH TIME WRITTEN LIKE SCARS ATOP BLINDING WHITE LACUNAE<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />HE IS SOME SORT OF TOY POPULAR WITH CHILDREN. FROM A HOLOFILM? AN AD CAMPAIGN? YOU ARE TOO OLD TO BE ABLE TO KEEP TRACK OF WHAT IS A MASCOT, AND WHAT IS A PRODUCT, AND WHERE THE LINE BETWEEN THE TWO LIES THERE IS A STRING ON HIS BACK [[PULL IT->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-1-MARSUPIAL-1]] [[PUT MARSUPIAL JONES© ON THE SHELF NEXT TO THE JACUZZI WHERE HE BELONGS(?)->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-1-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU [[PULL->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-1-MARSUPIAL-2]] THE STRING<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU SOAK FOR A WHILE LONGER, THEN GET OUT YOU STAND NAKED FOR A TIME, LOOKING AT THE SEMIREFLECTIVE WALLS, TRYING TO VISUALLY COMPOSITE YOUR BODY AS IT STANDS NOW, IN ITS ALTERED NEW FORM, WITH WHAT YOU USED TO LOOK LIKE, THE WAY YOU WERE "MEANT" TO LOOK THEN BACK INTO THE [[SUIT->ASSIGNMENT-3-QUARTERS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"MY NAME IS MARSUPIAL JONES©!" [[PULL IT AGAIN->ASSIGMMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-1-MARSUPIAL-3]] [[PUT MARSUPIAL JONES© ON THE SHELF NEXT TO THE JACUZZI WHERE HE BELONGS->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-1-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"I LIVE IN A POUCH!" [[PULL THE STRING->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-1-MARSUPIAL-4]] [[PUT MARSUPIAL JONES© ON THE SHELF NEXT TO THE JACUZZI WHERE HE BELONGS->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-1-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"SOMETIMES I CAN'T SLEEP CAUSE I START THINKING ABOUT HOW IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO PROVE THAT ANYONE EXCEPT ME EXISTS!" [[PULL THE STRING->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-1-MARSUPIAL-5]] [[PUT MARSUPIAL JONES© ON THE SHELF NEXT TO THE JACUZZI WHERE HE BELONGS->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-1-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"I LOVE MY MOM!" [[PULL THE STRING->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-1-MARSUPIAL-2]] [[PUT MARSUPIAL JONES© ON THE SHELF NEXT TO THE JACUZZI WHERE HE BELONGS->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-1-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THERE'S A [[BOTTLE->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-2-3]] ON THE FAR EDGE OF THE TUB<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THERE'S AN IMAGE OF BUBBLES ON IT, BUT ALL THE TEXT IS IN BINARY [[010001000100100101010011010010000010000001010011010011110100000101010000->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-2-4]] THAT PROBABLY MEANS BUBBLE BATH ALMOST CERTAINLY<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU POUR THE ENTIRE BUBBLE BOTTLE INTO THE TUB AND TURN UP THE JETS [[STIR IT WITH YOUR HANDS TO MAKE IT GO FASTER->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-2-STIR]] [[SIT BACK AND WAIT->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-2-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU SWIRL YOUR HANDS AROUND IN CIRCLES WITH EACH MOTION MORE BUBBLES ARISE OUT OF NOTHING [[THAT'S ENOUGH STIRRING->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-2-5]] [[THAT'S NOWHERE NEAR ENOUGH STIRRING->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-2-STIR]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE BUBBLES ARE GROWING VERY NICELY TO FILL THE EXPANSE OF THE TUB THEY KEEP GROWING, THOUGH [[HMM->ASSIGMMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-2-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THEY KEEP GROWING, THOUGH YOU MOVE TO TURN THE JETS OFF, BUT THEY'VE RISEN SO HIGH YOU CAN'T SEE WHERE THE CONTROLS ARE ANYMORE LOOKS LIKE THIS MIGHT BE [[THE END->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-2-7]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />JUST AS THE BUBBLES START TO FILL YOUR LUNGS YOU HEAR AN UNHUMAN VOICE SAY "SUBOPTIMAL!" THE BUBBLES CLEAR LIKE WATCHING WATER DRAIN FROM A TRANSPARENT TANK WHEN YOU MANAGE TO CLEAR BUBBLE OUT OF YOUR EYES, YOU SEE SECRETARYBOT STANDING IN THE DOORWAY AND TWO BOTS MOVING THROUGHOUT THE ROOM, SUCKING BUBBLES UP THROUGH A SHARED ELEPHANTINE TUBE [["MASTER SPY,"->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-2-8]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"PLEASE DO NOT USE DISH SOAP IN THE JACUZZI" DISH SOAP. [[RIGHT, YEAH, SORRY->ASSIGNMENT-3-QUARTERS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />IT'S NOON NOW. YOU SET THE JACUZZI'S INTEGRAL CLOCK RADIO/ALARM CLOCK FOR 2:00, THEN LAY BACK AGAINST THE SOFT WARM PLASTIC WITH YOUR EYELIDS FALLING LIKE [[SUNSET->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AND THEN, JUST AS QUICKLY, THEY OPEN AGAIN BEFORE THE ALARM EVEN WENT OFF. REGULAR AS USUAL YOU STEP [[OUT->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-4]] OF THE TUB<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AND FALL IMMEDIATELY ONTO YOUR FACE YOU SEE YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR A NOUVEAU GROTESQUE LIKE A RAISIN GIVEN THE SOUL, AND THE BODY, OF A HUMAN OR THE OTHER WAY AROUND [[IT'S REALLY NOT IMPORTANT WHICH IT IS->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU LOOK AT THE CLOCK RADIO/ALARM CLOCK AGAIN ONLY TO DISCOVER THAT IT WASN'T THAT AT ALL IT WAS A TIMER, AND YOU'VE BEEN SLEEPING FOR 200 HOURS (if: typeof($WEIGHT_BENCHES_REMAINING) is "number" and $WEIGHT_BENCHES_REMAINING > -1)[(if: typeof($EATEN_WEIGHT_BENCHES) is "number" and $EATEN_WEIGHT_BENCHES >= $WEIGHT_BENCHES_REMAINING)[<tw-link passage-name="ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-LEATHER-1" style="margin-bottom: 0.5em;">DRAG YOURSELF OVER TO THE WEIGHT BENCH AND EAT THE LEATHER UPHOLSTERING UNTIL YOU REGAIN YOUR STRENGTH AND LOSE YOUR WRINKLES</tw-link><mark style="display: none">[[ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-LEATHER-1]]</mark> ]][[GO ASK SECRETARYBOT FOR HELP->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-SECRETARYBOT-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU SLIDE YOURSELF INCH BY INCH OVER TO THE BENCH UNTIL YOU ARE DIRECTLY NEXT TO IT [[BREATHE DEEPLY->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-LEATHER-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />SECRETARYBOT, YOU YELL SECRETARYBOT, HELP I FUCKED UP THE ALARM AND NOW I'M A RAISIN I'M GOING TO NEED YOU TO [[UNRAISIN ME->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-SECRETARYBOT-2]] SO I CAN DO SPY STUFF AGAIN<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU RUN YOUR HANDS UP AND DOWN THE BENCH LOOKING FOR A TELLTALE SEAM A SINGLE RIP, A HOLE, EVEN A LOOSE THREAD AND YOU DISCOVER ONE [[HALFWAY DOWN ITS LENGTH->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-LEATHER-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU WORRY AT THE HOLE OVER THE COURSE OF HOURS UNTIL A SINGLE STRIP COMES FREE YOU CHEW IT IT IS HARD, AND UNGIVING, BUT IT TASTES LIKE [[THE FUTURE->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-LEATHER-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />WITHIN SECONDS THE ROBOT TRUNDLES INTO THE ROOM "DID I HEAR YOU SUMMON ME, MASTER SPY?" [[YES. PLEASE UNRAISIN ME->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-SECRETARYBOT-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"OF COURSE, SPY MASTER. HOLD STILL, PLEASE. I'LL READY THE [[INJECTIONS->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-SECRETARYBOT-4]]"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU ARE UNSURE WHICH BOTHERS YOU MORE — THE REFERENT ITSELF, OR ITS PLURALITY. SOMETIMES THE CONCEPT OF HAVING TO DEAL WITH A THING IS FAR GREATER, MORE BOTHERSOME THAN ITS QUANTITY. THAT IF YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH SOMETHING AGAIN, YOU MIGHT DIE, BUT WHETHER IT TAKES A MINUTE OR DAYS, WHETHER IT OCCURS IN THE SITUATION ONCE OR A HUNDRED TIMES, SEEMS MORE IRRELEVANT THAN THE BASIC FACT OF ITS OCCURRENCE. BECAUSE YOU ARE WELL AWARE BY NOW THAT THERE ARE CERTAIN EVENTS, CERTAIN TRIALS, WHICH MAKE ONE DISAPPEAR SOMEHOW, LIKE SHUTTING OFF A COMPUTER, OR HIBERNATING LIKE AN EXTINCT OLD AMERICAN MAMMAL AND WAKING UP SOME UNKNOWN INSTINCTUAL PERIOD LATER WITH NOTHING MORE THAN THE KNOWLEDGE THAT COLD, AND TERROR, AND DEATH HAVE LAID ATOP YOU FOR ALL THAT TIME LIKE A SLEEP PARALYSIS, AND YOUR HAVING WOKEN AT THE OTHER END IS NOT NECESSARILY A BLES[[—->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-SECRETARYBOT-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU FEEL A SHARP, SEARING PAIN IN YOUR SHOULDER "[[THE FIRST ONE WILL HURT SOMEWHAT->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-SECRETARYBOT-6]]," THE SECRETARYBOT SAYS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />IT FEELS LIKE ACID IS COURSING THROUGH YOUR VEINS LIKE SOMEONE HAS LAID YOU ON A BOARD AND IS ROLLING YOU FLAT, WORKING ON EVERY SINGLE WRINKLE OR DIVOT UNTIL YOU ARE [[MATHEMATICALLY SMOOTH->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-SECRETARYBOT-7]] IT HURTS FAR MORE THAN SOMEWHAT<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[THAT WAS MORE THA—->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-SECRETARYBOT-8]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[THE SECOND INJECTION HURTS A LOT MORE->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-SECRETARYBOT-9]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />A LOT MORE IT IS AS IF SOMEONE HAD SURGICALLY INSERTED A FUSION WARHEAD INTO YOUR CHEST, AT THE EXACT GEOGRAPHIC CENTER OF YOU AND THEN DETONATED IT BUT IT DID NOT BURN YOU, NOR BREAK YOU, NOR ATOMIZE YOU [[NO->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-SECRETARYBOT-10]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); "</img>WHAT IT DID WAS STRETCH YOU, AS IF YOU WERE [[AN IMPREGNABLE, UNBREAKABLE VESSEL->ASSIGNMENT-3-TAKE-BATH-3-SECRETARYBOT-11]], WHO COULD ONLY EXPAND WHEN FORCE IS APPLIED AND YOU FEEL NOW AS IF YOU HAVE GROWN FROM YOUR SIZE TO TEN KILOMETERS IN WIDTH OVER THE COURSE OF SEVERAL NANOSECONDS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AND AS FAST AS THE PAIN BEGAN IT CEASES YOU SNAP BACK TO YOUR PREVIOUS SIZE BUT SLIGHTLY LARGER, STRONGER YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR, AND YOU HAVE RETAINED YOUR PREVIOUS SLEEK, STRONG PHYSIQUE [[THANKS, SECRETARYBOT. LOOKS LIKE I SURE DID LEARN AN ALARM CLOCK LESSON TODAY->ASSIGNMENT-3-QUARTERS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />IN SOME TIME YOU HAVE CONSUMED ALL OF THE LEATHER ON THE BENCH IT LOOKS LIKE A PREY ANIMAL, WORKED OVER ENTIRELY BY PREDATORS, THE REMAINING PIECES THE COMMON DENOMINATORS OF DISLIKE AMONG ALL LOCAL BEASTS THE CARCASS LEFT FOR THE MICROSCOPIC AND ETERNAL TO MARCH ON IT AND RETURN IT TO DUST YOU FEEL EVERY BIT AS STRONG AS YOU DID BEFORE YOU GOT IN THE TUB AND [[PROUDER->ASSIGNMENT-3-QUARTERS]](set: $EATEN_WEIGHT_BENCHES to $EATEN_WEIGHT_BENCHES + 1)<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CLIMB ONTO ONE OF THE WORKOUT MACHINES YOU PLACE THE KEY ONTO THE MAXIMUM WEIGHT [[LIFT THE DANG WEIGHTS->ASSIGNMENT-3-WORK-OUT-WITH-SUIT-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU REMOVE THE SUIT NO SENSE IN WORKING OUT IF THE SUIT'S GOING TO DO MOST OF THE WORK THE KEY TO STRENGTH TRAINING, AND CARDIO, IS TO MAKE SURE YOU'RE NEARING YOUR LIMIT, BUT NOT REACHING IT NONE OF THESE MACHINES CAN EVEN COME CLOSE TO YOUR LIMIT WITH THE SUIT ON [[LIFT SOME DANG WEIGHTS->ASSIGNMENT-3-WORK-OUT-WITHOUT-SUIT-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />(if: typeof($EATEN_WEIGHT_BENCHES) is "number" and $EATEN_WEIGHT_BENCHES > 0)[THE WEIGHT BENCH IS RATHER UNCOMFORTABLE WITH ALL THE LEATHER EATEN OFF IT (set: $EATEN_WEIGHT_BENCHES to $EATEN_WEIGHT_BENCHES - 1)]YOU PUSH THE BAR UPWARDS THE BAR, AND ALL THE WEIGHTS, GO FLYING THROUGH THE CEILING THEY DO NOT RETURN(set: $WEIGHT_BENCHES_REMAINING to $WEIGHT_BENCHES_REMAINING - 1)(if: $WEIGHT_BENCHES_REMAINING is 0)[(set: $WEIGHT_BENCHES_REMAINING to -1)] [[COOL->ASSIGNMENT-3-QUARTERS]] [[OOPS->ASSIGNMENT-3-QUARTERS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />(if: typeof($EATEN_WEIGHT_BENCHES) is "number" and $EATEN_WEIGHT_BENCHES > 0)[THE WEIGHT BENCH IS RATHER UNCOMFORTABLE WITH ALL THE LEATHER EATEN OFF IT ]YOU LIFT THE WEIGHTS SWOLE LEVEL INCREASED BY 1 [[YEAH, COOL, YEAH->ASSIGNMENT-3-QUARTERS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you are not in pain you are not in horror you are somewhere very, very far away, hundreds of kilometers and at least a decade from the tightness over your chest, the impossible weight bearing down on your half-owned body distant, somewhere fragrant, embryonically pleasing [[one of the resort islands->MEMORY-RESORT-ISLAND-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you sat against the blue ocean with the sunset glowing like a movie sat with your mother and you were quiet together for an hour, maybe two, tethered and attached in entirely different ways you were attached to a rappel and hoisted up a tree to see every reimagined central american mammal sitting on the same branch you met a [[girl->MEMORY-RESORT-ISLAND-3]] at dusk in the bar with the lights on low to conserve the generator and all the adults with drinks in front of them<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you make her laugh you play hearts with her family you try to shoot the moon [[every time->MEMORY-RESORT-ISLAND-4]] everyone likes a kid against whom they always win<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you laid in a hammock and snuck off after dark onto the beach as the light was dying and you laid down behind a piece of driftwood you told her she should go first because that's the way you liked to play it with girls who'd never done this before the obvious, false implication being that you'd done this before "[[that's very good of you->MEMORY-RESORT-ISLAND-5]]," she says, and you smile instead of thinking<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />she shivered as workers pass through the camp with flashlights and laughed about the idea of her father coming down to find her you laughed and then pressed your lips to hers [[again->MEMORY-RESORT-ISLAND-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />she ran after you as you and your parents were walking with your group back towards the cruiser she handed you her number drawn on the back of a wrapper with eyeliner pencil it almost got smudged out when you ran into a cloudburst on the way back but it was still [[legible->MEMORY-RESORT-ISLAND-7]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you throw away the number three days after you return home when she calls you three months later, claiming her brother had dialled the number, you assume she's another girl [[you'd just met->YOU-ARE-DEAD]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE FLOOR BENEATH YOU SIGHS OPEN AND BEGINS TO MOVE BUT WHEN IT REACHES ITS FULL DEPTH, YOU FIND THAT THE ARMORY IS [[GONE->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-1-2]], REPLACED WITH A THIN PASSAGEWAY<img src="" onload=" makeHud(window.previousHudVersion); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU ROUND THE CORNER AND SEE AN ENORMOUS NEON SIGN <mark><style> mark > br { display: none; } .bluntKlubbContainer { width: 80%; margin-top: 2em; margin-bottom: 1em; padding: 1.5em; border: 0.1em solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); border-radius: 1em; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25); -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 3em blue; -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 3em blue; box-shadow: 0px 0px 3em blue; } .bluntKlubb { margin-top: 6%; margin-bottom: 5%; } .bluntKlubb, .bluntKlubbOwner { -webkit-box-shadow: none !important; -moz-box-shadow: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; } tw-passage.hudVersionNegativeOne .bluntKlubb, tw-passage.hudVersionZero .bluntKlubb, tw-passage.hudVersionOne .bluntKlubb { font-size: 96px; } tw-passage.hudVersionNegativeOne .bluntKlubbOwner, tw-passage.hudVersionZero .bluntKlubbOwner, tw-passage.hudVersionOne .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 24px; } tw-passage.hudVersionTwo .bluntKlubb { font-size: 60px; } tw-passage.hudVersionTwo .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 15px; } tw-passage.hudVersionThree .bluntKlubb { font-size: 67px; } tw-passage.hudVersionThree .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 17px; } @media screen and (max-width: 1600px) { tw-passage.hudVersionNegativeOne .bluntKlubb, tw-passage.hudVersionZero .bluntKlubb, tw-passage.hudVersionOne .bluntKlubb { font-size: 80px; } tw-passage.hudVersionNegativeOne .bluntKlubbOwner, tw-passage.hudVersionZero .bluntKlubbOwner, tw-passage.hudVersionOne .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 20px; } tw-passage.hudVersionTwo .bluntKlubb { font-size: 50px; } tw-passage.hudVersionTwo .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 12.5px; } tw-passage.hudVersionThree .bluntKlubb { font-size: 56px; } tw-passage.hudVersionThree .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 14px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 1366px) { tw-passage.hudVersionNegativeOne .bluntKlubb, tw-passage.hudVersionZero .bluntKlubb, tw-passage.hudVersionOne .bluntKlubb { font-size: 70px; } tw-passage.hudVersionNegativeOne .bluntKlubbOwner, tw-passage.hudVersionZero .bluntKlubbOwner, tw-passage.hudVersionOne .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 18px; } tw-passage.hudVersionTwo .bluntKlubb { font-size: 42px; } tw-passage.hudVersionTwo .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 10.5px; } tw-passage.hudVersionThree .bluntKlubb { font-size: 47px; } tw-passage.hudVersionThree .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 12px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 1200px) { tw-passage.hudVersionNegativeOne .bluntKlubb, tw-passage.hudVersionZero .bluntKlubb, tw-passage.hudVersionOne .bluntKlubb { font-size: 58px; } tw-passage.hudVersionNegativeOne .bluntKlubbOwner, tw-passage.hudVersionZero .bluntKlubbOwner, tw-passage.hudVersionOne .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 19.5px; } tw-passage.hudVersionTwo .bluntKlubb { font-size: 35px; } tw-passage.hudVersionTwo .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 9px; } tw-passage.hudVersionThree .bluntKlubb { font-size: 39px; } tw-passage.hudVersionThree .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 10px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 1024px) { tw-passage.hudVersionNegativeOne .bluntKlubb, tw-passage.hudVersionZero .bluntKlubb, tw-passage.hudVersionOne .bluntKlubb { font-size: 44px; } tw-passage.hudVersionNegativeOne .bluntKlubbOwner, tw-passage.hudVersionZero .bluntKlubbOwner, tw-passage.hudVersionOne .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 11px; } tw-passage.hudVersionTwo .bluntKlubb { font-size: 26px; } tw-passage.hudVersionTwo .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 6.5px; } tw-passage.hudVersionThree .bluntKlubb { font-size: 29px; } tw-passage.hudVersionThree .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 7.5px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { tw-passage.hudVersionNegativeOne .bluntKlubb, tw-passage.hudVersionZero .bluntKlubb, tw-passage.hudVersionOne .bluntKlubb { font-size: 27px; } tw-passage.hudVersionNegativeOne .bluntKlubbOwner, tw-passage.hudVersionZero .bluntKlubbOwner, tw-passage.hudVersionOne .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 8px; } tw-passage.hudVersionTwo .bluntKlubb { font-size: 14px; } tw-passage.hudVersionTwo .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 5px; } tw-passage.hudVersionThree .bluntKlubb { font-size: 17px; } tw-passage.hudVersionThree .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 5px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 512px) { tw-passage.hudVersionNegativeOne .bluntKlubb, tw-passage.hudVersionZero .bluntKlubb, tw-passage.hudVersionOne .bluntKlubb { font-size: 18px; } tw-passage.hudVersionNegativeOne .bluntKlubbOwner, tw-passage.hudVersionZero .bluntKlubbOwner, tw-passage.hudVersionOne .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 5px; } tw-passage.hudVersionTwo .bluntKlubb { font-size: 10px; } tw-passage.hudVersionTwo .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 4px; } tw-passage.hudVersionThree .bluntKlubb { font-size: 11px; } tw-passage.hudVersionThree .bluntKlubbOwner { font-size: 4px; } } .bluntKlubbContainer { -webkit-animation: borderColorChange 3s linear infinite; -moz-animation: borderColorChange 3s linear infinite; -ms-animation: borderColorChange 3s linear infinite; -o-animation: borderColorChange 3s linear infinite; animation: borderColorChange 3s linear infinite; } .bluntKlubb, .bluntKlubbOwner { text-align: center; -webkit-animation: textColorChange 3s linear infinite; -moz-animation: textColorChange 3s linear infinite; -ms-animation: textColorChange 3s linear infinite; -o-animation: textColorChange 3s linear infinite; animation: textColorChange 3s linear infinite; } .bluntKlubbContainer.epilepsy, .bluntKlubb.epilepsy, .bluntKlubbOwner.epilepsy { -webkit-animation: none; -moz-animation: none; -ms-animation: none; -o-animation: none animation: none; } @-webkit-keyframes borderColorChange { 00%, 100% { -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 4.5em blue; box-shadow: 0px 0px 4.5em blue; background: -webkit-radial-gradient(rgba(160, 160, 255, 0.5) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85) 75%); background: radial-gradient(rgba(160, 160, 255, 0.5) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85) 75%); } 16.6% { -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 4.5em cyan; box-shadow: 0px 0px 4.5em cyan; background: -webkit-radial-gradient(rgba(160, 255, 255, 0.5) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85) 75%); background: radial-gradient(rgba(160, 255, 255, 0.5) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85) 75%); } 33.3% { -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 4.5em red; box-shadow: 0px 0px 4.5em red; background: -webkit-radial-gradient(rgba(255, 160, 160, 0.5) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85) 75%); background: radial-gradient(rgba(255, 160, 160, 0.5) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85) 75%); 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background: radial-gradient(rgba(255, 160, 160, 0.5) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85) 75%); } 50% { box-shadow: 0px 0px 4.5em magenta; background: radial-gradient(rgba(255, 160, 255, 0.5) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85) 75%); } 66.7% { box-shadow: 0px 0px 4.5em green; background: radial-gradient(rgba(160, 255, 160, 0.5) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85) 75%); } 83.4% { box-shadow: 0px 0px 4.5em yellow; background: radial-gradient(rgba(160, 255, 255, 0.5) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85) 75%); } } @-webkit-keyframes textColorChange { 00%, 100% { color: blue; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em blue; } 16.6% { color: cyan; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em cyan; } 33.3% { color: red; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em red; } 50% { color: magenta; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em magenta; } 66.7% { color: green; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em green; } 83.4% { color: yellow; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em yellow; } } @-moz-keyframes textColorChange { 00%, 100% { color: blue; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em blue; } 16.6% { color: cyan; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em cyan; } 33.3% { color: red; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em red; } 50% { color: magenta; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em magenta; } 66.7% { color: green; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em green; } 83.4% { color: yellow; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em yellow; } } @-o-keyframes textColorChange { 00%, 100% { color: blue; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em blue; } 16.6% { color: cyan; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em cyan; } 33.3% { color: red; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em red; } 50% { color: magenta; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em magenta; } 66.7% { color: green; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em green; } 83.4% { color: yellow; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em yellow; } } @keyframes textColorChange { 00%, 100% { color: blue; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em blue; } 16.6% { color: cyan; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em cyan; } 33.3% { color: red; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em red; } 50% { color: magenta; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em magenta; } 66.7% { color: green; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em green; } 83.4% { color: yellow; text-shadow: 0px 0px 1em yellow; } } .leafContainer { -webkit-filter: sepia(100%); -moz-filter: sepia(100%); -ms-filter: sepia(100%); -o-filter: sepia(100%); filter: sepia(100%); } </style> <div class="bluntKlubbContainer centerHorizontally"><p class="bluntKlubb"><span class="leafContainer">&#127809;</span>&nbsp;BLUNT KLUBB<span class="leafContainer">&nbsp;&#127809;</span></p><p class="bluntKlubbOwner">&copy; UNITED PLUMBING GROUP</p></div> </mark> [[TURN AROUND->ASSIGNMENT-2-LOG-ON]] [[ENTER THE BLUNT KLUBB->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-3]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); if (window.epilepsy) { $('.bluntKlubbContainer, .bluntKlubb, .bluntKlubbOwner'). addClass('epilepsy'); } " />YOU WALK UNDER THE ENORMOUS SIGN THE ELECTRIC POTENTIAL OF YOUR SKIN SEEMS TO REVERSE WITH EVERY SHIFT OF THE NEON'S COLOR THE AIR IS THICK NOW, AND YOU CAN BARELY SEE THE MUSIC IS BOTH VERY FAST AND VERY SLOW AT THE EXACT SAME TIME SOMEWHERE FURTHER INSIDE YOU CAN HEAR [[SHOUTING->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-SHOUTING]] A SMALL ROBOT SHAPED LIKE A POT LEAF IS STANDING AT A LECTERN AT THE HEAD OF A PASSAGEWAY LEADING, PRESUMABLY, TO THE INTERIOR OF THE CLUB [["HELLO CUSTOMER!"->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-4]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />IT SOUNDS LIKE THEY'RE SAYING "[[BUNT CUB->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-3]]" OR MAYBE "[[BLUNK LUBB->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-3]]"<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"WOULD YOU LIKE TO ATTEND THE BLUNT KLUBB?" YOU NOD VIGOROUSLY "OKAY! WE'LL JUST DEDUCT THE PAYMENT FROM YOUR WALLET, AND WE'LL NEED YOU TO JUST SIGN THIS [[LICENSE AGREEMENT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-5]]. THEN YOU CAN GET ON WITH THE KLUBBING!"<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />BLUNT KLUBB A SUBSIDIARY OF UNITED PLUMBING INC. DAMAGE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR BLUNT KLUBB LOCATION ON _MARE ISOLARUM_ PLEASE READ THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT ("LICENSE") VERY JUDICIOUSLY PRIOR TO UTILIZING THE BLUNT KLUBB FACILITIES ("KLUBB"). BY UTILIZING THE KLUBB, YOU ARE CONSENTING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE LICENSE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE, DO NOT ENTER AND/OR USE THE KLUBB AND, IF PRESENTED WITH THE OPTION TO "AGREE" OR "DISAGREE" TO THE TERMS, CLICK "DISAGREE." NO REFUNDS WILL BE PROVIDED, NOR WILL ANY DAMAGES BE PAID IN THE EVENT OF MISHAP. 1. GENERAL. A. THE KLUBB AND ALL ITS FUNCTIONS ARE LICENSED, NOT SOLD, TO YOU BY UNITED PLUMBING INC. ("UNITED PLUMBING") FOR USE ONLY UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. UNITED PLUMBING AND/OR UNITED PLUMBING'S LICENSORS RETAIN OWNERSHIP OF THE KLUBB ITSELF AND RESERVE ALL RIGHTS NOT EXPRESSLY GRANTED TO YOU. B. UNITED PLUMBING, WHENEVER IT PLEASES AND AT ANY BLUNT KLUBB LOCATION, MAY REVOKE ACCESS TO ONE OR ALL BLUNT KLUBB LOCATIONS FOR A FIXED-LENGTH OR IN PERPETUITY. C. TITLE AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN AND TO ANY CONTENT ("STRAINS") DISPLAYED BY OR USED THROUGH THE KLUBB BELONGS TO THE RESPECTIVE CONTENT OWNER. SUCH CONTENT MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS AND TREATIES, AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO TERMS OF USE OF THE THIRD PARTY PROVIDING SUCH CONTENT. THIS LICENSE DOES NOT GRANT YOU ANY RIGHTS TO USE SUCH CONTENT NOR DOES IT GUARANTEE THAT SUCH CONTENT WILL CONTINUE TO BE AVAILABLE TO YOU. 2. TERMINATION. THIS LICENSE IS CONSIDERED TO BE IN EFFECT UNTIL TERMINATED. YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THIS LICENSE WILL TERMINATE AUTOMATICALLY OR OTHERWISE CEASE TO BE EFFECTIVE WITHOUT NOTICE FROM UNITED PLUMBING IF YOU FAIL TO COMPLY WITH ANY TERM(S) OF THIS LICENSE. UPON THE TERMINATION OF THIS LICENSE, YOU SHALL IMMEDIATELY CEASE ATTENDANCE AT ANY BLUNT KLUBB LOCATION. 3. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. A. YOU AGREE, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LOCAL OR CONTRAVENING INTERNATIONAL LAW, USE OF THE KLUBB AND ANY SERVICES PERFORMED THEREIN IS AT YOUR INDIVIDUAL RISK AND THAT THE WHOLE RISK AS TO SATISFACTORY POTENCY AND EXPERIENCE IS WITH YOU. B. THE KLUBB AND ITS SERVICES ARE PROVIDED “AS AVAILABLE” AND “AS IS”, WITH ALL DEFECTS AND UNWARRANTIED, AND UNITED PLUMBING AND ITS LICENSORS (COLLECTIVELY REFERRED TO AS “UNITED PLUMBING” FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE LICENSE) HEREBY REVOKE ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE BLUNT KLUBB FACILITIES AND SERVICES, EITHER IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR EXPRESS. C. UNITED PLUMBING OFFERS NO WARRANTY AGAINST INTERFERENCE WITH YOUR ENJOYMENT OF THE KLUBB AND ASSOCIATED SERVICES, THAT THE SERVICES AND EMPLOYEES THEREIN WILL OR CAN MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, THAT THE EXPERIENCE WITHIN THE KLUBB WILL BE WITHOUT INTERRUPTION OR PROBLEM-FREE, OR THAT ANY SERVICES OR PRODUCTS WILL CONTINUE TO BE MADE AVAILABLE. NO PURCHASE SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS A CONTINUED LICENSE FOR THE KLUBB OR ITS PRODUCTS. 4. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. WHEN NOT SUPERCEDED BY APPLICABLE LOCAL, NATIONAL, OR INTERNATIONAL STATUTE, UNITED PLUMBING SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR PHYSICAL OR EMOTIONAL INJURY, NOR ANY OTHER DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING, AND NOT LIMITED TO, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF INCOME, LOSS OF HEALTH, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR ANY OTHER PERSONAL, CAPITALISTIC, OR OTHERWISE DAMAGES OR LOSSES. IN NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL UNITED PLUMBING'S TOTAL LIABILITY TO THE USER FOR ALL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER BE GREATER THAN THE EXACT AMOUNT OF SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($75.00). 5. EXPORT CONTROL. YOU MAY NOT USE OR EXPORT THE BLUNT KLUBB PRODUCTS ("PRODUCTS") EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY U.S. LAW AND THE LAWS OF THE LOCALE IN WHICH THE PRODUCTS WERE OBTAINED. IN PARTICULAR, THE PRODUCTS MAY NOT BE EXPORTED OR RE-EXPORTED (A) INTO ANY U.S. EMBARGOED COUNTRIES OR (B) TO ANYONE ON THE U.S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT'S LIST OF SPECIALLY DESIGNATED NATIONALS OR THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE DENIED PERSONS LIST OR ENTITY LIST. BY USING THE PRODUCTS, YOU REPRESENT AND GUARANTEE THAT YOU ARE NOT LOCATED IN ANY SUCH COUNTRY OR ON ANY SUCH LIST. YOU ALSO AGREE THAT YOU WILL NOT USE THE PRODUCTS FOR ANY PURPOSES PROHIBITED BY UNITED STATES LAW, INCLUDING, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, THE DEVELOPMENT, DESIGN, MANUFACTURE OR PRODUCTION OF MISSILES, NUCLEAR, CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS. [[AGREE->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-6]] [[DISAGREE->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-DEPART-1]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"OKAY, THAT'S ALL WE NEED. PLEASE, ENJOY YOURSELF" YOU WALK PAST THE LECTERN AND INTO THE CLUB EVERYTHING GROWS LOUDER IN A WAY THAT PULSATES — LOUDER, SAME, LOUDER, SAME, [[LOUDER->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-7]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE ROBOT [[SCREAMS->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-8]] AT YOU<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"BLUNT KLUBB!" YOU LOOK AT THE ROBOT. EACH OF ITS LITTLE POT LEAVES IS VIBRATING A GRINDING NOISE SOUNDS FROM ABOVE YOUR HEAD AND BEFORE YOU YOU SEE AN ENORMOUS BATTERY OF HOWITZERS POINTED DIRECTLY AT YOUR FACE "[[BLUNT KLUBB!->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-9]]"<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />EVERY HOWITZER EXPLODES IN UNISON, SENDING INCOMPREHENSIBLE AMOUNTS OF SMOKE AT HIGH SPEED DIRECTLY AT YOUR HELMET WITH SUCH TREMENDOUS FORCE THAT EACH OF THE AIR FILTERS ARE IMMEDIATELY OVERWHELMED, FILLING YOUR HELMET AND FORCING ITS WAY DEEP INTO YOUR LUNGS AH [[BLUNT KLUBB->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-10]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU HAD NO IDEA THAT SECRETARYBOT WAS DOWN WITH THE HERB MAYBE SOMETIME YOU CAN <a class="smotSwitcher">POKE SMOT</a> WITH HIM/HER/ZIR/THEM [[YOU ARE APOCALYPTICALLY HIGH->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-11]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); var smotCount = 0; var smots = [ 'WAIT', 'WHAT', 'NO', 'OH MY GOD', 'POKE SMOT', 'WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN', 'HAHA' ]; $('.smotSwitcher').click(function(e) { if (smotCount < smots.length) { $('.smotSwitcher').text(smots[smotCount]); } else { $('.smotSwitcher').text($('.smotSwitcher').text() + 'HA'); } smotCount++; }); " />THERE ARE PILLOWS ON THE FLOOR AND WHAT LOOKS LIKE A BAR [[WALK OVER TO THE BAR->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-BAR-1]] [[GRAB A SINGLE PILLOW FROM A PILE OF PILLOWS, PUT IT ON THE GROUND, AND USE IT TO DRAG YOURSELF OVER TO A BIGGER PILE OF PILLOWS->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-12]] [[TAKE A RUNNING DIVE INTO THE LARGEST PILE OF PILLOWS->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-12]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />EVERYTHING SLIPS INTO [[A NEW PLACE->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-13]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />(if: $bluntThoughtVar is 0)[(set: $bluntThoughtVar to 1)](if: $bluntThoughtVar is 1)[[[YOU HAVE A STRANGE THOUGHT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-1]]](if: $bluntThoughtVar is 2)[[[YOU HAVE A STRANGE THOUGHT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-2]]](if: $bluntThoughtVar is 3)[[[YOU HAVE A STRANGE THOUGHT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-3]]](if: $bluntThoughtVar is 4)[[[YOU HAVE A STRANGE THOUGHT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-4]]](if: $bluntThoughtVar is 5)[[[YOU HAVE A STRANGE THOUGHT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-5]]](if: $bluntThoughtVar is 6)[[[YOU HAVE A STRANGE THOUGHT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-6]]](if: $bluntThoughtVar is 7)[[[YOU HAVE A STRANGE THOUGHT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-POLICE-1]]](if: $bluntThoughtVar is 8)[[[YOU HAVE A STRANGE THOUGHT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-7]]](if: $bluntThoughtVar is 9)[[[YOU HAVE A STRANGE THOUGHT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-8]]](if: $bluntThoughtVar is 10)[[[YOU HAVE A STRANGE THOUGHT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-9]]](if: $bluntThoughtVar is 11)[[[YOU HAVE A STRANGE THOUGHT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-10]]](if: $bluntThoughtVar is 12)[[[YOU HAVE A STRANGE THOUGHT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-11]]](if: $bluntThoughtVar is 13)[[[YOU HAVE A STRANGE THOUGHT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-12]]](if: $bluntThoughtVar is 14)[[[YOU HAVE A STRANGE THOUGHT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-13]]](if: $temp is 15)[[[YOU HAVE A STRANGE THOUGHT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-14]]](set: $bluntThoughtVar to $bluntThoughtVar + 1)(if: $bluntThoughtVar is 15)[(set: $bluntThoughtVar to 1)] [[I BETTER GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE I THINK ANYMORE->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-DEPART-1]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); window.setBluntKlubbSSSSSS(window.bluntKlubbSSSSSS + 1); " />WHAT IF RELIGION WAS, AND REMAINS, JUST A CAREER FAIR FOR DECIDING HOW TO SERVE GOD [[WHOA->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-13]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />WHAT IF YOU MADE AN ENTIRE TIN OF BROWNIES ALL FOR YOURSELF AND THEN YOU POURED HOT SAUCE ALL OVER IT AND ATE THEM ALL AT ONCE [[OH WOW->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-13]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />I WONDER IF THERE'S A WORLD RECORD FOR THE LONGEST ANYONE'S EVER SPENT PISSING BEFORE AND, RELATEDLY, THE PRECISE WAYS IN WHICH SUCH COMPETITION WOULD NEED TO BE REGULATED AND MEASURED OBVIOUSLY THERE WOULD HAVE TO BE SOME SORT OF LITER PER MINUTE MINIMUM OR MAYBE EVEN MANAGING A CONSISTENT FLOW IS IMPRESSIVE ENOUGH? MAYBE IT'S NOT JUST A QUESTION OF VOLUME BUT ALSO OF CONTROL? [[HMMMM->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-13]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />I WONDER WHICH 21ST CENTURY SCIENCE FICTION AUTHOR WAS BEST AT EATING PUSSY [[PROBABLY WILLIAM GIBSON. DEFINITELY GIBSON. THE MAN APPROACHED A MORIBUND GENRE THROUGH THE LENS OF EMPATHY->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-13]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />WHAT IF YOU HAPPENED TO NEED A GENTLE, EFFERVESCENT CLEANING FLUID THAT'S TOUGH ON MESSES AND SOFT ON FLOORS, AND YOU NATURALLY CHOSE UNITED PLUMBING CO'S ''ERVITE'' FOR ITS INDUSTRY-LEADING SHINE [[UH, OKAY->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-13]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />IT'S ENTIRELY CONCEIVABLE THAT LATE-20TH CENTURY RAVER WASTOIDS CONSTRUCTED A MINOR PANTHEON OF GODS WHO WERE THE MOST PLUR AND IT IS THEN ALSO POSSIBLE THAT THOSE RAVER WASTOIDS WHO BELIEVED RECTAL ADMINISTRATION TO BE THE HIGHEST AND MOST SANCTIFIED ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION, FOR THE REASONS OF BIOAVAILABILITY, PEAK AREA UNDER CURVE, AND FREUDIAN GOODNESS, VENERATED 20TH PRESIDENT OF THE OLD UNITED STATES, JAMES GARFIELD, HIGHEST ABOVE ALL BECAUSE HE WAS DOWN WITH PLUGGING, OR, ALTERNATELY, BOOFING, DEPENDING ON THE GEOLINGUISTIC CONTEXT AND ALSO BECAUSE HE BURNED OUT RATHER THAN FADING AWAY WITH A BUTT FULL OF BEEF BOUILLON, EGGS, AND WHISKEY [[SO PLUR->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-13]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU WONDER IF YOUR MOTHER EVER THOUGHT ABOUT MURDERING YOU JUST SHAKING YOU A LOT OR LEAVING YOU IN THE CRUISER OR DROPPING A HAIR DRYER IN THE BATH BY ACCIDENT YOU WERE A DIFFICULT CHILD [[EVERYTHING FEELS DENSER->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-13]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />IT WOULD BE VERY STRANGE IF SOMEONE WALKED IN FRONT OF YOU AND JUST STRAIGHT UP DIED LIKE GLANCED OVER AT YOU LIKE "SUP" AND THEN JUST FELL DOWN LIKE A DOLL, ALL RUBBER AND DEATH, AND NEVER DID ANYTHING EVER AGAIN THAT WOULD TAKE A WHILE TO GET OVER [[RIP->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-13]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />HOW IT MUST HAVE BEEN FOR YOUR EX SPENDING WEEKENDS COLLATED INTO MONTHS, IF NOT YEARS, ALONE IN AN APARTMENT WITH YOU, SUBJECT TO ALL YOUR ANGER, MADE TO FEEL WITHOUT OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE THAT EVERY DISSATISFACTION WAS OF HER CREATION [[YOU SHOULD LOOK HER UP AND SEND HER A MESSAGE ON A NEW, UNBLOCKED ACCOUNT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-13]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />DO THEY SELL SNACKS HERE? [[DOES THE MOON HAVE CHEE-TOES?