“I hear your voice e-echoing…,” she seems (link-reveal:"lost.")[
You step forward from the tree that was hiding you: “Orange, thank you for coming to our island retreat. Here you get to truly unwind and relax. Before we begin, (link-reveal:"take a seat!")[
You point to the sitting pad made of (link-reveal:"tree branches")[
“I…I lo-ove this place. Trees, leaves, branches, they are all a part of a (link-reveal:"symphony")[
"Indeed, Orange, now you are here,
[["I will help you encounter your difficulties face-to-face and work through them."->encounter]]
[["I want to try to know you and figure out what brings you here. I will introduce myself first."->enjoy the journey]]
“Where shou-ould I begin? There is too much going on (link-reveal:"right now.")[
“Take your time. We can start easy. Did you feel any sense of anxiety or frustration yesterday?”
“Why was that? Why did you feel that way?”
(link-reveal:"“… I.. I don’t know… A lot has happened…”")[
(live:5s)[You hear a [[voice]] calling you from far away]]]]
“I am Dr. Thee, and I have helped people finding their strength for three decades. I love being in nature and I am a three-time sailing champion for the global competition at the(link-reveal:" North Sea")[”
“I have always want-ted to sail. I love nature as well. Hi-iking especially, listening to birds singing and the sound-d of wi-ind breezing and leaves shuffling is my favori-ite,” Orange says with (link-reveal:"excitement")[.
"I figured you are intrigued by sounds, do you prefer the sounds of
[[instruments]] or [[laundry machines]]?"]]
"Of course! Saxophone is probably my favori-ite. I find it (link-reveal:"se-exy")[," she laughs lightly, seems like it reminds her of some enjoyable (link-reveal:"memories")[
"Actually, me too. My playlist is full of it. Can you play the saxophone?" You assumes she has the musical spirit in her as a (link-reveal:"maneuver.")[
"Sadly as much as I am fascina-ating by instruments, I actually cann-not play a-any..." She looks at her finger tips, seeming somewhat (link-reveal:"worrysome.")[
"Hey Orange, real quick, I actually wanted to double check with you if you activated the tracking feature on your way here. It allows you to collect significant points on your (link-reveal:"journey.")[
"ahhh...I don't think so, what ca-an I do then?"
"This is partially what I am here for! Don't worry, I just need you to recall your journey here. Let's begin with where you started, [[the Restaurant->"RE-estaurant"]] or [[the Dorm->"DO-orm"]]?"
]]]]]The voice entangles (link-reveal:"you")[, (link-reveal:"your body")[, (link-reveal:"and your identity")[. In this voice you are the best of (link-reveal: "yourself")[.
(live:2s)[You feel free in this voice, without putting yourself in the perspective of someone who is examining Orange. Instead, you are playing a role of a compassionate listener.
You decide to [[introduce yourself->enjoy the journey]].]]]]]
"To me, laundry machines are symbols of (link-reveal:"repeti-ti-tion")["
"How so? (link-reveal:"Do you find them boring then?")[
"It is actually a-absurdly calming for me to sit by then and read. The sound is predictable and non-judgemental. Cycle by cycle..."
She pauses and looks up, "it makes reminds me of (link-reveal:"where I came from.")[
"I have clients from all over, where was your starting point?"
[["RE-estaurant"]] OR [["DO-orm"]]
<audio src="LINK" autoplay>"They put me at a re-estaurant first. It was a ca-asual dining asian fusion restaurant. I don't quite remember the na-ame, somthing along the lines of (link-reveal:"'Ca-ai.'")[
"What tasks were you asked to (link-reveal:"complete?")["
"I was asked to be a busser first to confront guests to fill their water cups. I always smile at them, but once they ask a question, I stumble, I could not remember a (link-reveal:"word...")[
["Orange, I know it is sometimes hard to go back and think about difficult moments, but do you feel like you learned a lot (link-reveal:"there?")["
"I don't know what exactly I learned to i-improve my spe-eech and communications...I guess I learned that I will never do cu-ustomer service (link-reveal:"again...")["
"That's okay," you jotted down some notes, "anything, or any sounds that surprised (link-reveal:"you?")[
"Ah...," she paused for a moment, "actually, I was so intrigued by the sounds of [[food]]"
"They put me at dorm at the University of South Sea. I was put together with first-year students in a giga-antic building full of upscale(link-reveal:" fa-acilities")[."
"What tasks were you asked to (link-reveal:"complete?")[
"Um...I was asked to faciliate them with building instructions at the information desk in front... I wa-as not that (link-reveal:"helpful")[
I...I couldn't help myself (link-reveal:"stumble..")[
"Orange, I know it is sometimes hard to go back and think about difficult moments, but do you feel like you learned a lot (link-reveal:"there?")["
"I don't know what exactly I learned to i-improve my spe-eech and communications...I guess I learned that I will never do cu-ustomer service (link-reveal:"again...")["
"That's okay," you jot down some notes, "anything, or any sounds that surprised (link-reveal:"you?")[
"Ah...," she pauses for a moment, "actually, right next to the info desk outside the window, there was a [[courtyard garden]]."
]]]]]]]"Sounds of (link-reveal:"food?")[
"Yeah, the scent of the dishes, kung pao chicken tart, mac-and-cheese dumplings, ma-po tofu pasta... all so beautifully a mé-élange, a sympho-ony that cura-ates beautiful sounds of flavors... (link-reveal:"Yumm..")[
"So you hear the (link-reveal:"flavors?")[
"They are talking to me, through unique means of communication that we both understand. Food has soul in them, soul food, right?" She closes her eyes and breathed in heavily, "I can smell them and hear them right (link-reveal:"now...")[
"Wow, I have never heard anyone say that before...That is a very interesting (link-reveal:"perspective...")[
"You don't have to u-understand. Actually, no-no-one understands (link-reveal:"me.")[
"I am here for you, please do not hesitate to ask me anything. So, where was your [[next stop]]?"
