This directory contains games for the ZX Spectrum.
See directory emulators/spectrum for programs to run these games on a PC.
The games are in either .sna (48k) or .z80 (48k or 128k) formats.
See for information about the
ZX Spectrum, its emulators, snapshots, and tools.
- spanish
- swedish
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
A collection of Scott Adams games:
- Buckaroo Banzai (Scott Adams (SA) Nr. 14b)
- Questprobe 1: The Hulk
- Questprobe 2: Spiderman
- Questprobe 3: Torch and Thing
- Sorceror of Claymorgue Caste (SAGA Nr. 13)
- Adventureland (SAGA Nr. 1)
- Pirate Adventure (SA Nr. 2)
- Secret Mission (SAGA Nr. 3)
- Voodoo Castle (SA Nr. 4)
- Strange Odysey (SA Nr. 6)
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Dunric's 8K Adventure for the ZX Spectrum, release 4.5.
Adam's Adventure, by Brian Howarth.
(from archive, under review)
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
A collection of games released by Artic:
- Planet of Death
- Inca Curse
- Ship of Doom
- Espionage Island
- The Golden Apple
- Eye of Bain
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The Boggit, by CRL, Fergus McNeill.
(from archive, under review)
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Cloak of Darkness, Roger Firth's example adventure
for comparing authoring systems, ported to several
Spectrum adventure authoring systems (and BASIC),
by Richard Bos.
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The Colour of Magic, by CRL.
(from archive, under review)
- DAAW.sna
- IFDB entry
- IFWiki:
Danger! Adventurer at Work!, by Simon Avery.
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- IFDB entry
Delron, by Richard Otter, written with The Quill.
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
A collection of games by Delta 4:
- The Boggit (3 parts)
- Bored of the Rings (3 parts)
- Robin of Sherlock (3 parts)
- The Big Sleaze (3 parts)
- The Colour of Magic (4 parts)
- Galaxias
- Quest for the Holy Joystick
- Return of the Holy Joystick
- The Dragonstar Trilogy (3 parts)
- Sceptical (3 parts)
- Guide to Greater London
- Freddy.z80
Fredy, the short sighted frogger, by Desconocido.
(from archive, under review)
- GerbilRiot.sna
- IFDB entry
- IFWiki:
The Gerbil Riot of '67, by Simon Avery.
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The Hobbit - Spectrum, by Melbourne House.
(from archive, under review)
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
- IFWiki:
Snowball, Return to Eden, The Worm in Paradise, Red Moon (by Level 9), The Price of Magik, Lords of Time, Emerald Isle
A collection of games by Level 9:
- Colossal Adventure
- Adventure Quest
- Dungeon Adventure
- Snowball
- Return to Eden
- Worm in Paradise
- Red Moon
- Price of Magik
- Lords of Time
- Emerald Isle
- Erik the Viking
- Secret Diary of Adrian Mole
- Knight Orc
- Loads Of
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Loads of Midnight, by Keith Huges (Penna productions/CRL).
(from archive, under review)
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
A collection of games released by Melbourne House:
- The Hobbit
- The Lord of the Rings (3 parts)
- Shadows of Mordor
- Hampstead
- Terrormolinos
- Dodgy Geezer (2 parts)
- Sherlock
- Mordon's Quest
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- IFDB entry
Quest Adventure 1: Manor of Madness, by Colm A. McCarthy.
