The entries to the 20th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (2014). (As they stood when voting closed.)
AlethiCorp, by Simon Christiansen. Web. (game not included; contains link to online version)
And yet it moves, by Orion Zymaris. Glulx. Release 1 / Serial number 141019.
Arqon: A Criminal's Journey, a W&W Scenario by H. J. Hoke. Glulx. Version 1.0 (Competition release) / Serial number 140922. Story file, supplementary material, and walkthrough.
Begscape, by Porpentine. Twine.
Building the Right Stuff, by Laura Mitchell. Windows (Intel 32-bit). Executable and hints.
Caroline, by Kristian Kronstrand. HTML.
Creatures Such As We, by Lynnea Glasser. ChoiceScript.
Eidolon, by A.D. Jansen. Twine. Story file and walkthrough.
Enigma, an interactive instant by Simon Deimel. Z-code. Release 1 / Serial number 141020. (a newer version is at games/zcode/Enigma.zblorb)
Excelsior, A Puzzle Adventure by Arthur DiBianca. Z-code. Release 1 (140924). Story file and walkthrough.
Fifteen Minutes, an Interactive Tight Spot by Ade McT. Z-code. Release 1 / Serial number 141021. Story file and walkthrough.
Following Me, by Tia Orisney. Twine.
HHH.exe, by Robot Parking. Twine.
Hill 160, by Mike Gerwat. Glulx. Release 1 / Serial number 140911. Story file, maps, and walkthrough.
Hunger Daemon, the Travails of a Cafeteria Cultist by Sean M. Shore. Glulx. Release 3 / Serial number 141014. Story file and walkthrough. (a newer version is at games/glulx/Hunger_Daemon.gblorb)
Icepunk, by pageboy. Twine.
Inward Narrow Crooked Lanes, by B Minus Seven. Twine. (a newer version is in games/twine/
Jacqueline, Jungle Queen!, by Steph Cherrywell. Quest. Story file, link to play online, and walkthrough.
Jesse Stavro's Doorway, a Long Strange Trip by Marshal Tenner Winter. Glulx. Release 1 / Serial number 140927. Story file and walkthrough.
Krypteia, by Kateri. Twine. (game not included; link to online version, and hints)
Laterna Magica, by Jens Byriel. Twine.
Milk Party Palace, by Alon Karmi and Glenn Parker. Unity. Browser-playable version and Windows executable (Intel 32-bit).
Missive, by Joey Fu. Twine.
One Night Stand, by Giannis G. Georgiou. Quest. (game not included; contains link to online version, and walkthrough)
Origins, by Vincent Zeng and Chris Martens. HTML.
Paradox Corps, by John Evans. ChoiceScript.
Raik, by Harry Josephine Giles. Twine. Story file and walkthrough.
Sigmund's Quest, by Gregor Holtz. HTML.
Slasher Swamp, by Robot. TADS 3. Windows executable (Intel 32-bit) and walkthrough.
Tea Ceremony, an alien etiquette simulator by Naomi Hinchen. Z-code. Release 5 / Serial number 140918. Story file and walkthrough.
The Black Lily, by Hannes Schüller. Z-code. Release 1 / Serial number 140926. Story file and walkthrough. (a later release is at games/zcode/lily.z5)
The Contortionist, by Nicholas Stillman. Twine. Story file and walkthrough.
The Entropy Cage, by Emmanuel King Turner (as Stormrose). Twine. Story file and walkthrough. (a newer version is in games/twine/
The Secret Vaults of Kas the Betrayer, by A.E. Jackson. Twine. Story file and walkthrough.
The Urge, by PaperBlurt. Twine. (game not included; link to play online)
Tower, a surreal trip by Simon Deimel. Z-code. Release 1 / Serial number 141012. Story file and walkthrough. (a newer version is at games/zcode/Tower.zblorb)
Transparent, an interactive exploration by Hanon Ondricek. Glulx. Release 5 / Serial number 141014. Story file, walkthrough / supplemental material, and map. (a newer version is at games/glulx/Transparent.gblorb)
Ugly Oafs, a wordplay game by Andrew Schultz (as Perry Creel). Glulx. Release 1 / Serial number 141026. Story file, hints, walkthrough, and Inform 7 source code. (a newer version is in games/glulx/
Unform, by S. Elize Morgan. Twine.
Venus Meets Venus, by kaleidofish. Twine.
With Those We Love Alive, by Porpentine and Brenda Neotenomie. Twine. (game not included; link to online version)
Zest, by Fear of Twine (Richard Goodness, lectronice, and PaperBlurt). (game not included; link to online version)
All of the entries in the 2014 competition in one package, as released at the start of the competition.
Notes on these files from the organizer, Jason McIntosh.