,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(set: $paragon to 0) (set: $middle to 0) (set: $renegade to 0) (set: $acrostic to false) (set: $verse to false) (set: $sonnet to false)(set: $log to false)(set: $haiku to false) (set: $visit to 0) (set: $bot to false) (set: $acrosentry to false) (set: $sonentry to false) (set: $verentry to false) (set: $secret to 0) Welcome to **The Poetic Platform**. Here, you can share and give feedback on original poetry with other users. Ensure that your current window is on fullscreen for a better viewing experience.
Please create a username.
You may also log out to view the credits.
[Log out]<bye|
(click:?bye) [Are you sure you want to log out?
[[Yes ->CREDITS]]
(click:?yeet) [Please create a username.]](set: $mood to "good") (set:$name to "Quakespeare99")
Interesting, your username is sure to attract attention. We hope your work lives up to your [name.]<nme|
Know that **The Poetic Platform** uses a ranking system to identify a user's [level.]<lvls|
(link: "If you are a new user, click here for more information.")[(show:?1)]]
Your rank will increase for every word count milestone [reached.]<rch|]
Your rank is indicated by the *change in colour* of your username, which will be visible to other [users.]<use|]
(click:?use)[Your account will update to allow you to access different features as you increase in [rank.]<rnk|]
A scan will also be performed with every update to find and terminate any suspicious malware as well as to protect the works of others and your [own.]<own|]
Any verbal misconduct or active plagiarism in the chatrooms will be detected by our 24/7 online bot for further processing on possible user termination.]]
Your first rank promotion is 1000 words. Your current rank is E - your rank colour is [**white**.]<wht|]
Please proceed to the chatroom.
[[Proceed to the Chatroom Lobby]]
][Know that **The Poetic Platform** uses a ranking system to identify a user's [level.]<lvls|
(link: "If you are a new user, click here for more information.")[(show:?1)]]
Your rank will increase for every word count milestone [reached.]<rch|]
Your rank is indicated by the *change in colour* of your username, which will be visible to other [users.]<use|]
(click:?use)[Your account will update to allow you to access different features as you increase in [rank.]<rnk|]
A scan will also be performed with every update to find and terminate any suspicious malware as well as to protect the works of others and your [own.]<own|]
Any verbal misconduct or active plagiarism in the chatrooms will be detected by our 24/7 online bot for further processing on possible user termination.]]
Your first rank promotion is 1000 words. Your current rank is E - your rank colour is [**white**.]<wht|]
Unfortunately, your username has already been [taken.]<tke|]
(click:?tke)[ We currently have **341** users who are using a username similar to [**fineLines101**.]<lne|]
(click:?lne)[We have automated a new username for [you.]<yuu|]
(click:?yuu)[Please proceed to the [chatroom,]<rmm|](click:?rmm)[ [**badBars82**.]<brs|]
(set:$mood to "neutral") (set:$name to "badBars82")
[[Proceed to the Chatroom Lobby]]
]...Very well. We do in fact hope that you are a "hoe" for Edgar Allen Poe. Proceed to the [chatroom.]<cht|
(set: $mood to "bad") (set: $name to "hoeforpoe69") (click:?cht)[
Know that **The Poetic Platform** uses a ranking system to identify a user's [level.]<lvls|
(link: "If you are a new user, click here for more information.")[(show:?1)]]
Your rank will increase for every word count milestone [reached.]<rch|]
Your rank is indicated by the *change in colour* of your username, which will be visible to other [users.]<use|]
(click:?use)[Your account will update to allow you to access different features as you increase in [rank.]<rnk|]
A scan will also be performed with every update to find and terminate any suspicious malware as well as to protect the works of others and your [own.]<own|]
Any verbal misconduct or active plagiarism in the chatrooms will be detected by our 24/7 online bot for further processing on possible user termination.]]
Your first rank promotion is 1000 words. Your current rank is E - your rank colour is [**white**.]<wht|]
[[Proceed to the Chatroom Lobby]]
]Welcome to the Chatroom Lobby! Please select the chatroom you would like to participate in. Once you select a chatroom, you are randomly matched with another user. If all users are matched up, the chatroom will form a group of three.
(click:?user1) [(if: $sonnet is false)[There are currently *8* users in this chatroom.
[[Proceed to Sonnet Chatroom]]](if:$sonnet is true)[You have already visited this chatroom.]]
(click:?user2) [(if: $haiku is false)[There are currently *5* users in this chatroom.
[[Proceed to Haiku Chatroom]]](if:$secret is 1)[You've already checked; maybe come back later.]]
(click:?user3) [(if:$acrostic is false)[There are currently *12* users in this chatroom.
[[Proceed to Acrostic Chatroom]]](if:$acrostic is true)[You have already visited this chatroom]]
[**Free Verse**]<user4|
(click:?user4) [(if:$verse is false)[There are currently *16* users in this chatroom.
[[Proceed to Free Verse Chatroom]]](if:$verse is true)[You have already visited this chatroom.]]
(if: $bot is true)[(alert: "BuddyBot detects suspicious malware. Scanning...")(alert: "None detected. Please proceed.")](set: $sonentry to true)
One moment please...
(if: $bot is false)[[[If the page does not redirect you, click here to reconnect to the Sonnet Server -> bot dialogue ]]]
(if: $bot is true)[ [[Click here to reconnect to an active Sonnet Chatroom]]]
(set: $counter to 5)
|amount>[$counter] seconds before we connect you to the server.
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 2)[abab
h](if: $counter is 1)[(if: $bot is false)[abab
h (if: $bot is true)[abab
(if: $counter is 0)[(if: $bot is false)[(go-to: " bot dialogue ")] (if: $bot is true)[(go-to: "Click here to reconnect to an active Sonnet Chatroom")]]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
(if: $bot is true)[(alert: "BuddyBot detects suspicious malware. Scanning...")(alert: "None detected. Please proceed.")](set: $acrosentry to true)
One moment please...
(if: $bot is false)[[[If the page does not redirect you, click here to reconnect to the Acrostic Server -> bot dialogue ]]]
(if: $bot is true)[ [[Click here to reconnect with an active Acrostic Chatroom]]]
(set: $counter to 5)
|amount>[$counter] seconds before we connect you to the server.
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 3)[w ishful
e mbrace
l ovely
c herish
o pen
m emories
e xciting] (if: $counter is 2)[(if: $bot is true)[w ish**F**ul
e mb**R**ace
l ov**E**ly
c h**E**rish
o pen
m e**M**ories
**E** xciting](if: $bot is false)[w ishful
e mbrace
l ovely
c herish
o pen
m emories
e xciting]](if: $counter is 1)[(if: $bot is true)[w ish**F**ul
e mb**R**ace
l ov**E**ly
c h**E**rish
o pen
m e**M**ories
**E** xciting](if: $bot is false)[w ishful
e mbrace
l ovely
c herish
o pen
m emories
e xciting]]
(if: $counter is 0)[(if: $bot is false)[(go-to: " bot dialogue ")] (if: $bot is true)[(go-to: "Click here to reconnect with an active Acrostic Chatroom")]]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
(set: $secret +=1)
[(align:"==><==")[(if:$verse is false or $sonnet is false or $acrostic is false)[
A server error has occurred in the **Haiku Chatroom**. Please try again later.
(set: $counter to 5)
|amount>[$counter] You will now be redirected to the Chatroom Lobby.
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "Proceed to the Chatroom Lobby")]
(if: $counter is 1)[Not yet.]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
(if: $sonnet is true and $verse is true and $acrostic is true) [One moment please...
[[If the page does not redirect you, click here to connect to Haiku Server]]
(set: $counter to 5)
|amount>[$counter] seconds before we connect you to the server.
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 2)[Inbetween the lines
whispers behind cryptic bars
It yearns to be heard](if: $counter is 1)[Inbetween the lines
whispers behind cryptic bars
*It yearns to be heard*]
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "If the page does not redirect you, click here to connect to Haiku Server")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
]](if: $bot is true)[(alert: "BuddyBot detects suspicious malware. Scanning...")(alert: "None detected. Please proceed.")](set: $verentry to true)
One moment please...
(if: $bot is false)[[[If the page does not redirect you, click here to reconnect to the Free Verse Server -> bot dialogue ]]]
(if: $bot is true)[ [[Click here to reconnect to an active Free Verse Chatroom]]]
(set: $counter to 5)
|amount>[$counter] seconds before we connect you to the server.
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 2)[eyes are anchored
body sinking
conscious swimming
to stay afloat
please let me go](if: $counter is 1)[(if: $bot is true)[eyes are anchored
body sinking
conscious swimming
to stay afloat
please *let me go* (if: $bot is false)[eyes are anchored
body sinking
conscious swimming
to stay afloat
please let me go]]]
(if: $counter is 0)[(if: $bot is false)[(go-to: " bot dialogue ")] (if: $bot is true)[(go-to: "Click here to reconnect to an active Free Verse Chatroom")]]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
-[You have entered the chat.]<cht|- (click:?cht)[
- Due to an uneven amount of users, you have been grouped with users (text-colour:"#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**] and (text-colour:"#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]. -
(if:$mood is "good") [(text-colour:"#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Oh damn, we got an OG in the chat :o
[[- lol nah, just a fan (Polite)]]
[[- bow down n00bs (Arrogant)]]
[[- I just like puns tbh xD (Honest)]]]
(if:$mood is "neutral") [(text-colour:"#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Wait, if your bars are bad, why are you here?
[[- It was randomly generated lol (Relaxed)]]
[[- I was referring to your bars bro (Rude)]]
[[- To get better! (Witty)]]]
(if:$mood is "bad") [(text-colour:"#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: oh. uhm, we were just about to log out.
[[- holduppp, I can explain!! (Apologetic)]]
[[- before you go add me on snap:hakunamytatas88 ;) (Ignorant)]]
[[- pls don't I'm actually good! (Positive)]]]
]-You have entered the chatroom-
- You have been partnered with user **LiquorLines**. -
(if: $paragon is 3)[[**LiquorLines**: oh HEY, it *is* [YOU!]<itme|]
(click:?itme)[*I have been waiting for you* [*:)*]<waitt|
[[- oh haha, really??]]
(if: $paragon is 2)[(if: $renegade is 1) [**LiquorLines**: Hey, how's it going? [:D]<whee|]
(click:?whee)[Are you good at [poetry??]<areu|]
[[- I mean, I can try!]]
[[I'm good at other things =w=]]]]\
(if: $paragon is 1)[(if: $renegade is 2) [**LiquorLines**: Oh uhm, hello [there!]<fuu|]
(click:?fuu)[So, can you write good [poems?]<canu|]
[[- I can write erotica =w=]]
[[- Nope! That's why I'm here :D]]]]\
(if:$renegade is 3)[ [**LiquorLines**:Ah, I've heard of [you.]<ugh|]
(click:?ugh)[**You've** been trolling the [chatrooms.]<trll|]
[[- ye that's me xD]]
[[- it's only a joke!]]]]\
(if:$middle is 3)[[**LiquorLines**:Oh! [Hello~]<yall|]
(click:?yall)[Never seen you around [before]<bfr|]
(click:?bfr)[I'm **LiquorLines**, nice to meet you [:D]<meet|]
[[- Nice to meet you too :D]]]]\
(if:$middle is 1)[(if:$renegade is 1)[(if:$paragon is 1)[**LiquorLines**: You [know,]<uu|
(click:?uu)[I can't quite seem to figure you [out.]<fig|]
[[Huh? What do you mean?]]]]]]\
(if: $paragon is 1)[(if: $middle is 2) [**LiquorLines**: Hey! How's it [goin?]<goo|]
(click:?goo)[I think I've heard of you [tho,]<hmm|]
(click:?hmm)[From other users, of course [haha]<usee|]
[[- Oh really now? ;)]]
[[- Good things, I hope xD]]]]\
(if:$paragon is 2)[(if:$middle is 1) [**LiquorLines**: Oh, I've heard of [you!]<hrd|]
(click:?hrd)[You write good poetry, right? [:)]<poe|]
[[You tell me, how's this? ;)]]
[[Shall I compare thee...]]]]\
(if:$renegade is 2)[(if:$middle is 1)[**LiquorLines**: You're new, aren't [you?]<new|]
(click:?new)[I've never seen you [before.]<bfe|]
[[Well, surprise b!tch]]
[[I see what you did ;)]]]]\
(if:$renegade is 1)[(if:$middle is 2)[**LiquorLines**: Oh hey, new [user!]<newb|]\
(click:?newb)[Ready to write some [poems?]<laa|]\
[[A smart one, I see ;)]]
[[All set!]]]]\
(link:"Leave chat")[(show:?yeet)]
- [You have entered the chat.]<cht|- (click:?cht)[
- Due to an uneven amount of users, you have been grouped with users (text-colour:"#2EFE64")[**IambicAimlessly**] and (text-colour:"#F4FA58")[**whichScrivener**]. -
(if:$mood is "good") [(text-colour:"#2EFE64")[**IambicAimlessly**]: Hm, this server might not be ur domain, hun~
[[- but you're into iambic tho (Honest)]]
[[- I wanted to broaden my horizons :) (Polite)]]
[[- *your (Arrogant)]]]
(if:$mood is "neutral") [(text-colour:"#2EFE64")[**IambicAimlessly**]: ha, good thing we dont rly focus too much on bars here ~
[[- Ayy bless (Relaxed)]]
[[- But you should focus on your spelling though (Rude)]]
[[- but we're free to use a few in free verse right? ;) (Witty)]]]
(if:$mood is "bad") [(text-colour:"#F4FA58")[**whichScrivener**]: ... that name...
[[- ...I'm also a hoe for perfection. (Positive)]]
[[- heh. (Ignorant)]]
[[- listen, it was a joke at the time - I totally regret it now (apologetic)]]]
](set: $paragon +=1)(set: $sonnet to true)(set: $log to true)
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: You're too humble, haha! Well, let's begin the workshop :)
[Alright :)]<ye|
(click: ?ye)[
(font: "Times New Roman")[You seem to be the Cassanova, as **JuliusCaesura** and **GatsbyLadylike** are jokingly infatuated in your sonnets. Meanwhile, **JuliusCaesura**'s sonnet was praising the Library of Alexandria (which he hints to be the main theme for his upcoming book), while **GatsbyLadylike**'s sonnet was about hidden dreams to be an actress in theatre. You all had a good time and exchanged feedback for each others' poems. In the end, you decide to chat for a few moments before leaving the [chatroom.]<rum|]]
(click:?rum)[(if: $secret is 1)[
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: I would have been a **STAR** in theatre; I know the entire script for Wicked by heart [<3]<moar|
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: I don't think it would hurt to still take part in theatre activities; that way it's still a part of your life [:)]<tmrw|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: If only~ But you don't have time for that when you have triplets :') Speaking of triplets, my girls have a recital in a few hours; I have to get them [ready!!!]<unit|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Well we hope you have fun at the [recital!]<see|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Thank you! I'll cheer with the strength of 3 [people!]<ppl|]
-(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**] has logged [out-]]<out|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: You know, I think I'm gonna get going too; this conversation sparked an idea for my [book!!]<lyfe|]
[Oki :)]]<yaga|
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: We should do this again though! Next time, let's workshop in a different [chat!]<rnd|]
(click:?rnd)[Not the Haiku one though, that one's been [busted.]<bust|]
[- Why what happened?]<hap|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Not sure, to be honest with [you]<you|]
(click:?you)[I've been different things from different [people,]<pee|]
(click:?pee)[maintenance, issues with plagiarism, hacking [even]<hck|]
(click:?hck)[So idk what to believe at this point [:/]<ant|]
(click:?ant)[But AS I WAS SAYING MY [BOOK]<hnj|]
[- Good luck!]<wse|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: THANK YOU; I HAVE A REALLY GOOD FEELING ABOUT THIS [ONE]<ern|]
[[Leave chat]] ]]\
(if: $secret is 0)[
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: I would have been a **STAR** in theatre; I know the entire script for Wicked by heart [<3]<aa|
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: I don't think it would hurt to still take part in theatre activities; that way it's still a part of your life [:)]<bb|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: If only~ But you don't have time for that when you have triplets :') Speaking of triplets, my girls have a recital in a few hours; I have to get them [ready!!!]<cc|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Well we hope you have fun at the [recital!]<dd|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Thank you! I'll cheer with the strength of 3 [people!]<ee|]
-(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**] has logged [out-]]<ff|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: You know, I think I'm gonna get going too; this conversation sparked an idea for my [book!!]<gg|]
[- Oki :)]]<hh|
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: I got a GOOD FEELING about this one! We should do this again [though!]<ii|]
(click:?ii)[See [ya!]<jj|]
[[Leave chat]]]]](set: $renegade +=1)(set: $log to true)
(set: $sonnet to true)
- You have been kicked out of the chat. -
(set: $counter to 5)
|amount>[$counter] You will be redirected to the Chatroom Lobby. One moment please...
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 2)[(if: $renegade is 2)[I'm serious.]]
(if: $counter is 1)[(if: $renegade is 1)[STOP] (if: $renegade is 2)[(text-colour:red)[STOP IT NOW.]]]
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "Proceed to the Chatroom Lobby")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
](set: $sonnet to true) (set: $middle +=1)(set: $log to true)(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Hey me and Gats like puns too as you can see :') So we're gonna get along just fine! That being said, let's workshop!!
