Walkthrough for "Brubaker", a commercial German game from 1992 (UTF-8).
Walkthrough for "Crime Time", a commercial German game from 1990 (UTF-8).
Walkthrough for "Der onirische Garten", by the author Dara. (the game file is in games/glulx/german/Der_onirische_Garten.gblorb)
Walkthrough for "Drachen von Laas", a commercial German game from 1991 (UTF-8).
Map for "Das Drachental", a commercial German game from 1985 (UTF-8).
Walkthrough for "Ein später Besuch", by the author Markus Witzmann. (the game file is in games/glulx/german/Ein_spaeter_Besuch.gblorb)
Map for the C64 game "Freiheit", released in 1986 (UTF-8).
Walkthrough for the C64 game "Freiheit".
Walkthrough for "Hellowoon - Das Geheimnis Des Zauberstabs", a commercial German game from 1987, by "Frank" (UTF-8).
Walkthrough for "Hexuma - Das Auge des Kal", a commercial German game from 1992, by "Dominik" (UTF-8).
Walkthrough for "Holiday Maker", a commercial German game from 1990, by Bert Jahn (UTF-8).
Walkthrough for "Jonathan", a commercial German game from 1993 (UTF-8).
Walkthrough for "Die Kathedrale", a commercial German game from 1991, by Wolfgang Fröde (UTF-8).
Hints, walkthrough and maps for "Lapis Philosophorum - Der Stein der Weisen", a commercial German game from 1985 (UTF-8).
Walkthrough for "Logan", a commercial German game from 1990 (UTF-8).
Walkthrough for "Ooze - als die Geister mürbe wurden", a commercial German game from 1988 (UTF-8).
Walkthrough for "Projekt Prometheus", a commercial German game from 1991 (UTF-8).
Walkthroughs and maps for all parts of "Schwert and Magie", a series of commercial German games from 1989-1992 (UTF-8).
Walkthrough for "Soul Crystal", a commercial German game from 1992, by Christian Grebe (UTF-8).
Walkthrough for "Stadt der Löwen", a commercial German game from 1990 (UTF-8).
Walkthrough for "Stümp", a commercial German game from 1991 (UTF-8).
Walkthrough for "Das Stundenglas", a commercial German game from 1990 (UTF-8).
Walkthrough for "The Yawn", a commercial German game from 1990 (UTF-8).