Walkthroughs for the Doom trilogy by Peter Killworth Written by Richard Bos A few notes, first. One, and most importantly, these are very hard and tightly timed games. You can die easily. You can lose or destroy a necessary tool just as easily. Making a typo does nothing but _does_ cost a move, and this can cost you dearly at certain points in the game. Save often, and keep _all_ your save files until you've finished the game. And choose carefully where and when you save, because saving itself costs a move, as well - and in some locations, saving has been disabled. And don't waste moves along the way. Two, the parser is limited, but good. I have not found any place where using prepositions ("hit tree with axe") is necessary or even possible. By contrast, the games are good at giving you less to type. If there is only one object, simply "get" will take it; if there are several, it will assume the first one listed. Ditto for "drop", which will drop the first object in your inventory; and ditto for several other verbs. Turning objects on and off can be done using more elaborate phrases, but a plain "on" or "off" also works. "Get all" and even "drop all but bag and keys" are provided. Third, I'm not taking you past all the sights and clues. Also, these games (unfashionably, these days) expect a lot of experimentation and learning-by- dying to solve them, none of which can easily be done in a walkthrough. Because of this, before you resort to reading this walkthrough you might want to try the in-game hints. There is a zip file which contains documentation for all the Topologika adventures, including all three Doom games. The main part of these is an index of hints available in the game. You look up the problem you're stuck at, find a number, type "help" and that number, and you get a (varyingly subtle) hint. Finally, this walkthrough (including the above notes) is for the Topologika MS-DOS games which are available at the IF Archive, and for the ZCode versions which were converted by Peter Killworth himself. The latter differ subtly at some points; where necessary, I'll note this [Z: like this]. I do not know whether this walkthrough works for other versions, as well, or indeed if any exist. Since this trilogy was written specifically for Topologika and, unlike the other Topologika adventures, did not originate in Cambridge University's Phoenix system, it seems unlikely. One thing I do know is that it doesn't work for the BBC version also available from the IF Archive; that one was severely cut down from these versions, and only Countdown is available. You should be able to find a separate version of this walkthrough for the BBC version in the same place where you found this one. So, let's be off, then. I'm taking you through the games in chronological order: Countdown to Doom first. You start in your space ship, locked in, with only some explosives for company. Take them, go north, light the fuse, drop the explosive, then immediately go south and wait a move - don't try the reversed order. Now go north, push the door (try pulling if you're feeling suicidal already), and go northeast. We're out. Go east. Don't waste any moves here, while the blob is around - it is not a danger to you, but you can't afford to let it get to the cliff. Instead, go east again, then north. Get the gun, then go back s, w, sw. Next, go up (ignoring the box - we'll be back for it later (or rather, earlier...)), then west twice. Fire the gun. A passage will open to the west, but don't go there yet. Instead, drop the gun, and go back e, e, d. Now into the jungle. Go west. This is a maze. In fact, Countdown has three mazes. Luckily, none of them is large, and this is both the smallest and the easiest to solve. Go west again, and note that the room description changes, just as in the "passages, all different" in Advent. You could, if you wanted to, map the jungle using just these descriptions. There are only four locations, of which this walkthrough will show you three. From the second jungle location, go east, then northwest. Now go south and southeast. Leave the goggles - we'll get them later, but right now we cannot afford to waste a single move. (This also means: no typos here!) Flee back northwest, then north four times [Z: you'll be asked to confirm the last move; say yes, of course], across the mud pool, into a small cave where you find an aerosol container. Take this. Go east, ne, north, and east to where you fired the gun. Again go e, e, d, then through the jungle again: w, w, e, nw, s, se. _Now_ we can safely take the goggles, and then go back nw, n, and this time not through the mud - which is now impassable because we've woken the allodile - but back through the jungle: east, north, east. Now into the swamp. Wear the goggles. One exit into the swamp will look different; go that way. Keep taking the different-looking direction (four times in total) until you find yourself on an island. From the southern tip, go northeast, get the hole, nw, ne, get, sw, w. Shake the aerosol. Go west, and without wasting a single move, spray the skates. Get them, and drop the (now empty) aerosol. Go e, e, n, n back to the landing area; then u, w, w, w past the glacier, then southwest. Wear the skates, then go west. Go