The first of the Quest Adventure series (the TADS game
The Light: Shelby's Addendum is #3). Originally released
commercially in 1984 by Celtic Software Productions. Made
public domain in 1996 by the author and Illusory Mental
(versions of Shelby's Addendum for different machines are in
games/tads/, games/pc/, and in
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
The 11 Mysterious Adventures by Brian Howarth for ZX Spectrum,
converted to Z80 snapshots by Werner Spahl. The titles:
- The Golden Baton
- The Time Machine
- Arrow of Death Part 1 and 2
- Escape from Pulsar 7
- Circus
- Feasibility Experiment
- The Wizard of Akyrz
- Perseus and Andromeda
- Ten Little Indians
- Waxworks
Also included are the following AdventureSoft games:
- Gremlins
- Robin of Sherwood
- Seas of Blood
- Rebel Planet
- Kayleth
- Terraquake
- Temple of Terror
- Super Gran
- Blizzard Pass
(The original versions, converted to ScottFree format, can be
found as scott-adams/games/scottfree/mysterious.tar.gz;
C64 versions with line-drawing graphics are in
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
A collection of Spectrum adventure games:
- Heroes of Karn
- Jewels of Babylon
- Kentilla
- Mindshadow (4 parts)
- Witch's Cauldron
- McKensie
- Neverending Story
- Custerds Quest
- Blood of Bogmole
- Wizards Skull
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
A collection of games by Phipps Associates and the
RamJam Corporation:
- Knights Quest
- Magic Mountain
- Pharaohs Tomb
- Greedy Gulch
- Colditz Castle
- Valkyrie 17
- Terrors of Trantoss
- SA-Copyright.txt
[link to if-archive/scott-adams/SA-Copyright.txt]
Copyright notice from Scott Adams, dated 24nov97
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An unofficial translation, by Anton Shepelev, of the demo of
the cult Russian graphical text adventure "Star Heritage"
(also known as "Star Inheritance") set in the Elite universe
and released in 1995 for the ZX Pentagon (a Soviet Spectrum
clone). The demo contains the full first part of the game.
Urban Upstart, by Richard Shepherd.
(from archive, under review)
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Velnor's Lair, by Derek Brewster.
Game in English, with accompanying description in Spanish.
(from archive, under review)
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- IFDB entry
Wakemare, by Richard Otter, written with The Quill.
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
128K Spectrum games for which Zenobi Software hold the
copyright. Zenobi make these games available for personal
use only and may not be compiled on to a CD or other media
for resale. The title are:
- 39 Steps
- The Apprentice
- Aurascope
- The Bardic Rite
- The Beast
- The Case Of The Beheaded Smuggler
- Cloud 99
- Diablo
- Dr.Jekyll And Mr.Hyde
- The Final Chorus
- Gods Of War
- Jester Quest
- The Khangrin Plans
- Knight Life
- The Krazy Kartoonist Kaper
- Leopold The Minstrel
- Lost Twilight
- Microfair Madness
- Murder-He said
- Mutiny - Episode One
- Mutiny - The Final Chapter
- The Pendant Of Logryn
- Rhyme Crime
- Stalker
- Stranded
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- IFWiki:
48K Spectrum games for which Zenobi Software hold the
copyright. Zenobi make these games available for personal
use only and may not be compiled on to a CD or other media
for resale. The title are:
- Agatha's Folly
- Alien Research Centre
- All In A Day's Work
- The Amulet Of Darath
- April 7th
- Arnold The Adventurer
- Arnold The Adventurer II
- Arnold The Adventurer III
- Aunt Velma Is Coming To Tea
- Aztec Assault
- Balrog And The Cat
- Balrog's Day Out
- The Beginning Of The End
- Behind Closed Doors
- Behind Closed Doors 2
- Behind Closed Doors 3 - Revenge Of The Ants
- Behold Atlantis
- The Bermuda Triangle
- Beyond Eldorado
- The Big Sleaze
- The Black Tower