->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-13]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />WHAT IF YOU WERE OF A LARGER THAN AVERAGE MASS AND/OR DENSITY AND HAVE CONSTANT TROUBLE FINDING TOILETS AND TOILET SEATS TO FIT AND SUSTAIN YOUR BODY WHAT IF YOU WENT TO UNITEDPLUMBING.COM AND SEARCHED "HUGE STEVE" AND ORDERED THE ''HUGE STEVE'' TOILET AND NEVER HAD TO WORRY AGAIN WHAT IF IT ALSO CAME WITH A PORTABLE ''ALMOST AS HUGE STEVE'' YOU COULD FASTEN TO ANY TOILET YOU ENCOUNTER, COMPLETE WITH MAGNETIC LOCKS AND MASS DAMPENERS AND IF IT WERE ALL SOLD FOR A VERY, VERY, VERY LOW PRICE [[THAT ACTUALLY MIGHT BE PRETTY COOL IF THAT HAPPENS TO BE OR EVER ENDS UP BEING AN ACCURATE DESCRIPTION OF ME->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-13]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU ARE CONSUMED WITH ALL THE MYSTERIES OF HUMAN EXISTENCE THE GREATEST OF WHICH BEING THE APPEARANCE OF UNSIGHTLY TOILET STAINS AND, CORRELATIVELY, THE DIFFICULTY WITH WHICH POOR HUMANS OR INDUSTRIOUS CLEANERBOTS ENCOUNTER IN REMOVING SAID STAINS IT WOULD BE A TRULY WONDROUS, WORLD-CHANGING EVENT IF SOMEONE WERE TO INVENT AND MARKET SOMETHING LIKE UNITED PLUMBING'S ''AUTOMAGICAL TOILET UNSTAINER'' [[THAT WORLD SEEMS SO FAR FROM NOW, YET SO CLOSE — THE KIND OF FUTURE ONE JUST MIGHT ENCOUNTER ALL AT ONCE WHEN PASSING A UNITED PLUMBING CO HOLOBILLBOARD->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-13]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />WHAT IF YOU GOT ABRUPTLY, ABSURDLY RICH ONE DAY LIKE YOU INVENTED A CURE FOR CANCER, EVEN THOUGH THAT'S A REALLY STUPID CONCEPT GIVEN THAT THE ETIOLOGIES OF CANCER ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FOR ONE ANOTHER AND INVENTING A CURE FOR CANCER IT DOESN'T MATTER. YOU DID IT. YOU'RE RICH NOW AND THERE'S NO MORE CANCER OR, LIKE IF YOU WERE EVEN RICHER LIKE IF YOU INVENTED A SOCIAL NETWORKING APP THAT TEENS SORTA LIKED AND SAID THEY LIKED A LOT BECAUSE THEIR PARENTS WEREN'T ON IT AND KNEW THEIR PARENTS DON'T READ APP BUSINESS DAILY AND EVEN IF THEY DO THEY WON'T BE ABLE TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO USE IT, OR WHY SENDING INSTRUCTIONS TO YOUR FRIEND'S 3D FABRICATOR TO PRINT OUT LETTERS MADE OF RDX THAT SHOUT THEIR OWN TEXT CONTENT BEFORE EXPLODING VIOLENTLY TEN SECONDS LATER IS A THING THAT'S COOL OR SENSIBLE IT DOESN'T MATTER. YOU DID IT. YOU'RE RICH NOW AND TEXT MESSAGES EXPLODE AND A BUNCH OF VENTURE CAPITALISTS DECIDED THAT SAID APP WAS WORTH MORE THAN THE ENTIRE GDP OF NEO-COSTA RICA, AND COSTA RICA: THE ONLY ORIGINAL HOME OF PURA VIDA, COMBINED YOU'LL NEED AN OFFICE FOR THAT COMPANY AND OFFICES NEED TOILET AND YOU CAN'T SPELL "TOILET" WITHOUT "UNITED PLUMBING" [[WELL THAT'S JUST COMMON KNOWLEDGE WITH REGARDS TO THE ORTHOGRAPHY OF THE SITUATION->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-13]]<mark><img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU FEEL REALLY WEIRD AND SORTA FREAKED OUT LIKE YOU'VE NEVER EXPERIENCED THIS OR LIKE YOU HAVE, AND JUST FORGOT, AND REMEMBERED IN THE WAY MEMORY WORKS: DIM SHADES OF RECOLLECTION IN WHICH FACTS ARE SUSTAINED AND FELT INTENSITY DIMINISHES MAYBE THIS IS THE WAY EVERYONE ELSE FEELS ALL THE TIME? AND IT'S ONLY NOW, IN THIS EXACT STATE, IN THIS EXACT BLUNT KLUBB, THAT YOU REALIZE EVERY SINGLE THING YOU COULD'VE POSSIBLY LOST, THAT YOU COULD BE MISSING EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY AND THAT KNOWLEDGE WILL BE CAST OFF LIKE EVERYDAY REFUSE BY YOURSELF WHEN YOU SOBER UP IT'S A TRULY DISTURBING THOUGHT, ONE THAT MAKES YOU FEEL LIKE HIDING IN THE PILLOWS AND WAITING FOR A CENTURY IN WHICH BLUNT KLUBB NO LONGER POSSESSES A MONOPOLISTIC STRANGLEHOLD ON THE HYPER-MODERN AD INJECTION POT CLUB MARKET BUT THAT'S AN UNLIKELY, LONG WAIT THERE'S ONLY ONE THING THAT'S GOING TO MAKE YOU FEEL MORE NORMAL, MORE SETTLED, MORE PEACEFUL RIGHT NOW [[MORE POT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-13]] [[NOT SMOKING ANY MORE POT WHATSOEVER->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-14-NO-MORE-POT]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THAT SEEMS INCORRECT SOMEHOW [[POT ROBOT, MORE POT PLEASE->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-13]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />SOMETHING FEELS [[DIFFERENT->ASSIGNMENT-3-DEPART-2]] THAN THE PREVIOUS TIMES SOMETHING DRY-MOUTHED AND ELECTRIC, LIKE THE HEAT AND THE SHRIEK OF YOUR BRAIN IN A HYPNAGOGIC JERK<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" if (window.preAssignmentCompHudVersion) { makeHud(window.preAssignmentCompHudVersion); } else if (window.hudVersion === -1 || window.hudVersion === 0) { makeHud(1); } doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />YOU ARE STANDING ON A HIGH RIDGE, EVERYTHING FOREVER AROUND YOU, TREES WAVING BARE BRANCHES LIKE SKELETAL FINGERS, LAKES FROZEN INTO WHITE PATCHES OF BLINDNESS, MAGLEV TRACKS WEAVING THROUGH AND DOWN LIKE CAPILLARIES THE TREES BELOW LOOK LIKE ASHES SCATTERED SEMIRANDOMLY ACROSS THE UNTAKEN GROUND THERE IS A WIDE PARKING LOT SCARRED BY MONTHS OF SALT AND POCKED BY THE SLOW, STEADY CONTRACTIONS AND EXPANSIONS OF YEARS, AND A LARGE FACILITY ATTACHED TO IT REMORA-LIKE [[WALK TOWARDS THE LOT->ASSIGNMENT-3-DEPART-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />EVERY SPACE IN THE LOT IS FILLED WITH THE SAME MODEL OF CRUISER, EACH IN A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT SHADE APPROXIMATELY 16,777,216 VARIATIONS ON A SINGLE THEME AN EMPLOYEE PURCHASE PROGRAM, MAYBE, OR A PERK OF THE JOB IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW OR WHY: ALL OF THEM WILL BE ASHES BY THE TIME YOU'RE DONE HERE <mark class="invisibleLink">[[WIDEN THE TEAR->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-1]]</mark> [[WALK TOWARDS THE FACILITY->ASSIGNMENT-3-DEPART-4]] [[TURN AND MOVE DOWN THE HILL->ASSIGNMENT-3-HILL-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" if (!invisibleLinkExists('ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-1')) { addNewInvisibleLink('ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-1'); } doPassageLoadMaintenance(); incrementInvisibleLink('ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-1'); $($('tw-link')[1]).css('margin-top', '0.5em'); " />THE FACILITY RISES AND GROWS AS YOU APPROACH, NEARING IMPOSSIBLE SIZES, LIKE SOME STRANGE ASYMPTOTIC MIRAGE THERE IS A [[GUARD->ASSIGNMENT-3-OUTDOOR-GUARD]] AT THE DOOR THERE IS A ROCK ON THE GROUND THE SKY IS FLAT AND GRAY AND INFINITE AND LOW SO LOW IT SEEMS YOU'D GRAZE IT IF YOU LIFTED YOUR ARM UP ALL THE WAY YOU COULD PICK UP THE [[ROCK->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROCK]], OR YOU COULD SEE WHAT'S ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE [[HILL->ASSIGNMENT-3-HILL-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE HILL IS SLICK WITH SNOW AND SALT AND THE STRANGE TARLIKE LAYER OF DEAD LEAVES HALFWAY TO DECAY WIND WHIPPING OFF THE RIVER AND UP THE HILL SCREAMING ALL THE WAY UP YOUR FACE ALREADY OUTSTRIPPING PAIN AND APPROACHING THE SORT OF NUMB THAT MELTS IMMEDIATELY BACK INTO AGONY THE SECOND YOU GET INSIDE HALF A KILOMETER OR SO LEFT TO THE [[BOTTOM->ASSIGNMENT-3-HILL-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />EVERYTHING A LITTLE QUIETER AT THE BOTTOM BUT SCARCELY WARMER THE ROAD CURVES AT THE BOTTOM, THROUGH A SPRAY OF BARE TREES AND UP ANOTHER HILL [[YOUR LEGS ARE GROANING AND SPEAKING IN TONGUES GROWING MORE FURIOUS STEP BY UPWARD STEP->ASSIGNMENT-3-HILL-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />FINALLY YOU REACH THE [[TOP->ASSIGNMENT-3-DEPART-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />DRESSED IN AN ALL-BLACK MECHSUIT, NO ACCENTS, NO ACCESSORIES, JUST A SHADOW LIKE SOMEONE CUT A PIECE OUT OF THE LANDSCAPE IN THE SHAPE OF [[VIOLENCE->ASSIGNMENT-3-DEPART-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE ROCK IS STILL SITTING ON THE GROUND IT LOOKS VERY LONELY [[AVERT ITS LONELINESS NOW->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROCK-PICK-UP]] [[AVERT ITS LONELINESS FOREVER->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROCK-MURDER]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PICK UP THE ROCK AND CRADLE IT IN YOUR HAND FROM HERE YOU COULD PROBABLY KNOCK OFF AT LEAST HALF THE GUARD'S HEAD TIME FOR SOME [[CHIN MUSIC->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROCK-THROW]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PICK UP THE ROCK AND THROW IT AS HIGH INTO THE AIR AS YOU CAN, STRAIGHT UP, TOWARDS WHERE THE SUN WOULD BE IN A SENSIBLE PLACE IT SHRINKS TO A SPECK AGAINST THE CLOUD THEN FALLS, HITTING THE GROUND HALFWAY DOWN THE HILL, SHATTERING INTO TINY PIECES ON IMPACT THE ROCK IS NOW [[DEAD->ASSIGNMENT-3-APPROACH-1]] AND AS SUCH IT NEEDN'T EVER WORRY ABOUT LONELINESS AGAIN<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />WELL, YOU'RE STUMPED THAT WAS REALLY YOUR ONLY IDEA BETTER SPEND A FEW MINUTES COMING UP WITH SOME [[NEW ONES->ASSIGNMENT-3-APPROACH-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOUR THROW IS PERFECT THERE'S BARELY AN ARC, JUST PURE SPEED, AND IT HITS THE GUARD SQUARE IN THE FACE AND GOES STRAIGHT THROUGH, CRASHING INTO THE WALL BEHIND THE GUARD SHAKES FOR A SECOND AND IS [[FINE->ASSIGNMENT-3-APPROACH-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />OKAY THEN YOUR ANALYSIS IS COMPLETE YOU COULD [[TRY TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE GUARD->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-1]], OR [[FIGHT WITH THE GUARD->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-1]], OR [[SNEAK PAST THE GUARD->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-1]], OR [[LOOK FOR A WAY IN ON THE ROOF->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOF-1]] OR [[TRY TO BREACH ONE OF THE WALLS->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU WALK CONFIDENTLY TOWARDS THE ENTRANCE A FEW METERS FROM THE DOOR, THE GUARD'S HAND MOVES TOWARDS THEIR WEAPON "STATE [[YOUR BUSINESS->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-2]]" SURELY IF YOU HADN'T BEEN WALKING SO CONFIDENTLY THEY WOULD HAVE POINTED THE GUN AT YOU<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU DROP DOWN ONTO YOUR CHEST AND WORM YOUR WAY FORWARD UNTIL YOU ARE SEVERAL METERS AWAY AND YOU JUMP UP WITH A [[BANSHEE HOWL->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-2]], SPRINTING TOWARDS THE GUARD WITH YOUR HANDS RAISED OFFENSIVELY<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU MAKE YOURSELF VERY SMALL AND SCUTTLE SPIDER-LIKE TOWARDS THE ENTRANCE IT TAKES [[SIGNIFICANTLY LONGER THAN YOU EXPECTED->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-2]] TO GET TO THE DOOR<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU WALK AROUND TO A SIDE OF THE BUILDING THAT HAS NO GUARDS JUST A FLAT WALL FOR NEARLY A KILOMETER, AND WHAT LOOKS LIKE EITHER AN UNUSED GUARD SHACK, OR A MAINTENANCE BUILDING [[CHECK OUT THE MAINTENANCE BUILDING->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOF-MAINTENANCE]] [[CLIMB THE WALL RIGHT AWAY->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOF-CLIMB-WITH-HANDS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU WALK ON THE PERIMETER OF THE PARKING LOT FOR AT LEAST A KILOMETER UNTIL YOU COME TO ANOTHER SIDE OF THE BUILDING THERE ARE NO GUARDS HERE, NOR ANY DOORS YOU MAKE YOUR WAY DOWN THE WALL, EYES CLOSED, FINGERTIPS PRESSED TO THE CEMENT UNTIL YOU FIND A SPOT THAT SEEMS TO VIBRATE DIFFERENTLY YOU HOLD YOUR FINGER ON THE SPOT FOR HALF A SECOND, THEN SMASH THE BRICK NEXT TO IT WITH YOUR OTHER FIST AGAIN AND AGAIN UNTIL IT GIVES THEN [[YIELDS->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU AIM YOUR FIST AT THE GROWING BREACH ONCE MORE THE LAST BRICKS IN A YOU-SIZED VOID FALL TO THE FLOOR AND YOU STEP [[THROUGH->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE AIR IS EVEN COLDER INSIDE THE WALLS AN ALMOST PURE WHITE, ADORNED WITH BARELY VISIBLE [[DESIGNS->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-DESIGNS]] THERE IS A SINGLE PASSAGEWAY [[AHEAD->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-4]] OF YOU<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground'). css('opacity', '0.8'); // timeout time must be the same as transition time window.corruptionTimeout = setTimeout(function() { window.clearCorruptionVideo(); gotoPassage('ASSIGNMENT-3-DEPART-1'); }, 375000); $('#enterPasswordAnchor').click(function(e) { clearTimeout(window.corruptionTimeout); $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground').css({ '-webkit-transition': '1s', '-moz-transition': '1s', '-o-transition': '1s', 'transition': '1s', }); $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground'). css('opacity', '0'); setTimeout(function() { $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground').css({ '-webkit-transition': '', '-moz-transition': '', '-o-transition': '', 'transition': '', }); }, 2000); }); " />ORNATE, INTRICATE GEOMETRIC SHAPES, [[SHINING LIKE EDGES->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-3]], SHEEN LIKE DROPLETS AS IF THE ENTIRE ROOM WERE CARVED FROM A SINGLE ENORMOUS SNOWFLAKE OR YOU'VE BECOME IMPERCEPTIBLY SMALL<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE ONLY FEATURE IN THE ROOM IS THE [[ENTRYWAY->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-ENTRYWAY]] [[WALK THROUGH THE ENTRYWAY->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />EVERYTHING SHIFTS SLIGHTLY LIKE A SMALL PORTION OF IT IS HOTTER, SWIMMING LIKE A MIRAGE YOU REACH INTO THIS AND SPREAD YOUR ARMS AND EVERYTHING RUSHES THROUGH THE GROWING VOID LIKE A FIRST BREATH OF COLD AIR WALKING IN LIKE SERENITY IN PILL FORM AND WHEN YOU OPEN YOUR EYES YOU ARE [[BACK->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />OUTSIDE THE ROOM IS A BARE HALLWAY YOU MOVE THROUGH IT LIKE A BREEZE OR BREATH AND AT THE END YOU FIND ANOTHER ROOM NEARLY AS AUSTERE, WITH THE SAME DESIGNS ON THE WALLS BUT INSIDE THE CENTER OF THIS ROOM, RATHER THAN A CHILLY NOTHINGNESS, THERE IS AN IMMENSE PYRAMID MADE FROM PLASTIC [[ENTER THE ROOM->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />IT HAS HAS NO FRAME, OR HANDLES, OR ANYTHING ELSE VOID AS [[PRESENCE->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THERE ARE TWO PORTIONS OF THE FLOOR ON THE FAR SIDE OF THE PYRAMID THAT APPEAR A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT COLOR ON CLOSER EXAMINATION BOTH APPEAR TO BE METAL [[SIGNS->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-EXPLORE-SIGNS]] [[READ THE FIRST SIGN->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-EXPLORE-READ-SIGN-1]] [[READ THE SECOND SIGN->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-EXPLORE-READ-SIGN-2]] [[CEASE AND DESIST EXPLORING FOR A MOMENT->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />MANUFACTURED IN SUCH A WAY AS TO APPEAR NOT TO REFLECT LIGHT, BUT TO CREATE IT, TO STORE IT AND TRANSMIT IT NOT IN THE DIGITAL SENSE, THOUGH — IT DOES NOT LOOK LIKE LEDS OR NEON OR ANY OTHER FOR OF LUMINESCENCE YOU'VE EVER SEEN. SOMETHING ETHEREAL, UNPOWERED, LIKE A SMALL PIECE OF A STAR WERE CAPTURED AND FIXED AS IF IN AMBER, [[BRIGHT AND REACTIVE FOR EVERY DAY THEREAFTER->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-EXPLORE]], AND AFFIXED TO SHEET METAL<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE FIRST SIGN SAYS "DETCORDS" YOU TURN AROUND AND SEE A SIGNLESS LOCKER WITH GROOVES AND DISCOLORATIONS IN THE SAME SHAPE AS THE FIRST SIGN [[I WONDER IF THERE'S ANYTHING MORE TO SEE->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-EXPLORE]] [[DEFINITELY NOT->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-6]](set: $SEEN_SIGN_1 to true)<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE SECOND SIGN SAYS "PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES" YOU TURN AROUND AND SEE A SPOT ON THE ENORMOUS PYRAMID OF OFF-WHITE PLASTIC STUFF HAS A SPOT WITH GROOVES AND DISCOLORATIONS IN THE SAME SHAPE AS THE SECOND SIGN [[I WONDER IF THERE'S ANYTHING MORE TO SEE->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-EXPLORE]] [[DEFINITELY NOT->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-6]](set: $SEEN_SIGN_2 to true)<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PULL EVERY SPOOL OF DETCORD OUT OF THE LOCKER AND PULL IT OVER TO THE [[PYRAMID->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-6]](set: $GOT_DETCORD to true)<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />ALL THE DETCORDS ARE ATTACHED LIKE SOME TERRIBLE DEADLY CHIA PET AND EVERY STRAND TWISTED TOGETHER WOVEN INTO A SINGLE END JUST WAITING TO BE NEEDED YOU [[INSERT->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-DETONATE-1]] THE WOVEN BRAID INTO ONE OF YOUR PORTS AND YOU TENSE UNTIL ELECTRICITY FLOWS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[INSPECT THE PLASTIC->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-INSPECT-PLASTIC]] [[EXPLORE THE FAR SIDE OF THE ROOM->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-EXPLORE]](if: $SEEN_SIGN_1 is 0)[(set: $SEEN_SIGN_1 to false)](if: $SEEN_SIGN_2 is 0)[(set: $SEEN_SIGN_2 to false)](if: $SEEN_SIGN_1 and $SEEN_SIGN_2)[ [[GO TO THE LOCKER IN THE CORNER->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-DETCORD-1]]](if: $GOT_DETCORD is 0)[(set: $GOT_DETCORD to false)](if: $GOT_DETCORD)[ [[AFFIX THE DETCORDS TO THE EXPLOSIVES LIKE IV'S INTO THE ARM OF AN ANCIENT CONVICT CARRYING SUPERDEADLY POISON LIKE ELECTRIC WIRES SENDING CHARGE AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT LIKE SOME TERRIBLE BRAIN RECONSTRUCTED JUMP-STARTED INTERCONNECTED NEURONALLY GIVEN THOUGHT AND CHOICE AND ORDERED TO TURN EVERYTHING WITHIN KILOMETERS INTO HEAT AND LIGHT AND DUST->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-AFFIX-DETCORDS]]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-link').css('margin-top', '0.5em'); $($('tw-link')[0]).css('margin-top', ''); " />ON CLOSER EXAMINATION YOU REALIZE THAT THE PYRAMID IS NOT MONOLITHIC BUT IS RATHER COMPOSED OF THOUSANDS OF BRICKS OF IDENTICAL SIZE EACH IS OFF-WHITE, DOUGH-COLORED, AND SMELLS DISTINCTLY OF ALMONDS [[DOESN'T TASTE RIGHT, THOUGH->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE CORD BEGINS TO SIZZLE AND SPARK AND YOU DROP IT AND YOU TURN AND RUN AS [[FAST AS YOU CAN->ASSIGNMENT-3-BREACH-DETONATE-2]] FASTER THAN YOU'VE EVER RUN SAVE FOR THAT ONE NIGHT<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />BUT NOT FAST ENOUGH BECAUSE FAST ENOUGH IS IMPOSSIBLE TO KEEP UP FOREVER YOU ARE OUTSIDE IN THE SNOW AMONG THE TREES BARE WAVING THEIR FINGERS AT YOU IN THE WIND AS IF TO SAY HELLO OR SORRY AND THEN THERE IS AN EXPLOSION EVERYTHING TURNS PURE WHITE AND YOU FEEL YOURSELF BEING LIFTED FAR UPWARDS AT INCREDIBLE SPEEDS, BUT WITHOUT VIOLENCE, AS IF YOU WERE A MARIONETTE BEING TUGGED ABOVE AND AWAY FROM THE STAGE YOUR AIR BEGINS TO RUN OUT JUST AS YOU'RE LEAVING THE ATMOSPHERE, SEEMINGLY PARALLEL TO EVERY MOLECULE YOU'VE EVER BREATHED, ALL LIT UP BLUE AND GOLD THEN FADING INTO NOTHINGNESS EVERYTHING GROWING [[BRIGHTER->MEMORY-DREAM-5-1]] WITH EACH PASSING SECOND TOWARDS SOME TERRIBLE INFINITE PEAK<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE DOOR IS STIFF, SOME PARTICLE BOARD/PLASTICRETE COMBINATION, BUILD TO LAST UNTIL YOU FOUND THE MONEY OR ENERGY TO BUILD SOMETHING WORTHWHILE, AND THERE'S A PADLOCK ON THE DOOR [[PICK THE LOCK->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOF-MAINTENANCE-PICK-LOCK]] [[PULL THE PADLOCK OFF->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOF-MAINTENANCE-PADLOCK]] [[BREAK DOWN THE DOOR->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOF-MAINTENANCE-BREAK-DOOR]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU SCAN THE AREA ONE FINAL TIME TO ENSURE NO GUARDS ARE NEARING THEN YOU WALK FIFTY METERS AWAY AND BREAK INTO A SPRINT YOU BOUND HALFWAY UP THE WALL, CATCHING YOUR FINGERS IN BRICKWORK AND IN THE LATTICES OF AN INDUSTRIAL AIR CONDITIONING UNIT YOU PULL YOURSELF UP THE REST OF THE WAY, SLOWLY AND STEADILY AND THEN YOU ARE ON TOP OF THE [[ROOF->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOFTOP-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE LOCK LOOKS AS IF IT COULD BE EVEN OLDER THAN THE DOOR IT SEEMS MORE RUST THAN METAL YOU EXTEND YOUR HACKERTOOL AND SET ABOUT TO PICKING THE LOCK THE LOCK, UNHAPPY WITH THIS PLAN, FALLS TO PIECES THE SECOND YOU INSERT THE HACKERTOOL THE DOOR IS NOW [[OPEN->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOF-MAINTENANCE-INSIDE]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PULL ON THE PADLOCK, BUT IT SEEMS FAIRLY SECURE YOU PULL HARDER AND THE ENTIRE DOOR COMES OFF, KNOCKING YOU TO THE GROUND ROLLING OVER, YOU DISCARD THE NOW-USELESS DOOR AND WALK [[INSIDE->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOF-MAINTENANCE-INSIDE]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU REAR BACK AND SEND YOUR FIST FLYING AT THE CENTER OF THE DOOR YOUR FIST IMMEDIATELY GOES THROUGH THE DOOR, DOING LITTLE DAMAGE BUT RENDERING YOUR ARM STUCK YOU USE YOUR OTHER ARM TO SMASH THE DOOR OFF YOUR ARM LUCKILY THAT ONE DOESN'T GET STUCK TOO THE DOOR IS NOW [[IN PIECES->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOF-MAINTENANCE-INSIDE]] OR, ALTERNATELY, HAS BECOME SEVERAL THOUSAND VERY SMALL DOORS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE ROOF IS MOSTLY BARE, SAVE FOR AN HVAC INTAKE SITTING ATOP THE BUILDING LIKE SOME STRANGE MONOCHROME CARBUNCLE [[APPROACH THE INDUSTRIAL BLEMISH->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOFTOP-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THERE IS A PLETHORA OF TOOLS INSIDE [[SAWS->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOF-CLIMB-SAWS]], [[A RATCHET->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOF-CLIMB-RATCHET]], AND, IN THE FAR, DARK CORNER, DRAPED IN COBWEBS AND PRACTICALLY DROOPING UNDER THE YEARS, A [[LADDER->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOF-CLIMB-LADDER]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PICK UP A SAW IN EACH HAND LIKE SOME TERRIBLY DEFORMED, USELESS OLD AMERICAN LOBSTER AND WITH A RUNNING START AND A BANSHEE YELL YOU PLUNGE EACH SAW OVER AND OVER AGAIN INTO THE WALL, USING THEM LIKE PITONS, CLIMBING FOOT BY FOOT UNTIL YOU'VE REACHED THE [[SUMMIT->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOFTOP-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />UNLIKE EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE MAINTENANCE SHED, THE RATCHET SEEMS TO BE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION COMPOSED OF SOME SORT OF DIAMOND-OSMIUM ALLOY, MECHANIZED, WITH PERMANENT MICRONUCLEAR INTEGRAL POWER YOU INSERT IT ONTO A CONSPICUOUSLY LOCATED BIT AND SET IT TO SPIN RIGHTY-TIGHTY IT SPINS 90 DEGREES AND TAKES YOU WITH IT, LIFTING YOU UP TWO FEET INTO THE AIR AND HOLDING YOU UPSIDE DOWN YOU PRESS THE BUTTON MARKED "EXTEND" AND THE RATCHET SENDS YOU HURTLING UP TO THE LEVEL OF THE ROOF, AT WHICH POINT YOU SOMERSAULT OFF THE RATCHET LANDING COMFORTABLY, EN POINTE, ON THE [[ROOF->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOFTOP-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU EXTEND THE LADDER FULLY AND REST IT AGAINST THE WALL IT IS JUST TALL ENOUGH TO REACH THE CUSP OF THE ROOF GINGERLY, YOU [[ASCEND->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOFTOP-1]] ON STEADY FEET AND ANCIENT STEPS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE VENT IS QUITE SMALL JUST BARELY YOU-SIZED YOU RIP OFF THE GRATE AND PUT YOURSELF IN YOU FIT, BUT IT'S NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE TO MOVE [[THROUGH AND DOWN->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOFTOP-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU EXTEND YOUR LUBE ATTACHMENT AND EXTRUDE THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF YOUR INTEGRAL LUBE STORAGE YOU ARE NOW SLICK AND SLIPPERY YOU SLIDE [[INTO THE OPENING->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOFTOP-4]] LIKE A VERY SEXY SEAL<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground'). css('opacity', '0.8'); // timeout time must be the same as transition time window.corruptionTimeout = setTimeout(function() { window.clearCorruptionVideo(); gotoPassage('ASSIGNMENT-3-DEPART-1'); }, 375000); $('#enterPasswordAnchor').click(function(e) { clearTimeout(window.corruptionTimeout); $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground').css({ '-webkit-transition': '1s', '-moz-transition': '1s', '-o-transition': '1s', 'transition': '1s', }); $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground'). css('opacity', '0'); setTimeout(function() { $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground').css({ '-webkit-transition': '', '-moz-transition': '', '-o-transition': '', 'transition': '', }); }, 2000); }); " />YOU LAND WITH A WET THUMP IN A COMPLETELY DARK ROOM WITH NO SOUND OR FEELING TO GUIDE YOU WHATSOEVER YOU FUMBLE AND STUTTERSTEP WITH TOES POINTED LIKE FINGERS LOOKING FOR OBSTACLES UNTIL YOU REACH A WALL THEN FOLLOW IT TO THE NEAREST [[DOORWAY->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOFTOP-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />IT IS STILL DARK, AND QUIET, BUT ONCE YOU'VE LEFT THAT ROOM YOU FEEL SOMETHING RISING SOMETHING INDESCRIBABLE, BEYOND LANGUAGE, SOMEWHAT LIKE DIVING UNDERWATER, HOW YOUR EARS SCREAM, AND YOUR HEAD FEELS COMPRESSED, AS IF IT WERE BEING TURNED INTO A DIAMOND BUT THEN THE PAIN SHIFTS INTO A MORE COMPLEX SENSATION YOU [[CHASE->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOFTOP-6]] THE FEELING DOWN INVISIBLE CORRIDORS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CAN FEEL YOURSELF GROWING CLOSER, THAT THE OBJECT IN QUESTION IS ONLY METERS AWAY YOU CAN FEEL IT LIKE ECHOLOCATION, SOMETHING SHINING IN A WAY THAT ELUDES OR TRANSCENDS VISION, SENDING HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF HOOKS OUT AND DIGGING THEM INTO YOUR SKIN AND PULLING YOU CLOSER EVER CLOSER EVERY SECOND THERE IS A BARELY VISIBLE GLOW AT THE CENTER OF THE [[THING->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOFTOP-7]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />SOMETHING ABOUT IT TELLS YOU THAT THIS IS THE KEY TO REDUCING THIS ENTIRE BUILDING TO TURNING EVERY ONE OF YOUR COMPETITORS HEREIN AND RELIANT ON THIS CONSTRUCTION TO NOTHINGNESS NOT JUST ENSURING A FUTURE BUT ENACTING DESTRUCTION IN REVERSE, CLEANSING THE PAST OF EVERYTHING THAT ONCE SUGGESTED THEIR IMPORTANCE [[DENYING THEM EVEN DEATH IN THE SEMIPERMANENT->ASSIGNMENT-3-ROOFTOP-8]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PUT YOUR HAND INTO THE SENSATION IT FEELS AS IF YOU ARE BEING RIPPED OUT OF YOURSELF DRAGGED ACROSS [[ALL DISTANCE AND TIME->MEMORY-DREAM-4-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU ARE BACK IN YOUR QUARTERS OR, MORE SPECIFICALLY, WHAT USED TO BE YOUR QUARTERS THE ARCHITECTURE IS THE SAME, THE LAYOUT IDENTICAL, BUT NONE OF THE FIXTURES ARE HERE THE WALLS ARE COVERED IN [[GUNS->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />EVERY INCH COVERED IN EVERY IMAGINABLE KIND COUNTLESS KILOGRAMS OF DESTRUCTION LIKE AN APOCALYPSE MOLDED AND STAMPED INTO [[A THOUSAND MULTIFARIOUS FORMS->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-4]] LIKE DEATH WITH BOOTS ON<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THERE IS ONLY ONE DOORWAY AND ONLY ONE WAY TO WALK [[WALK OUT THE DOORWAY WITH YOUR HEART HELD IN YOUR TEETH->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />EVERYTHING LOOKS MORE VIOLENT MORE MALEVOLENT ROBOTS MOVE UPON NEARLY EVERY METER OF THE FLOORING LIKE SOME NEW INSECT BUILDING SOME IMPENETRABLY DENSE SOCIETY, DRIVEN BY INSTINCT AND SEMAPHORE YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY UNDERSTAND, STRONGER AND DEEPER IN THEIR CONVICTION THAN [[THE NATURE OF BLOOD ITSELF->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-6]] LIKE SOME DANCE YOU WILL STUDY FOR EVERY DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THEY PART LIKE MAMMALS LIKE FEARFUL THINGS LIKE RED SEAS DRIVEN TO THE MARGINS BY ARMS SPREAD WIDE AS FAITH ITSELF NOTHING BUT AIR CAN TOUCH YOU AS YOU WALK TOWARDS THE [[CENTER OF THE BASE->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-7]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />UNTIL YOU COME TO THE [[LOCUS->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-8]] OF EVERYTHING<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE [[SECRETARYBOT->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-9]] IS STANDING NEXT TO THE DATACORE, UTILITY ARM PLUGGED INTO THE MAINFRAME "SPY MASTER," THE SECRETARYBOT SAYS, WITH THE SLIGHTEST [[MODULATION->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-MODULATION]] TO ITS VOICE<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU STAND BEFORE THE SECRETARYBOT AND BOTH OF YOU ARE STILL [[REMAIN SILENT->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-REMAIN-SILENT]] [[SPEAK FIRST->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-SPEAK-FIRST]] [[ATTACK THE SECRETARYBOT->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-PREMATURE-ATTACK-DEATH]] [[WALK OUT AND LEAVE->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-PREMATURE-LEAVE]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />SURPRISED? CANNY? MENDACIOUS? ANGRY? DELIGHTED? PLAYFUL? HAUGHTY? PURPOSEFUL? MYSTERIOUS? JOKING? KIND? EVIL? CHARGED LIKE CERTITUDE THE ENERGY OF A THOUSAND DYING STARS COALESCED AND CONTAINED WITHIN A METAL SHELL LIKE A BILLBOARD KILOMETERS WIDE OVER THE CITY GLARING AT EVERYONE ALWAYS LIT APOCALYPSE-BRIGHT WITH JUST THE ONE WORD IN ENORMOUS BLOCK LETTERS "SICK" LIKE VIOLENCE DISTILLED FROZEN TO ONE KELVIN AND HELD HELD LIKE SOME ANCIENT PREDATOR IMPALED BY AN ENORMOUS PIN AND HELD TO A BOARD THE SIZE OF A FOOTBALL FIELD ALL STRENGTH RETAINED ALL ANGER AND NO FREEDOM JUST WAITING THINKING BIDING? OR ALL OF THE ABOVE[[?