]]]]]]"What about the (link-reveal:"garden?")["
"The garden was designed with Tao-iism elements. There were three ro-ock islands in the middle of the center pond to create Zen and ba-alance. I could walk around the pond, going through the highs and lows, the bridge, stone pa-aths, and mystic trees that I do not know the name of.
I fo-ound my sense of peace and belo-onging there. I could hear the ha-armony intertwined between the different e-elements of the (link-reveal:"garden.")["
"You could hear the (link-reveal:"harmony?")["
"The harmony between the wa-ater, sto-one, and greens...yes I can hear them spe-eaking to me. The tranquil sound of wa-ater flo-owing down and through, the stillness silence of the stones, and wind breezing through each le-eaf...The sounds have hands to grasp me externally and internally, and I am fully myself immersed in such (link-reveal:"harmony.")["
"I admire your reactions, but I myself cannot experience similarily...Your mode of communications is truly unique. Now, Orange, where was your [[next stop->stop2]]?"
"We-ell, the program requires me to stay at each stop for at least two weeks. At the end of the two weeks the-ere, I was so-o exha-austed, but I did not have a choice for the next stop," She signs,
"They put me in [[a dorm ->"DO-orm"]]/[[a coffee shop]]""At the end of the two weeks the-ere, they directly put into the next sto-op," she adds, "it's a system that they thi-ink it will work for us, but they have ne-ever been in our (link-reveal:"shoe-shoes...")["
"I am sorry, we cannot change the (link-reveal:"system.")["
"We really cannot? (link-reveal: "Why-why not?")["
"Orange...I don't know what to tell you, but the system is not manipulative, it is trying to help you to overcome your own weaknesses. Anyways, going back to the question, where was your (link-reveal: "next stop?")["
"They put me in [[a coffee shop]]/[[a grocery store]]
]]]]"I thought being a ba-barista, I only need to focus on making the dr-drinks. It was so much more than (link-reveal:"that...")["
"In what ways? Did you enjoy this stop (link-reveal:"better?")["
"Not exactly... I did not re-realize the complexity with the customization of the or-orders. Mi-milk, al-almond milk, ha-half syrup, half i-ice, room for milk... My brain hurts when I see another order with (link-reveal:"notes on it.")[
"I was a barista once younger, and what you said was completely relatable. Haha, sometimes you just eyeball it, making drinks is about your own creativity (link-reveal:"as well.")[
"Exactly, that's what I did. I wanted to be outside of the orders, of ordering, of (link-reveal:"instructed actions.")["
"Don't tell me you made drinks using (link-reveal:"your own recipes.")["
"Haha, of course not," she smiles and winks, "I actually find many creative ways to interact with (link-reveal:"the coffee machines.")[
(link-reveal:"How so?")[
"Like laundry machines, the coffee machines are re-repetitive engines, but they have a better variety, more short-term, and a gre-eater inner burst of energy," (link-reveal:"She recalls,")[ "there is the 'vroo-oom,' the 'zoom,' and the tap-tapping sound whe-en you pour out the coffee gr-gro-ounds, not so different from drums either with a variety of (link-reveal:"diffe-erent parts...")["
"Do you feel more confident speaking to customers (link-reveal:"this time?")["
"I guess so... I could not really tell, I...I still (link-reveal:"stumbled up-upon my words.")["
"Orange, it really does take time. Where did you go [[next->a grocery store]]?"
]]]]]]]]]]]]"I was assigned as a regular clerk on rotational shifts for shelf-stuffing and cashier," she pauses for a second with (link-reveal:"a smile")[,
"I know what you are going to ask me, is this one better? Did you learn better here? I did not, but it was fascinating for me to look at aisles and aisles of products marketed to us," (link-reveal:"she adds,")[
"each (link-reveal:"box")[, (link-reveal:"ja-ar")[, and (link-reveal:"conta-ainer")[ of product marks our e-endless human desire to make more, produ-uce more, and consu-ume more. Each product with its own unique marketing, communica-ate through their own voices. Individual visua-als, use of buzz-buzzwords and phrases, claiming the-emselves to be the best pro-oduct on the market. Like other sto-ops I have been to, the mo-ode of communications does not have to be se-et in our own perceptions of a sta-atic ways of using [[words]]..."
]]]]]"The purpose of the program is to help you improve your communication skills. We really care about your learning, and especially my role is to help you through difficult moments and reflect upon your (link-reveal:"mistakes")[."
"What if my wa-ay of communicating is depen-pendent on sounds? Every cr-creature, o-object, and being e-existing has their own way of being, whether food, in-instruments, laundry, or coffee machines all have their own vo-voices communicating through sounds. I believe (link-reveal:"the same for you")[."
"Ye-yes. Maybe there is not really a ri-ight way of speaking, but rather just a way to ex-express your-yourself. For me, there is a vo-oice in me that I can be my own se-elf, free, free of judgement, and free of restrains.." (link-reveal:"She stands up.")[
You look up(click-replace: "You look up")[You see a bird standing on a branch, singing.]
You turn around(click-replace: "You turn around")[You see Orange departing, with her steps striking with confidence and dignity.]
You look down(click-replace: "You look down") [You see the notes you have taken.
(text-style:"italic")[engaged by sounds
still have difficulties talking to clients
stumbles without confident
takes a long time to respond
using food as an outlet to deal with difficult interactions]]
(live:6s)[You hear a voice echoi-ing.]
You embark to find that voice]]