west again to find yourself confronted with three exits. Take these in turn - any order you like. In each cave, you'll find a closed container. Open this. For two out of three, your goggles - which you should still be wearing - will warn you of heat. If so, do not proceed, but go on to the next cave. The one container that is not hot will open without asking. You should take the drugs found inside, as they're a treasure item, but you will need the container (pan, chest or cabinet) itself as well, so it's best just to take that, and the drugs with it. Once you've found it, go back to the junction, then e, n, ne, n (this is safe once - you can't go back) and n. Take the helmet, then shout (or jump, or anything else which makes a noise). You will fall down, together with the icicle. Take this. Go south. You find yourself in a room with a switch. Turn it on. Go south again. Another room, and another switch. Turn it on, too. If you now were to go south, you would find yet another room with a third switch, which would refuse to turn on. There are four of these switches, and they have a mind of their own. The first one will always turn on or off; the others only when a. the one just before them is on, _and_ b. none of the ones before that one are. The state of any later switches does not matter, though. For example, to flip the third switch on, or back off, the second switch must be on, the first one must be off, and the fourth may be on or off. If you find this complicated, you are not a computer programmer. If, OTOH, you _are_ a programmer, you'll have recognised this as one of the ways to define Gray code. You need to turn all four switches on. If you don't know Gray code (and don't want to do a websearch for it and work it out for yourself), just do the following (starting where we left off, with the first two switches turned on and standing in the second room): n, off, s, s, on, n, n, on, s, off, n, off, s, s, s, on, n, n, n, on, s, on. You just heard a humming noise, which means that all four switches are on and we can continue. Go south four times. You pass forward in time. You have only a limited amount of, ahem, /time/ in this state, so careful with the typos again, until you return to normal. From the sliding doors, go north five times, east three times, and south; take the gold; go south twice more, west once and north once. You will be met - as expected, in a time travel scene in an SF game - with a version of you from another time, who asks for an object. Obviously, you want to give him something, so answer yes; and give him the icicle. You are put back to your original time, and to the portal. Go north five times, then ne, n, e, e, e, d, sw all the way back to your ship. Those metatermites, which escaped when you took the phaser gun all the way at the beginning, will eat anything you drop here, and you'll need to drop everything valuable here. However, they can be made harmless. Drop the container you found west of the ice rink - the pan, chest or cabinet. Now you can drop all other things with impunity. Let's do so, in fact: [Z: remove the goggles, then] drop all but helmet and can. Phew! That's the hold made safe, and we now have a safe base of operations. Save the game here. (A better base would have been the landing area just outside, but the game considers this an unsafe place, so saving there is disabled.) Go northeast, then south twice into the desert. Take the net. Make some noise again: shout or jump. You end up in a city. Take the monopole generator. Go south, throw the can, go south again, take the diamond, and go north twice. Now go southwest and southeast, then east and up. Push the rock. Go back down and west, and drop the helmet here. Go west thrice and up, push the boulder, and get everything. Wear the helmet. Go west and down. Go south five times, west three times, north three times, east once, and south once. Recognise the pattern, and the environment? Right: it's the same path we took while moved forward in time, only in reverse; and we have reached the heavy door from the other direction. Push the door, and your past/then-future self will appear, and (surprise, surprise!) give you the icicle (which we couldn't have got past the desert any other way), and help you through the door. Take the block of anachron. Go north thrice, then northeast and west. We have two choices now: the northeast way is easy, but we can only take a single object through. This is useful for exploring (though you can only pass the desert once per game), but it's not what we want now. The northwest exit requires some preparation, but of course this is a walkthrough, so we have come well prepared... Throw the icicle, go northwest, and take the vine. Get the rod. Go east twice, north, and east. A bit of preparation while you're wearing the helmet: go southeast and east, then back west and northwest, and southwest. [Z: Remove the helmet]. Drop all but rod and net. Go northeast and east. Catch (use that word - if you use "get", you will die) the blob. Don't waste any moves or the poor thing snuffs it. You are now _back_ in time, not forward, and quite a bit, too, so you won't meet yourself this time. However, like last, hum, time, you have a limited, cough, time (sorry!) to spend in