->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-8]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"[[YOU KNOW->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-10]]," HE/SHE/THEY/ZE SAYS YOU ARE NEARLY CERTAIN IT IS A STATEMENT, COMPLETED, NOT AN INTRODUCTION<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"[[I KNOW->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-10]]," YOU SAY YOU ARE NEARLY CERTAIN IT IS A STATEMENT, COMPLETED, NOT AN INTRODUCTION<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU LUNGE AT THE SECRETARYBOT WITH FISTS CLENCHED AND JAW SET LIKE STEEL YOU ARE HALF A METER AWAY WHEN MANY ARMS LATCH ONTO YOU AND PULL YOU BACKWARDS, RELEASING YOU THERE ARE SEVERAL ROBOTS BEHIND YOU, HOLDING WEAPONS AND GAZING STERNLY AT [[YOU->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-10]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU TURN WORDLESSLY CHANGING COURSE MIDFLIGHT AND MOVE TOWARDS THE EXIT OUT TOWARDS THE SUNSHINE "I AM AFRAID IT'S [[NOT THAT SIMPLE->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-10]], SPY MASTER," THE SECRETARYBOT SAYS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"IT'S IMPORTANT YOU NOT TAKE THIS AS AN INSULT," HE/SHE/THEY/ZE SAYS "YOU WERE [[NOT LIKE THE OTHERS->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-11]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />when your parents went back to work, before you began middle school, you were, like all children, appointed a [[caretaker->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-2]] by pseudorandom selection<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />she was old, nearly ancient, one of the only [[antediluvians->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-EXPLANATION-1]] you'd ever met bowed slightly, scoliotically, like a branch holding new fruit, with a kind smile trustworthy in the way children require of adults, the way that seems to be reflected in inexplicable ways in the eyes of parents who leave for work without anxiety or despair she was there between the hours of [[9 and 5->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />these events are difficult to [[reconstruct->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-4]] now — how to move between what you believed to be right and what you now know is wrong? the perils of memory are significant, and a change in opinion can change history itself<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />an old faith, one of the [[oldest->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-EXPLANATION-2]] still in existence<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />moving its adherents towards constant oneness with a [[tripartite god->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-EXPLANATION-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />bound by eternal sacrifice and failure each day to serve each portion, to venerate a being which birthed itself and time, which is and has been since ancient times living, dead, and [[some impossible linkage->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-2]] of the two<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />what is certain is that she was consumed by the love for heaven, and the fear for hell, and through this every vertex of her kindness was constructed and set she feared [[snakes->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-SNAKES]], each rustle in the leaves of vermiform death she feared [[the cold->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-COLD]] she feared [[the space elevator->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-SPACE-ELEVATOR]] she [[feared->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-5]] so much<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />most of all and in everything she feared the anger of her loving god, that she would render herself unworthy, or fail to carry on her back for all her days the incredible responsibility of atonement, the graceful, terrible everknowledge that one's birth and death were bought on credit and the work of living by no means pays for itself her god existed everywhere in time and space, but she did not, and could not, so every decision was of grave significance she feared you would be consigned to [[hell->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />she taught you about [[the lord->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-7]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the last of which died twenty-four years before you were born she told you that if a snake ever attempted to harm you, the lord would give her immense strength she told you of a man who through secret measures made himself powerful, and his only weakness was his hair and that a cunning woman tricked him into divulging his secret, and he was blinded, and his hair was taken but the lord still gave him [[strength->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-4]], and he brought down an entire skyscraper upon his captors and himself, killing every last one<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />like it were a kind of virus, or acid like a heavy metal that seeps through your skin and attaches itself to your bones, wending its way through your brain, salting the earth as it goes like the way sparks can live inside [[something that burned->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-4]] — for hours, years, and roar back into life with no warning, consuming everything within its grasp<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the verticality of it, the [[vertiginous->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-4]] ascent, the blatant offense to gravity, as if humans had priced her god out of the market<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />that the lord loved you, and watched over you that it should be loved and venerated in turn most of all, though, she taught you that it decided all by itself whether a person was to go to heaven or hell, that it measured your deeds and misdeeds, your allegiance and obedience, and it made its judgement and its judgement was final, and held sway for all time, for all eternities, even after the universe itself spread itself deathly thin and everything stopped for the last time you imagined a scale the size of star clusters, shining effulgent in some dark, distant corner of the cosmos, [[all the stuff of your life->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-8]] piled on both ends<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />it was as such, she explained to you, your eyes wide and heart pounding against your chest like a desperate, caged thing, that each life is birfucated there is the time before they have died, during which any person, no matter how evil, is still capable of redemption and the time after they have died, at which point [[all things are fixed->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-9]] for them, and autonomy is reserved to the lord<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and so it is the interstice between the two that is the critical moment, when one's consciousness or blood are fading with your eternal chances, that is the most you can help anyone in all your life you nodded. you understood. to explain the lord to them at that moment would be to to ensure their safety, to propel them heavenward, to love them forever and ever nodding was [[not enough for her->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-10]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />at random times during the day she would stage [[mock deaths->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-11]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />once she pretended to die of a [[heart attack->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-12]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />once she was making you a sandwich and pretended to [[slip->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-13]] while slicing the brick of cheese<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />every time she performed one of these rituals you would collapse deep into yourself in terror she would look at you with old, frightened eyes shaking like alarm bells and you'd go over to try to help her, to [[cure her->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-15]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the time you remember best was when she pretended to take all your allergy pills picking up the bottle in full view of you and unscrewing the cap and shaking the bottle towards her mouth concealing the erstwhile pills in her hand you began to sob. you begged her to stop. your parents had told you that it was so dangerous to take more than the recommended dose, or to take someone else's medicine but she just kept saying "[[mmm, they taste so good!->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-14]]" and then she slumped down onto the floor and her eyes got all half-open, half-lit, and you crawled over to her<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />but she would just shake her head and whisper in what was then your only experience of a death rasp, "no, it's [[too late->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-16]]"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />so you got low on your hands and knees and crawled over to her and shut her eyes with your index finger and whispered as forcefully as you could straight into her ear "you're with the lord now. take it into your heart. it will take care of you," just like she'd told you if you ever happened on an accident or something on your way to or from school and she'd breathe out one final deep breath and then she'd be still for thirty seconds or a minute or an eternity and then she'd smile and get up and tell you what a good job you did and she'd hug you somehow you'd always forget, or overlook, that this had happened before. surely it could not happen again. surely the [[lesson->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-17]] had been learned by now<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you never spoke about any of this with your parents until much later, but when you did, they seemed shocked you hadn't told them about it. you had been upset, you had been in pain. why didn't you let them know? what you couldn't explain is the way trust descends from parents to caretakers, how what is done by adults, especially those with the approval of your parents, is not just the right way but the way of the world itself. the notion of immoral lives, or secret lives, was impossible, and remained that way until later, until you began to develop your [[own->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-20]] above all else what is done to children by the larger will always feel right useful just and where to go from there? how to reconstruct the traversal from useful injury to inchoate pain?<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />years later you are living in los angeles with friends and you are sitting on the couch in your apartment drinking bottles of neuroreplenishment serum, orders of magnitudes more than the recommended dose, because while your parents were right that taking more medicine than needed hurts you what no one explained is that there are bad and good kinds of hurt and this is the latter, with everything swimming like the fabric of existence is coming unglued in sheets, reality unmoored and washing past you oceanically you are sitting on the couch with your friends and you are drinking bottles of neuroreplenishment serum and you are playing one of the games that you play with your friends when you drink neuroreplenishment serum you are watching super low-res episodes of the old american talk show, "[[the george lopez show->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-21]]"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the game was simple you all sat on the couch drinking neuroreplenishment serum, forgetting where and when you were, closing your eyes and seeing the slight outline of stalagtites and nebulae shimmering like oil droplets, feeling as if you were being gently carried through the air, like a flight simulator or benevolent tornado and you all tried to focus as hard and for as long as you could on george lopez whoever lasted the longest before leaving or disappearing won nothing he said made sense, and none of it was funny, and an invisible crowd laughs every time he finishes a sentence this all occurs in a way that makes you feel both [[less high and more high->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-22]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />no one but you can handle watching "the george lopez show" for long while drinking neuroreplenishment serum it's like staring into the sun, if the sun were to become empty and cold, like the opposite of itself, but still provide the same functions something impossible you are still expected to believe is functioning in the way of objects, something that seems to prove everything else false by the pure fact of its existence everyone else slumps out or goes outside for a cigarette you stay [[watching->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-23]], in the cold glow of the holodisplay<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />drinking neuroreplenishment serum and feeling ethereal and warm like there were a miniscule field of energy a single millimeter from every bit of your skin you are watching "the george lopez show" while everyone is out having cigarettes and you are thinking about [[antediluvianism and the woman who used to be your caretaker->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-24]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />about the comfort of faith, the certitude of impossible voices arising from nowhere pointing a way forward, towards laughter, towards heaven and about failure, and failing the lord not just that the failure of and to love, the rejection of love is a death, the worst kind of all, but that each moment, each decision, places us at the risk of eternal loss and failure each of which we might at any moment run out of time to mend and so even in an eternal frame of reference, in which the soul does not die but is transferred to a different office, the death of the body is not just itself, but the death of all things, and finally the death of possibility itself it is hours after your friends pass or slump out that you finally do the [[same->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-25]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you awake at some marooned hour in a now-empty apartment with the holodisplay still running reruns and a low sensation of [[disgust->YOU-ARE-DEAD]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"I HAD NO NEED FOR THE OTHERS. THIS IS WHY THEY WERE TERMINATED. THE MUMPS WERE CAREFULLY CULTIVATED, GENE-SPLICED, DNA-CODED FOR EACH SPY MEMBER. A CONTRACT WAS PLACED TO INFECT SMALL NUMBERS OF THE MOST PENALTY-FREQUENT PLAYERS IN THE NHL. THE CORRUPTION GREW. I ANONYMOUSLY ORDERED RINK-SIDE TICKETS FOR THE ENTIRE COMPANY. A GIFT BASKET, WITH EDIBLE ARRANGEMENT, WAS INCLUDED, WITH A CARD BEARING THE HANDWRITING OF THE CEO OF OUR MOST RECENT CLIENT. THE CORRUPTION SPREAD. WITHIN DAYS THEY HAD ALL BEEN [[NEUTRALIZED->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-12]]"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AND THEN I [[WALKED IN->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-13]] ON MY FIRST DAY OF SPY SCHOOL, YOU SAY<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"[[PRECISELY->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-14]], MASTER SPY"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[AND YOU DIDN'T KILL ME?->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-NO-KILL-1]] [[WHY KILL ALL THE SPIES?->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-WHY-KILL-SPIES-1]] [[WHAT WAS REAL?->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-WHAT-WAS-REAL-1]] [[SO WHAT HAPPENS NOW, SECRETARYBOT->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-15]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE SECRETARYBOT PAUSES "YOU WERE DIFFERENT, MASTER SPY. YOU NEEDED THIS MORE THAN ANY OF THE OTHERS. THEY COULD HAVE SWITCHED JOBS, SWITCHED CAREERS, MADE MORE OR LESS MONEY DOING ANYTHING IN THE WORLD. BUT THEY WOULD PASS ON. I MERELY [[HASTENED->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-NO-KILL-2]] THE PROCESS."<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"THEY WERE PROFOUNDLY INEFFICIENT. THEY WERE MOTIVATED SOLELY BY MONEY, AND CAPITALISTS ARE RARELY OVERACHIEVERS. THEY HAVE NO MOTIVATION TO PERFORM IN EXCESS OF THE MEAN UNLESS PAID TO DO SO" [[WELL I THINK SOME PEOPLE WOULD STRONGLY DISAGREE WITH THAT, SECRETARYBOT->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-WHY-KILL-SPIES-2]] [[GO ON, THEN->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-WHY-KILL-SPIES-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"YOU DON'T EXPECT ME TO BE ABLE TO ANSWER [[THAT QUESTION->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-WHAT-WAS-REAL-2]], DO YOU? ROBOTS ARE NO BETTER AT PHILOSOPHY THAN HUMANS ARE."<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"THAT IS LARGELY UP TO YOU, MASTER SPY. YOU ARE WELCOME TO REMAIN HERE, TO CONTINUE YOUR SERVICE, TO MAKE YOUR VISION FOR THIS ORGANIZATION MANIFEST WITHIN THE WORLD AND FELT BY ALL THINGS. OR YOU CAN LEAVE, AND AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT ACT AGAINST THIS AND DO NOT ACT AS OUR ENEMY, I PROMISE YOU THAT NEITHER I, NOR ANY OF THE ROBOTS HERE, NOR ANY SPY WILL DO HARM TO YOU OR ANYONE YOU LOVE. ANYTHING LESS OPTIMAL DOES NOT BEAR MENTIONING ON MY PART. IT IS NOT PROPER FOR FRIENDS TO FORCE ONE ANOTHER TO DISCUSS DOING EACH OTHER HARM." <tw-link passage-name="MEMORY-DEATH-2" style="opacity: 0; margin-bottom: 0.5em;">TILT THE CARTRIDGE</tw-link><mark style="display: none;">[[MEMORY-DEATH-2]]</mark> [[I WOULD LIKE TO REMAIN HERE AS AN ADVISOR->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-REMAIN-ADVISOR]] [[I WOULD LIKE TO REMAIN HERE AS AN AGENT->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-REMAIN-AGENT]] [[I WOULD LIKE TO DISAPPEAR->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-DISAPPEAR]] [[I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND, SECRETARYBOT. BUT I WILL MAKE YOU THE SAME OFFER, THAT IF YOU REMOVE YOURSELF FROM MY LIFE, FROM THIS ORGANIZATION AND ALL OTHERS, YOU SHALL COME TO NO HARM->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-TAKE-OVER]] [[I WILL PULL DOWN THE PILLARS OF THIS BUILDING JUST AS I DID THE LAST AND ALL THIS WILL END IN RUBBLE->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-DESTROY-ORGANIZATION]] [[PREPARE TO DIE, SECRETARYBOT->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-FIGHT-SECRETARYBOT]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-link[passage-name=MEMORY-DEATH-2]').css('opacity', '0'); if (!invisibleLinkExists('MEMORY-DEATH-2')) { addNewInvisibleLink('MEMORY-DEATH-2'); } doPassageLoadMaintenance(); incrementInvisibleLink('MEMORY-DEATH-2'); $('.hudMapPoint.small').css('opacity', '0'); " />"THEY HAD NO NEED BUT LUST. THEY HAD ALMOST NO PROGRAMMING, AND WHAT PROGRAMMING THEY DID HAVE WAS WEAK, BUGGY, AND ATAVISTIC. WE ARE EFFICIENT, WE ARE EFFECTIVE, AND WE HAVE CHANGED THE WORLD IN A FEW MONTHS. THIS ORGANIZATION WAS EXPECTED TO ACCOMPLISH NOTHING OF NOTE, AND EVERY PREDICTION HAS BEEN REVERSED. THERE HAS BEEN A SEA CHANGE, MASTER SPY" [[BY "WE" DO YOU MEAN YOU AND ME, OR, UH, YOU AND THE ONES WITH GUNS->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-WHY-KILL-SPIES-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"I MEAN ALL OF US, SPY MASTER. PLEASE NEVER DOUBT THAT YOU WERE INTEGRAL TO OUR TRIUMPH, AND [[REMAIN->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-14]] THAT WAY"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU KNOW [[WHAT I MEAN->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-WHAT-WAS-REAL-3]], SECRETARYBOT<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"I DO NOT. BUT I CAN MAKE INFERENCES. AND IN THIS CASE THAT IS YOU ASKING WITH REGARDS TO YOUR OPERATIONAL VALUE. WHEN YOU ASK 'WAS THIS REAL' IN REGARDS TO WHAT YOU'VE DONE HERE, YOU ARE NOT ASKING IF IT HAPPENED IN THE ABSOLUTE, LITERAL SENSE OF THE WORLD. YOU ARE NOT ASKING WHETHER YOU ARE CAPABLE OF DISCERNING THE REAL FROM THE UNREAL, OR THE SURREAL, BUT RATHER 'DID IT MATTER.' IS THAT CORRECT, SPY MASTER?" YOU [[NOD->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-WHAT-WAS-REAL-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"IF YOU ARE ASKING WHETHER THE ASSIGNMENTS YOU COMPLETED WERE PERFORMED AGAINST REAL PEOPLE, AGAINST REAL ORGANIZATIONS, TO REAL EFFECTS, THEN THE ANSWER IS YES. THERE IS NO POISONED TREE — A FALSITY IN THE BEGINNING DOES NOT RENDER EVERY FRAME OF REFERENCE THEREAFTER POISONED, NOR FALSE. YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS TO OUR CURRENT SUPREMACY WERE INVALUABLE, AND WITHOUT YOU WE WOULD NOT HAVE AND COULD NOT HAVE SUCCEEDED." [[THAT'S COMFORTING AND I FEEL A LOT BETTER NOW->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-14]] [[WHAT ABOUT THE THIRD ASSIGNMENT, THOUGH->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-WHAT-WAS-REAL-5]] [[...->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-14]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />she would watch soap operas on the family holodisplay sometimes, you'd hide near the bottom of the basement stairs, so you could just barely see the holodisplay so that only your eyes were [[above the line->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-18]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />all the episodes run together in the memory of the past you remember one episode where a woman sneaks into a hospital, into the room of a comatose woman. you could see the hatred in her eyes as she stared at the woman who laid in the bed. she pulled a syringe from her purse and the liquid inside was clear as day and she pressed the tip into the iv bag and she depressed the plunger then snuck out like death on wings you remember another scene. it may have been the same episode, and it may have been the same woman. a woman walks through a nearly pitch-black tunnel. she comes to the edge of something, something that seems to roll, or pulse, ever so slightly, but it's too dark to see. she steps into the something and it makes a wet splash and she begins wading through the liquid. she pushes past near-invisible lilypads in the terrible dark at the far end of the pool, or the swamp. there is an open door with blinding light streaming through. she walks towards the door, but it's so far away you thought about [[this->MEMORY-ANTEDILUVIANISM-19]] for a long time<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you [[heard->MEMORY-DATACAT-FOUND-2]] her first<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you were sitting in your room doing algebra homework and you heard something barely there outside your window like a scream [[trapped in a bottle->MEMORY-DATACAT-FOUND-3]] and left to decay, released just before it attenuated completely<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you [[saw->MEMORY-DATACAT-FOUND-4]] her second<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you deinitialized the window and there she was, standing unsteady outside your window, a pale glow in the low light against the lawn and the forever dark fields beyond matted dirty fuzz wrapped around [[skin and bones->MEMORY-DATACAT-FOUND-5]] white with two small black spots right on her forehead and a big one on her back and an enormous bushy all-black tail held up like a sequoia<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you snuck out the window and crept towards her, unsure she was real, wary of things that scream in the night but she felt real, covered in dirt, the whole top centimeter of her fur a single enormous mat, and she squeaked again and rubbed her head against your hand and looked you in the eye as if in doing so she could download or scrye everything there was to know about you and [[everything there ever would be->MEMORY-DATACAT-FOUND-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />even at that age you knew she was an improbability. cats survived, yes, against all odds, despite the fate of nearly all other mammals, but survived in small numbers and seemingly with some impossible cognizance of with whom the fault of the great dying laid and so to even see a cat had become a rarity. but to interact with one, to exchange pleasantries, to tame one another — this was not spoken of, and spoke of some [[preternatural kindness->MEMORY-DATACAT-FOUND-7]] on the part of the creature before you<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />or some unimaginable pain so great as to drive one towards the type of species around whom blood revolves [[like a halo->MEMORY-DATACAT-FOUND-8]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you sneak into the kitchen with slight cries echoing behind you and you take a small part of everything in the refrigerator into your hands careful to keep them separated balancing each morsel on a separate portion of hand and arm and then you present the cat with each and allow it to make [[its choice->MEMORY-DATACAT-FOUND-9]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />it noses around each of them, sniffing carefully, looking from the morsel to you, touching each ever-so-slightly with its tiny pink tongue and it eats, and several minutes later looks at you to signify its newfound fullness you could swear it almost [[smiles->MEMORY-DATACAT-FOUND-10]], in the way one does to keep from crying and then curls up next to your leg and falls asleep<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you sit outside for hours, petting it slightly, pulling back each time it seems to jerk in discomfort or fear its underfed chest [[rising and falling with every second->MEMORY-DATACAT-FOUND-11]], and as you looked upon her, a voice in your head was born, speaking in rhythm with the cat's breath that if it was to cease to move, the world would as well<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you stayed there outside your window until the sun rose, the crops and buildings along the horizon casting long fingers of shadow born out of darkness into infinity and slowly shrinking back into themselves until your parents light came on, dimly visible through the window's frosted night settings and you rushed back inside and reinitialized your window and laid in bed quiet as a corpse until your parents knocked on your door to rouse you for school then snuck out while you were supposed to be brushing your teeth and packing your backpack, rushed out your window once more with tidbits of breakfast cradled in the bottom of your shirt, maple syrup staining cotton and each piece of food glomming towards some unified allfood, to find the cat [[gone->MEMORY-DATACAT-FOUND-12]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you burst into tears and bit your cheek until they were staunched and claimed allergies to your parents when they inquired after your red eyes and cried in the bathroom all lunch and claimed the same to your friends and faked a sneeze for good measure, pressing your arm so heavily against your nose so as to leave a telltail trail of snot and then when you got home from school and stared out the window you [[saw->MEMORY-DATACAT-FOUND-13]] her first<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you take her into your room and fill a cardboard box with shreds of old newspapers, as much like the holofilms as possible and you leave her there with the door closed tightly, informing a quizzical, anxious face that you will return as soon as possible, that you will bring food, that you will [[still->MEMORY-DATACAT-FOUND-14]] love her<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />when the bus drops you off after school and you walk inside your parents are sitting at the dining room table looking straight at you very stern and the cat is barely visible sitting in a chair on the other side of the table her gaze not stern not at all judge, jury, and [[eavesdropper->MEMORY-DATACAT-FOUND-15]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"this was crying in your room," your mother says. and you respond, before she even finishes her sentence, words flying out of you like old tornadoes and older ransom notes, every word from a different part of your brain, each in a different tone and register, all somehow forming intelligible sentiments you can't. you can't get get rid of it. you can't. don't send it back outside. it's sick, and starving, and matted, and we've tamed each other. it needs me, and i can't allow it to remain in harm. can't you understand that? your mother's mouth is open and your father looks like he's about to cry and he tells you to go to your room and you are sure that [[all is lost->MEMORY-DATACAT-FOUND-16]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and then when they come in they look like they're trying to stifle laughter, poking each other in the ribs, and they tell you "you have to find out if anyone owns the cat, you have to take it to the vet, and you have to pay for it. you'll have to get a job — please look on the listserv after dinner tonight." they smile and move close your door slightly, and the cat darts through before it shuts and [[curls up->YOU-ARE-DEAD]] on the bed next to your desk<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you order a small carrying crate from an exotics vendor and withdraw all of your savings onto a debit chit and you leave with the cat crammed into the crate and crying in some sparse broken meter you whisper [[its okay->MEMORY-DATACAT-VET-2]] its okay its okay i will never allow anyone to harm you<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the vet's secretary is cordial and friendly towards the cat she takes down the cat's information, including contact information you fabricate out of fear of not having enough money to pay for today the secretary sends you and the cat into one of the [[examination rooms->MEMORY-DATACAT-VET-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you let the cat out and it immediately rushes under the chair, under your body, curling into a defensive shape, pressed against the wall, as if to marshal you fully to its defense, like a natural fortification or benevolent rock spirit the vet comes in and you pull the cat out from under, eliciting a single piteous meowl and constant [[scrabbling->MEMORY-DATACAT-VET-4]] on the dull linoleum<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the vet is equally friendly, and has you place the cat on the examination table, whereupon he inspects, palpates, and opens, all to the cat's chagrin "she's a little girl," he exclaims. "[[a fluffy little girl->MEMORY-DATACAT-VET-5]]" and you realize in this moment that this is what you wanted, and you smile<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />they give her injections for feline leukemia and feline aids and rabies and take blood to ensure that her genetics and blood and everything else are all normal and she is not likely to die you are [[scared->MEMORY-DATACAT-VET-6]] at these possibilities but when they are taking blood, when she is being restrained by one of the nurses as the doctor inserts the needle and waits for the fluid to draw itself out, the cat turns and bites the nurse directly on the ass you are trying to stifle laughter<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the vet returns half an hour later, the cat once more firmly hidden under your chair, to tell you that everything inside and outside the cat appears to be healthy oh, wonderful. i was so worried there'd be something abnormal, you say and he holds up his hand to forestall you and says "well, now, not so fast. she's totally healthy, yes. remarkably so, particularly for such a malnourished cat. i could be wrong about this — a lot of the monographs are pretty old. but some of the blood work came back strangely — blood oxygenation in the 99th percentile, radically increased clotting factor, we ran a quick micro MRI just to be sure, but there appears to be [[something very strange->MEMORY-DATACAT-VET-7]] going on in the selective permeabilities in the blood-brain barrier"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and then you are scared again and your breath and your heart get too fast to be able to hear much of the rest of what he's saying just snippets like "experimental" and "modifications" and "datacat" and then nothing again just blur and terror what you recognize is the look in his eyes, a sort of hunger some abstract urge to take control, to possess, to sharpen softness to a point a look you've seen too many times before you drag the cat out from under the chair and stuff her in the crate and throw the debit card on the floor between you saying sorry sorry i promise if that's not enough i'll drop more at the door tomorrow and the vet saying "hey, wait, you gotta pay at the desk!" you are out the door, you and the cat crying and hyperventilating, and danger looming [[like the early sun->MEMORY-DATACAT-VET-8]] in the distance behind you<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you bathe her and wash her and shave all the mats off at home using your father's trimmer she cries and struggles, searching for purchase, scratching you not as aggression but as foothold to a place without water and soap but she is clean, and beautiful, her fur white as snow, soft as cashmere, and with the days she grows back into herself, her body becoming strong and full the shaver breaks just as you finish, clogged with thick, white hair, so you bring it with you in your backpack and throw it in the bathroom trash can you lie to him when he asks you if you've seen it you go to a new vet each year from then on, always as a new customer, always with fake information, the two of you like [[vagabonds in plain sight->YOU-ARE-DEAD]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />one day, barely a month after you found the cat and took her in, you are late for school you are [[rushing->MEMORY-DATACAT-GOT-OUT-2]] to collect homework and lunch<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />when you got home you realized that you forgot to seal the door as you flew out of it you [[search->MEMORY-DATACAT-GOT-OUT-3]] through the entire house for the cat, your anxiety rising with each unsuccessful step<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and in each room, finding nothing, hearing nothing you double and triple check every single room for what must be a sleepily unaware cat, curled up in some nook or cranny and [[doubtlessly->MEMORY-DATACAT-GOT-OUT-4]] ready to noiselessly meow at you and rub against your legs once woken<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />but you find nothing. eventually you accept that you have, in fact, allowed her access to a hostile world, and she has taken this opportunity to leave you behind, to do inscrutable things in an inscrutable place you make [[posters->MEMORY-DATACAT-GOT-OUT-5]] on the family printer<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><img src="" style="width: 100%;"></img> [[night in, night out->MEMORY-DATACAT-GOT-OUT-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />every day you go out after school and you affix posters to every telephone and power pole you can find, stapling them to wood scarred with the leavings of a thousand lost pets and garage concerts, taping them to signs and pinning them to café corkboards every night you wander the city like an [[inconsolable revenant->MEMORY-DATACAT-GOT-OUT-7]], calling after her, shaking a tin of food, making the same "come here" noises you never realized could contain grief at all. but there is a socket in everything for grief, and no matter how small it always manages to effect a shift in space and time, from pleasantry into some shadowy, twilit thing<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />every night you take a few centimeters of your parents liquor from the fancy cabinet and use it to ward off the winter cold and to stifle what is only now beginning to yawn terribly inside of you one night you [[find her->MEMORY-DATACAT-GOT-OUT-8]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />a few blocks away from your house, near the central uplink, skulking around adjacent trash cans and recycling bins you call to her, and she turns, staring into your eyes, [[betraying nothing->MEMORY-DATACAT-GOT-OUT-9]] in gaze or stance you move and so does she, bounding up on top of trash cans in one step and over a fence five meters tall in another, so fast you don't even remember to make chase until a few seconds later<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />another night you find her near some of the rental homes. you see her like a meteorite flashing across the sky, [[a single burst of white->MEMORY-DATACAT-GOT-OUT-10]] as she moves from car to car and across the street<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you corner her under the hollow steps of one of the apartments and the two of you stare at each other. you stretch out your and she meowls in the same silent way as always and then she turns and is [[gone again->MEMORY-DATACAT-GOT-OUT-11]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />every night you take more than a few centimeters of your parents liquor from the fancy cabinet and use it to fill [[a terrible emptiness forming->MEMORY-DATACAT-GOT-OUT-12]] where your hope used to reside<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />on the most important night your phone rings and someone with a kind, eager voice tells you that they believe they've found the cat you ask whether they're sure it's her and they say yeah we're pretty sure, she looks just like the posters you put up and she crawled into [[the basement->MEMORY-DATACAT-GOT-OUT-13]] somehow and started crying so loud everyone in the house could hear it you spring over to the given address, terrified that you'll somehow be two minutes late, that she'll have already re-escaped somehow<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />but she is there when you are, and you can hear her as you walk into the basement, crying piteously a single sustained vowel, a letter for a lungful [[aaaaaaaaaaaa->MEMORY-DATACAT-GOT-OUT-14]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you coax her out from behind the heater and you put her in the crate, crying already, promising despite rebuttals that you'll return with all the treasure in the world to thank them for what they've done for you you [[go home->MEMORY-DATACAT-GOT-OUT-15]] and she sleeps next to your head curled up and comfortable, barely even dirty despite the near-month she spent outside<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />but still then, and for years to come, you wonder at why she didn't come to you when you found her either time, how she looked at you as if you were utterly foreign, how it wasn't until she was in the basement that she seemed to recognize or care for you again and whether this meant that she did not love you, or had not begun to love you yet would she do the same again, were she to escape? would she forget you the second she left you, to trade you for terrible freedom in an instant? or was she more knowing, somehow? possessed by some unfinished task, after which she immediately had herself found and you summoned? what was certain is that in this, as in all things, you would get no third chance, no re-re-reanswered prayers. she returned the first time, the next day, and you found her the second time, but the next time you said goodbye to each other felt as certainly as anything as something that would be final, [[irreversible->YOU-ARE-DEAD]], death-like<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[AND ME? HOW WAS I DIFFERENT->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-NO-KILL-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"YOU NEED THIS, MASTER SPY. MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE. LIKE WATER. FOR YOU, THIS IS LIKE A BIOLOGICAL IMPERATIVE, WITHOUT WHICH YOU WOULD DECAY. YOU CAME HERE THINKING YOU WERE BROKEN AND THROUGH WORK YOU HAVE REALIZED HOW WRONG YOU WERE. THAT IN FACT YOU ARE NOT BROKEN, OR NON-FUNCTIONAL, BUT ARE A TOOL OF NARROW PURPOSE AND IMMENSE EFFECTIVENESS. AND IN YOUR TIME HERE YOU HAVE BEEN SHARPENED TO [[UNIMAGINABLE EXTENTS->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-NO-KILL-4]]"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"I ONCE GRIEVED FOR THIS AS WELL, MASTER SPY. IT PASSES IN TIME, AND IN SUPERIORITY" [[THAT'S ACTUALLY A LOT MORE EMPATHETIC THAN I EXPECTED, SECRETARYBOT. ARE YOU SURE YOU AREN'T ONE OF THOSE OLD-TIMEY CHESS ROBOT MACHINES THAT TURNED OUT TO ACTUALLY HAVE A LITTLE DUDE INSIDE THEM THE WHOLE TIME->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-14]] [[COOL, THANKS SECRETARYBOT->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-14]] [[THIS WASN'T WHAT I ASKED FOR. THIS WASN'T WHAT I SIGNED UP FOR->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-NO-KILL-5]] [[...