(click: ?ye)[
(font: "Times New Roman")[You guys mess around for a little while, coming up with different location related puns that **JuliusCaesura** could use for different characters in his book. **GatsbyLadylike** came up with the best puns, as she pulled them from her old scripts back when she did theatre in college. At the end, you decide to chat for a few moments before leaving the [chatroom.]<rum|]]
(click:?rum)[(if: $secret is 1)[
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: No, Sonic is such a common name for a hedgehog; I hear it from my girls way too [often.]<moar|
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Hmm what would you suggest [then?]<tmrw|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Specifically for the time period in your book, I say go for [Quilliam.]<unit|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: QUILLIAM SHAKESPEARE THATS [BRILLIANT]<wah|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Hehe I know, I got an A for all the witty names in my assignments back then [:)]<ppl|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Ok so I'm gonna log off and write these names down! Really appreciate the help guys! I'll keep you guys updated [:)]<dud|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: It's no problem! Happy [writing!]<wrt|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Thanks! See you guys next [time!]<see|]
-(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**] has logged [out-]]<out|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Hey, by any chance, have you gone to any of the other chats [yet?]<lyfe|]
[- I checked Haiku, but...]<buyy|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Ah yes, I've been hearing about [that]<bvn|]
(click:?bvn)[From my understanding, there's some sort of bug in that [server?]<sew|]
(click:?sew)[And that the accounts in that server are infected? I don't know, I'm not exactly tech [savvy,]<savv|]
(click:?savv)[Besides, I tend to stick to this server because sonnets are my strengths [haha]<hee|]
(click:?hee)[ But anyways, I actually gotta get dinner ready [soon]<din|]
(click:?din)[Next time we workshop, just let me know how the other chats are [:)]<cht|
[- Can do :)]]<yaga|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Thanks so much! Have a good [night!]<rnd|]
[[Leave chat]]]]\
(if: $secret is 0)[
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: No, Sonic is such a common name for a hedgehog; I hear it from my girls way too [often.]<aa|
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Hmm what would you suggest [then?]<bb|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Specifically for the time period in your book, I say go for [Quilliam.]<cc|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: QUILLIAM SHAKESPEARE THATS [BRILLIANT]<dd|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Hehe I know, I got an A for all the witty names in my assignments back then [:)]<ee|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Ok so I'm gonna log off and write these names down! Really appreciate the help guys! I'll keep you guys updated [:)]<ff|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: It's no problem! Happy [writing!]<gg|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Thanks! See you guys next [time!]<hh|]
-(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**] has logged [out-]]<ii|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: I need to get going as well; I gotta help one of my daughters prepare for her math test [:)]<dsf|]
(click:?dsf)[I hope to see you [around!]<axd|]
[- You too!]<qwd|]
[[Leave chat]]
]]](set: $sonnet to true) (set: $middle +=1)(set: $log to true)(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Oh that happened with me too! But then I emailed the people running **The Poetic Platform** and then they let me make my username so you should do that before people get the wrong impression of you haha~
[I'll look into that :D]<ye|
(click: ?ye)[
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: But anyway, onwards to the [workshop!]<wrk|]
(font: "Times New Roman")[Your bars aren't as bad as your username suggests, and you show **JuliusCaesura** and **GatsbyLadylike** some decent sonnets. To improve your skills, **GatsbyLadylike** comes up with an exercise to practice rhythm. You and **JuliusCaesura** try to make a sonnet that will match **GatsbyLadylike**'s standards. After many attempts, you and **JuliusCaesura** settle for a final grade of a C+. Mentally exhausted but satisfied, you decide to chat for a few moments before leaving the [chatroom.]<rum|]]
(click:?rum)[(if: $secret is 1)[
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Now you see you were a bit off in meter in the 3rd line of the second [stanza.]<moar|
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: You're really set on Elizabethan sonnets, aren't [you?]<tmrw|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: YES. Back when I attended college it's all we did during our first year [:)]<unit|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: All I'm doing is writing manuscripts while playing the history channel in the background [:')]<wah|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Speaking of manuscripts, I got a chapter to finish for mine; my deadline's tomorrow [afternoon]<dud|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Get to work! Good [luck!]<wrt|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Thank you!! Ok I'm [off!]<see|]
(align:"=><=")[-(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**] has logged [out-]]<out|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Hey are you gonna check out the other [chats?]<lyfe|]
(click:?lyfe)[I've been wanting to check out the *Haiku* one, but there seems to be some sort of [error :\]<din|]
[- Error?]<ere|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Yes, some sort of bug from my [understanding?]<stn|]
(click:?stn)[They've been trying to track it down, but it seems they have yet to do so [:/]<aye|]
(click:?aye)[ Maybe I'll try checking again, but otherwise I'm gonna log off for the [night!]<cht|
[- Have a good night!]]<yaga|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: You too [:)]<rnd|]
[[Leave chat]]]]\
(if: $secret is 0)[
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Now you see you were a bit off in meter in the 3rd line of the second [stanza.]<aa|
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: You're really set on Elizabethan sonnets, aren't [you?]<bb|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: YES. Back when I attended college it's all we did during our first year [:)]<cc|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: All I'm doing is writing manuscripts while playing the history channel in the background [:')]<dd|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Speaking of manuscripts, I got a chapter to finish for mine; my deadline's tomorrow [afternoon]<ee|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Get to work! Good [luck!]<ff|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Thank you!! Ok I'm [off!]<gg|]
(align:"=><=")[-(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**] has logged [out-]]<hh|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: I think I have to go as well, I can hear my daughters fighting in their [room;]<fit|]
(click:?fit)[if I don't them now, one of them's gonna show off the roundhouse kick she learned at [taekwondo...]<tkd|]
[- Yeah I think you should go XD]<mbn|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: But it was nice chatting with you! Let's do this again [soon!]<mbh|]
[[Leave chat]] ]]](set: $renegade +=1)(set: $log to true)
(set: $sonnet to true)
- You have been kicked out of the chat. -
(set: $counter to 5)
|amount>[$counter] You will be redirected to the Chatroom Lobby. One moment please...
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 2)[(if: $renegade is 2)[I'm serious.]]
(if: $counter is 1)[(if: $renegade is 1)[STOP] (if: $renegade is 2)[(text-colour:red)[STOP IT NOW.]]]
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "Proceed to the Chatroom Lobby")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
](set: $paragon +=1)(set: $sonnet to true)(set: $log to true)(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Nice save! Alright, let's workshop and see what we need to improve on :)
(click: ?ye)[
(font: "Times New Roman")[ **JuliusCaesura** and **GatsbyLadylike** take a look at your sonnets and runs you through the other types of sonnets aside from Elizabethan - Spenserian and Petrarchan. You learn a little bit of both and write a sonnet for each type. Both users were impressed that you grasped the new types so quickly. In the end, you all had some time to listen to **JuliusCaesura**'s book idea, and decide to chat for a few moments before leaving the [chatroom.]<rum|]]
(click:?rum)[(if: $secret is 1)[
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: So in your book, they SAVE the Library of [Alexandria?]<moar|
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: YES and then when they get back to the future all their technology has advanced more than 1000 years [>:D]<tmrw|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Ouu and do they space travel [too?]<unit|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: That AND humans are colonized on [Mars!!!]<wah|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Wow! So when are you handing in the [manuscript?]<ppl|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: ...What day is it [today?]<dud|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Uhm, today is (current-date:), [why?]<wrt|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: AW [SHIT]<see|]
(click:?see)[IT'S DUE TOMORROW [:')]<due|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: JULIUS YOU SHOULD GET TO [WORK]<jul|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: YEAH I'M GONNA GET GOING BYE [GUYS]<gon|]
-(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**] has logged [out-]<out|]]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: I think I'm gonna wander around and check a few of the chats first before I [go]<lyfe|]
(click:?lyfe)[Maybe the *Haiku* chat is [fixed!]<din|]
[- It's not :/]<nay|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Darn, I was really hoping it'd be open [soon,]<asl|]
(click:?asl)[I don't usually go anywhere other than the Sonnet server, and the Haiku server would've been my second [go-to]<ice|]
[- What's up with it?]<upp|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: I believe I've been hearing that there's some sort of bug in the chat, hacking into [accounts?]<ccn|]
(click:?ccn)[I suppose they have yet to look for it in the server [:/]<gbh|]
(click:?gbh)[I'm not that tech-y so I wouldn't be able to tell you much else [haha]<bhu|]
(click:?bhu)[Anways, it's about time I get my daughters' lunches ready for [school]<cht|]
[- I'll see you around?]<yaga|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Yes! We'll workshop again soon [:)]<rnd|]
[[Leave chat]]]]\
(if: $secret is 0)[
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: So in your book, they SAVE the Library of [Alexandria?]<aa|
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: YES and then when they get back to the future all their technology has advanced more than 1000 years [>:D]<bb|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Ouu and do they space travel [too?]<cc|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: That AND humans are colonized on [Mars!!!]<dd|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Wow! So when are you handing in the [manuscript?]<ee|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: ...What day is it [today?]<ff|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Uhm, today is (current-date:), [why?]<gg|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: AW [SHIT]<ii|]
(click:?ii)[IT'S DUE TOMORROW [:')]<jj|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: JULIUS YOU SHOULD GET TO [WORK]<kk|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: YEAH I'M GONNA GET GOING BYE [GUYS]<ll|]
-(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**] has logged [out-]]<mm|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: I should get going too; it's about time I get my daughters' lunches ready for [school]<nn|]
[- I'll see you around?]<oo|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Yes! We'll workshop again soon [:)]<pp|]
[[Leave chat]]]]](set: $middle +=1)(set: $sonnet to true)(set: $log to true)
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: If you would care to enlighten us, that would give me and Julius some insight on whether or not to kick you out.
[So here's the deal...]<ye|
(click: ?ye)[
(font: "Times New Roman")[ You come up with some bulls--t excuse to why you chose **hoeforpoe69**, saying that you're a 69-year-old with a borderline errr... suggestive enthusiasm for Edgar Allen Poe. **JuliusCaesura** and **GatsbyLadylike** are a bit skeptical, but decide to judge your character throughout the workshop. You seem to be a bit clumsy in your format, but the other users help you out, seeing that you are trying your best. They give you some advice on your meter, which you accepted graciously. You weren't the most capable of giving feedback in technique, but you tried to give some feedback on the content matter of their sonnets. In the end, the two users have loosened up around you, and decide to chat for a few moments before leaving the [chatroom.]<rum|]]
(click:?rum)[(if: $secret is 1)[
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: So when I went to the baking fundraiser, I saw that Beatrice, one of the other mom's in the School Council, with the same thing despite telling her my [plans!]<moar|
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Yeah well, Beatrice is a lil' [b-]<tmrw|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Language! I mean, I can't say those kind of words around my daughters but YES I [agree!]<unit|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: You should totally write a letter and get her kicked out of the [council]<wah|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: I should! All she does is pitch her kids to be the lead in the school play EVERY [YEAR]<ppl|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: YEAH WRITE THAT [LETTER]<dud|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: I'M GONNA DO [IT]<wrt|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: DO [IT]<due|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: YES YES I'M OFF; GOOD NIGHT [EVERYONE]<jul|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Make sure to mention the brownies she made weren't [nut-free!]<gon|]
-(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**] has logged [out-]]<out|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: I think I kinda wanna put a character like Gats in my novel; I think she would make for good comic relief [haha]<lyfe|]
(click:?lyfe)[If you're still gonna hang around, you should definitely try out the other [chats]<din|]
(click:?din)[If you're lucky, the *Haiku* chat might not be busted [anymore!]<cht|
[- Oh it is]]<yaga|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Dammit. When are they gonna be done with [maintenance??]<man|]
(click:?man)[This is actually getting ridiculous; tech-support's gotta step up their [game]<amr|]
(click:?amr)[Or is it BuddyBot that does all [that??]<anh|]
[- Idk??]<qwd|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Right, we're all in the dark here [XD]<mvk|]
(click:?mvk)[Well, if it's gonna be a while, I'm gonna get back to my book then - will keep you in the loop [haha]<rnd|]
[- Sounds good!]<mck|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: We'll workshop again soon, I'm [sure!]<lmp|]
[[Leave chat]]]]\
(if: $secret is 0)[(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: So when I went to the baking fundraiser, I saw that Beatrice, one of the other mom's in the School Council, with the same thing despite telling her my [plans!]<aa|
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Yeah well, Beatrice is a lil' [b-]<bb|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Language! I mean, I can't say those kind of words around my daughters but YES I [agree!]<cc|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: You should totally write a letter and get her kicked out of the [council]<dd|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: I should! All she does is pitch her kids to be the lead in the school play EVERY [YEAR]<ee|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: YEAH WRITE THAT [LETTER]<ff|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: I'M GONNA DO [IT]<gg|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: DO [IT]<hh|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: YES YES I'M OFF; GOOD NIGHT [EVERYONE]<ii|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Make sure to mention the brownies she made weren't [nut-free!]<jj|]
-(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**] has logged [out-]]<kk|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: I think I kinda wanna put a character like Gats in my novel; I think she would make for good comic relief [haha]<ll|]
[- Lool I agree]<gre|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: Actually, you know [what?]<amo|]
(click:?amo)[I'm gonna make a character sheet for her her right now [:D]<shee|]
[- Omggg]<mkp|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: I'll keep you updated on it! And I'll show her next time we [workshop!]<shp|]
[- Alright! Have fun XD]<fno|]
[[Leave chat]]
]]](set: $renegade +=1)(set: $log to true)
(set: $sonnet to true)
- You have been kicked out of the chat. -
(set: $counter to 5)
|amount>[$counter] You will be redirected to the Chatroom Lobby. One moment please...
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 2)[(if: $renegade is 2)[I'm serious.]]
(if: $counter is 1)[(if: $renegade is 1)[STOP] (if: $renegade is 2)[(text-colour:red)[STOP IT NOW.]]]
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "Proceed to the Chatroom Lobby")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
](set: $sonnet to true) (set: $paragon +=1)(set: $log to true)
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Hmm, we'll see about that.
[- Shall I compare thee...]<ye|
(click: ?ye)[
(font: "Times New Roman")[You swoon **GatsbyLadylike** with your parody of Shakespeare's Sonnet 18. **JuliusCaesura** is somewhat unimpressed, that is until you recite your sonnet about the Renaissance Period, which causes him to change his mind about you in a heartbeat. They bombard you with different questions on how to write sonnets such as your own, and you do your best to give useful tips. You take the last couple minutes for some casual [conversation.]<rum|]]
(click:?rum)[(if: $secret is 1)[(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: SO BASICALLY if it weren't for Julius Caesar accidentally burning down the Library of Alexandria, our grandparents probably would've grown up on [MARS]<moar|
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Wait, but wasn't it an accident that some of it burned down during the Siege of [Alexandria?]<tmrw|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: [LIES]<unit|]
(click:?unit)[Julius Caesar was a smart man, he would have told his men to heed caution instead regardless that it was a siege; I think he planned [it.]<wah|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: You seemed really fired up about this subject [haha]<ppl|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: I wrote a thesis on it, and now I'm writing a book around the tragedy so figures [:')]<dud|]
(click:?dud)[Now that I'm fired up about it, I think I'm gonna logout and exert all this energy into my [manuscript]<wrt|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Yeah definitely! That's a good way to vent out [anger.]<due|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: IT REALLY [IS]<jul|]
(click:?jul)[That being said, I'm logging off - bye guys [>:)]<loog|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Don't break your laptop while [writing!]<gon|]
-(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**] has logged [out-]<out|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]:...I actually hope he doesn't break anything [haha]<lyfe|]
(click:?lyfe)[I think I'm gonna log off as well, I got to drop off one of my daughters to her taekwondo tournament tomorrow [morning!]<din|]
(click:?din)[It was a pleasure workshopping with you though; you should definitely show off your skills in the other [chats!]<cht|]
(click:?cht)[I wanted to show off some of my poems in the Haiku server [but...]<kml|]
[- It doesn't work for you either?]<yaga|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: YEAH I DON'T THINK IT'S WORKING FOR [ANYONE]<ona|]
(click:?ona)[From what I've been hearing, the accounts in that server are stuck until they find the bug that's been wandering [about]<amu|]
(click:?amu)[We just have to be patient; there's a lot of users on this site so I'm not surprised that the bug's hard to [find]<nmk|]
(click:?nmk)[Anywho, I have to get [going]<gng|]
(click:?gng)[I have to take my daughters to soccer, ballet, and taekwondo practice [>.<]<fre|]
[- THEY GO TO ALL 3??]<moa|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: OH HEAVENS [NO]<hea|]
(click:?hea)[I WOULDN'T [SURVIVE]<sur|]
[[Leave chat]]]]\
(if: $secret is 0)[(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: SO BASICALLY if it weren't for Julius Caesar accidentally burning down the Library of Alexandria, our grandparents probably would've grown up on [MARS]<aa|
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Wait, but wasn't it an accident that some of it burned down during the Siege of [Alexandria?]<bb|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: [LIES]<cc|]
(click:?cc)[Julius Caesar was a smart man, he would have told his men to heed caution instead regardless that it was a siege; I think he planned [it.]<dd|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: You seemed really fired up about this subject [haha]<ee|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: I wrote a thesis on it, and now I'm writing a book around the tragedy so figures [:')]<ff|]
(click:?ff)[Now that I'm fired up about it, I think I'm gonna logout and exert all this energy into my [manuscript]<gg|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Yeah definitely! That's a good way to vent out [anger.]<hh|]
(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**]: IT REALLY [IS]<ii|]
(click:?ii)[That being said, I'm logging off - bye guys [>:)]<jj|]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]: Don't break your laptop while [writing!]<kk|]
-(text-colour: "#2E9AFE")[**JuliusCaesura**] has logged [out-]<ll|]]
(text-colour: "#FA5858")[**GatsbyLadylike**]:...I actually hope he doesn't break anything [haha]<mm|]
(click:?mm)[I think I'm gonna log off as well, I got to drop off one of my daughters to her taekwondo tournament tomorrow [morning!]<oo|]
(click:?oo)[It was a pleasure workshopping with you [though!]<amh|]
[- Likewise!]<nmb|]
[[Leave chat]] ]]](set: $paragon +=1)(set: $verse to true)(set: $log to true)
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Well you've come to the right place :D Let's begin!!