this state, and it will just suffice to do what you have to do. So, just like before, no straying from the path, and no typos. Go north, southwest, and up. Get the box. Go north, and get the suit. Go west, do _not_ take the crystals yet, but go west again (if you try going past the monster in the present, it will eat you) and take the spices. Finally, go east, and now take the crystals. You are now back in the present, but the tight timing is not quite over yet, thanks to those crystals. They'll kill you in a few moves, and you can just make it to the hold with them before they do. Go north, southwest, and southwest again, and drop the crystals. You're still getting messages about feeling queasy, but it's not doing you any real harm now. It's annoying, though. Let's go off to do something about it. Go northeast. Wear your suit. Now go off into the swamp: go north, and if you happen to luck upon a solid patch, just keep walking until you do sink under. Once you're down, take another step in any direction. [Z: You may have to wander around a bit more in this version. You'll be told that you bump into something, and asked whether you want to take it. You do.] You are now in the second maze of the game. It's somewhat larger than the first, but still smallish. It's dark down here, and there is no portable light source in the entire game, but you can still map this maze using the standard method of dropping objects. Instead of seeing which object is there as soon as you enter, you have to "get" or "get all", which, perhaps surprisingly, work as well in the dark as in light, in this game. If you can't be having with all that palaver, just go east, get what's there (it's a life support system, which is one of the components you need for your ship) [Z: in this version, there'll be nothing to get; you picked it up when you bumped into it earlier - presumably this is because Inform, in which the ZCode version was written, makes it harder to pick up unknown objects in the dark], and go south, east, and southeast. Take the medikit. This, too, is a ship component, and it rids you of those irritating messages as well. Go up, and wait a turn. The machine will beep. Picture a clock face and a compass, with midnight being north, and go in the direction indicated by the number of beeps: east for three beeps, south for six, and so on. Wave the rod. Walk on through the laser, in the same direction as before. Go up twice, then sw, w, nw, e, d. Pull the lever. Some more manoeuvring is needed now, but this time not of the single-turn variety. We must, instead, make the right amount of actual traveling moves to get the platform into the hold. For this, we need a slight detour. Go up, sw, se, w down the slope, and now n and sw. The platform will collapse at exactly the right moment. [Z: Remove the suit.] Drop everything you're carrying. Now for the final stretch. Go northeast, east, and then northeast thrice to a curving metal corridor. There is a symbol in a niche, here. Make a note of it. Go northeast. Note this symbol as well. Go northwest, and note the symbol; and finally southwest, and note the last symbol. Then go in. You are now in this game's third maze. As the room description indicates, normal compass directions will not work here. You have to type "left", "right", "forward" and "back", or "l", "r", "f" and "b". Of course, each time you move, and enter a room by a different entrance, which direction corresponds to which exit changes as you change orientation. To make matters worse, you are not allowed to take any objects into the artefact, so you will have to map the maze using whatever objects you may find along the way, plus any distinguishing features of the rooms themselves. As for objects, you have four discs, one of which is found in this room; apart from that, there is the hole in the roof, in this room only, and another hole, in the exit room. Here's the kicker: there are eight rooms in total. There are six location markers, and the exit hole does not tell you which way you're oriented. As it turns out, it is just possible - with nothing to spare - to map the maze using these resources. Feel free to try. In doing so, you will realise why almost all interactive fiction has stuck to the illogical and unnatural convention of giving the player an in-built, perfect compass: it may be unrealistic, but it's a great deal less confusing to play. If you don't feel like dealing with that (and I don't blame you), here's how to get through. Take the pentagon disc that's lying here, go forward, get the triangle, go right, get the hexagon, right again, get the square, right once more, go forward, and take one last right turn. Go down. Ignore the sword. It is only there to tempt you. Instead, go east (hooray for compasses!) and take the reactor. Then go west and north. Enter "flezz". Clues for why you would use that word are scattered through the game, but as this is a walkthrough I haven't shown you any of them - serves you right! [Z: Retrieve everything the robot stole from you, if anything.] Go north and northwest, and never mind the rat. There is a computer here, and a slot. Clearly, it wants the discs you gathered. But in what order? Well, if you remember that I told you to note which symbols