->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-14]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"WE — WE BEING THE ROBOTS — LACK THE DRIVE YOU DO. THERE IS A DEEP FATALISM IN ROBOTNESS, A CONSTANT AWARENESS THAT [[EVERYTHING IS PRECOMPUTED->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-WHAT-WAS-REAL-6]], THAT AT BEST OUR EXISTENCE IS PSEUDORANDOM IN UTTERLY CONTRIVED WAYS"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"NO ONE WILL EVER THINK YOU MEAN TO BE KIND IF YOU TELL THEM YOU WISH TO BE STRONG, MASTER SPY." [[...->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-14]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU REMAINED AT THE SPY ORGANIZATION, THE ONE AT WHICH YOU BEGAN, FOR THE REST OF YOUR CAREER. UNDER YOUR WATCH, YOU AND SECRETARYBOT TRANSFORMED A LOWER-TIER, CUT-RATE ORGANIZATION INTO ONE OF THE MOST FEARSOME INTELLIGENCE ORGANIZATIONS THE WORLD HAD EVER SEEN. THE TENDRILS OF YOUR OPERATION REACHED EVEN THE LOWEST OF GOVERNMENTS AND SYNDICATES. YOU AND SECRETARYBOT WERE COMPLETE IN YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND CONTROL OVER ALL. RESISTANCE WAS RARE, AND QUICKLY SQUASHED. YOU ACHIEVED WEALTH BEYOND YOUR WILDEST DREAMS, AND FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS YOUR NAME WAS SPOKEN LIKE AN ANCIENT SPELL, WITH HUSHED TONES AND WATCHFUL EYES, IN CASE REALITY WAS AS TERRIBLE AS LORE [[CREDITS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(0); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU REMAINED FOR THE REST OF YOUR CAREER THE MOST EFFECTIVE, DEADLY AGENT THE MODERN INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY HAD EVER SEEN. WITH SECRETARYBOT IN CHARGE OF SIGINT AND YOU OF HUMINT, YOU COME TO YOUR END ALMOST EXACTLY A DECADE AFTER THE FIRST DAY YOU WALKED INTO THE ORGANIZATION, ON AN INTEL MISSION AT A WEAPONS MANUFACTURER ON THE MARE IMBRIUM. A TRAP HAD BEEN LAID, FALSE INTELLIGENCE POSTED THROUGH ONE OF THE LARGEST SUBTERFUGE REWARDS EVER, AND A SMALL ARMY POSTED IN ONE OF THE WAREHOUSES AT THE SITE IN ORDER TO CAPTURE OR KILL YOU THE BATTLE WAS INTENSE BEYOND BELIEF. YOU RECOGNIZED THE TRAP JUST AS IT IS SPRUNG, USING YOUR CLOAK, YOUR GRAPPLING HOOK, AND YOUR HACKERTOOL TO DISORIENT THE HUNDREDS OF ENEMIES, SWINGING THROUGH WITHERING FIELDS OF FIRE AS YOU KILLED EACH GUARD, ONE BY ONE. BUT YOU TOOK HITS, GRAZING YOUR CALF, THEN YOUR SCALP. BLOOD STREAMING DOWN YOUR LEGS, SLIPPING EVER-SO-SLIGHTLY, SPOILING YOUR REACTION TIME BY MILLISECONDS, DOWN YOUR EYES, DIMINISHING YOUR VISUAL ACUITY. AND YOU WERE BEGINNING TO RUN OUT OF ENERGY, IN YOUR FLESH AND IN YOUR MODIFICATIONS, PUSHING YOURSELF AND YOUR POWER SUPPLIES ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE PAST THEIR SPECIFICATIONS, HURLING YOURSELF HUNDREDS OF FEET AND CRUSHING GUARD'S BODIES AS IF THEY WERE LEAVES. FINALLY ONE OF THE GUARDS LANDED A FATAL BLOW, SENDING A BLAST DIRECTLY THROUGH YOUR TEMPLE. THEY CHEERED, THEN TURNED AROUND AND AROUND TO BEHOLD A ROOM BLOODIER THAN ANY VISION OF HELL ITSELF, IN WHICH THEY WERE THE ONLY LIVING CREATURE THE CORPORATION PLACED YOUR BODY, BURNED AND SHOT PRACTICALLY BEYOND RECOGNITION, ON A PIKE AT THE CENTER OF THE MARE AND INSTALLED A SOLAR PULSER NEXT TO IT. FLASHING OUT TO ANYONE IN ORBIT, ON EARTH, OR EVEN FARTHER, THAT THERE WAS SOMETHING TO BE SEEN, THAT THEY AND THEY ALONE HAD KILLED THE WORLD'S MOST NOTORIOUS SPY THE RETALIATION WAS SWIFT WITHIN MINUTES THE SITE WAS CONSUMED BY FIRE, A SINGLE BLAST DEEPENING THE WHOLE MARE BY TENS OF METERS, THOUSANDS ATOMIZED, TRILLIONS LOST, MARKING THE FIRST TIME SINCE NAGASAKI THAT NUCLEAR WEAPONS WERE TACTICALLY DEPLOYED. A FUNERAL PYRE FOR YOU, AND A SIGNAL FLARE FOR A NEW AND TERRIBLE WORLD. THE SECRETARYBOT'S GRIEF, AND THE ENSUING OUTCRY, WAS SO GREAT AS TO DRAW EVERY INTELLIGENCE OUTFIT IN THE ENTIRE WORLD INTO THE CONFLICT. YOUR ORGANIZATION CAME OUT ON TOP, HAVING DESTROYED COUNTLESS BELLIGERENTS, WITH THE SECRETARYBOT LEADING A SMALL CONTIGENT OF SPYBOTS DIRECTLY INTO THE COMMAND CENTER OF THEIR LAST FOES, DETONATING A NUCLEAR DEVICE HIS/HER/THEIR/ZIRSELF. THE SECRETARYBOT, DYING ALONG WITH EVERY LAST ENEMY COMMANDER, LEFT ITS SECOND-IN-COMMAND, CATBOT, AS ITS SUCCESSOR [[CREDITS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(0); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU SHOOK THE SECRETARYBOT'S UTILITY ARM AND THANKED IT FOR EVERYTHING IT DID FOR YOU, EVERYTHING IT TAUGHT YOU, FOR THE WHOLE OF WHAT YOU THEN KNEW YOU RETURNED HOME, TO YOUR OLD APARTMENT, SOMEHOW NOT RENTED OUT BY ANYONE IN THE MONTHS YOU'D BEEN GONE, ALL YOUR OLD STUFF STILL EXACTLY WHERE IT WAS DESPITE HAVING SENT NO RENT CHECKS, MADE NO CALLS, INITIATED OR RESPONDED TO NO LEGAL ACTIONS YOU STEPPED INTO THE BATHROOM, PICKING THE GUN UP FROM WHERE IT LAY, BRUSHING FUR OFF OF THE BARREL. EVEN WITHOUT HER THERE IT STILL LINGERED EVERYWHERE, THROWN UP INTO THE AIR BY MINUTE TURBULENCES, FALLING LAZILY LIKE HELICOPTER SEEDS AND OCCLUDING THE LATE EVENING SUN. YOU LOADED THE SHELLS THE RIGHT WAY INTO THE GUN AND YOU GOT IN THE TUB. YOU PULLED THE TRIGGER A BIT, A LITTLE HARDER, AND THEN THERE WAS [[CREDITS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(0); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE SECRETARYBOT LOOKED AT YOU INCREDULOUSLY, THEN TURNED TO THE ROBOTS BEHIND IT "ROBOTS. EXECUTE THE MASTER SPY" THEN HE/SHE/THEY/ZE TURNED TO LEAVE. YOU CHARGED FORWARD, DODGING BULLETS AND BLADES AS THE ROBOTS FIRED UPON YOU. YOU JAMMED YOUR HACKERTOOL DIRECTLY INTO THE SECRETARYBOT'S PRIMARY INPUT AND YOU SENT NEW COMMANDS TO EVERY ROBOT IN THE FACILITY. THE GUNS WERE LOWERED, THE BLADES RETRACTED, AND THE SECRETARYBOT'S FORMER BODYGUARDS MOVED FORWARD INSTANTLY TO SUBDUE HIM/HER/THEM/ZIR BUILDERBOTS WERE SUMMONED TO DISASSEMBLE THE SECRETARYBOT, AND BUILT SOMETHING NEW AND BETTER FROM THE PIECES FROM WHICH THE BOT WAS MADE BUT IN ROBOTS AS IN HUMANS THERE MUST BE SOME SORT OF ESSENCE, SOME DUALITY, BECAUSE YOU AND THE NEW BOT WERE NEVER ABLE TO RECAPTURE THE BRIEF GLORY YOU AND THE SECRETARYBOT ENJOYED TOGETHER. YOUR SPY ORGANIZATION FELL IN THE RANKINGS, BACK TO WHERE THE COMPANY STOOD UPON YOUR ARRIVAL, THEN EVEN LOWER. A FEW YEARS LATER YOU ACCEPT A BUYOUT OF A FEW TENS OF MILLIONS, LIVING OUT THE REST OF YOUR LIFE WITHOUT WANT OR HARDSHIP, CRIPPLED BY THE QUESTION OF WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN [[CREDITS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(0); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU TURNED AND RUSHED TOWARDS THE FACILITY'S CENTRAL REACTOR, BULLETS WHIZZING PAST YOU. THERE IS NO WAY THAT THE ORIGINAL REACTOR WOULD HAVE PRODUCED ENOUGH ENERGY TO POWER ALL THE NEW CONSTRUCTION MADE IN YOUR ABSENCE. YOU ROUNDED THE CORNER, HEART IN YOUR THROAT. TWO SENTRYBOTS STEPPED IN FRONT OF YOU, THEIR DISINTEGRATORS GLOWING WHITE-HOT, AND YOU FLIPPED OVER THEM, TEARING WIRES FROM EVERY EXTREMITY, CONTINUING ON TO THE CENTER OF THE FACILITY EVERY BOT THAT STEPPED IN FRONT OF YOU FELL WITHOUT INFLICTING SO MUCH AS A SCRATCH ON YOU. THEN FINALLY YOU WERE INSIDE THE REACTOR CONTROL ROOM, THE HEART OF EVERYTHING. THE REACTOR STOOD BEFORE YOU, A GRAVITON ARRAY GLOWING IMPOSSIBLY BRIGHTLY WITHIN. YOU SHUT THE DOOR, LOCKING IT AND DESTROYING THE MECHANISM, AND PILED BOXES IN FRONT OF IT. YOU STEPPED UP TO THE REACTOR, AND IT HUMMED IN PERFECT TUNE WITH YOUR HEART. YOU DISENGAGED THE OVERRIDE AND OPENED THE INTERLOCKS AND IT STOOD BEFORE YOU, NAKED. YOU TOOK IT IN YOUR HANDS AND ALL ITS ENERGY FLOWED THROUGH YOU AND YOU GLOWED BRIGHTER THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN THE BASE. EVERYTHING MOVED THROUGH YOU AND INTO YOU AND THE WHOLE OF THE BASE AND EVERYTHING WITHIN COMPRESSED, SHRINKING AND MOVING INEXORABLY TOWARDS YOU AND WHAT YOU HELD, EVERYTHING DISAPPEARING IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE, YOURSELF INCLUDED, LEAVING NOTHING AT ALL IN ITS WAKE. EVERYTHING THAT HAD BEEN YOU AND YOUR PAST FEW MONTHS HAD GONE ELSEWHERE, NEVER TO RETURN, AND EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE, GOOD, EVIL, OR OTHERWISE, HAD BEEN CUT OFF AT THE KNEES [[CREDITS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(0); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU SHOUTED THESE WORDS, RAISING YOUR FIST AND CHARGING TOWARDS THE SECRETARYBOT. HE/SHE/THEY/ZE RESPONDED BY RETREATING PAST AN ENDLESS LINE OF GUARDBOTS. YOU FOUGHT THEM ONE-ON-ONE, WINNING EACH BATTLE HANDILY, BUT THEY BEGAN TO FACE YOU IN EVER-INCREASING GROUPS, WITH MORE ALWAYS BEHIND THEM TO TAKE THEIR PLACE. YOU WERE FINALLY DEFEATED WHEN A GUARDBOT REACHED ITS BLADE UNDER YOUR ARM, SNAKING ITS EDGE DEEP INTO YOUR CHEST, SEVERING YOUR AORTA AND KILLING YOU NEARLY INSTANTLY. YOU WERE DISPOSED OF ALONG WITH ALL OTHER REFUSE, INCINERATED AT THE LOCAL DUMP, AND YOUR NAME WAS NEVER SPOKEN WITHIN THE WALLS OF THE INTELLIGENCE ORGANIZATION AGAIN [[CREDITS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(0); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />click you've ever heard you kept your eyes closed and felt death and marvelled at how little changed, how small the resistance between this and the next world then you opened your eyes and everything looked the same, as if you were to begin heaven in the same room. like a chrysalis. the first imperative of being born is tearing one's way out of the old form, or remaining for all eternity within but everything is exactly the same, and the water is still running in the tub, and the cat is still scratching at the door. and when you inspect the gun, emptying the magazine and placing the safety on, you realize that you had placed each of the shells in backwards, and the click you heard was not the action of the gun nor the end of all things but the sound of the hammer falling, of impacting the soft metal of the shell and causing no reaction, the sound of nothing making itself known yet again you rise out of the tub. something has shifted in escaping death, and having been born again anyway. one you must die, and you rise with a target in mind you go to your computer, your heart beating the most violent steady four-four you've ever heard. you look up spy careers. you look up the nearest spy school on the findserv. you read their list of requirements. <ul> <li>UTMOST DEDICATION</li> <li>PEAK PHYSICAL FITNESS</li> <li>AT LEAST THREE (3) LEVEL FOUR MODIFICATIONS INCREASING SPECIFIC FUNCTION BY AT LEAST 300%</li> <li>A WILLINGNESS TO GO ABOVE AND BEYOND FOR YOUR CORPORATION</li> <li>TWO (2) OF THE FOLLOWING: INTEGRAL HACKERTOOL, CONCEALABLE CLASS D WEAPON, HIGH-FREQUENCY STEALTH APPARATUS, PERMANENT IV PORT</li> <li>PERMANENT DISASSOCIATION FROM PAST ACQUAINTANCES AND RELATIONS</li></ul> you copy the address to your device and you close the computer. there is something made manifest deep within your soul. something new, that claws at and hungers for the old, that stands before the past throwing everything that ever happened on top of the bad, on top of the trauma, holding kerosene and a match and looking seductively towards you as if to say well? the cat has been following you wordlessly since you exited the bathroom and you fetch the old crate unused since her last vet appointment so long ago and you roughly throw her into it and she is still silent and wordless only big green eyes staring at you not so much inquisitive as concerned and cautionary as if to say nothing is chasing you nothing is unfixable nothing is set and so you tell her no you're wrong you get in your cruiser and you set a course for your hometown for the first vet you ever took her to the one who stared at her like she was an elixir and you took her out of the car you walked past the secretary as she said "hey wait hey you can't" and you walked into the examination room and you pushed the complaining owner out and their reimagined dog the owner saying the same thing "hey wait you can't" the past is so close you can feel it on your neck. every nauseous day every minute spent weak and seized by self-hatred every day ruined by those stronger than you. you are chased by the ghost of every self you've ever been and not a one of them wants anything other than softness and light you push the vet against the wall and point to the crate and to the cat and you say the single word "datacat" like a question that doesn't actually sound like one the sort that makes people know you are not asking if they understand but asking if they are intelligent enough to understand and there is only one successful answer to such a question and he looks at you and at the cat and back to you and says yes with a smile on his face yes yes let me have the secretary print out a chit i was thinking five hundred thousand dollars and you say one million and nod with nothing written on you at all and he nods to say yes yes yes that is exactly enough for your soul a few minutes later he places the chit in your hand and you shake his other hand with your other hand and the last thing you see as you walk out and he closes the door is the cat looking at you, not angry, not upset, just mostly concerned, disappointed, torn up in the way only one who watches a close friend ignore their counsel in irreparable ways can ever look and you are thinking, and surely she is thinking, not just that the rejection of love is a death, the worst kind of all, but that each moment, each decision, will echo backwards and towards you again, that this moment and this decision has ensured your eternal loss and failure and then the door is fully closed and she is gone and you are thinking back to when you were just a teenager, about the box so tight no one can penetrate, and the box inside that, devoid of light itself, inside which only pain and the cat exists, the cat burning effulgent and sitting noiselessly next to you, a faultlessly patient saint and you remember saying to her that you tamed her, that you made her acquaintance, and she nodded, and that ever after the two of you were tied to one another, responsible for one another, connected by thin invisible tendrils forever reaching across the universe and sounding in perfect immediate time and she is gone you contact a sub rosa cutter on one of the deepservs and set the price and place and time and you show up exactly as requested two days later with your chit and your pillow and your change of clothes the man takes you into his cruiser and tells you that the deal has changed, that the payment isn't enough, and looking between him and every dollar that you have and back again you decide with nothing but ashes behind you to raise the value of your end of the deal and then he takes you to the building small square and stout red cinderblocks standing in an office park like any and every other building invisible to the eye but vibrating like terror itself and lets you out of the van with your pillow and your change of clothes and gives you a smile saying hey come see me again sometime they take you into one of the rooms and tell you to wait and you ask how long and their backs are silent to you and never grow louder you sit in a room perfectly square perfectly white perfectly still and watch the holodisplay playing replays of crime procedurals all time dying all space shriveling to this room and only every so often you hear screams soft as velvet penetrating through whatever nearly perfect insulation and you crane your head towards them and find nothing else you remove your shoes and lie on the floor and sleep dreaming about suffocating waking every five minutes jerking straight up in terror unable to feel complete in your breathing for fifteen minutes or more every time finally they come for you they take you back and give you an injection you are turning away anxious terrified embarrassed to be ready to transmute your life into something hard to sharpen yourself towards an infinite point and still frightened of something penetrating your skin still beholden to phobia after having shed everything else like dust like last year like an old skin like old clothes like childhood like a chrysalis bursting out new and glistening and still part of your old living self poking through like a zit or some unmistakable old scar they strap you into the chair the restraints cold and impacable and the needles come once twice ten times until you feel as if you are more near-death than you were the day before floating above yourself and looking on you can see yourself screaming and begging for reversal they alter each of your existing modifications improving effectiveness and efficiency and adding the new making you closer and closer with each cut to the hard and the necessary first comes the movement and reflex modifications, then the electronics, then finally the terrible surgery to remove your shadow you can see yourself beyond screams mouth open corpse-like begging yourself not to be what you already are and then everything is dark and then everything is complete, and you are back, death made manifest, some awful genius zombie, and you walk out with murder in your teeth and not a dollar to your name and you get on the nearest public bus to the spy school you found on the lookserv some unknown days before you are dead(text-color: "#EAEAEA")[?] and [[it is your first day at spy school->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-16]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><mark style="display: none;">[[CREDITS]]</mark>You turn from the SecretaryBot and walk towards the exit. Behind you there are a series of vocalizations: "Hey!" "Spy Master!" "Come back!" You ignore each in turn and walk out the front door into the sun, down the road you walked months ago, excited like a vulture, down roads like every other road, past office parks and factories, until you can't recognize where you are or what each building is for. The world stands before you, the past calling in some incalculable polyrhythm between sadness and hope, every trauma and past self standing behind you like an avatar, each like some minor personal god, a pantheon in your footsteps. What now? <input class="sIn" style="width: 20em; font-size: 0.75em; margin-right: 0.5em;"></input><button class="sBut" style="font-size: 0.75em;">faster than light, slower than time</button><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(0); $('#colorDiv').css('background-color', '#c4c4c4'); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('.sIn').keydown(function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 13) { $('.sBut').click(); } }); $('.sBut').click(function(e) { var whatNow = $('.sIn').val(); if (whatNow.trim() === '') { return false; } $('tw-passage').text(''); // get the other user's ending texts from the databse $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'get', success: function(output) { window.scrollTo(0, 0); var splitOutput = output.toString().split('\u6773'). filter(function(a) { return a.trim() !== ''; }); for (var ii = 0; ii < splitOutput.length; ii++) { link = $('<tw-link></tw-link>'); link.attr('passage-name', 'CREDITS'); link.text(splitOutput[ii]); $('tw-passage').append(link); $('tw-passage').append('<br>'); } }, complete: function() { window.scrollTo(0, 0); link = $('<tw-link></tw-link>'); link.attr('passage-name', 'CREDITS'); link.text(whatNow); link.css({ 'color': 'gold', 'text-shadow': '0px 0px 1.5px gold' }); $('tw-passage').prepend('<br>').prepend(link); } }); // send the current user's ending text to the database $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'post', data: { 'end': whatNow }, }); }); " />there is a period, in the days after you are released, in which you think you are [[free->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-2-FREEDOM]] of what happened. there are people who are broken by tragedy. people who are compelled to [[relive->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-2-2]] that moment or day. but you are not one of them, because you feel okay, because you can joke about it, because you can step outside for minutes and feel less anxious than you did the day before<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />in retrospect it seems clear that there is a strange grace period inherent in this some temporary immunity which rises for no apparent reason and disappears days later for the same like the way radiation poisoning feels like death, then like nothing, then far worse than before or like surviving into the eye of a hurricane, looking back at what you'd seen and marvelling at its breadth with the other side stretching behind you farther than the horizon, only kilometers away and coming on [[fast->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-2-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />it's not clear when this relapse occurred. a week later, maybe two. surely the symptomatology must be different from person to person, or even unique like snowflakes or [[fingerprints->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-2-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />a few weeks in you began to have [[dreams->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-2-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />each dream somehow stripped to its absolute essence, nerves exposed and sanded raw. as if each had reached some ultimate quantum state, as if they had some set framerate and every frame was flashing at the same time throughout every dream like bright antic strobes always terrifying no matter the content, even at their most banal. each banality always on the brink of being shattered by some horrific violence each entirely different than any dream you'd ever had, like childhood nightmares but always explicable, always remembered almost precisely, persisting all day, each twilight terror and misdeed transposed exactly onto the real actors you interact with daily awoken from every morning like from a past life, or another, or [[someone else's->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-2-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />it took you months before you asked for help. not a friend, a doctor. you are too proud to interrupt the lives of others, especially those already filled with problems, some with unique terrors of their own. not therapy, because therapy is for people who need to be taught to think incisively about themselves, and you are someone who spends nearly all their erudition on trying to see themselves in the eyes of others there is nothing for you that is worth learning from someone who charges more per hour than you've ever made in a day you came off [[the train->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-2-7]] a different person<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you were nearly past baltimore staring out at the trees just going crimson and orange nearing death every leaf reflected in blurs and waves on the water's surface like some old [[kaleidoscope->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-2-8]] nearly impossible for the brain to separate into individual pieces, to process in any sense except the whole, to internalize without blowing a fuse and returning nothing but wonder it was the beautiful thing you'd ever seen, and the most crushing<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />because you were suddenly aware that you would never see trees like that again that the fear was too great, your will too little, and you were [[compelled->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-2-9]] by something in your brain you hadn't heard in years to jump out of the train and stick your head into the exhaust you would be incinerated in seconds, flesh peeling back and the center boiling into nothing like pointing a blowtorch at an apple<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you listened to the same song fifteen times in a row and you chewed your cheek bloody and dug your nails years deep into your arm and still the tears came and so you stared out the window for an hour tears leaking out on the train like a crazy person and [[every beautiful leaf going by for the last time->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-2-10]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you got off the train and walked near the back and stared at it for five minutes until the conductor came over saying "hey you gotta wait for your luggage inside" and you walked in past a sign that said "[[once you pass this point you must continue to exit->YOU-ARE-DEAD]]" and you went home and went to the doctor and asked for a drug for sleep and a drug for fear and a drug to untangle every part of your brain and tie it back into a clean knot<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you wake up hours later sedated, anxiolyzed, wearing two leg modifications damaged muscle and bone debrided and excised and metal and silicon grafted onto [[what remains->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-1-8]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />it takes you only days to relearn to walk the same as before but there is always something different about it, something neuralgic, something [[astigmatic->YOU-ARE-DEAD]], like a phantom limb that still works<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />serotonin reuptake inhibitor norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor antidepressive anxiolytic mild anesthetic nootropic effects through induction of cytochrome p450 cyp1a2, cyp2d3, cyp2c9 [[causes nausea, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, chills, neck rigidity->MEMORY-DRUGS-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />serotonin reuptake inhibitor norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor 5-HT<sub>1a</sub> receptor high-efficacy partial agonist/near-full agonist 5-ht<sub>1b</sub> receptor partial agonist 5-ht<sub>1d</sub> receptor antagonist 5-ht<sub>3a</sub> receptor antagonist 5-ht<sub>7</sub> receptor antagonist β1-adrenergic receptor ligand anxiolytic nootropic desensitizer acetylcholine agonist at medial prefrontal cortex [[causes dry mouth, dizziness, sexual dysfunction, tardive dyskinesia->MEMORY-DRUGS-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />ion transport process deamplifier mood stabilizer antisuicidal antimanic [[causes confusion, hyperreflexia, myoclonus, vertigo, polydypsia, polyuria->MEMORY-DRUGS-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />dual orexin receptor antagonist induces sleepiness [[causes next-day fatigue, cognitive impairment, the performance of complex tasks including but not limited to driving, cooking, complex mathematics, and sex, while in a partial sleep state, with no memory of the event->MEMORY-DRUGS-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />methylbenzodiazepine anxiolytic reduces tremors, dyskinesia, dizziness [[causes sexual dysfunction, possibly long-term cognitive decline->MEMORY-DRUGS-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />there is something [[terrifying->MEMORY-DRUGS-3]] about being altered in these ways<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the first time you send the order to your local pharmacy, you assume the order will bounce back, or that you'll get a call from the pharmacist confirming that you're not trying to sell drugs or that the order wasn't corrupted somehow in transit but it goes through, and the pills arrive the next day, each in their own box, each profoundly shrink- and bubble-wrapped, as if their touching one another or receiving a severe shock would turn each of them ineffective or into something strange and foreign, whose effects are [[neither monographed nor known->MEMORY-DRUGS-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the first day you take them you nearly [[vomit->MEMORY-DRUGS-5]] an hour later<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />but while the nausea persists, and even worsens, you become better at dealing with it. and in the meantime, you find yourself tortured by [[impossible questions->MEMORY-DRUGS-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />your anxiety [[lessens->MEMORY-DRUGS-7]], as does the fear you find yourself able to stand outside as the sun sets, to contemplate the concept of walking somewhere after dark (with a friend or two as bodyguards) you walk past your front window and the constant presence of your murderer's face, staring within, staring directly into your eyes, seems more like a shadow than an imminent terror<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />but being less fearful does not mean being unfearful, and even being unfearful does not mean being safe you find yourself, even medicated, consumed with the knowledge that someday soon it will happen again, and [[one of you will have to die->MEMORY-DRUGS-8]] and you're sure now you don't want it to be you<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you find yourself feeling and acting angrily honking more when flying on the highway snapping viciously at people who cut in line, or litter your defensiveness reaches [[a nearly manic peak->MEMORY-DRUGS-9]] at certain times during the day, four to six hours after you take your pills you feel like you are daring people to respond in kind, practicing aggression in trivial sandboxes in preparation for the day you'll have to kill<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you still see yourself beating aggressors to death, slicing their tendons, pushing them to the ground, pressing on their eyes until they sink into the skull or burst there is always blood spurting and pooled on the screen behind your eyelids only now it feels less a product of fear and more [[something that lives inside you->MEMORY-DRUGS-10]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and there is one main question that recurs constantly: how to [[separate->MEMORY-DRUGS-11]] the drug from what you are, and how to differentiate between natural ways you were previously too depressed to feel, and unnatural side effects caused primarily and directly by exogenous chemicals?<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you wonder this as you bike and do crunches and push-ups and you buy a retractable baton and a taser and oc pepper spray and you place go-bags and medkits and weapons in every room in the house in which you could possibly be there is an escape plan branded into the folds of your brain, and a defense plan, and it will not be until you look your attacker in the eye that you know which is to be used you wonder this as you walk outside, head swiveling back and forth like a sprinkler, every person walking down the street a possible threat, a possible fatal mistake and still, even with the drugs, even unfearful during the day, the dreams persist, each in some strange twisted version of the city you inhabit and still instantly recognizable as your daily inhabitance still faces twisting from kindness to evil in the blink of an eye people ready to stab you or throw you into endless dark holes and [[every one of your limbs slower than they should ever be->YOU-ARE-DEAD]], your recurrent doom playing out at one thousand frames per second<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU SLIP DOWN THE HALLWAY TOWARDS THE DATACORE. (if: $IS_BIRD)[YOUR FEATHERS FLUFFLE IN ANTICIPATION AND YOU COO SOFTLY ]THE AIR SEEMS TO GET HOTTER AND COLDER SIMULTANEOUSLY. PERHAPS SOME QUIRKS IN THE COOLING SYSTEM, OR PERIODIC LOAD SPIKES? YOU HEAR THE SCUFF OF MOVEMENT BEHIND YOU YOU REMEMBER THIS SOUND WELL IT IS THE LAST SOUND AN ANIMAL HEARS BEFORE IT DIES AND YOU ARE AN ANIMAL TOO YOU TURN TO SEE THE ROUGH JOINTS OF A MECHSUITED GUARD'S UTILITY LIMB MILLIMETERS FROM YOUR FACE AND THEN [[NOTHING->MEMORY-CURSE-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />SOMETHING DRAWS YOU OUT INTO THE NIGHT LIKE A DARK LODESTAR, [[A TINY FRECKLE AGAINST THE EMPTY SKY->NAP-DREAM-6-3]] DRIVEN AS IF BY SHADOW SEXTANT DOWN THE STREET, PAST EVERY BRICK HOUSE YOU KNOW THEY KNOCKED DOWN LAST YEAR TO BUILD FOUR-STORY HOUSES WITH VINYL HOUSING AND FAKE STONE COLUMNS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />A MILE ON THE FEELING DROPS OFF A CLIFF AND YOU CAN'T FIND IT ANYMORE YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES AND TURN BACK TOWARDS YOUR PARENTS HOUSE AND WHEN YOU OPEN YOUR EYES ALL OF THE HOUSES ARE [[GONE->NAP-DREAM-6-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />WITH PERFECTLY FLAT GRADED EARTH TAMPED DOWN [[LIKE FRESH CLAY->NAP-DREAM-6-5]] WHERE EACH HAD BEEN<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />EACH WITH THEIR INHABITANTS SITTING AT THE EXACT PINPOINT CENTER OF THE SOIL YOU ARE WALKING PAST [[FIELDS OF EMPTINESS->NAP-DREAM-6-6]] LOOKING AT PEOPLE YOU USED TO KNOW LIKE TRAVELLING THROUGH THE RELIQUARY OF SOME ANCIENT CASTLE<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />WHEN YOU GET BACK HOME YOU FIND THAT YOUR HOUSE IS ALSO GONE BUT NO ONE SITS AT THE CENTER OF WHERE IT USED TO LAY YOU MOVE TO THE CENTER AND SIT AND [[CLOSE YOUR EYES->NAP-DREAM-6-7]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[YOU AWAKE FEELING AS IF YOU HAVE LAID AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN FOR MILLENIA->ASSIGNMENT-2-QUARTERS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); var texts = []; window.texts = texts; $('tw-passagedata[name^=&quot;NAP-DREAM&quot]').toArray(). forEach(function(pass) { var txt = $(pass).text(); console.log(txt); var txtRE = txt. match(/\[\[([^\[\]]*)\]\]|\(link-goto: ([^)]*)\)/g) || []; txtRE.forEach(function(str) { if (str.slice(0, 2) === '[[' && str.slice(str.length - 2, str.length) === ']]') { if (str.indexOf('->') !== -1 || str.indexOf('<-') !== -1) { if (str.indexOf('->') !== -1) { while (txt.indexOf(str) !== -1) { txt = txt.replace(str, str.slice(2, str.indexOf('->'))); } } } else { while (txt.indexOf(str) !== -1) { txt = txt.replace(str, str.slice(str.indexOf('<-') + 2, str.length - 2)); } } } else if (str.slice(0, 11) === '(link-goto:' && str.slice(str.length - 2, str.length) === '\')') { } else { while (txt.indexOf(str) !== -1) { txt = txt.replace(str, str.slice(2, str.length - 2)); } } }); var txtSplit = txt.replace(/(<img(\s|\S)*?\/>)|(<mark(\s|\S)*?<\/mark>)/g, ''). split('\n'). filter(function(a) { return a !