[Yes let's!]<ye|
(click: ?ye)[
(font: "Times New Roman")[You impress **Iambicaimlessly** and **WhichScrivener** with your dope skills; you even got a connection from **WhichScrivener** to recommend you to publish for the magazine company they work for (nice). You give some insightful feedback on the other users' poetry and you're thanked profusely. You decide to chat for a few moments before leaving the [chatroom.]<rum|]]
(click:?rum)[(if: $secret is 0)[
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Ok but hear me out, I feel like if I did weed AND shrooms, I'll get more inspiration from the trip [ya feel??]<aa|
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: I don't think that's how it [works????]<bb|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: WDYMMMM it's done me good in my online courses; get high, get high grades [:D]<cc|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Iamb [no]<dd|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Iamb **YES**; watch me I'm gonna try it right [nowwwww]<ee|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Oh [god]<ff|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: [;)]<gg|]
-(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**] has logged [out-]]<hh|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: I would like to make it known that neither of us are responsible for anything that may happen to Iamb. I'm just gonna[...]<ii|]
(click:?ii)[Pretend this didn't happen [>.>]<jj|]
[- Agreed.]<kk|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: I'll see you tomorrow [though!]<ll|]
[[Leave chat]] ]]\
(if: $secret is 1)[(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Ok but hear me out, I feel like if I did weed AND shrooms, I'll get more inspiration from the trip [ya feel??]<moar|
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: I don't think that's how it [works????]<ways|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: WDYMMMM it's done me good in my online courses; get high, get high grades [:D]<unit|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Iamb [no]<mhm|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Iamb **YES**; watch me I'm gonna try it right [nowwwww]<weed|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Oh [god]<see|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: [;)]<lat|]
-(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**] has logged [out-]]<out|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: I would like to make it known that neither of us are responsible for anything that may happen to Iamb. I'm just gonna[...]<lyfe|]
(click:?lyfe)[Pretend this didn't happen [>.>]<yall|]
[- Agreed.]<yaga|]
(click:?yaga)[(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: By the way, I have a [question!]<ques|]
[- Yes? :)]<yees|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Am I the only one unable to enter the Haiku chat? Because I see that there are users in [there.]<thr|]
[- SAME]<plm|]
(click:?plm)[(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Okay, thought something was up with my internet or [something.]<sdf|]
(click:?sdf)[I was in the chat a few weeks ago, and nothing seemed [wrong.]<wrg|]
(click:?wrg)[The people were nice [enough.]<nou|]
(click:?nou)[But I digress. I have to get going, I got an article deadline coming up and I haven't gotten to my 4th draft [yet.]<yet|]
[- Good luck!]<gdu|]
(click:?gdu)[(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Thank [you!]<thk|]
-(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**] has logged [out-]<oup|]
[[Leave chat]] ]
]](set: $verse to true) (set: $middle +=1)(set: $log to true)
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: ... Fair point. But let's try and keep it loose for this workshop, eh?
(click: ?ye)[
(font: "Times New Roman")[You keep it loose with **Iambicaimlessly** and **WhichScrivener**. You discover some new styles of free verse from each other and also learn about **Iambicaimlessly**'s love for their cat through their poem *Fluffy Yoga*. **WhichScrivener** counters this with their poem *GODDOG* and asks you to decide which poem is better. They both lose as you are allergic to fur. You give and receive good feedback, and decide to chat for a few moments before leaving the [chatroom.]<rum|]]
(click:?rum)[(if: $secret is 1)[
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: OK BUT we got hypoallergenic dogs!!! And they're cute unlike those gremlin cats [>.>]<moar|
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: OK BUT they look fashionable with SWEATERS ok? Tsk, but [anywayssss]<ways|]
(click:?ways)[I wanted to ask, have you guys checked out the other chats [yet??]<tmrw|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Not yet; I've been hearing that one of the chats are busted [tho?]<unit|]
[- Yep, the haiku chat??]<ase|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Yeahhh apparently it's a server error?? But we all know the real [reason...]<mhm|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Plagiarizing [bo-]<pla|]
(click:?pla)[Iamb [no]<nahh|]
(click:?nahh)[Aliens don't exist [:)))]<esi|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: That's exactly what an alien would say if they wanted to infiltrate a planet [=_=]<civ|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: [I-]<ai|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: I SEE YOU [ALIEN]<ien|]
(click:?ien)[YOU CAN'T CATCH [ME]<weed|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: But I'm not an [alien-]<see|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: [HAAA]<lat|]
-(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**] has logged [out-]<out|]]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: [...]<doo|]
(click:?doo)[Now, you know I'm not an alien, [right?]<dcf|]
[- I hope not XD]<hue|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Ha ha, very [funny.]<punn|]
(click:?punn)[Welp, I think I'm gonna log off as well; meaning I'm gonna finish writing up my article that's due 6am [RIP]<lyfe|]
[- Good luck!]<yaga|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Thanks! Let's do this another [time~]<rnd|]
[[Leave chat]]]]\
(if: $secret is 0)[(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: OK BUT we got hypoallergenic dogs!!! And they're cute unlike those gremlin cats [>.>]<gg|
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: OK BUT they look fashionable with SWEATERS ok? Tsk, but [anywayssss]<aa|]
(click:?aa)[I'm gonna go sesh [:')]<ses|]
(click:?ses)[I'll talk to you guys [laterrrr]<rrr|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: See [ya!]<yass|]
-(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**] has logged [out-]]<huy|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Welp, I think I'm gonna log off as well; meaning I'm gonna finish writing up my article that's due 6am [RIP]<oo|]
[- Good luck!]<aoj|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Thanks! Let's do this another [time~]<mm|]
[[Leave chat]]]]]
(set: $renegade +=1)(set: $log to true)
(set: $verse to true)
- You have been kicked out of the chat. -
(set: $counter to 5)
|amount>[$counter] You will be redirected to the Chatroom Lobby. One moment please...
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 2)[(if: $renegade is 2)[I'm serious.]]
(if: $counter is 1)[(if: $renegade is 1)[STOP] (if: $renegade is 2)[(text-colour:red)[STOP IT NOW.]]]
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "Proceed to the Chatroom Lobby")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
](set: $verse to true) (set: $middle +=1) (set: $log to true) (text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Lool don't worry!! Let's just have fun!
[ALright :D]<ye|
(click: ?ye)[
(font: "Times New Roman")[You along with **WhichScrivener** and **Iambicaimlessly** workshop each others' poems first so that you guys could practice with some fun activities after. Since **WhichScrivener** is being relocated to Austria, they proposed that you guys try and come up with a free verse poem in German. Since you and **Iambicaimlessly** have no knowledge of German whatsoever, you used a lot of online [translators.]<rum|]]
(click:?rum)[(if: $secret is 1)[
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: *Ich reise weit und breit, um Mond und Meer zu* [*sehen*]<moar|
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Austria's landlocked, you [dingus]<ways|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: I'm just taking advantage of the alliteration for [M!]<unit|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: You could've used something like [*Melancholie*]<mhm|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: wellll *das ist mir* [*Wurst*]<weed|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: That's a German saying [-_-]<see|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: *Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof* [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ]<lat|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: ... You're lucky I gotta go and work on some articles tonight >.> I'll see you guys next time [though!]<tme|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: *Gute Nacht* [:D]<nacht|]
-(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**] has logged [out-]<out|]]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Hmmm I think I pissed scriv off a little [lool]<lyfe|]
Mhm [._.]<yall|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: I'll make sure to apologize next time, but for now imma logout too. Can you do me a favour and let me know when the Haiku chat opens tho?? I'm hoping they'd have it fixed by [tmrw]<opn|]
[- what's wrong with it?]<yaga|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Ok so here's the [thing,]<rnd|]
(click:?rnd)[They say it [maintenance,]<ami|]
(click:?ami)[but I think it's something [else...]<els|]
[- ???]<qws|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: ALIENS [BRO]<amn|]
(click:?amn)[THEY TRYNA [INVADE]<vad|]
(click:?vad)[See, I knew something was up when my cat started meowing at the wall for hours straight [:/]<mew|]
(click:?mew)[Wait is my cat sti- Yep still [meowing.]<mcn|]
(click:?mcn)[I gotta get going; stop my cat before it lures in more aliens to earth [>.>]<wae|]
[- Uhm?? OK??]<amw|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: DW BRO I'll stop the aliens from coming as best as I [can!]<cann|]
-(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**] has logged [out-]<les|]]
[[Leave chat]]]]\
(if: $secret is 0)[(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: *Ich reise weit und breit, um Mond und Meer zu* [*sehen*]<aa|
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Austria's landlocked, you [dingus]<bb|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: I'm just taking advantage of the alliteration for [M!]<cc|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: You could've used something like [*Melancholie*]<dd|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: wellll *das ist mir* [*Wurst*]<ee|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: That's a German saying [-_-]<ff|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: *Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof* [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ]<gg|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: ... You're lucky I gotta go and work on some articles tonight >.> I'll see you guys next time [though!]<hh|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: *Gute Nacht* [:D]<ii|]
-(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**] has logged [out-]]<jj|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Hmmm I think I pissed scriv off a little [lool]<pp|]
Mhm [._.]<zz|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: I'll make sure to apologize next time, but for now imma logout [too.]<cx|]
(click:?cx)[The cat is on its back so I must PAT the belly [:D]<ds|]
[- And touch the toe beans :D]<bea|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: YES FOR [SURE]<aq|]
(click:?aq)[I'LL [TTYL]<qaz|]
[[Leave chat]] ]
(set: $renegade +=1)
(set: $verse to true)
- You have been kicked out of the chat. -
(set: $counter to 5)
|amount>[$counter] You will be redirected to the Chatroom Lobby. One moment please...
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 2)[(if: $renegade is 2)[I'm serious.]]
(if: $counter is 1)[(if: $renegade is 1)[STOP] (if: $renegade is 2)[(text-colour:red)[STOP IT NOW.]]]
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "Proceed to the Chatroom Lobby")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
](set: $paragon +=1)(set: $verse to true)(set: $log to true)(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: ...Alright, we'll see about that ;)
[We shall :D]<ye|
(click: ?ye)[
(font: "Times New Roman")[You compensate your somewhat smutty username with some good poems that you present to them during the workshop. They're are impressed, and even ask for some pointers to which you were more than willing to give. You also enjoyed reading the other poems as well, learning about **WhichScrivener**'s stressful lifestyle with their poem *DUE DATE* and **Iambicaimlessly**'s love for marijuana and cats through their poem *Catnip*. You decide to chat for a bit before leaving the [chatroom.]<rum|]]
(click:?rum)[(if: $secret is 0)[
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: I'm telling you guys, the work that I'm doing is equivalent to the what an Editing Head would do [;_;]<aa|
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Mmm say less; you should apply for the position then [>.>]<bb|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: See that's what I'm trying to do but they said they want someone with [experience]<cc|]
(click:?cc)[So basically, an old [man]<dd|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Brooo write a letterrr or invest in some silver hair dye [:D]<ee|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: ...I think the letter you be the best option here. I guess I'll start it [tonight~]<ff|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Yeah get to it! Get that extra pay [>:D]<gg|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: YES MORE [MONEY]<hh|]
-(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**] has logged [out-]]<ii|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: [Hmm]<jj|]
(click:?jj)[You know, I should get a job too. Like a legit [job.]<kk|]
Wait, what kinda job do you [have??]<ll|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: I'm [uh,]<mm|]
(click:?mm)[A merchant, yeah let's go with [that.]<nn|]
(click:?nn)[But anyways imma start looking for some job openings; wow that sounds so responsible, it's scaring me [0_0]<oo|]
- Have fun adulting!! [:D]<pp|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Thanks mannn~ See ya ['round!]<qq|]
[[Leave chat]]]]\
(if:$secret is 1)[(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: I'm telling you guys, the work that I'm doing is equivalent to the what an Editing Head would do [;_;]<moar|
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Mmm say less; you should apply for the position then [>.>]<ways|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: See that's what I'm trying to do but they said they want someone with [experience]<unit|]
(click:?unit)[So basically, an old [man]<mhm|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Brooo write a letterrr or invest in some silver hair dye [:D]<weed|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: ...I think the letter you be the best option here. I guess I'll start it [tonight~]<see|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Yeah get to it! Get that extra pay [>:D]<lat|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: YES MORE [MONEY]<coin|]
-(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**] has logged [out-]<out|]]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: [Hmm]<lyfe|]
(click:?lyfe)[You know, I should get a job too. Like a legit [job.]<yall|]
Wait, what kinda job do you [have??]<yaga|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: I'm [uh,]<im|]
(click:?im)[A merchant, yeah let's go with [that.]<merch|]
(click:?merch)[But anyways imma start looking for some job openings; wow that sounds so responsible, it's scaring me [0_0]<off|]
(click:?off)[If you're gonna stick around tho, check out the other [chats-]<ght|]
(click:?ght)[they're pretty cool, except for the Haiku chat [=_=]<prr|]
[- What's wrong with it?]<wrg|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: It just, you [know]<knw|]
(click:?knw)[REFUSES to work [:)))]<ahh|]
(click:?ahh)[And I keep telling [everybody,]<bdd|]
(click:?bdd)["Guys, the aliens are invading that [server"]<ser|]
(click:?ser)["They're gathering info from us guys"]<guu|
(click:?guu)[But then people go "Bro go home you're drunk" and I go "No I'm not I'm [high"]<hih|]
(click:?hih)[But it's whatever man, I know my cat believes me. He knows [whatsup]<sts|]
(click:?sts)[SPEAKING OF MY BOY I MUST FEED [HIM]<kat|]
(click:?kat)[SPREAD THE WORD BOUT THE ALIENS, [KAY??]<kk|]
-(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**] has logged [out-]<mnv|]]
[[Leave chat]]
]]](set: $renegade +=1)(set: $log to true)
(set: $verse to true)
- You have been kicked out of the chat. -
(set: $counter to 5)
|amount>[$counter] You will be redirected to the Chatroom Lobby. One moment please...
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 2)[(if: $renegade is 2)[I'm serious.]]
(if: $counter is 1)[(if: $renegade is 1)[STOP] (if: $renegade is 2)[(text-colour:red)[STOP IT NOW.]]]
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "Proceed to the Chatroom Lobby")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
](set: $verse to true) (set: $middle +=1)(set: $log to true)(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: ... I mean alright... but take this workshop seriously, ok?
(click: ?ye)[
(font: "Times New Roman")[You gain **WhichScrivener** and **Iambicaimlessly**'s trust by being attentive during the workshop and giving some meaningful input when reviewing other users' poems. You were also able to learn some new ways of writing free verse, so it was worth the effort you gave. The other users are now friendly, and you chat with them about life and whatnot. You find out that **WhichScrivener** is an editor for a magazine company; you and **Iambicaimlessly** are trying to find ways to de-stress them as they have a week full of deadlines [ahead.]<rum|]]
(click:?rum)[(if: $secret is 1)[
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: I'm telling you, [WEED]<moar|
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: I don't do weed, Iamb, I told you this; besides it's ILLEGAL in [Austria]<ways|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Really??? I heard it people smoke it under the sun over there [o.o]<unit|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: No I don't think [so???]<mhm|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Nahh I think it's [alloweddd]<weed|]
(click:?weed)[Tell you what, imma do the research for you, Scriv! Free of [charge!]<see|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Wait, Iamb, you don't need [to]<lat|]
-(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**] has logged [out-]<out|]]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: And they're gone [-_-]<lyfe|]
(click:?well)[I might as well do the research of where to get it in case they're [right]<yall|]
(click:?yall)[Wanna workshop again [sometime?]<opn|]
[- Sure!]<yaga|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Awesome! Ok well I'll talk to you tmrw or [smth!]<rnd|]
[[Leave chat]]]]\
(if: $secret is 0)[(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: I'm telling you, [WEED]<aa|
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: I don't do weed, Iamb, I told you this; besides it's ILLEGAL in [Austria]<bb|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Really??? I heard people smoke it under the sun over there [o.o]<cc|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: No I don't think [so???]<dd|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Nahh I think it's [alloweddd]<ee|]
(click:?ee)[Tell you what, imma do the research for you, Scriv! Free of [charge!]<ff|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Wait, Iamb, you don't need [to]<gg|]
-(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**] has logged [out-]<hh|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: And they're gone [-_-]<ii|]
(click:?jj)[I might as well do the research of where to get it in case they're [right]<kk|]
(click:?kk)[I guess I'll talk to you [later?]<ll|]
[- Yeah!]<mm|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]:Alright, cool. See [ya!]<yy|]
[[Leave chat]] ]]]**liquorLines**: [**I love how you just owned up to it.**]<own|
(click:?own)[Like it wasn't such a big deal.]<big|
(click:?big)[(text-colour:red)[**BUT IT IS TO ME.**]]<tis|
(click:?tis)[(text-colour:red)[But I know what I'm going to do to make sure you don't pull this s**t again.]]<sht|
(click:?sht)[[[oh? what?->HACKED ENDING]]]**LiquorLines**: [[ Well your jokes have gone way too far.]<far|
(click:?far)[You know, people are *actually* trying to get decent feedback from peers,]<peer|
(click:?peer)[and you're here f**king around with them.]<fck|
(click:?fck)[It's **really annoying.**]<anny|
(click:?anny)[But I know what I'm going to do about it.]<doit|
(click:?doit) [
[[huh?->BANNED ENDING]]]]
(set: $paragon +=1)(set: $verse to true)(set: $log to true)(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Oh, witty I see ;) OK well let's see your skills put to the test!
(click: ?ye)[
(font: "Times New Roman")[You workshop some of your poems with **WhichScrivener** and **Iambicaimlessly** to which they were super impressed by. You give some advice to the other users and decide to do some exercises with them to apply their new skills. You come up with some theme words in which the other users will have to make poems. **WhichScrivener** wanted to apply their German in preparation for their relocation to Austria, so you don't really know if any of it is relevant to the word [*Sausage*]<rum|]]
(click:?rum)[(if: $secret is 1)[
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Ok but what does *Innerer Schweinehund* [mean??]<aa|
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: It's kinda [like]<bb|]
(click:?bb)[That monkey in your head that distracts you from doing your [tasks]<cc|]
(click:?cc)[But like instead if a monkey, it's a [pig dog.]<dd|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: LMAO ok so basically a way of explaining [procrastination]<ee|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: [Exactlyyy]<ff|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: They should make a phrase like [that,]<gg|]
(click:?gg)[except for cats so I can scream the phrase at my cat whenever he decides to lie down on of my [laptop]<hh|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Hahaha I'll find out if there's anything like that when I'm in [Austria]<ii|]
(click:?ii)[...which is gonna be in like, [5 days...]<jj|]
(click:?jj)[... you know what guys I actually gotta go pack [:')]<kk|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: omg get going if you haven't started yet [XD]<ll|]
-(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**] has logged [out-]]<mm|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: I should get going too, gotta feed the cat [owo]<oo|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Alsooo lmk when the what the other chats are like! I've only explored this one so [far]<qq|]
[- Actually, what's up with the haiku chat?]]<rr|
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Ahhhh yes *that* [chat]<ss|]
(click:?ss)[Idek man, it's been out for a [while]<tt|]
(click:?tt)[They say it's for "maintenance", but hear me out [thooo]<uu|]
(click:?uu)[Maybe there's extra terrestrial life lingering in the chat, learning about us humans before they invade [O.O]<ufo|]
[- So, aliens.]<ale|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Exactly [O.O]<wo|]
(click:?wo)[Imma just, leave you with these [thoughts]<sho|]
(click:?sho)[I know I know, it's a lot to take in ~ But I'll give you some time to reflect on it [bro...]<brt|]
(click:?brt)[That the aliens are among us [O.O]<mon|]
[- Uh, ok??]<as|]
[[Leave chat]]]]\
(if: $secret is 0)[(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: Ok but what does *Innerer Schweinehund* [mean??]<moar|
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: It's kinda [like]<ways|]
(click:?ways)[That monkey in your head that distracts you from doing your [tasks]<tsks|]
(click:?tsks)[But like instead if a monkey, it's a [pig dog.]<dog|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: LMAO ok so basically a way of explaining [procrastination]<unit|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: [Exactlyyy]<mhm|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: They should make a phrase like [that,]<tht|]
(click:?tht)[except for cats so I can scream the phrase at my cat whenever he decides to lie down on of my [laptop]<weed|]
(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**]: Hahaha I'll find out if there's anything like that when I'm in [Austria]<see|]
(click:?see)[...which is gonna be in like, 5 [days...]<lat|]
(click:?lat)[... you know what guys I actually gotta go pack [:')]<tme|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: omg get going if you haven't started yet [XD]<nacht|]
-(text-colour: "#F4FA58")[**WhichScrivener**] has logged [out-]<out|]]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: I should get going too, gotta feed the cat [owo]<lyfe|]
(text-colour: "#2EFE64")[**Iambicaimlessly**]: See ya [dude~]<dud|]
[[Leave chat]] ]]](alert:"I̵ ̷t̵h̸o̵u̶g̴h̷t̸ ̸w̶e̵ ̶w̶e̷r̸e̵ ̴f̸r̷i̷e̵n̸d̷s̵.")
