Index: if-archive/starters

1 Subdirectory


21 Files

95ntif.exe [23-Nov-1996]

Inform and TADS starters' pack for Windows 95 and NT, by Werner Punz. Self-extracting archive.

AB10.exe [09-Jun-1998]

Adventure Blaster 1.0, by Eric O'Dell. Adventure Blaster is a Win95 front-end to ten games selected as a good introduction to Interactive Fiction for novices. It makes getting started with IF easy by providing an automated installer, a user-friendly interface, and an extensive help system including reviews, hints, solutions, walkthroughs, FAQs, and an excellent introductory tutorial. Windows 95 self-installing program.

ashes.exe [14-Jan-2001]

A large interactive fiction starter kit, with 50 games that range in difficulty from beginner to expert, plus the interpreters needed to run them. Self-extracting Win32 archive, compiled by Michael Fare for a magazine about games for the blind.

Beginner.txt [25-Feb-1997]

A Beginner's Guide to Interactive Fiction, by Joe W Aultman.

BeginnersIF.pkg [03-Feb-2001]

A Beginner's Guide to Interactive Fiction, by Joe W Aultman, converted to the Newton book format by Eric Brown.

FamiAdv.exe [06-Dec-2016]

Family Adventures: a collection of interactive fiction for children. Packaged for Windows by Dr. Fransois Raccozi. This package contains 10 interactive fiction (text adventure) games, selected specifically for children and family-friendly play.

fifstart.lha [05-Dec-1996]

Fredrik's Interactive Fiction Starter's Kit, Amiga version, by Fredrik Ramsberg. The kit consists of the games The Sound of One Hand Clapping, The One That Got Away, John's Fire Witch, Theatre, Gumshoe and Nine Points. It also contains interpreters for the games (AdvSys, TADS and Z-code), general instructions on how to play IF games, and a solution for Nine Points.

fifstart.sit [12-Mar-1997]

Fredrik's Interactive Fiction Starter's Kit, Macintosh version, by Fredrik Ramsberg. The kit consists of the games The One That Got Away, John's Fire Witch, Theatre, Gumshoe and Nine Points. It also contains interpreters for the games (TADS and Z-code), general instructions on how to play IF games, and a solution for Nine Points.

fifstart.tar.gz [06-Dec-1996]
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Fredrik's Interactive Fiction Starter's Kit, Unix version, by Fredrik Ramsberg. The kit consists of the games The Sound of One Hand Clapping, The One That Got Away, John's Fire Witch, Theatre, Gumshoe and Nine Points. It also contains source code to build interpreters for the games (AdvSys, TADS and Z-code), general instructions on how to play IF games, and a solution for Nine Points. [02-Dec-1996]
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Fredrik's Interactive Fiction Starter's Kit, PC version, by Fredrik Ramsberg. The kit consists of the games The Sound of One Hand Clapping, The One That Got Away, John's Fire Witch, Theatre, Gumshoe and Nine Points. It also contains interpreters for the games (AdvSys, TADS and Z-code), general instructions on how to play IF games, and a solution for Nine Points.

if-einfuehrung.pdf [18-Dec-2004]

A German introduction to interactive fiction and its basic concepts, aimed at beginners, by Joerg Rosenbauer. [02-Apr-2017]
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A compact, menu-driven collection of 44 classic Z-Code games on three bootable floppies, for x86-compatible computers. Various free licenses; all games available elsewhere on the Archive. Release 1. Compiled by Daniel Gaskell. [26-Jul-2005]
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IFWiki: IF Promotional CD, July 2005 Edition

IF Promotional CD for Windows, July 2005 Edition. An ISO image of a CD containing ready to run interpreters and a selection of games (all of whose authors have given permission), assembled by David Cornelson. Included are interpreters for TADS, Z-code, Hugo and Glulx games, along with the following games:

  • Heroes (Sean Barrett)
  • 9:05, Textfire Golf, I-0, Photopia, Shrapnel and Varicella (Adam Cadre)
  • Sunset Over Savannah (Ivan Cockrum)
  • Risorgimento Represso (Michael Coyne)
  • Sting of the Wasp (Jason Devlin)
  • A Bear's Night Out (David Dyte)
  • All Hope Abandon, Square Circle (Eric Eve)
  • All Things Devours (half sick of shadows)
  • Babel and Kaged (Ian Finley)
  • Losing Your Grip (Stephen Granade)
  • Muse: An Autumn Romance (Christopher Huang)
  • All Roads, The Mulldoon Murders and The Mulldoon Legacy (Jon Ingold)
  • Blue Chairs (Chris Klimas)
  • The Fire Tower (Jacqueline A. Lott)
  • Ad Verbum and Winchester's Nightmare (Nick Montfort)
  • Curses, Jigsaw and The Meteor, The Stone And A Long Glass Of Sherbet (Graham Nelson)
  • Earth And Sky and Earth And Sky 2: Another Earth, Another Sky, and Earth and Sky 3: Luminous Horizon (Paul O'Brian)
  • The Dreamhold, Hunter, in Darkness, Shade, So Far, The Space Under the Window, Spider And Web and A Change In The Weather (Andrew Plotkin)
  • Moments Out of Time (L. Ross Raszewski)
  • For a Change (Dan Schmidt)
  • Fallacy of Dawn and Necrotic Drift (Robb Sherwin)
  • Galatea, Metamorphoses, Pytho's Mask and Savoir Faire (Emily Short)
  • The Edifice (Lucian Smith)
  • Scavenger (Quintin Stone)
  • Guilty Bastards (Kent Tessman)
  • Adventure / Colossal Cave
  • Dungeon [21-Apr-2010]
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IF Promotional CD for Windows, March 2010 Edition. An ISO image of a CD containing ready to run interpreters and a selection of games (all of whose authors have given permission). This edition is a refresh of David Cornelson's earlier edition, updated by Robb Sherwin for distribution at PAX East, 2010.

ifstart.lha [05-Dec-1996]

Interactive Fiction Starter Kit, Amiga version, by Russ Bryan and Bill Hoggett. Contents: Curses and Unnkulian Unventure I as examples of Inform and TADS games, respectively; interpreters for both types; complete solutions to both games; and an annotated transcript of the first 50 moves through Curses.

ifstart.sit [13-Oct-1996]

Interactive Fiction Starter Kit, Macintosh version, by Russ Bryan. Contents: Curses and Unnkulian Unventure I as examples of Inform and TADS games, respectively; interpreters for both types; complete solutions to both games; and an annotated transcript of the first 50 moves through Curses. (Note on unnkulian1.sol in the Macintosh version: this file is displayed as a Word document, but in fact it is plain ASCII text, so just drag it on BBEdit or any other appropriate program.) [13-Oct-1996]
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Interactive Fiction Starter Kit, PC version, by Russ Bryan. Contents: Curses and Unnkulian Unventure I as examples of Inform and TADS games, respectively; interpreters for both types; complete solutions to both games; and an annotated transcript of the first 50 moves through Curses. [09-Dec-2001]
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The Inform Jump Start Kit, English version 1.0, packaged by Max Kalus. The archive includes the Inform compiler for Win32, the Inform library and links to useful web pages. [15-Aug-2002]
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The Inform Jump Start Kit, German version 3.0, packaged by Max Kalus. The archive includes the Inform compiler for Win32, the German translation of the Inform library and links to useful web pages.

ninepts.z5 [27-Nov-1996] [link to if-archive/games/zcode/ninepts.z5]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Nine Points

Nine Points: A Demonstration of an Interactive Fiction Game, by Robert Janelle and Brad O'Donnell. Release 12 / Serial number 961127 (solution is in solutions/ninepts.sol) [file is linked to games/zcode/ninepts.z5]

play-if-card.tar.gz [10-Apr-2010]
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An IF-for-beginners card that was created for the People's Republic of Interactive Fiction Hospitality Suite at PAX-East 2010 to give beginners an idea of what commands will work. Created by Andrew Plotkin and Lea Albaugh.