Index: if-archive/programming/tads2/examples/worldclass

This directory contains example code for WorldClass, a class library designed to replace ADV.T. The WorldClass files are available from programming/tads2/library/worldclass.

3 Files [08-Nov-2001]
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Converse v2.01 (07jul97), by James Cole. A system for Monkey Island style conversations using TADS and WorldClass. (Version 1.0 for adv.t without WorldClass is in programming/tads2/examples/

full.t [08-Nov-2001]

A 'plug-and-play' TADS source file for a 'fullscore' command that tells you precisely how the current score has been reached, version 1.61 (14apr97), by David Glasser [file is linked from programming/tads2/examples/full.t] [08-Nov-2001]
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A selection of miscellaneous WorldClass modules which may be of interest to others, by Paul Gilbert.