Unless noted otherwise, compiled versions of these games are in either
[games/zcode/spanish/](../../../zcode/spanish/) or [games/glulx/spanish/](../../../glulx/spanish/).

# Afuera.zip
ifwiki: Afuera
tuid: narh8d4zgv7fa9is

Afuera, a short sci-fi tale by Incanus.
"You're a prisoner, a convicted criminal... getting ready to go Outside."
Version 01.01.01;
HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment.
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>Afuera.zip]

# Cerillera.zip
tuid: y5wn1icbseie71ct

La Pequeña Cerillera, de H.C. Andersen. Un cuento
interactivo por José Fco. Martín Lisaso.
Version 1.2 / Numero de serie 101213
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>Cerillera.zip]

# Encierro.zip
ifwiki: Encierro
tuid: 2vckwrsfqe6n5b8c

Encierro, by Incanus.
"A slice of life, fantasy and sci-fi tale; you're living a pandemic's confinement in your apartment, trying to find a way to break free..."
Version 01.01.01;
HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment.
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>Encierro.zip]

# Forrajeo.zip
ifwiki: Forrajeo
tuid: ogkbvh7c4k43picy

Forrajeo, by Incanus.
"A short fantastic terror tale; you've been sent to the drugstore to 'get' some drugs. You thought that the dark would be a good cover, but some things get bad before they get worse..."
Version 01.01.01;
HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment.
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>Forrajeo.zip]

# Goteras.zip
ifwiki: Goteras
tuid: c7dydbtxh1hmmgkn

Goteras, a short "hard" sci-fi tale by Incanus.
"A crippled ship, a tired crewman... with some humorous twists."
Version 01.01.02;
HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment.
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>Goteras.zip]

# Macetas.zip
ifwiki: Macetas
tuid: fk4m3022wxy5z3vc

Macetas, a "hard" sci-fi tale by Incanus.
"A hard mission on an asteroid mining base." Sequel to 'Goteras'.
Version 01.01.03;
HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment.
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>Macetas.zip]

# Mansion.zip
ifwiki: La Mansión
tuid: n5i618v5xowmum91

La Mansión, una Aventura Breve, by Incanus.
"Mystery/Sci-Fi. An old manor, with many rooms, many
corners... and strange things."
Revision 1 / Version 01.01.03.
Source files updated to include full InformATE! libraries and file structure for compilation.
HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment.
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>Mansion.zip]

# ModusVivendi.zip
ifwiki: Modus Vivendi
tuid: 9l4qyjdnphghcs0

Modus Vivendi, an ancient Roman tale by Incanus.
"Rome, circa 58 A.C. You're a handyman, doing chores for your neighbors and customers on the Aventine Hill."
Version 01.01.01;
HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment.
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>ModusVivendi.zip]

# PanAjo.zip
ifwiki: Pan de ajo
tuid: ojp9uarmyuw4eusj

Pan de Ajo, a domestic humor tale by Incanus.
"You're a kid, waking up from a nap, with chores to do before your parents arrive from work."
Version 01.01.02;
HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment.
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>PanAjo.zip]

# Pincoya.zip
ifwiki: Ofrenda a la Pincoya
tuid: yghs5x72086bkewt

Ofrenda a La Pincoya, a Chilote mythology tale by Incanus.
"You're a young fisherman, trying to get your creek's favor back from La Pincoya."
Version 01.01.02;
HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment.
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>Pincoya.zip]

# Protector.zip
ifwiki: El Protector
tuid: uq1rwidpqanywymi

El Protector, by Incanus.
"Sci-Fi. Survival tale on a strange world with vast savannas and merciless Hunters prowling."
Revision 1 / Version 01.01.03.
HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment.
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>Protector.zip]

# ReflejosBlancos.zip
ifwiki: Reflejos blancos
tuid: nwxi6reml171cr0

Reflejos blancos, a short night interlude by Incanus.
"You are waiting for your girlfriend at the park. You will meet at the gazebo and then have a bit of a stroll while you are chatting."
Version 01.01.01;
HTML files updated to use new version of Parchment.
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>ReflejosBlancos.zip]

# absolutos.zip
tuid: agrk30ajxcazuh2l

Los sonidos absolutos, por Grendelkhan y Depresiv.
"La búsqueda de la supraesencia o los
desvaríos de un demente."
Release 1 / Serial number 080516
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>absolutos.zip]

# aquelarre.zip
tuid: s1xp5zkwkv15exli

Aquelarre, el legado Abrapampa, by Ricard Ibanez and
Pablo D'Amico.
Revision 1 / Numero de serie 000428
Archive includes Z-code file and Inform source code.
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>aquelarre.zip]

# churro_src.zip
tuid: 3vydmdgmdzoog3ep

Churro patatero, by José Manuel Ferrer Ortiz (Morgul).
Revisión 3 / Número de serie 020116.
(a compiled version is in </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>churro.zip)

# conrumbo.zip
tuid: evmzm5hg3vfdvys0

Con Rumbo, a Spanish game by Enrique D. Bosch.
Revision 5 / Numero de serie 010527
Archive includes Glulx game file, Inform source code
and a walkthrough.
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/glulx/spanish/>conrumbo.zip]

# csa.zip
tuid: n8qiim703zqm1fgl

Cacahuetes, Sal y Aceite, by Baltasar.
Revision 2 / Numero de serie 150201
Archive includes Z-code file and Inform source code.
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>csa.zip]

# cueva.zip
tuid: s0wz08dtq9kl8zij

La Oscura Cueva, by Baltasar.
Revision 1 / Numero de serie 150301
Archive includes Z-code file and Inform source code.
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>cueva.zip]