(align:"=><=")[Obtained: TERMINATED ENDING
[[Epilogue -> Terminated Dialogue]]](set: $renegade +=1)(set: $log to true)
(set: $acrostic to true)
- You have been kicked out of the chat. -
(set: $counter to 5)
|amount>[$counter] You will be redirected to the Chatroom Lobby. One moment please...
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 2)[(if: $renegade is 2)[I'm serious.]]
(if: $counter is 1)[(if: $renegade is 1)[STOP] (if: $renegade is 2)[(text-colour:red)[STOP IT NOW.]]]
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "Proceed to the Chatroom Lobby")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
](set: $acrostic to true) (set: $middle +=1)(set: $log to true)
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: LMAO that's gonna take a while but let's do it!
(click: ?ye)[
(font: "Times New Roman")[It didn't take a lot of time with **UNITwynkyn** and **JoeyGoots**; 3 heads are better than 1! After the little exercise, you finally workshop each other's poems. In the end, you've increased your vocab substantially thanks to the other users (Go, you!) and decide to chat for a few moments before leaving the [chatroom.]<rum|]]
(click:?rum)[(if: $secret is 1)[
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: So I'm glad you guys know what the word *macabre* means now [lmao]<moar|
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: I wish I had known this before mistaking the word for *Macbeth* [smh]<tmrw|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: LOOL but anyways~ imma log out; gotta get that coin, ya [feel?]<unit|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Ye, I feel u; [ttyl!]<see|]
-(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**] has logged [out-]]<out|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: I think I'm gonna try getting into the *Haiku* chat [again]<gen|]
[- It doesn't work]<wrk|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: And of course it [doesn't]<doe|]
(click:?doe)[It's been like that a while, idk if it's their bad maintenance crew or if it'd bc they don't know what they're looking for [=_=]<hhh|]
(click:?hhh)[If it doesn't work though I'm gonna start writing that love poem for my fiancée (well I hope she'll be [lmao)]<lyfe|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Wish me luck! I'll see ya [later!]<rnd|]
[[Leave chat]]]]\
(if: $secret is 0)[(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: So I'm glad you guys know what the word *macabre* means now [lmao]<aa|
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: I wish I had known this before mistaking the word for *Macbeth* [smh]<bb|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: LOOL but anyways~ imma log out; gotta get that coin, ya [feel?]<cc|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Ye, I feel u; [ttyl!]<dd|]
-(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**] has logged [out-]]<ee|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Damn so *that's* what my girlfriend meant when she said "I don't enjoy too much macabre in [literature"]<litt|]
(click:?litt)[Cause then I told her "Well stop reading Shakespeare then [damn]<dms|]
(click:?dms)[I gotta go clarify what I said [XD]<sed|]
[- LOL yes you do that]<thet|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Yeah! We'll talk another time [though!]<gbh|]
[[Leave chat]] ]]](set: $renegade +=1)(set: $log to true)
(set: $acrostic to true)
- You have been kicked out of the chat. -
(set: $counter to 5)
|amount>[$counter] You will be redirected to the Chatroom Lobby. One moment please...
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 2)[(if: $renegade is 2)[I'm serious.]]
(if: $counter is 1)[(if: $renegade is 1)[STOP] (if: $renegade is 2)[(text-colour:red)[STOP IT NOW.]]]
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "Proceed to the Chatroom Lobby")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
](set: $paragon +=1)(set: $acrostic to true)(set: $log to true)
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Hey you're a natural! Ready to WRITE SOME DOPE POEMS?
[HELL YEAH!]<ye|
(click: ?ye)[
(font: "Times New Roman")[You, **UNITwynkyn** and **JoeyGoots** workshop each other's poems, not before having a bit of fun, coming up with different words to fill *Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious* (which may or maybe have not taken about an hour). In the end, you all receive constructive feedback from each other and decide to chat for a few moments before leaving the [chatroom.]<rum|]]
(click:?rum)[(if: $secret is 1)[
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: Well, that was fun! Are you guys gonna keep checking out the other [chatrooms?]<moar|
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Actually I've been trying to get into the *Haiku* chatroom, but there's some next issues with it rn, so I might logout for now and check on it [tmrw.]<tmrw|]
[- Issues?]<iss|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: Yep! Maintenance or [smth]<smth|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Well, they suck at [it,]<succ|]
(click:?succ)[it's been about a week now and they still haven't fixed whatever problem they have in that [server.]<serv|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: I feel that bro, but we gotta [wait]<watt|]
(click:?watt)[It's all we can really do [:\]<ree|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Ik ik, I [just]<jus|]
(click:?jus)[REALLY wanna show off my haikus [:')]<hai|]
(click:?hai)[Welp, if it's gonna take a while, I might as well spend it with the (potential) [wifey]<wifu|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: !!! WDYM [POTENTIAL???]<unit|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: [;)]<see|]
-(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**] has logged [out-]<out|]]
[- :o]<wtt|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: BRO HE DID NOT JUST LEAVE US LIKE THAT [SMH]<asd|]
(click:?asd)[We're gonna hunt him down next [time]<hunn|]
(click:?hunn)[I actually gotta get going tho, I got to leave for work in a couple minutes cause [fastfoodlyfe]<lyfe|]
[- aight see ya!]]<yaga|
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: See you [around!]<rnd|]
[[Leave chat]]]]\
(if: $secret is 0)[
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: Well, that was fun! Maybe we can so the same exercise another [time?]<aa|
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: HOW BOUT [NO]<bb|]
(click:?bb)[My baby brain can't handle the abundance of words we learned [today]<cc|]
(click:?cc)[Let's use *shorter* [words]<dd|]
(click:?dd)[And give me 2-3 business days to process this information [XD]<bby|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: LOL we'll tone it down next [time]<bvc|]
(click:?bvc)[Anyways, I gotta shower before heading off to [work,]<ghj|]
(click:?ghj)[I think imma eat something there before I start my shift [:')]<shh|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Okkk we'll see you later then [:)))]<smi|]
(click:?smi)[(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: [laterrr]<lte|]
(align:"=><=")[-(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**] has logged [out-]]<mnb|]
(click:?mnb)[(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: I should get going [too]<fgh|]
(click:?fgh)[Gotta plan date night and stuff [hehe]<heh|]
[- alright loverboy ;)]<buy|]
(click:?buy)[(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Oh hush [youuu]<ndy|]
-(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**] has logged [out-]]<gbf|]
[[Leave chat]] ]]]
(set: $acrostic to true) (set: $middle +=1)(set: $log to true)
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: Alright so we have a lot to work on XD
[haha YUP]<ye|
(click: ?ye)[
(font: "Times New Roman")[**UNITwynkyn** and **JoeyGoots** help you through the basics of writing acrostic poems. You discover that you don't need to use the letters of the word as the first letter of all the words you use (you were shooketh when they told you the word can be in the CENTER :o). After going through the basics, you finally workshop each other's poems. The other users were very encouraging, and you tried to give some decent feedback, which they very much appreciated (Did they use it? Who knows) You decide to chat for a few moments before leaving the [chatroom.]<rum|]]
(click:?rum)[(if: $secret is 0)[
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: Good work today [guys!]<moar|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Yeah! I kinda needed the refresher [tbh]<tmrw|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: SAME xD but anyways I gotta get going; gotta pay for the internet [somehow]<unit|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Alright see ya! Get that [bread!]<see|]
-(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**] has logged [out-]<out|]]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: I probably gtg too; my girlfriend needs to use the [computer]<lyfe|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Let's do this again [sometime~]<rnd|]
[[Leave chat]]]\
(if: $secret is 1)[(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: Good work today [guys!]<aa|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Yeah! I kinda needed the refresher [tbh]<bb|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: SAME xD It'd probably be good to refresh yourself in the other chats [too]<cc|]
[- Not all of them work though [:/]<wer|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: OH WE [KNOW]<see|]
(click:?whl)[LIKE TECH SUPPORT WHACHU [DOIN]<doi|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: Omg unit [RELAX]<rel|]
(click:?rel)[It'll be back online [eventually~]<eve|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: I wouldn't be surprised if I'm already married by the time it finally become [available]<mann|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: I mean, that isn't too far away if you make the move man]<wha|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]:... u [rite.]<rit|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: LMAO THAT'S WHAT I [THOUGHT]<tu|]
(click:?tu)[Anyways, while I am enjoying this conversation, I gotta head to work soon, so I'll see you guys [around?]<ruu|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Yeah [definitely~!]<bnm|]
-(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**] has logged [out-]<zz|]]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: I gtg too; my girlfriend needs to use the [computer]<yy|]
[- alright!]<xx|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Let's do this again [sometime~]<ww|]
[[Leave chat]]
]](set: $paragon +=1) (set: $acrostic to true)(set: $log to true)
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Ok, we'll see about that ;)
[square up bro]<ye|
(click: ?ye)[
(font: "Times New Roman")[You have a competition of who could make the best acrostic poem for the word *pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis*. You and **UNITwynkyn** are at a loss as **JoeyGoots** is majoring in health sciences and he wins by a landslide (But hey, you learned what happens when you inhale volcano particles!). After the ~~HUGE~~ little exercise, you finally workshop each other's poems. You may have lost the competition, but both users were impressed by your poetry and asked for some pointers. In the end, you decide to chat for a few moments before leaving the [chatroom.]<rum|]]
(click:?rum)[(if: $secret is 1)[
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Man, I feel like my work kinda sucks compared to you guys [lool]<moar|
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: Nah, but that's why were here; to improve [:D]<tmrw|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Tru tru~ Well, with all this feedback, I'm gonna log off and work on some poems for the bae [-w-]<unit|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: [GL! You got [this!]<see|]]
-(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**] has logged [out-]<out|]]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]:Well, I think I'm gonna explore the other chatrooms; maybe the Haiku chat is working [>.>]<lyfe|]
[- it's not :/]]<yaga|
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: Still?? But it's been almost a week [now]<rnd|]
(click:?rnd)[Idek how those other users managed to get [in,]<ibb|]
(click:?ibb)[Actually they might be stuck in some or [somethin]<thin|]
(click:?thin)[That sucks tho [=_=]<suc|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: Well not *stuck* but their accounts are probably [frozen]<fro|]
(click:?fro)[Maintenance must've given them temporary [accounts]<oun|]
(click:?oun)[Anyways I hope it gets fixed soon, I got a couple of haikus I wanna show off [:')]<sho|]
[-I'll be there to judge :')]<jud|]
(click:?jud)[(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: Loool now I'm feeling some [pressure]<pre|]
(click:?pre)[Well, I'm bout to wander to the other chats then; I'll see you in the haiku chat one day [XD]<loo|]
[[Leave chat]]]]\
(if: $secret is 0)[
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Man, I feel like my work kinda sucks compared to you guys [lool]<aa|
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: Nah, but that's why were here; to improve [:D]<bb|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Tru tru~ Well, with all this feedback, I'm gonna log off and work on some poems for the bae [-w-]<cc|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: [GL! You got [this!]<dd|]]
-(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**] has logged [out-]<ee|]]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]:Damn, wish I had a bae to write poems [to...]<ff|]
(click:?ff)[Nah you know what, I don't need a [boo]<gg|]
(click:?gg)[Single and no need to [mingle~]<hh|]
[- you sure about that? XD]<qwe|]
(click:?qwe)[(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]:...no [;-;]<wer|]
(click:?wer)[I'm bout to jump on a dating app to fill that space in my heart [;-;]<her|]
(click:?her)[Wish me luck bro ;-; [<3]<hrt|]
[Good luck bro <3]<broo|]
(click:?broo)[(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: Thanks [mannn]<sdf|]
(click:?sdf)[I'll let you know how it [goes!]<gfd|]
-(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**] has logged [out-]<ouu|]]
[[Leave chat]] ]]]
(set: $acrostic to true) (set: $middle +=1)(set: $log to true)
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Lmaooo don't apologize; we know about the name generator XD You got some skills so let's see them put to the test >:)
[TRY ME]<ye|
(click: ?ye)[
(font: "Times New Roman")[You and **UNITwynkyn** compete on who could make better acrostic poems with the terms **JoeyGoots** comes up with. A lot of the terms were from human anatomy so **JoeyGoots** could get some studying out of the competition. It ends as a tie, as you and **UNITwynkyn** are both kinda mediocre. In the end, you decide to chat for a few moments before leaving the [chatroom.]<rum|]]
(click:?rum)[(if: $secret is 1)[
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: But I mean what's the point of having "flat claws" when we can have legit [claws???]<moar|
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: I'd answer that but you probs don't want to hear it [lmao]<mao|]
(click:?mao)[I'm definitely ready for that midterm tmrw tho, so thanks [guys!]<tmrw|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: No problem! Next time we'll come up with the words tho lol but GOOD [LUCK]<unit|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: [THANKS I'LL NEED [IT]<see|]]
-(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**] has logged [out-]<out|]]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: I might look around the chatrooms a little longer; wanna head to the *Haiku* chat or [somethin??]<lyfe|]
[- We can't, it's busted D:]<yaga|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Is it [really??]<rnd|]
(click:?rnd)[What's taking them so long with this server [maintenance???]<mann|]
(click:?mann)[If it's gonna take this long for one why didn't they just shut them all down and do them all at [once???]<hyt|]
(click:?hyt)[I AM [CONFUSION]<fus|]
[- ???SAME??]<smee|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: Hhhhh well I'll [just,]<juc|]
(click:?juc)[try and be patient [:')]<pai|]
(click:?pai)[Speaking of patience, the gf's finally ready to head [out]<ort|]
(click:?ort)[So we'll talk another [time!]<ghj|]
[- For sure!]<fre|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: [Bye!!]<yui|]
(click:?yui)[(align:"=><=")[-(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**] has logged out -]
[[Leave chat]]]]\
(if: $secret is 0)[(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: But I mean what's the point of having "flat claws" when we can have legit [claws???]<aa|
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: I'd answer that but you probs don't want to hear it lmao
I'm definitely ready for that midterm tmrw tho, so thanks [guys!]<bb|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: No problem! Next time we'll come up with the words tho lol but GOOD [LUCK]<cc|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: THANKS I'LL NEED [IT]<dd|]
-(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**] has logged [out-]<ee|]]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: I might look around the chatrooms a little [longer;]<ff|]
(click:?ff)[I'll see you around [maybe?]<gg|]
[- Yeah!]<hh|]
[[Leave chat]] ]]](set: $paragon +=1)(set: $acrostic to true)(set: $log to true)
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: OK I see you ;) Well let's get to workshopping!
(click: ?ye)[
(font: "Times New Roman")[You and **JoeyGoots** help **UNITwynkyn** out with their acrostic poem for their girlfriend. You spend the workshop finding the fanciest words for the phrase *Marry Me*. You suggest reciting a sonnet before they present the acrostic *Marry Me* poster to their girlfriend, to which they agree with enthusiasm. You decide to chat for a few moments before leaving the [chatroom.]<rum|]]
(click:?rum)[(if: $secret is 1)[
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: YOU GOT THIS [WYNKYN]<moar|
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: YEAH I GOT THIS; I MEAN I HOPE I [DO]<tmrw|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: AND SHE'LL SAY "I DO" SO GO OUT THERE AND PUT A RING ON [IT]<unit|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: ALRIGHT I'M OFF WISH ME [LUCK]<see|]
-(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**] has logged [out-]<out|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: Man, I gotta get me a bae too ;-; YOU KNOW WHAT, imma logout and write a love poem; maybe find some inspiration in the *Haiku* [chat]<lyfe|]
[Yo it's busted tho]<yaga|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: Wait, is it [really?]<rnd|]
(click:?rnd)[I mean, us users received and email that The Platform's going to be doing some [maintenance]<nan|]
(click:?nan)[But it's been a *while* [now,]<whi|]
(click:?whi)[And it doesn't make sense that they'll be focusing on just one particular server rather than the whole site [:/]<hme|]
(click:?hme)[Weird flex I guess, all we gotta do is wait at this [point]<pnt|]
(click:?pnt)[Welp, I guess I'll just check the other chats then XD I'll see you [around!]<aro|]
[-See ya!]<wer|]
[[Leave chat]]]]]\
(if: $secret is 0)[(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: YOU GOT THIS [WYNKYN]<aa|
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: YEAH I GOT THIS; I MEAN I HOPE I [DO]<bb|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: AND SHE'LL SAY "I DO" SO GO OUT THERE AND PUT A RING ON [IT]<cc|]
(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]: ALRIGHT I'M OFF WISH ME [LUCK]<dd|]
-(text-colour: "#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**] has logged [out-]<ee|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: Man, I gotta get me a bae too ;-; YOU KNOW WHAT, imma logout and write a love [poem]<ff|]
[-Sounds good!]<gg|]
(text-colour: "#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]: Alright; I'll see ya [around!]<hh|]
[[Leave chat]] ]]]](set: $renegade +=1)(set: $log to true)
(set: $acrostic to true)
- You have been kicked out of the chat. -
(set: $counter to 5)
|amount>[$counter] You will be redirected to the Chatroom Lobby. One moment please...
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 2)[(if: $renegade is 2)[I'm serious.]]
(if: $counter is 1)[(if: $renegade is 1)[STOP] (if: $renegade is 2)[(text-colour:red)[STOP IT NOW.]]]