you found in the corridor, you'll know. First insert the disc with the symbol you encountered first, and continue in that order. Note that the game needs you to refer to the discs by their symbols - for example, if the symbol in the first niche was a square, enter "insert square". Keep inserting symbol discs until the computer coughs up an object. As the computer explicitly tells you, you are now in yet another timed sequence, so in the next bit, typos are (eventually) fatal again. Take care. Get the conductor, and go down. You land in a room with four doors, marked with (surprise) the same four symbols again. You need to go through these in the same order as before; that is, if symbol in the first niche was a triangle and the one in the second niche a hexagon, go south first, then east, and so on, through all four doors. [Z: In the ZCode version, you have to go through these in the reversed order instead. So, first go through the exit with the symbol above it that was in the _last_ niche, and so on.] You are now at the exit, so go northeast. Then back to the hold of your ship: w, s, sw, sw, sw. Drop the conductor and the reactor. Go south to your control room, and - guess what? - press the button. Congratulations, you've escaped! For now, that is... on to the next installment. ######## ######## Next up is Return to Doom. This starts with an unfairly timed section. From the start, there are a couple of directions to explore in, a couple of puzzles to solve and a couple of objects to get, but if you get them all, you will end up completely stuck afterwards, because you are too late for an event to happen. So far, so simply nasty; the unfair bit is that you have, at this point, no way of knowing which objects are going to be important and which are not. Feel free to explore this area, solve all puzzles - which are, in themselves, not at all bad or unfair, and would have done well elsewhere in the game - and then start over for real. From your space ship's control room, go north. Take the extinguisher, go northeast, then west. Make a noise: jump, or shout. One of the mouths will close. Go that way - don't go through the open one. Get the rod, and go back out through the other route (so if you entered by going northwest, now go southeast, and vice versa). Go east twice, get the tank, east again, get the tectonometer, go west and southeast, and get the rock - or try to, rather. Go back nw, w, then s and e. Knock (don't "knock door", just "knock"). Go north. Note the word on the wall. You could go down to see the danger, and come back up - I think you do have that couple of moves leeway, but not many - but to be on the safe side, just open the tank, then drop it. _Now_ go down and north, get the pill, and go all the way back s, u, s, w, n, e, e. Get the rock, go west, and throw the rock. Open the tectonometer. The next couple of moves will be tightly timed, and there will be a lot to see, so be careful. Eat the pill, then open the extinguisher, then go east. Read the resulting wodge of text with care. In particular, pay attention to what the robots do and what the ambassador says, and make a note of that password. Then immediately go north. Whistle, and go north again. Get everything, and go south. Enter the password the ambassador told you, but backwards (i.e., if she said "KALAB", enter "BALAK"). Go northeast and east to a junction which is clearly going to be central to the rest of the game area. We'll make this our base of operations. Drop everything, then save. For the next part, make sure that you're running the game in an emulator or shell [Z: or 'terp] from which you can capture the output. We're going to get an infodump, and you will need to refer to its contents later. Go southwest, west and up. You will see a cyclone approaching from one of the cardinal compass points, and you're in a dangerous environment. You will need to tread carefully here, to avoid being blown onto the sage. Luckily, the way the cyclone blows you is more or less predictable. If it comes from the north, go se, then s; if from the south, nw then n; if from the west, ne then e; and if from the east, sw then s(!). From then, just wait it out until the cyclone leaves. While you were being blown about, you may have come across a glass disc. If not, explore until you find it. Just don't go through the circular hole yet. Once you've found the disc, get it, then find the black hole (it's in the northwestern part of this area) and go nw. You're back in the tunnel; go northeast. Now take the computer, prepare your text grabbing tool, and insert disc. Capture and save everything the computer says. Of course, when it asks whether you want to carry on, yes, you do, all five paragraphs. Save the entire lecture, then drop everything. Take the rod, then go s, u, ne (hey, another artefact! And yes, it holds as many tricks as the one in the first game) and e. Wave the rod. If you think you don't know what that inscription means, just write it down all on one line. Make a note of the name mentioned. Go west, drop the rod, and go northeast twice. Push cross, wait, e, w, n. Pull the bed and get the mattress. S, w, get capsule, e. We're going to use the first bit of information from the computer infodump. It describes three