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Vein, by The Second Moon.
Demon Hunter: Legacy, by RetroVem. Version 1.26.
Passerine Hills: Just a Bite, by Naarel. (Amare Fest Version)
if you died tomorrow, by Naarel. Part of Passerine Hills.
A collection of articles about interactive fiction, written between 2011 and 2020 by Felix Pleșoianu. Free Art License.
Pysops, Yo, by Andrew Schultz (as "MP Kempke and Hamish Amis"). Release 4 / Serial number 250302. Story file, walkthrough, Inform 7 source code, and post-mortem. (Originally entered in ECTOCOMP 2021, Petite Mort division.)
Pysops, Yo, by Andrew Schultz (as "MP Kempke and Hamish Amis"). Release 4 / Serial number 250302. Story file, walkthrough, Inform 7 source code, and post-mortem. (Originally entered in ECTOCOMP 2021, Petite Mort division.)