# gorbag.zip

El regalo de Gorbag, por Grendelkhan.
"Sobre orcos, chicas, cafés y tardes de lluvia."
Release 2 / Serial number 100104
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>gorbag.zip]

# gorron_src.zip
tuid: 8tucc7iqyv44bb9g

El gorron del tren, by Jose Manuel Ferrer Ortiz.
Revision 6 / Numero de serie 020726
(a compiled version is in </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>gorron.zip)

# hhorcus.zip

Homo Homini Orcus, un encuentro interactivo
por J. Francisco Martín.
Versión 2.5 / Núm. de serie 100818
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/glulx/spanish/>hhorcus.zip]

# konix.zip
tuid: agrk30ajxcazuh2l

Konix, por Grendelkhan. "Vulcanianos libres nunca fueron
tan provocativos ante las Cortes Generales de Kuaran."
Revision 1 / Serial Number 080505
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>konix.zip]

# kunelar.zip
tuid: agrk30ajxcazuh2l

El ascenso de Kunelar, por Grendelkhan.
"Una charla intrascendente mientras el alma asciende
hacia la gloria."
Release 1 / Serial number 090409
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>kunelar.zip]

# megara.zip

Los placeres de Megara, por Grendelkhan.
"Episodio I de las aventuras de Ringo Inferno."
Release 1 / Serial number 091204
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>megara.zip]

# no-es-culpa-tuya-maria.zip
tuid: agrk30ajxcazuh2l

No es culpa tuya Maria, por Grendelkhan y Depresiv.
"No te preocupes, todo va bien."
Release 1 / Serial number 080723
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>no-es-culpa-tuya-maria.zip]

# playera.zip
tuid: d4zcretzm9l4wrpa

En la playa, by Baltasar.
Revision 1 / Numero de serie 010101
Archive includes Z-code file and Inform source code.
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>playera.zip]

# sentencia_src.zip
tuid: u2s3b8beeezfmk3d

La Sentencia, by Pedro Angel Ala.
Revision 1 / Numero de serie 991225
(a compiled version is in </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>sentencia.zip)

# voraz.zip
tuid: agrk30ajxcazuh2l

Pesadilla voraz, por Grendelkhan.
"La voracidad de la vida y la muerte."
Release 1 / Serial number 080430
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>voraz.zip]

# Olvido.zip
tuid: hd8qf4lha5gl2d2u
ifwiki: Olvido Mortal

Olvido Mortal, by Andrés Viedma Peláez.
Release 3.
Story file, solution, and source code.
(just the compiled version is in

# adso.zip
tuid: vwj4203naqz19v4c

Adso de Melk, by Ricardo Pérez López (Alpha Aventuras).
Una "prueba de concepto" versión conversacional de 'La abadí­a del crimen'.
Story file and Inform 6 source code.
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/zcode/spanish/>adso.zip]

# libro.zip
tuid: y14m5106ix28qgu0

El libro que se aburría, by Antonia Visiedo (Jenesis).
Revisión 3 / Número de serie 031202.
Contains source code and compiled story file.
(the same story file is in

# Lemniscata.zip
tuid: dlwqgokmu8d4gefc

Lemniscata, by Depresiv.
Revisión 1 / Número de serie 050603.
(Story file and source code.)
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/competitions-spanish/xcomp2005/>Lemniscata.zip]

# romanfredo.zip
tuid: 65312rv9qhvbpu3l

El Cantar de Romanfredo, by Aryekaix.
Contains story file and source code.
[file is linked to </if-archive/games/competitions-spanish/xcomp2005/>romanfredo.zip]
NameLast modifiedSize

Parent Directory  -
Index2024-07-15 15:57 8.8K
gorron_src.zip2003-10-15 15:44 13K
sentencia_src.zip2003-10-15 16:14 23K
Lemniscata.zip2005-08-19 08:07 45K
romanfredo.zip2005-08-19 08:11 49K
csa.zip2003-01-22 12:56 52K
cueva.zip2003-01-22 12:59 56K
conrumbo.zip2002-12-18 16:23 58K
churro_src.zip2003-10-15 15:47 61K
playera.zip2003-01-22 12:53 62K
aquelarre.zip2003-10-23 14:06 75K
Olvido.zip2006-02-16 15:43 82K
libro.zip2010-03-23 08:23 98K
absolutos.zip2010-04-09 10:48 270K
adso.zip2006-02-16 15:43 278K
konix.zip2010-04-09 10:58 390K
gorbag.zip2010-04-09 10:39 511K
kunelar.zip2010-04-09 10:47 739K
megara.zip2010-04-09 10:44 1.0M
no-es-culpa-tuya-maria.zip2010-04-09 10:52 1.1M
voraz.zip2010-04-09 10:50 1.1M
Forrajeo.zip2024-04-05 22:44 2.0M
Afuera.zip2024-04-05 15:47 2.1M
Mansion.zip2024-04-05 13:27 2.1M
Goteras.zip2024-04-05 14:50 2.1M
ReflejosBlancos.zip2024-04-05 19:21 2.1M
PanAjo.zip2024-04-05 18:19 2.2M
Protector.zip2024-04-05 13:49 2.2M
Macetas.zip2024-04-05 15:20 2.3M
ModusVivendi.zip2024-04-05 18:55 2.3M
Encierro.zip2024-04-05 23:07 2.4M
Pincoya.zip2024-04-05 17:30 2.8M
Cerillera.zip2010-12-13 23:05 3.2M
hhorcus.zip2010-08-18 20:34 8.2M

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