Achievements version 1, by Mikael Segercrantz. Provides a table-based way of assigning scores to actions, rooms and objects.
Atmospheric Effects version 4, by Mikael Segercrantz.
Currency, version 2/121101, by Zorkfire Games. An extension providing a system for implementing currency, including values for coins and bills.
Planner version 1, by Nate Cull. An extension for creating NPCs that, given a goal, perform actions to achieve the goal.
Multiple Exits version 1, by Mikael Segercrantz. Allows the creation of exits with multiple possible destinations.
Reactable Quips version 2, by Michael Martin. A table-based approach to NPC conversation chains, as well as allowing rules to fire on lines of conversation.
Scheduled Activities version 2, by John Clemens. An extension that allows activities to be scheduled at absolute and relative times.
Shipboard Directions version 1, by Mikael Segercrantz.