- Bog Of Brit
- The Boggit
- Bored Of The Rings
- Bounty Hunter
- Boyd File
- Brian The Dishonest Politician
- Brian The Novice Barbarian
- Bugsy
- Bulbo And The Lizard-King
- The Case Of The Beheaded Smuggler
- Castle Adventure
- Celtic Carnage
- The Challenge
- The Citadel
- Civil Service
- Civil Service II
- Cloud 99
- Cpl. Stone
- Crack City
- The Crystals of Kings
- Cuddles
- The Cup
- The Curse of Calutha
- The Curse of Nimue
- The Darkest Road
- The Dark Tower
- Davy Jones' Locker
- Deek's Deeds
- Demigod
- Desert Island
- Desmond and Gertrude
- Diablo
- Diarmid
- Dr.Jekyll And Mr.Hyde
- The Dogboy
- The Domes Of Sha
- Double Agent
- Dragon's Quest
- The Dragonstar Trilogy
- Dungeon Romp
- Dungeons Of Maldread
- Earthshock
- Eclipse
- Elfindor
- The Elfin Wars
- The Ellisnore Diamond
- The Emerald Elf
- The Enchanted Cottage
- The End Is Nigh
- The Energem Enigma
- Escape From Hodgkins' Manor
- The Escaping Habit
- An Everyday Tale Of A Seeker Of Gold
- The Extricator
- Faerie
- Feline Fancy
- The Final Demand
- The Fire Ruby
- First Past The Post
- The Fisher King
- Fistful Of Necronomicons
- Flameout
- For Pete's Sake
- Four Minutes To Midnight
- From Out Of A Dark Night Sky
- Fuddo And Slam
- Game Without A Name
- Get Me To The Church On Time
- The Goblin Gazzette
- The Goblin Gazzette II
- Gods Of War
- The Golden Locket
- The Golden Pyramid
- The Golden Sword Of Bhakhor
- The Gordello Incident (parts 1 and 2)
- The Hammer Of Grimmold
- A Harvesting Moon
- The Hermitage
- Hide and Seek
- The Hit
- Hob's Hoard
- The House
- House On The Tor
- H.R.H.
- Ice Station Zero
- Impact
- The Infiltrator
- In Search Of Angels
- Into The Mystic
- The Islands of Sinbad
- Jack and The Beanstalk
- Jack The Ripper
- Jade Necklace
- The Jade Stone
- Jester Quest
- Jester's Jaunt
- Kidnapped
- Kobyashi Ag'Kwo
- Kobyashi Naru
- Labour Pains
- The Labours Of Hercules
- The Lamberley Mystery
- Larry The Lemming's Urge For Extinction
- Laskar's Crystal
- Laskar's Return
- The Legacy
- A Legacy For Alaric
- Lifeboat
- Lightmare - The Village Of Delvhorn
- Limelight
- The Little Wandering Guru
- The Lone Electron
- Loose Ends
- Lost In Time
- The Lost Temple
- Lycanthropy
- The Magic Isle
- Man About The House
- Mansion Quest
- The Mapper
- Marooned
- Matchmaker
- Meltdown
- The Menagerie
- The Mines Of Lithiad
- The Miser
- Mission X
- The Mummy's Crypt
- Murder Hunt
- Murder Hunt 2
- Murder Mystery Weekend
- Mutant
- Nightwing
- Norman's Lament
- Number Six In The Village
- One Of Our Wombats Is Missing
- One Of Those Days
- The Oppressed Land
- P.C.W.
- The Pawns of War
- Perseus
- Phoenix
- Project Nova
- Quann Tulla
- Quest For The Holy Joystick
- Quest For The Holy Snail
- Quest For The Holy Something
- Radiomania
- Raymond Pringle's Quest For Pickled Cabbage
- Realm Of Darkness
- Red Alert
- Retarded Creatures And Caverns
- Return Of The Joystick
- Robin Of Sherlock
- Ronnie Goes To Hollywood
- Sam's Unexcellent Adventure
- Search For The Nether Regions
- Seaside Sorcery
- The Secret Of Little Hodcome
- The Secret Of St. Brides
- See-Kaa Of Assiah
- Serpentine Tale
- The Shard of Inovar
- Sherwood Forest
- Silverwolf
- The Slaughter Caves
- Snow Joke
- The Snow Queen
- The Song of Taliesin
- The Staff of Power
- Starflaws
- Stranded
- A Stroll In The Bleak Forest
- The Tales Of Mathematica
- Tax Returns
- The Taxman Cometh
- The Tears Of The Moon
- Teenage Emergency
- Ten Green Bottles
- Theme Park UK
- Theme Park USA
- There Is A Bomb Under Parliament
- The Time Of Dread
- Toddler Trouble
- The Treasure Of Santa Maria
- Treasure Island
- The Trouble With Trolls
- The Twelve Days Of Christmas
- The Unborn One
- Urban
- Venom
- The Very Big Cave Adventure
- The Violator Of Voodoo
- Weaver Of Her Dreams
- The Well Of Zol
- Why Is The World Round Anyway?