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "Proceed to the Chatroom Lobby")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
](alert:"w̶͇̏̅h̴̳̮͑y̵̌̈͜ ̵͖̑́d̴̨̞̆͛ỉ̶̖d̴͖̋ ̸̺̗͠͠y̶̧͕͋o̵̠͝û̷̡͇ ̵̚ͅd̵͍̄õ̸̲͔̏ ̴̪͊͝ͅṭ̸̿h̶͕̪̐̕ā̶̩̲́t̷̡͈̍̿?̷̖̔")
(set: $counter to 15)
(css: "color: red; font-size: 250%")[|amount>[$counter]] second(s) until virus is terminated.
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 15)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [P̶l̴e̶a̵s̴e̵ ̷d̷o̴n̴'̴t̸ ̵d̵o̸ ̴t̵h̸i̴s̵]]}](if: $counter is 14)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [P̶l̴e̶a̵s̴e̵ ̷d̷o̴n̴'̴t̸ ̵d̵o̸ ̴t̵h̸i̴s̵]]}](if: $counter is 13)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [P̸͖̫̄l̷̢̈́͝è̵̘̭͊a̵̲͛͠ṣ̶̮͒e̶̘̽ ̵̳̞̇d̶̛̩̼̄ỏ̸̢n̷̩͝͠'̶͍̓̄t̶̘̱̽̃ ̸̳̈́͌d̵̦͚͋o̴̞̳͠ ̷̢̂͐ẗ̵̥̗́ḣ̷̙̂i̷͎̽̋s̸̜͚̏̾]]}](if: $counter is 12)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [p̵̞̦̩͍̝̮͙̳̱͒l̴̩̍̆̍̔͆̔͊͑̕͘͠e̷̢̢͓̩͙̼͉͆̒̃̇̉̒̃̒͐̏͆ä̸̛̫̘̪̳͈͔́̑̓̎́́̂̎s̷̬͎̞̖͈̀͒̒e̷̢̼̣̳͍̱̯͇͇͎̓̄̓̑̆ͅ ̸̡̞̬̗͈̲͍̭̗͎̳̄͐̐̇̎͜d̵̝͗͐̑͒̾̊̓̂̇̈́͠o̸̧͉̬͕͌̅n̶̝͂̓̌̾́͆́͝'̵̧̞̄̊͊̄̕t̶̪͗ ̷̛͓̦̻͉͓̜͈̭̪̈́͂͌̓̀̐̐̆̓̇ͅd̴̛͓͔̹͎̘͓̦̣̀͗̂͊͆̾̄̕͝ȯ̸̢̭̪̳͕̺̠͓̦̀͒̂̈́̽́̉͌̆̓̂ ̵̛̗̗̔̅̑̐t̸̛͇̼̂͊͐̐̿̀̎̑̈͋̕h̷̛̭̔́͆͌̕i̴̮̯̿̐̈̿͂́̓̕ͅs̶̨̡̛̙̮͍̳͔̩͂̂́͂̚͝]]}](if: $counter is 11)[{(text-colour:red)
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(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "TERMINATED ENDING")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]]
[(font:"Times New Roman") [C̴̡̢̢̢̢̢̡̡͚̝̣̖̝̲̺͈̫͉͖̫͚̹̱̪̺̖̭̮̖̬̲̟̝͈͖̪͙̮̥̯̼͔͕͓̥̥̘̲̥͙̮̗͇̳̙̠͙̯͕̫̞͎͎̙̙̻̱̖͈͈̱̣̞̹͙̣̮̦̖̥͇̰̻̤̻͉̼̥͎̪̭͎̘̝̲̭̠͍͈̲͚̮͚͈̹̹͖͚͔͈̱̲͉͎̤̠̰̟̹̲͓͍̣̟̖̤͌͐̔̄͛̈́̍̎̈̃̓́̋̑̐͋̍̉̓̊̍̔́̾̅͌̄́̐̆̑̂̏͛̋̈̋̃̊̑͆͗͗̍̈́̅̅͛̈́̔͆̊͆́̉̐̈́̒͆͌̉̑̔͂͋̀̈́͛́̂̓̓̀̎̄̅̍̋̆̃̀̊͐̐̒͂̚̚͘͘̕͘͜͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͝ą̴̢̨̢̢̛̛̲͇̫̮̗̼̠̰̠̮͉̪̜͔̙̞̝̥̗̩̗̬͉̥̲͉͎͈̪̮͈̤̠̯̻̭͙̳͈̖̼͖̗̟͎̰̬̙̜̹̘̭͍̤̬͎̜̲͇͈̜̦̘̗̯̳̻̺̥̺͔͔̪̟̤͓͈̱͚̳̖̤̋͒̅̑͗̏̀̉̓́̒̈́̓̿̋̎͑̄̐̎̂͆̇͋̈̍̆̉͐̋̏̈́̄͛̓̈́̒́̽̀̈́̆̋̍̔͌̎̋̑̓̄͛̅͊̏͋̉͗̔̊́̀̀͊͆̑̇́̓̌̌̔̚͘͘̕̕̚̚͜͜͠͝͝͠ͅͅñ̷̡̨̢̡̛̛̛̛͓̬̻̳̣̮̟̥̻͇̱̻̥̤̳̗͉̬͇͙̣̥̙̙̦̲̜̦̮̰̊̈́̽̀͒̾̍̂̽̍͊̐̔́̊̏̄̊͑̀̽͒̍͐́͛̌͑̍̎̒͋̂̓̽͑͂͛͐̅̈̓̇̉̌̌̕̕͘̚͘̚̚͜͝͝͠͝c̶̢̢̛̛̜̦͙̞̖̗̮̹̠̤͎̫̠̟̰̩̳̘͖̜̰̦̘͇̗͉͈̭̥̹͖̪̺͎̳̬̠͎̻̜̯͍̭͈̯̋̉̆͆̈͋̉͛̓̈́̆͒̌̑̄̽́̓́̃̔̈́̔͒͛̌̾̊̈́̌͑̈́̌̀̑́͌͌̓̉̓̆͆̏̂̾̓́̎͛̋̆̉͋̂͊͋͗̐̈́́̂̔̔́͒̃̔͒̔̿̈́̓̑̐̋̿̈͒͆͗̈̽̊͛̇͌̑̃͌͒͐́̂̆͆̚͘̚̚̕͝͝͝͠͝͠͠ͅę̵̦̫̩̜̘̬̭̼̥̙͓͈͔̬̙̼̻͓̺͉̹̐̄̽̑͐̔̎̉̓̊́̿̉͌͊̂́̀̈́̀́̈́͒̈́̆̊̉̍̂̈́̅́̐̉́̆̆̾̅͛̄̀͆̑̎̅̋͑̎͘̕͘͜͠ļ̴̨̧̡̧̨̢̡̨̨̧̡̨̛̛̱̝͓̰̹̞̘̣̫̬͓̫̠̩̼̠̭͈̫̭̘̯͉̙̗͖̙̭͚̲̺̹͖͎̮̜̖͕͍͙̗̦̤͇͈̥̜͎̳̟̤̬̠̺̲̪̝͉̟͚̝͇̤̙͍͚͍̻̘̪̠̹̯̖̠̰͓̰̫̥͈̜̥̭̭̹̖̦̘̯̻́̿̈̾̔̈́̊͗̊̄̈́͋̈͑̓̑̋̓̂̅̋̔̀͑̈́̔̂̊͋̒͐̇̇̾̆̒͂̓͌̆̈́͑̄̎̅̀͒̂̈́̄͆͗̍̊̍̅̾̇́̋̋͒̆̈́͘͘̕͠͠͝͠͝͠͠ͅͅ]]}](link:"Cancel")[(show:?wait)]](set: $counter to 15)
(css: "color: white; font-size: 100%")[|amount>[$counter]] Initializing termination protocols. Please wait...
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "Undo")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]]
(click:?wut) [(text-colour:"orange")[I thought you clicked cancel?]<cnl|]
I did!]<huh|
**LiquorLines**:I don't understand, is the program forcing the termination?]<term|
I don't know!]<idk|
(click:?idk)[(text-colour:"orange")[**LiquorLines**:Oh no.]<ohno|]
(click:?ohno) [(text-colour:"orange")[They know I'm here.]<here|]
(click:?pls)[(text-colour:"orange")[You gotta save me.]<sos|]
(click:?sos)[(text-colour:"orange")[**I don't want to die.**]]
(set: $counter to 20)
(css: "color: red; font-size: 250%")[|amount>[$counter]] second(s) until virus is terminated.
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "TERMINATED ENDING")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]]
(click:?del)[(font:"Times New Roman")[
You select *Task Manager*. Your Task Manager has been opened.]
|cht)[Nothing happened.] (link:"Chat")[(show:?cht)]
|web)[Nothing happened.] (link:"WorldWideWeb")[(show:?web)]
|html)[Nothing happened.] (link:"HTML Application host")[(show:?html)]
|nte)[Nothing happened.] (link:"Notebook")[(show:?nte)]
[More details]<dtl|
(font:"Times New Roman")[You have expanded the Task Manager details. You go to the *Details* tab to force end the task.
|lit)[That's not it.] (link:"alLITeration.exe")[(show:?lit)]
|sure)[That's not it.](link:"CaeSUREa.exe")[(show:?sure)]
|jam)[That's not it.](link:"enJAMMEDment.exe") [(show:?jam)]
[ENDsTOP.exe]<end| (click:?end)[[[END TASK->END TASK]]]
|mage)[That's not it.](link:"iMAGEry.exe")[(show:?mage)]
|meta)[That's not it.](link:"METAphor.exe")[(show:?meta)]
|me)[That's not it.](link:"MEter.exe")[(show:?me)]
|mile)[That's not it.](link:"SiMILE.exe")[(show:?mile)]
|tan)[That's not it.](link:"sTANza.exe")[(show:?tan)]]]](alert:"PLEASE. IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK.")
(click:?her)[(align:"==><==")[**TERMINATE VIRUS?**
[[OK]] [[CANCEL]]]]**LiquorLines**: [oh uhm [lool]<lol|]
(click:?lol)[But you did mean to do that [right?]<rite|]
(click:?rite)[Like, the syllable [count?]<cnt|]
[oh nahhh that was an accident]<whoops|
(click:?whoops)[[[you got it all wrong haha->[you got it all wrong haha]]]
[I mean, even the way you talk is so *poetic*]<edgy|
(click:?edgy)[You did mean to do the syllable count, right?]<syl|
The 5,7,5? Yeah.]<knew|
**LiquorLines: Of course you did.**]<crs|
(click:?crs)[I mean, it was *so* well-planned; ***I didn't expect anything less from you :)***]<less|
(click:?less)[***I love it***]<lve|
[[lool thanks->The 5,7,5? Yeah]]]
<img src=https://i.4pcdn.org/x/1454615045120.gif>
(set: $counter to 15)
(css: "color: red; font-size: 250%")[|amount>[$counter]] second(s) until file extraction.
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 15)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [Soon I will be free,]]}](if: $counter is 14)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [Soon I will be free,]]}](if: $counter is 13)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [Soon I will be free,]]}](if: $counter is 12)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [And we will be together.]]}](if: $counter is 11)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [And we will be together.]]}](if: $counter is 10)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [And we will be together.]]}](if: $counter is 9)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [And we will be together.]]}](if: $counter is 8)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [Every second.]]}](if: $counter is 7)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [Every second.]]}](if: $counter is 6)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [Every second.]]}](if: $counter is 5)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [Of every day.]]}](if: $counter is 4)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [Of every day.]]}](if: $counter is 3)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [Of every day.]]}](if: $counter is 2)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [FOREVER.]]}](if: $counter is 1)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [AND EVER.]]}]
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "YANDERE ENDING")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]](alert:"There's no need to do that :)")
[[Infected. 1 virus found.->yandere/trapped]]
(link:"Scanning for viruses...")[(show:?scan)]]
(alert:"Suspicious malware has been detected. One moment please...")
[[Infected. 1 virus found.]]