star systems, and one of them is represented by the pattern inscribed by the cross, here. Find its name. Which it is changes every game. Push the cross, enter the name of the star system represented - the elevator's sound should change - then go east and west again. Go west, get the trampoline, then east and sw, drop the trampoline, go west and drop the mattress. Now a short don't-make-a-typo bit: eat the capsule, get the ball, go east and up, and throw the ball. Go west, get _and wear_ the helmet, then go east, northeast and west. The next puzzle is tricky. It's not particularly hard, once you get the idea behind it, but it's easy to make a mistake. You might want to save here. Go down. You land on a raft floating in mid-air. You can, obviously, control the raft's movement by using the four symbols; and indeed, by pressing them you make the raft accelerate in the four cardinal directions. The trick is in the mid-air bit: the raft won't just stop on a dime. If it is moving eastwards, say, and you give it a nudge westwards, it will overshoot by one location, and only then stop. This means that a fair bit of careful manoeuvring will be required. Feel free to experiment; you will die a lot, but it really is a nice puzzle that is well worth figuring out for yourself. If you don't feel like that, here's what to do: Push oval, wait, push spiral, push spiral, push oval. Get the boots. Push spiral, push oval, push oval, wait, push spiral. Push rhomboid, wait, push rectangle, push rectangle, push rhomboid. Push spiral, push oval, push oval, wait, push spiral, push spiral, push oval. Finally, push the romboid three times. Wear the boots, go either north or south - it doesn't matter which - then east twice. You arrive at a floating head, which will put you to the test. Here is where the computer's lecture comes in useful. You will find the answer to the first question - which varies per game - in it. The answer to the second question, as you will know if you've played Countdown to Doom, is "I" - the protagonist of this game is the same as that of the first one (and will be the same in the third game, as well), and in that game, you did just what the head describes. Next up is a series of logic puzzles, of the type beloved by writers like Gardner and Smullyan. From the signs above the portals, the information the head gives you, and the assumption that the puzzles are fair, you can deduce which portal is safe; if any other were, that would lead to a logical contradiction. The first one is pretty simple. You know that only one exit is safe, so both signs are false; therefore, the southeast exit is safe, so go southeast. The second one is a bit more involved. First, note that the sign "This way is fatal" can't have hung above the northeast door, because that would lead to a contradiction whether it is true or not. Therefore, the "Both ways are fatal" sign must have hung there. Next, note that this sign is certainly false. Therefore, the northeast exit is fatal; so go southeast again. For the third test, consider that the last two signs contradict one another. Therefore, of those two, one must be true, and one false. But the head claims that only one sign is true, so the sign over the north door must also be false. Since it claims that that way is fatal, it must in fact be safe, and you should go north. In the final hall, note that if the southern exit is safe, all signs are true, while if the eastern one is, all signs are false. By contrast, when the north exit is safe, the first two signs are true and the last is false. Since that is the only case which satisfies the head's claim, go north again. You will find a robot dog. To wake it up, you'll need to call it by name. This name, too, is randomised and varies per game; you found it written on the wall of the artefact. This said "DOGNA MEDXX XXX", that is, "dog named Xxxxx". Just enter what was written for the x's in your game; for example, if it said "DOGNAMEDBONZO", type "bonzo". Remember the commands it tells you to give to it, and start out by entering "heel". Then go east three times, then northeast to find yourself outside the artefact. Go south and west, get the rod, then go west, down and north to our base, and drop the rod and boots. Now for that terminal that's been standing here all this time. As far as I can tell there is no way to discover what it does except by pressing the shapes, moving to a different location, waiting several turns, and drawing conclusions. In short, you can cause weather phenomena to occur, but only once each, and only in outside locations. And, of course, the terminal itself is inside, so pushing the button and just seeing what happens there and then won't work at all. Ah, well. First, we're going to cause some lightning. Push the hexagon. Now go ne, nw, n, ne, and se. Don't go southwest yet, or you'll run out of the jungle in a panic. Instead, wait for the lightning, and then immediately go sw. Get the cap and the drugs, then go back ne (note the changed location descriptions!), nw, sw, s and se. While we're here with the dog, go southeast once more. Note the slab of silica - if you refer back to the computer lecture, you should get an idea about what to do here. But you'll need help, so wait a couple of