"Az Alvilág Ura" (also known as "Lord Of The Hell 2"), written in Hungarian by Robert Olessak in 1990. The archive contains a C64/128 disk image, a cut-down tape version originally made for datasette players, scans of the packaging, and a solution.
Brekk!, written in Hungarian by Robert Olessak in 1988.
"A gálya" and its English translation "The Galleon", written by Robert Olessak in 1993. Archive includes Hungarian and English versions, along with previews of this game and its sequel, all as C64/128 disk images.
Details of "Horsekiller", by Robert Olessak, an unfinished sequel to the author's "The Galleon".
"Lord Of The Hell", written in Hungarian by Robert Olessak in 1988.
"A pokol angyala 2" (in English, "The Angel of the Hell 2"), an unfinished but playable adventure written by Robert Olessak and Mantis Software (Attila Heredi, Zoltan Nagy and Oliver Gaspar) between 1994 and 1996.