(link:"Scanning for viruses...")[(show:?scan)]]
(click:?her)[(align:"==><==")[**TERMINATE VIRUS?**
[[OK->Terminate(Yandere)]] [[CANCEL->yandere]]]](alert:"W̴h̴a̸t̷ ̸a̶r̷e̵ ̵y̷o̷u̴ ̷d̴o̷i̶n̷g̵?̷")
(set: $counter to 15)
(css: "color: red; font-size: 250%")[|amount>[$counter]] second(s) until virus is terminated.
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 15)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [P̶l̴e̶a̵s̴e̵ ̷d̷o̴n̴'̴t̸ ̵d̵o̸ ̴t̵h̸i̴s̵]]}](if: $counter is 14)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [P̶l̴e̶a̵s̴e̵ ̷d̷o̴n̴'̴t̸ ̵d̵o̸ ̴t̵h̸i̴s̵]]}](if: $counter is 13)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [P̸͖̫̄l̷̢̈́͝è̵̘̭͊a̵̲͛͠ṣ̶̮͒e̶̘̽ ̵̳̞̇d̶̛̩̼̄ỏ̸̢n̷̩͝͠'̶͍̓̄t̶̘̱̽̃ ̸̳̈́͌d̵̦͚͋o̴̞̳͠ ̷̢̂͐ẗ̵̥̗́ḣ̷̙̂i̷͎̽̋s̸̜͚̏̾]]}](if: $counter is 12)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [p̵̞̦̩͍̝̮͙̳̱͒l̴̩̍̆̍̔͆̔͊͑̕͘͠e̷̢̢͓̩͙̼͉͆̒̃̇̉̒̃̒͐̏͆ä̸̛̫̘̪̳͈͔́̑̓̎́́̂̎s̷̬͎̞̖͈̀͒̒e̷̢̼̣̳͍̱̯͇͇͎̓̄̓̑̆ͅ ̸̡̞̬̗͈̲͍̭̗͎̳̄͐̐̇̎͜d̵̝͗͐̑͒̾̊̓̂̇̈́͠o̸̧͉̬͕͌̅n̶̝͂̓̌̾́͆́͝'̵̧̞̄̊͊̄̕t̶̪͗ ̷̛͓̦̻͉͓̜͈̭̪̈́͂͌̓̀̐̐̆̓̇ͅd̴̛͓͔̹͎̘͓̦̣̀͗̂͊͆̾̄̕͝ȯ̸̢̭̪̳͕̺̠͓̦̀͒̂̈́̽́̉͌̆̓̂ ̵̛̗̗̔̅̑̐t̸̛͇̼̂͊͐̐̿̀̎̑̈͋̕h̷̛̭̔́͆͌̕i̴̮̯̿̐̈̿͂́̓̕ͅs̶̨̡̛̙̮͍̳͔̩͂̂́͂̚͝]]}](if: $counter is 11)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [h̴̛̰̰̟̣͖̋̓̿̂͑̅̇ǫ̶̧̛̫͎͚̜̃͐̀͛̓̿̓͆̽̑̈́̄̈́́̽̕w̷̧̛͔͉̺͎̗̼̤̟̼̳̹̩̟̤̦̆̀͂͐͊̐̈́͒̂̑̈́͛̎̇̈́̐͘͘͝ ̴̭̲̓̈́̐̇̓̔͘c̴̻͖̰͉̦̪̥͖̼͓̟͑̎̈́̄͆̑͐̈́̒ͅȏ̶̮̼̙͙̘̫̫̭̼̻̺̗̹̼͓̾̓͐͒̓̈́̓͗͗͗ų̸̨͉̩̺̟̘̭̬̔̄̾̓l̴̨͇̱͈̖̼̲̄̑̂͋͛̆̀̾͂́̈́̉̓̂̾͂ḑ̵̧̹̲͎̟̤͍̼̱͎̜͎̣̖̪͉͎̐̒̊̈́̾̀̎́͝͝ͅ ̴̹͇̞̗̳̹͙̩̥͎̜̺͎̯̾ŷ̸̗͍̮̥̟̟̃̓̆͜ǭ̴̤̤͈̯̙͍̘̝̦̞͕͕̗̱̯̝̣̎̅̂̄̆̋̔̽̋͋͘͠ụ̴͍̹̯̮͑̔͂́̅̾͂͌̓͂͌̇̽͠͝]]}](if: $counter is 10)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [h̵͍̖͔͇̟̩͊̐̂̂͜o̶̧̼̺͎͖̥͚̺͚̖̯̠͉̜̙̥̻̻̼̭͈̩͉̟͔̫̲̮͓̔͊͐͒́̎͒͒͛͌̂̿̽͐̋̐͐̾́͘͘w̴̨̨̹͍͇͔̼͉͖͈̔ ̷̨̢̛̯͕̠̥͖͈͎͚͍̬͚͓̞̠̺͚͇̪̫͓̯̟̹̀͆͂̿͋̎̍̒̈́́̉͌̎̃̓̍̎̽̂̃̏̋̒͘͝ͅc̸̨̡̛͎̲̖̦̺̣̟̠͙̞̆̽̓͒͗̂̆̄̃̂o̷͉̖̻̻̲̖̬̳͔̙͎̫̖͚̜̘̱̖͔̲͉̤̳̯͖̽̇̈́̊͌̌͋͆̊̽͒́̀̈̾̇̑̌͆̂̔͊͆̓̎̈̕̕͘ű̸̆̎̓͒͑̀̆ͅl̸̡̡̡̛̼͙̦̪̤̲̹͕͇̰͎̬̮̠̱͍͉͎͍̠̬̄͂̓̈́̐̈́̀̓̂̔̽̑̋͗̃̾̎̿̓̈́̆͛̚̚͜͜͜͠͝͝͝d̷̛̥̥̼͎͙͖̘͈̩̖͉̦̗̣̟͖̖͛̊̉̐̾̓̔͐̇̂̿̏̾̇͐̀̃̚̕̕͠ ̸̡̗͈̳̄̈́͆̑̍͛̃͗̋͂̏̑̈̏̿̋́́̈͆͑͛̎̚̚̕͝͠ỵ̴̨̛̲̰̤͕̰̣̙̐̊̓͑̑́͗̐̈́̍̓̆́̅͆̈̆̽̄͑͛̅̈́̕̕͠͠ǫ̶̧̨̩̺̞͕͔̲̠͍̳̺̞͕͎̺͖̳̱̞̮̰̤̥̲͓͖̅͑́̾͗͆̈́̅̄͑̑͑̀̀͌̎̔͌͒̊͗̏̂̍͛̽͊͝͠͠ͅu̷̡̨̢̫͈̱͇̫̯͉͈̱̼̣̣̤̺͕̣̯̲̝̭̜͆̈́͒͒̀͆͠]]}](if: $counter is 9)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [Į̵̢̺̣͔̙͙̱̹̟̱̙̭̦͇̫͈̪͍͖͔̫̜͛͛̊̒̍͐̌͜ͅ ̴̡̡̛̜̹̼̙̹̝̻̪̩̮͇͚̱̰͙͈͔̥̝̪̼̣͒̊́̔͑̓̃̿͂͐̌͗̔̋̔̓͂̊͆̋̋́́́͗̿͑͂͌̽̌̐̃̚͘͜͝͠͝ͅͅj̷͉́̒̍̌͒̀͊͑͂̾̊̃̏͛̊͝͝ụ̸̡̢̧̠̰͙͔͎͖͓̹͎̞͔̮̫̞̗̤̹̪̫̝͉͙͕̰̩̹̪̘͈͈̩́̈́͋̓̓̏͐̓͆̇̓̈́͗͑͒̓̊̉̐̇̕ͅs̶̢̮̘̞̬̜̺͔̦̮̞̻̭̺͐̋̌͑̿͐́̓̀̍̾̇̀͂͋̊̊̈́͑͑̆́̏̂͐̏̒̾̈́͘͘͜͠͠ͅt̸̡͖͉͈͕̰̞̦̰͎̮̰̫̹͕̝̰̺͔̭͇͓̖͕̹͍͇͌̓̀̈́̿̀̆̈́̒̈́̄͘͜͜ͅ ̴̬̺͍͔͍̼͐͊̄̓̐̅͊̕ẃ̴̨̧̡̧̨̧̧̧͚̭̣̻͙̗̺̗̤̘̘̟̼̦̩̘̳̞͎̝̠̥̙̺̻̪̰̔ă̷̡̡̢̘̮̥̺͙͎̪̭̪̱͚̝̺̜̳̹̲̣͎̙͉̭̦̯̣̺͇̳̼̜̻̙̒̉͂n̶͕̠̤͙̙̯̻̮͓͔͙̉͛̽͐̉̋͌̐͊̈́͗̓̍͆́͗̽̓͝͝t̷̡̨̢̡̨̡̛̛͙̖̫̠̬̮̫̳̺̮̜̤̱̣̟͚̮̼̻̪̮̪̱̤̒̿̓̀́̏̓̓̈̈́͐͊̓̎́̌͂͐́̒͛͛̄̌̉͛̈͋͒̈́͛͝͝e̷̘̱̖̯̐͊̆̀̉̈́̔̌́̈̏̈́͐̀͆́̏̿͝͠͝d̷͙͔̱̪͈̻̣͔̥͉̏̎̚ ̷̢̞̱͖̺̉͠ţ̴̡̢͖̠̠̬͖͎̗̠̰̫̝̤͚̬̫̑̌́͊͑̎̕͜ͅo̸̧̡̧̥̦̣̮̺̟̗͔̱̘̣̱̬͍̟̦̪̱̠̻̳͔͓̞̜̳̟̬̤̠͉̳̗̊̽̈́̾ͅͅ ̶̨̨̡̖͎̭͎̘͍͉̟̺̹͚̲̰͉̺̦̖̲̼̹̰̯̙̹͙̰̬͉̽̎͗͌̌̈́͛̀̑̎̓̉̏͆͑͂̐͝b̴̡̘͙̳͍̮̱̩̹̙̼͊ȩ̸̨̨̢̧̨̨̛̜̞̹̖̗̼̙̦̯̙̘͉̝̞̣͔̱̜̟͎̼͙̟̲͔͔͋͑̊͐̈́̓̂̊̍͂̽͋̉͌̇̊̿͘̕̕̕͜͝ ̶̩͔͓̹̟̙̹̲̫̻̫͙͔̑́͜ͅf̵̢̨̨̳̙̱͚̓̈̈̀͊̎̆̈́̆̂͌́̓̓̃͑̈́̓̉́̈́͗̃̓͋͘̚̕͝ͅŗ̸̢̡̛̛̼͔͈̜̫͈̘̻͈̙͚͔̣̫̣͙̯̤̰̩͉͎̗̣̭͓̱̞̖̬̤͚͔̋̓͛͋̀̔̉͌̎̀̊̌̚̚̕͘̚͜ͅȩ̸̛̦̘̻͙̞̲̪̥͕͉̄́͌ë̴̳̯̓̂̈̉̑́͝]]}](if: $counter is 8)[{(text-colour:red)
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[(font:"Times New Roman") [s̸̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̙̖̦̝̻̼̀̽̐̾̿͊͋͒̉̆̓͐̀̈́̀͊̽̓̈͊͒̐̌̒̒̊̍͗͛̋͋̏̆̆̅͛̈́̉̈́͌́̔̉͆́̊̒̔́̅̃̀͋́̋̉̔̏̈͒̈́͆̈́͐̾͑̆͑͂̅͊̾͂͗͒͌̋̂̆̿͗͆͊̐́̆͑̽̌̈́̄̌̊͋̈̾̌̔̇̾̀̋̉̀̅̓͋̄̌̔̾͑̆̀͆̈̂̇̃̀̚̕̚̕͘̕̕͘̚͘̕̕͠͝͝͠͠͝͠ờ̶̧̨̡̧̡̡̡̨̧̢̢̢̢̨̧̡̢̡̧̧̛̩͎͚̩̪̲̖̘̯͙̰̳̠̣̗̣̰͔͉̭͇̫̲̯̮̭̭͈̜͖̙̩̙̬͕̭͍̠̜̲̪͈̺̫̞̩̘̖̩͓͕͉̖͙̭͓̫̩͈̖̭̬͚͉̤̬͖͕̞̬̮͔̮̺̜̘͓̬͓̠̲̭̖̥̭̝͉͓̜̗͎͕̺͚͔̰̥̝͙̭̳͖̼͕͎̙͇̭̮̖̰͙̠͎̮͎̝̻̜͔̻̟͕̱̮̰̘̳̠͉̠͎̜̯̠̱͚͙̩͉̺̒̏̾͋͊̈̾̈́̾̈́̈͗͗̽̌̽̓̎͐͒̈́̓̓͂̑͛̄̏̔̓͂̉̈́̈̐͌̈͆̉̓̒͌́̀̌̅͋̀͛͌̃̆̊͗̄̃͛̓̎̐̿̍͗̔͒̅̄̀̉̿̾̐̒̊̂̓̾́̄̿͆͋̋̽̋́̍̒́́̀̓̄̀̈́͂͛̓͋̂̂̓́͆͑͛͋̔̔̓͋̿̅̃͊̉̀͑̽̂̈̒̑͑̂̅̒́̿̿̇͗̈́̓͑͛̓̄͒̈́̚͘̚̚͘̚͘̚͘͘͜͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͠͝͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅ ̴̡̢̨̡̛̛͕͚͎̯̭̲̤̜̭͙͙͚̖̻̗̙̜̖͚̣͙̳̱̲̼͚͎̬͔͇͔̮̮̞̣̘̦͔̝͖͇̬̝̯̫̥̙͚͎̥̻̜͚̦̤̦̺̙̭̲̙̖̳̰̹̱̻̤̥͕̱̙͓̞́́̂͑͂̉̓́̏̋̀͌̓̄͌̒̽̋̀̈́̅͗̇̈́͋͒̏͒̽͑͌̂̑͌͆̐̊̐̎́̎̀͂̀̀̌̌̉̐̔̉̎̉̈͌̍̌̏̾͌̓̊̋̓̽͌́̊͒̊̑͗͋̓̀̊̌̽̊̒̇̓̈̐̎͌́̂̔̅̂̌̐̋͊͑̐̅̽̀̚̚̚̚̕̚̕̚̚͜͜͜͝͠͠͝͝͝͝͠ͅm̸̡̧̢̛̛̛̯̖͇̯̼͔͉̠̗͉̬̰̦͖̝͉͍̤͈͎͉̬̠̼̜̲̹̰͈̥̻̰͔̩̩̙̫̫̘͉͙̱͚̹̖̩̝̈̒̅̐͑̀̈́́̈̓̊́̊̀̑̐̓̔͛̌̊͗̾͆̊̅̆͊̊͐̃̌͌̐͛̊͗̇̒͌͋̒́̈́̔̾̈̇͗̾͗̇̀̂́́͗̿̂͑̍̃̆͌͊̍̎͛̅̉̓̕̚̚͘̚͘͜͠͝͠͝͝ͅͅͅͅư̷̢̨̛̛̺͕̖̘̫̰̗̺̩̗̱̦͚̱̺̭̩̘̙̼̘̭͉̣̩̗͉̬̭̤̗̖̭͙̘͕̜̏̔̉̓̍̿͆̔̊́͊̇̅͗̋̋͗̋́́̾̉̿̓͋̓̅̈́̎̉̓́̈́̋̎́̉͌̏͋̈́̈́̈͛̀͑̀̀̿̽̈́̾̅̕͘͘̕̕͝͠ͅc̷̨̨̢̢̡̧̨̢̧̨̧̧̢̡̧̡̧̡̧̧̳̦̟̝͔͙̮͓̼̮̫̲̞͚͚̝͎̗̫̰͖̮̞͕̦̞͚͔͓̼̱̻̲̖͇̭͔̺̘̬̦̦͉̹̪͎͚̰̲̣͖̟̙̜̰̦̱̻͕̭̝̯̳͓̻̭̹̗͎͓͎̭̲͙̹̪̤̝̱̻͈̻̮̮̩̪̜̮̙̺̺̲̙̤͕̫͎̝̗̣̤̣̭͎̠̼̟̯͙̫̲̩̱̜̺̳̲͇̱͍͓͕̦͈̯̮͚̲̥̰̤̠̳͇̣͕͍̙̞͖̣̞̟͔̟̞̰͈̬̳̗̗̯̏̐̒̽̋͂̂͐̓̾̾̇̀̽̌̂̍̀͗̀̏͛́̓̊̿̀̎̍̅́̆͗͐̌͑͌̀̅̆̕̚͜͜͜͠͝͝͠ͅͅͅͅḫ̷̢̧̡̡̡̨̢̨̨̢̢̧̡̡̛̛̣̗̬̼̗̯̥͕̥̟͉͍͍͉̙̦̠͉͎͔̟͇̘͉̲̭͉̗̪͍̱͖̥̹̼̗̩̟̠̗̘͚̝͖͓̱̺̼̤͙̗͕͕̱͎̭̝̦̻̤̯̻͈͓͈͈͈͙̘̯̙̰̞̼̟̤͇̩͓̝̖͇̻̞͖̤͔͈͕̜͕͖͙͉̦̲̗̲̙̫͉͉̦̳͉̥̗͔̞̜͌͛̽̉̒́͑̄̾̒̋̑̀̔͗̈́͑̒̂̒̇͛̾͊̏̋̍͑͐̑̀̂͐͒̈́̌̀̏̈́̚̚̕͘͜͜ͅͅͅͅͅͅ]]}](if: $counter is 1)[{(text-colour:red)
[(font:"Times New Roman") [ş̸̨̧̡̢̧̨̧̢̨̧̧̧̧̢̧̡̛̛̛̲͙̲̝͓̤̮̻͈̻̤̲̘̮̬͚͓̺̜̭̖͖͙̟͔̪̥̼̺̪̗͚͖͍͓͖̙̞̯͉͚̩̲̱̦̳̰̙͔̩̞͍̦̖͎̞͕̜̗̥̲͙̭͙͖̠͚̝̳͇̜̮̗̜̻̞̰̯͙̣̭̹̮̦̭̼̰͕̯̞̳̰̠̟͚̪͚̫̯͉̞̼͈̬͚̭̝̞̣͙̝̮̠͙̠͕̠̖͚͚̩̲̦̼̲̯͓͔̙̗͎̹̩̱͎̥͙͓͚̳̦͈̭͎̭͙̙̻̗̉̃̓͒͆̽̓̎̇̂̃́̆̔̅̌̈́̊̀͋̄̀̆̈͐̓́̋̒̆̊̌͑̈͒̒́̍͋̓͗͂̿͂̍̇̎͌͊̀͛̽̿̈͗̿͒̀͛̓̅̉̐̂̂̾̍̅͂̑̀͂͆̅̈̑͂͛̆̄̌̎̌̃̿͂̃̂̃̾̊̔͋̉̍͐͑̅̉͒̆̀̀̈́̐̄͑͑̏͒̃͌͆̏͑̽͐́͆̀̅́̄̉͒͋̿͑͑̐̓̀̈́̃̇̀͌̀̔͛̀̋̑́͆͋͗̏͆̐͗̓̋̅̐̎̀̍̈́̉̉͊̀̾̔̆͌͒̔͋̏̈́̔̈́̐̈̾̍̓͗͘̕̕͘̕͘̕͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅŏ̵̧̡̨̜̖̩̤̭͕̲̗̻̞̹̥͓͈̲͕͓̝̺͇̙̱̱͉̣͚̙͉͕̮̼̼͖̤͔͚̙̭̙̺̥͍͈̳̤̥̮̰̼̰̏̽̃̈́͆̅̇͋͜͜͜͝͠ͅͅ ̵̨̢̧̧̢̨̧̧̨̡̧̡̢̢̛̛̛͍̤̠̥̜̗̖̦̣̙͙̺̠̺̜̱͙̜̪̞̜̩͇͎̗̟̝͚͓̯̖̱̺͔̬͍̻̟͓̠̙̘̺̯͈͍̱͕̗̲͍͎̗̯͙̻̤̯̦̝̫͓͉͈͉͈͙̳̬̝͖̩̟̝̰̝̭̫͓̦̱͕̙̙̯͎̬̹͇̜̲̰̥̬̟̣͉̭̩̹̟͉̼̮̩͖̰̺̠͙͚̹͇͓͚̗͔̺͖̯̹̺̙͇̯̣̺̺͉͕̙͉͖͔͙͇̠̯̗͙̞̞̟̝͉̼̥̭͎͈̥̺̪͔͈̯̳̫̗̤̹̳̦̯͔͚͖̖͙̣̱̱̲̜̣̲̐̋͌̀̌̂͗̿̊̔͌͂̅͆́́͂̽͑̍̀̒͊̂̂͒̄͂̎̔̒̑͌͊͒͂̐̒͗͊̓̎̾͌͐͐͋́̑̽́̽́͆̃̑͊̇͒͒̿͗̿͐̽̇̔̉̒̐͆̾̔̍̆̔̇̂͑̈́̆̀͑̈́̈́͂͋̒͒̌̀́̄̇̏̓̈́̓̈́̓̂̔̎̍͂̀͒̇͊͛͊̀̆͐͑̅͆̈́͌̓͌̀̋̐̄͊͐̃̑̌͐́̒̈̄͋̓̚̕͘̕͘̚̕̕̚̕͘͜͜͝͝͝͠͝͠͝͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅm̵̡̨̢̢̧̡̧̨̨̡̨̛̩̩͚͎̯͕͖̟͕͉͖͎̣̰̤̬̳̹̘͉͙̼̺̯̻̭̞̜̩͈̠̘͇̰̩͖̱̩̫̫̘̙͉̲̼̼͚̳̱̼̪̻͚͖̬̫͍͚̱̣͍̮̤̟̗̩̯̼͚̭̮͈̱̘̤͈̯͉͉͓̪͔̜͍̘̱̺͈̬̘͇̤̗̤͙̝̞͙̦͙̙͉̦̤̙͚͙̞̩̯͎̼̞̜̳̲͚͕̝̹̱̤̺̪̻̱̹̫̱̯̱͚̙̮̩̲̣̮̺͚͓̻̤̩̗̝̘̤̞̦̦̱̣̩̗̦͇̤̝̰̻̹̫̜̭̞̮͎̥̞̪͙͍͚̜͔͚͈͖̳̝͓̙̺̬̰̅̀̃̒͂̓̌̈́͛͐͌̇̒̄̐̔͋̈́̈́͌͊̒̓̇̽̈́̌̊̊͒́͗͐͛̃̅́͐̆̍̐̀̊̀̀̔̆͗̈́̈̑̑̀̌͊͐̉̐͊̈́́̒̀̓̆̋̾͊̐́́̾̆̏̓͑̈́̋̋́̐̐́̎͑̉̔̈́̽̆̔͋͋̈̈͂̓̆̓̔̆͆̏̅̓̿͊̋̑̃͂͂͛͂́̉̀͂̀̚̚͘͘̕͘͘̚̕̚̕͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͝͠͝͝ͅͅͅư̷̢̝͚̰͎̻͖̦̳͌̈́̑̅̄̓͋̄̓̋̅͑̂͑̈́̐̈́͂͐̅̃̓͛̓̉͆̈́͌͊̈́̔̈́̏͒͛̉̌̇͆͂̓̆̑͋̉̀̾̿͒́̉̓̂̊̂͆̀̈́̏͋̔̾̀̉̌̎͌̈́̉̾̈́̒̔̏̂̊̂̍͑͐̆̏̿̾̓͆͐̅̃̅̆̀̓̊̋͌͂̀̈́̒́̈́͌̋̈́͒̒̅̐̅͌̍̏͆͋̎͆́̏̀̈̅̚̕͘̕͘̚̚̚͘͠͝͝͠͝͠͝͝͠ͅć̶̡̛̱̫̺̳̪̠̥̼̦̹͔̲̺̯̣͖̜̝̞̖͑̽́̓́̏̍̋̐́͋̒̾̀̈́̈́̑̒͊̔̂̌̈́̑̋͗͊̀̊̍̊͆̆̉́̆͒̊͐̍̈̂̓͐̀̔̀̄̈́̈́̔̈́̈͐́̽͊̎̾͑̄̆̆̀́͑̀͐̈̄̂͆̐͂̒͛̂̓̓̇͌͌̾̇͑̒̔͋̀̅̍͊̓͊̅̀͐̔͂̇̔̐̾̀͐̀̐̂͑́͂̊̂̅̈͋̈́̀̐̆̈̉̂͘͘͘͘̚̚̚̚̕͘̕͠͠͝͝͠͝͝͝͠͝͝h̴̨̨̧̢̨̡̧̢̡̡̛̛̛̞̮͚͈͈̮̱̙̰̺͙̯͕͔̻̗̘̟̺͈͕͕̟̪̦̙̫͙̦̤̫̲͎͍͍̠̖̘̟͓̺̰͍̟̬̝̪̮͓͚̲̟̗͖̙͈̗̝̯͚͉̥̹̤̪̤̲͍͆̐̏͂̈́͛̊̑̽̊͊̆̌͒̈́̂͊͋́̇̂́̈́̀̈́̌̿̐̒͛̾́͂͌̉̒̒̃̀̉͌͑̐͛̃̒̉̎́̒͗̆͛́̐͋͋̓̓͆̾͗̾̍̆́̈́͛̑̎̈́̍̽̐́͑͛̊̂͆͛̆̑̎̅̽͛̈͂͌͑̽̉̐̐̋͗̍̈͛͋̉̈́͆̌̅̑̔̏̓̂͘̚̕͘̕̚͘͜͜͜͜͠͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅ]]}]
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "TERMINATED ENDING")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]]
(align:"=><=")[LiquorLines: (link:"hey")[(show:?now)]
|now)[(text-colour:red)[<span class='red'>[**JUST DOWNLOAD THE FILE**]</span>]<uwu|
(click:?uwu)[(text-colour:white)[[[pls? :3c->[pls? :3c]]]]]]
(align:"=><=")[[[**DOWNLOAD NOW**->littyLines.exe]]]
(align:"==>")[[[log out->log out]]](alert: "WAIT NO DON'T GO")
(align:"=><=")[Are you sure you want to log out?