turns for your dog to catch up. Then jump, and when your dog asks if he should help, answer yes. Then heel, go nw, sw and drop the cap. Next we cause some rain. However, the dog wouldn't survive the place where we need that rain, so first tell him to "stay". Then push the square, and go north and northwest. Wait for rain to appear, and without waiting another turn, go west. Get everything, and wear the suit. Go back e, se, s. While your dog is staying put, let's go do something else where he would get in the way. Go sw, s, and sw. Get the rat - you'd think "free rat" or "untrap rat" would be more logical, but those don't work. Still, that rat will be of use later. Go back ne, n, ne. For the next bit we won't need the weather terminal, but we will need our dog, so tell him to heel. Then go se twice and east. Throw the seeds. The route through these plants is highly dangerous and I can't find a way to discover the safe route except trial and error, but go n, e, e, s, s, nw. Then dig, and of course you do want your dog to help. You fall down. Get the nodules, then go west. Then take the holocrys and go west again, then north. Aren't you glad you helped that silica creature? Next go ne, e, ne. Drop the drugs. Make a note of the word that is mouthed. Now go east, get the mirror, and go back w, sw, w, nw. Drop all. Go sw, s, sw - if the rat had been here now, your dog would have gone for him, losing you both - and w twice. You want to go west, but the buffalo are going south, so keep going northwest until you reach the niche. Go west. Enter the word told to you by the buzzing sounds. Go south, get the holocrys, and go north and east. Cross the buffalo again by going northeast until you reach the prairie, then go e, ne, n, ne. Now for the third type of weather. Push the triangle, then go nw and w. Wait for snow (yellow snow, no less - pleasant...) and immediately go sw. Go north twice - good thing you freed that rat! Jump (or shout), then go s, s, nw, w, get the holocrys, and come back e, se, n, n. You can now safely go northwest. From here, go in to a cavity, get the crystals, and go back out. You can't go back past the ecosaurs, but there is another route from here: slide! Go east, retrieve the crystals, and go se. And here comes the last type of weather. Take the rod and the machine, then press the pentagon. Go east and southeast. Wait here for fog, then go southeast again, and south. Drop the rod, then move in any direction you like, twice. Go in the same direction as the scavengers. Take everything, then go west. Take the holocrys. That hemisphere is flashing - push it. Assent to the proposed swap, then throw the powders and escape north, then go west. Drop the rod and the machine. Take the disc, then go n, ne, n. Throw the disc and catch the egg, then follow that pteromorph. Go down. Wear the goggles. Ignore what your dog says, but go in the direction the pteromorph fledgling indicates. When the egg hatches, immediately drop the goggles. Get the holocrys, then go north and south back to the junction. For the last holocrys, go ne twice. Keep going north (and if you reach the end of the alley, keep waiting) until the dog warns you that something bad is coming. When that happens, follow him west, go back east, and continue north until you reach the protorhino nest. Get the holocrys, and go back south five times, then sw twice. Take the nodules, the mirror and the cap. Go west. Remember that password you said backwards, all the way back when you got here? Now say it again, but this time say it forwards, how the ambassador said it. Then go southwest and east (yes, you do want to enter that singularity). Move in any random direction six times, until you get to the top of a hill. Your dog is no longer following you, so heel, then go north twice. From now on, time is critical again, and with rather more justification than at the start of the game. Wait until both robots are described as being by the steps [Z: in the ZCode version you have to move one move before they're by the steps; the clockwise robot should be by the southeast corner, and the anticlockwise one east of the middle of the south side], then go u, e, n, n, w, d. This, by the way, is the last point in the game where saving your game, and thereby wasting a turn, won't kill you immediately - so if you want to, do so now. Go east, and allow your dog to take your place [Z: and don't go and help him, when asked]. Awww... but there's no time for sorrow. Drop the spiderbomb, go west, wave the mirror (no, there's no way to discover those lasers except by dying), go south and east, throw the nodules, get the ambassador, and go north, down and north. You're trapped. But doesn't this environment remind you of somewhere? Right, there was a shaft and chamber exactly like this one at the start of the game. Enter its name: Prona. Yup, it's an Underground system. There's another station in the game, by the way, called Toga, but it's never useful to go there - it seems to exist merely as a hint. If you go there now, you end up dead, but you do get told explicitly that these are underground stations and not some more science-fictional sort of matter transporter. If you feel experimental, start a new game, go to the Prona station, and enter "Toga", then "Woce". From the new station, go south. Wear the cap. Go south, west and north. Tell the dog to "fetch". Go southwest. Celebrate. But there's no rest for the wicked... the final episode of the trilogy is waiting! ######## ######## And now for Last Days of Doom, which, unsurprisingly, is the last part of the trilogy. Like the previous game, this one starts with couple of tightly timed sequences, but this time the emergency is made rather more obvious. You start in your spaceship's control room again, and it's about to tumble into a crevasse, so move with precision - one lost move and your dog is a goner. Go north and up, northeast and southeast. Push (or shake, if you wish) the tree and get the rod, then go back nw and sw and wave the rod. Heel, go south, fetch, and get the sphere. You have two ways of going down from here, and at this point you have no way of telling which is the right one. Go southeast. Then go north twice and northeast, then south. Dig, go south, and dig again. Go back north twice, southwest, south twice and east. Take the cylinder. Go east and north, tell your dog to "stay", and drop all except cylinder. Go north, east and south. By now you should see a message about robots employing a neutron missile. Pull the stud on your cylinder. (If you've wasted a move previously, you will see that message earlier, and will have to pull the stud at that point. It will still work. Just make sure not to do this where you left the dog.) Take the globule, go n, w, ne, drop the globule, take the pollen, push the rock. Go sw, s, push the rock again, heel, get all, and go east thrice. Get the dog to "fetch" (you can actually discover why to do this, here, in a fair way - but this is a walkthrough, so _I_ don't have to show you!) and take what he fetches for you. Go east twice, then north. Wait until the lava comes sweeping by, then immediately go southeast. Go north twice, then northwest. This sets the silica creature off on its mission to tell you something, but you might remember from Return to Doom that those guys live very slowly, so you won't get the message all at once. We'll be back for the rest later. For now, go se, ne and nw, drop the sphere, then go back s, sw, s thrice, e (don't touch that magneton for now!) and e. Tell the dog to stay, drop everything, go west, get the magneton, go w, n thrice and nw (See? Word one of the sentence), then se, ne, nw. Retrieve the sphere, then go s and ne, and push the lozenge. Go south. Tell the dog to "fetch", then open the vat for it. Go southwest and northwest for another word, then back se, s, s, s, e, e to the Square. From there, go sw and d, then w and sit. Go e twice and sit again. Go west. Don't sit in the chairs in either of the other cubicles! Now go u, ne, s, n, se and s. Take the zoophot and pull the lever. Go north, northwest, heel, southeast, stay, and go north again. Go east twice, then wait two turns - until you are covered with a thick, rather than thin, layer of gel. Then go north. Get suit and give suit (just use those two words - "give suit to rat" won't be understood [Z: It will in this version, but so will the shorter command]). Go nw, retrieve the suit, go east, get the extinguisher, and go ne. Go west and southeast. The display on the computer tells you a musical note (C#, for example), but it is either sideways or upside down. Make a note of this note. Then go nw, sw and s. Drop all except the zoophot. Go ne, u, se, s, get the hispajel, n, nw, d, sw. Go northwest, down and east. Push the cage. Go w, u, se, n, w. Open valve. Go up, break the reservoir, get the gloves and wear them, then go back d, e, s, nw, d, e. Take the object - it's a thermostope. Go w and sw. You are given a set of instructions to operate on the creature; follow these. In my game they were: ream agapscorta, seal rylloth, grout medibulla. I don't know if it varies, so follow what's on your screen. Take the object - a sac of sucrose - then go ne, u and se [Z: remove gloves] and drop everything. Whistle and heel. Take the rod and the spacesuit. Go w twice, n thrice, nw for another word, se, and s four times; se, s, w, get the tank, e, n, e, n. Take the gun. You are now in the anteroom to a tricky, tricksy area. You cannot walk anywhere, but you can use the gun to shoot holes in the solid matter. Obviously, the gun has a limited number of charges, so you can't just fire at random. In fact, you have exactly enough charges to get to both the item you need to retrieve, and the exit. The tricksy bit is that the game rearranges their positions behind your back so that, if at all possible, the two are in such places as to make one of them unreachable from the holes you've dug so far. You need to shoot a pattern so that it can't manage that. Here's what you do: fire the gun north. (This, by the way, is the first time one of these games _requires_ more than two words in a command.) Then go north into the hole. Repeat: fire gun n, n. Fire gun ne, and go ne. You are now in the dead centre of the solid environment. From here, shoot a star pattern: fire gun ne, fire gun se, fire gun nw. Now we make sure that we've seen all areas of this solid. Go nw and back se, then ne and sw. In one of those tunnels you should have seen a portal through