# Helenas_Adventures_in_Looking_Land.pdf tuid: tezpont7mc2hg0uk Helena's Adventures in Looking Land, by Joel Marler. A Tunnels & Trolls Solitaire Adventure. A5 format. (a Twine version is in Helenas_Adventures_in_Looking_Land.zip) # Mines.pdf tuid: 10lmbbwutsf2m3tt Mines version 1.1, a randomly generated maze exploring game, by James L. Dean, implemented as Javascript within an Adobe PDF file. (versions for other systems can be found in CMines.zip, JMines.zip, AndroidMines.zip, mines.z5, mines_casio.zip, mines_hp50g.zip, and mines_ti.zip) # Portrait_of_a_Troubled_Artist.pdf tuid: ppo9qjdc198d3ywf Portrait of a Troubled Artist, by Joel Marler. A Tunnels & Trolls Solitaire Adventure. A5 format. (a Twine version is in Portrait_of_a_Troubled_Artist.zip) # TheAmazingChoiceAdventure.pdf tuid: umggwotdti9twam1 THE AMAZING CHOICE ADVENTURE!, by Mollycule. (a Twine port is in taca.zip)