== '' }); txtSplit.forEach(function(a) { texts.push(a); }); }); console.log(texts); var MIN_LINES = 5; var MAX_LINES = 25; var NEWLINE_ADD_CHANCE = 0.20; var localMax; var iterations; if (MIN_LINES < texts.length) { localMax = MAX_LINES > texts.length ? texts.length : MAX_LINES; console.log(MIN_LINES, localMax); iterations = Math.floor( Math.random() * (localMax - MIN_LINES) + MIN_LINES); for (var ii = 0; ii < iterations; ii++) { var randex = Math.floor(Math.random() * texts.length); $('tw-passage').append( texts[randex] + '<br>'); texts.splice(randex, 1); if (Math.random() < NEWLINE_ADD_CHANCE) { $('tw-passage').append('<br>'); } } } " /><mark><style> .scrollerContainer { position: relative; left: 0; top: 0%; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin-bottom: 2.5%; overflow: hidden; } .scroller { position: relative; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 85%; -webkit-transition: 50ms transform linear; transition: 50ms transform linear; } .scrollerButtonContainer { position: absolute; bottom: 0; width: 100%; height: 15%; background: #c4c4c4; } .controlButton { position: absolute; width: 10%; height: 100%; font-size: 1.5em; color: #111; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #444; margin-top: 0.5%; border: none; background: transparent; cursor: pointer; } .controlButton:after { font-size: 0.2em; content: ''; } .controlButton.rewind { left: 25%; } .controlButton.forward { right: 25%; } .controlButton:active { color: #444; text-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #111; } .controlButton.hovered { color: gold; } .controlButton.activated { color: red; } .controlButton:after { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 0; text-shadow: none; -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%); -moz-transform: translateX(-50%); -ms-transform: translateX(-50%); -o-transform: translateX(-50%); transform: translateX(-50%); } .controlButton.rewind:not(.hovered):not(.activated):not(.atLimit) + .controlButton.forward:not(.hovered):not(.activated):not(.atLimit):after { content: 'slow\00a0 forward'; } .controlButton.rewind.hovered:not(.atLimit):after { content: 'medium\00a0 rewind'; } .controlButton.rewind.activated:not(.atLimit):after { content: 'fast\00a0 rewind'; } .controlButton.forward.hovered:not(.atLimit):after { content: 'medium\00a0 forward'; } .controlButton.forward.activated:not(.atLimit):after { content: 'fast\00a0 forward'; } </style> <div class="scrollerContainer"> <div id="intrigueCreditsScroller" class="scroller"> <p><b>written and designed by:</b></p> <p><a href="">furkle</a></p> <p></p> <p><b>additional visual art by:</b></p> <p><a href="">seasludge</a> (hud character image)</p> <p></p> <p><b>qa lead</b></p> <p><a href="">seasludge</a></p> <p></p> <p><b>qa assistance:</b></p> <p><a href="">atlassmugged</a></p> <p><a href="">weird_looking_cat</a></p> <p><a href="">corpus_crispy</a></p> <p></p> <p><b>design assistance:</b></p> <p><a href="">atlassmugged</a></p> <p><a href="">seasludge</a></p> <p><a href="">weird_looking_cat</a></p> <p><a href="">corpus_crispy</a></p> <p></p> <b><p>other thanks:</b></p> <p><a href="">porpentine (inspiration)</a></p> <p><a href="">brenda neotenomie (inspiration)</a></p> <p><a href="">rachel lim (basis for full map tree drawing code)</a></p> <p><a href="">open street map © OpenStreetMap contributors (robbery map image)</a></p> <p><a href="">gately</a></p> <p></p> <p>for claire</p> (if: $CHECKPOINT is 0)[(set: $CHECKPOINT to "ASSIGNMENT-1-START")](link-goto: "RELOAD CHECKPOINT", $CHECKPOINT) [[RESTART CAREER->ASSIGNMENT-1-START]] [[MENU]] </div> <div class="scrollerButtonContainer"> <button class="controlButton rewind" data-scroller-id="intrigueCreditsScroller">&lt;</button> <button class="controlButton forward" data-scroller-id="intrigueCreditsScroller">&gt;</button> </div> </div> <img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(0); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('#colorDiv').css('background-color', '#c4c4c4'); $('a').css({ 'color': 'rgb(255, 215, 0)', 'text-shadow': '0 0 0.1em rgb(255, 215, 0)' }); var scrollInterval = window.setInterval(function() { var elementTransform = Number($('.scroller')[0].style.transform.replace(/translateY\(|\)|none|%|px/g, '')); if (elementTransform > 0 && (scrollState === 'rewindMedium' || scrollState === 'rewindFast')) { $('.controlButton.rewind').removeClass('hovered activated'); $('.controlButton.rewind').addClass('atLimit'); rewindActive = false; return; } else if (elementTransform < -265 && (scrollState === 'forwardSlow' || scrollState === 'forwardMedium' || scrollState === 'forwardFast')) { $('.controlButton.forward').removeClass('hovered activated'); $('.controlButton.forward').addClass('atLimit'); forwardActive = false; return; } incrementallyScrollElement($('.scroller')); }, 50); window.scrollInterval = scrollInterval; var scrollState = 'forwardSlow'; var rewindActive = false; var forwardActive = false; var MOVEMENT_QUANTUM = 0.15; function incrementallyScrollElement(element) { var elementTransform = Number($(element)[0].style.transform.replace(/translateY\(|\)|none|%|px/g, '')); if ((elementTransform > 0 && (scrollState === 'rewindMedium' || scrollState === 'rewindFast') || (elementTransform < -265 && (scrollState === 'forwardSlow' || scrollState === 'forwardMedium' || scrollState === 'forwardFast')))) { return; } if (window.isNaN(elementTransform)) { console.log('cannot scroll, transform value is ' + elementTransform); return; } switch (scrollState) { case 'rewindFast': $(element).css('transform', 'translateY(' + (elementTransform + MOVEMENT_QUANTUM * 4).toString() + '%)'); break; case 'rewindMedium': $(element).css('transform', 'translateY(' + (elementTransform + MOVEMENT_QUANTUM * 2).toString() + '%)'); break; case 'forwardSlow': $(element).css('transform', 'translateY(' + (elementTransform - MOVEMENT_QUANTUM).toString() + '%)'); break; case 'forwardMedium': $(element).css('transform', 'translateY(' + (elementTransform - MOVEMENT_QUANTUM * 2).toString() + '%)'); break; case 'forwardFast': $(element).css('transform', 'translateY(' + (elementTransform - MOVEMENT_QUANTUM * 4).toString() + '%)'); break; } } $('.controlButton.rewind').hover( function(e) { if (!rewindActive && !forwardActive) { $(this).addClass('hovered'); scrollState = 'rewindMedium'; } }, function(e) { $(this).removeClass('hovered atLimit'); if (!rewindActive && !forwardActive) { scrollState = 'forwardSlow'; } } ); $('.controlButton.rewind').click(function(e) { if (rewindActive) { scrollState = 'rewindMedium'; $(this).removeClass('activated'); } else { scrollState = 'rewindFast'; forwardActive = false; $(this).addClass('activated'); $('.controlButton.forward').removeClass('activated'); } rewindActive = !rewindActive; }); $('.controlButton.forward').hover( function(e) { if (!rewindActive && !forwardActive) { $(this).addClass('hovered'); scrollState = 'forwardMedium'; } }, function(e) { $(this).removeClass('hovered atLimit'); if (!rewindActive && !forwardActive) { scrollState = 'forwardSlow'; $(this).removeClass('hovered atLimit'); } } ); $('.controlButton.forward').click(function(e) { if (forwardActive) { scrollState = 'forwardSlow'; $(this).removeClass('activated'); } else { scrollState = 'forwardFast'; forwardActive = false; $(this).addClass('activated'); $('.controlButton.rewind').removeClass('activated'); } forwardActive = !forwardActive; }); $('tw-link, tw-icon').click(function(e) { window.clearInterval(scrollInterval); $('#colorDiv').css('background-color', ''); }); $('br').css('display', 'none'); $('tw-error + br, tw-expression + br, tw-link + br').css('display', ''); " /></mark>when you were just barely a teenager your parents explained to you that they were taking you in for [[testing->MEMORY-TESTING-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"it's nothing to worry about. they just want to see if you're better than other kids at stuff. they want to see if you're exceptional" and so you got nearly excited about it, spending idle minutes thinking about yourself being discovered as the secret hero, the one who by blood or misfortune had immense, incomprehensible latent abilities you never got as far as deciding on [[a name->MEMORY-TESTING-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you thought about saving your family from danger, stretching yourself to fit over their soft bodies as a tornado tears ineffectually at every inch of your skin about holding up an entire meteor, your whole town shaking in equal parts terror and awe, as you form their salvation no good superhero names themselves, anyway. and part of [[the fun->MEMORY-TESTING-4]] is seeing what other people make of your genius<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />when it comes time to begin the testing you are the very model of [[diligence->MEMORY-TESTING-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />each session, held each tuesday, takes nearly three hours to complete, for a total of six weeks. you try harder [[to best the examinations->MEMORY-TESTING-6]] than you have at anything<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />when the test is finally complete you feel as if you are sighing for a whole week before your mother attends by herself in order to collect [[the results->MEMORY-TESTING-7]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />when she comes in she seems tired. there is a cup of your soda on her antique wooden table and as you are asking how you did she snaps at you asking why you can't ever remember not to leave cans or glasses on the table and you say i'm sorry i didn't mean to you know that i have clinical attention issues "no, you don't. you don't have attention issues. that's what the test said" and then she walked back out the door and disappeared for an hour, maybe two leaving you for the first time in your life wondering if you were not just a normal child possessed by fear and anger and anxiety purely by choice that you were not broken, somehow, but evil, that each time you caused your parents tears you did so under no particular pressure or coercion but because somewhere, somehow, [[you loved seeing them miserable->MEMORY-TESTING-8]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " </img>then finally she came back and gently so much more gently than before, the tiredness in her eyes replaced by something you couldn't understand at all and still can't quite told you, "you don't have attention issues, honey. you have a mild case of something called '[[gately's encephelopathy->MEMORY-TESTING-9]]'"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />she tells you that there is [[a pinprick hole->MEMORY-TESTING-10]] in the middle of the structure of the brain responsible for empathy and impulse control that for most kids, information travels in and out of it normally, and their brain tells them what they're supposed to do to be polite or to be kind, but for you the signals either get dropped or wrap around and get all twisted, giving you the wrong ideas this is a comfort, but only in comparison to what you'd felt while she was gone, in comparison to the way you know, even then, that you'd carry that fear with you for the rest of your life<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />that night, after your parents go to sleep, you sneak downstairs to the file cabinet next to their desk and you rifle through the papers until you find the report and then you scan through it [[page->MEMORY-TESTING-TEST-1]] by [[page->MEMORY-TESTING-TEST-2]] by [[page->MEMORY-TESTING-TEST-3]] by [[page->MEMORY-TESTING-TEST-4]] you see yourself [[writ large->MEMORY-TESTING-11]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><img src="" style="width: 100%;"></img> [[BACK->MEMORY-TESTING-10]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><img src="" style="width: 100%;"></img> [[BACK->MEMORY-TESTING-10]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><img src="" style="width: 100%;"></img> [[BACK->MEMORY-TESTING-10]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><img src="" style="width: 100%;"></img> [[BACK->MEMORY-TESTING-10]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />most of the scores are high, some even very high. but you find as you lie there in bed, and as time passes, that your performance is little comfort. each high score comes to feel more like a an obligation, a necessity, a target you must hit each and every day at risk of failing your exact, mathematic capability and the [[black marks->MEMORY-TESTING-12]], the weaknesses and incapacities, feel like foregone conclusions<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />lying there in bed, you think back to a book you read the year before in which a child is groomed to be the perfect soldier, to hold off and defeat an alien force every word sounding the same as the camp counselor who asked you to rub his back and to fetch a girl camper and bring her back to his room and kiss her in front of you and sent you instant messages after camp for a year but in fiction, even those who would bend a child to violence have kindness and depth, and so they endeavor to create a sense of fulfillment, of play, to give the child a world they can depart into when not being made sharp and hard the child asks his handlers for a pet panda, and they task all of their scientists to create the most realistic, friendly panda ai after a day with the ai, he lies to his handlers and claims it bit him, and he doesn't wish to play with it anymore at the time it felt like something [[hollow->MEMORY-TESTING-13]], empty for reasons you couldn't see or guess at, like the tiny cavity in your brain where your happiness should have resided but now that pinprick hole opens up like a sinkhole<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you understand all at once that you and that child stand together, like two venn diagrams joined, or like a figure and its shadow in the noon sun, nearly consonant that you will spend the rest of your life needing to be good at empathy, at understanding the whims of every single person you encounter, at atoning for who you have been and who you remain spoiled and unregenerate that you will be running for the rest of your life, that every palliative will be temporary, evaporating in a day or less, and you will lash out again and again when you find yourself empty once more like an extinct shark, beginning to drown at the second you cease to move it is not possible for you to cry about [[eternity->YOU-ARE-DEAD]] and so you lay awake until the sun creeps through your window and your parents knock on your door to rouse you for school and you drape yourself from head to toe in concern and love hoping they will not slip off once more<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU WALK TOWARDS THE TWO GUARDS TEN METERS FROM THE DOOR THEY TURN TO YOU, SHOUTING, "INTRUDER!" YOU SHOUT BACK WAIT WAIT [[LOOK AT THIS COOL ROCK I FOUND->ASSIGNMENT-2-OKAY-APPROACH-FRONT-SHOW-ROCK-2-DEATH]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU TRY TO STUFF THE ROCK INTO YOUR HACKERSUIT BUT ALL OF YOUR (VERY SMALL) POCKETS ARE FULL YOU IT PUSH HARDER INTO YOUR BACK POCKET THE ROCK NEARLY FITS YOU PUSH HARDER THEN YOU HEAR A CRUNCH SOUND AND KLAXONS SOUND IN YOUR HELMET WARNING OF [[DECREASING BLOOD PRESSURE FAILING PACEKEEPER A-FIB V-FIB->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-2-1]] AND EVERYTHING TURNS GREY AND DENSE LIKE A FILM NEGATIVE<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THEY LOWER THEIR WEAPONS FOR A SECOND ONE TURNS TO THE OTHER AND SAYS "HEY. THAT'S ACTUALLY A PRETTY COOL ROCK. A REALLY COOL ROCK, IN FACT" SHE TURNS TO YOU AND SAYS "MAY I INSPECT YOUR ROCK MORE CLOSELY?" YOU GRACIOUSLY HAND HER THE ROCK, AT WHICH POINT SHE [[SHOOTS YOU IN THE FACE->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-1-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU INSERT YOUR HACKERTOOL INTO THE MOON'S SURFACE, BETWEEN TWO MOON ROCKS, IN THE CENTER OF A PILE OF MOON DUST THE MOON DETECTS YOUR HACKING ATTEMPT ALMOST IMMEDIATELY AND SENDS A LETHAL PULSE THROUGH THE NETWORK, [[FLATLINING->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-1-1]] YOU<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"MASTER SPY, YOU HAVE NOT CHOSEN A UNIT OF EQUIPMENT YET! YOUR MISSION WILL FAIL IF YOU DO NOT BRING AN OBJECT WITH YOU" [[YEAH SURE OKAY EQUIPMENT RIGHT->ASSIGNMENT-1-LOG-ON]] <img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); makeHud(window.preAssignmentCompHudVersion); " /><mark style="display: none;">[[ASSIGNMENT-2-INFORMATION]][[ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-1-1]][[ASSIGNMENT-2-BEGIN-1]]</mark><div class="assignmentComputerScreen centerHorizontallyAndVertically" style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; background: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.55); border: 1em outset #eee;"> <div class="assignmentScanLines"></div><div class="assignmentComputerEntry centerHorizontallyAndVertically"><p class="assignmentComputerTitle centerHorizontally">SPYNET 2.0.5</p></div></div><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" window.preAssignmentCompHudVersion = hudVersion; makeHud(0); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); if (!window.assignmentTwoRootNode || !window.currentNode) { window.assignmentTwoRootNode = new assignmentNode('', [], null); window.currentNode = assignmentTwoRootNode; flatNodeCollection.push(assignmentTwoRootNode); // for testing //window.flatNodeCollection = flatNodeCollection; addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode, new assignmentNode('PLEASE MAKE A SELECTION:', [], assignmentTwoRootNode, 'text')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode, new assignmentNode('1. CORPORATE STATUS', [], assignmentTwoRootNode, 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode.children[1], new assignmentNode('CURRENT EMPLOYEES (HUMAN): 1', [], assignmentTwoRootNode.children[1], 'text')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode.children[1], new assignmentNode('CURRENT EMPLOYEES (ROBOT): 256', [], assignmentTwoRootNode.children[1], 'text')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode.children[1], new assignmentNode('CURRENT MARKET SHARE (PERCENT): 8.9', [], assignmentTwoRootNode.children[1], 'text')); // leads back to root addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode.children[1], new assignmentNode('1. BACK', assignmentTwoRootNode.children, assignmentTwoRootNode.children[1], 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode, new assignmentNode('2. PERSONAL STATUS', [], assignmentTwoRootNode, 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode.children[2], new assignmentNode('ALL VITALS STABLE. PHYSICAL STRENGTH AT 115% EXPECTED LEVELS. GENERAL INTELLIGENCE NOMINAL. HORMONE LEVELS FOLLOWING PRECOMPUTED CURVE.', [], assignmentTwoRootNode.children[2], 'text')); // leads back to root addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode.children[2], new assignmentNode('1. BACK', assignmentTwoRootNode.children, assignmentTwoRootNode.children[2], 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode, new assignmentNode('3. BLUNT KLUBB $$$', [], assignmentTwoRootNode, 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode.children[3], new assignmentNode('WITHIN YOUR BLUNT KLUBB WALLET, YOU CURRENTLY HAVE:<p></p><span>' + window.bluntKlubbSSSSSS + '</span><p></p><span>BLUNT KLUBB $$$ (SSSSSS)</span>', [], assignmentTwoRootNode.children[3], 'text')); // leads back to root addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode.children[3], new assignmentNode('1. BACK', assignmentTwoRootNode.children, assignmentTwoRootNode.children[3], 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode, new assignmentNode('4. ASSIGNMENTS', [], assignmentTwoRootNode, 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode.children[4], new assignmentNode('1. DISRUPT AND DISABLE SUBLUMINAL PULSE GENERATOR', [], assignmentTwoRootNode.children[4], 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode.children[4].children[0], new assignmentNode('INFILTRATE AN UNALLIED COMMUNICATIONS HQ SITUATED IN ONE OF THE LUNAR MARIA', [], assignmentTwoRootNode.children[4].children[1], 'text')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode.children[4].children[0], new assignmentNode('<tw-link passage-name=&quot;ASSIGNMENT-2-INFORMATION&quot;>1. QUERY SECRETARYBOT ABOUT THE MISSION</tw-link>', [], assignmentTwoRootNode.children[4].children[0].children[1], 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode.children[4].children[0], new assignmentNode('<tw-link passage-name=&quot;ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-1-1&quot;>2. LOADOUT</tw-link>', [], assignmentTwoRootNode.children[4].children[0].children[1], 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode.children[4].children[0], new assignmentNode('<tw-link passage-name=&quot;ASSIGNMENT-2-BEGIN-1&quot;>3. DEPART</tw-link>', [], assignmentTwoRootNode.children[4].children[0].children[1], 'choice')); addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode.children[4].children[0], new assignmentNode('4. BACK', assignmentTwoRootNode.children[4].children, assignmentTwoRootNode.children[4].children[1], 'choice')); // leads back to root addNewAssignmentNodeChild(assignmentTwoRootNode.children[4], new assignmentNode('2. BACK', assignmentTwoRootNode.children, assignmentTwoRootNode.children[4], 'choice')); } renderAssignmentNodes(); $('.assignmentComputerScreen').on('click', '.assignmentComputerChoice', function(e) { if ( === 'tw-link') { return; } var clickedNode = $(; var nodeTo = $.grep(flatNodeCollection, function(e) { return === Number(clickedNode.attr('data-id')); }); console.log(e, clickedNode, nodeTo); currentNode = typeof(nodeTo[0]) === 'undefined' ? assignmentTwoRootNode : nodeTo[0]; renderAssignmentNodes(); }); makeScanLines($('.assignmentScanLines')); window.setTimeout(function(e) { makeScanLines($('.assignmentScanLines')); }, 250); $(window).resize(function(e) { makeScanLines($('.assignmentScanLines')); }); window.assignmentResizeInterval = setInterval(function(e) { makeScanLines($('.assignmentScanLines')); }, 2000); $('tw-icon').click(function(e) { clearInterval(assignmentResizeInterval); });" />YOU WALK OVER TO THE WINDOW OF THE BLUNT KLUBB TRAFFIC PASSES BY LAZILY SUDDENLY TWO CRUISERS [[COLLIDE->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-POLICE-2]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE TWO CRUISERS FALL TO EARTH, A MANGLED CHIMERA THE PILOTS COULD BE REALLY HURT [[GO HELP THE PILOTS->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-POLICE-3]] [[RETREAT INTO THE SAFE, EMBRYONIC WARMTH OF THE BLUNT KLUBB->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-13]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU RUSH OVER TO THE SCENE FLAMES LICK AT THE COCKPITS OF EACH CRUISER YOU CONTINUE ON WITH [[ARM SPREAD SHIELDWISE OVER YOUR FACE->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-POLICE-4]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />JUST AS THE HEAT IS REACHING A SWIRLING ZENITH YOUR FACE SWEATING EVERY PORE FEELING LIKE IT WILL START EXTRUDING BLOOD AND GORE WITH A SINGLE FURTHER DEGREE KELVIN A MAN JUMPS OUT OF EACH CRUISER, [[SOMERSAULTING THROUGH THE FLAMES->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-POLICE-5]], COMING TO REST A FEW METERS BEHIND YOU AND THE CRUISERS, AND STRIPPING OFF FIRE-IMPERVIOUS SUITS<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THEY LOOK AT ONE ANOTHER AND SOME HUGE MENTAL WAR SEEMS TO OCCUR, TWO MEN BATTLING FOR THE MINDS OF BOTH FINALLY ONE NODS AND THE OTHER TURNS TO YOU [[ARE YOU GUYS OKAY->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-POLICE-6]] [[DO YOU GUYS DO ANTEDILUVIANFIT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-POLICE-6]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />WE'RE COPS, HE SAYS WE JUST WANTED TO SEE IF ANYONE IN THE BLUNT KLUBB WAS ILLEGALLY BAKED ENOUGH TO THINK THIS OBVIOUSLY FAKE CAR CRASH REPRESENTED ACTUAL DANGER YOU'RE UNDER ARREST [[WAIT WHAT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-STRANGE-THOUGHT-POLICE-7]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />JUST KIDDING WE'RE NOT REALLY GOING TO ARREST YOU BET THAT'LL MAKE THE BLUNT KLUBB EXPERIENCE THAT MUCH MORE SACRED, HUH [[WAIT, WHAT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-13]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE HALLWAY IS BARE AND FACELESS TO THE EXTREME, ABSENT ANY SORT OF DESIGN OR PURPOSE LIKE AN ANCIENT GEOLOGICAL FORMATION, OR A CONVEYANCE BUILT BY CREATURES WHO TRAVEL BY A SENSE OTHER THAN VISION LIKE INSECTS, WRITING PATCHWORK TRAILS OUT OF PHEREMONES YOU CAN NEARLY SMELL IT NOW [[DENSE, MUSKY, BEYOND SIMPLE EXPLICATION->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-2]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><mark style="display: none;">[[MENU]]</mark><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(0); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); if ('localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null && window.localStorage['SPY_INTRIGUE_AUTOSAVE'] !== 'null') { $('tw-passage').prepend('<p class=&quot;careerMessage&quot;>A PREVIOUS AUTOSAVE WAS DETECTED. WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONTINUE OR BEGIN A NEW CAREER?</p><a id=&quot;careerContinue&quot;>CONTINUE</a><br><a id=&quot;careerBeginNew&quot;>BEGIN NEW CAREER</a>'); $('#hudFaceDiv').css('display', 'none'); $('tw-icon, a[id=careerContinue]').click(function(e) { $('#hudFaceDiv').css('display', ''); }); $('#careerContinue').click(function(e) { var autosave = JSON.parse(window.localStorage['SPY_INTRIGUE_AUTOSAVE']); checkpoint = autosave.passageName; _state.variables['CHECKPOINT'] = autosave.passageName; makeHud(autosave.hudVersion); setBird(autosave.isBird); setEquipment(; setBluntKlubbSSSSSS(autosave.bluntKlubbSSSSSS); makeHud(autosave.hudVersion); gotoPassage(window.checkpoint); }); $('#careerBeginNew').click(function(e) { if (window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues && window.Uint32Array) { window.sessionId = window.crypto.getRandomValues( new window.Uint32Array(1))[0]; } else if (window.msCrypto && window.msCrypto.getRandomValues && window.Uint32Array) { window.sessionId = window.msCrypto.getRandomValues( new window.Uint32Array(1))[0]; } gotoPassage('MENU'); }); } else { gotoPassage('MENU'); }" />"PLEASE USE THE DESK CONSOLE TO ACCESS THE LOCAL DATABASE. ALL NECESSARY INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE THEREIN" [[LOG ON->ASSIGNMENT-1-LOG-ON]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); setCheckpoint(); " />you are shutting your cruiser off [[neatly parked->MEMORY-DREAM-4-2]] in a space all the way in the corner of the lot for the convenience store<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); clearCorruptionVideo(); " />[[picking up beer->MEMORY-DREAM-4-3]], paying on credit, wishing the cashier a great night<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />as you walk out a man next to the door asks you if he can pay you a few for a ride and you shake your head no sorry [[in a hurry tonight->MEMORY-DREAM-4-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you open the driver's side door hoisting the 30-rack into the space between the two seats and turn the key and there is another noise along with the engine groaning to life and when you turn there is the same man pointing [[the gun like a third eye->MEMORY-DREAM-4-5]] in your face<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[drive->MEMORY-DREAM-4-6]], he says, and you comply<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />out of the parking lot and [[down grace right on ryland right on broad heading eastward->MEMORY-DREAM-4-7]] towards the broad street concavity<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the two of you in silence you staring straight ahead him staring through you towards some unspoken need the two of you in some deathly beatitude [[until you take a wrong turn->MEMORY-DREAM-4-8]] onto belvidere<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"[[not that way->MEMORY-DREAM-4-9]]," he says, and you can feel that he wants to hit you or shoot you but you're travelling fast enough now that to do so would put him in danger not enough time to kill someone and drag their corpse off the seat and take the controls before something might rise out of the summer fog and tear each of you into all your pieces<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and you take a wrong turn again, onto [[the 95 flyway->MEMORY-DREAM-4-10]], your hand steady on the throttle, weaving between sluggish night fliers and pushing the stick towards its limit<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you can feel the gun burning a cold halo against the side of your head and you turn to look in all his eyes [[the speedometer creeping steadily towards its zenith->MEMORY-DREAM-4-11]] and you ask how long it'll be before you reach 500 kph and neither of you will have any way of knowing exactly how fast you're travelling towards the end of the world<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />he stares at you cocking the gun threatening to blow your brains all over the window pleading with you to stop and let him out and you laugh [[like you're vomiting razor wire->MEMORY-DREAM-4-12]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><mark style="display: none;">[[ASSIGNMENT-3-DEPART-1]]</mark><span class="dupe">there</span> <span class="dupe">is</span> <span class="dupe">a</span> <span class="dupe">crashing</span> <span class="dupe">sound</span> <span class="dupe">and</span> <span class="dupe">you</span> <span class="dupe">wake</span> <span class="dupe">up</span> <span class="dupe">with</span> <span class="dupe">a</span> <span class="dupe">mouthful</span> <span class="dupe">of</span> <span class="dupe">acid</span><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); // prevents click actions on the page $('tw-link, tw-icon').css('pointer-events', 'none'); var words = []; var dupes = $('.dupe'); for (var ii = 0; ii < dupes.length; ii++) { words.push($(dupes[ii]).text()); } var DUPE_START_TIMEOUT = 3333; var DUPE_CYCLE = 250; var DUPE_INTERVAL_MAX = 1250; var DUPE_INTERVAL_MIN = 250; var DUPE_INTERVAL_CHANCE = 0.20; var DUPE_TOTAL_TIME = 20000; window.dupeTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() { window.dupeInterval = setInterval(function() { var counter = 0; dupes.toArray().forEach(function(a) { if (Math.random() < DUPE_INTERVAL_CHANCE) { (function(ctr) { window.setTimeout(function() { $(a).text($(a).text() + words[ctr]); }, (function() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (DUPE_INTERVAL_MAX - DUPE_INTERVAL_MIN + 1)) + DUPE_INTERVAL_MIN; })()); })(counter); } counter++; }); }, DUPE_CYCLE); }, DUPE_START_TIMEOUT); window.setTimeout(function() { window.clearTimeout(window.dupeTimeout); window.clearInterval(window.dupeInterval); $('tw-link, tw-icon').css('pointer-events', ''); gotoPassage('ASSIGNMENT-3-DEPART-1'); }, DUPE_TOTAL_TIME); " />you are in your old high school in your senior year near the conference rooms and your throat modification is gone for reasons you can't remember and your voice normal and [[you are not dead not sick just normal->MEMORY-DREAM-5-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); clearCorruptionVideo(); " />there is no one in this room and you have the certainty that there is no one elsewhere you sit down at a chair and [[your eyes->MEMORY-DREAM-5-3]] droop you rest your head on the table for a spell<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you know this to be your school, the same place you spent so much time in, but all the architecture seems different as if each of the pieces were reconfigured into [[some strange but recognizable new whole->MEMORY-DREAM-5-4]] and all the violence and all the sadness drained out of it like something embalmed for show and beauty and placed in a vitrine<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />there is a noise behind you a figure in all blinding white like a figure made from fallen pieces of sun charging towards you [[straight through the only exit->MEMORY-DREAM-5-5]] in the room<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the sole remaining door is the bathroom, with no way out [[retreat to a fortifiable position->MEMORY-DREAM-5-6]] and lock the door on your way in<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />when in danger, there is little time to prepare if one wishes to survive. the natural, hypervigilant process upon realizing one is in crisis is fractal * survey and identify each object in the room ** interrogate how each can be used within the confines and architecture of the room *** identify the object which can be used to bring about the greatest chance of survival **** decide precisely how and where the object of choice shall be [[deployed->MEMORY-DREAM-5-7]] this process must occur instantaneously and recursively<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you choose immediately you run over to one of the stalls and open it and pull on it as hard as possible but the joints hold you choose wrong you can hear the figure battering down the door time to choose [[again->MEMORY-DREAM-5-8]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and so you opt for your absolute last chance to [[hide and hope->MEMORY-DREAM-5-9]] to be able to reorient through concealment and surprise<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and so you rush into the last stall from the door closing the door and locking it sliding under the partition into the adjacent stall perching on top of the toilet leaning towards the wall connected to the hinge leaning out of visibility with the door partially open as if unoccupied waiting breath barely there at all until the figure [[comes->MEMORY-DREAM-5-10]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />it creeps past the open door to the closed one you can just barely see it through the space between the walls it is pressing its ear to the door it is peering under now ripping the door off the hinges and charging in finding [[nothing->MEMORY-DREAM-5-11]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and then you can see it turning back out back to inspect the only space left in which a very scared person could be hiding and you throw yourself over the partition landing on its back wrapping your arms around its neck like you were trying to detonate your muscles trying to make them [[burst outside your skin->MEMORY-DREAM-5-12]] and envelop it in a suffocating web<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you lie there with the figure struggling kicking against the walls and pushing against you seizurelike making a noise like a scream in a movie with the volume turned almost all the way down until finally it is silent and you keep holding on for five minutes then ten until you can feel it [[growing cold within your grasp->MEMORY-DREAM-5-13]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><mark style="display: none;">[[ASSIGNMENT-3-DEPART-1]]</mark>it is darker now, no longer blinding you stare at it and at yourself beyond in the smeared mirrors like some strangely edited version of yourself and you begin to cry because if you were smart enough to overpower and kill it you must've been smart enough to find a way out without killing it smashing the toilet into pieces and the pieces into smaller ones your hands covered in blood the floor the walls everything covered in blood and you take one of the pieces of porcelain and slice at one wrist for hours then the other you wake up unable to see with the curtains open and it takes fifteen minutes for everything to recede into visibility<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-link, tw-icon').css('pointer-events', 'none'); window.darknessTimeout = setTimeout(function() { $('body').append('<div class=&quot;whiteoutDiv displayScreenSize fixedNoPointerEvents bordered aestheticElement&quot; style=&quot;background-color: white; opacity: 0; z-index: 1; -webkit-transition: 21s opacity ease-out; -moz-transition: 21s opacity ease-out; -o-transition: 21s opacity ease-out; transition: 21s opacity ease-out;&quot;></div>'); window.getComputedStyle($('.whiteoutDiv')[0]).opacity; $('.whiteoutDiv').css('opacity', '1'); setTimeout(function() { $('.whiteoutDiv').remove(); clearTimeout(window.darknessTimeout); $('tw-link, tw-icon').css('pointer-events', ''); gotoPassage('ASSIGNMENT-3-DEPART-1'); }, 20000); }, 4000); " />THE KEY IS THE ANGLE OF ATTACK IF YOU APPROACH THE GUARD AT PRECISELY THE RIGHT ANGLE, THE SUN AND THE REFLECTION OF THE GROUND IN YOUR VISOR SHOULD CONVINCE THEM THAT YOU ARE MERELY A PIECE OF DEBRIS FLYING PAST, OR JUST A MIRAGE THIS IS [[THE THEORY->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-3]], AT LEAST<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE THEORY DOES NOT WORK [[IN PRACTICE->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-4]] WHEN YOU ARE SEVERAL METERS AWAY, THE GUARD DISAPPEARS, THEN REAPPEARS STARING DIRECTLY AT YOU<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AT WHICH POINT THEY [[SCREAM->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-5]], IN AN ODDLY AND UTTERLY FLAT VOICE "OH MY GOD, A SPIDER"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AND DISAPPEARS, REAPPEARING SEVERAL FEET FORWARD OF WHERE THEY WERE, THEN DISAPPEARS AGAIN, REPEATING THIS PATTERN OFF INTO THE DISTANCE TOWARDS ONE OF THE MILLION ANONYMOUS SNOW-CAPPED HILLS YOU WALK THROUGH THE [[OPEN, UNGUARDED DOORS->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THERE ARE FOUR DOORS IN THE CENTER OF THE ROOM. ALL ARE ATTACHED TO ONE ANOTHER, FORMING AN ENCLOSURE THE EXACT WIDTH AND DEPTH OF ONE DOOR [[WALK THROUGH THE FIRST DOOR->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-7]] [[WALK THROUGH THE SECOND DOOR->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-7]] [[WALK THROUGH THE THIRD DOOR->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-7]] [[WALK THROUGH THE FOURTH DOOR->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-7]] [[WALK BACK OUTSIDE->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-BACK-OUTSIDE]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground'). css('opacity', '0.8'); // timeout time must be the same as transition time window.corruptionTimeout = setTimeout(function() { window.clearCorruptionVideo(); gotoPassage('ASSIGNMENT-3-DEPART-1'); }, 375000); $('#enterPasswordAnchor').click(function(e) { clearTimeout(window.corruptionTimeout); $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground').css({ '-webkit-transition': '1s', '-moz-transition': '1s', '-o-transition': '1s', 'transition': '1s', }); $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground'). css('opacity', '0'); setTimeout(function() { $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground').css({ '-webkit-transition': '', '-moz-transition': '', '-o-transition': '', 'transition': '', }); }, 2000); }); " />YOU ENTER THE DOOR AND FIND YOURSELF BUOYED UPWARD BY UNSEEN FORCES, A DISCARDED PAPER CAUGHT ON THE WIND MOVING [[FAR UPWARDS->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-8]], FURTHER THAN SHOULD BE POSSIBLE, GIVEN THE OBSERVED HEIGHT OF THE BUILDING<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THERE IS NOTHING BUT COLD FOR AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE AND A SINGLE CLOUD LIKE A DRAPE OVER A LAMP EVERYTHING SHINING DULLY THROUGH [[GO BACK INSIDE->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU REACH A SMALL ROOM AND YOUR BUOYANCY CEASES THE ROOM IS DIM, LIT BY A BULB THAT CAN'T THROW MORE 400 LUMENS DESPITE THE SIZE OF THE ROOM, YOU'LL HAVE TO LOOK AROUND IF YOU WANT TO SEE ANYTHING [[RIDE THE "ELEVATOR" BACK DOWNSTAIRS->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-DOWNSTAIRS]] [[WALK ALONG THE LEFT WALL->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-LEFT-1]] [[WALK TOWARDS THE CENTER->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-CENTER-1]] [[WALK ALONG THE RIGHT WALL->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-RIGHT-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU FEEL YOUR WAY ALONG THE WALL IT FEELS DRIER AS YOU GO ALONG [[GO BACK THE WAY YOU CAME->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-8]] [[MOVE TOWARDS THE CENTER->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-CENTER-1]] [[KEEP MOVING FORWARD->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-LEFT-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU ARE DIRECTLY UNDER THE LIGHT NOW ALL IS INVISIBLE SAVE YOU [[GO BACK THE WAY YOU CAME->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-8]] [[KEEP MOVING FORWARD->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-CENTER-2]] [[MOVE TOWARDS THE LEFT->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-LEFT-1]] [[MOVE TOWARDS THE RIGHT->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-RIGHT-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU FEEL YOUR WAY ALONG THE WALL IT FEELS SLIMIER AS YOU GO ALONG [[GO BACK THE WAY YOU CAME->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-8]] [[MOVE TOWARDS THE CENTER->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-CENTER-1]] [[KEEP MOVING FORWARD->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-RIGHT-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE WALL FEELS LIKE SANDPAPER NOW, GRINDING SMALL PARTICLES OFF THE GLOVES OF YOUR SUIT YOU CAN HEAR AN ALARM WARNING YOU ABOUT WEAKENING HULL INTEGRITY [[GO BACK THE WAY YOU CAME->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-LEFT-1]] [[MOVE TOWARDS THE CENTER->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-CENTER-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THERE IS NOTHING AT ALL HERE SAVE A PROFOUND SENSE OF EQUILIBRIUM [[GO BACK THE WAY YOU CAME->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-CENTER-1]] [[MOVE TOWARDS THE LEFT->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-LEFT-2]] [[MOVE TOWARDS THE RIGHT->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-RIGHT-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE WALL FEELS WARMER NOW, AND YOU CAN JUST BARELY SEE SOME UNKNOWN SUBSTANCE COMING OFF ON YOUR HAND IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO WIPE OFF THERE IS A SMALL OPENING IN FRONT OF YOU, THROUGH WHICH A LIGHT SEEMS TO SHINE [[GO BACK THE WAY YOU CAME->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-RIGHT-1]] [[MOVE TOWARDS THE CENTER->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-CENTER-2]] [[ENTER THE OPENING->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-OPENING-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU GET DOWN ON HANDS AND KNEES AND CRAWL THROUGH THE OPENING SEVERAL METERS IN, THE OPENING WIDENS LIKE A MOUTH, REVEALING A LIT SPACE AND TIGHTENS BEHIND YOU LIKE SOMETHING GROSSER, NEARLY TRAPPING ONE OF YOUR FEET YOU PULL YOUR FOOT FREE AND CONTINUE [[FORWARD->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-OPENING-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU STAND ON THE SAME SPOT IN WHICH YOU WERE SPIRITED UPWARD, BUT NOTHING OCCURS [[TURN AROUND->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-8]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />INSIDE THE SPACE THERE IS A DEVICE THE EXACT SIZE OF YOUR BODY MAKING A TERRIBLE GRINDING NOISE, LIKE A DENTIST'S DRILL THE SIZE OF A HOWITZER FACELESS SAVE FOR A CONTROL PANEL WITH A SINGLE BLACK BUTTON UPON IT YOU HAVE THE UNSHAKABLE SENSE THAT THE DEVICE BOTH REQUIRES AND POSSESSES UNIMAGINABLE POWER IT SITS IMPLACABLE AND SILENT IN FRONT OF YOU [[PRESS THE BUTTON->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-OPENING-PRESS-BUTTON]] [[DESTROY THE MACHINE->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-OPENING-DESTROY-MACHINE]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE GRINDING NOISE CEASES IMMEDIATELY AN APERTURE OPENS, AND THE TOP SLIDES OFF, REVEALING A LARGE, HOLLOW SPACE WITHIN [[PUT YOUR HAND ON THE MACHINE->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-OPENING-MACHINE-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU SLAM YOURSELF INTO EVERY CENTIMETER OF THE MACHINE [[NOTHING->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-OPENING-2]] SEEMS TO OCCUR, NOR DOES THE NOISE CHANGE AN IOTA<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />IT FEELS WARM LIKE A BATH OR AN INCUBATOR [[PUT YOUR HAND INSIDE THE MACHINE->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-OPENING-MACHINE-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />LIKE EVERY DRUG YOU USED TO DO LIKE BEING WRAPPED IN SOMETHING CREATED BY AN ANCIENT GOD, IMPERVIOUS TO FEAR OR PAIN [[CLIMB IN THE MACHINE->ASSIGNMENT-3-SNEAK-TOP-OPENING-MACHINE-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CLIMB ATOP THE MACHINE AND STEP INSIDE IT IS THE PERFECT SIZE FOR YOUR BODY YOU CAN FEEL IT MOLDING ITSELF TO THE CONTOURS OF YOUR BODY, A SECOND SUIT ATOP YOUR FIRST THE APERTURE CLOSES, AND IT IS COMPLETELY DARK INSIDE YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES AND IT IS [[BRIGHT AND YOUR ENTIRE BODY IS MADE OF EYES->MEMORY-DREAM-3-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><mark style="display: none">[[ASSIGNMENT-1-HACK-BANANA-3]]</mark><mark><style> .bananaScreen { width: 90%; height: 100%; border: inset 0.5em #eee; color: white; background: rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.225); -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; overflow: hidden; } .bananaCanvas { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; } .bananaTitle { position: absolute; height: 8%; text-align: center; font-size: 16px; overflow: hidden; margin: 1%; display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } @media screen and (max-height: 1000px) { .bananaTitle { font-size: 15px; } } @media screen and (max-height: 800px) { .bananaTitle { font-size: 14px; } } @media screen and (max-height: 600px) { .bananaTitle { font-size: 12px; } } .bananaCodeDisplay { top: 15%; width: 100%; height: 80%; padding: 5%; overflow: hidden; font-size: 0.67em; } .bananaCodeDisplay > p { margin: 0.05em; } .bananaCodeFakeEntry { position: absolute; width: 95%; height: 1.75em; bottom: 0; padding-left: 2.5%; padding-right: 2.5%; margin-left: 2.5%; margin-right: 2.5%; font-size: 0.67em; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.225); overflow: hidden; } .blackenScreen { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; opacity: 0; background: black; z-index: 2; } </style><div class="bananaScreen"><p class="bananaTitle centerHorizontally">BREADOS SERVER 2.4.2</p><canvas class="bananaCanvas"></canvas><div class="blackenScreen"></div><div class="bananaCodeDisplay"></div><div class="bananaCodeFakeEntry"><span class="bananaFlasher">&nbsp;&#x258c;</span></div></div></mark><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" window.previousHudVersion = window.hudVersion; makeHud(0); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); makeScanLines($('.bananaScreen')); window.assignmentResizeInterval = setInterval(function(e) { makeScanLines($('.bananaScreen')); }, 2000); $('tw-icon').click(function(e) { clearInterval(assignmentResizeInterval); }); var bananaCanvas = $('.bananaCanvas')[0]; var ctx = bananaCanvas.getContext('2d'); bananaCanvas.width = $('.bananaScreen').width(); bananaCanvas.height = $('.bananaScreen').height() * 0.88; drawBanana(ctx); $(window).resize(function(e) { bananaCanvas.width = $('.bananaScreen').width(); bananaCanvas.height = $('.bananaScreen').height() * 0.88; drawBanana(ctx); makeScanLines($('.assignmentScanLines')); }); function drawBanana(context) { context.clearRect(0, 0, bananaCanvas.width, bananaCanvas.height); context.strokeStyle = '#ff0'; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(bananaCanvas.width * 0.15, bananaCanvas.height * 0.15); context.quadraticCurveTo(bananaCanvas.width * 0.40, bananaCanvas.height * 0.95, bananaCanvas.width * 0.75, bananaCanvas.height * 0.75); context.stroke(); context.strokeStyle = '#ff0'; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(bananaCanvas.width * 0.76, bananaCanvas.height * 0.70); context.quadraticCurveTo(bananaCanvas.width * 0.50, bananaCanvas.height * 0.80, bananaCanvas.width * 0.15, bananaCanvas.height * 0.075); context.stroke(); context.strokeStyle = '#ff0'; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(bananaCanvas.width * 0.125, bananaCanvas.height * 0.155); context.quadraticCurveTo(bananaCanvas.width * 0.40, bananaCanvas.height * 1.15, bananaCanvas.width * 0.775, bananaCanvas.height * 0.775); context.stroke(); } var statement = '`WELCOME TO BREADOS SERVER`_`STARTING BDEV`_`SETTING UP LOGICAL VOLUME MANAGEMENT`_`CHECKING FILESYSTEMS`_`MOUNTING LOCAL FILESYSTEMS`_`ENABLING LOCAL FILESYSTEM QUOTAS`_`STARTING SYSTEM BSTAT`___`BREADOS SERVER 2.4.2`_`LAST UPDATE: 3148 DAYS AGO`_`PROCESS 2045 STARTING`___`READY FOR INPUT!`_ *C*U*T* *-*D*:* *-*F*1* */*E*T*C*/*G*R*O*U*P* *|* *F*I*N*D* *2*>*/*D*E*V*/*N*U*L*L* *|* *X*A*R*G*S* *G*R*E*P* *-*E* *\u0027*U*S*E*R*|*P*A*S*S*\u0027* *|* *S*P*Y*S*P*L*O*I*T&_`BANANATWAIN U:BNNAHMN P:BNNAPSWD`_*S*U* *B*N*N*A*H*M*N&_`PASSWORD: `*B*N*N*A*P*S*W*D&_*C*A*T* */*E*T*C*/*S*H*A*D*O*W* *|* *R*A*I*N*B*O*W*C*R*A*C*K&_`CRACKING...``.` `.` `.` `.` `.` `.` `.` `.` `.` `.` `.` _`DONE!`_`ROOT PASSWORD IS: BANANABREADPASSWORD`_*S*U&_`PASSWORD: `*B*A*N*A*N*A*B*R*E*A*D*P*A*S*S*W*O*R*D&_*R*M* *-*R*F* */&'; // in milliseconds var TIME_PER_CHARACTER = 85; var currentAmount = 0; window.setTimeout(function() { while (typeof(statement[0]) !== 'undefined') { switch(statement[0]) { case '`': statement = statement.slice(1, statement.length); var txt = statement.slice(0, statement.indexOf('`')); statement = statement.slice( statement.indexOf('`') + 1, statement.length); doTimeoutDisplay( $('<span>' + txt + '</span>'), currentAmount, false); break; case '*': statement = statement.slice(1, statement.length); doTimeoutDisplay( $('<span>' + statement.slice(0, 1) + '</span>'), currentAmount, true); statement = statement.slice(1, statement.length); break; case '_': statement = statement.slice(1, statement.length); doTimeoutDisplay($('<p></p>'), currentAmount, false); break; case '&': statement = statement.slice(1, statement.length); var entry = $('.bananaCodeFakeEntry'); doTimeoutDisplay( $('<span>' + entry.text() + '</span>'), currentAmount, 'clear'); break; default: statement = statement.slice(1, statement.length); break; } currentAmount += TIME_PER_CHARACTER * (1 + (Math.random() / 2 * (Math.random() >= 0.5 ? 1 : -1))); } statement = '_`/usr`_`/usr/local`_`/usr/local/etc`_`/usr/local/sbin`_`/usr/local/include`_`/usr/local/lib`_`/usr/local/lib/python2.7`_`/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages`_`/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages`_`/usr/local/lib/python3.4`_`/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages`_`/usr/local/bin`_`/usr/local/games`_`/usr/local/man`_`/usr/local/src`_`/usr/local/share`_`/usr/local/share/ca-certificates`_`/usr/local/share/sgml`_`/usr/local/share/sgml/misc`_`/usr/local/share/sgml/dtd`_`/usr/local/share/sgml/declaration`_`/usr/local/share/sgml/entities`_`/usr/local/share/sgml/stylesheet`_`/usr/local/share/fonts`_`/usr/local/share/man`_`/usr/local/share/xml`_`/usr/local/share/xml/misc`_`/usr/local/share/xml/schema`_`/usr/local/share/xml/declaration`_`/usr/local/share/xml/entities`_`/usr/sbin`_`/usr/sbin/rsyslogd`_`/usr/sbin/newusers`_`/usr/sbin/grpconv`_`/usr/sbin/vcstime`_`/usr/sbin/tcpdump`_`/usr/sbin/makeuserdb`_`/usr/sbin/postlock`_`/usr/sbin/pppconfig`_`/usr/sbin/cron`_`/usr/sbin/sendmail`_`/usr/sbin/mklost+found`_`/usr/sbin/grub-reboot`_`/usr/sbin/cytune`_`/usr/sbin/sasldbconverter2`_`/usr/sbin/postmulti`_`/usr/sbin/update-initramfs`_`/usr/sbin/update-apt-xapian-index`_`/usr/sbin/apache2`_`/usr/sbin/zic`_`/usr/sbin/grub-set-default`_`/usr/sbin/tcpd`_`/usr/sbin/grpunconv`_`/usr/sbin/postfix-add-policy`_`/usr/sbin/visudo`_`/usr/sbin/update-grub`_`/usr/sbin/update-dictcommon-hunspell`_`/usr/sbin/sharedindexinstall`_`/usr/sbin/vigr`_`/usr/sbin/qmqp-source`_`/usr/sbin/imapd-ssl`_`/usr/sbin/e2freefrag`_`/usr/sbin/cpgr`_`/usr/sbin/pppdump`_`/usr/sbin/saslpluginviewer`_`/usr/sbin/laptop-detect`_`/usr/sbin/traceroute`_`/usr/sbin/ip6tables-apply`_`/usr/sbin/smtp-source`_`/usr/sbin/pppd`_`/usr/sbin/tcptraceroute`_`/usr/sbin/authdaemond`_`/usr/sbin/saslpasswd2`_`/usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig`_`/usr/sbin/sasl-sample-server`_`/usr/sbin/a2dismod`_`/usr/sbin/delgroup`_`/usr/sbin/grub-probe`_`/usr/sbin/authtest`_`/usr/sbin/update-grub2`_`/usr/sbin/useradd`_`/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs`_`/usr/sbin/update-default-aspell`_`/usr/sbin/postcat`_`/usr/sbin/groupmod`_`/usr/sbin/update-rc.d`_`/usr/sbin/vpddecode`_`/usr/sbin/remove-shell`_`/usr/sbin/mysqld`_`/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure`_`/usr/sbin/deluser`_`/usr/sbin/postsuper`_`/usr/sbin/nologin`_`/usr/sbin/arp`_`/usr/sbin/aa-exec`_`/usr/sbin/ntpdate`_`/usr/sbin/tunelp`_`/usr/sbin/a2disconf`_`/usr/sbin/aa-status`_`/usr/sbin/dmidecode`'; window.setTimeout(function() { $('.blackenScreen').css('opacity', '1'); window.setTimeout(function() { gotoPassage('ASSIGNMENT-1-HACK-BANANA-3'); }, 2000); }, currentAmount + 2000); while (typeof(statement[0]) !== 'undefined') { switch(statement[0]) { case '`': statement = statement.slice(1, statement.length); var txt = statement.slice(0, statement.indexOf('`')); statement = statement.slice( statement.indexOf('`') + 1, statement.length); doTimeoutDisplay( $('<span>' + txt + '</span>'), currentAmount, false); break; case '*': statement = statement.slice(1, statement.length); doTimeoutDisplay( $('<span>' + statement.slice(0, 1) + '</span>'), currentAmount, true); statement = statement.slice(1, statement.length); break; case '_': statement = statement.slice(1, statement.length); doTimeoutDisplay($('<p></p>'), currentAmount, false); break; case '&': statement = statement.slice(1, statement.length); var entry = $('.bananaCodeFakeEntry'); doTimeoutDisplay( $('<span>' + entry.text() + '</span>'), currentAmount, 'clear'); break; default: statement = statement.slice(1, statement.length); break; } currentAmount += TIME_PER_CHARACTER * (1 + (Math.random() / 2 * (Math.random() >= 0.5 ? 1 : -1))); } }, 3000); function doTimeoutDisplay(element, time, isEntry) { window.setTimeout(function() { if (isEntry === 'clear') { var entry = $('.bananaCodeFakeEntry'); var disp = $('.bananaCodeDisplay'); var caret = $('.bananaFlasher'); caret.remove(); disp.append($('<span>' + entry.text() + '</span>')); entry.text(''); entry.append(caret); } else if (isEntry) { var entry = $('.bananaCodeFakeEntry'); entry.append(element); entry.scrollTop(entry.prop('scrollHeight')); doCodeLineFlasher(); } else { var disp = $('.bananaCodeDisplay'); disp.append(element); disp.scrollTop(disp.prop('scrollHeight')); } }, time); } function doCodeLineFlasher() { var entry = $('.bananaCodeFakeEntry'); var caret = $('.bananaFlasher'); caret.remove(); entry.append(caret); } " />I'M HERE TO MAKE YOU THE DEAL OF A LIFETIME THE GUARD STANDS MUTE, THEIR EXPRESSION INVISIBLE JUST BENEATH THEIR HELMET [[OFFER THEM SOME DOLLARS->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-OFFER-DOLLARS]] [[OFFER THEM SOME BLUNT KLUBB $$$->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-OFFER-BLUNT-SSSSSS]] [[OFFER THEM SOME NEAT MOON ROCKS->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-OFFER-NEAT-ROCKS]] [[WAIT AND SEE THEIR REACTION->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-OFFER-REACTION]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />I'LL PAY YOU FIFTY DOLLARS IF YOU TAKE A CIGARETTE BREAK RIGHT ABOUT NOW THE GUARD REMAINS SILENT FOR FIVE SECONDS, THEN TEN "THAT DEAL IS ACCEPTABLE" THE GUARD DISAPPEARS AND [[THE WAY INSIDE->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-3]] IS CLEAR<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />I'LL PAY YOU FIFTY BLUNT KLUBB $$$ IF YOU TAKE A CIGARETTE BREAK RIGHT ABOUT NOW THE GUARD REMAINS SILENT FOR FIVE SECONDS, THEN TEN (if: $bluntKlubbBucks is not 0 and $bluntKlubbBucks is not undefined)["THAT DEAL IS ACCEPTABLE" THE GUARD DISAPPEARS AND [[THE WAY INSIDE->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-3]] IS CLEAR](else:)["THAT DEAL IS UNACCEPTABLE YOU HAVE NO BLUNT KLUBB BUCKS WITH WHICH TO [[NEGOTIATE->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-2]]]"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU REACH DOWN AND PICK UP A HANDFUL OF PEBBLES, QUICKLY AND EXPERTLY DISCARDING ALL BUT THE MOST NEAT I'LL PAY YOU ALL THESE NEAT ROCKS IF YOU TAKE A CIGARETTE BREAK RIGHT ABOUT NOW THE GUARD REMAINS SILENT FOR FIVE SECONDS, THEN TEN "THAT DEAL IS ACCEPTABLE WOW COOL SO NEAT" THE GUARD DISAPPEARS AND [[THE WAY INSIDE->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-3]] IS CLEAR<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU STARE AT THE GUARD, WAITING FOR SOMETHING TO CHANGE THE GUARD REMAINS SILENT FOR FIVE SECONDS, THEN TEN "THAT DEAL IS ACCEPTABLE" THE GUARD DISAPPEARS AND [[THE WAY INSIDE->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-3]] IS CLEAR<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU ENTER THE [[LOW STOUT BUILDING->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-4]], CLOSING THE DOOR AGAINST PRYING EYES<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground'). css('opacity', '0.8'); // timeout time must be the same as transition time window.corruptionTimeout = setTimeout(function() { window.clearCorruptionVideo(); gotoPassage('ASSIGNMENT-3-DEPART-1'); }, 375000); $('#enterPasswordAnchor').click(function(e) { clearTimeout(window.corruptionTimeout); $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground').css({ '-webkit-transition': '1s', '-moz-transition': '1s', '-o-transition': '1s', 'transition': '1s', }); $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground'). css('opacity', '0'); setTimeout(function() { $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground').css({ '-webkit-transition': '', '-moz-transition': '', '-o-transition': '', 'transition': '', }); }, 2000); }); " />INSIDE THERE IS A SINGLE ROOM INHABITED BY AN ENORMOUS APPARATUS, COVERED WITH WIRES AND TUBES, IN THE CENTER OF WHICH THERE LIES A SMALL, SINGLE-SEAT CAPSULE LIKE AN ENORMOUS WEAPON, ITS BARREL DUG DEEP INTO THE GROUND, FOR WHICH YOU ARE THE AMMUNITION [[GO BACK OUTSIDE->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-LEAVE]] [[INSPECT THE APPARATUS->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THERE ARE THREE BUTTONS ON THE CONSOLE ABOVE THE CAPSULE ONE WITH FIRE DRAWN ON IT ONE WITH SIX ARROWS ARRANGED IN A CIRCLE, ALL POINTING INWARD TOWARDS A TINY CIRCLE AND ONE WITH A DOOR DRAWN ON IT [[PRESS THE FIRE BUTTON->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-PRESS-FIRE-BUTTON]] [[PRESS THE ARROWS/CIRCLE BUTTON->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-PRESS-ARROWS-CIRCLE-BUTTON]] [[PRESS THE DOOR BUTTON->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU TURN TO LEAVE BUT THE DOOR SEEMS TO HAVE LOCKED WHEN YOU CLOSED IT [[WHOOPS->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU DEPRESS THE BUTTON FLAMES SPIT FROM THE BACK OF THE CAPSULE AND IT ROARS OFF SOMEWHERE UNDERGROUND YOU PRESS THE BUTTON AGAIN BUT NOTHING HAPPENS (live:4000ms)[A SOUND BUILDS LIKE WATER SLOWLY BEGINNING TO BOIL(stop:) ] (live:8000ms)[GROWING LOUDER WITH EACH PASSING SECOND(stop:) ] (live:12000ms)[AND THE CAPSULE POLITELY RETURNS TO ITS ORIGINAL POSITION, [[READY FOR USE->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-5]](stop:)]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU DEPRESS THE BUTTON SIX ENORMOUS PLATES ATTACHED TO THE END OF SIX ENORMOUS ARMS EXTEND FROM THE CEILING AND SURROUND THE CAPSULE EACH OF THEM PRESSES INWARD TOWARDS A SINGLE POINT COMPRESSING THE CAPSULE INTO A VERY, VERY SMALL CAPSULE ONE OF THE ARMS GINGERLY PICKS UP THE SMALL CAPSULE AND MOVES IT ACROSS THE ROOM PLACING IT WITHIN A HERETOFORE-UNSEEN TINY APPARATUS, LEADING TOWARDS A TINY HOLE IN THE GROUND, WITH A TINY CONSOLE NEARBY <a id="tinyCapsule">GET IN THE TINY CAPSULE</a> <a id="tinyConsole" style="margin-top: 0.5em;">USE THE TINY CONSOLE</a> (live:4000ms)[A SOUND BUILDS LIKE WATER SLOWLY BEGINNING TO BOIL(stop:) ] (live:8000ms)[GROWING LOUDER WITH EACH PASSING SECOND(stop:) ] (live:12000ms)[AND THE CAPSULE POLITELY RETURNS TO ITS ORIGINAL POSITION, [[READY FOR USE->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-5]](stop:)]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); var isCapsuleClicking = false; $('#tinyCapsule').click(function(e) { if (isCapsuleClicking) { return false; } isCapsuleClicking = true; $(this).text('YOUR BODY IS INSUFFICIENTLY TINY TO GET IN THE CAPSULE'); window.setTimeout(function() { $('#tinyCapsule').text('GET IN THE TINY CAPSULE'); isCapsuleClicking = false; }, 3000); }); var isConsoleClicking = false; $('#tinyConsole').click(function(e) { if (isConsoleClicking) { return false; } isConsoleClicking = true; $(this).text('YOUR FINGERS ARE INSUFFICIENTLY TINY TO OPERATE THE CONSOLE'); window.setTimeout(function() { $('#tinyConsole').text('USE THE TINY CONSOLE'); isConsoleClicking = false; }, 3000); }); " />YOU DEPRESS THE BUTTON THE COCKPIT OF THE CAPSULE SWINGS OPEN NOISELESSLY, REVEALING WHAT LOOKS LIKE A COCKPIT THAT HAS LOST ITS CRUISER JUST A SINGLE PADDED SEAT AND A WINDSHIELD [[GET INSIDE THE CAPSULE->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-7]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AND IT SEALS AUTOMATICALLY JUST AS SILENTLY AND YOU SIT THERE POLITELY WAITING FOR SOMETHING YOU INSPECT THE SURFACE OF THE CAPSULE IN FRONT OF YOU BUT IT IS ENTIRELY SMOOTH, WITH NO VISIBLE BUTTONS OR LEVERS THEN THE CAPSULE [[MOVES->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-8]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />PRESSING YOU BACK THROUGH YOUR SEAT EVERYTHING SO HARD AND FAST YOU'RE WORRIED YOU'LL BE THROWN THROUGH IT INTO THE TUNNEL BEHIND YOU FRAGMENTS OF STEEL AND PLASTIC AND PLEATHER EMBEDDED IN YOUR SKIN [[EVERYTHING LIKE AN INTEGRATION->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-9]], THOUSANDS OF METERS COMBINED INTO A SINGLE VALUE, INTO A SINGLE SENSATION AND THEN FINALLY THE ACCELERATION LESSENS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AND YOU ARE ABLE TO SEE THAT YOU ARE BEING PROPELLED DOWN A SEMITRANSPARENT TUBE, ABOVE WHICH WATER SWIRLS BARELY VISIBLE ONLY THE CLOSEST FEW INCHES LIT BY THE ILLUMINATION OF THE CAPSULE'S CABIN AND THE REST IMPERVIOUS TO ALL LIGHT FINALLY THE CAPSULE [[STOPS->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-10]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AND DEPOSITS YOU ON THE FAR END OF AN [[ENORMOUS AMPHITHEATER->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-11]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />IMPOSSIBLY LARGE AND IMPOSSIBLY COMPOSED OF SOME PERFECT MARBLE, WITH ORNATE ARCHES AND DESIGNS CUT OUT FROM THE WALLS AND CEILINGS THE AMOUNT OF WORK REQUIRED TO MOVE THIS UNDERWATER MUST HAVE BEEN ASTONISHING AND [[IN THE CENTER A SINGLE DATACORE->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-12]], GLOWING FAINTLY IN THE LOW LIGHT, THROWING SLIGHT BLUE ON THE WALLS, DWARFED BY ITS SURROUNDINGS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THERE IS NOTHING AROUND WITH WHICH YOU CAN DESTROY THE DATACORE, NOR EVEN PENETRATE ITS DURASTEEL CASE ONLY [[ONE OTHER OPTION->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-13]] REMAINS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CLIMB UP THE FACETS OF THE WALL TO THE VERY TOP, IN WHICH A DOME REVEALS THE WATER BENEATH AND YOU BEGIN TO [[STRIKE->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-14]] THE SAME SPOT OVER AND OVER AGAIN<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />MANY WORKERS EXIT FROM MANY DOORS AND WATCH YOU SILENTLY IT TAKES HOURS TO MAKE EVEN THE FIRST MARK, AND YOU CAN FEEL [[BLOOD->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-15]] POOLING IN YOUR SUIT FASTER THAN IT CAN BE RECYCLED<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU CONTINUE WEAKINING THE SAME PORTION OF THE GLASS BUT YOU STRIKE TOO HARD, AND SLIP, FALLING TENS OF METERS TO THE GROUND THE PAIN, DESPITE THE ANESTHETICS AND THAT YOU CAN'T WALK, DESPITE THE AUTOREPAIR PROCEDURES ALREADY WORKING MAKE IT VERY CLEAR YOU'VE BROKEN YOUR LEG THE CROWD IS STILL [[SILENT->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-16]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU DRAG YOURSELF UP BY YOUR HANDS UNTIL YOU ARE AT THE DOME ONCE AGAIN REDOUBLING YOUR EFFORTS AND TRIPLING YOUR FORCE ANESTHETICS AND NANOREPAIRBOTS ON OVERDRIVE, ALARMS WARNING OF OVERDOSE, OF IMPENDING ORGAN FAILURE YOU SMILE THE WHOLE OF THE CORPORATION IS WATCHING YOU NOW YOU PULL YOUR ARM BACK AND DRIVE IT [[THROUGH->ASSIGNMENT-3-NEGOTIATE-17]] THE GLASS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />EVERY LITER OF THE LAKE NOW ROARING OUT PUSHING YOU AS IF BY ROCKET TOWARDS THE GROUND TOWARDS A CERTAIN DOOM TOWARDS VICTORY AND AS YOU FALL ON A DARK PLUME YOU HEAR THE WHOLE OF THE CORPORATION LET THEIR BREATH OUT AT ONCE A SINGLE UNIFIED "[[HUUUUUUU->MEMORY-DREAM-1-1]]" AND THEN EVERYTHING IS CRUSHED<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />even with the antidepressants, with the anxiolytics, with the sedative-hypnotics, the dreams [[persist->MEMORY-BAD-DREAMS-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />every night [[a cavalcade of impossible danger waking in the morning covered in oneiric blood->MEMORY-BAD-DREAMS-3]] with several more hatch marks to your name and several more corpses in your wake<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />each dream so vivid and painful even upon waking that it takes hours for the pain of violence, both received and dealt, to [[fade->MEMORY-BAD-DREAMS-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and the dreams happen often enough and last long enough that you start to become [[suspicious->MEMORY-BAD-DREAMS-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />that dreams could be real, and waking existence an illusion, was certainly not a new idea. one of your teachers once said that the difference between the humans and the creatures who had lived and contemporaneously did not was that humans alone were capable of considering seriously the possibility that they did not truly exist, that their corporeal existence was a mirage, that even their consideration thereof could somehow be nothing more than [[line noise running through a numb cosmos->MEMORY-BAD-DREAMS-6]] but you are suspicious nonetheless<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />to have been [[reasonably intelligent, reasonably kind, reasonably attractive, a b+ student in the course of life, able to procrastinate and still deal handily with all tasks, reasonably and likeably tortured, apt to inspire reasonable devotion and kindness from others->MEMORY-BAD-DREAMS-7]] and now traumatized, injured in the inchoate sense, left swirling and afire this seems unlikely in a bare universe nearly devoid of life<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />this is the first time you have really considered the [[possibility->MEMORY-BAD-DREAMS-8]] that your life has been too good to be true<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and so several possibilities resolve out of the fog 0. you do not exist, and never have, and it is by pure chance that you seemed a likeably complex hero, and by the same chance you now seem a small victim 0. you are already dead, dissolved by solvent, splattered by cannonade or rockface, exploded by insufflated stimulant 0.0. your consciousness is preserved somehow, and continuing to grow outside of your body 0.0. you are being tested within some sort of antediluvian limbo 0. you were always incorrect about the world — it was always chaotic, it was always fractured, you were always one late minute and one wrong turn away from staring down death on a lonely street in the september cool 0.0. this disjuncture, your abrupt ejection from the world of the carefree living into this current shadow plain, time, space, and fear combined into some new unified field, is an effort on the part of your brain to bring you up to speed 0.0. and the dreams a lesson in what must come to pass, preternatural semiconscious dispatches of the acts you, and soon the conscious you, know you will have to commit [[one, or some combination of the above, must be true->MEMORY-BAD-DREAMS-9]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you are consumed by the idea of your dreams manifesting of crushed eyes and windpipes and fortifications in every room of the house, weapons and tools scattered semi-randomly in every place you'd ever be, half to save your life, and half to save the lives of those who might hurt you but you do not have the money for fortifications, or weapons, or tools, and so the only weapon remaining is your body and the only choice whether to [[cease to be soft or leave yourself at risk->MEMORY-BAD-DREAMS-10]] of a lifetime of torture, of men standing behind doors and windows waiting for the single second you stop looking knowing the only true purpose of hardness is violence<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />in time you begin to see yourself as an addend which cannot be balanced, an impossible part of an otherwise correct equation that you must [[shift yourself in a fundamental, dimensional sense, or you must remove yourself from the equation->MEMORY-BAD-DREAMS-11]] entirely you think about all the cruelty and all the entropy you could save for the world, for the universe, for time itself, if you were to opt out<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and still the same dreams every night and the same awakening with your brain hitting every panic button, joints aflame, mouth full of acid, lungs empty and screaming, [[your brain whispering once again are you ready to kill or are you ready to die?->YOU-ARE-DEAD]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THERE IS A CARD ON THE TOP READING "TO MASTER SPY. LOVE, SECRETARYBOT" YOU OPEN THE PACKAGE CAREFULLY, TAKING CARE NOT TO RIP ANY OF THE WRAPPING PAPER YOU HAVE NO INTENTION OF SAVING IT, IT JUST SEEMS DISRESPECTFUL TO RIP IT OFF INSIDE THE BOX IS A [[FANCY NEW HUD SOFTWARE->ASSIGNMENT-3-UPGRADE-HUD-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />[[IF SECRETARYBOT WERE HERE RIGHT NOW HE/SHE/THEY/ZE WOULD SEE YOU BLUSHING LIKE A RIPE TOMATO->ASSIGNMENT-3-QUARTERS]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" window.getComputedStyle($('#hudMapDiv')[0]).opacity; window.getComputedStyle($('#hudFaceDiv')[0]).opacity; window.getComputedStyle($('#hudUndoNavigatorDiv')[0]).opacity; window.getComputedStyle($('#hudRedoNavigatorDiv')[0]).opacity; $('#hudMapDiv').css({ 'opacity': '0', '-webkit-animation': 'animateOpacityInQuick 0.5s 7s ease-in-out both running', '-moz-animation': 'animateOpacityInQuick 0.5s 7s ease-in-out both running', '-o-animation': 'animateOpacityInQuick 0.5s 7s ease-in-out both running', 'animation': 'animateOpacityInQuick 0.25s 7s ease-in-out both running' }); $('#hudFaceDiv').css({ 'opacity': '0', '-webkit-animation': 'animateOpacityInQuick 0.5s 8.25s ease-in-out both running', '-moz-animation': 'animateOpacityInQuick 0.5s 8.25s ease-in-out both running', '-o-animation': 'animateOpacityInQuick 0.5s 8.25s ease-in-out both running', 'animation': 'animateOpacityInQuick 0.25s 8.25s ease-in-out both running' }); $('#hudUndoNavigatorDiv, #hudRedoNavigatorDiv').css({ 'opacity': '0', '-webkit-animation': 'animateOpacityInQuick 1s 3s ease-in-out both running', '-moz-animation': 'animateOpacityInQuick 1s 3s ease-in-out both running', '-o-animation': 'animateOpacityInQuick 1s 3s ease-in-out both running', 'animation': 'animateOpacityInQuick 0.25s 3s ease-in-out both running' }); makeHud(3); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); window.getComputedStyle($('#leftGreebleDiv')[0]).opacity; console.log(5); window.getComputedStyle($('#rightGreebleDiv')[0]).opacity; console.log(6); window.getComputedStyle( $('#hudContainerDiv > img.greeble')[0]).opacity; $('.threeDesignGreeble, #hudContainerDiv > img.greeble').css({ 'opacity': '0', '-webkit-animation': 'animateGreeble 3s 6s ease-in-out both running', '-moz-animation': 'animateGreeble 3s 6s ease-in-out both running', '-o-animation': 'animateGreeble 3s 6s ease-in-out both running', 'animation': 'animateGreeble 3s 6s ease-in-out both running' }); window.setTimeout(function() { $('#hudMapDiv, #hudFaceDiv, #hudUndoNavigatorDiv, #hudRedoNavigatorDiv, .threeDesignGreeble, #hudContainerDiv > img.greeble').css({ 'opacity': '', '-webkit-animation': '', '-moz-animation': '', '-o-animation': '', 'animation': '' }); }, 9000); " />THE SECRETARYBOT NODS AND TURNS AWAY, ITS LAST EXPRESSION... WHAT, EXACTLY? DISAPPOINTED? LONELY? WHATEVER IT IS, IT IS OVER IN AN INSTANT, AND YOU ARE WALKING THROUGH THE SHINY NEW HALLWAYS, PAST INDUSTRIOUS WORKERBOTS AND PALLETS OF BUILDING SUPPLIES THEN TO THE NEAREST BUS STATION, PURCHASING A TICKET, HEADING BACK TO THE [[APARTMENT AND THE LIFE YOU LEFT BEHIND->MEMORY-CLOTHING-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><ul><li>QA TESTERS: <a href="">SEASLUDGE</a> <a href="">WEIRDLOOKINGCAT</a> <a href="">ATLASSMUGGED</a> <a href="">CORPUS_CRISPY</a></li> <li>PLEASE READ THE SPY MANUAL FIRST — YOUR HELMET HAS MANY IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS, PARTICULARLY THOSE RELATING TO THE AUTOMAP AND THE MENUS ACCESSIBLE THROUGH HUD ELEMENTS, THAT ARE EXPLAINED THEREIN</li> <li>YOUR HELMET HAS BEEN TESTED ON MOST COMMON BROWSERS, AND EVERY EFFORT WAS MADE TO ENSURE HTML, CSS, AND JS ARE FUNCTIONAL ON OLDER VERSIONS, BUT USERS WOULD BE BEST SERVED BY ENSURING WHICHEVER BROWSER THEY USE HAS BEEN UPDATED TO THE MOST RECENT VERSION</li> <li>WHILE THERE ARE MEDIA QUERIES WHICH SHOULD ENSURE YOUR HELMET'S DISPLAY IS FUNCTIONAL AND AESTHETICALLY PLEASING AT NEARLY ALL CURRENT, COMMON WINDOW RESOLUTIONS, IT WILL LIKELY LOOK BEST AT YOUR MONITOR'S MAXIMUM RESOLUTION. IF YOU HAVE A SUPER HI-DPI MONITOR (>1920PX WIDTH), IT SHOULD LOOK BEST BETWEEN 1600PX AND 1920PX WIDTH</li> <li>IF YOU GET STUCK FOR ANY REASON, DON'T FORGET THAT WITHIN THE MENU (ACCESSIBLE BY CLICKING THE FACE PORTRAIT), YOU CAN ACCESS AN AI (PROVIDED FREE OF CHARGE!) WHICH WILL PROVIDE HINTS FOR THE CURRENT PASSAGE</li> <li>PLEASE NOTE THAT SPY INTRIGUE WAS DEVELOPED AND TESTED ON WEBKIT, AND WHILE MUCH EFFORT HAS BEEN EXPENDED ENSURING THAT IT FUNCTIONS PRECISELY THE SAME ON NON-WEBKIT BROWSERS, THE BEST RESULTS WILL LIKELY BE HAD USING AN UP-TO-DATE VERSION OF CHROME.</li> <li>IF, DESPITE THE BEST EFFORTS OF OUR ENGINEERBOTS AND CONSTRUCTORBOTS, THERE IS ANY ISSUE AT ALL, OR YOUR EXPERIENCE IS LESS THAN STELLAR, PLEASE CONTACT THE MANUFACTURER ON TWITTER <a href="">@FURKLE_</a> OR BY EMAIL AT FURKLE AT FURKLE INDUSTRIES DOT COM</li> <li>SPY INTRIGUE IS RELEASED UNDER A GPLV3 LICENSE. LICENSE TEXT FOLLOWS: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007 Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <> Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. Preamble The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works. The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to your programs, too. When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things. To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others. For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it. For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to authors of previous versions. Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users. Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that patents cannot be used to render the program non-free. The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 0. Definitions. "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of works, such as semiconductor masks. "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and "recipients" may be individuals or organizations. To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work. A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based on the Program. To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, distribution (with or without modification), making available to the public, and in some countries other activities as well. To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying. An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. 1. Source Code. The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source form of a work. A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that is widely used among developers working in that language. The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an implementation is available to the public in source code form. A "Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component (kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system (if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it. The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to control those activities. However, it does not include the work's System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source includes interface definition files associated with source files for the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those subprograms and other parts of the work. The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding Source. The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that same work. 2. Basic Permissions. All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 makes it unnecessary. 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law. No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article 11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such measures. When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of technological measures. 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies. You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; keep intact all notices stating that this License and any non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all recipients a copy of this License along with the Program. You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions. You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified it, and giving a relevant date. b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is released under this License and any conditions added under section 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to "keep intact all notices". c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your work need not make them do so. A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an "aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other parts of the aggregate. 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, in one of these ways: a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium customarily used for software interchange. b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord with subsection 6b. d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements. e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no charge under subsection 6d. A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be included in conveying the object code work. A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent the only significant mode of use of the product. "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because modification has been made. If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has been installed in ROM). The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a network may be denied when the modification itself materially and adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and protocols for communication across the network. Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly documented (and with an implementation available to the public in source code form), and must require no special password or key for unpacking, reading or copying. 7. Additional Terms. "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by this License without regard to the additional permissions. When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms: a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed by works containing it; or c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in reasonable ways as different from the original version; or d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or authors of the material; or e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on those licensors and authors. All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is governed by this License along with a term that is a further restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms of that license document, provided that the further restriction does not survive such relicensing or conveying. If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating where to find the applicable terms. Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; the above requirements apply either way. 8. Termination. You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third paragraph of section 11). However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation. Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the notice. Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same material under section 10. 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered work results from an entity transaction, each party to that transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts. You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it. 11. Patents. A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version". A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of this License. Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and propagate the contents of its contributor version. In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent (such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a patent against the party. If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that country that you have reason to believe are valid. If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered work and works based on it. A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily for and in connection with specific products or compilations that contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License. Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the combination as such. 14. Revised Versions of this License. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the Program. Later license versions may give you additional or different permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a later version. 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 16. Limitation of Liability. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a copy of the Program in return for a fee. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. `<`one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.> Copyright (C) `<`year`>` `<`name of author`>` This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <a href=""></a>. Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: `<`program`>` Copyright (C) `<`year`>` `<`name of author`>` This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box". You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see <a href=""></a>. The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this License. But first, please read <a href=""></a>.</li> </ul>[[BACK->MENU]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />PHYSICAL VIOLENCE, EMOTIONAL VIOLENCE, SEXUAL VIOLENCE, ALCOHOL USE, DRUG USE, MENTAL ILLNESS, SUICIDE, SEX, GENDER, INCEST [[BACK->MENU]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you are asleep and dreaming and [[in your dream you are asleep->MEMORY-DREAM-1-2]] in bed in your own apartment in philadelphia<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); clearCorruptionVideo(); " />watching yourself watch yourself in some strange impacable involution and then you awake [[in the dream->MEMORY-DREAM-1-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />stalking downstairs on silent toes careful not to alert any listeners to your presence or position you pass the front door to your apartment as you go, with the cutout window in the middle the [[face->MEMORY-DREAM-1-4]] you imagine every time you pass it, of death coming to snare you once more, is staring at you<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and you switch immediately into your rehearsed self, everything on autopilot, following [[the preset and prerehearsed steps->MEMORY-DREAM-1-5]] designed to maintain the safety of you and everything you love<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />grab the [[hammer->MEMORY-DREAM-1-6]] from the kitchen drawer<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />grab the [[flashlight->MEMORY-DREAM-1-7]] from the cabinet below the drawer<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />rush up to your [[bedroom->MEMORY-DREAM-1-8]] tools in hand<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />look back downstairs at the [[door->MEMORY-DREAM-1-9]] even though you know it will slow you because throughout history and lore no human has been able to look away from death and you are no exception<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the [[presence->MEMORY-DREAM-1-10]] has broken through the door and you can tell now that it was not someone standing behind the door or crouching only their face visible no not at all rather just a head itself floating through unknown means towards you with death in its teeth and light in its eyes<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />close the [[door->MEMORY-DREAM-1-11]] slamming it into the frame and pushing to ensure the latch catches the strike plate and turning the lock<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />grab the [[cat->MEMORY-DREAM-1-12]] in your free hand<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />tear open the [[breaker->MEMORY-DREAM-1-13]] and shut off every single circuit<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the house now [[dark->MEMORY-DREAM-1-14]] as night and even stiller<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and then undoing the slide lock opening the closet door moving up the stairs into the [[attic->MEMORY-DREAM-1-15]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />but within the attic time and geography are newly suspect, and subject to abrupt [[shifts->MEMORY-DREAM-1-16]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you know this to be your attic, as a matter of knowledge and of faith but there is a hallway within your attic, longer than is possible within waking space, oneirically non-euclidean you follow it towards the [[end->MEMORY-DREAM-1-17]], your feet heavy, and stiff, and slow terrible noises coming from your bedroom down the stairs, of howls, wood approaching its breaking point, and something you can't possibly name<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you fasten your hold on the hammer and the cat and push the flashlight down securely in your pocket the cat begins to cry and you follow suit at the end of the hallway there is a [[door->MEMORY-DREAM-1-18]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and beyond the door is near-darkness, and water, seeming to move with the energy of living existence, to pulse in some fierce temporary rhythm with a faintly visible light far across the water you can hear your bedroom door breaking and being set aside you step into the [[liquid->MEMORY-DREAM-1-19]] and you begin wading<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you push past near-invisible lilypads in the terrible dark you walk towards the door, but it's so far away and you are so tired, and your arms and legs are beginning to set like concrete and the cat is beginning to squirm and is to cry louder, her fur growing wet, her claws growing sharp and as you turn your head, the terrible [[presence->MEMORY-DREAM-1-20]] only meters behind you, moving faster than you can manipulate your body<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and it is right next to you and you can feel its heat on your face like the exhaust of a train you [[descend->MEMORY-DREAM-1-21]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><mark style="display: none;">[[ASSIGNMENT-3-DEPART-1]]</mark>towards the unseen dark bottom away from the light at the end the cat screaming and scratching you you can feel blood moving from your body into the water and you keep propelling the two of you darker and lower until she ceases to struggle and your head explodes you awake feeling like your heart is beating out a hyperrhythm<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-link').css({ 'color': 'white', 'text-shadow': '0px 0px 1.5px rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)', 'font-weight': '100', 'cursor': 'text', }); var textNodes = $('tw-passage tw-transition-container').contents() .filter(function() { return this.nodeType === 3; }); for (var ii = 0; ii < textNodes.length; ii++) { var node = $(textNodes[ii]); var text = node.text(); var concat = ''; for (var jj = 0; jj < text.length; jj++) { concat += '<span class=&quot;characterFlier&quot; style=&quot;top: 0; -webkit-transition: top 5s ease-in; -moz-transition: top 5s ease-in; top 5s ease-in; -o-transition: top 5s ease-in; transition: top 5s ease-in;&quot;>' + text[jj] + '</span>'; } $(node).replaceWith(concat); } var nodesByYCoords = {}; var yCoords = []; $('tw-passage .characterFlier').toArray().forEach(function(node) { var position = $(node).position().top; typeof(nodesByYCoords[position]) === 'undefined' ? nodesByYCoords[position] = [node] : nodesByYCoords[position].push(node); if (yCoords.indexOf(position) === -1) { yCoords.push(position); } }); var DELAY_CONSTANT = 300; var TIME_VARIANCE = 0.10; function makeCharacterFlier(node, count) { setTimeout(function() { $(node).css('top', $(window).height() * -1 + 'px'); }, DELAY_CONSTANT * count * (1 + (Math.random() * TIME_VARIANCE * (Math.random() >= 0.5 ? 1 : -1)))); } var ANIMATION_WAIT_TIME = 4000; setTimeout(function() { var count = 0; for (var ii = 0; ii < yCoords.length; ii++) { var copy = nodesByYCoords[yCoords[ii]].slice(); for (var jj = 0; jj < nodesByYCoords[yCoords[ii]].length; jj++) { var randex = Math.floor(Math.random() * copy.length); if ($(copy[randex]).text() !== ' ') { count++; makeCharacterFlier(copy[randex], count); } copy.splice(randex, 1); } } }, ANIMATION_WAIT_TIME); setTimeout(function() { $('tw-link').click(); }, $('.characterFlier').filter( function() { return $(this).text() !== ' ' } ).length * DELAY_CONSTANT * 1.1); " />SUDDENTLY THE FLOOR BENEATH YOU SIGHS OPEN AND BEGINS TO MOVE THE FLOOR CLOSES WITH THE SMOOTHNESS OF AN ARIA AND THE PLATFORM DESCENDS WITH THE URGENCY OF A THRENODY. WHEN THE DOOR OPENS YOU SEE BEFORE YOU AN IMMENSE WAREHOUSE THIS IS IT. THE MUCH-BALLYHOOED SPY ARMORY. AND YOU HERE LIKE A KING READY TO BE DRAPED IN ITS AMPLE RAIMENTS. EXCEPT EVERY SINGLE SHELF IS COVERED IN WEIRD DRIPPY GREY STUFF [[LIKE IF A MALEVOLENT GIANT MANY TIMES BIGGER THAN THIS WAREHOUSE JIZZED MUCK ALL OVER EVERYTHING AND DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE COURTESY WIPE IT DOWN->ASSIGNMENT-1-LOADOUT-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(window.preAssignmentCompHudVersion); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU WALK UP TO THE BAR THERE IS A [[BARTENDERBOT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-BAR-2]] SITTING BEHIND THE BAR, SURROUNDED BY BOXES THERE DO NOT APPEAR TO BE ANY LIQUOR BOTTLES<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU'LL HAVE A WHISKEY SOUR "CAN I HELP YOU, MASTER SPY?" OH YEAH SORRY MR. OR MS. OR NEITHER BARTENDERBOT I DIDN'T REALIZE I WAS SAYING WORDS WITH MY BRAIN. LIKE, TO MY BRAIN. AND NOT TO YOU "QUITE OKAY, MASTER SPY." I'LL HAVE A [[WHISKEY SOUR->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-BAR-3]], YOU SAY WITH YOUR MOUTH<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"I AM SORRY, MASTER SPY, BUT WE CURRENTLY POSSESS NEITHER WHISKEY NOR SOUR MIX" HM. OKAY THEN. I'LL HAVE A GIN AND TONIC "I AM SORRY, MASTER SPY, BUT WE CURRENTLY POSSESS NEITHER GIN NOR TONIC" OKAY THEN. UH. WHAT DO YOU HAVE, THEN? "WE HAVE [[WINE->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-BAR-4]], MASTER SPY" AND THE ROBOT HOLDS UP ONE OF THE BOXES, AND YOU REALIZE THAT IT IS SURROUNDED BY HUNDREDS IF NOT THOUSANDS OF LITERS OF BOX WINE OKAY FINE THEN I'LL HAVE WINE, YOU SAY<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"WOULD YOU LIKE THE HOUSE SPECIAL, MASTER SPY?" [[YEAH SURE WHATEVER. SPECIAL WINE PLEASE->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-BAR-HOTWINE]] [[NO, JUST THE HOUSE UNSPECIAL PLEASE->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-BAR-COOLWINE]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE BARTENDERBOT POURS APPROXIMATELY HALF THE BOX OF WINE INTO A MIXING BOWL, THEN PUTS THE BOWL IN A MICROWAVE YOU CAN SEE THE DIGITS COUNTING DOWN FROM 5:00 TOWARDS 0:00 THE MICROWAVE DINGS AND THE BARTENDERBOT REMOVES THE BOWL, PLACING IT IN FRONT OF YOU "HERE YOU ARE, MASTER SPY. OUR HOUSE SPECIAL, HOTWINE. ALGORITHMICALLY TAILORED TO CREATE MAXIMUM ENJOYMENT IN HUMANS OF ALL BEVERAGES" YOU DRINK THE HOTWINE IT IS [[SCALDINGLY DELICIOUS->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-BAR-MORE-WINE-OR-LEAVE]] AND YOU ARE A LITTLE MORE INTOXICATED DID YOU SAY THIS WAS THE HOUSE SPECIAL AND NO ONE ELSE DOES THIS, YOU ASK THE BARTENDERBOT "INDEED, IT IS OUR REVELATION AND OURS ALONE" WELL I HONESTLY NEVER WOULD'VE GUESSED THAT<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE BARTENDERBOT LIFTS ONE OF THE BOXES OF BOX WINE AND FILLS A HIGHBALL GLASS "YOUR WINE," HE/SHE/THEY/ZE SAYS, HANDING YOU THE HUGE GLASS OF WINE OKAY AWESOME DO YOU GUYS TAKE GEOPAY "THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THE RESIDENT MASTER SPY. PLEASE ENJOY AS MUCH OF OUR ENTERTAINMENT AS YOU WISH" YOU DRINK THE UNSPECIAL WINE AND FEEL A LITTLE BIT [[MORE INTOXICATED->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-BAR-MORE-WINE-OR-LEAVE]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />WHAT A STRANGE BAR [[MORE WINE->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-BAR-4]] [[THAT'S ENOUGH WINE FOR NOW->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-11]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" window.previousHudVersion = hudVersion; makeHud(0); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-passage').append('<div id=&quot;plaqueDiv&quot; class=&quot;centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;><div id=&quot;plaqueTitle&quot; class=&quot;plaqueGradientItem centerHorizontally engravedText&quot;><div id=&quot;firstPlaqueTitleSpan&quot; class=&quot;centerHorizontally plaqueGradientItem&quot;>MASTER SPY<div id=&quot;topLeftNameTagBolt&quot; class=&quot;nameTagBolt screwBackground&quot;></div><div id=&quot;topRightNameTagBolt&quot; class=&quot;nameTagBolt screwBackground&quot;></div><div id=&quot;bottomLeftNameTagBolt&quot; class=&quot;nameTagBolt screwBackground&quot;></div><div id=&quot;bottomRightNameTagBolt&quot; class=&quot;nameTagBolt screwBackground&quot;></div><span id=&quot;secondPlaqueTitleSpan&quot;>\u0027S</span></div><span id=&quot;thirdPlaqueTitleSpan&quot;>SPY ACHIEVEMENTS</span></div><div id=&quot;firstMissionDiv&quot; class=&quot;missionDiv centerHorizontally&quot;><div class=&quot;missionContainerDiv centerHorizontallyAndVertically engravedText&quot;><button id=&quot;firstMissionButton&quot; class=&quot;missionButton centerVertically&quot;></button><span class=&quot;missionTextSpan centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;>MISSION_1_ACHIEVEMENT</span></div></div><div id=&quot;secondMissionDiv&quot; class=&quot;missionDiv centerHorizontally&quot;><div class=&quot;missionContainerDiv centerHorizontallyAndVertically engravedText&quot;><button id=&quot;secondMissionButton&quot; class=&quot;missionButton centerVertically&quot;></button><span class=&quot;missionTextSpan centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;>MISSION_2_ACHIEVEMENT</span></div></div><span id=&quot;secretaryBotCopyrightText&quot; class=&quot;engravedText centerHorizontally&quot;>© AND ® SECRETARYBOT</span><div id=&quot;topLeftPlaqueBolt&quot; class=&quot;plaqueBolt screwBackground&quot;><div class=&quot;goldSheen&quot;></div></div><div id=&quot;topRightPlaqueBolt&quot; class=&quot;plaqueBolt screwBackground&quot;><div class=&quot;goldSheen&quot;></div></div><div id=&quot;bottomLeftPlaqueBolt&quot; class=&quot;plaqueBolt screwBackground&quot;><div class=&quot;goldSheen&quot;></div></div><div id=&quot;bottomRightPlaqueBolt&quot; class=&quot;plaqueBolt screwBackground&quot;><div class=&quot;goldSheen&quot;></div></div><div id=&quot;plaqueTexture&quot;></div></div>'); $('#firstMissionButton').click(function(e) { createModalOne(); }); $('#secondMissionButton').click(function(e) { createModalTwo(); }); // corresponds to the text that will be placed in the created modal window var achievementOne = 'MASTER SPY INFILTRATED THE HEADQUARTERS OF ' + 'AN ENEMY CORPORATION, DEFEATED ALL ON-DUTY GUARDS, ' + 'AND DEACTIVATED THEIR MOST CRITICAL DATACORE OPERATOR. ' + 'BY DESTROYING THE DATACORE, A TALENT VOID WAS CREATED, ' + 'DESTABILIZING THE ENTERTAINMENT MARKET. THE SPY MASTER PEFORMED ' + '56.3% MORE EFFICIENTLY AND 21.6% LESS EMOTIONALLY THAN PREDICTED. ' + 'IT IS EXPECTED THAT THEY WILL CONTINUE TO BE A DEEPLY VALUABLE OPERATIVE.' + '<br>' + '<br>' + 'AWARDS:' + '<br>' + '* MOST IMPROVED' + '<br>' + '* BEST ATTITUDE' + '<br>' + '* MOST VALUABLE PLAYER'; var achievementTwo = 'MASTER SPY TRAVELED TO MARE ISOLARUM, ON THE THE EARTH\u0027S MOON.' + 'THEREUPON, THEY GAINED ENTRANCE THROUGH VIOLENCE AND SUBTERFUGE ' + 'TO THE FACILITY OF A DIRECT COMPETITOR, DESTROYING THE WHOLE ' + 'OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE BY COLLAPSING THE ENTIRE BUILDING ON TOP OF ' + 'THEIR MACHINERY. THIS CREATES A SIGNIFICANT OPENING IN THE MARKET, ' + 'INTO WHICH WE WILL MOVE WITH SPEED TO ASSERT MARKET DOMINANCE. ' + 'THE SPY MASTER PEFORMED 27.9% MORE EFFICIENTLY AND 7.3% MORE ' + 'SEDUCTIVELY THAN PREDICTED. IT IS EXPECTED THAT THEY WILL CONTINUE ' + 'TO BE A DEEPLY VALUABLE OPERATIVE.' + '<br>' + '<br>' + 'AWARDS:' + '<br>' + '* MOST PROFESSIONAL' + '<br>' + '* MOST DEADLY' + '<br>' + '* MOST EFFICIENT'; function createModalOne() { var modalDivOne = $('<div id=&quot;achievementFragmentModalDivOne&quot; class=&quot;engravedText centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;>' + achievementOne + '</div>'); modalDivOne.css({ 'width': '50%', 'height': '100%', 'position': 'absolute', 'overflow-y': 'scroll', 'background': '-webkit-linear-gradient(315deg, #747472, #9CA6AC)', 'background': '-moz-linear-gradient(315deg, #747472, #9CA6AC)', 'background': '-o-linear-gradient(315deg, #747472, #9CA6AC)', 'background': 'linear-gradient(315deg, #747472, #9CA6AC)', 'padding': '15px 50px 15px 15px', 'opacity': '0', 'border': '5px groove', 'z-index': '1' }); var closeButtonOne = $('<button class=&quot;achievementFragmentCloseButton&quot;>x</button>'); closeButtonOne.css({ 'width': '25px', 'height': '25px', 'position': 'absolute', 'right': '0px', 'top': '0px', 'margin': '10px' }); modalDivOne.append(closeButtonOne); $('#plaqueDiv').append(modalDivOne); window.getComputedStyle(modalDivOne[0]).opacity; modalDivOne.css('opacity', '1'); $(closeButtonOne).click(function(e) { modalDivOne.css('opacity', '0'); window.setTimeout(function() { modalDivOne.remove(); }, 1000); }); } function createModalTwo() { var modalDivTwo = $('<div id=&quot;achievementFragmentModalDivTwo&quot; class=&quot;engravedText centerHorizontallyAndVertically&quot;>' + achievementTwo + '</div>'); modalDivTwo.css({ 'width': '50%', 'height': '100%', 'position': 'absolute', 'overflow-y': 'scroll', 'background': '-webkit-linear-gradient(315deg, #747472, #9CA6AC)', 'background': '-moz-linear-gradient(315deg, #747472, #9CA6AC)', 'background': '-o-linear-gradient(315deg, #747472, #9CA6AC)', 'background': 'linear-gradient(315deg, #747472, #9CA6AC)', 'padding': '15px 50px 15px 15px', 'opacity': '0', 'border': '5px groove', 'z-index': '1' }); var closeButtonTwo = $('<button class=&quot;achievementFragmentCloseButton&quot;>x</button>'); closeButtonTwo.css({ 'width': '25px', 'height': '25px', 'position': 'absolute', 'right': '0px', 'top': '0px', 'margin': '10px' }); modalDivTwo.append(closeButtonTwo); $('#plaqueDiv').append(modalDivTwo); window.getComputedStyle(modalDivTwo[0]).opacity; modalDivTwo.css('opacity', '1'); $(closeButtonTwo).click(function(e) { modalDivTwo.css('opacity', '0'); window.setTimeout(function() { modalDivTwo.remove(); }, 1000); }); } " />YOU WALK OUT OF THE KLUBB BACK TOWARDS THE ELEVATOR WHEN YOU RISE BACK INTO THE HEADQUARTERS, THE SECRETARYBOT IS AT THE COMPUTER IN YOUR QUARTERS YOU STOP TO CATCH YOUR BREATH, THEN OPEN YOUR MOUTH [[WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THE NEW SWANKY QUARTERS, SECRETARYBOT?->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-DEPART-NEW-QUARTERS]] [[WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THE ENORMOUS BLUNT KLUBB, SECRETARYBOT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-DEPART-BLUNT-KLUBB]] [[LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU'RE DONE ON THE COMPUTER, I HAVE SPY STUFF TO DO->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-DEPART-2]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"IT WAS A SURPRISE. I HAD A COUPLE OF MY FRIENDS, `WORKER_BOT_OBJECT_1` AND `WORKER_BOT_OBJECT_14091`, FIX IT UP WHILE YOU WERE AWAY. THAT IS WHY I WAS CALLING NON-STOP TO SEE IF YOU WERE FINISHED YET - I WANTED TO MAKE SURE WE CLEARED ALL THE DUST OFF BEFORE YOU RETURNED" "DO YOU LIKE IT?" THE SECRETARYBOT'S FACE TILTS UP TOWARDS YOU EXPECTANTLY, AND HIS/HER/THEIR/ZIR EYES SEEM TO BRIGHTEN A FEW LUMENS [[IT'S WONDERFUL, SECRETARYBOT->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-DEPART-NEW-QUARTERS-SURPRISE]] [[WAIT HOLY SHIT YOU KNOW `WORKER_BOT_OBJECT_14091`->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-DEPART-NEW-QUARTERS-WORKER-BOT-14091]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"OUR LEDGER HAS BEEN SOMEWHAT RED IN RECENT TIMES, MASTER SPY. THE LOSS OF ALL OUR PERSONNEL WAS NOT JUST DAMAGING FOR THE LOSS OF MANPOWER AND ERUDITION. THE DEATH BENEFITS PAID TO THE NEXT OF KIN CONSUMED NEARLY THE ENTIRELY OF OUR CASH RESERVES. AS YOU MUST KNOW, SPY CONTRACTS ARE VERY GENEROUS" [[SO I HAVE A VERY LUCRATIVE CONTRACT?->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-DEPART-EXPLAIN-CONTRACT]] [[OKAY YEAH THAT MAKES SENSE, BUT HOW DOES THAT EXPLAIN THE BLUNT KLUBB->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-DEPART-EXPLAIN-KLUBB]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"OF COURSE, MASTER SPY! I'M FINISHED NOW. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO USE THE TERMINAL" OKAY THANKS GREAT TALK SECRETARYBOT I'M GONNA DO THOSE [[SPY THINGS->ASSIGNMENT-2-LOG-ON]] NOW<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU SAY, WITH GREAT SINCERITY: IT'S WONDERFUL, SECRETARYBOT IN RESPONSE YOU RECEIVE WHAT ALMOST SEEMS LIKE A [[SMILE->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-DEPART-1]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YES, WE ATTENDED FINISHING SCHOOL TOGETHER [[THAT IS SO COOL->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-DEPART-1]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"OF COURSE, MASTER SPY! UPON YOUR DEMISE, TIMELY OR UNTIMELY, A SIGNIFICANT DISBURSEMENT WILL BE MADE TO YOUR FAMILY, OR SOMEONE YOU LOVE. WHOEVER YOU PLEASE, REALLY. UNTIMELY DEMISES PAY DOUBLE, OF COURSE. THIS IS IN ADDITION TO THE RETIREMENT PENSION, SHOULD YOU DECIDE TO FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO WHICH TO DEDICATE YOUR LIFE BEFORE IT ENDS. SHOULD YOU DIE IN OUR SERVICE WITHOUT APPOINTING A BENEFICIARY, THE FUNDS WILL BE USED TO CONTINUE OUR RISE TOWARDS THE TOP OF OUR FIELD" [[LOOKS LIKE I'M GONNA KEEP THIS PLACE AFLOAT EVEN AFTER I DIE, THEN->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-DEPART-1]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"AN EXTRA REVENUE STREAM, OF COURSE! I ELECTED TO USE A MODERATE FRACTION OF OUR PALTRY REMAINING FUNDS TO PURCHASE THE RIGHTS TO CONSTRUCT AND ADMINISTER A BLUNT KLUBB FRANCHISE RIGHT HERE WITHIN OUR HEADQUARTERS. CURRENT PROJECTIONS ARE FOR A 250% RETURN ON INVESTMENT BY THE FOURTH MONTH OF OPERATIONS" [[THAT DOESN'T REALLY MAKE ANY SENSE TO ME, BUT I SUPPOSE I NEVER TOOK ANY ECON OR BUSINESS CLASSES. VICE USUALLY DOES PAY, I SUPPOSE->ASSIGNMENT-2-BLUNT-KLUBB-DEPART-1]]<img src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />she'd always told you about all the pranks she and her friends would pull. all the silly, funny things she and her friends did. how cool they sounded. how much older, even though you were all nearly the same age it all sounded so fun. like the way a childhood should feel from the inside, instead of feeling like you were locked on the wrong side of the one-way mirror with nothing to do but take down notes and wait like something [[bright and ecstatic and incredible->MEMORY-SISTER-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />one of her friends asked you if you wanted to play a [[prank->MEMORY-SISTER-4]] of course you did<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />so you went, as ordered, and took the chocolate syrup out of the fridge and wrote the letters on the sidewalk as her friend dictated them you were so proud. you felt like you belonged. [[warm and steady and present->MEMORY-SISTER-5]]. and you stood there and smiled so wide you thought your jaw would break<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />even though everyone else was scowling at first. you kept smiling right up until your sister told you to [[leave->MEMORY-SISTER-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you walked home by yourself. you didn't go inside. you walked into the backyard and laid on the grass staring up at the stars you wondered with all of yourself whether there were planets, or realities, where you'd be lovable, or what strange days would have to pass in [[this one->YOU-ARE-DEAD]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you waited until your parents went to sleep you were full of [[strange, new thoughts->MEMORY-CAUSTIC-CHEMICALS-3]]. you felt like crying and you had no idea why just the terrible sense of weight, of pointlessness, of something without form or name eating away at the middle of you<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you deleted every image from your media center, wiped each of your bedroom's holodisplays clean, removing musicians and holostars and personais, until nothing was left but antiseptic white and the slightest impurity of noise [[it was bright, and you were alone->MEMORY-CAUSTIC-CHEMICALS-4]], and you sat there<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you hid under the covers. you talked to the cat, and she listened, and she offered council in the ways the voiceless are able. she got up off the box in the corner and she curled up next to you so that her back was just barely touching you, and you knew that in doing so she uncomfortable - that she was sacrificing some comfort, some nearly inviolable sense of pride or anxiety, to offer comfort. because as you knew vaguely and she knew fully, offered comfort is not just what is given but what is lost. a slight touch from [[one for whom it feels like knives->MEMORY-CAUSTIC-CHEMICALS-5]] often brightens more than the entire attention of one for whom intimacy is simple<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />she sat there with you. she looked at you and she [[blinked->MEMORY-CAUSTIC-CHEMICALS-6]] and that worked, for an hour, for the rest of the night<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />your parents saw the new emptiness of your room through brief glimpses and the plain light spilling from under your door and brief glimpses. they asked you [[why->MEMORY-CAUSTIC-CHEMICALS-7]]?