Index: if-archive/games/source

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79 Files

abermud2.tar.gz [25-Apr-2021]
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AberMUD II (Unix 1.12), a text based multi-user dungeon game. Written by Alan Cox, Richard Acott and Jim Finnis. This version was repaired from an incomplete archive and updated for modern Unixes by David Kinder.

adv350-pdp10.tar.gz [28-Dec-2000]
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The original Crowther and Woods PDP-10 FORTRAN source code of the Colossal Cave Adventure (350 points). (There is another version of the original source in advent-original.tar.gz) [08-Apr-2003]
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The original 350 points version of Colossal Cave, converted to the web scripting language PHP by Matt Cox. Requires PHP and a MySQL database. [12-Nov-1992]
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FORTRAN source code, DOS executable, and a walkthrough of the 350 points version of Colossal Cave by Don Ekman [file is linked to games/pc/] [13-Nov-1996]
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BSD Unix C source code of the 350 point version of Colossal Cave, written by Jim Gillogly. [05-Mar-1997]
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FORTRAN source code of the 350 points version of Colossal Cave by Bob Supnik, ported to DOS by Kevin Black (both of whom originally ported Adventure to the PDP-11 at DEC). (The DOS executable of this version is in games/pc/ [11-Oct-1994]
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PDP-11 FORTRAN source code (DECUS 11-340), modified source code for MS FORTRAN by Kenneth Plotkin, and a DOS executable of the original 350 points version of Colossal Cave. [file is linked to games/pc/]

adv350r4.tar.gz [12-Dec-1996]
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FORTRAN source code of the 350 point version of Colossal Cave. DECUS release 4 (February 1994), by Kent Blackett and Bob Supnik.

adv350r4_f77.tar.gz [01-Nov-2002]
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FORTRAN source code of the 350 point version of Colossal Cave. DECUS release 4 (February 1994), converted to Fortran-77 by Linards Ticmanis. [14-Feb-2007] [link to if-archive/games/pc/]
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Windows console mode executable of the 350 points version of Colossal Cave. Version 1.0.04 of the port, converted to Microsoft Visual C 6.0 by Al Whinery. Also includes source code. [file is linked to games/pc/] [16-Sep-1996]
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FORTRAN source code of a 370 points version of Colossal Cave, version 16sep96. Ported from Honeywell FORTRAN 77 to DOS PDS FORTRAN by Paul Munoz-Colman; a DOS executable is in games/source/

adv440.tgz [07-Nov-2013]
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Source code of the 440 point version of Colossal Cave by Jack Pike and Peter Luckett, 31 December 1978. Archive includes Fortran-77 source code created from the original source by Mike Arnautov, Jack Pike, Volker Blasius and Dave Picton. Also included is the original Fortran-IV source as well as various related programs and notes. (a DOS executable is in games/pc/, and a Linux executable is in games/linux/adv440-linux.tgz) [25-Mar-1993]
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C source code of 550 points version of Colossal Cave by Ken C. Wellsch, August 1985, ported from the FORTRAN version of David Platt. (a combined DOS/Windows executable of this version is in games/pc/

adv660.tar.Z [29-Nov-1995]
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C source code of 660 points version of Colossal Cave: Adventure4+ version 10.06 (26jul95), by Mike Arnautov. This version merges Adventure II by Peter Luckett and Jack Pike with Adventure 3 (aka Adventure 550) by Dave Platt. (a compiled DOS version is in games/pc/

adv770-2.07-C-src.tgz [20-May-2013]
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C source code of 770 points version of Colossal Cave: Version 2.07 (25mar2013), by Mike Arnautov. This is an extension of Mike's Adventure 4+. (a DOS executable is in, a Windows executable is in adv770-2.07-win.exe, and a Linux executable is in games/linux/adv770-2.07-linux.tgz) [14-Aug-2007]
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The original (pre Don Woods) version of Colossal Cave Adventure, written by Will Crowther. Long believed lost, this was found from a backup of Don Wood's student account thanks to the efforts of Dennis Jerz. Included are three versions of the Fortran-IV source code, along with two versions of the data file. Also included are Fortran-77 versions of the source code, converted to Fortran-77 by Matthew Russotto. (Windows executables are in games/pc/ [16-Jun-1996]
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C source code and DOS executable of the BDS C version of Adventure, ported to DOS by Bob Withers. [file is linked to games/pc/]

advent-5.2.2-5.tar.gz [18-Mar-2003]
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FORTRAN source code of 501 points version of Colossal Cave by David Long, version 5.2/2, October 1979, converted to FORTRAN 77 by Johann Gunnar Oskarsson.

