Index: if-archive/infocom/media/cga

This directory contains the CGA graphics files for Infocom's V6 games.

4 Files

arthur.cg1 [05-Jul-2019]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur

The CGA graphics file for Arthur.

journey.cg1 [03-Jul-2019]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Journey

The CGA graphics file for Journey.

shogun.cg1 [03-Jul-2019]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Shogun

The CGA graphics file for Shogun.

zork0.cg1 [03-Jul-2019]
IFDB entry
IFWiki: Zork Zero

The CGA graphics file for Zork Zero.