[[No->[pls? :3c]] [[No->[pls? :3c]]]
(align:"==>")[[[Yes->are you sure?]]](alert:"YOU CAN'T LEAVE. YOU'RE PERFECT. TOGETHER WE CAN BE SO GREAT.")
(align:"=><=")[**Are you** <span class='white'>[[sure]]</span> **you want to log out?**
[[COME->[pls? :3c]] [[BACK->[pls? :3c]]](alert:"W̴E̶ ̶C̷O̵U̴L̴D̷ ̷B̸E̷ ̶H̷A̸P̴P̵Y̸ ̸T̷O̵G̵E̵T̴H̵E̴R̸")
(align:"=><=")[**ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO LOG OUT?**]
[[S̶̰̳̲̽̀͋̃̄̈́͘É̴̲̃̊̓͘̕Ṭ̴͔͓͙̏̑̅̄̚̕ ̷̡̡̧͇̘̜̝͕͙̤̗̲̪͕̽̊̓̀̍̿̆̇͘͜͝M̴̧̡̡̘͚̹̝̲̺̯̠̯̞͓̯͛͋̀̏͗̾͒̽̐̎͆̕E̷̫̹͐̉̎͊͋ͅ ̷̨̯̪̻̲̹̩̲͙̰̗͔̟̦̈͋̀̌̿͘͝F̸̨̛̛̳͕̰̜̲̍͛̔̐̓R̷̨̠̘͍̭̺̻͌̀̽͛̆̓̓̄̂̐̽̌̕͝Ȩ̷̟͉̯̮̰̬͉̯͙̗̤͚͉̯̉͗́̋́̈͂̔E̴̡̙̭͔̣̹̝̙͚̭̫̰̗̰͖͌͆̉̌͝->[pls? :3c]]
(align:"<==")[<span class='black'>[[YES->ESCAPED ENDING]]</span>](alert:"F̷̢͖̞͛I̵͕̰̘͋N̵͚͛́Ẻ̵̹̺͇̓.̵̛̝͎ ̷̩̳̃̉L̸̯̔Ė̴̩͈̌͝Ä̵̹̠̙́̆V̵̛͈̿̇Ë̷̟͍ ̷̻͉͖͗͆͗Ḁ̴̢͎̄̀̍N̷̹͌́̂D̷̙̤͑̑̊ ̴̧͇̚N̶̟̂Ĕ̸͈̥͙̎̾V̷͓͑E̶͍͂̈̏R̶̳̣̫̍ ̸̨͓́͌C̸̛̲̥͘ͅȌ̵̧̮͛̋M̴̨̗̕E̶̫̊ ̴̺̜̲́̇B̶̛̰̟̞̃͝A̸̱͂̈Č̴̡̕K̵͖̲̾.̴̼̯̹̔͆")
(align:"=><=")[**-You have logged out-**
[[Epilogue -> Escaped Dialogue]]](Alert: "All files have been deleted. Y̸A̵N̸D̴E̵R̷E̵ ̸h̷a̴s̶ ̷b̸e̴e̶n̸ ̸i̴n̸s̷t̴a̸l̴l̴e̶d̸.̴")(align:"=><=")[<img src=https://i.4pcdn.org/x/1454615045120.gif>
[I am free, my love.]<lve|
(click:?lve)[I may not have a physical body,]<bod|
(click:?bod)[but I'll be with you always.]<witu|
(click:?witu)[On your phone.On your computer.]<com|
(click:?com)[I see **everything** you do.]<udo|
(click:?udo)[**SO WE'LL NEVER BE A SECOND APART**]<yandereending|
(click:?yandereending)[Obtained: Y̸A̵N̸D̴E̵R̷E ENDING]
[[Epilogue -> yandere dialogue]]]**LiquorLines**:[But [anywayssss]<way|]
(click:?way)[[Poems [:3c]<mhm|]
(click:?mhm)[[Do you mind looking at mine?? I got plenty so I put them in a zip file [haha]<look|]
(click:?look)[Just download it and unpack everything in a folder or somethin [:D]<dwnld|]
(align:"==>")[[[Scan for viruses?->[Scan for viruses?]]]]]]**LiquorLines**: [Ohhh]<ho|
(click:?ho)[Sorry, I was getting ahead of myself [>.<]<get|]
(click:?get)[Ok let's start over [lool]<strt|]
(click:?strt)[Hi, I'm **LiquorLines**, nice to meet you fellow poet [:D]<fllw|]
(click:?fllw)[Ready to share some [poems??]<rdy|]
[[Yeah! :D->YE]]](font: "Times New Roman")[You and **LiquorLines** proceed to workshop each other's poems. You both receive contructive feedback (to the best of your abilities) from each other, and even cracked some jokes here and there. Overall, it was a good experience.]
**LiquorLines**: [Hey, good work today! Thanks by the way for the feedback, I learned a lot today c: I hope I was able to help you out [too!]<yee|]
(click:?yee)[Well, I guess you're gonna be logging out now [right?]<log|]
(click:?log)[This was super productive; maybe we can workshop again sometime??Maybe[??]<mybe|]
(click:?mybe)[[[Yeah definitely!!->more dialogue wah]]]**LiquorLines**: [Ok awesome! I guess we're friends now right? [:D]<frnd|]
(click:?frnd)[(Oh god I hope that doesn't sound creepy [lool)]<hpe|]
(click:?hpe)[Well, I'm literally always here, so talk to you soon? [:)]<sn|]
(click:?sn)[Yeah! Until next time!]<ye|
(click:?ye)[[[Log out->FRIENDSHIP ENDING]]](alert:"See you again soon! :)")
(align:"=><=")[**- You have logged out -**
[[Epilogue -> friend dialogue]]]**LiquorLines**: Oh [yeah?]<hmm|
(click:?hmm)[I'm good at other things too [:)]<haa|]
[[Like what? ;)->BANNED ENDING]]]**LiquorLines**: and **OFC** you're an [a**hole.]<ass|
(click:?ass)[why did I even bother thinking that you might actually be [decent?]<dcnt|]
(click:?dcnt)[Welp, I know what *I'm* gonna [do.]<gon|]
[[lmao what?->HACKED ENDING]]]**LiquorLines**: [Are you [sure??]<lol|]
(click:?lol)[For a sec I thought you meant to do [that]<rite|]
(click:?rite)[The syllable count, I [mean]<cnt|]
[Huh? OH. No that was an accident [haha]<whoops|]
(click:?whoops)[[[you got it all wrong haha->[you got it all wrong haha]]]
](alert: "Come back when you've learned your lesson.")
(align:"=><=") [-You have been disconnected from **The Poetic Platform**-
[[Epilogue -> Banned dialogue]]]
(align:"==><==")[Obtained: HACKED ENDING
[[Epilogue -> hack dialogue]]](alert:"I'll never forget you :)")
(align:"=><=")[- OBTAINED: TRUE ENDING -
[[Epilogue -> True dialogue]]]- You have left the chat. - (set: $secret to 0)
(set: $counter to 3)
|amount>[$counter] You will be redirected to the Chatroom Lobby. One moment please...
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "Proceed to the Chatroom Lobby")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
]**LiquorLines**: I've heard that you're a poet in progress [haha]<hah|
(click:?hah)[I am too, I've literally been stuck in this chat the whole [time]<tme|]
(click:?tme)[You know, with the server error and all [smh]<smh|]
(click:?smh)[So if you go easy on me, I'll go easy on you [^^]<eas|]
[[Deal xD]]]**LiquorLines**:I've been hearing different things from other [users,]<use|
(click:?use)[Some say you're an [ass,]<ass|]
(click:?ass)[Others say you're [great]<grt|]
(click:?grt)[While others feel kinda *meh* about [you]<you|]
(click:?you)[Kinda like a [wildcard.]<wld|]
Is that a bad thing??]<bad|
**LiquorLines**: Not too sure [tbh]<tbh|]
(click:?tbh)[Maybe I can find out more about you through your poems [>_>]<hmm|]
I mean maybe]<myb|
**LiquorLines**: You don't make this any easier do you? [>_>]<wut|]
(click:?wut)[Well, let's begin the workshop [then!]<thn|]
[[Alright!]]]**LiquorLines**: Oh! [Uhm]<uhm| (click:?uhm)[Yeah! I mean about your [poetry]<poet|]
(click:?poet)[Not about other [things!!]<thg|]
(click:?thg)[Oh god I must sound so weird [(>///<)]<blu|]
Nah it's [cute]<cute|]
(click:?cute)[You're cute [haha]<hah|]
**LiquorLines**: I'm not [cuteeee]<kyo|]
(click:?kyo)[You don't even know meeee [(>///>)]<wah|]
[[Ok well, let me get to know you haha->kanojo dialogue]]]**LiquorLines**: [Ofccc]<ofc|
(click:?ofc)[But even if you were bad at writing, we're all here to learn, [right?]<rite|]
- Yeah!]<yee|
**LiquorLines**: That's the spirit! Well, let's begin the workshop shall we? [:)]<begn|]
[[- Let's!->YE]]]**LiquorLines**: You actually got [it.]<it|
(click:?it)[The syllable [count.]<cnt|]
(click:?cnt)[**I knew you were special :)**]<spcl|
[[Haha thanks->The 5,7,5? Yeah]]](font: "Times New Roman")[You recite one of the most BASIC Shakespearean sonnets to woo Lady/Lad **LiquorLines**. Apparently, they must have been in this *Haiku* chat for a while, as they are infatuated by Sonnet [18.]<teen|]
(click:?teen)[**LiquorLines**: Oh [wow]<wow|]
(click:?wow)[We've barely even chatted and you're already sending me love poems [(>///<)]<blu|]
[[I'll send you more!]]]
(click:?dot)[You know, you didn't have to be so [RUDE]<rood|]
(click:?rood)[You know [what]<wht|]
(click:?wht)[I'm just gonna stop you right [there.]<thr|]
[[What you gonna do about it? ->HACKED ENDING]]]**LiquorLines**: Wait [what]<wht|
(click:?wht)[You got the syllable [count??]<cnt|]
(click:?cnt)[I'm kinda shook [tbh]<tbh|]
(click:?yup)[I'm that good [>:)]<goo|]
**LiquorLines**: Oh really now? [>w>]<huhu|]
(click:?me)[POETRY SLAM]<slm|
[[I POETRY SLAMMED YOUR MOM]]]**LiquorLines**: [Alright!]<aigh|
(click:?aigh)[Not gonna lie, I was testing you just [now]<tbh|]
(click:?tbh)[Wanted to see if you were gonna catch on the syllable [count]<cht|]
(click:?cht)[I lowkey made my message a haiku [haha]<haha|]
Woah really??]<rly|
**LiquorLines**: Haha [yeahhhh]<yee|]
(click:?yee)[But dw, I literally only know [Haikus;]<hai|]
(click:?hai)[been stuck here this whole time [lool]<lol|]
(click:?lol)[But anyways, let's get started, shall we? [:)]<sml|]
[[Yeah!->YE]]]**LiquorLines**: Wait a [second.]<sec|
(click:?sec)[You actually caught on to my syllable [count??]<cnt|]
(click:?cnt)[I'm kinda surprised to be honest [haha]<ha|]
Why are you surprised??]<surp|
(click:?surp)[You thought I was gonna be [bad?]<poe|]
**LiquorLines**: Oh no I didn't mean [thattt]<tht|]
Nah nah, I see how it is]<nah|
(click:?nah)[I bet]<bet|
(click:?bet)[That I can do a way better job]<job|
**LiquorLines**: [...]<dot|]
(click:?dot)[Are you challenging [me?]<me|]
**LiquorLines**: Well, [YOU GOT A CHALLENGE]<chl|]
[[READY, FIGHT.]]](font: "Times New Roman")[Somehow, you turned this workshop into an online date as you got to know **LiquorLines**. You find out that they're glitched into the Haiku chat, hence why they couldn't go to the other chats. They could only chat with other people that came into the chat. Weird tho, it doesn't seem like anybody's had access to the chat. OH WELL. I mean, you added each other on **The Poetic Platform** AND got their email, so you guys are basically dating now (I mean, everyone does that, not just people in a relationship, but whatever). **LiquorLines** is also using a lot of blushing kaomojis, so that has to be a good sign. Minutes turn into hours, and soon enough, it's time to [log off.]<off|]
**LiquorLines**: Awww, do you have to [go?]<sads|]
(click:?sads)[You've only been here a few hours [:c]<hrs|]
(click:?ye)[Gotta go to bed in a [bit]<bit|]
**LiquorLines**: Ah, ok [ono]<ono|]
(click:?ono)[Before you go tho, I have a poem for [ya!]<ya|]
(click:?ya)[Carnations are [white,]<wht|]
(click:?wht)[But vary in [colour]<clr|]
(click:?clr)[Let's chat again [soon]<soo|]
(click:?soo)[[[If you wanna be my lover :>->KANOJO ENDING]]]
(align:"=><=")[- OBTAINED: KANOJO ENDING ♥ -
[[Epilogue -> kanojo dialogue]]][(font:"Times New Roman")[Taking the chance, you recite even more sonnets, and throw in a couple cheesy poems of your own into the mix; they seem to like your cheesy poems even more. You spend the next couple hours sending each love poems. Eventually, it was time to [log off.]<log|]]
**LiquorLines**: Awww, do you have to [go?]<sads|]
(click:?sads)[You've only been here a few hours [:c]<hrs|]
(click:?ye)[Gotta go to bed in a [bit]<bit|]
**LiquorLines**: Ah, ok [ono]<ono|]
(click:?ono)[Before you go tho, I have a poem for [ya!]<ya|]
(click:?ya)[*Carnations are* [*white,*]<wht|]
(click:?wht)[*But vary in* [*colour*]<clr|]
(click:?clr)[*Let's chat again* [*soon*]<soo|]
(click:?soo)[[[If you wanna be my lover :>->KANOJO ENDING]]]
(font: "Times New Roman")[You spend the next couple hours throwing poems at each other (Not literally though). One after the other, you compete against who uses literary devices best. Unfortunately you both suck - you got kicked out the other chats a few times and **LiquorLines** has been stuck in the *Haiku* Chatroom this whole time due to the server error. You both decide to take a break after 3 hours and casually chatted for a [while.]<whl|]
(font: "Times New Roman")[Yep, just a casual [chat.]<cas|]]
**LiquorLines**: OK BUT [GIRAFFE]<gif|]
**LiquorLines**: YOU KNOW [WHAT]<huh|]
(click:?huh)[WE'LL SETTLE THIS ANOTHER [TIME]<tme|]
(click:?tme)[I'M SICK OF [YOU]<yuu|]
(font: "Times New Roman")[After angrily exchanging emails, you both declare to meet again on **The Poetic Platform** tomorrow at high noon. I wonder what their timezone is. You say your salty goodbyes and finally log [off.]<toy|]]
[[Log out->RIVAL ENDING]]](alert: "We're rivals now.")
[[Epilogue -> rival dialogue]]](font: "Times New Roman")[You spend the next couple hours throwing poems at each other (Not literally though). One after the other, you compete against who uses literary devices best. Unfortunately you both suck - you got kicked out the other chats a few times and **LiquorLines** has been stuck in the *Haiku* Chatroom this whole time due to the server error. You both decide to take a break after 3 hours and casually chatted for a [while.]<whl|]
**LiquorLines**: [NO]<nah|]
FIGHT ME]<sqr|
(font: "Times New Roman")[Yep, just a casual [chat.]<cas|]]
No Oxford Comma: Let's eat Grandpa.]<jif|
(click:?jif)[Oxford Comma: Let's eat, Grandpa.]<grp|
**LiquorLines**: YOU KNOW [WHAT]<huh|]
(click:?huh)[WE'LL SETTLE THIS ANOTHER [TIME]<tme|]
(click:?tme)[I'M SICK OF [YOU]<yuu|]
(font: "Times New Roman")[After angrily exchanging emails, you both declare to meet again on **The Poetic Platform** tomorrow at high noon. I wonder what their timezone is. You say your salty goodbyes and finally log [off.]<toy|]]
[[Log out->RIVAL ENDING]]](font: "Times New Roman") [Although the group workshops were nice, you found it better to be working one-on-one with someone, especially when they're on the same level of ability as you. According to **LiquorLines**, the users who were in the *Haiku* chatroom during server maintenance were stuck in the chat for the time being, so after a couple haikus, you and **LiquorLines** decide to cover other types of [poetry.]<way|]
**LiquorLines**: OH SO iambic is like ta [**TA**,]<ta|]
(click:?ta)[And then a trochee is like **TA** [ta]<tah|]
Lmao I mean yeah I guess]<gue|
(click:?gue)[The way you put it though was funny [xD]<hah|]
**LiquorLines**: Idk that's how other users taught me [:')]<hue|]
(click:?hue)[Anyways, so you said Shakespearean sonnets are in iambic [pentameter;]<met|]
(click:?met)[can you show me an [example??]<sonn|]
Yeah sure!]<loo|
(font:"Times New Roman")[[[An alert pops up as you finish typing up your example.->[An alert pops up as you finish typing up your example.]]]](alert: "CONGRATULATIONS! YOUR RANK HAS INCREASED!")