advent-orig-nelson.tar.gz [03-Feb-2016]
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The original Crowther and Woods PDP-10 FORTRAN source code of the Colossal Cave Adventure (350 points). Ported to Unix Fortran 77 by Dan Nelson with no unnecessary omissions, additions, or modernizations.

advent-orig550.tar.gz [19-Mar-2003]
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The original source code for the 550 points version of Colossal Cave by David Platt, written for the Honeywell CP-6. Includes the A-Code game data as well as PL-6 and FORTRAN source code, reconstructed by Mike Arnautov.

advent-original.tar.gz [18-Mar-1996]
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The original Crowther and Woods PDP-10 FORTRAN source code of the Colossal Cave Adventure (350 points). Every other version can be tracked down to this one. (There is another version of the original source in adv350-pdp10.tar.gz)

advent.tar.Z [21-Dec-1992]
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FORTRAN-IV source code of 501 points version of Colossal Cave by David Long, version 5.2/2, October 1979.

advent_acode.tar.gz [04-Jan-2002]
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A-code sources of two versions of Colossal Cave: David Platt's 550 point version (David's PL-6 release of 9/18/84, which contains text and formatting missing from Ken Wellsch's more widely available C version), and Mike Arnautov's 660 point version (Adventure4+ 10.07, 5/9/2001, which merges Luckett and Pike's adv440 with Platt's adv550). Also included are C sources of all the components of Mike Arnautov's A-code system, required to build plain or Glk executables and (unencrypted) databases from the A-code sources. (compiled Windows Glk executables are in games/pc/ and games/pc/, compiled Linux Glk executables are in games/linux/adv550_glk_linux.tar.gz and games/linux/adv660_glk_linux.tar.gz, and David Platt's original 550 point version is in adventure-cp-6.tar.gz)

advent_bhavnani.tar.gz [29-Jun-2016]
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Source code of two versions of Colossal Cave Adventure, by Ravi Bhavnani. The first is his and Marc Chardon's VMS port and expansion of Mike Goetz's 550-point "Adventure B01" for CP/M. The second is Bhavnani's port of the VMS version to Windows (console mode). [20-Aug-2003]
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The 350 point version of Colossal Cave Adventure, translated to Forth by Leo Wong. Runs under Gforth, Win32Forth, bigFORTH, VFX Forth, Swiftforth and PFE. [30-Sep-2002]
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A version of Colossal Cave Adventure converted to run on the Mapper database on a Unisys 2200 mainframe. [21-Jan-2023]
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Generic C source code of Adventure 2.5 (430 points version of Colossal Cave) by Donald R. Woods (1995), with changes to allow compilation with recent (2023) C compilers.

Adventure2.5.tar.gz [29-Jan-1996]
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Generic C source code of Adventure 2.5 (430 points version of Colossal Cave) by Donald R. Woods (1995) (a DOS executable is in games/pc/ [24-Apr-2017]
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Adventure in Pascal, by George H. Richmond and Mike Preston, March 1979. Source code to a (very) approximate re-implementation of the original Crowther and Woods Adventure in Pascal. [29-Apr-1994]
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OS/2 2.x source code of Colossal Cave, by John W. Kennedy based on Jerry D. Pohl's version giving separate values for treasures, survival, and score. (an OS/2 executable compiled from this version is in games/os2/

advqnx.tar.gz [16-Feb-1994]
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a Unix C version (?) of the source code in [16-Dec-1992]
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portable FORTRAN source code for an extended 551 points version of Colossal Cave by Doug McDonald Version 6.6 August 1990 (a compiled DOS executable is in games/pc/, another one with support for multiple save files added by Magnus Olsson is in games/pc/ [25-Mar-1993]
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DOS executable and Turbo C 2.0 source code for a version of Colossal Cave by Jerry D. Pohl, which gives separate values for treasures, survival, and score. The "missing" header file (ADVTEXT.H, length 0) is created by running ADVENT0.EXE on the text files. [file is linked to games/pc/] (Jerry D. Pohl's original is in games/pc/adv.arc)

atomia.zoo [21-Dec-1992]

Atomia Akorny, Magnus Olsson's first adventure game for the Acorn Atom; C source code and DOS executable [file is linked to games/pc/atomia.zoo] [01-Jun-1996]
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Battlestar 4.2, fall 1984, written the honorable Admiral D.W. Riggle and ported to MS-DOS by Brian Douglas Smith. DOS executable and C source [file is linked to games/pc/]

battlestar.tar.Z [11-Oct-1993]
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Battlestar version 1.2, a stellar-tropical adventure game C source code and man page from BSD Unix

beyond-the-titanic.tar.gz [13-Sep-2014]
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Pascal source code for Beyond the Titanic, written by Scott Miller. It was originally released as shareware by Apogee Software, who later released the source code under the GPL. This archive includes the source as modified by Jason Self to compile on most systems with the Free Pascal compiler. [24-Jul-1995] [link to if-archive/games/pc/education/]
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BRAINSCAPE! An Adventure in Neuroanatomy, version 1.2 by W. Jeffrey Wilson and Lynne Ostergren. Pascal source code and DOS executable. (an AGT port of the source code is in programming/agt/ [file is linked to games/pc/education/]

cave.zoo [03-Feb-1993]