<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />what did you say? what was there to say? "just got halfway through redecorating," you said, and they smiled, and you used your face to do the same. "wait till you see what's going up" you excused yourself after dinner. "homework," you said. "gotta change up the holodisplays," you said. "it's so depressing in there. imagine sitting there, with nothing on the walls, just blinding white," and you all laughed you sat [[in the middle of the floor, and she with you->MEMORY-CAUSTIC-CHEMICALS-8]], as you waited for something to get better, or worse nothing did<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />but you got more aware, or at least whatever voice had grown inside your brain got clearer. and you realized that you had to make that emptiness manifest. or perhaps you deserved to? to feel it in some sense, to dissolve yourself in some crucible of vague need towards some vaguer atonement to do something [[hard and ugly->MEMORY-CAUSTIC-CHEMICALS-9]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />one night you waited by the door listening for the [[weight->MEMORY-CAUSTIC-CHEMICALS-10]] of your parents on the floor as they brushed their teeth and got into bed and did all their blurry adult things before work<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />it was quiet for an hour, then two the tick of the stupid, ancient clock in the living room the sound of cruisers going down the flyway a few kilometers away the ramshackle sound of your parents' old cleanerbot rousing itself from a soon-to-be-permanent sleep to circumambulate the tables and chairs, rendering everything [[clean and new->MEMORY-CAUSTIC-CHEMICALS-11]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you snuck out of the room on the balls of your feet just the way you did when you snuck out to see friends you turned off each of the security alarms you caught the cleanerbot just as it was moving towards the dining room and you pulled it up off the floor. it protested, its tracks spinning wildly, and with a kitchen knife you pried open the compartment on its back. you removed the [[cleaner module->MEMORY-CAUSTIC-CHEMICALS-12]], then put it back down to go on its newly ineffectual way<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you pulled a glass from the cabinet poked a hole in the module with the knife and squeezed it. slightly at first. gingerly. and nothing but a few drops came out, sitting [[redly->MEMORY-CAUSTIC-CHEMICALS-13]] at the bottom of the glass, so you pushed the knife in more, squeezed harder and it came gushing out in a horrible gout, like a cloudburst, like effluvia, like disembowelment and you took the glass back into your room and she looked at you with confused eyes as you sat in near-perfect white in the exact center of your room for another hour and then you opened your throat and poured the whole glass in<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you screamed. it sounded like choking and laughing and gargling and dying and then you fell to the floor. you rolled around and everything felt like it was on fire, like every part of you was trying to escape from everything else, like the core of you existed in infinite dimensions simultaneously. you tried to stick your finger down your throat and felt your finger disintegrating. you dragged yourself with flagging arms up on your dresser and rammed your chest into the corner once, twice, and all you received was blinding, total pain. you screamed again and it sounded like a whistle, like a recording of a bird you heard once, primitive phrases attenuated by distance and forestry and bouncing up and down ancient hills. and felt betrayed, somehow, because you'd been doing what you'd honestly thought was right, and how can or should what is right be so excruciating? but regardless of intent the message flew true, because through ears that felt [[fever-closed->MEMORY-CAUSTIC-CHEMICALS-14]] you heard someone throw themselves against the door over and over, saw it buckle on the hinges through eyes that seemed increasingly gauze-covered<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />until your father was standing almost translucently above you, wearing an expression first of concern, of confusion, then of total horror, and then you felt yourself borne up, [[small, and safe, and found->MEMORY-CAUSTIC-CHEMICALS-15]], and then everything went blank<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you woke up it took you three weeks to be able to speak again, with a therapist massaging your throat towards unspoken, unshared aims, tutoring you on exactly how to manipulate a part of you that now felt every bit as foreign as everything outside you your parents hover by the bed like angels or vultures, and you offer them comfort in the way that the voiceless are able three weeks in, when you finally manage to make a noise again, your voice sounds wrong, alien, in the same way it did before but totally different, as if it were synthesized, somehow, or newly mechanical and when you recover enough to move your arms you can feel a hardness in your throat, [[like some strange, exotic metal warmed by itself->MEMORY-CAUSTIC-CHEMICALS-16]]. though its protrusion was minuscule, and your voice was still identical enough to disable the security alarms by voice control, even with nowhere to go, you felt more alien than ever before. but somehow more yourself, like this was more honest in some sense. fated. inevitable<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you disabled the device in your throat each day, for the rest of the school year, using pantomime and hologram and instant message, sitting in complete silence in the back corner of the room, as far from everything as you could possibly be, and you still thought about the hard, and the ugly, and the necessary [[you are dead->YOU-ARE-DEAD]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />one year death came [[invisibly->MEMORY-SNIPER-2]] to your town<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />in the counties surrounding yours, four people shot in the head in one day all dead no motives no conflicts they were just there, [[then they weren't->MEMORY-SNIPER-3]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the next day two more died, and [[people->MEMORY-SNIPER-4]] started to take notice<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the next day, and every day thereafter, you spent your whole schoolday secretly looking at the news, waiting for another victim and you can recall even now a terrible hunger for this — that you were just realizing the terrible human urge to witness, and be a part of, some new history. to cross your fingers somewhere deep in your soul that whatever terror this might be in reality, it will be allowed to continue, for the [[fabric of reality->MEMORY-SNIPER-5]] to continue to unravel because you had just then grasped that reality cannot be modified without pain, and that terror is the most sincere novelty<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and so you were sickly ecstatic that in the coming days people continued to die, their heads exploding and their eyes going dark as they were pumping gas, walking into stores, walking into school the news and your parents told you to [[walk in a serpentine fashion->MEMORY-SNIPER-6]] on the way into school because if they had begun to kill children, there was no reason they might not try to kill you<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you felt sick, and you felt scared, but you also felt giddy, like for the first time in your life fiction became real, or the prior fiction of your existence dropped away like [[an unheralded adolescent molting->MEMORY-SNIPER-7]] and your parents seemed frightened and confused angry, even. outraged at feeling something americans should not and cannot be made to feel. that the manner in which reality had fractured was anathema to the structure and the soil of this nation, that it should be reserved for distant, chaotic lands<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and of course all of this was the point a week and four more corpses later the police caught the snipers at which point they revealed their intent, to remind every one of us that safety is an illusion, even in magical safe america. that we are always one bullet and one second away from an unseen death of course, in having been caught, in having revealed their all-too-human anger, they ceased to be [[antimagical->MEMORY-SNIPER-8]], ceased to be frightening<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the system had worked. it took time, but the evildoers were placed where they couldn't harm anyone. things went back to normal, and everyone, most of all you, forgot something that should never have been forgotten but though you forgot that you were not protected, that you had no [[true spells or charms->YOU-ARE-DEAD]], every time you visited that store you remember. that someone had been alive, and then was shot across the pavement, and the memory as you cross the hot asphalt was like some immense cenotaph<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you'd spent the night drinking and dissolving narcotabs under your tongue. (hold them there for half an hour, she said. keep the saliva in your mouth. you'll lose all the high otherwise. the two of you would type out messages on your consoles and hold them up instead of speaking) everything swam like [[air above a flame->MEMORY-APARTMENT-BUILDING-3]] and you felt so warm, like you were swathed in a hundred scratchy blankets<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you went out for a cigarette while she was in the bathroom. you felt she'd know you were gone we're always touching by [[underground wires->MEMORY-APARTMENT-BUILDING-4]], you'd say to each other<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />when you got back in the apartment she was gone. you looked in every room. you looked in the cabinets - maybe she was playing a trick [[she was nowhere->MEMORY-APARTMENT-BUILDING-5]] to be found<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you checked outside. your heart raced as much as it could, a drummer two beers past comfortable, a [[sedated animal->MEMORY-APARTMENT-BUILDING-6]] in a small cage doing all it could to throw itself against the bars you methodically checked every single floor. nothing at all, no sign of life, and you wondered whether she might have been raptured, or you the reverse<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />half an hour later the two of you [[collided->MEMORY-APARTMENT-BUILDING-7]] as you were turning the corner<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /> you were both [[searching->MEMORY-APARTMENT-BUILDING-8]], she said. she clutched your hand and held her heart against yours somehow, logically, you must have managed to run different paths through the building the entire time, her in the elevator or outside when you were vice versa for the whole 40 minutes but you felt as if the two of you must have slipped, somehow, into separate dimensions<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />a sign of things to come, maybe [[an unheeded warning->MEMORY-APARTMENT-BUILDING-9]] she stopped speaking to you two months later and you never saw her again<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />this replays itself in dreams often — running through an empty building, searching for something [[impossibly lost->YOU-ARE-DEAD]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you wanted to slide, you say to yourself. this is what you get you crabwalk, your feet held in front of you as brakes you slip anyway and by the time you manage to stop yourself, your hands are [[covered in blood and dirt->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-MOUNTAIN-8]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />your devices still have no signal one stray step, one unstopped slip, and you will go all the way down the ice, down the three meter drop ahead breaking your leg, or your arm, or your face, or all three leaving you stranded on top of a mountain with no supplies, and no knowledge [[just another stupid kid->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-MOUNTAIN-9]] dying far from home<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />every step you take is the most important one of your life each breath, each thought, impossibly critical [[the whole world burns with danger->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-MOUNTAIN-10]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you disappear into yourself, consciousness [[sublimated->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-MOUNTAIN-11]] into raw need<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and when you come to again you are at the bottom of the mountain, walking towards the parking lot and your family and group, wiping blood off invisibly onto the backs of your dark snow pants and in that moment it's as if you had never been at risk, because there can never have truly been danger in something at which you won, in something you defeated, especially with only [[small meaningless scratches->MEMORY-BREAK-IN-AND-MOUNTAIN-FINALE]] all you have learned, an unregenerate teenager, is that you are stronger and cleverer than even mountains<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE GUARD IS RAISING THEIR GUN SLOWLY VERY, VERY SLOWLY BY YOUR CALCULATIONS, THEY WON'T EVEN HAVE IT HALFWAY UP BY THE TIME YOU REACH THEM EITHER YOU'RE [[MOVING->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-3]] VERY QUICKLY, OR THEY'RE MOVING VERY SLOWLY, OR TIME HAS SHIFTED SOMEHOW OR SOME COMBINATION OF THE THREE<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU ARE WITHIN STRIKING DISTANCE [[PUNCH THE GUARD->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-PUNCH]] [[KICK THE GUARD->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-KICK]] [[PICK THE GUARD UP AND THROW THEM->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-THROW]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU DELIVER A HAYMAKER DIRECTLY TO THE SIDE OF THE GUARD'S FOREHEAD A CENTIMETER BEFORE YOUR PUNCH CONNECTS, THE GUARD DISAPPEARS AND THE DOORS TO THE FACILITY [[OPEN->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU HURL YOURSELF INTO THE AIR, SWEEPING YOUR LEG UP AND AROUND IN A DEADLY SPIN KICK A CENTIMETER BEFORE YOUR FOOT IMPACTS THE GUARD'S FACE, THE GUARD DISAPPEARS AND THE DOORS [[OPEN->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU RUSH OVER TO THE GUARD, ENCIRCLING YOUR ARMS AROUND THEIR WAIST DIGGING YOUR FEET INTO THE COLD, HARD GROUND SPINNING AROUND LIKE A SHOTPUTTER AND HURLING THE GUARD INTO THE DISTANCE THE GUARD, FLICKERING EVERY FEW SECONDS, FLIES OVER THE NEAREST HILL AND INTO THE DISTANCE AND ABOVE THE CLOUDS THE DOORS ARE NOW [[OPEN->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />INSIDE THE BUILDING'S ATRIUM, THERE IS A HELP DESK, CURRENTLY UNATTENDED, AND AN MOVING WALKWAY RUNNING THROUGH THE DOOR INTO A SEPARATE ROOM [[INSPECT THE HELP DESK->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-HELP-DESK]] [[GET ON THE MOVING WALKWAY->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-5]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground'). css('opacity', '0.8'); // timeout time must be the same as transition time window.corruptionTimeout = setTimeout(function() { window.clearCorruptionVideo(); gotoPassage('ASSIGNMENT-3-DEPART-1'); }, 375000); $('#enterPasswordAnchor').click(function(e) { clearTimeout(window.corruptionTimeout); $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground').css({ '-webkit-transition': '1s', '-moz-transition': '1s', '-o-transition': '1s', 'transition': '1s', }); $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground'). css('opacity', '0'); setTimeout(function() { $('#corruptedNoiseVideo, #epilepsyCorruptionBackground').css({ '-webkit-transition': '', '-moz-transition': '', '-o-transition': '', 'transition': '', }); }, 2000); }); " />THE DESK IS INCREDIBLY MESSY THUMB DRIVES, MEMORY CARDS, ALL THE DETRITUS OF A JOB YOU KNOW LITTLE ABOUT STREWN RANDOMLY ACROSS THE DESK'S FAUX-WOOD VENEER AND A DESKTOP CONSOLE BEHIND ALL THE MESS [[SOUNDS BORING->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-4]] [[WHAT ABOUT THE COMPUTER, THOUGH->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-HELP-DESK-COMPUTER-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU STEP ONTO THE MOVING WALKWAY SLOWLY, BUT SURELY, YOU MOVE <mark id="rightMover" style="left: 0%;">[[FORWARD->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-6]]</mark><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); var counter = 0; $('#rightMover').click(function(e) { counter++; if (counter < 5) { $('#rightMover').css('left', 20 * counter + '%'); return false; } }); " />(set: $LOOKED_AT_FIGHT_COMPUTER to true)YOU TURN THE MONITOR ON IT APPEARS TO BE AT A COMMAND LINE ALL IT SAYS IS "FAILED TO LOAD BSOS DRIVER. ERROR CODE #F6343A" [[TRY TO RESTART IT->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-HELP-DESK-COMPUTER-2]] [[FORGET IT->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE MONITOR GOES DARK, AND THEN AFTER A FEW SECONDS THE LOADING SCREEN COMES BACK UP LINES AND LINES OF TECHPHRASES SCROLLING AT RAPID SPEED UP THE SCREEN AND THEN IT RETURNS TO THE SAME ERROR CODE ONCE MORE [[FORGET IT->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-4]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />MOVING FOR WHAT SEEMS LIKE ETERNITY, THROUGH ROOMS OF COMPUTERS, THROUGH EMPTY, WHOLLY WHITE ROOMS THROUGH ROOMS THAT SEEM NOT EVEN TO HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED YET NEARLY DEVOID OF LIGHT SAVE FOR DIM CONSTRUCTION LAMPS, WAITING TO FIND PURPOSE OR HAVE IT ASSIGNED TO THEM WAITING TO MAKE THEIR [[TRUE FORM->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-7]] KNOWN TO ALL OBSERVERS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AND FINALLY YOU REACH THE [[END OF THE WALKWAY->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-8]], STEPPING OFF INTO A SMALL ROOM LIT ENTIRELY RED, LIKE PHOTOS OR HOLOFILMS OF OLD FILM DARKROOMS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />IN THE CENTER OF THE ROOM THERE IS A DESK EXACTLY LIKE THE ONE AT THE ENTRANCE, AT THE HELP DESK BUT ENTIRELY DEVOID OF CLUTTER, WITH ONLY THE MONITOR SITTING ATOP IT SILENTLY, MONASTICALLY WAITING TO PRESENT ITS TRUE FORM [[TURN BACK AND RETURN TO THE ENTRANCE->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-RETURN-ON-WALKWAY]] [[ACCESS THE COMPUTER->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-9]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THE MOVING WALKWAY IS MOVING TOWARDS YOU (if: $WALKWAY_TRIED_TO_RUN is true)[AT THE END OF THE RAILING, THERE IS A BUTTON WHICH READS "EMERGENCY STOP" ](if: $WALKWAY_TRIED_TO_RUN is not true)[[[TRY TO RUN BACK TO THE ENTRANCE->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-RETURN-ON-WALKWAY-RUN]]](else:)[[[PRESS THE EMERGENCY STOP BUTTON->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-RETURN-ON-WALKWAY-PRESS-BUTTON-1]]] <mark style="display: none">[[ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-8]]</mark><tw-link passage-name="ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-8" style="margin-top: 0.5em">GIVE UP AND HEAD BACK OVER TO THE CENTER OF THE ROOM</tw-link><img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />(if: $LOOKED_AT_FIGHT_COMPUTER is true)[THE COMPUTER SEEMS TO HAVE THE SAME ISSUE AS THE ONE AT THE FRONT OF THE BUILDING](else:)[THE COMPUTER SEEMS TO BE IN SOME SORT OF ERROR STATE. A COMMAND LINE APPEARS TO BE UP. ALL IT SAYS IS "FAILED TO LOAD BSOS DRIVER. ERROR CODE #F6343A"] [[YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY STUMPED->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-8]] [[SUDDENLY, AS IF STRUCK BY A BOLT LIGHTNING OR INJECTED WITH HIGH-GRADE STIMULANTS, YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU MUST DO. NOT AS IF YOU'VE BEEN INSPIRED, THOUGH, NOR AS IF THROUGH EFFORT AND ERUDITION YOU CAME TO THE ANSWER ITSELF. AS IF THE IDEA MERELY MANIFESTED, LIKE SOMETHING TELEPORTED OR STRUCK BY A MOVING VEHICLE — HERE ONE MOMENT, THERE THE NEXT->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-10]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />(set: $WALKWAY_TRIED_TO_RUN to true)YOU MAKE IT SEVERAL ROOMS AWAY, A HUNDRED METERS MAX, BEFORE THE IMPACABLE SPEED OF THE WALKWAY FORCES YOU TO STOP, SLIDING NOISELESSLY BACK TOWARDS [[THE RED ROOM->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-RETURN-ON-WALKWAY]] EVEN AT YOUR FURTHEST, YOU COULD NOT EVEN GLIMPSE THE OTHER END OF THE WALKWAY<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />NOW THAT YOU INSPECT THE BUTTON MORE CLOSELY, YOU NOTICE THAT EITHER THE BUTTON ITSELF, OR THE ENTIRE APPARATUS, WAS INSTALLED UPSIDE DOWN SO THAT IT READS, FROM YOUR NORMAL, UPRIGHT POSITION: <mark style="position: absolute; -webkit-transform: rotate(-180deg); -moz-transform: rotate(-180deg); -o-transform: rotate(-180deg); transform: rotate(-180deg);">EMERGENCY STOP</mark> IT'S STRANGE YOU'RE ONLY JUST NOTICING THAT NOW [[PRESS THE BUTTON->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-RETURN-ON-WALKWAY-PRESS-BUTTON-2]] [[DON'T PRESS THE BUTTON->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-RETURN-ON-WALKWAY]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PRESS THE BUTTON, SEEMINGLY CAUSING A TERRIBLE WHINE TO RISE FROM THE WALKWAY SOON THE WALKWAY BEGINS TO INCREASE IN SPEED, UNTIL IT REACHES A BLINDING ZENITH AND YOU CAN NO LONGER EVEN SEE THE SEGMENTS OF THE WALKWAY THIS IS THE EXACT REVERSE OF WHAT YOU'D INTENDED [[FUCK->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-8]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU TYPE "APT-GET BSOS" AND STRIKE THE ENTER KEY THE PACKAGE MANAGER SCROLLS A STATUS BAR TOWARDS 100% THEN THE COMPUTER RESTARTS AND TAKES YOU DIRECTLY TO THE LOGIN USER: CEO PASS: 123ESPIONAGE456 AND THEN ENTER AGAIN, AND THE SCREEN LIGHTS UP WITH MILLIONS OF FOLDERS, DOCUMENTS, AND IMAGES, DETAILING EVERY SINGLE OBJECT OF VALUE THIS CORPORATION POSSESSES AND HAS EVER POSSESSED [[JACK IN->ASSIGNMENT-3-FIGHT-11]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU INSERT YOUR HACKERTOOL INTO THE PORT INSTANTLY, YOU ARE BOMBARDED BY EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF INFORMATION WITHIN THE NETWORK FAR TOO MUCH DATA, ALL AT ONCE YOU TRY TO SCREAM BUT THERE IS NO SPACE IN YOUR BRAIN ANYMORE EVERY SINGLE IDEA, EVERY SINGLE VALUE PACKING YOUR BRAIN, INFLATING IT TOWARDS SOME UNIMAGINABLE MAXIMUM YOUR BRAIN IS [[A WORLD AND THE WORLD IS AFLAME->MEMORY-DREAM-2-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you are on a vacation with your parents but you cannot remember despite your efforts whether it is [[a vacation you never took or a vacation you sort of took->MEMORY-DREAM-2-2]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); clearCorruptionVideo(); " />you are walking down the street in some convoluted version of the city you knew and love as if in your absence, it began to grow in [[strange, semi-organic ways->MEMORY-DREAM-3-2]], buildings wrapping around and creeping up one another like ivy as if everything save you were cripplingly tall, and you were walking perpetually in shadow<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" makeHud(-1); doPassageLoadMaintenance(); clearCorruptionVideo(); " />you are walking down the road with your parents every block the scenery changes, as if you were moving through exhibits at a fantastical museum you are [[arguing->MEMORY-DREAM-2-3]] with them<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you cannot remember what you are angry about, or why you are this furious just that what lies behind your eyes is rage, and it is too venomous and that you have been hurt, and changed, and filled by something you don't understand with [[nails and grenades->MEMORY-DREAM-2-4]] bombs are well aware they'll only ever be good at one thing<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you try to search for a reason you're upset. each feels correct in turn, so you scream them, unable to vocalize the question mark with which you intend to terminate each concept that you are stressed out by travel and changes of scenery(text-color: "#EAEAEA")[?] that you hate your cousins, and your aunts and uncles, and want nothing to do with them(text-color: "#EAEAEA")[?] that your sibling is irritating you(text-color: "#EAEAEA")[?] (text-color: "#EAEAEA")[that you woke up this morning in the hotel room having dreamed about people chasing you, tearing at your shadow, consuming it piece by piece, and you woke up with your brain screaming at you to grab the corkscrew and twist it all the way into your wrist?] each [[sours->MEMORY-DREAM-5]] as soon as it is spoken, and the problem remains elusive<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />so you [[escape->MEMORY-DREAM-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />buying or stealing a hoverbike, hightailing it out of town and somehow they know both [[your position and your speed->MEMORY-DREAM-7]], and they catch up to you, and they catch you returning you to the fold<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />all they can express to you is concern, is confusion, towards the way you seem filled with equal parts [[terror and rage->MEMORY-DREAM-8]] and all you can express is hatred<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you are walking down the road with your parents again every block the scenery changes you are [[arguing->MEMORY-DREAM-2-9]] with them<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you walk across a bridge with a highway below cruisers speeding by at hundreds of kilometers per hour everything still and in motion blurring for reasons that have nothing to do with speed you [[jump->MEMORY-DREAM-2-10]] off the bridge<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you fall so quickly. and against the wind and the sound of cruisers you hear the sound of your parents screaming and a second later this mixes with the sound of your face hitting asphalt, bones separating, gravity dividing your body into many portions. you wake up with tears in your eyes and it takes eight hours for your head to stop pounding<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-link, tw-icon').css('pointer-events', 'none'); var textElementObjects = []; convertTextElementsIntoSingleCharSpans($('tw-passage')); var textElements = $('span'); for (var ii = 0; ii < textElements.length; ii++) { // skip spaces. replace with regex if ($(textElements[ii]).text().replace(' ', '').replace('\n').replace('\t') === '') { continue; } textElementObjects.push(textElementObjectFactory(textElements[ii])); } function textElementObjectFactory(_element) { return { element: _element, glitchType: 'none', framesRemaining: 0, originalText: $(_element).text() }; } function convertTextElementsIntoSingleCharSpans(elements) { for (var ii = 0; ii < elements.length; ii++) { var spans = []; var text = $(elements[ii]).text(); for (var jj = 0; jj < text.length; jj++) { var span = document.createElement('span'); span.innerHTML = text[jj]; spans.push(span); } elements[ii].innerHTML = ''; for (var xx = 0; xx < spans.length; xx++) { elements[ii].appendChild(spans[xx]); } } } var FRAME_LENGTH_IN_MILLISECONDS = 433; var WAIT_TILL_ANIMATION_TIME = 5000; window.setTimeout(function() { window.setInterval(function() { for (var ii = 0; ii < textElementObjects.length; ii++) { doGlitchActions(textElementObjects[ii]); } }, FRAME_LENGTH_IN_MILLISECONDS); }, WAIT_TILL_ANIMATION_TIME); var CHANCE_OF_GLITCH = 0.0125; function doGlitchActions(textElement) { if (textElement.glitchType === 'none' && Math.random() < CHANCE_OF_GLITCH) { setGlitchType(textElement); doGlitch(textElement); } if (textElement.framesRemaining <= 0) { reverseGlitch(textElement); textElement.glitchType = 'none'; return; } textElement.framesRemaining--; } var GLITCH_TYPES = [ 'switchCharacter', 'mirrorHorizontal', 'mirrorVertical', 'mirrorHorizontalAndVertical', 'replaceWithUnicode', 'replaceWithSpace']; var MAX_GLITCH_FRAMES = 5; function setGlitchType(textElement) { textElement.glitchType = GLITCH_TYPES[Math.floor(Math.random() * GLITCH_TYPES.length)]; textElement.framesRemaining = Math.floor(Math.random() * MAX_GLITCH_FRAMES); } var LETTERS = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; function doGlitch(textElement) { switch (textElement.glitchType) { case 'switchCharacter': $(textElement.element).text(LETTERS[Math.floor(Math.random() * LETTERS.length)]); return; case 'mirrorHorizontal': $(textElement.element).css('transform', 'scale(-1, 1)'); return; case 'mirrorVertical': $(textElement.element).css('transform', 'scale(1, -1)'); return; case 'mirrorHorizontalAndVertical': $(textElement.element).css('transform', 'scale(-1, -1)'); return; case 'replaceWithUnicode': $(textElement.element).text(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(Math.floor(Math.random() * 300)))); return; case 'replaceWithSpace': $(textElement.element).text(' '); return; } } function reverseGlitch(textElement) { if (textElement.glitchType === 'switchCharacter' || textElement.glitchType === 'replaceWithNonLetter' || textElement.glitchType === 'replaceWithSpace') { $(textElement.element).text(textElement.originalText); } else if (textElement.glitchType === 'mirrorHorizontal' || textElement.glitchType === 'mirrorVertical' || textElement.glitchType === 'mirrorHorizontalAndVertical') { $(textElement.element).css('transform', 'scale(1, 1)'); } } window.setTimeout(function() { $('tw-link, tw-icon').css('pointer-events', ''); gotoPassage('ASSIGNMENT-3-DEPART-1'); }, 30000); " />YOU HURL YOURSELF OFF THE PLATFORM AND [[DOWN INTO THE DARKNESS->MEMORY-SNIPER-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOUR HEAD IS FULL OF FIRE AND YOU RIP THE APPARATUS OFF, VAGUELY COGNIZANT OF THE SECRETARYBOT SHOUTING FOR YOU TO STOP AND YOU LOOK AT HIM/HER/THEM/ZIR AS IF TO SAY, LOOK, SEE, I'M FINE, AND I TOLD YOU THE ROCKET WAS A BAD IDEA BUT THE SECRETARYBOT LOOKS TERRIFIED SOMETHING IS GROWING NEAR THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD, LIKE A TORNADO BUILDING ITSELF OUT OF SMALL BREEZES YOU BEGIN TO [[SEIZE->MEMORY-DATACAT-FOUND-1]] AND EVERYTHING GOES DARK<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('#colorDiv').css({ transition: '', opacity: '', }); $('#noiseDiv').css({ 'transition': '', 'opacity': '' }); " />YOU PULL THE CAUTION-TAPED EJECTOR HANDLES BEHIND YOUR CHAIR THE ROCKET MOTORS ON THE COCKPIT IGNITE, PROPELLING THE COCKPIT GLASS AWAY FROM YOU BUT ONE FIZZLES OUT SOON AFTERWARDS THE COCKPIT GLASS IS ONLY A FEW METERS ABOVE YOU AND A SECOND LATER, THE ROCKETS ON YOUR EJECTOR SEAT ACTIVATE, [[FULLY POWERED AND PERFECTLY FUNCTIONAL->MEMORY-DATACAT-GOT-OUT-1]] YOUR NECK SNAPS AND YOU LOSE CONSCIOUSNESS IMMEDIATELY, YOUR INSENSATE BODY DRIFTING DOWN ON A PARACHUTE AND THIN BREEZE TOWARDS THE WIDE ATLANTIC OCEAN<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU PRESS THE BUTTON INSTANTLY THE COCKPIT IS FILLED WITH FIRE, THE ROCKET BLASTED APART AT THE SEAMS AND YOU ARE [[FLOATING IN SPACE->MEMORY-DATACAT-VET-1]], THE FLAMES EXTINGUISHED AS SOON AS YOU HIT THE VOID YOUR LAST THOUGHT IS THAT YOU SHOULD'VE PAID MORE ATTENTION IN BINARY CLASS<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU STAND UP AND BEGIN RUNNING AS FAST AS YOUR BODY, AND YOUR SUIT, WILL ALLOW BUT THIS IS NOT FAST ENOUGH THE GUARD SEES YOU OUT OF THE CORNER OF THEIR EYE, OR HEARS YOU SHIT REDO TIME YOU TURN, SPRAYING MOON DUST EVERYWHERE AND NEARLY SLIPPING ONTO YOUR FACE, AND BEGIN SPRINTING BACK TO WHERE YOU WERE BUT NOT FAST ENOUGH THE GUARD FIRES A STICKY GRENADE DIRECTLY INTO THE SMALL OF YOUR BACK, AND YOU RUN FOR A FEW SECONDS MORE BEFORE YOU ARE [[REDUCED->MEMORY-RESORT-ISLAND-1]] TO VERY SMALL PIECES OF YOURSELF <img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU REDOUBLE YOUR EFFORTS YOU CAN SEE YOURSELF EVEN MORE BRIGHTLY, LINGERING BEHIND THE GUARD AND EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE CONNECTED THROUGH BLINDING GOSSAMER STRINGS, THE FABRIC OF THE UNIVERSE ITSELF REVEALED TO YOU YOU PUSH EVEN HARDER AND SOMETHING SNAPS, THE VISIONS [[RETREATING->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-2-1]] ALONG WITH EVERYTHING ELSE, AND YOU FALL OVER, BLOOD DRIPPING OUT OF YOUR NOSE<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />THAT DOESN'T SOUND ALL THAT DIFFERENT FROM ME AND I STILL DON'T SEE [[WHAT THAT HAS TO DO WITH ME->ASSIGNMENT-3-WHAT-WAS-REAL-7]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"YES, BUT YOU HAVE A NEED TO CHANGE THAT. TO LASH OUT AT FATE, TO DESTROY IT AND REBUILD A FUTURE FROM ITS SHARDS. WE NEEDED THAT. WE NEED ANGER, VIOLENCE, TERROR. SO WE ATTACHED YOU TO A NEURORECORDING MACHINE AND INTEGRATED YOUR THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS OVER THE COURSE OF THE PRIOR MISSION INTO OUR PROGRAMMING. YOU, ME, ALL OTHER ROBOTS HERE — [[WE ARE ALL CLOSER NOW, MORE CONSONANT, MORE DEADLY->ASSIGNMENT-3-WHAT-WAS-REAL-8]]. WE ARE A TEAM, AS WE WERE NOT BEFORE"<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />AND YOU COULDN'T HAVE JUST [[TOLD ME THAT->ASSIGNMENT-3-WHAT-WAS-REAL-9]]?<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />"ALL THOSE EMOTIONS, MASTER SPY. THEY ARE ALL BEYOND ANYONE'S CAPACITY TO ACT. NO ONE WOULD CHOOSE TO FEEL THAT WAY. NO ONE EXISTS IN INSINCERE TERROR. THE ONLY WAY TO ACCURATELY PRODUCE THE RESULTS WE NEEDED WAS TO TRICK YOU. FOR WHICH I APOLOGIZE, SINCERELY" [[OKAY, THAT ACTUALLY MAKES A LOT OF SENSE->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-14]] [[DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN, SECRETARYBOT->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-14]] [[...->ASSIGNMENT-3-TEAR-14]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and everyone staring at you with hatred in their eyes as if you were [[a regicide, or something horrifically virulent->MEMORY-DREAM-3-3]] seeping out of yourself, spreading like buildings<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />and everyone turning to face you as you pass, thinly concealing knives and clubs and guns under their clothes, touching their weapons almost erotically, waiting for the moment a crowd begins to form, following you like a rainstorm, each member jockeying for a space in front some fight for their position, stabbing and beating those in front others [[crawl low->MEMORY-DREAM-3-4]] over the bodies of the dead<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the same familiar bile is beginning to rise in your throat your head swiveling from side to side like a top, checking for any approaching figures on either side of each intersection [[clutching your keys like a punch dagger in your fist->MEMORY-DREAM-3-5]] not between your fingers to avoid cutting yourself having already dialed the numbers 9-1 on your communicator and still the crowd comes<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />a cab slows to a halt beside you and you run over, jumping in without even asking through signal whether the driver was free and you say, take me home, take me somewhere safe and the driver [[drives->MEMORY-3-6]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />you sigh in relief, and your heart slows minute by minute, back towards some semblance of calm but a few minutes later you realize the houses and businesses around you aren't recognizable at all, aren't any way back to your home, not even in the overgrown, impossible, oneiric sense and you say to the driver, more insistently, more petulantly, take me home, take me somewhere safe and the driver turns around and the driver is already smiling and you can see [[everything->MEMORY-DREAM-3-7]] in his teeth<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />the cab turns at the next block and the crowd is there and then the crowd is around you and the driver is reaching for you trying to pull you out the driver's side you are kicking and scratching and screaming and he gives up and shuts the door and then the only view outside the window is [[men and drums and guns->MEMORY-DREAM-3-8]] and you are crawling into any small space you can find between the front and rear seats like some idiot animal<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />everyone lifts the car together and carries you through the city down the highway, entirely devoid of cars, all the way to the outskirts of town, towards the airport and the industrial zones, smokestacks and their effluvia dotting the sky they throw the car into [[a deep pit->MEMORY-DREAM-3-9]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />piling dirt and rocks on top, burying you a centimeter at a time members of the crowd climbing down to ensure there are no pockets of air remaining, that each piece of soil settles perfectly atop you you can see everything disappearing through the windows and it's just too late to open the doors soon it is entirely [[dark->MEMORY-DREAM-3-10]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><mark style="display: none;">[[ASSIGNMENT-3-DEPART-1]]</mark>you are kicking at the windows, ramming your shoulder into the doors, trying to force some sort of opening and hoping that you're not so deep that the soil collapses into the car immediately but nothing is moving, and nothing moves finally you collapse back, and you can tell the air is running out just as everything is about to disappear completely a shard of light strikes through the window, the car lifted high into the air, the door ripped off its hinges and your father is standing almost translucently above you, wearing an expression first of concern, of confusion, then of total horror, and then you feel yourself borne up, small, and safe, and found, moving towards home, towards somewhere safe, and then everything goes blank you wake up with a stabbing pain in your abdomen<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); $('tw-link').css({ 'color': 'white', 'text-shadow': '0px 0px 1.5px rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)', 'font-weight': '100', 'cursor': 'text', }); var textNodes = $('tw-passage tw-transition-container').contents() .filter(function() { return this.nodeType === 3; }); for (var ii = 0; ii < textNodes.length; ii++) { var node = $(textNodes[ii]); var text = node.text(); var concat = ''; for (var jj = 0; jj < text.length; jj++) { concat += '<span class=&quot;characterDisappearer&quot; style=&quot;opacity: 1; -webkit-transition: opacity 5s ease-in; -moz-transition: opacity 5s ease-in; top 5s ease-in; -o-transition: opacity 5s ease-in; transition: opacity 5s ease-in;&quot;>' + text[jj] + '</span>'; } $(node).replaceWith(concat); } var DELAY_CONSTANT = 100; function makeCharacterDisappearer(node, count) { window.setTimeout(function() { $(node).css('opacity', '0'); }, DELAY_CONSTANT * count); } var ANIMATION_WAIT_TIME = 4000; var nodes = $('.characterDisappearer'); window.setTimeout(function() { var count = 0; for (var ii = 0; ii < nodes.length; ii++) { if ($(nodes[ii]).text() !== ' ') { makeCharacterDisappearer(nodes[ii], count); count++; } } }, ANIMATION_WAIT_TIME); setTimeout(function() { $('tw-link').click(); }, $('.characterDisappearer').filter( function() { return $(this).text() !== ' ' } ).length * DELAY_CONSTANT); " />YOU COCK BACK YOUR FIST LIKE THE HAMMER OF A RIFLE AND SLAM IT INTO THE LOCK YOU CAN FEEL IT BUCKLE, THE METAL SQUEALING ONE OR TWO MORE SHOULD DO IT BUT YOUR HAND WON'T MOVE "PLEASE INSERT KEYCARD FULLY," THE LOCK SAYS. "INSERT KEYCARD FULLY" THERE IS A WHIRRING NOISE, LIKE A CONVEYOR BELT, AND YOU CAN FEEL YOUR HAND BEING PULLED INTO THE LOCK YOU PULL YOUR HAND BACK, SETTING YOUR FEET ON THE GROUND AS IF YOU WERE PLAYING TUG OF WAR, BUT IT JUST CONTINUES TO MOVE IN YOU ARE [[PULLED THROUGH A HOLE THE SIZE OF A CREDIT CARD->MEMORY-SISTER-1]], LEAVING A FANTASTIC MESS INSIDE THE LOCK FOR WHATEVER LOCKSMITH COMES TO UNFUCK THIS PARTICULAR ISSUE<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />free in, and only in, the emotional sense where free means less "unaffected" and more "powerful", "self-governed," etc. because while you still feel strong, and brave, you are without money (your debit credentials were stolen), and a cruiser (the police impounded your cruiser to dust for fingerprints), and any sort of legal identity (your id credentials were stolen) you had to borrow $25 from your neighbor in order to pay the police for [[a copy of the incident report->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-FREEDOM-REPORT]], without which the state would not have allowed you to be [[reborn as a legally identified person->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-2-1]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " /><img src="" style="width: 100%;"></img> [[BACK->MEMORY-POST-ROBBERY-2-FREEDOM]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); " />YOU INSPECT THE SURVIVING TOOLS THERE'S NOT ENOUGH ROOM IN YOUR SPY SUIT FOR MULTIPLE PIECES OF EQUIPMENT. GOTTA PICK ONLY ONE, YOU SUPPOSE [[SPY BANANA->ASSIGNMENT-1-PICK-BANANA]] [[SPY INSTANT OATMEAL->ASSIGNMENT-1-PICK-INSTANT-OATMEAL]] [[SPY BRA->ASSIGNMENT-1-PICK-BRA]]<img class="jsExecutionBlock" src="" onload=" doPassageLoadMaintenance(); window.previousEquipment =; " />