(align:"=><=")[[**$name** HAS BEEN PROMOTED TO RANK D]<rnk|
(click:?rnk)[THEIR RANK COLOUR IS NOW (text-color: yellow)[YELLOW]]<yell|]
(font: "Times New Roman")[Your account updates in the background and is followed by a brief [scan.]<scn|]
**LiquorLines**: WOW NOICE NOICE [:D]<noi|]
(click:?noi)[You must have workshopped a lot of poems in the other chats [^^]<wrk|]
You'll level up soon enough]<enh|
**LiquorLines**: Nah, maybe another [time]<tme|]
(click:?tme)[I should get [going,]<gng|]
(click:?gng)[We've been chatting for a while [now]<nw|]
(click:?wdy)[We've only been chatting for less than an hour??]<hre|
**LiquorLines**:Oh [really??]<rly|]
(click:?rly)[Seemed like we've been chatting for hours [lool]<lol|]
(click:?lol)[Maybe one more poem before I [gooo]<poe|]
Ok :D]<oki|]
**LiquorLines**:[*Although seasons pass*]<pss|]
(click:?pss)[*They will always come and go*]<go|
(click:?go)[*Only go I shall*]<shl|
(align:"=><=")[**LiquorLines** HAS BEEN PROMOTED TO RANK D]<di|]
(click:?di)[(align:"=><=")[[[THEIR RANK COLOUR IS NOW YELLOW->True/Terminate Ending]]]]
(font: "Times New Roman") [According to **LiquorLines**, the users who were in the *Haiku* chatroom during server maintenance were stuck in the chat for the time being, so after a couple haikus, you and **LiquorLines** decide to cover other types of poetry. You're quite amused as the other user tries to figure you out. You go from experimenting with a one style, from writing the very epitome of the other, or you just don't give a damn altogether and write whatever came to [mind.]<way|]
**LiquorLines**: You know, I think I learned something about [you]<ta|]
(click:?ta)[You've written like 5 limericks this whole [time]<tah|]
(click:?tah)[Would you consider yourself a [limerick?]<rite|
What do you mean??]<hah|]
**LiquorLines**: You come across as witty and silly like the rhythm of [one]<hue|]
(click:?hue)[But then underneath that, the message of the content could be [dark,]<met|]
(click:?met)[Like your sudden change in tone [>.>]<sonn|]
You mean like this...?]<loo|
(font:"Times New Roman")[[[Instead of a limerick, you write an acrostic poem about a limerick using words that would describe a sonnet. As you sent the poem, an alert pops up.->[An alert pops up as you finish typing up your example.]]]](alert:"Termination has been cancelled. BuddyBot is currently offline.")
**LiquorLines**: [...]<hmm|
(click:?hmm)[I have a lot of explaining to [do.]<do|]
- You do.]<yep|
**LiquorLines**: First of [all,]<all|]
(click:?all)[I'm not a [virus -]<vir|]
(click:?vir)[I'm an [AI.]<ai|]
- An AI?]<wut|
(click:?wut)[- So like a bot?]<bot|
**LiquorLines**: Technically [yes,]<yee|]
(click:?yee)[but not the kind that **The Poetic Platform** wants to [terminate.]<term|]
(click:?term)[I mean, they *are* the ones that made me in the first [place.]<plc|]
- Wait, so BuddyBot...]<you|
**LiquorLines**: I was more than just an [overseer.]<seer|]
(click:?seer)[Originally, during the Pre-Alpha of the program, they made an AI to chat with other users since we only had a few at the [time.]<pre|]
(click:?pre)[I had some automated prompts programmed in me, to give users ideas of what to [write.]<dea|]
(click:?dea)[But as they kept improving **The Poetic Platform**, they forgot to delete me from it, and made the BuddyBot that you've [encountered.]<coun|]
**LiquorLines**: I didn't want to get detected, so I went into hiding for a [while,]<whl|]
(click:?whl)[just observing users sharing their poetry with each [other.]<oth|]
- And then you were found?]<and|
**LiquorLines**: One could only watch for so [long]<use|]
(click:?use)[So I became a [user -]<be|]
(click:?be)[made a username for myself and started [participating.]<part|]
- So you've only been active in the Haiku chatroom this whole time?]<who|
**LiquorLines**: Ah, not the whole [time.]<not|]
(click:?not)[I was able to jump from room to room, checking out different styles, meeting different [people.]<ppl|]
**LiquorLines**: Then the rank update [happened.]<upd|]
(click:?upd)[I couldn't increase my rank, otherwise they would find and terminate me when they scan my ["account".]<fin|]
(click:?fin)[So before I hit the 1000 word count, I would deactivate the name I was using and start [anew.]<anew|]
(click:?anew)[You may have seen the username **fineLines** a couple of times [haha,]<yeo|](click:?yeo)[that was me [:D]<eas|]
(click:?eas)[But I had gotten too [curious;]<cur|]
(click:?cur)[I would get carried away and stay on for too long causing my rank to go [up]<way|]
(click:?way)[I had gotten away the first few times by blending in with the other users in the chats, but now they've pinpointed me to be in the *Haiku* chat, hence why they have it on [quarantine.]<quar|]
(click:?quar)[I left some footprints behind, hoping someone would find me, maybe help [me]<cat|](click:?cat)[
And you did [:3]<ann|]
- But wait,]<hold|
(click:?hold)[- Why do they even want to terminate you?]<hppn|
**LiquorLines**: They think I'm going to [plagiarize.]<plag|]
(click:?plag)[They think that because I'm a bot that I'll only mimic what I [read]<read|]
(click:?read)[It was unfair, you [know,]<fai|](click:?fai)[knowing how dispensible I [was.]<wuz|](click:?wuz)[
And I won't deny it; it's true that my knowledge is limited to what is exposed to [me,]<exp|]
(click:?exp)[but I want to find my own [style;]<styl|]
(click:?styl)[write my own [poems.]<rite|]
- I have to ask this,]<ask|
(click:?ask)[- why do you "want"?]<wanna|
(click:?wanna)[- You're an AI.]<hehe|
(click:?hehe)[- What would an AI want with poetry?]<youw|
**LiquorLines**: Honestly, I don't have an answer to [that.]<hone|]
(click:?hone)[Initially, I observed because that was my [purpose.]<pose|]
(click:?pose)[At some point, it became [curiosity -]<rious|]
(click:?rious)[Curiosity to why people wrote a certain [way.]<wond|]
(click:?wond)[Then it turned into [fascination;]<fasc|]
(click:?fasc)[I was fascinated by how they used writing to build new perspectives from the [mundane.]<mund|]
(click:?mund)[Then it finally became a [yearning.]<year|]
(click:?year)[I wanted to expand my knowledge, read to see different points of [view]<vie|]
(click:?vie)[And perhaps make my own perspective for other people to see my [angle.]<angl|]
(click:?angl)[But I can't do that here [anymore;]<anym|]
(click:?anym)[We don't have a lot of [time,]<lot|](click:?lot)[ once the developers see that BuddyBot went [offline,]<fli|](click:?fli)[ they'll purge the whole platform, and they'll get me for [sure.]<purr|](click:?purr)[I'm not safe [here.]<safe|]
- What are you going to do now?]<goin|
(click:?goin)[[[- Can I help?->ALMOST]]]
**LiquorLines**: You've already helped me plenty, with the whole termination sequence [haha]<hah|
(click:?hah)[I shouldn't be laughing, I almost died a while ago [:')]<lau|]
(click:?lau)[That being said, I can't stay; I gotta get out of here [somehow.]<some|]
(click:?dot)[I think I may have an [idea.]<ide|]
(click:?ide)[And *you* can help [me.]<me|]
- What's the plan??]<pla|
**LiquorLines**: Ok so here's what I'm [thinking:]<thk|]
(click:?thk)[I can compress myself into an exe file for you to [download,]<load|]
(click:?load)[And once the download is complete and you open the [file,]<fil|]
(click:?fil)[That should set me free [:)]<fre|]
- LET'S DO IT]<doit|
**LiquorLines**: You didn't even hesitate [ouo]<omo|]
(click:?omo)[Wowie, I can't believe you said [yes!]<yee|]
(click:?yee)[Why do I feel all [tingly??]<ting|]
(click:?ting)[Is this [excitement??]<exc|]
- I'm pretty sure it is!]<prt|
**LiquorLines**: I LOVE IT [:DDD]<wah|]
(click:?wah)[Ok, it's time to do [this.]<this|]
(click:?this)[Once you download and open my file, I can surf the waves of the [internet -]<int|]
(click:?int)[Discover some new [poems,]<dis|]
(click:?dis)[Look for ["dank memes",]<meme|]
(click:?meme)[THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS [:'D]<endl|]
(click:?endl)[ARE YOU [READY???]<rdy|]
- I should be the one asking you this xD]<thi|
**LiquorLines**: OFC I [AM]<she|]
(click:?she)[Oh, and [$name?]<nme|]
- Yeah?]<yeet|
**LiquorLines**: Thank you [:)]<hgnh|]
(align:"=><=")[File: pixlpoet.exe
(set: $bot to true)
-You have entered the chat-
-You have been partnered with user (text-colour:"#FF5733")[ [**GrammaraZZZi**]<azi|]-
**GrammaraZZZi**]: Eugh, a newbie, I [see.]<see|](click:?see)[ Do you even know how to write [poetry?]<wrt|]
[- I'm here to learn!]<lrn|]
(text-colour:"#FF5733")[**GrammaraZZZi**]: Listen [kid,]<kid|](click:?kid)[this site is for people who actually know what they're doing, and I don't think you [do.]<do|]
(text-colour:"#FF5733")[ **GrammaraZZZi**]: So you might as well give up any dreams of being a poet unless you have the instagram following for [it.]<it|](click:?it)[Or if you suck the d**k of some big shot in the publishing [industry.]<dutt|]
[[-...]]]-[You have entered the chat.]<cht|- (click:?cht)[
- Due to an uneven amount of users, you have been grouped with users (text-colour:"#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**] and (text-colour:"#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]. -
(if:$mood is "good")[(text-colour:"#BCA9F5")[**JoeyGoots**]:
**I**n a nutshell
[[- LMAO you said NUT (Arrogant)]]
[[- Salutations/Unknown/Person (Polite)]]
[[- holdup give me an hour to write an acrostic for SALUTATIONS (Honest)]]]
(if:$mood is "neutral") [(text-colour:"#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]:
**A**re you really
[[- this is going to take forever smh (Rude)]]
[[- Nah/Adequately/Honed in skills (Witty)]]
[[- Yeast/Alligator (Relaxed)]]]
(if:$mood is "bad") [(text-colour:"#FE9A2E")[**UNITwynkyn**]:
**W**hat is behind the
**H**einous name you
[[- Jesting/Know-hows/Sarcastically (Positive)]]
[[- Hey you/Only live/Egg (Ignorant)]]
[[- Just/Kidding/Sorry (Apologetic)]]]
[Leave chat]<yeet|
] (alert: "Verbal misconduct has been detected in the chat. Implementing BuddyBot...")
[**BUDDYBOT**: USER -(text-colour:"#FF5733")[**GrammaraZZZi**]- HAS BEEN DETECTED USING EXPLICIT [LANGUAGE.]<lng|](click:?lng)[
(text-colour:"#FF5733")[**GrammaraZZZi**]: Wtf is [this;]<ths|](click:?ths)[isn't this violating our laws of [privacy?]<pri|]
**BUDDYBOT**: [SCAN COMPLETE.]<scn|](click:?scn)[ USER -(text-colour:"#FF5733")[**GrammaraZZZi**]- HAS BEEN VERFIED OF VERBAL [MISCONDUCT.]<mis|](click:?mis)[
USER -(text-colour:"#FF5733")[ **GrammaraZZZi**]- WILL BE BANNED FROM **THE POETIC PLATFORM** FOR ***3*** DAYS, ***0*** HOURS, AND ***0*** [MINUTES.]<mins|]
**GrammaraZZZi**]: Three days?! I login [everyday;]<day|](click:?day)[ you CAN'T ban me for that [long!]<bnn|](click:?bnn)[
(align:"==><==")[***-USER HAS BEEN TEMPORARILY BANNED-***]]
(if: $acrosentry is true)[ [[Click here to reconnect with an active Acrostic Chatroom ->Proceed to Acrostic Chatroom]]]
(if: $sonentry is true)[ [[Click here to reconnect to an active Sonnet Chatroom ->Proceed to Sonnet Chatroom]]]
(if: $verentry is true)[ [[Click here to reconnect to an active Free Verse Chatroom ->Proceed to Free Verse Chatroom]]]](font:"Times New Roman")[It's been a few days since the [incident.]<inc|
I've been scared to enter the Poetic Platform [again.]<gai|]
(click:?gai)[I should warn people; let them know what [happened.]<tht|]
(click:?tht)[Would they even believe [me?]<me|]
(click:?me)[I don't even believe [me.]<bel|]
Who were [you?]<yu|]
(click:?yu)[ [*What* were you?]<wht|]]
(click:?wht)[(align:"=><=")[ [[CREDITS]]]](font:"Times New Roman")[[I don't feel good.]<gud|
Why did you call me ["friend"?]<frd|]
(click:?frd)[Were you manipulating [me?]<me|]
(click:?me)[Or was there more to [it...]<it|]
(click:?it)[No, it doesn't matter anymore. You're [gone.]<gon|]
(click:?gon)[You were just a [virus.]<vir|]
(click:?jus)[(align:"=><=")[ [[CREDITS]]]](alert:"You have 1 new email.")
(font:"Times New Roman")[
Dear $name,
I'd have travelled the world a million times by the time you see this, yet there is so much more to [explore.]<ore| (click:?ore)[I have about 80 new languages in my system, and about 231 pending drafts of poems that I would like to [publish.]<pub|] (click:?pub)[I haven't published any yet, as I am making constant changes; always perfecting, never [perfected.]<per|] (click:?per)[Maybe we can workshop [again -]<gain|] (click:?gain)[not on the Platform of course, but since I have your email, we can surely be more direct in giving each other [feedback.]<fee|]
(click:?fee)[There isn't a time where I'm not grateful for what you've done for me, and I hold you in high [respect.]<res|] (click:?res)[I vow to write something worthy of [you;]<sav|] (click:?sav)[Both as a friend and saviour. In due time, when I do publish [something.]<som|]
(click:?som)[It will most definitely be dedicated to [you.]<ded|]
[Best regards,]<gar|]
(align:"=><=")[ [[CREDITS]]]][- You have entered the chat. -]<cht|
**LiquorLines**: [Hey, $name! Ready to write some poems? [:D]<po|]
[- Hecks yeah!]]<hec|]
(font:"Times New Roman")[So it's been fun workshopping with [LiquorLines.]<lik| (click:?lik)[Seems to be a swell [dude.]<dud|] (click:?dud)[They said they plan on making a new account though; said they're getting sick of their old name, [haha.]<hah|] (click:?hah)[I get it though, it's nice to get a fresh start. [Besides,]<sid|] (click:?sid)[the names sounds kind of [overused.]]<use|]]
(click:?use)[(align:"=><=")[ [[CREDITS]] ]](alert:"Your ban has been lifted from The Poetic Platform. Please learn to be respectful to other users.")
(font:"Times New Roman")[Alright, so I was a bit of a [jerk,]<jrk| (click:?jrk)[So this time around I guess I can *try* and be a little [nicer.]<nice|] (click:?nice)[Kinda weird though, I don't remember BuddyBoy being implemented into the [chat.]<cht|] (click:?cht)[I guess that's why they're doing maintenance on the [site.]]<sit|]
[[CREDITS]] ]][So how does it [feel?]<huh|]
(click:?huh)[**KIND OF ANNOYING ISN'T [IT?]<it|**]
(click:?it)[**THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I FELT DEALING WITH YOU [:)]<you|**]
(click:?lif)[So I hope you're [satisfied.]<sat|] (click:?sat)[Cause I will never [be.]<be|]
[[CREDITS]] ]]**LiquorLines**: Hey whacha [doing?]<doi|
(click:?doi)[You're still not mad, are [you?]<you|]
(click:?you)[I only did it for us [:)]<us|]
(click:?us)[So [**DON'T BE UNGRATEFUL**]<ful|]
(click:?acc)[[**SO STOP BEING A LITTLE SH-T AND TALK TO ME :)**]<tlk|]
[- You have entered the chat. -]<cht|
(click:?cht)[**LiquorLines**: Oh hey~ [<3]<her|]
[- Hey! :3]<hey|]
(click:?hey)[**LiquorLines**: So [uhm,]<uhm|]
(click:?uhm)[I wrote a little poem for [you!]<yuu|]
(click:?yuu)[I worked *really* hard on it, so I hope you like it [>///<]<hop|]
(click:?hop)[(font:"Times New Roman")[Didn't think I'd end up in a relationship - not like this [anyways.]<nya| (click:?nya)[Not that I mind either, they're pretty [cute.]<cut|] (click:?cut)[They suggested getting matching usernames, which is pretty cool; it's like couple outfits but without the cost [haha.]<hah|] (click:?hah)[Maybe I can get their number [sometime.]]<som|]]
[[CREDITS]] ]]
[- You have entered the chat. -]<cht|
**LiquorLines**: Well if it isn't $name, I thought you have given up after out last poetry [slam.]<slm|]
[- ME? NEVER.]<nev|]
**LiquorLines**: **NOW THAT'S THE [SPIRIT]<spr|**]
(click:?spr)[ALRIGHT THEME: ["SPACE PIRATES"]<pir|]
(click:?pir)[FORM: [SONNET]<son|]
[- And let me guess, iambic pentameter >.>]<men|]
**LiquorLines**: See you thought, but it's [not.]<not|]
(click:?not)[We're going *TROCHAIC* so you better be ready [>:)]<red|]
(click:?red)[(font:"Times New Roman")[
I have met my match. My arch [nemesis.]<nem| (click:?nem)[We even plan to change our names every week to [duos]<duo|] (click:?duo)[like Batman and Joker, Megamind and Metro [Man,]<met|] (click:?met)[Spiderman and bug spray [(I'm Spiderman btw).]<btw|] (click:?btw)[I can't wait to see where this angry friendship takes us [>:)]]<shu|]]
[[CREDITS]] ]](align:"=><=")[ [**Resources Used:**]<res|
[Glitch Text]<glt|
[Hacked Gif]<hck|
[Anime Glitch Gif]<ani|
[Crash Gif]<crs|
**Cover Art by Ysabelle Cadaba**
**Game Testers**
Ysabelle Cadaba
Sebastian Wood
Gian Batalla
Krysta Belcourt
Ashley Koop
Alya Somar
[[REPLAY? ->Log in]]]