Cave Adventure by Russell Wallace C source code and DOS executable [file is linked to games/pc/cave.zoo]

chimaera.tar.gz [19-Mar-2003]
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Chimaera, version C1.001, by Chris Newall. A re-implementation in C of an early FORTRAN adventure game, by the game's original author. Chimaera is inspired by Colossal Cave, but differs in that the game and text are generated algorithmically, so that no two games are the same. C source code. (an MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/

cloak.awk [13-Aug-2022]

GNU AWK port of Roger Firth's Cloak of Darkness, written by Nick Moffitt. [19-Jun-2005] [link to if-archive/games/pc/]
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A randomly generated maze exploring game, by James L. Dean. Archive contains Linux (x86) and Windows (32-bit) executables, plus C source code. [file is linked to games/pc/] (a Java version is in games/java/, and a Javascript/PDF version is in games/pdf/Mines.pdf) [21-Oct-2020] [link to if-archive/games/cpm/]
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CP/M ports of Colossal Cave Adventure, ported by Mike Goetz. Included are version A02 (350 points) with Fortran source, versions B00 and B01 (both 550 points), B02 and B03 (580 points), and tools to extract some approximation to A-code source from the version B games. [file is linked to games/cpm/]

crystal.tar.gz [16-Mar-2007]
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C source code for Crystal Cave adventure, converted from the original Fortran by Kevin O'Gorman, ported to Linux and packaged by Glenn Hutchings. (a Mac executable, though not compiled from this version, is in games/mac/crystalcave2.2.sit.hqx)

dinkum-2.14.tar.gz [07-Dec-1995]
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Dinkum, the Australian Adventure Game version 2.14 C source code by Gary A. Allen, Jr. (a DOS executable is in games/pc/

dungeon-2.5.6.tar.gz [21-Apr-2003]
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FORTRAN source code of Dungeon, the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 2.5A, 30-Aug-90. This version is Robert M. Supnik's DECUS version 2.5A (18-Jul-80), ported to Linux with f2c.

dungeon-3.0A.tar.gz [01-Jun-2021]
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FORTRAN source code of Dungeon, the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 3.0A, 1-Jan-90. DEC FORTRAN source code by Robert M. Supnik.

dungeon-3.2A.tar.Z [05-Oct-1994]
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Dungeon version 3.2A, 1-Oct-94; contains all the rooms and puzzles of the original MIT Zork. DEC FORTRAN source code by Robert M. Supnik; see for a port to DOS.

dungeon-3.2B.patch [04-Nov-1994]
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Source code patch by Robert M. Supnik to upgrade Dungeon version 3.2A to version 3.2B.

dungeon-3.2B.unidiff [23-Aug-1997]
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Same patch, converted to Larry Wall's 'patch' utility format (unified diff) by David Bristow.

dungeon-gdt-glk.tar.gz [25-Nov-2009]
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Dungeon, the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 3.2B. Andrew Plotkin ported this version to C and added the Glk interface, and Paul Goyette added support for the GDT debugger and fixes for 64-bit compilation.

dungeon-glk.tar.Z [19-Oct-1998]
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Dungeon, the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 3.2B. Andrew Plotkin ported this version to C and added the Glk interface.

Dungeon_source.sit [21-Dec-1992]
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C source code for Dungeon (the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork) for the Macintosh. [05-Mar-1997]
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FORTRAN source code of Dungeon, the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 2.6B, 07-Apr-88. This version is Robert M. Supnik's DECUS version 2.6A (18-Oct-80), ported to MS-DOS by Kevin Black. (an MS-DOS executable of this version is in games/pc/ [21-Apr-2003]
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C source code of Dungeon, the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 2.7A, 11-Mar-91. (an MS-DOS executable of this version is in games/pc/ [29-Oct-2003]
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Dungeon, the more or less public domain version of the original MIT Zork, version 3.2B, 1-Oct-94. DOS executable for 386+ only and FORTRAN source code, ported from DEC FORTRAN to GNU G77 FORTRAN by Volker Blasius and David Kinder. The original source code is in dungeon-32A.tar.Z [file is linked to games/pc/] [18-Nov-2018]
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MacLisp source code for the predecessor to Dunnet, the text adventure game that is built-in to the Emacs text editor. Written by Ron Schnell in 1982.