- The White Feather Cloak
- Witch Hunt
- The Wizard Of Oz
- Wizard Quest
- Zen
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- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
Best of the Indies, tape 1. A compilation of several
adventures for which Zenobi Software hold the copyright.
Zenobi make these games available for personal use only and
may not be compiled on to a CD or other media for resale.
The title are:
- Double Agent (Tartan Software)
- Cloud 99 (Linda Wright)
- Domes Of Sha (Jack Lockerby)
- The Labours Of Hercules (Terry Taylor)
- The Secret Of Little Hodcome (The Balrog)
- Retarded Creatures and Caverns (The Balrog)
- View contents
- IFDB entry, entry, entry, entry, entry, entry
Best of the Indies, tape 2. A compilation of several
adventures for which Zenobi Software hold the copyright.
Zenobi make these games available for personal use only and
may not be compiled on to a CD or other media for resale.
The title are:
- Crack City (Garry Cappuccini)
- From Out Of A Dark Night Sky (The Balrog)
- Diablo (Parts 1 to 3) (Mark Cantrell)
- The Gordello Incident (Parts 1 and 2) (Tartan Software)
- The Hermitage (Parts 1 and 2) (Tony Collins)
- The Hunter (Jack Lockerby)
- zombi.z80
Zombi, by Ubi Soft.
(from archive, under review)
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A package of text adventures for the ZX Spectrum.
The package contains the following games:
- A Shadow on Glass
- Adventure A - Planet of Death
- Adventure B - Inca Curse
- Adventure C - Ship of Doom
- Adventure D - Espionage Island
- Adventure E - Golden Apple
- Adventureland
- Arrow of Death 1
- Arrow of Death 2
- Blizzard Pass
- Blood of the Bogmole
- Boggit
- Bored of the Rings
- Buckaroo Banzai
- Circus
- Dodgy Geezers
- Double Agent
- Emerald Isle
- Escape from Pulsar 7
- Feasibility Experiment
- Galaxias
- Greedy Gulch
- Gremlins
- Growing Pains of Adrian Mole
- Hampstead
- Heroes
- Hobbit
- Jewels of Darkness 1 - Colossal Adventure
- Jewels of Darkness 2 - Adventure Quest
- Jewels of Darkness 3 - Dungeon Adventure
- Kayleth
- Kentilla
- Knight's Quest
- Lord of the Rings
- Magic Mountain
- Manor of Madness
- Marvel Adventure 1
- Marvel Adventure 2
- Marvel Adventure 3
- McKensie
- Mindshadow
- Mountains of Ket
- Mystery of the Indus Valleys
- Perseus and Andromeda
- Peter Pan, by N.D.Head
- Pharaoh's Tomb
- Pirate Adventure
- Price of Magik
- Quest Adventure
- Ransom, the 6-location demonstration adventure supplied
with the Graphic Adventure Creator
- Rebel Planet
- Red Moon
- Return of the Joystick
- Robin of Sherlock
- Robin of Sherwood
- Seas of Blood
- Secret Mission
- Secret of the Apache Gold
- Shadows of Mordor
- Sherlock
- Silicon Dreams 1 - Snowball
- Silicon Dreams 2 - Return to Eden
- Silicon Dreams 3 - Worm in Paradise
- Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle
- Space Adventure
- Starship Quest
- Strange Odyssey
- Subsunk
- Super Spy
- Supergran
- Temple of Terror
- Temple of Vran
- Ten little Indians
- TerraQuake
- Terrormolinos
- Terrors of Trantoss, around 1986. Very hard in places.
- The Big Sleaze
- The Colour of Magic
- The Final Mission
- The Golden Baton
- The Jewels of Babylon
- The Pawn, by Magnetic Scrolls. Spectrum 128k only.
- The Saga of Erik the Viking
- The Time Machine
- The Valkyrie
- The Woodland Realm
- Time and Magik
- Very Big Cave Adventure, a parody of Colossal Cave
- Voodoo Castle
- Waxworks
- Winter Wonderland
- Witch's Cauldron
- Wizard of Akyrz