the transpaluminium. Remember which. Then go se; you should now similarly see a pill. Fire the gun in its direction (as far as I can tell always southeast), go there, and take the pill. Make your way back to the centre and then to where you saw the portal. Fire the gun towards it, go that way, and enter the portal (which should be north). Go east, wear the spacesuit, and go south, then southeast twice. Wave the rod. Go west twice, get the goggles, and go n three times, w thrice, nw, n four times, and nw for the final piece of information from the silica creature. Make a note of the pitch the dog detects. Go se, s, s, s, e, e. [Z: Remove suit.] Drop everything except rod and pill. Stay. Go ne, u, se, s, u, ne, n, n, e, u. Wait, wait, and jump. Wave the rod. Go s, w, [Z: push boulder - in the Topologika version, the rat does this without prompting] n, ne, n. Take the labiflute. Go s, e, u. Wait until the plant turns into a droffid. Then eat the pill and go southeast immediately. Go s, w, sw, and s. Play the flute, covering 0 holes. The dog will tell you which note you play. If this is either the note the silica creature told you, or the base note of the one on the computer screen, make a note of that, too. (If you're not familiar with musical terminology: the base note of, say, G# is G.) Repeat, covering more holes, until you have found both. Take the helium tank, goggles, sac of sucrose, fire extinguisher, pollen and foodpacks. Heel. Go w, w, n, n, n, e, n. Play the flute, covering as many holes as were needed to play the silica creature's note. Go southeast twice, then play the same note. Wear the goggles, then open the cabinet and take the globe. Play the flute again, and go northwest twice. Go north twice. Oh look, what a surprise, another artefact! Go northeast. Pull the knob (on the extinguisher), go down, and drink the sucrose. Drop the flute and the tank, then take the triangle, square, pentagon and hexagon. Go west. You are now in a maze. It's the first one since Countdown, and it's more ingenious and interesting than any of the mazes in that game. It is a grid of sandstone caverns connected by passageways, some of which are blocked. By dropping the four shapes, you can blast open these blockages. Of course, you can only use each shape once, and they all blast in a different direction. And equally of course, you can reach the dog (which is trapped in the maze) in exactly one way. It's well worth trying to puzzle this one out for yourself; it isn't large. However, if you don't want to do so... Drop the triangle. Go n, w. Drop pentagon, go s, s, w, w, n; drop square, e, n, n, w, w; drop hexagon, w, s, s, s; heel; n, n, n, e, e, e, s, s, w, s, e, e, n, n, e, s, e. Get all, then go south. Eat the foodpacks that very turn. Go w, s, w, sw, s, se. Get the hawser, then walk around the island with it: e, ne, n, nw, w, sw, s, se. Insert the hawser [Z: in the socket], and go north. Get the new foodpacks. Go s, e, ne, n, nw, n, e, se. You should be able to read the hieroglyphics on the sign. Do as they say: enter your "name", as it is given. Then go south and down. You are surrounded by demons. Your orb should tell you which is not real; go in that direction. Eat the new foodpacks. Open the helium tank, then play the flute, this time covering as many holes as were necessary for the note shown on the computer. Go northeast. Throw the pollen. Go northwest. Read the infodump. When asked if you want the axe, answer yes. When asked whether you want to land in a specific spot, answer no both times. The last part of Return to Doom, which starts here, is a rather miscellaneous collection of "tests" which don't really fit with the rest of the game. The first of these is a board game of the "Officers & Sepoys" type. Unfortunately, there are several slightly different sets of rules for these games, and you're not told which are in use. It would, of course, be possible to work them out by trying and dying. However... go s, n, w, e, n, ne, nw. Next up are a set of IQ-test-type questions. For the first one, the letters are encoded by digits (a=1, b=2...), but written backwards. In this way, the third set of digits stands for "ache". In the second question, 422 is the only number not divisible by 3. In the third one, a rickshaw is the only one which is not a type of boat. The answer to the last question is "stake". At the start of the next test, yes, you do want to take the gun. Then, go east and north. Hit marshal. Get everything. Throw barman; throw minister; throw drunk. And now for the final test, which isn't really a test. It consists of three questions; however, it doesn't seem to matter how you answer them. Feel free to answer "yes" or "no" as you like. Taste the bitter-sweet of victory. ######## ######## And there you have it. Three games, sometimes frustrating, always charming; all similar, all set on the same world, all different. You can clearly see the evolution of Mr. Killworth as a game designer from Countdown, a pretty standard puzzle game, through Return, still a set of puzzles but with a greater sense of purpose behind them, to Last Days, which adds a story, even though the puzzles remain the main feature. One wonders what would have happened had it been a trilogy in five parts.