haunt.ops5 [03-Oct-1998]
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OPS5 source code of HAUNT, by John Laird. This is an unfinished port of the game from OPS4 to OPS5, but it is the only version that is available. Archived here with the author's permission. For more information on this game, see Adventureland: [30-Dec-2001] [link to if-archive/games/pc/]
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Hobbit - The True Story - redux, Director's Cut A small adventure written entirely in MS-DOS 5.0 batch procedures, by Fredrik Ramsberg and Johan Berntsson. [file is linked to games/pc/] [08-Mar-2003]
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Winner of "Most Obfuscated Packaging" in the 11th International Obfuscated C Code Contest. A version of Hunt the Wumpus, by Don Dodson. [06-Feb-2003]
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Winner of "Worst Abuse of the C Preprocessor" in the 11th International Obfuscated C Code Contest. A simple adventure implemented through the C preprocessor, written by Brian Westley. [06-Feb-2003]
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Winner of "Best Of Show" in the 16th International Obfuscated C Code Contest. An implementation of a simple maze in the style of Colossal Cave, written by Jason Orendorff. [10-Aug-1995]
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Island, version 2.6; a small textual adventure C source code and DOS executable by CyberDaemon [file is linked to games/pc/]

mansion-19.2.tar.gz [20-Feb-2000] [link to if-archive/games/pc/mansion-19.2.tar.gz]
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Mystery Mansion, a murder mystery text adventure. Written originally by Bill Wolpert around 1980 (or even earlier) for the HP1000 and later the HP3000 in Fortran-IV, now rewritten in C by James Garnett. Version 19.2. Windows executable plus C and Fortran source code. [file is linked to games/pc/mansion-19.2.tar.gz] [17-Aug-2018] [link to if-archive/games/pc/]
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Mystery Mansion, revision 16, by Bill Wolpert. Windows 16 and 32 bit executables, compiled by Ken Cortenet. Includes original FORTRAN source, along with C files translated via Bellcore's F2C program. [file is linked to games/pc/mansion-fortran.tar.gz] [23-Feb-1994]
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The Terror of Mecha Godzilla - The True Story! a small adventure written entirely in MS-DOS 5.0 batch procedures by Fredrik Ramsberg [file is linked to games/pc/]

mercycomp.txt [04-Sep-1997]
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the code for the computer in Mercy, by Christopher Klimas (the game is in games/zcode/Mercy.z5)

napoleon-1.02.tar.gz [06-Dec-1995]
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Napoleon version 1.02, by Pete Chown. C source code; needs yacc or bison.

newfore.pas [22-Sep-1993]
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ForePlay, for both sexes. Pascal port of a REXX program. Looks like an adolescent form of IF.

rcg-1.0.tar.gz [02-Jan-2003]
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Religious Computer Game 1.0, by the Servants of Wisdom. [02-Apr-1996]
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Chuck Benton's Apple II SoftPorn Adventure (which later became Leisure Suit Larry I), rewritten by Paul Schlyter in Turbo Pascal 3.0 for CP/M and DOS. DOS executable and Pascal source code. (The original is in games/appleII/ [file is linked to games/pc/] [03-Jul-2024] [link to if-archive/games/html/]
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Steal Ten Treasures to Win This Game, by spaceflounder. Written for ParserComp 2023. Version 1.0.5 post-competition release. Archive contains game and source code. MIT License; see in-game credits for details. [file is linked to games/html/]

tess.tar.gz [15-Dec-2003]
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Beyond the Tesseract version 2.0p, by David Lo. (an Atari ST executable is in games/atari-ST/tess.arc, and an MS-DOS executable is in games/pc/ [24-Jul-2018]
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The Bookshop Poisoning, by Daniel Winterstein. PHP web source code. [15-Dec-2001] [link to if-archive/games/pc/]
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The Dungeons of Thuria, version 1.0, by Brian Lingard. Old style adventure using a simple parser. Archive includes a console mode Windows executable as well as Unix and Windows source code and cheat files. [file is linked to games/pc/] [24-Apr-2015]
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Wander, by Peter Langston. Started in 1974, with four games included that were written at different times (castle, a3, library, tut). Unix source in C from the Usenix 1980 conference. [25-Aug-2014]
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Source code for Windows Adventure 7, with a maximum of 560 points. Re-written in standard Fortran 2008 from Adventure 6 with corrections and the addition of sounds, colour, a basilisk, a mermaid and a ruby yacht, by Neal Van Eck. (a Windows executable is in games/pc/WindowsAdventure7.exe) [05-Oct-2014]
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Python source code for World Adventure, by Brendan Ryan. [04-Aug-1993]
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C source code for World version 1.07, by J. Doug McDonald (A DOS executable compiled from this source is in games/pc/; a Macintosh executable is in games/mac/World107.sit)